Plekhanov University official. Russian Economic Academy named after

Pros: there is an opportunity to go to study abroad for six months, the dormitories have recently been renovated. Cons: expensive canteens, indifferent attitude of university staff towards their students, bureaucracy goes off scale, the choice of subjects by students is a linden (in fact, your opinion is not taken into account, just as it is not taken into account when you write the desired supervisor of your graduate work on the 4th course), payers are NOT given a hostel, those who are on an extra-budgetary basis get ready to pay 250 thousand rubles. for nine...

Now everywhere it is usually customary to declare the bad as loudly as possible, and to keep quiet about the good. So I will allow myself the audacity to declare something good, namely, the direction of "Political Science" at the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov. I myself am a graduate of the “Political Science” direction in 2018, I studied all four on the budget. From the process itself and the quality of education in general, there were only positive impressions. The teachers tried from the first year to convey what and who we are taught, as well as the fact that political science ...

Business Center of the Russian University of Economics Plekhanov position themselves as a center where you can take a refresher course in marketing. This center is absolutely not client-oriented and clearly does not have information about what marketing is and how to attract a potential client with it, since they are not even able to bring a client who turned to their organization himself to a purchase. Several phone calls, emails sent by me to the address listed on the official website led to a demonstration...

Dear Konovalova Elena Anatolyevna! With vast experience and deep knowledge, you have developed your own unique teaching system. We express our deep gratitude to you for: - creating conditions for professional development, - active participation in activities to improve the level of our qualifications, - your fruitful work for the benefit of the group of students. We wish you long professional success and creative achievements in all areas of your multifaceted activities. From the team...

Organization at the university at a high level is a fact. There is no such thing that something has changed in the schedule and it has not been reported to you. The group I got was not bad, but the main thing here is to be friends with the headman, then everything will be ok). The teachers are normal, come across, of course, especially demanding, but, fortunately, there are not many of them. There are also favorites. Those who are able to captivate the subject and make you unobtrusively fall in love with it. In general, I am satisfied with my studies.

You can find a job with a Pleshka diploma without any problems. For example, I worked in the 4th and 5th years, but it was not a full-time job. After receiving my diploma, I quit and began to look for a full-fledged one. I asked friends, left my resume on the Internet, and literally within a month I got four decent offers from which I chose the best, where I still work. I am grateful to Pleshka for the opportunity to work at a cool job!

At my last institute, we were forbidden to work in parallel with our studies, so I had to leave there. It seems stupid to me, because without practice it is difficult to learn something, and I worked in my specialty, albeit part-time. As a result, she transferred to Pleshka. Here, on the contrary, they praise me for the fact that I work, and teachers go to meet me in some cases.

He himself graduated from Pleshka a few years ago. Now I work in my specialty and when I meet people at work who also graduated from this university or are now studying in it, they usually make a good impression on me with their knowledge and attitude to business. Not all, of course, are exceptions, as they are everywhere, but most are for sure.

Hi all! I would like to share my experience of studying at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov on the budget. I am from Izhevsk and entered the Faculty of Business Captains and I am very happy about it! There are a lot of really useful subjects that are closely related to life and my project, which I came up with in my first year and still carry on! I can advise the website of the faculty's admission committee: It is written in detail and clearly about the faculty :)

Read the latest reviews of dissatisfied people. So, let's start with the fact that someone's mother wrote that they were not allowed to enter the university without a permanent pass because they did not report the photographs, and why weren't the photos reported? Why didn't they deliver everything on time? If every second one comes to say that we need to come in to get passes, then what will the university turn into? There are rules that must be followed without fail! The university can include employees and students studying there, no friends ...

I read reviews about my native Pleshka and see that many people write that after this university it is not difficult to find a job. This is true, but I would note one more thing, finding a job is one thing, but working successfully is completely different, and from my own experience I can say that after Pleshka there is enough knowledge to work successfully. But this is of course only in the case when you really study, and do not pretend.

In my opinion, this is the best place (along with Moscow State University) in terms of teaching economic professions. We have very strong programs that are not easy to overcome, but if it works out, then I think you can safely work in highly paid positions.

The admissions committee of REU Plekhanov is the best. I want to say a huge thank you for the sensitivity, participation, attentiveness, professionalism of the entire selection committee of the university! And especially the beautiful women Firsova Yulia Nikolaevna and Zvereva Anna Olegovna!

Education here is very skillfully combined with social life. You will find a use for any skill and occupation. A million possibilities open up before you. The conditions as well as the atmosphere between the guys in the hostel are excellent. It is very convenient that the university is located a few steps from the metro.

I am finishing the 1st year of the Faculty of FMESI in the direction of Economics, and I would like to share my impressions with those who have yet to accept. Perhaps one of the most important decisions is to decide on the university where you want to enter and the direction in which you would like to study. If you are good at mathematics, interested in what the country's economy is like and how all kinds of economic processes proceed, then welcome to our faculty! Also, our program...

Having successfully graduated from this university, I happily went into life! Good job, family, everything was going well, until I remembered that I forgot the original of my college diploma at the university, because it had been 4 years already, I thought that I needed to pick it up. I called, from the 8th number they gave me the one I needed, namely the archive. Calling there, and calling after 2 hours found my diploma, saying: "Come, pick up, just call first to order a pass." I am responsible...

I am studying at REU for the second year. Objectively, of the minuses: 1) a disgusting curriculum. Irrelevant knowledge taught by pensioners. Naturally, what a priest, such a parish - students are very often stupid and lazy. Nobody needs anything - teachers are not interested in teaching, students are not interested in learning. 2) Corruption. I don’t know, maybe it’s a plus for some, but you can buy any offset. 3) Public activities that serve the interests of the Student Council and administration, but in no way ...

We were transferred from Rgteu! We are now in 5th grade. We were clearly told that the remaining year and a half, that we must study - we will have a struggle for survival! In principle, we knew that we were not needed in Pleshka because of the too low tuition fees! Still, in Pleshka a year costs about 200-250 thousand. We pay about 70 thousand rubles a year. Well, excuse me, probably, the parents of the rich students of Plekhanovka are very rich and can afford it! But in our country, as a rule, everyone pays for themselves - they work for their studies ... Student of this university: Such is the drain about REU.
To begin with, I would like to say that yes, for a certain period, the PRUE began to lose its positions due to numerous rumors about bribes, poor teaching, etc. and so on.
But now, over the past year or two, it has begun to rise again - because the administration and the student council are doing everything possible to make our university better.
1. Admission.
Action as action. At the same time, there are no bribes (at least I have not heard of them), almost everyone is taken for a headscarf, but still not on the same scale as in the same RANEPA. DODs are constantly held, both university-wide and for each faculty separately. The reception is very convenient - each faculty is in a separate classroom, everything is on the same floor, volunteer guys are constantly working, who will tell and show everything. In recent years, by the way, passing scores have grown a lot. Maybe due to the fact that most destinations now require 4 items.
2. Building.
REU has 8 buildings, all of them are located in one place (almost a block, some buildings are still being renovated, one is administrative). All cases are in excellent condition. Everywhere renovation, everything is beautiful, clean. Cleaned up regularly. Honestly, having come to REU, I stayed here largely because I fell in love with this building.
3. Food.
Eat anywhere - in numerous cafes around the university, or in numerous cafes and food outlets in the university itself. You can eat whatever your heart desires: salads, pastries, sandwiches, hot dishes, side dishes ... Recently, you can order pizza and wok, everything is not very expensive, queues are like everywhere else
There are also vending machines with water / juice and all sorts of bars - for those who do not like to stand in lines
4. Educational process.
We study from 8:30 to 18:50. But the schedule is still not idiots, so there will be no schedule like “couple at 8:30, then at 14:00 and then at 17:20”. I am at the SRTSI faculty and they study with us, basically, from 14:00.
Teachers are different, like everywhere else. For 1.5 years I had only one teacher, with whom we did nothing at all and, accordingly, he did not give me anything in terms of knowledge. The rest are nothing. Some are just wonderful. By the way, I was also lucky with English - the teachers came across good ones, despite this 1 couple a week.
We have a point-rating and modular system. That is, we study both in quarters and 4 sessions a year (but this should not be scary, on the contrary, it greatly unloads the winter and summer sessions). The assessment is made up of: 20b - visit, 20b - work in the classroom, 20b - knowledge control, 40b - exam / test. However, not all teachers put it on the final rating, many evaluate knowledge on the exam.
The study is light compared to the HSE, but there is enough workload.
And yet, they are still expelled from the REU, but it is necessary to do nothing at all. Some teachers (only one in my memory) still take bribes for credits / exams, but they do not impose them in any way, this is rather an initiative of students who do not want to fly out.
5. Student life.
oh, this is what Plekhanovka is famous for. If you are an activist, then you will definitely not be bored here. Everyone has something to do: volunteering, a sports club, projects, quests, a ball, faculty days, etc. Opportunities to prove themselves just the sea. In addition, there is a small gym, a swimming pool, sections for almost all sports, there are separate dances - for free and gives a test in physical education.
It seems to me that a sense of patriotism and love for one's university is very developed.
In addition, there is one of the volunteer centers for the 2018 World Cup in the REU, if you are interested in it - a good chance to try it.
And Medvedev recently came to us, and in general there are a lot of all kinds of nishyatkovy opportunities like meetings with eminent people and excursions to interesting places.
6. From myself
I entered here simply because I went on a budget, and I never visited the Russian University of Economics until the last day of the selection committee. But I came there and fell in love with a beautiful building (after RANEPA and MGIMO it seemed to me much more modern and comfortable). However, she was very skeptical, because she had heard a lot about scandals. But after studying for six months, I just fell in love with this university, my faculty, my direction and my group. It is absolutely comfortable for me to live and study in the rhythm dictated by the Russian University of Economics.
In no way do I want to promote my PRUE or my GRTSI, but it’s just a shame to read about a second-rate university when you see that this is not at all the case and that your university is developing and growing even though it is already 109 years old.

The thirst for knowledge is inherent in many people. Every year, such individuals graduate from schools and begin to look for suitable universities. The attention of many is attracted by such an educational organization as the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Reviews about this are both positive and negative. What advantages and disadvantages do students and graduates of the university point out?

Brief information about the university

The prerequisites for the creation of the university appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, when commercial courses were opened in Moscow. Their aim was to train teachers in several disciplines. In 1907 the courses were transformed into a commercial institute. This is the founding date of the current university. Later he received the name of a famous historian, public figure, philosopher. We are talking about such a person as GV Plekhanov.

Reviews of the modern RGEU indicate that at present the university is a major educational institution operating in Moscow. It has 26 branches in our country and abroad. About 50,000 people are currently studying in higher professional education programs. RGEU still has mid-level specialists. They teach more than 8 thousand students.

Hull condition

The Plekhanov University pays special attention to the comfort of the premises in which training is carried out. Students' reviews contain such information as a modern interior, the availability of the necessary new equipment. These are the characteristics inherent in the RGEU. It is also worth noting that 3 buildings are monuments of culture and history:

  • The first educational building was created at the beginning of the 19th century according to the project of A.U. Zelenko. At first, the Men's Commercial School was located in this building. During the Great Patriotic War, there was a headquarters and base for the formation of the 17th division of the people's militia.
  • The second educational building was erected according to the project of S. U. Solovyov. Previously, it was the building of the Moscow Commercial Institute. In 1917, it served as an arena for fighting between students who supported the Provisional Government and the Red Guards.

  • The third educational building was erected according to the project of N. L. Shevyakov at the beginning of the last century. The building later became the Women's Commercial School. During the First World War, there was a hospital for soldiers of the Russian army.

Evaluation of university faculties

More than 14 faculties are included in the Plekhanov University. Reviews indicate that each applicant can choose the structural unit they like for their life path and the direction of training or specialty that is most suitable for their mindset and abilities. Below is a list of faculties of the university:

  • Business School of Entrepreneurship and Marketing;
  • faculty of management;
  • faculty of marketing;
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Design and Management;
  • faculty of law and economics;
  • Faculty of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematical Economics;
  • International School of World Economy and Business;
  • faculty of tourism, sports and;
  • Integral School of Business;
  • faculty of commodity science and economics of trade;
  • financial faculty;
  • faculty of distance education;
  • faculty of e-learning;
  • faculty of additional professional education.

At all the listed faculties, that is, in general, throughout the entire university, there are 22 areas of undergraduate training (in 49 profiles), 14 areas of training in the master's program (in 75 programs). All professions offered are relevant. The specialists that the university graduates are needed by many enterprises. Therefore, graduates during employment are not unclaimed. They quickly get to work.

Teaching staff at the university

The Plekhanov Russian State University of Economics has been functioning for about 110 years. Throughout this time, he provided students with a quality education and continues to do so at the present time. They received and receive useful and relevant knowledge, necessary practical skills thanks to teachers.

Plekhanov's university has always attracted highly qualified specialists. Reviews reflect this information. Students are happy with teachers. They, according to students, are strict and demanding, but this is also considered a definite plus. Students, not wanting to receive negative grades, come to classes prepared, together with teachers they strive to understand complex tasks and issues.

The quality of the educational process

The depth of students' knowledge, the speed of assimilation of new information depends on how well the educational process is built. In RGEU everything is very well thought out. Plekhanov's university has no problems with the quality of the educational process. Feedback indicates that the institution is introducing the most modern teaching methods, experimenting with innovative technologies and new equipment.

In order for students to improve their foreign language and expand their knowledge in the chosen field, the educational institution has developed double and triple diploma programs. Students who choose them participate in exchange programs, study abroad at certain universities that are partners of RGEU. Studying abroad is not paid extra. Students bear only those expenses that are associated with obtaining a foreign passport and visa, travel and accommodation.

Benefits for applicants and students

RGEU is a state university, therefore, the number of budget places is approved annually in it. It depends on the areas of study. In the most popular and prestigious specialties, state-funded places are either absent or available in very small numbers.

Scholarships are paid to students studying at a university in state-funded places. Reviews also contain information that the educational institution provides financial assistance. This is a one-time allowance, which is issued to needy persons at the full-time department once every 6 months. The main reasons for providing financial assistance:

  • difficult financial situation;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • having a disability.

An important issue for some students is housing. To solve it, the university built dormitories. In total there are 3 well-appointed buildings. To obtain the right of residence, you must fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the department of social work.

Demand for graduates

Employers are aware of the merits of a Moscow university. Many of them are happy to accept young specialists who graduated from Plekhanov's university. Reviews of former students about employment are written in a positive way. Graduates of the past years quickly found work, occupied fairly good starting positions and began to build a career. Many of them now hold leading positions in the economic and political spheres, in business and science.

Confirmation of the demand for graduates is not only reviews, but also the corresponding rating, which was compiled on the basis of requests from employers. In it, the Russian University takes 5th place among other prestigious higher educational institutions in our country.

student life

Being a student is quite difficult, but it is very interesting at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Reviews show that in an educational institution, each enrolled applicant can reveal their talents and abilities, find something interesting for themselves. For example, some choose to become part of the student council. This is a self-governing body in the university, which makes the life of students more diverse.

The House of Culture "Congress Center" is another place that allows students to find themselves in creativity. All classes that are held here are completely free. The DC contains:

  • a club for students interested in instrumental music;
  • literary association;
  • guitar club;
  • theater group;
  • vocal studio.

Sports life at the university

RGEU has been actively developing in the field of physical culture and sports in recent years. Thanks to this, it offers a varied pastime outside of school hours. At the university, you can practice ballroom and modern dance, yoga, aerobics, Pilates, fitness, and swimming. Of the games, students are offered table tennis, Russian billiards, streetball. Those who wish can sign up for mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, fisticuffs.

Sports life is organized by the student sports club at the university. It was created not so long ago. The club was founded in the spring of 2010. Its goals are:

  • in holding sports events;
  • formation of teams that could compete at various levels of competition;
  • organization of the process of improving students.

Negative reviews about the university

Positive reviews about are not the only ones. Negative comments also exist. In them, students and graduates write about corruption, about the fact that it is impossible to pass exams and tests at the RSEU without paying bribes. However, such reviews are often refuted by other students. Those students who are satisfied with everything note that they handed over all the subjects on their own and never offered money to teachers. Especially at the time of delivery, they didn’t “fill up”. Teachers objectively assessed students' knowledge.

In terms of negative feedback, students complain about some teachers. According to students, certain individuals are not at all interested in the fact that future specialists receive the necessary knowledge. Such teachers conduct classes without interest. They do not explain practical examples, they read their lectures from a piece of paper.

Conclusions on the activities of the WGUE

If we analyze the existing about PRUE them. Plekhanov's reviews, we can conclude that there are much more positive aspects. Many students do not regret entering the Russian State University of Economics. They are happy to be part of a large team.

Each faculty of Plekhanov receives positive reviews due to many years of experience in training specialists for important areas of modern life (for entrepreneurship, business, trade, accounting, management and marketing, commodity science, etc.). The acquired knowledge allows graduates to work in such large companies as Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, VTB, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.

    RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF ECONOMY them. G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow) was established in 1991 on the basis of the Institute of National Economy (traces its history from the Commercial Institute founded in 1907). Training in economic, commodity, technological and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF ECONOMY them. G.V. PLEKHANOV- (Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov) - a state institution of higher professional education. Founded in 1907 as the Commercial Institute of the Moscow Society for the Promotion of Commercial Education, in 1919 it was renamed the Moscow Institute ... ... Financial and Credit Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Stremyanny pereulok, 36), the country's oldest and largest economic university, trains personnel in 22 specialties. Founded in 1907 as a Commercial Institute on the basis of the courses of the same name (1903), the first educational institution in Russia that gave higher ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    Named after G. V. Plekhanov (Moscow), established in 1991 on the basis of the Institute of National Economy (traces its history from the Commercial Institute founded in 1907). Training in economic, merchandising, technological and other specialties. In 1998… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    President Valery Leonidovich Makarov Rector ... Wikipedia

    - (NOU VPO RMAT) ... Wikipedia

    - (RPA MJ RF) ... Wikipedia

    - (ROAT MIIT) Founded 1951 Students 20,000 ... Wikipedia


  • Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. History and Modernity, Sh. M. Munchaev, V. A. Golovnev, L. E. Shcherbakova. The rich history of the Academy is difficult to fully reflect in one small book. The book brought to your attention reflects, albeit briefly, the most important pages in the history of our ...

Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

About the University

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov is the first higher economic educational institution in the country, leading its history from 1907.
To date, the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov University trains highly qualified specialists not only in the field of economics, but also in jurisprudence, management, business, commodity science and trade.
The university includes more than 30 branches in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. In total, more than 82,000 students study at the Russian Economic University (including all branches and all forms of education). More than 26,000 students study on the Moscow campus. The University has 14 faculties and 67 departments (5 of them are basic). Education is conducted in more than 60 undergraduate programs and 60 master's programs. Postgraduate studies are conducted in 22 areas, doctoral studies - in 2 areas.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics offers a full cycle of continuing education from lyceum to doctoral studies and DBA programs.
The structure of the REU includes an economic lyceum (enrollment is conducted in grades 9-11) and three divisions that implement SPO programs - the Moscow Industrial and Economic College, the Moscow Instrument-Making College, and the Moscow Technological College of Nutrition.
Business education is represented at the university by MBA, DBA programs, as well as numerous short-term professional development programs. Since 1997, the PRUE has been implementing a presidential program for the training of managerial personnel.


To date, the University has more than 120 partner universities in 30 countries around the world. There are 17 double and triple degree programs implemented jointly with 14 foreign partner universities.
There are many English-language programs at REU, including those of the IBS-Plekhanov faculty, where teaching is conducted entirely in English.
REU them. G.V. Plekhanov became the only Russian university awarded four stars out of five possible in the QS Stars University Ratings. Quality of education, employment of graduates, distance/online education of the Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanov was rated by the experts with the highest score - 5 stars.

Educational infrastructure

To carry out the training of highly qualified specialists, unique educational laboratories have been created at the university (a laboratory for financial research, a laboratory for merchandising and examination of goods, a laboratory for criminalistics and special equipment, an educational laboratory for information security, etc.), a center for collective use, a business incubator, a center for youth entrepreneurship, information -library center, career development center.
The business incubator allows students to engage in project, research, innovation and entrepreneurial activities already in the process of learning. Plekhanovites can provide a business plan or a description of a business idea. The best works are selected, actively developed and attracted new investors.
The information and library center includes various databases and 1 million copies of literature (including the fund of rare books).

Extracurricular activities and infrastructure

Much attention is paid to the extracurricular activities of students in the PRUE. This includes participation in student scientific conferences, various sports and cultural events, volunteer movements, work in intellectual clubs, attending business trainings, open lectures by famous entrepreneurs and politicians.
The main campus of REU is located in the center of Moscow, it has 8 academic buildings, a cultural center, gyms and a swimming pool, as well as several of its own hostels. Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities of students in REU. This includes participation in student scientific conferences, various sports and cultural events, volunteer movements, work in intellectual clubs, attending business trainings, open lectures by famous entrepreneurs and politicians.

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