Using ъ and ь signs: rules, features and exercises. An insidious soft sign after the hissing ones


The famous Soviet-era linguist Lev Uspensky calls it the most expensive letter in the world. In his work on the origin of words, one can see how he relates to it. In his words, “she absolutely does nothing, helps nothing, expresses nothing.” A pertinent question arises: how did the letter Ъ appear in the Russian language, and what role did its creators assign to it?

The history of the appearance of the letter Ъ

The authorship of the first Russian alphabet is attributed to Cyril and Mythodius. The so-called Cyrillic alphabet, which was based on the Greek language, appeared in 863 after the birth of Christ. In their alphabet, the hard sign was number 29 and sounded like ER. (before the reform of 1917-1918 - 27th in a row). The letter Ъ was a short semi-vowel sound without pronunciation. It was placed at the end of a word after a hard consonant.

What then is the meaning of this letter? There are two tractable versions of this explanation.

The first option concerned the Old Slavonic letter itself. Since the familiar spaces at that time simply did not exist, it was she who helped to correctly divide the line into words. As an example: “to God’s chosen king.”

The second explanation is associated with the Church Slavonic pronunciation of words. It was ER that did not muffle the voiced consonant when reading a word, as we see in modern Russian.

We pronounce the words flu and mushroom, which have different meanings, the same way - (flu). There was no such sound phonetics in the Old Church Slavonic language. All words were both written and pronounced. For example: slave, friend, bread. This was explained by the fact that the division of syllables in the Old Church Slavonic language was subject to one law, which sounded like this:

“In the Old Church Slavonic language, the ending of a word cannot have consonants. Otherwise the syllable will be closed. What cannot happen according to this law.”

In view of the above, we decided to assign ERb (Ъ) at the end of words where there are consonants. So it turns out: Deli, Tavern, Pawnshop or Address.

In addition to the above two reasons, there is also a third. It turns out that the letter Ъ was used to denote the masculine gender. For example, in nouns: Alexander, wizard, forehead. They also inserted it into verbs, for example: put, sat, (past tense masculine).

Over time, the letter Ъ performed the function of a word separator less and less often. But the “useless” Kommersant at the end of the words still held its position. According to the aforementioned linguist L.V. Uspensky. this small “squiggle” could take up up to 4% of the entire text. And these are millions and millions of pages every year.

18th century reforms

Anyone who believes that the Bolsheviks fired a control shot at the “head” of the ill-fated letter Kommersant and thereby cleansed the Russian language of church prejudices is a little mistaken. The Bolsheviks simply “finished off” her in 1917. It all started much earlier!

Peter himself thought about language reform, especially about Russian writing. An experimenter in life, Peter had long dreamed of breathing new life into the “decrepit” Old Church Slavonic language. Unfortunately, his plans only remained plans. But the fact that he got this issue off the ground is his merit.

The reforms that Peter began from 1708 to 1710 primarily affected the church script. The filigree “squiggles” of church letters were replaced by common civilian ones. Letters such as “Omega”, “Psi” or “Yusy” have disappeared into oblivion. The familiar letters E and Z appeared.

The Russian Academy of Sciences began to think about the rationality of using certain letters. So the idea of ​​​​excluding “Izhitsy” from the alphabet arose among academicians already in 1735. And in one of the printing publications of the same academy, a few years later an article was published without the notorious letter B at the end.

Control shot for the letter Ъ

In 1917, there were two shots - one on the cruiser Aurora, the other at the Academy of Sciences. Some people believe that the reform of Russian writing is the merit of the Bolsheviks exclusively. But historical documents confirm that in this matter, tsarist Russia also moved forward.

In the first years of the 20th century, Moscow and Kazan linguists were already talking about the reform of the Russian language. 1904 was the first step in this direction. A special commission was created at the Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to simplify the Russian language. One of the questions at the commission was the notorious letter B. Then the Russian alphabet lost “Fita” and “Yat”. New spelling rules were introduced in 1912, but, unfortunately, they were never censored then.

Thunder struck on December 23, 1917 (01/05/18). On this day, People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky A.V. signed a decree on the transition to a new spelling. The letter Kommersant, as a symbol of resistance to the Bolsheviks, breathed its last.

In order to speed up the funeral of everything that was associated with the “tsarist regime,” on November 4, 1918, the Bolsheviks issued a decree on the removal of the matrix and letters of the letter Kommersant from printing houses. As a result of this, a spelling miscarriage of the Bolsheviks appeared - the apostrophe. The function of the separator was now played by a comma (lifting, moving).

One era has ended and another has begun. Who would have thought that the small letter B would become so big and important in the confrontation between two worlds, white and red, old and new, before the shot and after!

But the letter Ъ remained. It remains simply as the 28th letter of the alphabet. In modern Russian it plays a different role. But that's a completely different story.

The letter ь is written to indicate the softness of a paired consonant at the end of words, For example: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, sorry, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, embankment, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.

Letter b , which ends the first part of a compound or compound word, is written to indicate the softness of a consonant before any letter, vowel or consonant, beginning the second part, for example: village executive committee, village council, salvage, costutil, robarmiya, quarter-century, quarter-finals, Dalenergo, Svyazinvest, Tyumen?neft.

To indicate the softness of a paired consonant before consonants, the letter “b” is written in the following cases

1. After the letter l before any consonant except l , For example: shooting, lion, foil, ice floe, slide, several, no belmes, bedroom, carefully, scalpel, waltz, coat, flatter, April, alpha, alder, mirror, boy, more, flattered .

A soft sign is not written between two l, For example: boisterous .

?sk? consonant l before the suffix – soft, so after l is written b , eg: rural, Ural, Barnaul. However, in some adjectives formed from non-Russian proper geographical names, the solid l, and therefore b is not written, for example: Kyzyl, Yamal(along with options Kyzyl, Yamal).

2. After other consonants:

a) before letters expressing hard consonants, for example: carving, I'll take, earlier, nanny, letter, request, very, incite, witch, wedding, darkness, threshing, ugh;

Most adjectives with a suffix ?sk? consonants n And R before the suffix – hard, therefore b they do not say, for example: horse, Kazan, Tyumen, knightly, January, huntsman. However, in the following adjectives these consonants before the suffix ?sk? soft, in them after n And R is written b : day?day, June, September, October, November, December, as well as in many adjectives formed from non-Russian proper geographical names in no, For example: Tien Shan, Taiwanese, Phnom Penh, Torun, Sichuan, Tianjin. Nouns formed with the suffix are written (and pronounced) in the same way ?ts? from the same geographical names: Kazan, Tyumen residents, But Taiwanese, Phnom Penh, Torun and so on.

b) before letters expressing soft consonants, b it is written only in cases where in other forms of the same word or in words with the same root, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant remains soft, for example: take it(cf. I'll take it), eight (eighth), witch (witch), in the dark (dark), carving (thread), mowing (mowing), wedding (wedding), threshing (threshing), earrings (earrings), skates (skates), uncle (uncle).

3. In other cases, ь is not written after the letter representing a soft consonant, For example: is it, prisoner, gnaw, bones, carry, syndicate, review, early, pension, bow, if, song .

Letter b not written in consonant combinations nsch, nsch, in particular before suffixes ?chik, ?schik, ?shchin(a), for example: nurse, dandelion, cup, tip, chick; mason, bath attendant, partisan, Ryazan region.

The letter "b" as an indicator of grammatical form

Letter b written (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:

A) in complex numerals before ?ten And ?hundred: fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred;

In numerals fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen before ?eleven b not written.

b) in the infinitive form of the verb (infinitive) before? (same as in the infinitive of verbs without ?xia), For example: swim, have, pour, split, put on shoes, wash, laugh;

V ) in imperative forms of verbs before ?xia And ?those(same as in forms without ?xia And ?those), For example: go, weigh, back away, sit, stand, throw, meet, check ;

G) in the instrumental case of plural nouns , For example: people, horses, doors, children, as well as in the form of the instrumental case of the numeral four .

After w, w, h, sch letter b written according to tradition in the following grammatical forms:

A) at the end of the nominative/accusative singular forms of feminine nouns of the 3rd declension , For example: rye, whim, mouse, falsehood, night, trifle, thing, help;

b ) at the end of the 2nd person singular of verbs of the present and future tense (after w ), For example: carry, laugh, see, give, rush;

V) in imperative forms of verbs , For example:smear, eat, hide, cut, console yourself, hide, don’t wince;

G) in the indefinite form of verbs (after h ), For example: bake, cut, pound, get carried away, get burned .

The letter ь after sibilants is also written at the end of adverbs and particles , For example: wide open, completely, backhanded, gallop, backwards, unbearably, away, completely, just, just, see, beat. Exceptions: letter b not written in adverbs married, unbearable, already, in a particle as much, and also in the preposition between .

The letter ь after sibilants is not written at the end of the following grammatical forms:

A) nominative/accusative singular case of masculine nouns of the 2nd declension , For example: knife, ball, ladle, raincoat;

b) genitive plural of feminine nouns of the 1st declension , For example: puddles(from puddle), clouds, galoshes, groves ;

V) short forms of masculine adjectives , For example: fresh, eager, good, poor.

There are two amazing letters in the Russian alphabet - a soft sign and a hard sign. They themselves do not represent any sounds. But they affect the neighbors.

The soft sign performs two important functions in the Russian language. It denotes the softness of the preceding consonant and is used as a dividing mark.

Sometimes a soft sign in a word is heard, but not . And vice versa... It’s difficult to remember all the rules and exceptions, but I really want to write correctly. It turns out that learning this is not at all difficult.

Soft sign after sizzling

There is no need for a soft sign after sibilants of the second declension singular (, garage), the first and second declension in the plural genitive (puddles, skis) and in short masculine adjectives answering the question “what?” For example: fresh - fresh, similar - similar. In a consonant with a consonant at the end (perishing, married, unbearable), the soft sign is also not used, but it should be written in the word wide open.

The soft sign is not written in the pronouns “our”, “your”, in the particle “alzh” and in the preposition “between”.

Soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in writing

The soft sign is not written in the combinations: -chk- (line, crust), –chn– (bakery, laundry), -nch– (strum, bell), –nshch– (racer, bathhouse attendant), -rshch– (collector, wrangler ), –rch– (morel, ), –schn– (elegant, powerful), -st– (bridge, reed), -nt– (candy wrapper, edging).

In foreign words with a double letter l, the soft sign is not written (team, collegium, collie).

There is a rule for spelling compound numerals. If the second root in them is inclined, the soft sign should not be written. For example: eighteen - eighteen, fifteen - fifteen.

If the stem of the word from which the relative adjective is formed ends in –н, –рь, then a soft sign is not needed before the suffix -sk–. For example: beast - brutal, horse - horse. The exceptions are adjectives formed from the names of months (except January), words of Chinese origin and adjectives like day. For example: September, November, but January; Sichuan - Szechuan; day - day.

For nouns ending in -nya with a preceding consonant, a soft sign is not written. For example: tower - towers. Exception: young lady - young ladies, - kitchens, hawthorn - hawthorn.

To find out whether a soft sign is needed in a verb ending in –, ask a question about it. If there is no soft sign in the question, then there is no need to write a third person, a soft sign: “he (what is he doing?) studying,” “they (?) care.”

If you want to write correctly, do exercises to consolidate theory and read more.


  • Spelling of hard and soft characters
  • Spelling a soft sign at the end of words after sibilants

Writing the particle “not” with pronouns can present a real problem - after all, the Russian language is famous for its ambiguity in such matters. However, if you know a few simple rules, it may not be so difficult.

A pronoun is a special part of speech in the Russian language, which is usually used instead of denoting an object or being, as well as its properties and other characteristics. At the same time, the pronoun is characterized by its own spelling rules, including cases of spelling with the particle “not”.

Rules for writing the particle “not” with pronouns

The generality of the particle “not” when used with a pronoun states that in this situation they should be written separately. Moreover, this method of use applies to a wide variety of types of pronouns. In particular, those that denote an object, a creature, a sign of an object and other concepts. For example, the particle “not” is used in this way in the following cases: “not that”, “not you”, “not everyone” and so on.

Special cases of using the particle “not” with pronouns

A separate situation is presented by the use of the particle “not” in negative pronouns. They can denote the absence of an object, a creature, a sign of an object or another object. For example, the group of such negative pronouns includes such as “nobody”, “nothing”. In addition, negative pronouns can also denote the uncertainty of the object in question, these include pronouns such as “something” or “someone”. It is noteworthy that in most of these pronouns the particle “not” will be stressed. If you encounter a situation where a negative particle is in an unstressed position, in most cases we are talking about another particle - “neither”.

In all the examples given and similar ones, the particle “not” should be written together with the pronoun. However, this rule applies only to situations where a negative pronoun is used without a preposition. If the situation in which a negative pronoun is used requires the presence of a preposition between the particle “not” and the main word, they should be written separately. For example, separate writing is required in the examples “no one”, “no one” and the like.

Finally, the special situation of using the particle “not” is associated with the phrase “no one else but.” In this case, obviously, there is the use of a negative pronoun with the partial “not” without a preposition, but it is an exception to the rule and requires separate writing of the particle and the pronoun. The same rule applies to some variations of this phrase, namely: “no one else but”, “nothing else but”, “nothing else but”. However, this rule applies only to the given variants of phrases; in other combinations, the usual rules for writing the particle “not” apply.

Video on the topic


  • Spelling "not" with pronouns

"b" (soft sign) is Slavic in origin. In the ancient Cyrillic alphabet there was the letter “er”, which conveyed a reduced (weakened) sound almost like a zero sound or like a vowel close to the sounds [o] and [e]. After the loss of reduced sounds in the Old Russian language, the need for the letter “er” disappeared, but it did not disappear from the alphabet, but was transformed into a soft sign and received her special assignment.

The letter "b" acts as a separator sign a: before the letters “e, ё, yu, ya, and” in roots, suffixes and endings of nominal parts of speech in Russian and borrowed words (weeds, sparrows, quarry, voronyo); in a small group of foreign words before the letter “o” (pavilion, broth). The letter “b” is used to indicate the softness of consonants: at the end of a word (except for hissing ones): horse, ; in the middle of a word before a solid consonant: wedding, nanny; in the middle of a word between soft consonants, if when the word changes, the second soft consonant becomes hard: take (take), na zorka (dawn); to indicate softness "l": orange, glazier. Another function of soft sign a – designation of the grammatical form of the word: a noun in the nominative and accusative case, ending in (daughter, wilderness, speech); in the instrumental case (by children, people); in various verbal forms - infinitive (bake, sit), imperative mood (cut, cut), in the second person form (, ); in adverbs that end in hissing sounds (backwards, ); in grammatical forms - at the end of words from five to forty (seven, twenty), and after forty - in the middle of cardinal numbers (fifty, five hundred). Please note that in the adverbs “uzh”, “married”, “unbearable” it is soft sign not .Also soft sign is not used in the genitive plural form of nouns that end in the combination “nya”, and in words derived from them with the suffix -k-, when in the nominative singular form this combination is preceded by a consonant: basen (), vyshen () . Exceptions include the words: young ladies, boyaryshen, kitchens, sheets. Remember that the letter “b” is written in adjectives formed from nouns - names of calendar months: June, October. An exception is the word “January”.

Video on the topic

Everyone knows perfectly well that in the Russian alphabet there are two letters that do not indicate a sound, cannot begin words and cannot be capitalized. Of course, these are soft and hard signs. It is no coincidence that these letters are called “signs”: their use helps to correctly convey the sound of words. With the help of a soft sign, in addition, grammatical forms of words belonging to different parts of speech are formed. Consider spelling options for this sign.


After a consonant before a vowel, the letters e, e, yu, ya (and) help to denote the sound [th"] by b and b. In this case the signs are called dividing marks.

In the lesson you will learn how to choose the right one from two separating characters.

Lesson topic: “The rule for using the separating signs b and b.”

Observing the structure of words with b and b signs

Let's observe the structure of words with the b sign. To find the root, let's select words with the same root.

Fun, have fun, have fun(root -vesel-),

bearish, bear cub, she-bear(root -bear-, -bear-),

sparrows, little sparrow, passerine(root -sparrow-).

Let's observe the structure of words with the Ъ sign.

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going(root -ed-, prefix s-),

entrance, driving(root -ezd-, prefix under-),

announcement, announcement, announce(root -yavl-, prefix ob-).

We formulate the rule for using the separating signs b and b

The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, i.

The separating b is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before the letters e, e, yu, ya.

How to use the rule

1. Say the word, listen to see if it contains the sound [th"] after the consonant sound before the vowel.

2. Identify the root in the word.

3. Look where you need to write the separator - at the root or between the prefix and the root. If at the root, write b, if between the prefix and the root, write b.

Applying new knowledge

Using the rule, determine what needs to be written in place of the gaps - separating b or b.

Street_i, nightingale_i, pre_anniversary, raz_ezd, sedobny, brother_ya.

Beehives - root -ul-, write b;

nightingales - nightingale, root -nightingale-, write b;

pre-anniversary - anniversary, root -anniversary-, prefix pre-, ends in a consonant, write b;

travel - ride, root -ezd-, prefix raz-, ends in a consonant, write b;

edible - food, root -ed-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant, write b;

brothers - brother, root -take-, write b.

Apply your new knowledge, spell words with the root -EX- correctly, and don’t fall into traps.

from?went, on?went, in?went, reached, drove up, from?went, drove

moved out, drove off, drove in, arrived, drove up, drove off, drove in

In words went, arrived, stopped by prefixes po-, do-, end in a vowel sound, therefore There is no need to write the Kommersant sign.

In words moved out, drove in, drove up, drove off prefixes s-, v-, sub-, ot- end in a consonant, therefore you need to write b.

Write the words in letters.

[s й "е l] - ate. After the consonant [s] before the vowel [e], the letter E is denoted by Ъ. C- prefix, root -e-. [vy"un] - loach. After the consonant [v] before the vowel [y], the letter Yu helps to denote the sound [y"] by b. Root -loach-. [p"er"y"a] - feathers. After the consonant [p"] before the vowel [a], b helps to designate the sound [th"] of the letter I. The root is -per-. Listen to yourself and write the words with sounds.

wings - [wing "y"a], 6 b., 6 star. I'll eat - [sy"edu], 5 points, 5 stars. You noticed that the number of sounds and letters in the words is the same.

b, b do not indicate sounds, but the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds[y"e], [y"o], [y"u], [y"a].

We look for words with b and b signs in poetic lines

Find words with b and b in the lines of poetry.

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

E. Trutneva

Who will have the opportunity

Travel to hot regions

Ride a camel!

Really great, friends!

S. Baruzdin

It's raining, it's raining,

He beats the drums. A. Barto

The evil blizzard flew away.

The rooks brought warmth.

They ran after each other

Restless streams.

A. Usanova

I see wonderful freedom,

I see cornfields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land.(Song)

Gray hare under a pine tree

He announced that he was a tailor...

The hare cuts, the hare sews,

And the bear is waiting in the den.

S. Mikhalkov

Dress(root -pay-),

leaves(root -leaf-),

go(root -ezd-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant),

Friends(root -friend-),

snowstorm(root -blizzard-),

streams(root -stream-),

freedom- space, free life (root -will-),

expanse- dol, valley (root -dol-),

announced(root -yav-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant).

note: in words sews, pours, beats and in related words sew, spill, beat at the root it is written b (roots: -sh-, -l-, -b-).

We look for words in the text with separating signs b and b

Find words in the text with separating signs b and b.

A small bird flutters above the river in the frosty haze. She quickly dives into the water. In a moment - rise. This is a dipper, a visitor from the northern forests. The bird's feathers are greased. This is how you can explain why the dipper is not afraid of water.(see Fig. 1)

Curls- vit, viu, root -v-, write b,

climb- you can see in books two options for highlighting the root: the root -em-, the prefix under-, the root -lift-, we write ъ,

guest- living room, stay, root -guest-, write b,

explain- clear, clear, explain, root -yas-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant, write ъ.

Explain which letters are missing

The birthplace of the Russian samovar is the city of Tula. In Rus', samovars of different shapes and sizes have long been made. There were even samovars with removable handles. My Russian family loves to sit by the samovar. The proverb says: “Whoever drinks tea will live a hundred years.”

Volume- previously the prefix ob- was highlighted, now the root -volume- is highlighted;

removable- shooting, previously the prefix s- was highlighted, now the root -sem is highlighted;

family- family, root -seven-;

drinks- drink, root -drink-.

We observe the words that answer the question whose?

Listen to the dialogue.

If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

If only you had lynx claws, scythe!

- Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

My soul is still a hare.

In words that answer the question whose?: fox, wolf, lynx, hare, deer, squirrel, birdthe root is written b.

Listening to proverbs

Listen to the proverbs, find words with b and b signs.

The streams will merge - there will be a river. People will unite - their strength cannot be defeated.

Happiness is not a fish; you can’t catch it with a fishing rod.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Streams- stream, in the root - stream- after the consonant before the letter and it is written ь.

Will merge- pour, pour, at the root -l- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Unite- union, single, root -uni-, after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a letter e, written ъ.

Happiness- happy, at the root -happiness- after the consonant before the letter e written ь.

Flattery- at the root - flattery - after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Honor- at the root -honor- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

We memorize foreign words.

Remember foreign words with b:

object, subject, adjutant, injection(medicine injection, injection)

Remember words with b:

bouillon- meat decoction

battalion- unit in the army

pavilion- a small building in the garden, in the park

postman- mail delivery person to addresses

champignon- edible mushroom


The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, and.

The separating Ъ is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before letters e, e, yu, i.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Write the words in two columns: in the left - with a soft separator, in the right - with a hard separator.
    Sh.yut, n.yut, l.yut, b.yut, sat down, healthy, announcement, rise, out.yan, hug, sparrow, depart, happy. e, inclement, cheerful, present, unify, clarify.
  2. Insert b or b. In words with a hard separator, highlight the prefixes.

    The titmouse Zinka liked it in the forest in winter. So many trees! She was jumping on the branches. A bale with a sharp nose into a crack in the bark. He pulls out a bug and eats it.

    Zinka looks: a forest mouse jumped out from under the snow. She’s shaking, she’s all nervous. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den.

    (According to V. Bianchi)

  3. Read the entries. Which one is not a mystery? Why? Guess the riddles. Solve spelling problems.

    1. They beat him, but he doesn’t get angry,

    He sings and has fun

    Because without bit.i

    There is no life for the ball. (To Berestov)

    2. She herself, like a rocker,

    It hung in the air.

    The wings chirp,

    The mosquito wants to eat.

    3. It gets dusty underfoot, meanders and gets stuck.

    It lies and runs and circles. What's the name?

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().

Letter b written inside a word, not after prefixes to separate the consonant from those following it in pronunciation And, e, Yu, I, for example: quarry, loach, weeds, clerk, family, gun, at night, rye, passerine, curious, fox, fox, fox, whose, whose, whose, I drink, I sew.Note. Letter b before O written in some foreign words, for example: battalion, broth, guillotine, carmagnola, companion, minion, pavilion, postman, champignon.§ 72. Letter b written to indicate the softness of a consonant, except h, sch(see § 75), at the end of a word, for example: drink, dark, horse, and in the middle of a word before a hard consonant, for example: threshing, request, nanny, less.To indicate the softness of a consonant that comes before another soft consonant, b is written in the following cases: If, when a word is changed, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant retains its softness, for example: nanny (nanny), wedding (wedding), eighth (eighth). To indicate softness l, for example: herring, flatter, smaller, finger. In all other cases, before soft consonants, including before h, sch, letter b not written, for example: bones, early, nurse, tip, mason.Note. Between two soft ones l letter b not written, for example: illusion, booming.§ 73. Letter b also written in the following cases: In those formed from the numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine syllable numerals in which both parts are declined, for example: fifty (fifty, fifty), sixty, seventy, eighty, nine hundred, but: fifteen (fifteen, fifteen), sixteen, etc. n.In creative forms. pad. plural h., for example: children, people, also four. In an indefinite form before -xia and in the imperative mood before -xia And -those, for example: drink - get drunk; fix it - fix it,correct; weigh in - weigh in, weigh it.§ 74. Letter b not written: In adjectives with suffix -sk- formed from nouns in b, for example: Kazansky (Kazan), Kemsky (Kem), Siberian (Siberia), Zversky (beast), January (January). Note. The adjectives September, October, November, December, June, densky (day-day) are written with b; Adjectives derived from Chinese names are also written in the same way. -ny , for example: Yunnanese (from Yunnan).In the family pad. plural h. from nouns to -nya with a preceding consonant or th and in those formed from them using the suffix -To- diminutives, for example: cherry - cherry, cherry; slaughterhouse - slaughterhouse; reading room - reading room; but: bathhouse - bathhouse, bathhouse; apple tree - apple tree, apple tree; also village - villages, hamlet; young lady - young ladies; kitchen - kitchen, kitchenette.§ 75. After sizzling ( and, h, w, sch) letter b written only in the following cases: At the end of feminine nouns in them. and wine pad. units h., for example: rye, night, mouse. At the end of the 2nd person unit. h. present and future tense of the verb after the final w, for example: you carry - you rush, you carry - you rush, you accept - you accept. At the end of the verb in singular. part of the imperative mood, and letter b is preserved before -xia , for example: smear - smear yourself; hide - hide; eat. In plural. part of the imperative mood before -those, - be careful, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat. At the end of a verb in an indefinite form, and letter b written before -xia, for example: cut, cut your hair. In all dialects after the final w And h , for example: completely, gallop, away, and also in the adverb wide open. At the end of the particles: you see, you see, only, you see.

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