Exercises used to build health in a group. Psychological games for the team


Everyone sits in a circle so that one chair is empty. The driver is in the center of the circle. Each participant, sitting in a circle, calls himself some kind of animal. The participant sitting to the left of an empty chair claps his right hand on it and names some animal. The one who heard the name of the animal chosen by him should take an empty chair. The participant, to the right of which the chair is freed, must clap on it and name another animal. The task of the driver is to have time to take a chair before the clap. The one who did not have time to clap becomes the driver.

"Spaghetti, ketchup, Coca-Cola"

The group forms a circle in a train, holding on to the waist of the person in front. Everyone steps in sync and pronounces the words: “Spaghetti, ketchup, coca-cola” - 3 times. On "spaghetti" - step with the right foot, "ketchup" - step with the left foot, "Coca-Cola" - synchronous rotation of the pelvis clockwise. The next stage of the game is to step into a circle, take the waist of the person who is standing in front through one. The same words are pronounced with the same movements. The next stage, step into the circle and take the person who is in front after 2 people.


All players are divided into two teams. In turn, each team guesses the name of the film (word, phrase, etc.), calls one player of the opposite team, tells him this. The task of the player is to explain to his team with facial expressions and gestures what they have asked him.

"I have a neighbor"

To play, you will need a small object: a ring, a key, a button, a keychain, etc. Participants become in a circle, their arms are stretched out to the sides: the palm of the left hand is a ladle, the palm of the right is as if they are holding something with their fingers. Simultaneously repeating the words: “I have a neighbor”, all players transfer a small object from their left palm to the left palm of a neighbor on the right. The task of the driver is to guess who has it in the palm of his hand.

"I am a snake"

Participants stand in a circle through one (boy-girl). The counselor begins, approaching someone with the words: “I am a snake, a snake, a snake, I crawl, crawl, crawl. Do you want to be my tail?" If the answer is yes, then the questioner crawls under the feet of the leader, gets acquainted and with his right hand takes the left hand of the questioner through the legs. In the case of a negative answer, the phrase: “But you have to!” Sounds, and the clutch goes. Thus, each time the snake gets bigger and bigger. The game continues until all participants have joined each other.


Participants become in a circle. Two leaders are selected. One of them, observing the conditions of the game, shows various movements that everyone repeats synchronously, imperceptibly changing movements (let's call him a “dancer” conditionally). The second driver is taken to another room, his task is to determine the "dancer". The game begins with all participants with the words: "Santiki-wrappers-limpopo." Then the "dancer" shows various movements, the group copies them, still repeating the words: "Santiki-wrappers-limpompo". The task of the driver: from three attempts to determine the "dancer". At the same time, participants can look anywhere, but not at the “dancer”! If the driver has guessed who the "dancer" automatically takes the place of the driver. Game continues.


Participants stand in a circle, the left hand of each participant is on the shoulder of the neighbor on the left, the right hand is on the belt of the neighbor on the right. All participants, swaying first to the right, then to the left, sing a funny song:

Ti-i-i, ti-i-i, ti-i-i-o,

Ti-i-i, ti-i-i, ti-i-i-o,

Ti-i-i, ti-i-i, ti-i-i-o,

Ti-i-i, ti-i-i, o-i-o.

I-o, I-o, ti-i-i, ti-i-i, ti-i-i-o,

I-o, I-o, ti-i-i, ti-i-i, o-i-o.

When they say the sound "Oh! ', lean forward. The game continues, but now they sing faster and faster.

"Knead-knead the dough"

The participants stand in a circle, holding hands and unanimously repeat the words: “Knead, knead the dough, knead, knead the dough”, while converging as tightly as possible. Under the words: “Inflate the bubble and don’t burst, inflate the bubble and don’t burst!”, they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people, whose knot has broken, stand in the center of the circle, and they are already "kneaded". Those in the circle have the right to help break the "bubble" with their backs. The strong and the smart win.

"4 steps"

Participants stand in a circle, join hands and sing, following the named movements:

Four steps ahead

Back four steps

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands

We wink with our eyes,

Let's jump around.

With each repetition, the pace accelerates.


Let's loosen up a bit.

Wrapped up (we wrap our arms around ourselves),

Unwound (we spread our arms to the sides).

Wrapped up


The neighbor on the right shook (we wrap our arms around the neighbor on the right)


(and so on: neighbor on the left, in front, behind ...)

Of course, the words included in the title of the material will cause bewilderment and righteous anger among many - “What do you mean? Work!!!" However, many office workers, from the routine of their duties, periodically allow themselves to “relax a little” during working hours, instead of “stakhanov-style arbeiten”.

So, we present a small overview of the non-labor activities of office employees during working hours. Sitting on the Internet and using "ICQ" is not taken into account due to unoriginality and their ubiquity.

office chair racing

Such entertainment is possible with:

a) at least two office chairs on wheels;
b) a sufficiently long corridor with a smooth surface;
c) an ideologically mature comrade who will agree to arrange unscheduled Formula 1 away races with you;
d) lack of leadership at the workplace due to lunch / departure or the presence of a management with a hearing loss.
The principle of racing is simple to disgrace - take the chairs out into the corridor, sit on them, colleagues push your chair as hard as possible ... that's it - the one who first crashed into the opposite wall won.

Paper drag by printers

Such entertainment is possible with two printers and a piece of fax paper. Set the printers "face" to each other, insert the same fax paper into both and quickly send any document for printing to both printers at once. You can have fun watching both printers strainingly buzzing and dragging, until:

a) the paper will not tear;
b) one of the printers will not break;
c) do not turn off the electricity;
d) you won't get fired.


This entertainment is not the most humane entertainment in the world, but still ... Facebook comes from the English "face" (face) and no less than the English "ball" (ball). Based on the name “faceball”, you can easily imagine the principle of the game - to hit the ball in the face.

Facebook is possible with:
a) a beach ball (if you take something heavier, you can star in films about boxers without makeup);
b) an ideologically mature comrade (see above), who will agree to share your innocent prank with you;
c) two ordinary chairs.

Facebook is played as follows - you and your colleague sit opposite each other at a distance of three meters. Then the one who, by lot, started first, throws the ball in the face of the second player. You need to throw before the first miss, after which the right to throw passes to the partner. The game lasts five rounds, the one who hits the opponent's face the most times wins. When playing, you must strictly follow the rules of the game:

1. It is recommended to throw only beach balls.
2. Do not play near fragile items.
3. Before the start of the game, you must take off your glasses and headgear, and if they are not there, then do not put them on.
4. When throwing, you must sit straight, not leaning forward, in general, the game should be calm.
5. The opponent has no right to dodge a flying ball.
6. Only a direct hit in the face counts; if the ball slips, for example, on the top of the head, it does not count - it is like a “crossbar”.

Feeding paper shredder for distillation

To while away the working time for this exciting entertainment, you need two shredders (for those who are in the tank - paper shredders), paper (preferably two rolls of toilet paper) and an ideologically mature comrade (see above).

Turn on the machines and at the same time begin to “feed” your paper into them. Whose shredder destroys the product of the pulp and paper industry first, he won.

Sending a fax

Glue several sheets together to make one big long sheet, write “save paper” or “ya paper!” on it, call some unloved office and ask to receive a fax. When half of the fax has passed, glue the ends of the sheet together so that the fax transmission process is uninterrupted. That's it, you can go drink coffee and rejoice in petty dirty tricks.

office basketball

This type of office entertainment is possible in the presence of a trash can and unnecessary papers (you can also throw the necessary documents into the basket, the main thing is that the authorities do not remember them).


From a pencil, stickers, a needle (there are such buttons with a plastic handle) and adhesive tape, a dart is made for darts. In the search bar of any search site, drive in “darts targets”, print it out and go!


To relax a bit and throw out the negativity, you can arrange a small shootout. To do this, just remember the school, make a tube out of an ordinary pen, roll a lot of balls out of paper. Now you can start fighting and leave a written hello to the cleaner on the table.

It is clear that the above list of ways to fool around a little at work is far from complete, and almost every office employee can add something of their own to it. But, if someone learns from the above ways to relax something for themselves, then this is not bad. In a word, work and rest, gentlemen!


The group gets in line. Each of the group gives his hand to the back. To do this, the players spread their legs shoulder-width apart and give their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group starts moving back. In this case, the back begins to lie down on the floor. The group moves back until everyone is on the floor.

The group is then asked to return to the starting position in reverse order.
Everyone takes off their shoes and puts them in the center of the circle, each participant puts on two different shoes and tries to put a foot next to the foot in paired shoes.
What do you say to a person who points to his elbow and says, "That's my nose?" Well, you can point to your head and say, "Is that my elbow?" then he will probably show me his foot and say "That's my head!" This is a new hand-eye coordination game and test that shows you how long you can last by naming the body parts your partner has just shown and at the same time pointing to another part of your body.

Shadow leader. One of the players leaves the room. The remaining members of the team choose a "leader", who sets any movements for the group and changes them after a while.

The task of the newcomer is to determine the "leader". In case of luck, the "leader" himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with the new "leader".
Group members open their palms and take turns speaking.: "I never ... (did anything)." The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game helps a lot in getting to know each other.
Group members stand in a circle and hold each other's arms. The leader tells everyone the name of the animal. After that, the host loudly calls one of the names.

Guys with this name should tighten their legs. The rest must hold them. The best effect is achieved with a large amount of one of them. website

The group stands in a circle and extends their arms to the center. After a random clasp of hands, the group is invited to turn around in a circle so that people standing nearby with clasped hands.
The group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses a fruit name starting with the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like "An apple loves an orange" is proposed.

After that, "orange" should name a new pair. If this does not happen and the leader manages to touch the "orange", then they change places.
The team is divided into two or more fronts and chooses a name for itself - a fruit. One person stands in the center and tells a story. As soon as he uses one of the front names, the members of that front must swap with each other.

If "Tutti-frutti" is pronounced, then all members of all fronts should change places.
The team sits in a circle and begins to pass some object around, holding it with various parts of the body, changing them. When falling, the game starts over.
The group sits in a circle. Group members put their palms on their knees to the neighbors on both sides. The group starts clapping in a certain direction - hand by hand, in the order they lie on their knees.

With a double strike, the direction is reversed. The one who made a mistake removes his hand.
The group stands in a circle. Hands are clasped behind the back. At the same time, the left hand is bent at the elbow and holds the right hand of the neighbor on the left. The leader, going around the circle from the outside, quietly selects the "killer", touching his shoulder. The "killer" shakes the neighbor's hand N times. The neighbor presses the next N-1 times, etc.

The one who receives one last handshake is considered dead and leaves the circle. The task of the group is to unanimously determine the "killer". If the attempt fails, the "killer" sends a new "impulse".
“Your task is to get the whole team from this line to that one. In this case, everyone starts at the same time at the command of the leader. And at the same time, the entire group can have five swing points with the ground.
The group gets in line. Everyone puts one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and raises one leg. With the second hand, the rear pick up the leg of the front.

The task is to jump a certain distance without breaking. ................................................

Natalia Khalina
Training for teachers "Good mood is the key to health"

tasks: Organization of conditions conducive to stress relief.

Rallying teaching staff.

Development of trust;

Development of introspection skills and overcoming psychological barriers;


Educational psychologist, institution teachers.

Location: Cabinet psychologist teacher.

group rules:

open communication;

Activity and humor;

Non-judgmental judgment;

Here and now.

Course of the training

1. Exercise greeting "Hello Friend" (participants are divided into pairs)

Hello friend - shake hands;

How are you here - slap each other on the shoulder;

Where have you been - taken by the ear;

I was bored - pointing at themselves, they cross their arms on their chests;

You came - open your arms to the sides;

Fine They hug and pat each other on the back.

2. Exercise - emancipation "Touch to..."

Educational psychologist: "Touch the high!". Participants must quickly find something tall in the room and touch it. Below are various options (touch yellow, hard, etc.)

3. Exercise "Sonic gymnastics»

Calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale loudly energetically pronounce sound:

A - has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E - affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O - affects the heart, lungs;

U - affects the organs;

I - affects the work of the whole organism;

M - affects the work of the whole organism;

X - helps cleanse the body.

HA - helps to increase mood.

4. Exercise "Pass around"

The group forms a circle.

Participants take turns depicting the transfer of a mysterious object in a circle, while it is necessary to interact with it in some way. After the item has been with everyone, the players guess what it was.

5. Exercise "Revive your palms"

teacher- the psychologist asks the participants to circle the silhouette of the palm on the landscape sheet. Then revive the palm. Draw their mouths, eyes, paint fingers. Come up with an unusual name for each finger and sign. Explain why it was named that.

6. Exercise - liberation "Caterpillar"

Group members move around the office, overcoming obstacles and lining up in a chain, hands on the shoulders of the person in front, a ball or a balloon is clamped between the stomach of one player and the back of another, you can’t hold the ball with your hands while moving, the task of the players is to pass the obstacles without breaking the chain (caterpillar).

7. Association exercise « Good mood»

Participants stand in a tight circle and everyone expresses what he needs to raise sentiments(chocolate, good music.)

8. Origami exercise "Ladybug" (talisman for everyone)

Ladybug - the oldest symbol of happiness and good luck

1. Make a square out of red paper

2. Fold the sheet diagonally

3. Bend the resulting triangle, and then unbend

4. Bend the two corners down

5. Turn the resulting figure to the other side

6. Fold the top corner down

7. Bend the folded corner so that you get a small accordion

8. Turn the resulting figure to the other side

9. It remains to draw black dots for the ladybug.

9. Exercise "Compliment"

Participants stand in a large circle and give each other compliments in turn, the one who received the compliment says "Thank you".


Everyone lies down, putting their head on the stomach of another participant and, thus forming a long chain, the first player says: “Ha”, the second: “Ha-ha”, etc. The game starts anew if someone laughs.


The group sits in a circle. Group members put their palms on their knees to the neighbors on both sides. The group starts clapping in a certain direction - hand by hand, in the order they lie on their knees. With a double strike, the direction is reversed. The one who made a mistake removes his hand.

"Hee-hee, ha-ha."

Participants pronounce the count “1,2,3,4,5” making movements with their hands (as if knocking on the door, first with their right, then with their left hands, first at head level, at waist level), lean forward and say “CHI” 5 times, then back and 5 times "HA". Speeding up the pace, do this 5 times, then 4, 3, 2, and 1.

"Oh la viburnum."

Oh la viburnum - 2 p. Ku-ku. Oh la viburnum - 2 p. Ku-ku. Rumba-rumba, touch-touch-touch Ah, oh, bang, bang, bang, bang, yo!! "Crazy" words are also accompanied by movements: we think you remember them!

Get the piglet.

All participants stand facing in a circle. It is proposed to imagine that a small, pink pig is running around in a circle, which grunts all the time. The task of the players is to catch the pig. And they do it in the following way: at the command of the leader, the sound “oink” is transmitted in a circle from one participant to another, while the time is recorded on the stopwatch. The game is played several times, each time the rate of passage of the sound "oink" in a circle increases.

Cheer up games 2

Material from summer camp

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PURPOSE - to ensure the leisure of children, the development of the creative potential of children: fantasies, ingenuity, to enable children to show off wit

Game progress.

Children are given words, on the basis of which they must come up with some kind of story. For example, five words that suggest the plot of Little Red Riding Hood: girl, forest, flowers, wolf, grandmother, plus a sixth word, an outsider, for example, a helicopter ...

It turned out to be a wonderful multi-voiced story in which the wolf, at the moment when he was knocking on his grandmother's door, was noticed by a traffic police helicopter. “What is it doing there? What does he want? - the policemen were perplexed. The helicopter rushed down, and the wolf ran away, right towards the hunter. The conditions of the game are clear, an example is given. It remains to find a few suitable words and one inappropriate. In a small company, the game can be somewhat modified: let the number of words correspond to the number of players, the words are distributed by lot, each in turn comes up with a phrase.

In such a game there are no winners and losers, it attracts the process itself, the opportunity to show off wit.


PURPOSE - to develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition, imagination.

Teams of 2-5 people are organized. Each of them has its own Mulder and Scully. They will compete in creative competitions related to the detective investigation of classified materials. For victory in individual competitions, 4 files of classified materials are opened to the team. 2nd place - 3, 3rd - 2, 4th - 1 file. FBI badges will be given to the command that will open more files.

Siamese twins. Participants hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. In this position, perform:

1st team - lights a candle with matches

2nd team - cuts a circle out of paper with scissors

3rd team - tie a shoelace

4th team - insert the rod into the ballpoint pen.

Description of the suspect. Each team needs to be able to make a verbal portrait. Future agents visually study the criminal for 30 seconds and give him a verbal portrait.

Silent actions. A secret agent often has to penetrate into other people's premises in order to collect detailed information about the suspect, to study his tastes and addictions. It happens that at this time the owner of the apartment, office space appears. It cannot be frightened off, but the agent has to perform some necessary actions. How to make them without betraying yourself?

1 - put the spoon into the glass

2 - put the fork on the plate

3 - close the pan with a lid

4 - remove the lid from the kettle

Who will do it silently?

Assignment The teams must show the film-detective “The X-Files in the camp. Who will spin the story more interesting? The assignment is given in advance.

1 - "Secret tests in the dining room"

2 - "Secret tests in the medical unit"

3 - "Paranormal activity in the soul"

4 - "Something is happening in the office of the head of the camp"

The presenter, without commenting on anything, gives everyone a piece of paper on which the following is written: REMEMBER, YOU ONLY HAVE 40 SECONDS!!!

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump up on your left foot 5 times.

3. Raise both hands up 2 times.

4. Read all the tasks carefully.

5. Shout your name out loud.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Kiss any 3 people.

8. Turn around yourself 3 times.

9. Laugh out loud at the game leader.

10. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

11. Jump up on the right leg 5 times.

12. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks 13 and 14.

13. Squat down.

14. Lay the sheet in front of you on the floor.

Wishing players, having received a leaflet, begin to act. The host once again reminds that the players have only 40 seconds to complete this difficult task. If there are non-playing children, the facilitator may begin to read the contents of the sheet aloud in about a second. This game can be used both in a detachment, class, group, and on a large show program. Good mood is guaranteed.


Preparation: The leader is chosen, the rest of the participants "play" the "giant's head". To do this, the roles must be distributed as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then it is necessary to compose such a mise-en-scene so that a figure resembling a giant's head is formed. If there are many participants, then it is good to give someone the role of left and right hands. Game: The leader becomes in front of the "head" and performs the simplest manipulations. For example, he can wink, then yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, etc. The "giant's head" must exactly reproduce all these simple actions. You can do the exercise at a slightly slower pace.


Behind the leader in the chain are 5-15 girls, and behind them at a distance of one meter - any number of boys. Everyone ran. On the run, the leader asks: "Boys, boys, do you like girls?" And the boys in chorus should answer: "No." The question is asked several times, the answer is the same. Finally, the host says: "Well, if you don't like girls, why are you running after them?"


Task: Sometimes you will feel that the atmosphere in the group becomes tense - the participants may be angry at each other, tired or bored. These games will help to stir them up or relieve stress.

"Japanese theater"

Instructions: This game is similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors. It has three roles: Dragon, Samurai and Princess.

The dragon growls, the Samurai swings his sword, the Princess curtsies.

The dragon scares the Princess, so he wins.

The Samurai scares the Dragon so he wins.

The princess wins the Samurai's heart, so she wins.

1. The group is divided into two teams.

2. One participant leaves each team, and at the signal of the leader, both participants simultaneously portray the roles they have chosen.

3. The winning team gets one point.

4. The facilitator counts the points on the board.


1. One of the group members turns his back on the others, and they silently choose the “Shadow Leader”.

2. The music turns on, and the "Shadow Leader" begins to set some kind of dance movement, which the participants repeat after him.

3. As the game progresses, the movements change.

4. The player with his back to the group is now watching the other players and trying to guess which one is the "Shadow Chief". He gets three tries.

5. Then a new guesser is appointed.

"The wind blows on those who love..."


1. The leader removes his chair from the circle and stands in the center of the circle. “Now I, as a leader, will pronounce the phrase “The wind blows on those who ...” and add various characteristics, for example: “The wind blows on those who watched the film“ The Lord of the Rings ”, ... loves ice cream, ... loves rock_music, etc. .". Accordingly, participants who meet these characteristics (watched, loved ...) need to quickly change places with someone. In this case, I can also take an empty chair. Whoever is left without a chair becomes the leader.

2. The first two times the leader calls the characteristics and does not take a free chair, and then, on an equal basis with the participants, he can take the vacant seat and participate in the game.

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