Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women. Exercises with a roller for the press - we beat the wheel on fat deposits


Almost every woman dreams of becoming the owner of the perfect press. And even if you can’t achieve sexy cubes, then you don’t really want to have a flabby tummy. This question begins to gain momentum in its popularity before the warm season, when most men and women begin to expose their bodies.

However, regularly attending the gym, unfortunately, is far from being the case for everyone. That becomes the impetus for home workouts. But what is the right way to do it at home? Using the tips of acquaintances, most women try to follow the videos offered on the Internet. But, not seeing a lightning-fast result, they immediately quit classes.

And what have you heard about such a simulator as a press roller? A little? So, exercises with a press roller can “give” you an attractive tummy in a relatively short period of time. Interested? Let's go with you and consider these very exercises with a roller on the press. Go!

To date, you can find a huge number of exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles, both with the use of sports equipment and without them. The most common exercise machine for tightening the abdominal muscles is a gymnastic rink. Using it, you can get a good power load.

Advantages of this projectile:

  • Versatility.
    By doing exercises with the ab roller, you also stimulate the work of all other muscle groups in your body, which, in turn, helps them develop naturally and proportionately.
  • Small size.
    This sports equipment has a small size, which distinguishes it very favorably compared to other sports equipment. However, this does not affect the efficiency. If you use the mini-exercise correctly, it will help to tighten not only the muscles of your press.
  • Versatility.
    Exercises with a roller on the press can be done anywhere, both in the fitness center and at home. The main thing is to have enough space. In addition, all family members can engage in this sports equipment.
  • Fast effect.
    If you regularly engage with this sports equipment, then the first results can be seen after a week.
  • Ease of use.
    Each set of exercises with a gymnastic roller is very simple and understandable, so even beginner athletes will not have any difficulties with mastering the technique.
  • Availability.
    Due to the low cost, practically everyone can work with a press roller.
  • Great helper for weight loss.
    This gymnastic machine will help you lose a couple of extra pounds without much effort, which is important for women who are struggling with annoying centimeters on their figure.

As for the shortcomings, there is only one: if you are in poor physical shape and have done very little sports, then this simulator will be traumatic for you, since it gives the strongest load on the muscles of the lower back.

Have you decided to pump up your abs with a roller? Then let's not delay this moment until the last moment and start right now. Let's get started!

Learning to work correctly with this sports equipment

A few rules that everyone who wants to work with a press roller needs to know:

  1. When working with a gymnastic rink, it is very important to pay great attention to proper breathing: it is necessary to tilt the body while inhaling, and return to the starting position mainly on exhalation.
  2. You need to repeat each exercise at least 10 times, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result in a short time.
  3. In order to perform exercises with this simulator much more comfortably, you need to get a fitness mat.
  4. You need to do a set of exercises regularly, at least 4 days a week.
  5. Yes, if you are going to exercise with a gymnastic roller in order to lose weight, then you should review your diet and exclude from it all “harmful” foods that help slow down the process of removing toxins from the body.

A set of exercises with a gymnastic roller

We bring to your attention several exercises that will help tighten almost all muscle groups in your body.

It is great for both women who want to get their figure in good physical shape, and for the opposite sex, who simply support an already formed body.

We roll a roller on our knees

We do each of these exercises for at least 10 repetitions. To begin with, one approach will be enough, but after a while it is necessary to increase the number of approaches to two.

Rolling a roller while lying on your stomach

Lie down on the floor, back up. Stretch your arms forward and grab the handles of the simulator. Now we pull the simulator towards us, with the help of back deflection, trying not to tear the hips off the floor surface.

We fix this position for a few seconds, after which, slowly return to the starting position. We perform this exercise in two sets of 12 repetitions.

Rolling the roller from a seated position

  1. Exercise number 1.
    Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. We put the simulator on the right side of ourselves. We begin to move the roller in the direction of that moment until you touch the floor surface with the bust. At the same time, the legs should not come off the floor. After that, we fix the position for a couple of seconds and by the reverse movement we return to the starting position. Now we rearrange the gymnastic roller to our left and perform the same body movements. Thanks to these manipulations, you can pump up the oblique muscles of the press. For this exercise to have the maximum effect, it must be done slowly.
  2. Exercise number 2.
    We sit on the floor and bend our legs at the knee joint. We bring the gymnastic rink under the feet. Holding the roller with our hands, we rest our feet on its handles. Then, with a smooth and unhurried movement, we straighten the legs until your chest touches your knees. We return to the starting position with the help of the reverse movement.

We perform each exercise in two sets of 10 repetitions.

Rolling a roller on straight legs

We become straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We install this simulator on the floor in front of us. Leaning on the roller handles with handles, we begin to move it forward until your chest touches the floor surface. We linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position by reverse movement. We perform at least 10 repetitions.

Now you know exactly how to properly train with a press roller to bring your body into proper physical shape.

The main thing to remember is that your health is always in your hands. We wish you good health and extraterrestrial beauty!

Among the huge variety of devices for practicing at home, there is a place for such a tool as gymnastic roller. With it, you can pump up the press and strengthen your back, as well as work out the upper body well. You can read about what exercises can be done with this device in our article.

The gymnastic roller can be called another useful projectile designed to keep the human body in good shape. With him, the figure will become more toned, and strength and health will increase. The cost of such a device is extremely low, within 400-800 rubles you can buy a completely convenient and practical model that will serve you for a long time.

The gymnastic roller looks like one or two interconnected wheels, on the sides of which there are handles that must be taken when performing movements.

A gymnastic roller is considered to be a power simulator that can be used at home or in a sports center. This device is quite easy to use if you have some training and regularly engage in sports training. The gymnastic roller is very attractive for home purposes, because it does not take up much space and can easily fit in the closet. The roller will allow you to work out the abdominal muscles, tighten the shoulder muscles, as well as the muscles of the lower leg and thigh surface. You will discover the opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, and all this with the help of one simulator!

With the help of such a sports equipment, you can pump up seductive cubes on the press, of course, if you devote proper time to classes. When working with a roller, many muscle groups are involved, which affects the general condition of the body. Before exercising with a projectile, be sure to perform stretching exercises and do a short warm-up.

If you are new to sports or have not been involved in sports for a long time, then at the initial stages it will be quite difficult to work with the video. Unprepared people should master simple exercises and wait for the moment when the muscles get stronger. After that, you can move on to more complex exercises. However, you do not need to be too zealous, since the load on the lower back and spinal muscles is quite large.

Not everyone is recommended to use a gymnastic roller. In particular, in the presence of a vertebral hernia, exercises with this projectile should be abandoned. By ignoring this recommendation, there is a risk of extremely unpleasant consequences.

There is no need to deal with the projectile and people who often experience pain in the lumbar region of the back. Strengthening your back with the help of other simulators, you can gradually move on to roller exercises, but only when you really prepare your muscles for such intense work.

Let's look at the main models of gymnastic rollers that you can find in modern sports stores.

  • Rollers with handles following the contour of the hand. With such devices, training becomes more comfortable, but if you are an experienced athlete, such a detail is unlikely to attract your attention.
  • Models with rubber wheels. Rubberized castors prevent a castor or two casters from slipping. The contact with the floor is higher and the noise level is lower.
  • Gymnastic roller for the lower press. This is a fairly new version of the projectile, which allows you to work out the lower press. Such an item is equipped with special fastenings for legs. You just need to lower your feet into special bindings, rest your hands on the floor.

When starting the first workouts with a gymnastic roller, follow these simple rules:

  • Do a warm-up beforehand.
  • Begin the first exercises on your knees, without straightening your body completely. For emphasis, you can use a wall against which you should rest your heels. Try to complete 10-15 extensions in 2-3 sets. Each time, try to slightly increase the range of motion.
  • Gradually, over and over again, increase the angle. Thus, each time the exercise will be more difficult. However, you should not immediately "rush" and train at full strength. It is worth moving to the next level only when you understand that you can manage the previous stage quite easily.
  • When training does not cause discomfort, and you feel light, give up on the emphasis on the wall. Having passed this important stage, you can diversify the exercises and begin to work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, broad muscles of the back and lumbar. To do this, straighten the body not only straight, but also to the right and left sides. It takes a long time to fix this stage.
  • Switch to exercises with emphasis on the feet, not on the knees. Make sure that the pelvis is pulled up. Practice breathing, while straightening the body, inhale and hold the breath, while bending, exhale.
  • Try stretching your arms with a gymnastic roller. For this purpose, sit down on the floor, take the roller behind your back with both hands so that your palms are directed to the floor. Make light jerks and exhale, go down slowly and smoothly, hands should move off until the back is on the floor. Elbows should be straight.

A few more exercises with a gymnastic roller

Now let's talk in more detail about the basic roller exercises that you can do at home on your own without any additional support and help.

  • Sit on your knees, pick up a gymnastic roller and place it on the floor so that the arms are straight. After that, lean on the roller and begin a smooth movement forward while lowering the body down until the moment when the chest touches the hips. After that, return to the starting position and start the movement again.
  • Lie on your stomach and take a gymnastic role in your hands j. Put it in front of you on arms slightly bent at the elbows. Start moving by pulling the simulator towards you, bend your back well. The hips during the exercise should not come off the floor. The roller must be moved as close to you as possible. When reaching the maximum point in it, you should linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. You can do 8-10 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Take the starting position: sit on the floor, straighten your back, point your legs forward without bending your knees. Position the roller on your right side. Put straightened arms on the roller and leaning on it, bend to the right side with it until the chest touches the floor. After that, you should return to the starting position and shift the roller to the left side. Do the same. Do 10 sets on each side. This exercise will perfectly pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart without bending your knees. Place the simulator in front of you and rest against it so that your arms are straight. Move forward smoothly without sudden movements. The maximum point will be full straightening and “freezing” in it for 2-3 seconds. After that, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Training with a gymnastic roller will allow you to improve the body. Is this what every girl dreams of? However, do not get too carried away with this device, otherwise you will overdo it and the body will no longer be so attractive in the eyes of men. The roller is affordable and always in stock in sports stores, so you can quickly buy it if you have not already done so!

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The gymnastic roller is a very effective simulator, despite its simplicity. It helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and also works on other equally important parts of the muscular corset. The video also has other names, which include a sports wheel. The simulator is very comfortable to use, both for women and for males.

Also, roller exercises are recommended for beginners who have just started playing sports. But it is worth knowing that there are some contraindications for using a sports wheel, these are pains in the spine and its injuries.

Technique for women

  1. Exercise #1
  • Rest your knees on the floor, pick up a gymnastic roller. At the same time, the arms are straight, and the roller is on the floor, this will be the starting position.
  • They take the handles of the simulator and very slowly roll it forward. In this case, the body should be directed down towards the hips and touch them with the chest area.
  • After that, you need to return to the starting position, do it just as slowly and smoothly. Repeat about fifteen times.
  1. Exercise #2
  • Get on your knees and stretch your arms forward, while holding the sports wheel in your hands. This will be the starting position.
  • Move the roller forward while transferring your entire body weight to it and keeping your legs straight.
  • During the training, make sure that your arms do not bend at the elbow joint, and your knees are motionless.
  1. Exercise #3
  • Take a position lying on your stomach. At the same time, straighten your arms directly above the body and hold the roller in them. This will be the starting position.
  • Pressing on the gymnastic roller, make a movement in your direction. At the same time, you need to make sure that your back bends.
  • The thighs should be firmly pressed to the floor. After a short pause, take the starting position.
  1. Exercise #4
  • If you want to shift the main load to the oblique muscles, then it is best to apply the following training.
  • Take a sitting position on the floor, while legs are extended and tightly pressed against each other. The gymnastic roller is located on the right side. In the same direction, try to move it forward as much as possible, they do the same in the opposite direction.
  • The exercise is repeated ten times on each side.

Execution technique for men

  1. Take a kneeling position, arms stretched forward, holding the roller in them. Make sure that the sports wheel is at the same level with the shoulders. Move the roller forward. The body and hips of the man should sink towards the floor, but there should be no contact with it. Return to starting position. Repeat the training about fifteen times.
  2. They do the exercise similarly to the previous one, only in this case it is necessary to occupy the starting position, standing leaning on the soles of the feet. Also, the simulator can be moved on an inclined surface.
  3. The roller is taken by the handles, as a simple stick that is vertical. Bend over and put the roller on the floor, while spreading your legs very wide and start rolling the wheel in different directions. During this training, not only the press is worked out, but also the shoulders and arms.

What muscles work during the exercise

  1. Hands;
  2. Shoulders;
  3. Breast;
  4. Back.
  5. Lower press;
  6. Abdominal muscle;
  7. Small of the back;
  8. Buttocks.

Also included in the training are:

  • Biceps;


By incorporating roller exercises into your workout, you can reap the following benefits:

  • will become much stronger;
  • Thanks to this training, you can create a strong corset of muscles;
  • Up to twenty muscles are involved in the work;
  • The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are very actively worked out;
  • Endurance becomes higher;
  • Posture is getting better;
  • A very good way to reduce back pain, and is used as an injury prevention;
  • With these exercises, you can increase the weight in regular squats;
  • Improves muscle coordination;
  • Helps restore metabolism, which contributes to rapid weight loss, and also helps to gain muscle mass.


In order for the training to bring maximum benefit, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • The sports wheel must be driven very slowly and smoothly;
  • The muscles of the press must be constantly tense during the entire movement;
  • In a stretched position, you need to make a short pause;
  • If you kneel, then you need to lay a rug;
  • You should not use such exercises if you have back pain;
  • Approaches do three to twelve repetitions.
  1. If the exercise is done by female representatives, then they need to remember that excessive loads can harm women's health. That is, work on the press can cause many female diseases.
  2. Do not do more than you can, this can lead to back injury.
  3. It is worth not forgetting about

The gymnastic roller is a highly effective and at the same time simple simulator designed not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also other human muscles. Sometimes it is also called a sports or gymnastic wheel, this simulator is great for training women and girls.

Among other similar simulators, he has no equal, as he gives the maximum load on the muscles of the upper and lower press, as well as the back and buttocks. Exercises with a press wheel can be performed even by a beginner who has never played sports. The result of the training will be visible after a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gymnastic roller

Wheels are small. This allows you to perform exercises even in a small apartment. Such a simulator is cheap and is not inferior in efficiency to other more expensive and professional simulators.

The wheel also has disadvantages, but against the background of the achieved result, they are insignificant. Beginners may think that it is completely impossible to do exercises with a roller without preparation. Of course, the first workouts will be difficult, but over time you get used to it, and the exercises will be easier.

The photo shows the muscles involved in the exercise.

What muscles work during exercise

The wheel works primarily on the abdominal muscles. Performing exercises every day, you will feel the load on other muscles of the body. The greatest load falls on the muscles of the back and the press. These muscle groups are interconnected, so they must be worked out in parallel. Only with this approach to training will you achieve maximum results.

In addition, the muscles of the legs and arms are involved in the work. The load on them is insignificant, but this will be enough to look slim and attractive. Some girls say that wheel exercises also work on the muscles of the buttocks. They become firmer and tighter.

If you perform the exercises daily, you can notice the result in 1-1.5 months. As you can see, the wheel is very efficient and very fast.

How to pump the press with a gymnastic roller

In order to perform exercises with the press wheel as comfortably as possible, you need to wear clothes that will not hinder movement. If you have long hair, then collect it at the back of your head in a ponytail so that it does not interfere. A special rug or an ordinary bedspread should be laid on the floor. Before you start exercising, do a warm-up. It is best to include aerobic exercises in the warm-up, which will perfectly warm up the muscles.

Be sure to watch your breath while exercising. Breathe in when you bend your torso, and when you return to the starting position, breathe out. Exercises should be repeated 5-10 times. When such a load becomes easy for you, you can increase the number of approaches. Know that the smaller the size of the gymnastic wheel, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercises.

Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press

The following exercises will help you pump up your abdominal muscles in a short time:

  • Get on your knees and put the press wheel in front of you. Lean on it with your hands and smoothly move forward, and then to the starting position.
  • Sit down and straighten your legs. Place the trainer on your right. Press on it with your hands and bend the body, roll it as far as you can. After that, return to the starting position. Perform the same movements on the left side. While performing the exercise, do not bend your legs.
  • Lie on your stomach and with outstretched arms use the wheel to stretch forward. Transfer the load to the simulator and pull it towards you without bending your arms. Do not take your feet off the floor.
  • Sit down, bend your knees. Put your feet on the handles of the wheel and roll it with your legs. The further you roll the machine, the more you tilt your torso (chest should touch your knees). Slowly return to the starting position. Rest for a couple of seconds and repeat.
  • Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso down as if you are placing the machine on the floor. Press down on the wheel with your hands and roll it forward until your chest touches the floor. At the end point, stop for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Gymnastics video

We invite you to watch the exercise with the press wheel on the video, the girl in this video talks in detail about the execution technique and gives some useful recommendations. Good luck and flat tummy!

Build sculpted abs with the roller trainer and ab exercises in the comfort of your own home. It may sound like a promotional offer that motivates you to buy a sports gadget, but after 2 weeks of operation, you will see for yourself how effective it is. To keep your body in good shape, it is not necessary to buy a gym membership or bulky exercise equipment. For this purpose, a compact press roller and regular 10 minute sessions 5 days a week.

Despite the uncomplicated design, in terms of efficiency it is in no way inferior to expensive analogues with numerous options. Models with 1 or 2 rubber wheels mounted on a rotating axle are designed to work the upper body.

What zones are pumped

When performing exercises with a roller, the back muscles work - the latissimus dorsi, the lower spine. The peak load occurs when the wheel rolls forward and backward. All grasping and holding movements are carried out with the help of deltas, triceps,.

Exercises with a press roller load the small skeletal muscles, which are often left out of work when working with free weights.

In total, up to 20 muscles are involved. The hips and lower legs are devoid of dynamic loading, but throughout the entire practice. When tilting and straightening the pelvis, the buttocks are included in the work.

Remember that the key to a quality workout with a gymnastic roller:

  • sequencing;
  • smoothness of movements;
  • constant tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • correct breathing.

On the slope of the body, inhale, at the moment of returning to the IP - exhale.

A set of technicians on the press with a lying roller

Before moving on to serious loads, learn how to ride it on my knees. This is one of the basic roller exercises for beginners to learn the basics. Practice consists of 3 stages:

  1. Take the IP - kneel down, round your back and rest against the side handles of the simulator.
  2. Move your body following the wheel without arching your lower back.
  3. After reaching the climax, when the chest is completely on the floor, go back in reverse order.

Detailed technique exercise with a roller in video format:

Abs roller extension for beginners

  1. Lie on your stomach, hold the mini simulator in straight arms.
  2. Without tearing off the hips from the surface and arching your back up, with effort pull it towards you.
  3. After exhaling, slowly roll forward.

Exercise with a gymnastic roller for men and women for the lateral abdominal muscles

  1. Get into the basic position on your knees in front of the simulator.
  2. Grab the handles with your palms, push the wheel forward, tacking your body left and right until it straightens like a string.

Oscillatory movements engage the oblique abdomen and strengthen them.

Another version for pumping oblique muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward.
  2. On the left side, put the simulator roller for the press.
  3. Grasp it with your hands and roll the wheel to the side until it touches the floor of the lower chest area.

Repeat 10 times for 3 sets for each side.

However more than 1 time per week lateral exercise with a press roller girls don't have to do. Increased in volume muscles give the waist a visual volume.

How to do exercises with a roller for the middle and lower press

  1. Sit on the floor with bent legs.
  2. Bring the wheel under your feet and lean on the side handles, as if on a pedal, and roll it forward.
  3. The further it moves away, the closer you move your chest to your knees. Touching the tibia with your chin, return to the PI.

Standing extension with back roller

  1. Take an upright position with your feet at shoulder level.
  2. Place the projectile in front of you.
  3. Bend over, rest your hands on it and follow it along one path to the horizontal of the body with the floor, without touching the surface.
  4. Then return to the PI and duplicate all the movements the required number of times.

To properly do exercises with a gymnastic roller, avoid common mistakes:

  1. Beginners prefer to work with a large wheel.
  2. At first, 5 repetitions are enough.
  3. Do not overstrain your back, trying to keep your body straight. Stop exercising if you feel uncomfortable.

The number of repetitions determines the level of training. At the entry level limit yourself 10 reps in 2 sets. After 2 months training, bring the number of takes 15 x 3.

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