Ural batyr content. Very beautiful and poetic legend Ural Batyr"


Khakimova A.I., Kidaish-Pokrovskoy N.V. and Mirbadaleva A.S. See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Main editorial office of oriental literature, Nauka publishing house, 1977, pp. 265-372. Editor-in-chief of the series "EPOS OF THE PEOPLES OF THE USSR" Petrosyan A.A.; compilers of the volume Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; the authors of the comment Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M.; Bashkir texts were prepared by Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; executive editor Kidaish-Pokrovskaya N.V., editor of the publishing house Yangaeva A.A.
3. Poetic translation of Shafikov G.G. (See Ural-batyr. Bashkir folk epic. Bashkortostan, Ufa, Bashknizhizdat, 1977).
5. Fairy tale translation in Russian.
6. Fairy tale translation in Bashkir.
7. Prose translation from Aidar Khusainov.
8. Cartoon "Ural Batyr".
9. "Ural-batyr" and the Flood.
10. "Ural" version of the epic by Artyom Lukichev.

See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Nauka, 1977, pp. 265-372.

In ancient times
Where there was not a soul
Where no human foot has gone
That there is dry land in those parts,
No one knew -
Surrounded by the sea on four sides
There was one place they say.
They used to live there, they say
An old man named Janbirde;

10. With an old woman named Yanbike;
Wherever they go
Everywhere the path was open to them.
old man and old woman
They don't remember, they say
Where did they come from
Where were their father and mother,
Where is the native land, they did not remember.
And in those places together
They were the first to live.

20. They lived and lived together,
They made themselves two sons, they say.
The eldest was Shulgen,
The youngest was Ural.
They didn't see people at all.
Lived on Thursday
They did not run a business
Dishes were not provided.
They didn’t knead the dough, they didn’t hang the boiler -
And so they lived.

30. Not knowing diseases, ailments,
They did not know about death.
"Death to all living things -
We ourselves,” they thought.
They did not go hunting on horseback,
They did not take in their hands bow and arrows,
Kept as equals
Lion for riding,

Pike to catch fish
Falcon to release on the birds,

40. Leech - suck blood
Has it been like this for a long time?
Whether from Yanberde it was customary
And over the years on that earth
It has become a custom
If a wild animal is caught
And the beast will be a male
Husband and wife together
They eat his head
And Shulgen with the Urals,

50. Dog with a lion,
Falcon with pike
The rest is given away;
And if they catch a wild beast
And the beast will be a female
Husband and wife
They take his heart;
If a herbivore is caught,
They put a black leech on him,
For a leech to suck blood.

60. A drink is prepared from that blood.
Until their children grow up
Until they began to hunt the animals themselves,
They forbade their sons
Has the head and heart of the beast
Drink his blood to quench your thirst.
"Not allowed!" - they said.
Not by months, but by days growing up,
Children became intelligent
When Shulgen (was) twelve,

70. Ural turned ten,
One said: “I will sit on a lion!”
Another said: “I will release the falcon!”
Due to the fact that [father] was not given rest,
Janbirde to both his sons
So inspired they say:
“You are both my sons,
Black pupils of my eyes!
Your baby teeth didn't fall out
You are not yet strong in body;

80. Sukmar * hold in hands,
Release a falcon on a bird,
Ride a lion
Your time has not yet come.

Eat what I give
Do what I say:
To get used to riding,
You sit on a deer
To a flock of starlings
Release the falcon;

90. Thirst will overcome in the game -
Drink clean water
Blood poured into shells
Don't you dare try!" -
That's how their [sons]
Instructed [Yanbirde] again.
Drink the blood of your children
Once again forbidden to speak.
And then one day
An old man and an old woman together

100. Gone to hunt,
And Shulgen and Ural
They were alone in the house.
Since my parents left
A lot of time has passed
Two children were talking
We were talking about food.
Schulgen thought,
He knew: to drink the blood of the father
They were not allowed.

110. “Don't you dare drink!” - said.
[Shulgen] began to incite the Urals
And so he said to him, they say:
“If you kill livestock while hunting”
It was unpleasant
To quench my thirst with blood
Wouldn't it be sweet
Then father and mother, forgetting about the dream,
Sparing no one's strength, day after day,
Exhausted from fatigue

120. Leaving us at home [alone],
They wouldn't go hunting.
Ural, if that's the case, come on
Open shells
And a little bit of each
Let's drink drop by drop -
We know the taste of blood."

U r a l:
I won't break my father's command
I will not swallow this blood.
Until I become an eget,

130. Until I learn customs,
Until I roam the earth
And I'm not sure myself
That there is no death in the world,
Picking up the sukmar,
I will not destroy a single [living] soul,
Blood sucked by a leech
I won’t get drunk from a shell.”

Sh ulgen:
“Death, that man is stronger,
Will not come here

140. He won't come, he won't find us.
Father has already told us:
“We ourselves are death to all living things.”
After all, he once warned us,
What are you afraid of now?
Are you afraid to drink blood?

U r a l:
“Fast and frisky,
Majestic and strong
Cautious and patient
Day sensitive

150. And at night, when they sleep,
Lions, leopards, deer,
Bears and other animals -
Are they worse than us?
If a hoof is broken on a stone,
If they prick their paws with grass,
They will never lame;
In the summer heat they do not take off their clothes,
Fur coats are not worn in an ice blizzard;
If they rush to the victim,

160. Never take a sukmar [with them];
Falcons are not allowed on the bird,
Pikes are not allowed on fish,
Do not poison game with a dog,
On a falcon, on a lion, on a dog,
Not hoping for a pike
Do not languish in the hunt
Their weapons are fangs and claws,
They only rely on themselves.
They don't know fatigue

170. Their hearts do not know fear;
Leopards live like this
Both lions and tigers.
Even though they are so brave
Even though they terrify everyone,
But if you entangle their paws
And put a knife to your throat
Won't their eyes fill with tears?
Father told us about Death,

180. But we have never seen her
And on our land it was not.
"Man is a fierce death" -
Isn't that what animals think? What do you say?
Pike [hunts] for roach,
Marmot hunts [gopher],
The fox hunts the hare.
If you sort through all of them and think about it:
Strong for the weak
Isn't there death?

190. Frightened by [this] death -
Fish diving deep
Birds chirping on the rocks
Flying away in fear -
We catch and eat their heads,
Breaking the chest, we eat their heart.
We consider everyone weak
We have fun hunting them.
We are the worst of the worst
This custom was introduced -

200. Death was sown on the earth.
Aren't we four in these lands
Are we like this?
That we are fierce death,
destroying all living things,
So all [animals] will think [of us],
We will be considered death;
[If] claws [their] make a sukmar,
Hearts will turn into a brave falcon
All will come together

210. They will rush [at us] at once;
And if they attack us
Then this death
About which the father spoke [to us],
But which we have not yet seen -
Will she appear before our eyes?”
Hearing these words
Schulgen thought,
However, [brother's] words
Did not take into account.

220. A little bit of shells
He drank blood, they say
And that the Urals will not tell their father,
He took the word from him, they say.
Having obtained a lot of game from hunting
Father and mother returned, they say
As usual, all together
Sat down to a meal for four
They tore all the game,
Started eating.

230. Thinking while eating
Ural said:
“Father, this beast
Though he ran away from you, hid,
Though he saved himself with all his might,
You did not miss, you overtook nevertheless,
The knife plunged into his throat.
And us here also somebody,
Coming here will not find
And not pierce with a knife?

240. Yanbirde: “Each living creature, whose lines has come,
We become death;
Wherever [animals] run,
In whatever rocks and thickets they lurk,
We'll still find them
I'll stick a knife in my throat.
To catch and eat a man
[To a knife] plunge into it -
Such a soul has never been born here.
Death that can destroy us

Yanbirde - "Giving Soul" the first person and his wife Yanbike ("Soul") lived alone in the land of eternal summer, hunted lions, a falcon was their faithful companion. The fate gave them two sons - the younger Ural and the older Shulgen. Shulgen from childhood was inclined to violate his father's prohibitions and disobedience.

Once the old man told the boys about Death - Ulem, which kills all living things and brings suffering. The White Swan, the daughter of Samrau and the Sun, fell into their snares during the hunt. She told them about the Living Spring - Yanshishma. He gave Yanbirde to the grown sons of lions and ordered them to go to the Living Spring, the water from which gives immortality. Ural immediately decided to defeat Death and cut off her head, thereby saving people from grief.

On the way, they parted: Shulgen went to the region of Samrau, and the Urals had to go to the country of the padishah Katil, who annually sacrifices his people to their ancestors. The Urals decided to defeat death in this region and fought the king's bull. The bull's hooves cracked, the horns bent, the tusk fell out of its mouth, and since then its kind has submitted to man. Katil ran away in fear, and the Urals married his daughter, a beauty with burning eyes.

Shulgen, on his journey, met Zarkum, the son of the serpent padishah. Zarkum easily ingratiated himself with him and was able to instill in his heart enmity towards his own brother. On the side of the older brother, various mythical creatures are fighting with the Urals, but they were all defeated by the mighty batyr. From the bodies of the creatures defeated by the Ural Batyr, the Ural Mountains arose.

In the second part, the Ural Batyr dies, but leaves behind the same strong and honest descendants. It was they who found the Spring and settled the lands of the Urals near the mountains themselves. The son of Idel split the mountain in two with his father's sword, and a spring ran out of it. This is how the Idel River was formed. Later, the sons of Yaik, Nugush and Hakmar created three more rivers with their swords, each of which still bears their names.

The Bashkir epic "Ural Batyr" is rightfully considered a treasure of folk art, containing information about the beliefs of ancient people.

Picture or drawing Ural Batyr

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U R A L - B A T Y R


U R A L - B A T I" R

1. ORIGINAL. in Bashkir
2. Academic translation by Khakimov A.I., Kidaish-Pokrovskoy N.V. and Mirbadaleva A.S. See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Main editorial office of oriental literature, Nauka publishing house, 1977, pp. 265-372. Editor-in-chief of the series "EPOS OF THE PEOPLES OF THE USSR" Petrosyan A.A.; compilers of the volume Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; the authors of the comment Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M.; Bashkir texts were prepared by Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; executive editor Kidaish-Pokrovskaya N.V., editor of the publishing house Yangaeva A.A.
3. Poetic translation of Shafikov G.G. (See Ural-batyr. Bashkir folk epic. Bashkortostan, Ufa, Bashknizhizdat, 1977).
4. In English.
5. Fairy tale translation in Russian.
6. Fairy tale translation in Bashkir.
7. Prose translation from Aidar Khusainov.
8. Cartoon "Ural Batyr".
9. "Ural-batyr" and the Flood.
10. "Ural" version of the epic by Artyom Lukichev.

See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Nauka, 1977, pp. 265-372.

250. Haven't appeared here yet.

Back where we were born

In the land where our fathers lived,

Death used to appear;

Many are still young

They died, they fell.

When the diva came to us,

He killed many people.

Gobbled them up and left divas;

When the earth was covered with water

260. And there was no sushi at all,

When people who managed to hide

Those edges left

There was [no one] left there except Death,

She had nothing to do.

That one of the people can be saved,

Apparently, Death did not think.

How did your mother and I run away,

Death did not notice.

And there were no people in these parts,

270. No human foot has set foot here,

'Cause Death is these places

Didn't search.

When we came here

Few [here] were animals,

The earth is not dry yet

There were swamps and small lakes.

“Father, if you look for Death,

Is it possible to find her?

And if you overtake her and grab,

280. Can it be destroyed?

I n b i r e e:

"Villain named Death

invisible to the eye,

Her arrival is imperceptible -

Such a creature!

She has only one control:

On the land of the padishah diva,

They say there is a spring

Man, drinking water from it,

Never die, they say.

290. Death will not be subject, they say.

This is how Yanbirde told about death. After finishing the meal, he brought shells and decided to drink blood. Old man Yanbirde saw that the shells were incomplete and began to ask his sons who was drinking.

Shulgen lied to him, saying: "No one drank!". Old Yanbirde grabbed a club and began to beat his sons - first one, then the other. But even then, the Urals, pitying his brother, stubbornly remained silent, and Shulgen could not stand it, he spoke about his guilt. When the old man Yanbirde again began to beat [Shulgen], the Urals grabbed his father by the hand and said this, they say:

"Reconsider, my father!

On the club in your hand

Look carefully:

This club [branch] was young,

And now, peeled from the bark,

All messed up at the ends

If you bend, it will break with a bang,

She became a dry stick.

Until you cut it down

300. Grew [herself] in the forest,

swayed in a light breeze,

Trembling [with its] foliage -

She was the tree;

Birds with bees

Alternately sat on the [tree]!

The birds sang on it

The branches were chosen

To make nests;

It was a beautiful tree!

310. Like a baby suckling his breast,

Spread your roots,

It sucked moisture from the ground.

When, having torn off from the native root,

They cleared it of branches and branches,

It has become like a stone [your] hammer,

Like a falcon that is launched on birds,

Like a pike that catches fish

Like a leech that sucks blood

Like a dog with which they hunt game, -

320. Has it not become a club?

Wiping sweat from forehead

For many years you lived

On earth you did not find

Villains named Death;

What she looks like - did not know

I didn't feel it in my heart.

If you hit your child again,

Doesn't that mean you're ready

In my own house,

330. On their own children

Show how death comes

From strong to weak

From the father to his children?

If you kill your brother today,

If you kill me tomorrow

You will then be left alone;

When old age comes to you

Hunched over, you dry up

Then you can't ride your lion

340. You can't go hunting,

Can't let the falcon out

You can't get food for them;

And your lion and your dog

Both the falcon and your leech -

Everyone will starve

Their eyes will bleed

When, hungry, your lion

Get angry on his leash,

Rushing at you in rage

350. And bend you in half

Yes, it will tear you to pieces -

What will become of you then?

That evil death

Meet at your accommodation

Won't you have my father?

Hearing this, old Yanbirde stopped beating Shulgen. Then he thought: “Death can appear invisibly. She must have come and tempted me. It cannot be that no one has met this Death. We must call and question all the animals and birds. And, they say, he called them all.

The Urals, addressing the gathered birds and animals, they say:

"The guise of a villainess named Death

Let's try to sort everything out.

For the strong to devour the weak

Let's reject this custom.

360. Here at least to sort out all of us,

Look at each genus

All of you know those

They don't drink blood, they don't eat meat,

No one is forced to shed tears -

Some of them eat roots

Other herbs are eaten -

This is how they live

Predators for prey

They raise their babies

370. They are familiar with Death.

None of those who suck blood, eat meat,

They won't become a friend.

Let us put an end to villainy [on earth].

Death that will remain alone

Let's find everything together and kill!

Predators with what he said

And with them Shulgen

Disagree, they say

Different speeches were spoken.

380. "Search for Death

I won't be afraid.

But to seize and betray her

I will never agree.

Though I'm old, but out of business

I avoid this

In addition, I will say this:

If the strong follow the weak

Stop hunting

If not one is born to a mother

390. Will not die,

If the trees and grasses on the ground

Change their nature

When the time comes

And the autumn frosts will fall

The greens will not be thrown off, -

What good is it for us?

If animals like a hare

They will breed two or three times a year,

And, [eating] at night,

400. Eat all the greens,

And other animals will rush about and

They will not find food for themselves;

If whole flocks of birds -

Swans, geese, ducks -

They will swim, splash,

The water surface will be covered;

If the rivers stop flowing

Deciding that their life is wasted

And the shores are washed away in vain;

410. If, having decided that such orders exist on earth,

[Birds] will drink and splash,

They will not give us rest;

If, having decided [what such orders are]

springs will stop beating

And if the waters on earth turn rotten,

What then shall we do?

Where will we get food?

Where will we drink water from?

Head risking, entering the battle,

Often I tried in vain.

420. Although I saw the need and hunger,

Though I have endured much suffering,

But I can't live in the world

If I don't drink blood, I don't eat meat,

If fat fell from the eye sockets,

I don't peck once every three days.

So go in search of Death

I can't promise."

S o r o k a:

"If someone is afraid of Death,

Will look for a way to salvation.

430. If posterity wants to continue

Will wander everywhere in search of a place.

What the magpie said

Both the tiger and the leopard

And the lion, and the wolf with the leopard,

And [to all] clawed birds,

And a snapping pike fish -

All predators loved it.

And herbivores,

Cranes, ducks, wild geese,

440. Black grouse, partridges and quails

Thought it all together

hatch chicks

And until the chicks become birds

And they can't fly

Look for forest thickets [decided],

Until the summer is gone

Accumulate fat in the open [decided].

Wild goats, deer

And brown-cheeked hares

450. Proud of your legs,

Not a word was said.

Larks, starlings and jays,

Jackdaws, sparrows, crows,

Because they ate whatever

They were ashamed to say a word.

“I don’t have a nest,” said the cuckoo then,

I don't know about childcare.

For whom children are their liver,

Who cares about children.

460. I agree with their wishes” —

So she said.

Everyone spoke differently

Each one thought

They did not achieve unity

Nobody said a decisive word

With nothing parted, they say.

The old man was worried

Go hunting alone

He hasn't made up his mind since.

470. Once upon a time all four of us

They went hunting, they say

Many roads have passed, they say

Taking a lot of booty, joyful,

Returned from hunting, they say.

Among the birds caught on the hunt,

There was one - a swan [white].

When her legs were entangled

The old man sharpened his knife

To cut off her head

480. She cried tears of blood, they say,

She expressed her grief, they say:

"I flew to see the world,

I am an unearthly bird

I have my own country

I am not an orphan.

When there was no one on earth

No one has stepped on it yet.

[My father] was looking for a mate,

He found no one on earth

490. Choose from another kind

I couldn't equal myself

I flew to the sky to look for my beloved,

I looked at the sun and the moon,

I chose my favorite -

Both [the Sun and the Moon], bewitched,

He was the head of all the birds,

My father's name is Samrau.

He had two children,

Both the children and himself

<< | 2 | >>


Those. became the same means of hunting as hunting animals and birds. With a club they hunted wolves, roe deer and other animals.

The Urals, as can be seen from this phrase, does not separate itself from other creations of Nature.

“A child is a liver” is a figurative expression among the Turkic peoples, meaning “the most valuable”, “the most expensive”.

Source: Z.G. Aminev. The epos "Ural Batyr" and the Scythian genealogical legend // Peoples of the Southern Urals and their neighbors in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor N.A. Mazhitov. - Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2004. - 254 p. – P.219 – 223.

Note: Published with the permission of the author of the article on the local history portal Urgaza.ru.

The main data about the Scythians and their culture have come down to us thanks to the works of ancient authors and, above all, the “father of history” Herodotus.

In the transmission of Herodotus (VI, 5-7), the actual Scythian genealogical legend about the origin of the Scythians has come down to us: Targitai; to the parents of this Targitai they call, in my opinion, incorrectly, Zeus and the daughter of the river Borysthenes. Targitai was of this origin, and three sons were born to him: Lipoksai, Arpoksai and the younger Kolaksai. Under them, golden objects fell from the sky to the Scythian land: a plow, a yoke, an ax and a bowl. The eldest of the brothers, the first to see these objects, came closer, wanting to take them, but at his approach the gold ignited. After his removal, the second one approached, but the same thing happened with gold. Thus, the gold, ignited, did not admit them to itself, but with the approach of the third brother, the youngest, the burning ceased, and he took the gold to himself. The older brothers, understanding the meaning of the miracle, handed over the whole kingdom to the younger one.

Researchers have offered different interpretations of this legend. They established that the second part of their name comes from the Iranian word "khshay" - "shine, rule" (K.Mullenhof, Vs.F.Miller, V.I.Abaev). Continuing his research in the field of Scythology further, the world-famous Ossetian scientist V.I. Abaev managed to unravel the first parts of the names of the Scythian brothers. So, the name of the youngest son of Tartigai, Kolaksay, was explained by V.I. Abaev as "lord, ruler of the Sun." He deciphered the name of the second brother Lipoksai as "ruler of the earth." The name Arpoksai, according to V.I. Abaev, means “ruler of the waters”.

Thus, the three brothers of the Scythian ethnogonic legend turn out to be the personification of three cosmic spheres or vertical planes: the sun, the sky (Kolaksai), the earth-mountains (Lipoksai) and the water depths (Arpoksai). When studying the semantics of the names of three Scythian brothers, V.I. Abaev used parallels from Indo-Iranian and Slavic mythologies. The idea of ​​a tripartite division of the cosmic sphere (vertically) is known to many peoples of the world and V.I. Abaev’s interpretation of the names of the three brothers, as a reflection of the Scythian worldview as a whole, was accepted by most researchers. Academician B.A. Rybakov, using the materials of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian folklore, showed that a similar three-part “model of the world” was also characteristic of the culture of the ancient Slavs.

Comparison of the Bashkir epic "Ural Batyr" with the Scythian genealogical legend and the results of its decoding, the works of V.I. and the Scythian Targitai and his three sons: Kolaksai, Lipoksai and Arpoksai.

The eldest son of the Urals, Yaik, was born from the daughter of King Katil. The Ural batyr, leaving his father's house, in search of living water, and in order to find and destroy Death, first enters the country of King Katil. All the data available in the epic characterizing this country show that we are talking about the otherworldly, chthonic world. So, the very name "Katil" from the Iranian language is translated as "murderer", i.e. in the epic, only the function of this king is indicated, and not his name. His daughter has no name either. This can be explained by the taboo of their names. After all, the Bashkirs, like many other ancient peoples, were afraid to name death, afraid to call it. The symbol of his country is black - the color of mourning and the world of the dead. The Bashkirs still call the afterlife "Karangy donya", which in translation into Russian means "black, dark country". The Raven flaunts on the black banner of Katila, which in the mythology of many peoples of the world, including the Bashkirs, is also a symbol of the chthonic world. In the possessions of Katil Ural, a batyr fights an angry bull. The bull in the mythological views of the Turkic and Iranian peoples is a character of the chthonic world. Arriving in the country of Katila, the Urals meet completely naked people there at the very beginning, which also indicates that this is the world of the dead. It is known that nakedness is one of the markers of the chthonic world. The very name of the eldest son of the Urals "Yaik" is explained by Turkologists as: a flood, widely overflowing, slowly flowing water, that is, even the name of this character is associated with the water world. The water world, as is known, among the Turks and Iranians is connected with the otherworldly, chthonic world.

Thus, all of the above facts give us reason to believe that the eldest son of the Urals, Yaik, is the ruler of the lower, other world.

The hero of the Bashkir epic Ural, after marrying Yaik's mother, continues his journey and ends up in the country of the white snake, where he marries Gulistan, who gave birth to his son Nugush. The very name of the second wife of the Urals "Gulistan" in translation into Russian means "land of flowers", that is, she belongs to the world of beauty, is connected with life. Bashkirs very often compared their country Ural (Ural ile) with a flower garden and, poetizing, called it "Gulistan". In the epic "Ural Batyr" there are lines from which it is seen that Gulistan is the daughter of an earthly man:

Algyr tigan ir bulgan,

Algyr ҡart ҡordashynyn,

Togro ber yuldashynyn

kygy bulgan Gulistan.

As can be seen from these lines, this Algyr was an earthly man and, together with his associates, fought against dark, evil forces. Gulistan was the daughter of one of Algyr's associates. The symbol of the country where the Urals married Gulistan is white. According to the beliefs of the Bashkirs, white means this, bright, earthly world of man. The Bashkirs still call the earthly world "yakty, ak donya."

After marrying Gulistan, the Ural batyr continued his journey in search of living water and ended up in the country where Humai lived, who, as can be seen from the epic, is the daughter of the King of Heaven Samrau and the Sun. Thus, Humai is a celestial being both by her father and mother. In the same country, the Urals became the owner of the heavenly horse Akbuzat. This horse belonged to the Sun and was presented to Humai.

Before marrying Humai, Ural rises to the top of the world mountain (“Cat tauy”). The top of this mountain is in heaven. The world mountain in the mythological views of the peoples of the world connects vertically three spheres of the universe. Thus, the third youngest son of the Urals, Idel personifies the third, heavenly sphere of the universe and is the lord of the sky.

Based on all the above facts, apparently, there is every reason to assert that the Ural batyr, through his three sons, born to women belonging to the three spheres of space, marks the world vertically: underwater, underground (Yaik), earthly (Nugush) and heavenly (Idel) .

We see women, personifying the three spheres of the universe, in the Ashvamedha ritual of the Vedic Aryans. In this rite of sacrifice of the white horse– the first wife of the king was associated with the heavenly sphere, the second - with the middle world and the third wife personified the lower, deepest part of the earth. Apparently, the ordering of the world through a threefold marriage is a universal phenomenon.

In connection with the established parallels between the Bashkir epic and the Scythian genealogical legend, the question naturally arises: “Do we have a typological connection here, or should we look for a genetic connection between the Bashkirs and the Scythians?”

Apparently, further research by historians, folklorists and other specialists in the field of both Scythology and Bashkir studies, and– Turkology and Iranian Studies.

List of used literature :

1. Abaev V.I. "Children of the Sun" // Selected Works. - Vladikavkaz, 1990. - pp. 279-281.

2. Ural batyr // Bashkort Halyk Izhady. - Ufa, 1972 (in Bashk.).

3. Bashkir folk epic "Ural Batyr". - M., 1977.

4. Bongard-Levin G.M., Grantovsky E.A. From Scythia to India. - M.: Thought, 1983, - p.84-86; They are: Scythians and Slavs: mythological parallels // Antiquities of the Slavs and Rus'. - M .: Nauka, 1988, pp. 110-119.

5. Herodotus. Story. - Leningrad, 1972.

6. Rybakov B.A. Herodotus Scythia. - M., 1979, pp. 233, 238; his own: Paganism of the ancient Slavs. - M., 1981, p. 434, 529.

These steppe expanses, forests framing the steeps of the Ural Mountains have recently changed their ancient appearance. Oil derricks have become the visiting card of the republic, where more than 15 million tons of oil are produced annually. Oil is a symbol of the Bashkir treasure. With modern methods of extraction, oil no longer allows it to so openly spurt out of the ground. But once "black gold" itself came to the surface and in ancient Bashkir legends oil was called "oil of the earth".

Many thousands of years ago, this "oil of the earth" was formed from the spilled magical blood of a hero, whose name was Ural-batyr. But he gave his people not only the opportunity to enjoy the oil wealth. Thanks to the Urals, a whole beautiful world arose with all its mountains, meadows, rivers and underground treasures. But the main legacy of the epic hero is the rules of life for posterity, the secret of happiness for all people. Why did Ural Batyr become famous, that even the mountains bear his name? And what do we know about this national hero now?

In 1910, the teacher and collector of folk tales Mukhametsha Burangulov went on an expedition to the Itkul volost of the Orenburg province. Today it is the Baimaksky district of Bashkortostan. His attention was attracted by the ancient tales of sesen poets filled with the spirit of the mystical past and revealing the secrets of the creation of the world.

The Bashkirs have always had great respect for the sesens. These poets not only composed, but also memorized, performed, and passed down old tales from generation to generation. And the sesens accompanied their performances with the jerky sounds of the ancient musical instrument dumbara. In addition, it was believed that the old tunes also have healing effects on the listeners, which of course only added to the sesengs of universal respect.

The tales of the sesens so impressed Burangulov that he thanked the poets by giving them his horse. He had to walk home, but what did that mean compared to the treasure he had found. It was not only about unique ethnographic material, but also about mysterious information, which Burangulov needed more than 10 years to process. At the beginning of the 1920s, a written version of the epic about the batyr appeared for the first time, i.e. about the Ural hero and his glorious deeds.

In ancient, ancient times, an old man and an old woman lived in the world. And they had two sons. The eldest was called Shulgen and the youngest was Ural. When they grew up, the father saddled two lions and sent his sons to wander. He asked them to find living water, which would give immortality to man and nature, and destroy death itself. And the brothers left their father's house. Long was their way. Along the way, the brothers faced danger and temptation. Shulgen could not stand all the tests, he betrayed the good and went over to the side of evil. Shulgen became the main enemy of his younger brother and one of the main warriors of the dark forces. And the Urals remained faithful to the precepts of his father.

Day and night, year after year, the Ural-batyr performed his exploits. He defeated the bloodthirsty king Katila, the king of snakes Kahkahu and found the same living water. He fought with the evil divas and their leader Azraka and, finally, met his brother in battle. And all this so that people are happy, so that grief and death leave the earth forever.

It would seem that almost any nation has such epics. But the Ural Batyr clearly stands out from the background of his fellow heroes. And the fact that his path is the search for absolute goodness and the fact that in today's Bashkiria the epic about his exploits is more than just a fairy tale.

In one of the battles, Ural killed the main evil diva Azraka. He cut off his head with a diamond sword, and when the diva fell, it seemed that the whole world shuddered. Its huge, terrible body split the expanse of water in two. In place of that, a mountain has risen. Big Yamantau is the same mountain that, according to legend, arose from the dead body of Azraka. This is the highest point of South Bashkortostan. The name Big Yamantau means Big Bad or Evil Mountain. Among the local population, she has always enjoyed a bad reputation. It is believed that something strange is constantly happening in her district. The horses never returned from there. Previously, many ferocious bears lived there, and even now no one undertakes to predict the weather on the slopes of the mountain, and they even say that by climbing Yamantau you can invite trouble on yourself.

In these places, the Urals performed their last, most heroic feat. Entrance to the mysterious gloomy cave Shulgan-Tash. There are two underground lakes here - a round one with stagnant water (otherwise Dead) lake and a blue one (it is considered alive). It is fed by a river whose waters flow deep underground. This river is also called Shulgen. Why does the reserve, and the caves, and the river still keep the name of the elder brother of the Urals?

When the Urals fought with Shulgen, he, in order to avoid complete defeat, along with his servants, evil divas and other evil spirits, dived into the local bottomless lake. Then Ural-batyr decided to drink all the water from the lake filled with snakes and demons. Ural drank water for a long time, but even he was not up to this task. In addition, along with the water, the Urals also swallowed evil divas. They then tore his noble heart from the inside.

According to legend, the batyr also had living water and it could heal him and even give immortality. But he did not keep a drop for himself when he sprinkled it on nature and said that no one but her should live forever. So he revived the earth depleted by evil, but he himself fell in the last battle with the enemies of mankind. But why didn’t tradition make its hero immortal? Why did the Urals have to die in the minds of the people?

The life and work of the Urals was continued by his descendants. Children tried to make people's lives even better. Batyrs went on long journeys to look for a source of happiness. With their diamond swords, they cut through the mountains and where they passed, large rivers formed.

The ancestors of the Bashkirs settled on the banks of four rivers. Later, the rivers were named after the children of the Ural-batyr and his nephew: Sakmar, Yaik (Ural), Nugush, Idel (Agidel). This is how the world appeared, in which the Bashkirs live now. And all this thanks to the heroic deeds of the Ural Batyr.

But the epic itself and the image of the hero have given the researchers a lot of mysteries around which there are heated debates. Here is just one of them: when exactly did the first stories about the exploits of the legendary hero appear?

One of the legends of the epic says that Shulgen, who went over to the side of evil, caused a worldwide flood to destroy humanity. The Urals entered into battle with the evil divas subordinate to Shulgen. While he fought, people escaped from the water by climbing high mountains.

And water covered the whole earth
The land hid under it forever
People made their own boats
Didn't die, didn't drown in the water
To the mountain that rose from under the waters
The saved people were chosen.

Isn't it a very familiar story? Of course, this is very similar to the biblical legend of Noah and his ark. And therefore, some researchers believe that the Ural Batyr epic and the Bible arose from a single source. They find parallels in the Bashkir epic with ancient Sumerian myths and claim that these myths are almost the same age. So, let's try to establish when the legends about the glorious Ural Batyr arose.

Every resident of Ufa knows one of the famous structures made of glass and concrete. This is one of the most modern hippodromes. On weekends, serious sports passions reign here, but now we are not interested in the breeds of horses and the results of races or bets, but the name of the hippodrome. It is called Akbuzat. And this is not at all accidental.

Akbuzat is the winged horse of the Ural Batyr and his true friend. According to legend, Akbuzat himself had to agree to leave with the batyr, and the Urals had to prove their right to be a rider on a wonderful horse. When our hero got tired, the faithful horse carried him out of the battle. When the batyr gained strength, Akbuzat again rushed into battle with a whirlwind. He did not burn in fire and did not sink in water and dazzled everyone with his beauty.

According to legend, all the horses that live on earth today are the descendants of Akbuzat. They remember the order of the faithful horse Ural-batyr always and at all times to faithfully serve people. And the life of the most legendary horse was not easy. The evil brother of the Urals, Shulgen, managed to steal Akbuzat from the hero and hid it at the bottom of the same underground lake where he himself hid.

It would seem that this is quite a fairy tale story. Well, what can be realistic in a story about many years of imprisoning a horse under water? Of course, all these are legends and traditions, but ...

In the late 50s of the last century, the Shulgen-tash cave presented scientists with a real sensation. From it appears the first version of the origin of the Ural Batyr.

Later, the historian Vyacheslav Kotov, using modern technology, examined the images in the famous cave, which were not visible to the naked eye. He noticed that the focus of primitive artists was the horse. The researcher saw the trinity of the universe in this: the upper horse in the figure with a trapezoid on its back is a winged horse - a symbol of the sky and the sun. In another composition, you can see how the hero with his horse fights against the dark forces of the underworld.

Another curious detail is that the Ural Batyr and other heroes of the epic move, from time to time, on a flying lion. This, of course, is also a mythical image, but how could the ancestors of the Bashkirs, who lived in the Volga region and the Southern Urals, know about lions, even if they were not flying?

In Bashkir folklore, there are two proverbs directly related to the lion. They sound something like this: “If you sit astride a lion, then let your whip be a saber” and “If the lion went hunting, then he will not return without prey.” But proverbs are not created in a vacuum.

Paleontological studies indirectly prove that prehistoric cave lions, which were much larger than their current descendants, could be found not only in Africa, but also in Europe, the Urals and even Siberia. In addition, they could jump further and higher than modern lions. Maybe that's why the ancient people who met with these formidable creatures came up with the myth of flying lions.

The archive of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences holds the oldest copy of the epic manuscript. It was printed in the Bashkir language in Latin script about 100 years ago. But how exactly this written text came about is probably the biggest mystery of the whole story. The appearance of the written version of Ural Batyr is a real detective story.

According to the official version, Ural-Batyr was recorded in 1910 by Mukhametsha Burangulov, but no one has ever seen his original handwritten record. It is believed that she was lost during the searches of Burangulov. Under Soviet rule, he was arrested several times as an enemy of the people.

Skeptics object - the records were not lost anywhere because they simply did not exist. And Mukhametsha Burangulov was the real author of the Ural Batyr. So did he really just invent all the stories about the glorious deeds of the batyr and in general the image of the main character, and all his stories are just a pastiche of the ancient Bashkir epic, which the ancestors of the Bashkirs simply did not have.

Journalist and public figure Karim Yaushev suggested that the Ural-Batyr epic cannot be considered a truly folk work, but is a literary work of the writer Burangulov. Or he reworked together all the scattered legends of the southeastern Bashkirs. But why should Burangulov compose a poem about the Ural Batyr? Perhaps it was a matter of personal creative ambitions, and perhaps political reasons. One of the versions is that he did this on the instructions of the Soviet leadership of Bashkiria, which sought to create a new history of the Bashkir people. True, then he suffered for the same - he was declared a nationalist.

For the first time in the Bashkir language Ural-Batyr was published in 1968. And in Russian even later - seven years later. Since then, many editions and translations of the epic have been published, but disputes about it do not stop. In general, the Ural-batyr is the only one of the epic heroes around whom the spears break with such bitterness with which, probably, the hero himself fought with his enemies.

So did the Ural Batyr exist? There is little specific human information in the legends about him, there are no ancient images of him. But perhaps his appearance is not so important because the legend gives the Urals all the positive qualities, making his image and life path an example to follow. That is why the presentation of the entire epic from beginning to end was considered by the Bashkirs to be the most important part of the rite of passage into adulthood.

Here is an example of respect for someone else's life and nobility even in relation to defeated enemies. Once the evil and bloodthirsty king Catilla sent a gigantic bull against the Urals. But it was not there. No matter how the bull didn’t puff and didn’t try, no matter how he didn’t fight, he didn’t struggle to free himself, he didn’t find the strength, he went down to his knees in the ground. But having defeated the bull, Ural-batyr took pity on him and left him alive. Since then, the bulls have crooked horns and cracked hooves into two halves and the front tooth does not grow. All this is the legacy of the lost battle of the distant ancestor Ural Batyr.

Of course, the circumstances of the fight with the bull, the size of the horned opponent of the batyr in the legends are truly mythological in nature. However, this is probably the most realistic of all the exploits of the Ural Batyr. Since ancient times, the strongest men from different nations measured their strength with bulls, and information about such battles is found not only in myths, but also in Roman historical chronicles. Perhaps a certain brave wrestler was one of the prototypes of the heroic Urals, or this myth about the struggle with a giant bull came to the Bashkirs from other peoples. So, there is a third version of the origin of our hero.

The well-known historian Tatishchev in his book cites the lines that the northern Scythians had Uranus as their first sovereign. This suggests that there really was some kind of ancient state whose ruler was Uranus or, as we say today, Ural-batyr. He was deified, as a result of which he became one of the gods, first here in the Urals and then was transferred to Ancient Greece and became, as a result, the initial ancient Greek god.

However, perhaps this is too bold version. It is not shared even by most of those scientists who believe that the legend of the Ural Batyr is a true epic of the Bashkir people. The prevailing opinion is that the glorious batyr is a purely mythical figure. In this, he also differs from his colleagues from other legends, for example, from the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. Although, in terms of the number and scale of exploits, the Ural Batyr surpassed many famous heroes, because in fact he created the whole world.

When, having accomplished his last feat, the Urals died, people were seized with grief. But then they decided to keep his memory forever. The people with great respect buried the Urals at the highest point. Each of the people brought a handful of earth to his grave. So a huge mountain grew. Over time, she shone like the sun - the body of the Urals turned into gold and precious stones, and the blood into the oil of the earth - oil. Well, the mountains began to be called in his honor - the Urals.

For many centuries, in any school in the world, in geography lessons, children have learned that the border between Europe and Asia runs along the huge Ural Range. So the name of the ancient hero becomes known to billions of inhabitants of our planet. These mighty peaks are an eternal monument to the exploits of the Ural Batyr, who forever gave the Bashkir land and people incredible beauty of nature, inexhaustible wealth of mineral resources and great history.

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