Ural dumplings when discussing everyone who came out. Yulia Mikhalkova told what is happening with the "Ural dumplings"


The creative producer of the show called "Merry Evening" was a member of the "Ural dumplings" team "Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Together with him, his colleagues Andrei Rozhkov and Yulia Mikhalkova participate in the program. They say that the program will not be broadcast on STS.


Yulia Mikhalkova said that changes are coming in the Pelmeni team. “I still remain a participant in the show, continue to tour with the team, and prepare for autumn filming. The Cheerful Evening program is a separate project, in which I received an invitation to participate from another TV channel and my colleagues Slava Myasnikov and Andrey Rozhkov,” shared spectacular actress.

Mikhalkova is sure that participation in the new project promises creative growth and expansion of the television audience. "In the new show, I am not only in the usual role of a comedian, but also the host of the program. In light of the latest news, we understand that the new television season will surprise viewers with the transition of different hosts from channel to channel. So I'm in the trend of television transfers this fall ", Julia noted.

The girl admitted that at some point they started fighting for her. "Each of us is an independent creative unit and can work on several projects at once. We will not exist exclusively together until the end of our days," the artist quotes

Alexey Lyutikov passed away in the midst of a legal showdown between comedians.

On August 10, the tragic news spread around the participants of the humorous show "Ural dumplings": 42-year-old team director Alexei Lyutikov was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. And although no traces of violent death were found on the lifeless body, many fans of "...dumplings" immediately suspected something was wrong. Indeed, recently Lyutikov found himself at the epicenter of a suddenly erupted scandal between the participants of the popular TV show.
The news of the death of the director of the Ural dumplings with the cheerful surname Lyutikov made many people think. Indeed, since 2009, this position has been occupied by Sergei Netievsky, who, along with other participants in the show, has been on stage for more than twenty years to make people laugh. And suddenly, in the fall of 2015, Alexey Lyutikov unexpectedly replaced him in a leadership position. In the past, he was also a well-known cavalry officer and, as a captain, led the "Service Entrance" team.

In October last year, a grandiose conflict arose in the once friendly and close-knit team of comedians. The reason for the disagreement was primarily money, because recently the participants of the Ural Pelmeni even got to the top of the Forbes list in terms of income. And, apparently, they relaxed, because of which the ratings of their TV shows began to fall - according to the results of the last TV season, “... dumplings” sharply lost ground.
The team blamed Netievsky for all the problems. Say, he ceased to cope with the duties of the director: he was engaged in producing other projects, did not sign financial documents on time, missed the deadlines for filing declarations with the tax office. "Ural dumplings" held a secret ballot, as a result of which Sergey lost his bread position. But the demoted chief did not agree with such a verdict and filed a lawsuit against his former comrades.
- Netievsky is now a big Moscow producer, he is engaged in a bunch of projects. He became cramped in our team. And for God's sake. We and Svetlakov once left for the capital. But since Netievsky is not there, we need a person who knows all this cuisine. So we hired Lyutikov, - Sergey Ershov explained the “dumpling”.

Sergei NETIEVSKY (with a guitar around his neck) was ready for any tricks to amuse the audience.

Sharpened the corners

They say that the new boss began to add fuel to the fire, forcing the conflict within the team to flare up with renewed vigor.
“Lyutikov is from Kursk, but he lived in Moscow for many years, served as director and was a personal adviser to the general producer of Comedy Club Production,” one of the members of the team told us, who asked not to be named. - It was he who drew the attention of the guys to the fact that the fee from their performances is supposedly distributed unfairly. In fact, "... dumplings" receive money based on their share - each owned ten percent in the company. Only Slava Myasnikov earned more, because, among other things, he is also the author of songs for the show. Well, and Netievsky. Previously, this fact did not bother anyone, but when the popularity of "...dumplings" began to fall, which means that incomes also decreased, the people rebelled. In addition, Lyutikov found some more documents, where it was stated that the Ural Pelmeni brand belongs to Netievsky's company. In general, Alexei aggravated the situation so much that in the end he finally quarreled everyone.
Meanwhile, a month ago, the fans of "...dumplings" discussed the new director of the team on one of the forums on the Internet. Many were seriously agitated by rumors of financial scandals in which Lyutikov was allegedly involved.
- In his historical homeland (in Kursk), Alexei threw a lot of people for money, - wrote someone under the nickname Safron (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. -AV). - They even wanted to go to Moscow to look for him. And now there he is - great and ... continues to throw. I know that people who wrote that Lyutikov was a crystal-clearly honest person repaid debts for him.

All fans of high-quality humor know them by sight.
Be that as it may, a couple of weeks ago, a court in Yekaterinburg invalidated the vote of the comedian team and returned Netievsky to the post of director. "Pelmeni", led by Lyutikov, did not agree with this decision and decided to appeal it. The next hearing is scheduled for October. And then suddenly Lyutikov dies ...
The body of Alexei was found by the maid of the hotel, where he settled on August 2. He arrived in Yekaterinburg with the team after a tour in Sochi. And, having dealt with current affairs, instead of going to Moscow to his wife and two daughters, he bought alcohol and locked himself in the room.
Arriving at the scene, the police found a dozen empty bottles of alcohol in the room, as well as medications for high blood pressure. The cause of Lyutikov's death was named "dilated cardiomyopathy". In other words, my heart failed. It turned out that interruptions with the “motor” of Alexei had been observed for a long time. Some time ago, he suffered a heart attack and became a frequent visitor to the cardiologist's office. Surely health problems were added by litigation. Surprisingly, none of the current participants in the humorous show wanted to talk about the untimely departure of their friend. Only Netievsky was able to squeeze out a few words:
“It’s very hard for me now,” Sergei admitted. - Despite all these troubles, Alexei was our friend. This is a huge tragedy - my heart is breaking. It's hard to comment at this moment, sorry.

Fans of the humorous show of the team from Yekaterinburg are interested in why Sergei Netievsky left the Ural dumplings. This man put a lot of his energy into the development of the show, bringing the KVN team to the federal level, became a producer and director, it was thanks to him that the Ural dumplings signed a long-term contract with the STS television channel and became popular. Today we will talk about the reason for leaving, the result of such a separation, and about where Sergei Netievsky from Ural Pelmeni is now and what he does. From the same article, fans of "dumplings" will be able to learn everything about Netievsky's personal life, the beginning of his career and career. We suggest starting from the beginning.

Sergey Netievsky from "Ural dumplings": biography

Sergey Alexandrovich is a very talented person, he is an actor, screenwriter, TV presenter, former leader and member of the Ural dumplings team, general producer of Idea Fix Media. In addition to career achievements, he has success in his personal life: he has a beloved and loving wife, charming children. What else is needed for life? Sincere and faithful friends, which "colleagues in the shop" could not become, because this is precisely the answer to the question of why Sergey Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings". But more on that later, now we offer to get acquainted with the childhood of the ex-director of the team.

Sergei Alexandrovich was born in 1971. The actor was born and raised in the Sverdlovsk region, his native land is the village of Basyanovsky, in the Verkhnesaldinsky district. Here Netievsky spent his golden childhood and youth, received his secondary education in a regular school at number 12.

After receiving the certificate, Sergei Alexandrovich went to Yekaterinburg and became a student at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Teaching was easy, and there were never any problems, the teachers appreciated such a disciplined and purposeful student. In 1993, Netievsky proudly began to be called a specialist in the development of mechanical engineering.

Is there life after college?

The worst thing for every student is to leave the walls of his native university and go wherever his eyes look. Where is he expected? Will a diploma help in such a dangerous and adventurous adult, independent life? Netievsky, as such, did not fit too well, the guy went to work in a hardware store called "The Owner", in Yekaterinburg. Of course, higher education contributed to the fact that the graduate of the institute was immediately accepted for the position of director, but still this work differed from mechanical engineering in many ways. In addition, in 1994, the Ural dumplings and Sergey Netievsky met.

The popularity of the Kaveen team grew, tours and concerts became more frequent, the director of the "Boss" had to face a choice: a store or a club for the cheerful and resourceful. Sergey Alexandrovich was distinguished by his artistic nature, and she told him that he would have a great future, success and fame in the show, so Netievsky chose the team.


Sergei Netievsky, whose work is appreciated by almost every Russian, with the team literally went through fire, water, and copper pipes before gaining the cherished popularity. The start for "Ural dumplings" was in 1995, when the team got into a gala concert and became one of the Higher League of KVN following the results of the festival. What stages did the Yekaterinburg guys have to go through?

  1. Falling out of 1/8 in 1995.
  2. Lost in 1/4 in 1996.
  3. They finish the season again in the 1/8 finals in 1997.
  4. In 1998 they reached the semi-finals, but "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" turned out to be more fun and resourceful. It was in this year that Sergei Netievsky closed the doors of the "Owner" forever and became the team leader.
  5. In 2000, Pelmeni decided to overcome all the difficulties, to overcome the enemy, and they succeeded. Netievsky led his guys to the long-awaited victory, and they received the unofficial, but still the title of "the last champion of the millennium and the twentieth century."
  6. In 2001, 2002, 2003 the team competed for the KVN Summer Cup and took it in 2002.

Netievsky's personal achievement in this period is his film debut as an actor. He starred in the comedy "Out of native square meters."


In 2007, Sergei Netievsky was invited by the leadership of a popular TV channel to the position of presenter and producer. A new sketch show for TNT called "Show News" became popular, and almost the entire creative team of "Dumplings" was involved in its preparation. It was a good start for the team.

STS and "Ural dumplings"

In 2009, the first show on STS called "Blaze it all ... with a horse!" appeared on the screens. To date, more than fifty such programs have been filmed.

In 2011, the sketch show "Unreal Stories" was released, produced by Netievsky, who also played the role of a lazy tramp.

In 2012, "MyasorUpka" appears (competition project). Sergey Alexandrovich was a producer, jury member and mentor of the teams.

In 2013, the Kremlin Palace received a huge number of fans of the "Ural dumplings" at the anniversary concert "20 years in the dough!".

In 2014, the "Show from the Air" starts, which is produced and hosted by Netievsky.

In 2015, Sergey disappeared from the screens, and his team continues on its way as if nothing had happened, Isaev Sergey became the new leader. Why did Sergei Netievsky leave the Ural dumplings? Where is he now? Find out more about this in the rest of this post.

Version one

Sergei Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings", as he decided that his well-being is more important to him than the whole team. He left the guys to the mercy of fate, they say, do what you want, and I can do without you. He decided to start producing television series and other projects on his own, so as not to waste time on a show that he was no longer interested in. This was the first version that was voiced by some participants in the UP, but Sergey Alexandrovich completely disagrees with this, he told a different story, and it is more plausible, as it is confirmed by a two-year trial.

Real version

Sergei Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings" without knowing it. It happens. It turns out that the participants looked askance at their director for a long time, believing that he does not pay them enough for their work, and he also spends too much time on other projects, forgetting about UP. Because of this, the team got together and filed a class action lawsuit to remove the director from office, of course, Netievsky himself was simply not warned about this. Sergei Alexandrovich filed an appeal, which was accepted in 2016, but the team filed a new lawsuit. Netievsky did not lose his head and filed a counterclaim.

After all the trials, Sergei was reinstated, as the teams were considered illegal. Why did Sergei Netievsky leave Ural Pelmeni after this court decision? He transferred the rights to leadership to Isaev, as he understood that there could no longer be a "strong Ural friendship", and decided to quit of his own free will.

In February of this year, the team members lost a lawsuit for four hundred million rubles, in which Netievsky was accused of using their trademark. Now the team must pay Sergei a fine of three hundred thousand rubles.

Where is Sergey Netievsky from Ural Pelmeni now?

Now the ex-director of the popular show also lives in Moscow with his family. He owns the production studio Idea Fix Media, which produces television series.

Beloved wife Natalya is always there, the couple has three wonderful Timothy and Ivan, daughter Maria.

The stars of the show "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Brekotkin and Dmitry Sokolov, as well as their new CEO Evgeny Orlov, decided to reveal the truth about the machinations of Sergei Netievsky. The ex-leader of the team filed a lawsuit, according to which former colleagues could not use the Ural Pelmeni trademark, but so far this issue has not been resolved. Netievsky stepped down as team director in 2015. According to Yevgeny Orlov, the former leader presents information differently, talking about parting with the team to journalists.

“Sergey Netievsky, who embezzled money from television activities (selling programs on STS), considered the money already appropriated to be insufficient. He is suing the team, trying to forbid the disposal of old programs, the rights to which he himself stole from the team. He wants to be the sole owner of the rights, he wants more and more. He lies in an interview that he left himself, although he was expelled from the team two years ago in disgrace, ”Orlov said.

Brekotkin and Sokolov, who have known Netievsky for many years, confirm that he deceived them. When the show "Ural dumplings" was launched on STS, the ex-director constantly talked about low payments from the channel. The team members decided to clarify the situation.

“Once on the set, we had a conversation with a STS representative, during which we realized that there is money in this business. After that, we arranged a meeting at our creative base and asked Netievsky to come with all the contracts and reporting documents. At the meeting, it became clear that our friend was embezzling our income from television activities. Netievsky had to admit everything, ”Sokolov explained.

The comedian claims that they encountered Netievsky's dishonesty during the tour as well. According to Dmitry, Sergey received much more money from the organizers than he paid the team. Brekotkin does not know if there is any explanation for such an act by a man they have known since their student days.

“To say that this is a shock is to say nothing. It can be compared to the end of the world! Approximately such a reaction, as if a person found out that he had cancer ... Apparently, he did not consider us to be either friends or associates. Or ceased to be considered as such at some point, ”Dmitry shared.

Some team members hoped that Sergei would apologize and change his behavior. They were ready to forgive him and go to the world. However, Sergei stood his ground, believing that he was completely right.

“We told him: “Well, it happened. Let's call it "the demon beguiled" or "dizziness from success." You're wrong. You have a way out, you say: “OK, guys, I admit that I'm wrong. I'll try to get something back." Do you know what he said: “What are you doing? You are all wrong, not me!” Then we kicked him out of the directors, created a new enterprise, we are doing creative work, new projects,” Brekotkin said.

As the artists admitted in an interview with Sobesednik, they lost a friend and comrade, Netievsky became a stranger to them.

Recall that Sergei Netievsky left the team with a scandal in 2015. After that, numerous court hearings began. The former director and comedians fought for the right to use the Ural dumplings trademark. In February 2017, the court dismissed the claim of Netievsky's opponents.

“There were six hearings on this case. However, the verdict was constantly delayed. I do not understand why they wanted to solve everything through lawyers, because no one was hurt. When I was reinstated as director last fall, I transferred to the team the rights to use the trademark, both textual and combined, for a symbolic payment - one ruble. I'm not sure, but it seems they wanted to recover some kind of monetary compensation from me, ”said the ex-director.

In addition, Netievsky ordered former colleagues to pay the amount that he spent on lawyers' services. The court demanded that the Ural Pelmeni team return 300 thousand rubles to the former producer.

Four years ago, the artists told how, thanks to Sergei Netievsky, a show appeared that could win the hearts of an audience of millions.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov is a bright, charismatic personality. It was this man who created the Ural Dumplings KVN team and fell in love with millions of viewers. Many people are interested in the biography and marital status of this famous comedian and showman. Thanks to this article, you will learn more about the talented actor.

Dmitry Sokolov

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on April 11, 1965. in the Sverdlovsk region (Pervouralsk) and became the second child in the Sokolov family. He grew up as a very active and artistic boy.

Interesting! The artist's mother in an interview noted that her son, at the age of three, knew by heart a song from the Bremen Town Musicians, which surprised all relatives.

Dmitry's career began with KVN

In elementary school, Dima did not study very well - natural mobility made itself felt. It was difficult for him to sit in one place and concentrate on his studies. But with age, Sokolov turned into a diligent student. And the boy's parents managed to redirect the excess energy to the development of his musical abilities.

Dmitry in his youth

After the school years were left behind, Sokolov went to Yekaterinburg to become a student at a polytechnic university. By the way, it was here that his older sister already studied, who took an active part in the life of the student group - the guys went to collective farms and arranged real concerts there. Subsequently, Dmitry himself became interested in this occupation.

After the second year, Sokolov, together with members of the construction team, travels to Astrakhan. There he, unfortunately, falls ill with typhoid fever. The treatment process was very difficult and long, so the guy went on academic leave. Soon Dmitry enters the army, and after the service he returns to his favorite pastime - amateur performances.

Dmitry at the beginning of his television career


At the age of twenty-eight, Sokolov decided to create his own project. That is exactly what happened in 1993. a new KVN team appeared, which received a rather original name - "Ural dumplings". Its residents were guys from various construction teams of the Polytechnic University. Dmitry, standing at the origins of the team, noted that the people who got into it were born artists and have an excellent sense of humor.

Dmitry's role has not changed for many years

The creative team is getting stronger and soon turns into a very serious, independent project, which, as it turned out, will have a huge impact on the biography of D.V. Sokolov.

From the very first performances, Dmitry's team managed to win the audience's sympathy and quickly moved to the top league of KVN. A couple of years later, several significant awards appeared in the piggy bank of the Ural dumplings, among which was a very prestigious prize - the Super Champions Cup.

Dmitry during the performance of "Ural dumplings"

The founder of the team, Dmitry Sokolov, worked among talented artists, but this did not prevent him from standing out from their background. His style of giving jokes was rather unusual - he did it with a "stone" face, which did not even have a hint of a smile on it. The audience liked this format of the Falcon's performances (as he was called in the team), and every time they looked forward to the performances of their favorite.

"Ural dumplings"

The team, created in due time by D. Sokolov, is one of those who managed to continue their creative activity after completing performances in KVN. The members of the Ural Pelmeni team today are not only recognizable, but incredibly popular among true connoisseurs of humor and lovers of entertainment programs.

Dmitry Sokolov and Alexander Nosik

In 2007 The members of the team created an interesting TV project "Show News", which was aired in the format of parody news. The launch episodes of the program were very popular with viewers, but over time, the rating of the show began to decline. In 2009 the artists made an attempt to "restart" their offspring, but this did not give a noticeable result, so it was decided to develop the project of the same name with the Ural dumplings.

The team of D. V. Sokolov has its own TV show, which since 2009. aired on the TV channel "STS". By the way, not a single project in which the artists from the Ural dumplings work is complete without the Sokol itself. Dmitry is the author of a huge number of jokes and sketches. Spectators have the opportunity to enjoy his talent and artistry in such popular shows as Comedy Club, Big Difference, ProjectorParisHilton, and some others.

Dmitry spends a lot of time with his second wife

In 2011 the guys created a new sketch project "Unreal Story", and a year later another brainchild of a team of talented artists - "Valera-TV" saw the light.

Interesting! In 2013 "Ural dumplings" celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the existence of the team, and its popularity today is at least no lower than during the performances in the "Club of cheerful and resourceful".

Personal life

The founder of the "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Sokolov is very popular, including among the fair sex. Therefore, many women are interested not only in the biography of this talented artist, but also in his personal life.

Constant touring led to the collapse of the first marriage

Dmitry Vladimirovich was married twice. The man met his first wife Natalia while still a student - they studied at the same university. From this marriage, the actor has two children - son Alexander and daughter Anna. However, in the end, this family union broke up. Natasha was never able to get used to the fact that Dima was on tour all the time.

Sokolov's personal life began to improve in 2006. It was then that the artist met Ksenia Li (a Kazakh by nationality), who a few years later became his second wife. The wedding took place in 2011.

Interesting! Dmitry's second wife was an actress in the Irina Mikhailovna team, which also performed in KVN.

happy newlyweds

A year later, new changes appeared in the biography and personal life of Dmitry Sokolov, a member of the Ural dumplings team! He again experienced the happiness of having a child. His wife gave him a daughter, Masha. Soon there were more children in the family. In 2015 son Ivan appeared, and in 2017. - daughter Sophia. Photos of kids and their happy parents can be easily found on the Internet or on the actor's Instagram.

Frame from the program "Let them talk"

Interesting! Vanya was born a week after the famous artist celebrated his fiftieth birthday. The best gift for an anniversary cannot be imagined!

Dmitry has two more children from his first marriage.

There was also a difficult period in Dima's family, when the second wife underwent surgery and moved only with the help of crutches. Sokolov proved to be a very caring and attentive husband, becoming a real support for the girl.

Ksenia also tries to support her beloved spouse in everything, and to be around as often as possible. She helps Dmitry in writing scripts for his team's performances and often goes on tour with him, supporting her husband's team from the audience.

The biography of the founder of the "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Sokolov is full of interesting facts. Let's talk about some of them:

  • Dima is a very modest person. He does not approve of increased attention to his person and does not like to give interviews, believing that he is not a "star".
  • Ksenia, Sokolov's second wife, is 23 years younger than him.
  • Dmitry is a deeply religious person and regularly goes to church.
  • The hero of our article today is an avid fisherman. His best catch was a carp weighing more than 4 kilograms.
  • The artist's Instagram page is run by his wife.
  • Dima and Ksyusha wanted to name their youngest daughter Joanna, but at baptism they decided to give her the name Sophia.

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