Lesson-research on literature. Theme: "Family Thought" in M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don"


In the novel "Quiet Flows the Don", as in "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, the "family thought" found its embodiment. What families are depicted in the novel by M.A. Sholokhov?

These are the middle-class Cossacks Melekhovs, the rich Cossack Korshunov family, the poor Koshevs, the neighbors of the Melekhovs Astakhovs (Stepan and Aksinya), the merchants Mokhovs - they are all residents of the Tatarsky farm, as well as the father and son Listnitsky - nobles, whose estate Yagodnoe is located nearby.

Some families have background stories, such as the Melekhovs. The author explains how "the hawk-nosed, wildly handsome Cossacks Melekhovs, and in the street - the Turks" came from in the farm.

At first, family ties are determined by traditional social and living conditions: the marriage of Grigory and Natalya brought the families of the Melekhovs and Korshunovs together. Young Cossacks are friends with each other, even the young Listnitsky participates in horse races with the “farm boys”. But quite rare for farm customs was the departure of Grigory from the family with his beloved woman to hired workers for the Listnitskys.

The older generation is connected by a common "service" past; so, the retired General Listnitsky is a colleague of Prokofy Melekhov. Only the Mokhovs and Listnitskys are noticeably separated by social barriers from the rest. When Mitka Korshunov cheated on Liza Mokhova, his guilty matchmaking was rejected with contempt by her father.

The First World War, it seems, only rallied representatives of different families. Most of the young Cossacks are fighting, all on the same side. And when Grigory was the first in the farm to earn the St. George Cross, it was a joy for all of Tatar. But the psychology of people forced to kill is changing. Yevgeny Listnitsky allows himself to seduce Aksinya, as he “risked his life” at the front: “I can do anything!”

Tragically, the relationship between people changed when the civil war began. Mikhail Koshevoy (red) kills Pyotr Melekhov, burns down the houses of wealthy farmers, including the Korshunovs, and kills grandfather Grishaka. Mitka Korshunov, who served in the punitive detachment, in retaliation strangled Koshevoy's old mother, burned his house together with the children of Mikhail's sister, Marya. The farm ataman Miron Korshunov, who recently helped Koshevoy, as the only breadwinner, to be freed from military service, was shot.

But in war, people manifest themselves in different ways. Mitka Korshunov admits: “I love war!” Gregory (if we exclude revenge for his brother) did not shoot the prisoners, he was against looting, for which he was demoted. Stepan Astakhov, whom Grigory saved during the battle, admitted that he shot him three times in the back, avenging Aksinya. Koshevoy is guided only by a straightforward political dogma: "What a policy, evil, damn it! .. He (Grigory) is like a brother to me." But "under the conversation and you can kill." Gregory thinks differently: "If you remember everything, you have to live like wolves." For Dunyashka, Ilyinichna, Natalya, consanguinity is an enduring value.

By the end of the story, from six families (the Mokhovs left for the Donets, Stepan for the Crimea), the sister and son of the protagonist and three Cossacks of the middle generation survived: the chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, Mikhail Koshevoy, Mitka Korshunov, who had not yet returned from the war, and Grigory Melekhov. In the open ending, there is no clear prospect of their possible future.

Searched here:

  • families in quiet valley
  • the Korshunov family in the novel The Quiet Don
  • families in the novel Quiet Don

M. Sholokhov raises in his novel The Quiet Flows the Don deep and universal problems that are not amenable to an unambiguous and final interpretation. However, if you ask the reader who the main character of the novel is, the answer will be the same - Grigory Melekhov. It is his fate that is the main core of the story. For a better understanding of the hero's image, it is very important to analyze the environment in which his character is formed - an analysis of the world of the Don Cossacks.

It is impossible to understand the spiritual world, the way of life of the Cossacks, without referring to their family relationships. Already in the first book we will find many episodes that reveal the principles on which the Cossack family is built. Reading the episode of the fight between Panteley Prokofievich and his son, we understand that the concepts of family honor (“Do not fear your father!”), Unity with fellow countrymen (“Do not mischief with your neighbor!”) are indestructible for the Cossacks. The family is dominated by the "cult of the elderly": relations here are based on strict obedience to the elders, sometimes instilled with the help of brute force. And even if at first Gregory resists his father, then later he unquestioningly submits to him, marries Natalya Korshunova. In addition, the origins of the violent, unrestrained nature of Gregory should also be sought in the family. It's in him from his father.
Genus, family - sacred concepts for the Cossacks. It is no coincidence that the novel begins with the prehistory of the Melekh family, and already in the first chapter the author gives a detailed family portrait. In it, the author emphasizes the features of family resemblance: wheat-colored hair - on the maternal side, an animalistic expression of almond-shaped eyes, a kite nose - on the paternal side.

As for the family, despite the harsh, sometimes tough relationships, it is a whole organism. Anyone feels his inseparable connection with her, just as with the farm, with the native kuren. Even when love for Aksinya drives Grigory from his native places, he does not see the opportunity to leave the farm: “You are a fool, Aksinya, you are a fool! Gutar, but there is nothing to listen to. Well, where will I go from the farm? Again, at my service for this year. The case is not good ... I will not touch the ground anywhere. There is a steppe here, there is something to breathe, but there?

However, Sholokhov does not idealize the life of the Don Cossacks. In the first book of the novel, one can easily see a huge number of examples of not just severity, but true cruelty, moral depravity of the Cossacks. This is also the episode when an enraged mob of farmers ruthlessly deal with Prokofy Melekhov's wife, when Aksinya's fifty-year-old father rapes his daughter, for which his wife and son beat him to death. This is also when Stepan Astakhov “deliberately and terribly” beats his young wife the day after the wedding, and then again, returning from military training, “guards” her with his boots in front of the indifferently grinning Alyoshka Shamil.

The character of Grigory Melekhov and his duty to his family is clearly revealed in his relationship with Aksinya and Natalya in the scenes of the first book. Genuinely and strongly loving Aksinya, he does not worry about his beloved. When, nine days before Stepan's return from the camps, Aksinya, feeling with trepidation the inevitability of the danger looming over her, turns in despair to her lover: "What am I, Grisha, going to do?" - he replies: "How much do I know." If in relations with Aksinya Grigory submits only to reckless passion, then, having married Natalya, he, on the contrary, fulfills his duty to his family, not listening to the voice of his heart. He thinks about the torments to which he dooms himself and those close to him, although already at the moment of the wedding, “indifference fettered Gregory” and the lips of his wife seemed “tasteless” to him.

The novel covers a period of ten years. The heroes are experiencing the most tragic and significant events of the first half of the twentieth century: revolutions, civil war, rebellions and uprisings - events that determined the fate of the Cossacks, the fate of Grigory Melekhov and his family, his house, which was his stronghold throughout all this time, because it is about the family , he thought about his native kuren on the battlefield. But the defeat of the White Cossack movement inevitably leads to the collapse of Grigory's family, this fall is logically natural. In the third book, the author again turns to the theme of family and home, but their images are dark and sad. Sholokhov depicts the destruction of the Melekhov family.

The death of Peter, forever remaining an unhealed wound in the soul of loved ones. Loss of Panteley Prokofievich's dominant position in the house. The tragedy and death of Daria, shameless and dissolute, breaking the foundations of the Cossack family with the cynicism of her behavior for centuries, and only before her death bitterly comprehended all the bleakness of her “beautiful” life. The death of Natalia, after which the old man Melekhov says with a sigh: "Our chicken fell in love with death." Dunyashka's alienation from her family, her alienation, turning into a clear rebellion against parental authority. The destruction of the economy during the shelling, when "the war, from which Pantelei Prokofievich fled, itself came to his yard." The death of the owner of the house "in retreat", on a foreign Stavropol land. The death of Ilyinichna, left alone, never waiting for her beloved son. The arrival of Mishka Koshevoy to the house, which can hardly be called the beginning of a new life for the Melekhovsky kuren, if only because from the very first days of family life Mishka loses interest in the household, believing that it is not yet time to lay down arms. The death of Poljushka, about which the reader learns on the last page. All these are stages in the gradual collapse of what at the beginning of the novel seemed unshakable. Noteworthy are the words once uttered by Panteley Prokofievich to Grigory: “Everyone has collapsed in the same way.” And although we are only talking about fallen wattle fences, these words have a wider meaning: the destruction of the House, the Family hurt not only the Melekhovs - this is a common fate, a common drama of the entire Cossacks.

The narrative in The Quiet Don is built as an image of the life of family nests. This novel is often compared with Tolstoy's "War and Peace", but, despite their compositional similarity, there is a clear and fundamental difference: if Tolstoy's heroes, having gone through severe trials, come to the creation of the Family, then the heroes of "The Quiet Flows the Don" experience its disintegration, which with particular force emphasizes the dramatic nature of the time depicted by Sholokhov.

M. Sholokhov raises in his novel The Quiet Flows the Don deep and universal problems that are not amenable to an unambiguous and final interpretation. However, if you ask the reader who the main character of the novel is, the answer will be the same - Grigory Melekhov. It is his fate that is the main core of the story. For a better understanding of the hero's image, it is very important to analyze the environment in which his character is formed - an analysis of the world of the Don Cossacks.

It is impossible to understand the spiritual world, the way of life of the Cossacks, without referring to their family relationships. Already in the first book we will find many episodes that reveal the principles on which the Cossack family is built. Reading the episode of the fight between Panteley Prokofievich and his son, we understand that the concepts of family honor (“Do not fear your father!”), Unity with fellow countrymen (“Do not mischief with your neighbor!”) are indestructible for the Cossacks. The family is dominated by the "cult of the elderly": relations here are based on strict obedience to the elders, sometimes instilled with the help of brute force. And even if at first Gregory resists his father, then later he unquestioningly submits to him, marries Natalya Korshunova. In addition, the origins of the violent, unrestrained nature of Gregory should also be sought in the family. It's in him from his father.
Genus, family - sacred concepts for the Cossacks. It is no coincidence that the novel begins with the prehistory of the Melekh family, and already in the first chapter the author gives a detailed family portrait. In it, the author emphasizes the features of family resemblance: wheat-colored hair - on the maternal side, an animalistic expression of almond-shaped eyes, a kite nose - on the paternal side.

As for the family, despite the harsh, sometimes tough relationships, it is a whole organism. Anyone feels his inseparable connection with her, just as with the farm, with the native kuren. Even when love for Aksinya drives Grigory from his native places, he does not see the opportunity to leave the farm: “You are a fool, Aksinya, you are a fool! Gutar, but there is nothing to listen to. Well, where will I go from the farm? Again, at my service for this year. It's not good business. . . I won't move from the ground. There is a steppe here, there is something to breathe, but there?

However, Sholokhov does not idealize the life of the Don Cossacks. In the first book of the novel, one can easily see a huge number of examples of not just severity, but true cruelty, moral depravity of the Cossacks. This is also the episode when an enraged mob of farmers ruthlessly deal with Prokofy Melekhov's wife, when Aksinya's fifty-year-old father rapes his daughter, for which his wife and son beat him to death. This is also when Stepan Astakhov “deliberately and terribly” beats his young wife the day after the wedding, and then again, returning from military training, “guards” her with his boots in front of the indifferently grinning Alyoshka Shamil.

The character of Grigory Melekhov and his duty to his family is clearly revealed in his relationship with Aksinya and Natalya in the scenes of the first book. Genuinely and strongly loving Aksinya, he does not worry about his beloved. When, nine days before Stepan's return from the camps, Aksinya, feeling with trepidation the inevitability of the danger looming over her, turns in despair to her lover: "What am I, Grisha, going to do?" - he replies: "How much do I know." If in relations with Aksinya Grigory submits only to reckless passion, then, having married Natalya, he, on the contrary, fulfills his duty to his family, not listening to the voice of his heart. He thinks about the torments to which he dooms himself and those close to him, although already at the moment of the wedding, “indifference fettered Gregory” and the lips of his wife seemed “tasteless” to him.

The novel covers a period of ten years. The heroes are experiencing the most tragic and significant events of the first half of the twentieth century: revolutions, civil war, rebellions and uprisings - events that determined the fate of the Cossacks, the fate of Grigory Melekhov and his family, his house, which was his stronghold throughout all this time, because it is about the family , he thought about his native kuren on the battlefield. But the defeat of the White Cossack movement inevitably leads to the collapse of Grigory's family, this fall is logically natural. In the third book, the author again turns to the theme of family and home, but their images are dark and sad. Sholokhov depicts the destruction of the Melekhov family.

The death of Peter, forever remaining an unhealed wound in the soul of loved ones. Loss of Panteley Prokofievich's dominant position in the house. The tragedy and death of Daria, shameless and dissolute, breaking the foundations of the Cossack family with the cynicism of her behavior for centuries, and only before her death bitterly comprehended all the bleakness of her “beautiful” life. The death of Natalya, after which the old man Melekhov says with a sigh: "Our chicken fell in love with death." Dunyashka's alienation from her family, her alienation, turning into a clear rebellion against parental authority. The destruction of the economy during the shelling, when "the war, from which Pantelei Prokofievich fled, itself came to his yard." The death of the owner of the house "in retreat", on a foreign Stavropol land. The death of Ilyinichna, left alone, never waiting for her beloved son. The arrival of Mishka Koshevoy to the house, which can hardly be called the beginning of a new life for the Melekhovsky kuren, if only because from the very first days of family life Mishka loses interest in the household, believing that it is not yet time to lay down arms. The death of Poljushka, about which the reader learns on the last page. All these are stages in the gradual collapse of what at the beginning of the novel seemed unshakable. Noteworthy are the words once uttered by Panteley Prokofievich to Grigory: “Everyone has collapsed in the same way.” And although we are only talking about fallen wattle fences, these words have a wider meaning: the destruction of the House, the Family hurt not only the Melekhovs - this is a common fate, a common drama of the entire Cossacks.

Sections: Literature

"Happy is he who is happy at home."
/ L.N. Tolstoy /

Target: find out what the happiness of the family is based on; continue to form the ability to analyze episodes, choose the main thing in the text; develop the creative abilities of students, analyze the aesthetic originality of the language and style of a work of art.

Methodical methods: word of the teacher, research work, analytical conversation, expressive reading of a passage, analysis of an episode, role-playing reading, test work (preparation for the exam).


  1. Portrait of M. Sholokhov;
  2. Illustrations for the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by the artist O. G. Vereisky;
  3. 2 houses are drawn on the drawing paper (modern and the Melekhovs' hut);
  4. Marker;
  5. Computer, projector;
  6. Card for individual work: analyze the scene "In the hayfield";
  7. Whatman, on which the topic of the lesson and the epigraph are written, is attached to the board.

During the classes

1. Teacher's word:
2008 was declared the year of the family in Russia. The family is the cell of any state, the basis of human life. “Happy is he who is happy at home,” said L.T. Tolstoy.
M.A. agrees with him. Sholokhov. In the novel The Quiet Flows the Flows Flows the Don, he illuminates the picture of a happy life at home and an unhappy one outside the home. Let's pay attention to the first drawing of the house, imagine that a modern family lives here.
What does a person need to make his family happy?
(Student answers: “Love, peace, health, work, respect, material wealth, etc.”)
The construction of any building, including a house, begins with a foundation. To make it strong and stand for a long time, we will put your answers in it.
(A record is made on the foundation of a modern house)
Teacher: This is a look at the modern family of students 11 "D" in 2008. The theme of our lesson sounds like this: “A family thought” in M. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Flows the Don”. Today we must find out how M. Sholokhov shows the family and what her happiness is based on.

2. Checking homework:
Find and read happy scenes of family life in the novel. (The novel by M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Moscow. Eksmo 2003)
“... the first to break away from sleep was Pantelei Prokofievich ...” (vol. 1, 2 ch., pp. 9-10)
“Gregory began to give the family gifts” (vol. 1, part 5, ch. 13, p. 596)
Role-playing scene reading"fishing". (Ch. 2, p. 11)
Teacher: A student ... on the material of the feature film "Quiet Flows the Don" conducted research work. She also had to find happy scenes of family life. Come on guys, let's see her presentation.
(Presentation: episodes from the film "Happy Scenes of Family Life")*

3. Research problem: What is the family in the understanding of Sholokhov and what does it mean for the heroes?
(Student answers: family is the house where you were born, this is the place where you are loved and expected; family is conscience, responsibility for others; family is wisdom)

Teacher: Let's enter the house on the banks of the quiet Don and see what the happiness of the Melekhov family is based on?
(Student answers: work, peace, love, family, home). An entry is made on the foundation of the “smoking room”.

4. Episode analysis. Pictures of peasant labor in the novel.
The life of the Cossacks is unthinkable without peasant work. Let's remember the scene "In the hayfield". The student ... at the beginning of the lesson was given the task: to analyze this episode. (Student answer):
From time immemorial, it has become customary that the whole farm went out for mowing. Mowers and rowers dressed as if for an annual holiday. This was no exception for the Melekhovs. Labor united their family. We see how Panteley Prokofievich, before starting the mowing, according to Russian custom, "crossed himself on a little white pod of a distant bell tower." He, as expected in the family, goes first. Behind him, not lagging behind, Grigory “spreads scythe grass”. Our heroes are happy because the work brought them joy. After hard work, everyone began to dine together. "Panteley Prokofievich devoutly sipped porridge crunchy on the teeth undercooked millet. Aksinya, without raising her eyes, reluctantly smiled Daria".
Teacher: Life What families does M. Sholokhov present to the reader?
(Through a description of the life of several couples: Aksinya and Stepan Astakhov, Daria and Peter Melekhov, Grigory and Natalia Melekhov).
Can any of the families be called happy?
(Daria and Peter, Aksinya and Stepan have no spiritual closeness, there is no love between them, they have no children. The closest thing to the author's understanding of a full-fledged family are the relations of Grigory and Natalya: they have 2 children, the Melekhov family is not interrupted. One of the eternal values is love.It is no accident that A. Kuprin said that "love is a gift from God, which is given to a person once in a lifetime."
Who does Grigory Melekhov love?
(Student answers)
Gregory loves both women. Natalya amazes him with her "inner" purity, beauty, wisdom, lives according to her conscience, keeping the commandments. Even before her death, she asks her son to kiss his father for her. Such love could not but touch Grigory, and he could not just leave the house where his parents and children live .. Aksinya's love is most likely a passion that turned out to be stronger than Melekhov. He rushes between two women, but does not leave the family at all. At the end of the novel, we see Aksinya raising Grigory's children and praying for her beloved. However, this happiness turned out to be short-lived: the civil war destroyed the family, took away almost everything from Grigory: Aksinya, the house. The murderer of his brother Mishka Koshevoy becomes the husband of his own sister.

5. Preparation for the exam. Test work with subsequent mutual verification.
(Literature of the Unified State Examination - 2008 Collection of examination tasks. Developed by FIPI p. 153) (The last scene of the novel: Grigory's meeting with his son)
Test based on the novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"
On the morning of the next day, he approached the Don opposite the Tatarsky farm. For a long time he looked at his native courtyard, turning pale with joyful excitement. Then he took off his rifle and pouch, took out a Shitwyanka, hemp flakes, a vial of gun oil, counted the cartridges for some reason. There were twelve clips and twenty-six pieces in bulk.
At Krutoyar, the ice moved away from the shore. Transparent-green water splashed and broke off the sharp ice of the Okraintsy. Grigory threw his rifle and revolver into the water, then poured out the cartridges and carefully wiped his hand on the floor of his overcoat. (…)
It was all that remained in his life, which still made him related to the earth and to the whole huge world shining under the cold sun.

1. The multifaceted picture of the world, the depiction of historical events and everyday life, the fate of individuals and the fate of the country allow us to define the Quiet Don genre as

    1. poem
    2. epic
    3. novel
    4. story

2. This fragment in the work
1) shows the hero's unconditional rejection of White's position
2) demonstrates the unfulfillment of the hero's dream
3) opens a new page in the life of the hero
4) proves the hero's unconditional acceptance of the position of the Reds
3. Which of the following themes of the novel is reflected in this fragment?

    1. revolution theme
    2. family theme
    3. theme of betrayal
    4. childhood theme

4. The meeting of the hero with his son at the end of the novel
1) shows that the hero has gained true values
2) indicates the limited interests of Gregory
3) speaks of the possibility of further development of the hero
4) puts the hero in a situation of moral impasse
5. What is the name of the opposition technique, with the help of which the writer conveys the depth of the hero’s feelings (“cold hands of the son” - “frantically burning eyes”)?
6. To create a national color, Sholokhov uses dialectisms. Write down 2 examples of dialectisms from the second paragraph (in the nominative case).
Answers: (highlighted on the screen)
12; 2 - 3; 3 - 2; 4-1; 5 - antithesis or contrast; 6-krutoyar, outskirts

6 . composition of the novel.
Teacher: Sholokhov uses a ring composition. How does the "family thought" develop in the novel, and why does it begin with a description of the Melekhovs' house and end with a description of the house?
(Answers 2 - 3 students)

7. Homework: A limited (5-10) sentence written response to this question, and the students… will complete a test of knowledge of the text.

8. Conclusion.
Teacher: Let's, guys, once again turn to the drawings of the house and the hut. Did our idea of ​​the family coincide with Sholokhov's?
(Student answers)
Teacher: In today's lesson, we saw the family in the view of Sholokhov and those eternal values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are necessary for her happiness. Family, love, respect, mutual understanding, work - this is what a person needs for complete happiness. Now in Russia there is a wave of adoption. Children should not only enter the house, but also stay in it, because the one who is happy at home is happy.

9. The results of the lesson.

Competition of methodological developments of lessons in literature on the topic: "Literature is when the reader is as talented as the writer"

"Family Thought" in M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don"

MBOU lyceum "MOK No. 2", Voronezh


Find out what the happiness of the family is based on;

To form the ability to analyze episodes;

Continue the development of students' creative abilities to analyze the aesthetic originality of the language and style of a work of art;

Methodical methods: the word of the teacher, analytical conversation, expressive reading of the passage, analysis of the episode, role-playing reading, test work (preparation for the exam);



Panel with a blooming apple tree;

Computer, projector;

Card for individual work: analyze the scenes "In the hayfield";

Illustrations for the artist's novel;

The topic of the lesson and the epigraph are written on the board “Happy is he who is happy at home”;

During the classes:

1. Teacher's word:

2008 was the Year of the Family in Russia. The family is the cell of any state, the basis of human life. Moscow Metropolitan Filaret compares the state with a tree, and the family with its roots. “In order for a tree to turn green, bloom and bear fruit, its root must be strong,” the saint teaches.

And what does a person need to make his family strong and happy?

(Students' answers: children, love, health, happiness, mutual understanding, respect, wisdom, work, etc. - are written on separate sheets and attached to the roots of a flowering apple tree (panel board).

Teacher: Once he said: "Happy is he who is happy at home," I agree with him. The topic of today's lesson is: "Family Thought" in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don". You and I must find out how Sholokhov shows the family and what is the basis of her happiness? Come on, guys, let's go into the house on the bank of the Quiet Don and take a look.

2. Checking homework.(Find scenes of a happy family life and analyze).

Expressive reading of passages.

(Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Moscow. Eksmo 2003)

"... the first to break away from sleep was Pantelei Prokofievich ..." (vol. 1, ch. 2, p. -10)

“Gregory began to give the family gifts” (vol. 1, part 5, ch. 13, p.-596)

3. Role-playing reading of the "Fishing" scene.(2ch., p.-11)

Teacher: So, let's conclude with you: what role does the family play in M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don"?

(Student answers): Sholokhov is connected with the Don land, he knew very well the specifics of the Cossack family, so it is not in vain that the Melekhov family occupies a central place in the novel. The history of this kind gives an idea of ​​the peasant way of life, of the customs, of the traditions of the Cossacks. The moral unity of the family is an ideal for the author.

4. Analysis of the episode of the scene "On the hayfield".

Teacher: based on the novel "Quiet Don", first S. Gerasimov, and then S. Bondarchuk made a wonderful film. Let's watch this scene (video from the movie). The student ... at the beginning of the lesson was given the task: to analyze this episode, let's listen to it.

(Student response)

From time immemorial, it has become customary that the whole farm goes out for mowing. Mowers and rowers dress up as if for an annual holiday. We see this in the Melekhov family as well. Work unites them. Look with what love Pantelei Prokofievich prepares for work. Before starting work, according to Russian custom, he is baptized on a little white pod of a distant bell tower. He, as expected in the family goes first. Behind him, not lagging behind, Grigory “spreads scythe grass”. Our heroes are happy because peasant work gives them joy and pleasure. After hard work, they all dine together: “Pantelei Prokofievich devoutly sipped porridge, crunched undercooked millet on his teeth. Aksinya, without raising her eyes, reluctantly smiled at Darya.

5. Analytical conversation.

Teacher: Sholokhov showed the chronicle of several generations, families

from different social strata: Melekhovs, Korshunovs, Mokhovs, Astakhovs, Lesnitskys. The Melekhov family is presented through the description of several couples.

Can any of the families be called happy?

(Student answers): Daria and Peter, Aksinya and Stepan have no spiritual closeness, there is no love between them, they have no children. The relationship between Grigory and Natalya is closest to the author's understanding of a full-fledged family: they have 2 children, the Melekhov family is not interrupted.

Teacher: Sholokhov does not always idealize the Cossack family. Give, guys, examples of violence and cruelty in the family.

6. Artistic retelling of episodes.

(Answers from students): “father’s abuse of young Aksinya, his brutal murder”, “Stepan’s cruel treatment of Aksinya”, “molestation of his brother Natalya”.

Teacher: One of the eternal values ​​is love. It is no coincidence that A. Kuprin said that "love is a gift from God, which is given once in a lifetime and which must be earned before God." Gregory was lucky: next to him are two loving women: Aksinya and Natalya.

7. Discussion. Who does Gregory love?

(Student answers): Gregory loves both women. Natalya amazes him with her "inner" purity, beauty, wisdom, lives according to her conscience, keeping the commandments. Even before her death, she asks her son to kiss his father for her. Such love could not but touch Grigory, and he could not just leave the house where his parents and his children live. Aksinya's love is most likely a passion that is stronger than Melekhov. He rushes between two women, but does not leave the family at all. At the end of the novel, we see Aksinya raising Gregory's children and praying for him. However, this happiness turned out to be short-lived: the civil war destroyed the family, took away almost everything from Grigory: Aksinya, the house. Mishka Koshevoy, the murderer of his brother, becomes the husband of his own sister.

8. Test work. Preparation for the exam (see test)

9. Research work.

Teacher: for today's lesson, a group of students conducted their research, which had to answer the question : Which of the predecessors of M. Sholokhov portrayed in his works

family relationships?

(Students answer):

The theme of the family has been relevant at all times. And in Russian classical literature, it sounds like one of the most important. We see that even in ancient times, family relations became the subject of depiction in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Heroes are happy because they live according to God's commandments, do good, keep love and fidelity.

In the story "Old World Landowners" with sincere feeling, he showed us a family that arouses admiration. Afanasy Ivanovich and Pulcheria Ivanovna are devoted to each other, sweet and pleasant with their spiritual purity and mutual love.

We see the same strong relationship in The Captain's Daughter. The Mironov family and the Grinev family are two beautiful trees that can be seen by their fruits. Their children, Peter and Mary, constantly saw the example of their parents, were brought up according to the commandments of God, knew that those who honor their parents “will have a long life and prosperous life on earth,” and therefore they were happy, uniting their destinies. They saw marital fidelity and deep respect of parents for each other from childhood. As their parents blessed them, so they lived: they cherished their honor from a young age, trusted in God in everything and were happy.

In the novel "War and Peace" he talks about different families: this is the family of the princes Bolkonsky, who preserves aristocratic traditions, and representatives of the Moscow nobility of Rostov, and the Kurakin family, deprived of mutual respect, sincerity and connections.

(Answer 2 students): The topic of the family worried not only writers, but also artists. Let's take a virtual tour of the Tretyakov Gallery, where paintings by great masters of painting are exhibited in a small cozy room.

(show presentation)

10. Homework: A written answer to the question: “What brings together the literary works of Sholokhov's predecessors with The Quiet Don?

11. Estimates.

12. Reflection.

Teacher: So, guys, continue my thought: “it was important for me at today's lesson” ... (Student answers).

Teacher: Today in the lesson we saw the family in the view of Sholokhov, it is no coincidence that the novel has a circular composition: it begins with a description of the Melekhovs' house and ends with a description of the house. Family, love, respect, mutual understanding, friendship, work - this is what we need for complete happiness. People say that a person did not live in vain if he planted a tree, built a house, created a family. At the end of the lesson, we again turn our attention to our panel with a flowering tree, I want your guys to have trees with the same strong roots, ripe and juicy fruits.

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