Lessons from French Rasputin analysis of the meaning of the title of the story. Rasputin "French Lessons" - analysis of the work


In the article we will analyze the "French Lessons". This is the work of V. Rasputin, which is quite interesting in many respects. We will try to form our own opinion about this work, and also consider the various artistic techniques that were used by the author.

History of creation

Let's start the analysis of "French Lessons" with the words of Valentin Rasputin. Once in 1974, in an interview with an Irkutsk newspaper called "Soviet Youth", he said that, in his opinion, only his childhood can make a person a writer. At this time, he should see or feel something that will allow him to take up the pen at an older age. And at the same time, he said that education, life experience, books can also strengthen such a talent, but it should be born in childhood. In 1973, the story "French Lessons" was published, the analysis of which we will consider.

Later, the writer said that he did not have to look for prototypes for his story for a long time, since he was familiar with the people he wanted to talk about. Rasputin said that he just wants to return the good that others once did for him.

The story tells about Anastasia Kopylova, who was the mother of Rasputin's friend playwright Alexander Vampilov. It should be noted that the author himself singles out this work as one of the best and favorite. It was written thanks to Valentine's childhood memories. He said that this is one of those memories that warms the soul, even when you briefly think about them. Keep in mind that this story is completely autobiographical.

Once, in an interview with a correspondent for the Literature at School magazine, the author talked about how Lidia Mikhailovna came to visit. By the way, in the work she is called by her real name. Valentin spoke about their gatherings, when they drank tea and for a long, long time remembered the school and their village is very old. Then it was the happiest time for everyone.

Genus and genre

Continuing the analysis of "French Lessons", let's talk about the genre. The story was written just during the heyday of this genre. In the 1920s, the most prominent representatives were Zoshchenko, Babel, Ivanov. In the 60s and 70s, a wave of popularity passed to Shukshin and Kazakov.

It is the story, unlike other prose genres, that reacts most quickly to the slightest changes in the political situation and public life. This is due to the fact that such a work is written quickly, so it displays information quickly and in a timely manner. In addition, it does not take as much time to correct this work as it does to correct an entire book.

In addition, the story is rightfully considered the oldest and very first literary genre. A brief retelling of events was known even in primitive times. Then people could tell each other about a duel with enemies, hunting and other situations. We can say that the story arose simultaneously with speech, and it is inherent in humanity. At the same time, it is not only a way of transmitting information, but also a means of memory.

It is believed that such a prose work should be up to 45 pages long. An interesting feature of this genre is that it is read literally in one breath.

An analysis of Rasputin's "French Lessons" will allow us to understand that this is a very realistic work with notes of autobiography, which narrates in the first person and captures.


The writer begins his story with the words that in front of teachers it is very often just as embarrassing as in front of parents. At the same time, I am ashamed not for what happened at school, but for what was taken out of it.

An analysis of the "French Lessons" shows that the main theme of the work is the relationship between the student and the teacher, as well as spiritual life, illuminated by knowledge and moral meaning. Thanks to the teacher, the formation of a person takes place, he acquires a certain spiritual experience. Analysis of the work "French Lessons" by Rasputin V.G. leads to the understanding that for him a real example was Lydia Mikhailovna, who gave him real spiritual and moral lessons that he remembered for a lifetime.


Even a brief analysis of Rasputin's "French Lessons" makes it possible to understand the idea of ​​this work. Let's understand this step by step. Of course, if a teacher plays with his student for money, then, from the point of view of pedagogy, he commits a terrible act. But is this really so, and what could be behind such actions in reality? The teacher sees that there are hungry post-war years in the yard, and her student, who is very strong, does not eat up. She also understands that the boy will not accept help directly. So she invites him to her house for additional tasks, for which she rewards him with food. She also gives him parcels supposedly from her mother, although in fact she herself is the real sender. The woman deliberately loses to the child in order to give him her change.

The analysis of "French Lessons" allows us to understand the idea of ​​the work, hidden in the words of the author himself. He says that we learn from books not experience and knowledge, but first of all feelings. It is literature that brings up feelings of nobility, kindness and purity.

Main characters

Consider the main characters in the analysis of "French Lessons" by V.G. Rasputin. We are watching an 11-year-old boy and his French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna. According to the description, the woman is no more than 25 years old, she is soft and kind. She treated our hero with great understanding and sympathy, and really fell in love with his determination. She was able to see the unique learning abilities in this child, and she could not restrain herself from helping them develop. As you can understand, Lidia Mikhailovna was an extraordinary woman who felt compassion and kindness for the people around her. However, she paid the price for this by being fired from her job.


Now let's talk a little about the boy himself. He amazes with his desire not only the teacher, but also the reader. He is irreconcilable, and wants to gain knowledge in order to break out into the people. As the story progresses, the boy tells that he has always studied well and strives for the best result. But often he got into not very funny situations and he got it well.

Plot and composition

An analysis of the story "French Lessons" by Rasputin cannot be imagined without considering the plot and composition. The boy says that in 1948 he went to the fifth grade, or rather went. They had only a primary school in the village, so in order to study in the best place, he had to pack up early and drive 50 km to the district center. Thus, the boy is torn from the family nest and his usual environment. At the same time, he comes to the realization that he is the hope not only of his parents, but of the whole village. In order not to let all these people down, the child overcomes longing and cold, and tries to show his abilities as much as possible.

A young teacher of the Russian language treats him with special understanding. She begins to work with him additionally in order to feed the boy in this way and help him a little. She was well aware that this proud child would not be able to accept her help directly, since she was an outsider. The package idea was a failure, as she bought the city's groceries, which immediately gave her away. But she found another opportunity and invited the boy to play with her for money.


The climax of the event occurs at the moment when the teacher has already started this dangerous game with noble motives. In this, readers understand with the naked eye the whole paradox of the situation, since Lydia Mikhailovna perfectly understood that for such a relationship with a student she could not only lose her job, but also receive criminal liability. The child was not yet fully aware of all the possible consequences of such behavior. When trouble happened, he became deeper and more serious about the act of Lydia Mikhailovna.

The final

The end of the story is somewhat similar to the beginning. The boy receives a parcel with Antonov apples, which he has never tasted. You can also draw a parallel with the first unsuccessful package of his teacher, when she bought pasta. All these details bring us to the finale.

An analysis of the work “French Lessons” by Rasputin allows you to see the big heart of a little woman and how a small ignorant child opens up in front of him. Everything here is a lesson in humanity.

Artistic originality

The writer describes the relationship between a young teacher and a hungry child with great psychological accuracy. In the analysis of the work “French Lessons”, one should note the kindness, humanity and wisdom of this story. The action flows in the narrative rather slowly, the author pays attention to many everyday details. But, despite this, the reader is immersed in the atmosphere of events.

As always, Rasputin's language is expressive and simple. He uses phraseological turns in order to improve the figurativeness of the entire work. Moreover, his phraseological units can most often be replaced with one word, but then a certain charm of history will be lost. The author also uses some jargon and common words that give the boy's stories realism and vitality.


After analyzing the work "French Lessons", we can draw conclusions about the meaning of this story. Note that the work of Rasputin has attracted modern readers for many years. Depicting life and everyday situations, the author manages to present spiritual lessons and moral laws.

Based on the analysis of Rasputin's French Lessons, we can see how he perfectly describes complex and progressive characters, as well as how the characters have changed. Reflections on life and man allow the reader to find goodness and sincerity in himself. Of course, the main character got into a difficult situation, like all people of that time. However, from the analysis of Rasputin's "French Lessons" we see that difficulties harden the boy, thanks to which his strong qualities are manifested more and more clearly.

Later, the author said that, analyzing his whole life, he understands that his teacher was his best friend. Despite the fact that he has already lived a lot and gathered many friends around him, Lidia Mikhailovna does not get out of his head.

Summing up the results of the article, let's say that the real prototype of the heroine of the story was L.M. Molokov, who really studied French with V. Rasputin. All the lessons that he learned from this, he transferred to his work and shared with readers. This story should be read by everyone who yearns for school and childhood years, and wants to plunge into this atmosphere again.

Rasputin's story "French Lessons" is studied in the 6th grade at literature lessons. The heroes of the story are close to modern children with a variety of characters and a craving for justice. In “French Lessons”, it is advisable to analyze the work after reading the biography of the author. In our article, you can find out what the work teaches, get acquainted with a detailed analysis according to the “French Lessons” plan. This will greatly facilitate the work in the lesson when analyzing the work, as well as the analysis of the story will be needed to write creative and test papers.

Brief analysis

Year of writing – 1973.

History of creation- the story was first published in 1973 in the newspaper "Soviet Youth"

Subject- human kindness, indifference, the importance of a teacher in a child's life, the problem of moral choice.

Composition- traditional for the genre of the story. It has all the components from the exposition to the epilogue.

Genre- story.

Direction- rural prose.

History of creation

The story “French Lessons”, which takes place in the late forties, was written in 1973. Published in the same year in the Komsomol newspaper of the city of Irkutsk "Soviet Youth". The work is dedicated to the mother of a close friend of the writer Alexander Vampilov, teacher Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova.

According to the author himself, the story is deeply autobiographical, it was childhood impressions that formed the basis of the story. After graduating from a four-year school in his native village, the future writer was forced to move to the regional center of Ust-Uda in order to continue his studies in high school. It was a difficult period for a little boy: life with strangers, a half-starved existence, the inability to dress and eat as expected, the rejection of a village boy by classmates. Everything that is described in the story can be considered real events, because the future writer Valentin Rasputin went exactly this way. He believed that childhood is the most important period in the formation of talent, it is in childhood that a person becomes an artist, writer or musician. There he draws his inspiration for the rest of his life.

In the life of little Vali, there was the same Lidia Mikhailovna (this is the real name of the teacher), who helped the boy, tried to brighten up his difficult existence, sent parcels and played “wall”. After the story came out, she found her former student and a long-awaited meeting took place, with special warmth he recalled the conversation that took place with Lydia Mikhailovna in adulthood. She forgot many things that the writer remembered from childhood, he kept them in his memory for many years, thanks to which a wonderful story appeared.


rises in the work theme of human indifference kindness and help to those in need. Problem moral choice and special “morality”, which is not accepted by society, but has a reverse side - bright and disinterested.

The young teacher, who was able to consider the boy's misfortune, his deplorable situation, became a guardian angel for a certain period of his life. Only she considered the boy's diligence and ability to study behind poverty. The French lessons she gave him at home became life lessons for both the boy and the youngest woman herself. She missed her homeland very much, prosperity and comfort did not give a feeling of joy, and “returning to a serene childhood” saved her from everyday life and homesickness.

The money that the protagonist of the story received in fair play allowed him to buy milk and bread, to provide himself with the most necessary things. In addition, he did not have to participate in street games, where for his superiority and skill in the game he was beaten by boys from envy and impotence. The theme of "French Lessons" Rasputin outlined from the first lines of the work, when he mentioned the feeling of guilt before the teachers. Main thought The story is that by helping others, we help ourselves. Helping the boy, giving in, cunningly, risking her job and reputation, Lidia Mikhailovna realized what she herself lacked in order to feel happy. The meaning of life is to help, to be needed and not to depend on the opinions of others. Literary criticism emphasizes the value of Rasputin's work for all age categories.


The story has a traditional composition for its genre. The narration is conducted in the first person, which makes the perception very realistic and allows you to enter a lot of emotional, subjective details.

Climax is the scene where the principal of the school, without getting through to the teacher's room, comes to her and sees the teacher and the student playing for money. It is noteworthy that the idea of ​​the story is presented by the author in the philosophical phrase of the first sentence. It also follows from it issues story: a sense of guilt towards parents and teachers - where does it come from?

The conclusion suggests itself: they invested in us all the best, they believed in us, but were we able to meet their expectations? The story ends abruptly, the last thing we learn is a parcel from the Kuban, which came to the boy-narrator from a former teacher. He sees real apples for the first time in the hungry year of 1948. Even at a distance, this magical woman manages to bring joy and celebration into the life of a small person.

Main characters


The genre of the story, in which Valentin Rasputin dressed his story, is ideal for depicting true life events. The realism of the story, its small form, the ability to plunge into memories and reveal the inner world of the characters by various means - all this turned the work into a small masterpiece - deep, touching and truthful.

The historical features of the time were also reflected in the story through the eyes of a little boy: famine, devastation, impoverishment of the village, the well-fed life of city dwellers. The direction of rural prose, to which the work belongs, was widespread in the 60s-80s of the 20th century. Its essence was as follows: it revealed the features of rural life, emphasized its originality, poeticized and somewhat idealized the village. The prose of this trend was also characterized by showing the devastation and impoverishment of the village, its decline and anxiety for the future of the village.

Artwork test

Analysis Rating

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Baich S.V., teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Gymnasium. A. Platonova

Technological map of the literature lesson

Lesson 42. Analysis of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

Section 2 "Me and others"

Working title of the lesson:Sometimes people are hard to help, sometimes people are hard to understand.

Lesson stages


Expected results

The purpose of the lesson and tasks

The purpose of the lesson -to involve students in solving the moral problems posed in the work, to study the concepts: theme, idea and problem of a work of art.


To teach how to build personal emotional and evaluative perception based on the analysis of the literary portrait of the characters with the help of productive reading of the text;

To form an idea of ​​the personality of V. Rasputin;

Expand ideas about the system of images in the story;

Develop the ability to see and interpret artistic details, understand the subtext and the general idea of ​​the work;

To promote the development of critical thinking skills in children;

- to form the ability of students to work in a group;

Contribute to the formation of personal, communicative, regulatory skills.

After the lesson, students will be able to:

Tell about personality

V. Rasputin and the heroes of his story "French Lessons";

Operate with the concepts of "theme", "idea" and "problem of a work of art";

Use the key words of the lesson (compassion, mercy, self-interest, nobility, generosity, kindness, humanism, dignity, ethics) when analyzing other literary works and life situations.

Metasubject results ( formation of universal educational activities (UUD).

Regulatory UUD

1. Self

formulate the topic, problem and objectives of the lesson.

    Introduction to the topic.

Motivating start

Formulation of the topic of the lesson and goals.

Formulation of the problem

One of the students reads by heart A. Yashin's poem "Hurry to do good deeds." Next, students get acquainted with Alexei's diary entry dated December 19.

Question:What theme unites Alexei's reflections and A. Yashin's poem? (They are talking about kindness, good deeds).

Theme formulation:

Lessons of kindness in V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" (primary) Discussion of task number 1 in the workbook(how many meanings of the word "lessons" do you know ...)


- talk about ... the heroes of the story

- explain ... the reasons for their actions

- describe ... the time at which events occur

We return to Alexey's entry and think:

What is the main problematic question we will face in the lesson?

Can a person do a bad good or a good bad deed?

What moral concepts will we use today in the lesson? ( compassion, mercy, self-interest, nobility, generosity, kindness, humanism, dignity, ethics, selfishness)

Why do you think it is necessary to understand the motives of this or that act? How do you understand the expression "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"?

2.Updating knowledge.

2. Problem dialogue

3. Work with the concepts of "theme", "idea", "main problems"

4. Creative task

5. Summary of the lesson

The essence of human character, certain actions is especially clearly manifested in complex critical life situations.

Students read V. Rasputin's reflections on their childhood and concisely convey the main idea. (Materials of educational disk)

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk village of Atalanka and still lives in Siberia. Rasputin is one of those who continue the traditions of Russian classical prose in terms of moral issues. The key words of his work are CONSCIENCE AND MEMORY. All his works are about this.

Here is an excerpt from a reflection on his friend and his work by the writer Alexei Varlamov:“Valentin Rasputin does not like to describe harmony, harmony. He, as an artist, is attracted to human disorder, to grief, to trouble, to disaster ... And at this point he is close to the most brilliant Russian writerXX century Andrei Platonov. They are united by the penetrating, philosophical attitude to life and death that Platonov always had. And Rasputin himself felt this kinship, giving Platonov one of the most accurate definitions - "caretaker of the original Russian soul". We can rightfully attribute the same definition to V.A. Rasputin.

What did you learn from the textbook article about the history of the creation of the story?

Childhood memories formed the basis of the story "French Lessons". The prototype of the main character was Rasputin's teacher Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova. The author of the book was friends with her all his life. And he dedicated the story to the teacher Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, the mother of the playwright Alexander Vampilov.

And the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, and the package with pasta - all this is from the real life of the author. Can the story be called autobiographical?

Frames from the documentary film “In the Depths of Siberia. V. Rasputin»

Conversation on d.z. from a printed notebook. The class is divided into three groups, students write out the details that characterize the subject of their observations.

Critic I. Rosenfeld wrote that Rasputin has an amazing ability to "find and present a detail that is completely poignant and, for all its improbability, very real and convincing."

Three directions for observations:

The real world of wartime;

The inner world of the narrator (child);

The inner world of the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna.

Questions for problematic dialogue

Why did the boy, the hero of the story, play for money, although it was strictly forbidden?

Why did the hero of the story refuse to take the parcel and did not want to dine with the teacher?

How old is the hero? What traits of his character have already developed? Can we say that this boy is a person?

What life lessons did the hero get from Vadik and Ptah?

What personality traits of Lydia Mikhailovna can be judged from her portrait? What goal did she set for herself? How did she achieve this goal? Why was it so difficult for her to help the hero of the story?

Watching an episode of the film "Receiving the Parcel"

Do you agree that Lidia Mikhailovna is a person extraordinary ? (Vocabulary - outstanding ....) What made her play for money with a student? Is it possible to say
that her kindness humiliated him? Is it easy to do good?

Lesson topic: « Sometimes people are hard to help, sometimes people are hard to understand.”

Is it fair for the director to fire the teacher?

What is teacher ethics? (Vocabulary - ethics ...) Did Lidia Mikhailovna violate it? Please rate her performance.

    Work in a printed notebook on page 38. (students at home tried to determine the topic, idea, problems of the story). Discussion.

    Research work for task 3 on page 38 (work in pairs)

Return to the formulation of the main idea of ​​the story, think:Through whose eyes did you look at the events of the story, determining the main thing in it:

Boy narrator;

Teacher Lidia Mikhailovna;

Remembering distant events of an adult.

Try again to formulate the main thing from the position of each.

Now imagine your thoughts in the formsyncwine.Work in groups on the images of a boy, a teacher, an author.Presentation of the results of the work.

How does Rasputin begin his story? What causes a writer who speaks on behalf of many people to feel guilty and ashamed? What does he mean by the title of his story?

You begin to appreciate kindness not immediately, but over time. You don’t immediately understand those who cared about you, tried to set you on the first path, who turned their lessons into lessons of goodness, who, perhaps, made mistakes, were mistaken, but sought to help you from the bottom of their hearts. What "became with us after"? We have cooled the soul, we have learned to forget those who should not be forgotten. The writer wants to awaken ourConscience and Memory .

Lidia Mikhailovna opened a new world for the boy, showed a “different life”, where people can trust each other, support and help, relieve loneliness. The boy also recognized red apples, which he had never dreamed of. Now he learned that he was not alone, that there was kindness, responsiveness, love in the world. In the story, the author speaks of the "laws" of kindness:true good does not require a reward, does not seek direct return, it is selfless. Rasputin's workabout childhood and responsibility to their teachers. Teachers who give children awareness of themselves as individuals, an important part of society, bearers of culture and morality.

Appeal to the statement of A. Platonov " The love of one person can bring to life the talent in another person, or at least awaken him to action.What kind of love is in the sentence?

Explain why a reproduction of one of the details of Michelangelo's fresco "The Creation of Man" is placed in the textbook (p. 95) before V. Rasputin's story.

The tense, energetic hand of God the Father will now touch the weak, weak-willed hand of man with his finger, and the man will gain the power of life.

Cognitive UUD

1. Independently proofread all types of textual information: factual, subtextual, conceptual.

2. Use a learning type of reading.

3. Extract information presented in different forms (solid text; non-continuous text: illustration, table, diagram).

4. Use introductory and viewing reading.

5. State the content of the read (listened) text in detail, concisely, selectively.

6. Use dictionaries, reference books.

7. Carry out analysis and synthesis.

8. Establish causal relationships.

9. Build reasoning.



1. Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation.

2. Formulate your own opinion and position, argue it.

3. Ask questions necessary to organize your own activities.

4. Recognize the importance of communication skills in human life.

5. To formulate your thoughts in oral and written form, taking into account the speech situation; create texts of various types, styles, genres.

6. Express and justify your point of view.

7. Listen and hear others, try to take a different point of view, be ready to correct your point of view.

8. Speak to an audience of peers with messages.

Personal Outcomes

1. Formation of an emotional and evaluative attitude to what is read.

2. Formation of the perception of the text as a work of art.

Regulatory UUD

1. Correlate the goals and results of your activities.

2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.


6. Reflection

This lesson helped me understand...

In this lesson, I learned that...

At the lesson, I was ... because ...

7. Homework

8. Evaluation

Page 119-127

V. M. Shukshin. "Strong man" story

Tasks in a printed notebook on pages 40-41

V.G. Rasputin. "French lessons".

The mental subtlety of a teacher. Her role in the boy's life

The purpose of the lesson: analyzing the text, show students the sincerity and sensitivity of the teacher; reveal the moral laws by which the heroes of V. G. Rasputin live; to identify the author's position and students' points of view on the problems raised by the author in the work; to form the ability to analyze a work of art, to develop communication skills and abilities of students, to continue work on the development of speech of schoolchildren; to cultivate a sense of respect for the older generation, moral qualities in students.

Equipment: portrait of the writer performed by I. Glazunov, interactive equipment, presentation, video clips from the film "French Lessons" (directed by E. Tashkov), recordings of songs, handouts (mini-dictionaries with the interpretation of the words "prototype", "kindness", "conscience" , "morality", "humanism", "lesson"; a sample of syncwine).

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

L.N. Tolstoy

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello those who every morning go to school with joy, because they believe that discoveries await them here, true friends and wise mentors - teachers!

Hello and those who go to school not with a very great desire, because they think that teachers are too strict with them.

I think that by the end of our today's lesson there will be significantly more of the first of you.

And the wise writer, our contemporary Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin and his story "French Lessons" will help us in this.

II. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

(Slide No. 1: four key terms "PROTOTYPE", "TEACHER", "ACT", "KINDNESS").

1. Question to the students.

  • Please tell me, according to the suggested keywords, can you determine what the lesson will be about today?

(Students try to formulate the topic of the lesson according to the suggested keywords).

2. Writing in the notebook the date and topic of the lesson.

(Slide No. 2: the topic of the lesson; slide No. 3: a portrait of V. G. Rasputin and an epigraph to the lesson).

The musical accompaniment of the words of the teacher is the song "Teacher's Waltz".

3. The word of the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will try to reveal the spiritual values, moral laws by which the heroes of Rasputin live in the story "French Lessons", to identify the author's position and your points of view, we will continue to learn to analyze a work of art and work on the culture of speech.

V. Rasputin's work invariably attracts readers, because next to the ordinary there are always spiritual values, moral laws, unique characters, author's thoughts about life, about man, about nature, which help us to discover in ourselves and in the world around us inexhaustible reserves of goodness and beauty . As an epigraph to our lesson, we will take the statement of Leo Tolstoy "The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people", which expresses the essence of the lesson.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Question to the students.

  • What do you think a real teacher should be like?

(Checking homework. Composition-miniature: "What should be a real teacher").

2. The word of the teacher.

We will definitely return to this issue at the end of our lesson, having previously analyzed the image of the teacher in the work of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". Perhaps something will change in your judgments.

Today we are divided into 4 groups, each of which received their tasks on cards. And within the group, you already independently decided who prepared what questions.

(The teacher introduces the groups and briefly comments on the tasks proposed by him in advance).

1 group "Theorists": a prototype of the teacher’s image and vocabulary work (the meanings of the words “prototype”, “kindness”, “conscience”, “deed”, “morality”, “lesson” had to be written out and provided with handouts to the whole class).

Group 2 "Researchers": worked on the image of the teacher in the work on the following episodes:

Portrait of a teacher;

Classes with Lidia Mikhailovna (staging of the episode);

Parcel (demonstration of a video clip from the film "French Lessons");

Game for money.

Group 3 "Moralists": tried to solve the moral issues raised by the author in the work.(Questions provided by the teacher in advance).

Group 4 "Artists": created a slideshow about their high school years and had to continue the sentence:“From my point of view, the lesson is…”(using different meanings of this word)

The story of V.G. Rasputin autobiographical. He dedicated it to his teacher. Before we listen to the message of the students of the first group about the history of the creation of the story, I would like to find out from you what the concept of "prototype" is.

(Student answers using dictionaries created by group No. 1).

3. Message from a student of group No. 1 “PROTOTYPE of Lidia Mikhailovna”.

(Slide No. 4: photo of Molokova L.M. Musical accompaniment with the song “There is no time for teachers to grow old”).

See Appendix to Lesson #1.

4. Questions to the students of group No. 2:

  • Describe the appearance of the teacher in the work?

(Students read the description of the teacher).

(Slide number 5: a portrait of a teacher - a frame from the film "French Lessons")

  • What feelings does the description of the portrait of Lidia Mikhailovna evoke in you?
  • What feelings did Lydia Mikhailovna evoke in the hero?
  • What weighs on the hero, who painfully waited after the fight for a conversation with Lidia Mikhailovna?

(Students should note that the portrait of the teacher is given through the perception of the main character: “She was sitting in front of me, all neat, smart and beautiful, beautiful in clothes, and in her feminine young pore, which I vaguely felt, I could smell perfume from her , which I took for the very breath ... "" Lidia Mikhailovna was then probably 25 years old or so; I remember well her correct and therefore not too lively face with her eyes screwed up to hide a pigtail in them ... "The key will be the words and phrases: "squinting attentive eyes", "beautiful", "carefully examined the class", which speak of the teacher's indifferent attitude to her work. Lidia Mikhailovna kept calm, confident, this indicates that she felt that the profession of a teacher is her vocation. She spoke a little, correctly, asked questions, as she always tried to understand the situation. The teacher is shown as unusual, smart. Her image is slightly exalted by the author).

5. Word of the teacher.

There was only an elementary school in the village, and the hero went to the regional center to get further education, it was hard to endure hunger, homesickness was terrible, the boy begins to play for money, having practiced, he understands that he can win money and spend it on milk.

Lidia Mikhailovna is trying to find out the reasons for what happened with a joke, she understands that the boy is deceiving her and decides after school to find out the reasons for what happened.

Let's see how she does it!

(Slide number 6: Frame from the film "French Lessons")

6. Dramatization of an episode from the work “Lydia Mikhailovna’s conversation with the main character after the fight”

(Staging of the episode performed by students of group No. 2).

7. Questions to students of group No. 2.

  • Why does Lidia Mikhailovna begin to study with the boy? Is it just because of his failures in French?
  • How is Lydia Mikhailovna trying to help the main character?

(At first, the hero was wary of the teacher, because he did not assume that there could be a trusting relationship between the teacher and the student. Then he realized that Lydia Mikhailovna wanted to help him. The teacher distinguished the hero from other students for his abilities, for his inclination and interest in learning , she saw the boy’s self-sufficiency and self-esteem, which developed early in him. “How many well-fed loafers we have at school who don’t understand anything ... and you are a capable boy, you can’t leave school.” She was looking for different ways, how to help the boy out without hurting his self-esteem).

8. Demonstration of the video clip "Parcel".

(Stills from the film "French Lessons")

9. Questions for students.

  • Why did the idea of ​​sending the teacher fail?
  • Why does the hero refuse the package? Do you think he is doing the right thing?
  • Explain the position of the teacher who did not sign the package for her student, and the position of the hero who refused the gift he received.
  • Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without hurting his pride?

(Slide number 8. The game of the main character and the teacher).

  • Why does Lidia Mikhailovna start playing with the boy for money?
  • How is the nature of their relationship gradually changing? Who does the main character find in the person of Lidia Mikhailovna?

(The teacher suggested a game for money out of compassion for the boy, and when the director came, she behaved strictly, without losing self-esteem. This makes her related to the main character of the story).

  • How does the game end?
  • How does the teacher behave when the director comes?
  • How do you understand the words of the author: “Why do we, just like before our parents, every time feel guilty towards teachers? And not for what it was at school - no. And what happened to us after?
  • What feeling is the writer talking about? (Answers of students of group No. 3).
  • what is "CONSCIOUSNESS"?
  • what are the meanings of the words "ACT" and "HUMANISTIC"(Answers of students of group No. 1)
  • What is the humanistic significance of Lydia Mikhailovna's act? (Answers of students of group No. 3).
  • How can you explain the words of the writer: “I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught to me in due time will fall on the soul of both the young and adult reader”?(Answers of students of group No. 3).
  • What lessons do you think the hero has learned? Is it only French lessons? (Answers of students of group No. 4).

10. The word of the teacher.

Our group No. 4 tried to find all the meanings of the concept “LESSON” and translate them into a sentence: “From my point of view, a lesson is ...” Let's hear what they did.

11. Students reading received proposals.

(Sample answers:

  • study hours in the schedule;
  • sprouts of kindness in a person;
  • experience of communication with the teacher;
  • conclusions, life observations;
  • changes, spiritual growth of a person;
  • results of events, thoughts, experiences, actions).

12. The word of the teacher.

We come to the conclusion that for a writer, the spiritual experience of a person, which is acquired throughout life, is important.

  • What is the definition of this word "LESSON" in the dictionary?(Answers of students of group No. 1).

The boy received lessons in kindness and courage, not only additionally studied French, but also received life lessons: he learned to forgive insults, gained experience in experiencing loneliness. He realized that true good does not require a reward, it is disinterested, good has the ability to spread, be transmitted from person to person andreturn to the one from whom it came. He received a lesson in selfless kindness, caring, and courage. Lidia Mikhailovna opened a new world for the boy, where people can trust each other, support and help, share grief and joy, relieve loneliness. He learned that there is kindness, responsiveness and love in the world. These are spiritual values. French lessons turn out to be lessons in kindness.

  • What does the concept of "KINDNESS" mean in the dictionary?(Answers of students of group No. 1)

I invite you to express your thoughts about kindness in writing a syncwine.

So, GOOD...

13. Compilation by students of syncwines to the concept of "KINDNESS".

(Musical accompaniment of students' work - Song about kindness).

(Slide number 9. Sinkwine sample).

(Use handout - syncwine sample -see Appendix to Lesson #2).

14. Presentation of students' syncwines.

15. The word of the teacher.

  • What do you think a real teacher should be like?(Student answers)

(Slide No. 10: with the last frame from the film - a package with apples and pasta; accompanied by the words of V. Sukhomlinsky)

“Kindness, readiness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, courage, fearlessness of the soul” (V. Sukhomlinsky)

A real teacher is one who helps his students become human beings, just human beings. A real teacher is one who is remembered all his life. True good does not require a reward, does not seek direct return, it is selfless. Good has the ability to spread, be transmitted from person to person and return to the one from whom it came.

The end of the story suggests that even after parting, the connection between people is not broken, kindness does not disappear:

16. Reading an excerpt by heart from a work by a pre-prepared student of group No. 4.

(Musical accompaniment - the song "Farewell Waltz").

(“In the middle of winter, already after the January holidays, a package arrived at school by mail. When I opened it, taking the ax out from under the stairs again, there were tubes of pasta in neat, dense rows. And below, in a thick cotton wrapper, I found three red apples. I used to see apples only in pictures, but I guessed that they were.")

17. Showing by students of group No. 4 a slide show about their school life and reciting poems about teachers by heart.

(Slideshow of photos about school life of the 6th grade - A, musical accompaniment with songs about the school).

See Appendix to Lesson 3 (Poems about Teachers).

  1. Lesson results.

Questions for students.

  • What made V. Rasputin write this story?
  • What did the teacher show by example?
  • What is spiritual memory, spiritual experience of humanity?
  • Does the writer convey his spiritual experience to readers? Which?

(Assessment of students).

  1. Homework.

Prepare an essay-miniature "The teacher in my life."

Appendix to lesson number 1

Prototype of Lidia Mikhailovna

The heroine of the famous story "French Lessons" by Valentin Rasputin lives in Nizhny Novgorod, her name is Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova.

By chance, schoolgirl Lidia Danilova ended up in Siberia during the war with her parents. Accidentally entered the French department at the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute. She was going to the university for the history, but she was embarrassed ... the walls of the future alma mater: the high, gloomy vaults of the former building of the theological seminary seemed to put pressure on the young girl. The applicant took the documents and went to the pedagogical one. There were places left only in the French group ...

By chance, she ended up in the district school, in the remote village of Ust-Uda. It was the worst place you could get in terms of distribution. And for some reason, it went to a student with an excellent diploma. “For insolence,” the heroine herself explains.

In the sponsored eighth grade, the young teacher at first did not make a serious impression. The guys got naughty

Valya Rasputin studied in a parallel class. More serious students gathered there. The class teacher, mathematics teacher Vera Andreevna Kirilenko, apparently, did not let them down. “In fact, Rasputin, first of all, wrote his teacher from Vera Andreevna,” says Lidia Mikhailovna. - “Beautiful, her eyes squinted a little,” - it's all about her. Restrained, neat, with good taste. They said that she was one of the former front-line soldiers. But for some reason, Vera Andreevna disappeared from all the biographies of the writer.

After working for the prescribed three years, Vera Andreevna left Ust-Uda for the Kuban. And Lidia Mikhailovna had to take on her shoulders the class leadership in the combined ninth grade. Then Lidia Mikhailovna got married, lived in Irkutsk, raised two daughters. Soon her husband died and she moved toSaransk, closer to my mother. Lidia Molokova worked at Saransk State University for forty years. There were also business trips abroad: at first she worked as a Russian teacher in Cambodia, then she taught the language at a military school in Algiers. And then there was another business trip to France, during which Lydia Mikhailovna found out that she had become a book heroine.

And the work is dedicated to another teacher who gave her children her whole life, the mother of the playwright Alexander Vampilov Anastasia Prokopievna Kopylova.

Appendix to lesson number 2

Sinkwine sample

First line

One noun


Second line

Two adjectives

Sincere, sincere.

Third line

Two verbs or action descriptions

Help understand.

Fourth line

Phrase showing personal attitude to the topic

There are few true friends.

Fifth line

Synonym for the noun in the first line


Appendix to lesson number 3

Poems about teachers

№ 1. Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever!(K.Ibryaev)

№ 2. Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You dedicate to the school family.

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

Beloved teacher, dear person.

Be the happiest in the world

Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge.

Accept our thanks!

We remember how you led us into people

From timid, funny first-graders.

But the children grow up, from the school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.(M. Sadovsky)

No. 3. There are a lot of them -

Snub-nosed, dissimilar,

Flying into the school in a crowd.

And it's not easy with them. But still

Any one is dear to his soul.

He led them

On the ladder of knowledge

Learned to appreciate the country

And see through the distance

And be friends with a clever book ...

Let someone become a builder

And someone is the owner of the rivers,

But my heart believes


Five to them tomorrow's century.

And, becoming adults, through the years

Guys remember well

And his severity, and worries, -

The hard work of a teacher.(B. Gaikovich)

No. 4. In the classroom

The cold hands crumpled the apron,

All turned pale, the darling trembles.

Grandma will be sad: granddaughter

Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing

These tears in the lowered gaze.

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. L.N. Tolstoy

PROTOTYPE Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova

LIDIA MIKHAILOVNA The image of the teacher V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"


GAME Illustration for the story by V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Creating a syncwine First line One noun Friendship Second line Two adjectives Sincere, sincere. Third line Two verbs or action descriptions Help, understand. Fourth line A phrase showing a personal attitude to the topic There are few true friends. Fifth line Synonym for the noun from the first line Mutual understanding

Kindness, readiness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, the courage and fearlessness of the soul. V. Sukhomlinsky

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