Vocal Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos for Practice at Home. Vocal training for adults: where to start


We bring to your attention the best video vocal lessons for adults in Russian. They are also suitable for experienced performers. The training exercises were compiled by professional teachers, the vocal master class was recorded in video format. Please note: in order to fully master the material, the supervision of an experienced person from the outside is required, so only classes with a teacher will give maximum benefit.

Learning to sing from scratch - video tutorials:

Why do we need video tutorials for beginners?

The study of pop singing presupposes the obligatory mastering of the basic principles of singing art. An easy way to get acquainted with the basics is to watch video vocal lessons online for free. A person independently chooses video courses for viewing and studying, focusing on existing voice problems without spending money. After that, it is already easier to draw a conclusion about the need for full-time studies and the direction for development. You can also use our techniques for studying off-line by saving the video you like from Youtube, using any program as “video lesson - lesson 1” or under another convenient name.

Video tutorial on vocals will help:

  • understand the work of the larynx, ligaments, jaw during the performance of songs;
  • learn what is the setting of proper breathing;
  • make the voice strong, beautiful, deep;
  • to study the basic vocal and performing techniques;
  • find exercises to expand the vocal range, develop an ear for music;
  • get rid of clamps;
  • reveal other secrets of vocal techniques.

Benefits of video courses

Video training is beneficial for the following:

  • You can study at a convenient time of day at home, on the road, on a business trip, in nature. A free minute has appeared - devote it to watching videos and singing practice;
  • Rollers are suitable for children and adults. Separate interesting effective trainings are devoted to each age;
  • The student independently determines the load. There is a desire, strength, time - you can continue learning, there is a feeling of fatigue - transfer the learning process;
  • An accessible form of presentation, visual exercises, detailed comments by professionals allow you to successfully master such complex educational material as video singing lessons.
  • It's free!

Full-time education is always better!

The desire to do vocals sometimes arises in adulthood. There are many prerequisites for this: cheerful meetings in cultural circles, the manifestation of a craving for music and musical abilities, a change in life views. Therefore, before you start visiting, you need to evaluate your own abilities for vocals and music.

The help of professional vocalists and teachers of Larisa Kudryavtseva's pop vocal school "Vokal-Profi" will come in handy. After listening to the student and evaluating his musicality, an individual program of classes and teaching methods is drawn up. The purpose of the classes is to develop in adults the initial musical abilities and proper stage behavior.

Features of vocal courses for adults

Vocal courses for adults - a set of classes aimed at identifying and developing the student's musical abilities. The main aspect necessary for a vocalist is the ability to intonate the given melodies. Music, being a precise art, presupposes harmony in everything: each note must correspond to the desired cell of the song, regardless of whether it was sung or played on a musical instrument.

Vocal technique is taught by specialists through various methods, selected individually for each student.

Taken into account:

  • hearing and degree of musicality;
  • ability to intonate;
  • ability to long phonation output;
  • evenness of the sound of the reproduced melodies.

However, the basis of vocal training is proper breathing - it is in the air that a person produces sounds. Therefore, vocal lessons for beginner adults are primarily aimed at developing the respiratory system. The evenness and duration of the phonation exhalation depends on its correct use. This skill is necessary for beginner vocalists to correctly distribute the air over the entire length of the vocal phrase, the length of which may vary depending on which piece is being performed. And it is impossible to break the semantic and emotional "fabric" of the song!

How are vocal lessons for adults going?

Vocal lessons in Moscow at Larisa Kudryavtseva's pop vocal school "Vokal-Profi" are as follows:

  • to begin with, students sign up for a trial lesson, get acquainted with teachers and listen to candidates;
  • based on the results of preliminary listening, an individual program of classes is compiled for students and a repertoire is selected;
  • a schedule of vocal lessons is established taking into account the cadet's free time;
  • the actual teaching of vocal skills is carried out in a group or individually.

The advantage of our training center is that the opportunity to learn vocals is provided to everyone, regardless of their age and existing skills. On the part of the students, only the mood and desire to comprehend the vocal heights are necessary. In addition, a creative and friendly atmosphere always reigns in the vocal school "Vokal-Profi", and this is also one of the most important success factors.

Add adrenaline constant performances on stage. Reporting concerts are a kind of exams at each completed level of education. The intensity of vocal courses for adults results in adrenaline rush and unforgettable emotions. Success in learning is guaranteed by properly selected programs, individually tailored to the goals of the student himself.

Why is it worth contacting the vocal school "Vokal-Profi"?

Larisa Kudryavtseva's pop vocal school "Vokal-Profi" is a studio in which the best teachers, musicians and simply creative people cooperate in one team. We tried to create the best conditions for high-quality training in vocal art and fruitful creativity of our graduates.

  • vocalists significantly expand their singing range;
  • the correct vocal position, diction and vocal breathing are formed;
  • the level of possession of one's own voice rises;
  • the artistic meaning of the performed works and image is conveyed;
  • visible successes are achieved in work with a microphone and behavior on stage.

Thus, at the school of pop vocal "Vokal-Profi" specialists will help you to discover the true possibilities of your voice, its nature, as well as to feel and develop it to the desired level. Vocal courses in the studio of Larisa Kudryavtseva are ideal for those who want to practice singing professionally or just learn how to master music for themselves. Also, these classes are aimed at developing confidence in their own talent. Therefore, we are ready to offer our cadets the best - the quality of education and high-profile training in vocal art. And let all the scenes be conquered by your talent!

The most important thing in staging vocals is correct breathing. This is where vocational training begins. singing, which serves as a guide to the vast world scenes. If you are bad at vocal technique, then, willy-nilly, those muscles that by nature should not work much are included in the work. Naturally, in the future we expect unpleasant moments, such as: stiffness, nasality, unpleasant aurally the manner of “pulling out” the non-pulling and, finally, “ voice breakdown". Even if vocalist strenuously continues to "tear" bundles, anyway, with this approach to vocals about any stage out of the question. From such ignorance most often comes dissatisfaction with oneself, dissatisfaction with life. After all, the one who was given a gift from God in a particular area, throughout his life feels like "belonging" and is in constant search of his destiny. This will continue until the person is established and does not use his talent, which was given to him at birth, in practice to the fullest.

Right from the right breathing the performance of the song begins, because this is the support on which the whole vocal technique, and therefore we recommend returning before each chant to the section " breathing lessons» to warm up.
In order to group a group of muscles into the correct position, we will resort to various types of techniques: turning your fantasies into reality, playing various sketches. We will influence the mental, physical mechanisms of your body and consciousness to achieve the desired result.
At the very first vocal lessons use no more seven sounds, gradually expanding range. As mentioned earlier, breath control is mandatory. To help with the exercises, keep your hand on your stomach or put on a fixing rubber belt.

  • During the development vocal exercises learn the essential rules:
  • Watch your body position. The neck should not be tense and stretched forward. You should be in a state of comfort, relax a little. During exercise, only the stomach works. When you hit the high note abdominal muscles shrink more strongly, and the low one, on the contrary, all this should be felt by the hand that fixed the press.

Learning to breathe correctly
Gently wrap your hands around your stomach. Feel it. Listen. Try to warm each cell with your hands. You breathe calmly: inhale-exhale... inhale-exhale... the abdominal muscles rise and fall... Calm down. Leave all the fuss behind and listen to your breathing. Feel every muscle in your body. abdominal cavity, as it inflates when you inhale, and when you exhale, it deflates. Laugh, it is in laughter that breathing is more naturally controlled.
In order to control your breathing, without removing your hand from your stomach, slowly inhale the air, while counting to four. Without delaying the “peak”, exhale slowly, while also counting up to four. If you still have trouble feeling movement in stomach, then try to lean forward, wrapping your arms around your lower back. This area should inflate and deflate. Gradually increase the count: inhale - one, two, three, four, five ..., exhale - one, two, three, four, five ..., and so on up to 20.

Vocal alignment exercises
Most often encountered "uneven" playback vocals, this is trembling, jerking, twitching, and therefore the following exercises will be aimed precisely at alignment and voice setting.

  • Let's start with exercises"dog". We sit comfortably on a chair, lean on the back, relax the muscles of the shoulders and neck, stick out our tongue and try to more accurately portray the dog. Make sure that the shoulders do not move, but only the lungs and the chest as a whole work.
  • During exercises desirable on the stomach put on a corrective belt. This is necessary in order to press belly worked correctly. It performs a load on the muscles and serves as a kind of simulator. You will feel those muscles that do not function often in ordinary life, and just the belt will help with this. By the way, some people think that if you pump up the press, then everything sound production will come easily. In fact, the opinion is erroneous, you don’t need to specifically go to the gym and exercise hard. The fact is that on simulators, the organization of muscles will not be aimed at coordination clean vocal output, but to something else. But if you still support the opinion about the benefits of physical activity, then it is best to do yoga, swimming or therapeutic exercises. Try enter into harmony with your body, feel every cell of your body.
  • Take care of your posture. It must be correct: back straight, shoulders straightened, head in a straight position. You can level the position by standing in the doorway, straightening up in the door jamb. It is in an even position, without straining, vocal cords are working correctly.
  • We relax the muscles of the neck and slowly turn our head: left-right ... left-right .. and so on 10-15 times.
  • We carefully lower the lower part of the jaw down, then also gently return it to its place, finding correct position. And so: 10-15 times.
  • Pull out lips with a straw and we begin to move them left-right ... left-right ... circular motion clockwise, counterclockwise ... and so on 10-15 times.
  • Weaken the tube from the lips and dial in lungs air. With air from the lungs with lips, not throat cords, we sing "Brrrr"
  • Following exercise called "monkey". We take a small mirror and begin to "monkey". We turn off lips with a straw, stretch and smile, stretch with a bath and bare our teeth, showing two rows of our teeth. We open our mouth as wide as possible and consider all the charms of the language. We stretch the tongue and give it the shape of a sail, then we retract it, turning inward. We draw the tongue to the left wall of the cheek, then to the right, roll into a tube and bend over the upper teeth, after the lower ones. If you can’t “play” well with your tongue, don’t be upset, do what you can without straining.
  • open as much as possible wider mouth, now sharply throw language, taking out their chin, and also sharply pull back. Imagine a frog catching flies. Do the exercise until you feel tired. Watch it work the right muscles, with the right positions, you yourself will feel what muscles are needed for vocals and which ones are not.
  • In the next exercise, we determine vocal yawn. Examine your neck and find an Adam's apple on it. Gently grab it and follow its movement. During a conversation or when you swallow saliva, he moves. Mentally fix down position, remember and then project him on vocals. Do not under any circumstances hold it with your hands! You must manage it, and not force it to obey with the help of physical force. Find the right one sensation of yawning best in the exercise "examination at the doctor", i.e. open your mouth, as when examining and say "Ahh", showing and opening a small tongue.
  • Slightly open surprised mouth while inhaling. You should feel fresh air in your mouth. Fix the lower position of the Adam's apple. This exercise is performed 10-15 times. Preferably control the whole process in front of the mirror.

Sound intensity exercise

  • Let's take an exercise from yoga, only in our case we concentrate not in the frontal part, but in nasal. We unclench our jaws, while our lips are closed and we give out an even, long sound “Mmm”. The lower jaw is lowered to a comfortable limit.

For the full development of their vocal data and fixing the material, you can proceed to the selection. Start with lower-sounding songs, choosing to practice with backing vocals.
Choose a song that suits you, learn the words well, feel melody.
When listening to a melody, tap to the beat, even if you.


Imagine musical instrument: drums or piano. Imagine yourself knocking on keys fingers in rhythm of music, or take two pencils and imagine drums, but it’s better to imagine yourself as a dancer, how you famously beat your feet to the beat.

If it is still difficult, then use a special program.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: do not be ashamed of yourself, friends. Do not hold back and do not go on about the neighbors. Sing in the apartment in full voice power. Don't think that when vocal lessons you can sing quietly, but if you go out to the stage, then sing to the fullest. This will never happen! In which range you teach vocal cords work, in this they will produce the subsequent sound. After all, the vocal cords are alive musical instrument, and setting it up takes more than one year of human life. If you have "gentle" neighbors, then try to negotiate. After all, if one of them listens loudly music or makes repairs, you endure at this time. So why can't you in the daytime sing loudly?
That's all.
Creative success, dear vocalists!

« creative workshop »

Vocal lessons for beginners are aimed at developing hearing, rhythm and learning the basics of musical notation. Only after that, the beginner starts practical exercises, namely, breathing, chanting, etc. In this article, you will learn what is the distinguishing feature and what should you expect in the first lessons if you are a beginner.

A lot of people who are going to take up vocals often put off going to the studio in a distant box, referring to some circumstances. Often this is due to self-doubt and fear of taking the first step in an unknown direction. It is worth remembering that vocal lessons are a learning process that turns a beginner into a professional.

Probably, if you are reading this article, then you are just going to practice vocals. I am convinced that you were overcome by such thoughts as: what will happen at the first lesson? I will look ridiculous and in general I will have to sing, but I am shy. This is normal, but I hasten to reassure you - you will not sing for a long time. At least, if you are studying with professionals who know how to work with beginners.

It should be understood that vocals for beginners, beginners, is an area of ​​pedagogy that includes work with various aspects, such as the removal of psychological barriers, the development of musicality and voice training. The vocal studio "singing lessons", located in Moscow, has gathered a wonderful teaching staff with vast experience in teaching vocals for both beginners and already accomplished vocalists.

How are the first vocal lessons?

As we already know that when you come to the studio you don't have to sing. You ask, what are we going to do in singing lessons then? Vocal is our natural instrument and as you know, in order for the instrument to sound, it needs to be infused. Actually, this is what you will do closely and diligently with the teacher.

To begin with, you must complete a mandatory short theoretical course, which will allow you to have a general idea of ​​​​the process of singing, how the correct singing sound is reproduced, what muscles are involved, what sensations you should experience when singing. Also, without fail, vocal lessons for beginners provide for work on ear, solfeggio and rhythm.

After the theory, of course you will move on to practice. Usually, practical exercises begin with vocal breathing, since the process of singing itself begins with a sigh. Vocal breathing exercises are enjoyable and often fun. All you need is to breathe intensively and rhythmically, forcing your diaphragm to actively work. There are many exercises, including fast inhalation and slow exhalation, while the air flow should be evenly distributed throughout the exhalation.

Vocal breathing is the base (as is commonly believed), but I wouldn't spend too much time on it. After breathing exercises, a practice will begin at the entrance of which, with specific mooing or trilling lips with a closed mouth, the teacher will drive you through the notes in order to warm up your ligaments. It should be remembered that in general our vocal apparatus is a living organism and you must definitely warm up the vocal cords every time before singing.

After the ligaments have warmed up well, you will begin to chant. In the first lessons, these chants will be within one octave. Here the teacher will hear how you are doing with hearing. After that, you will begin to do specific exercises that will help you find the vocal position and direct the airflow into the resonators.

How soon can I sing in class?

As you know, to learn how to sing, you need to master singing in the mix and head register. It is the head voice that gives rise to both a beautiful, dense low end of the range, and a "juicy" mixed voice, when the head voice and the chest merge. This is usually the middle of your range. It is the head voice that is the key to vocal success, which is why the teachers of the "singing lessons" studio devote most of their time to finding your head voice and strengthening it. It is the upper resonators that will allow you to sing in a balanced way throughout the entire range without shouting and falling into falsetto.

Until you acquire the technique of singing in the mixed and head registers, there is no point in singing. You will only reinforce mistakes and sing low, when you try to sing higher, you will either sing loudly, increasing pressure on the ligaments, thereby turning into a scream, or even break into falsetto.

The conclusion can be drawn from the above. Only after a while and only after you acquire and strengthen the skill of singing in the head register, you will have a miskt and a strong balanced chest voice will be tightened. You will sing freely and connected throughout your range. Only after that you can proceed to the performance of works. Only when your instrument is tuned in all parts of the range should you move on to singing, this will strengthen your skills and you can work on melismas and riffs, which will give your voice the highest professionalism.

The healing power of singing is scientifically proven. Sound vibrations have a positive effect on the human brain and internal organs, emotional and psychological state, life expectancy and the development of leadership qualities of a person. In addition to professional activities, vocal lessons are a useful hobby. A beautiful staged voice is appreciated on stage and at home, among friends and colleagues.

Singing lessons give the voice strength, depth and richness of shades, and clarity of diction. There is enough free content on Youtube today for self-study at home. We offer several videos for beginner vocalists.

5 ways to determine musical ear

The degree of development of musical ear determines the level of vocal data. When entering a music school, the first thing to do is test for hearing: the ability to hit notes, repeat the rhythm and select a melody. There are several ways to determine the ability to music and singing. The result depends on how quickly the progress in the classroom will go. In any case, do not be upset if the result is far from desired: ear for music can be developed.

chant voice

Vocalists, whether beginners or professionals, begin each session by singing. Voice exercises are needed to warm up the ligaments, expand the range and open the larynx. From the side, repetitions of strange syllables and letter combinations in a singsong voice sound ridiculous and ridiculous. But the performance after the warm-up becomes even, smooth and sonorous. When playing high notes without first chanting, the ligaments can be seriously damaged.

How to determine your voice timbre and choose a song

Sooner or later, every vocalist faces the question of choosing a repertoire. Beginners often make the mistake of choosing songs to their taste, and when they perform, they notice: sometimes there is not enough power, sometimes the pitch is not enough, or the style does not sound. In fact, you need to focus on the timbre of the voice and the width of the range. The author of the video lesson will talk about the most popular types of male and female voices and give recommendations on choosing songs for each of them.

What types of vocals are

With the development of the art potential of mankind, the art of vocals becomes more complex and diverse. Hence, dozens of performance styles: classical, jazz, soul, growling, throat singing and many others. To find your style, try several types of singing and choose the one that suits you. Remember: everything is harmonious in art, and the manner of performance should correspond to the stage image and even the type of appearance. We offer an introductory video with examples of different techniques.

Vocal lessons. melismas

Do you want to win competitions? Focus on vocal embellishments, or melismas. Musical decorations make a pleasant impression on the listener. A vivid example is the show "Voice", when the jury and the audience enthusiastically applaud and raise their eyebrows in surprise, appreciating another vocal trick. Do you want the same? Work on your voice with a video lesson and master the melodic features of popular stars.

Opening the larynx

There is a significant difference between singing and performing. You can hum familiar motives without much skill, and for professional performance you will need a high degree of command of the vocal apparatus. First of all, we are talking about the throat. A freely open larynx is the key to an even, powerful, deep sound. The video clip demonstrates the latest technique for setting the larynx using a cocktail tube.

3 Breathing Exercises for a Vocalist

Proper breathing and a developed diaphragm are the basics of professional singing. There is a special expression "singing with support". A performer leaning on the piano immediately seems ignorant in vocal matters. In fact, support means a strong diaphragm, which is trained by breathing workouts. Learn 3 simple exercises with a vocal teacher and do them yourself before each home singing lesson.

Vocal resonators

Finding resonators is one of the most difficult topics for beginners to sing. The term means cavities in the head (nasal, laryngeal), where the sound acquires a certain color and flight. Contribution teachers always build an explanation on associative links, for better understanding. Associations, as you know, are a subjective thing, so it can be problematic to understand. We specially selected a video from a participant in the show, a voice that came up with an extraordinary explanation of the topic of resonators and the way to feel them.

Articulation and diction in singing

A clear pronunciation is necessary for the beautiful sound of speech and keeping up with the rhythm of the song. The physiology of each is individual, and everyone has their own mistakes in pronunciation. Vocalists train diction and articulation with tongue twisters, tongue twisters and special exercises. The author of the video lesson teaches you how to fix the lips correctly, evenly distribute the breath and direct the sound during training. Do the exercise shown regularly and before each performance in order to prepare the vocal apparatus for an ideal performance.

Vocal exercises for voice development

The advantage of vocal lessons over other types of hobbies is the lack of additional equipment and equipment. The main instrument is the voice. You can easily find a convenient time and place for classes and rehearse every day, even on vacation. Memorize exercises from online lessons and repeat regularly on your own. Over time, you will notice: the range will become wider, and the voice and shutter speed will be stronger.

Do not be disappointed in your abilities at the first lesson and stop practicing. From lesson to lesson, the voice inevitably acquires depth and confidence, and you will learn to sing beautifully from scratch.

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