Oral statement on the theme of the homeland. Aphorisms and quotes about love for the motherland, patriotism


It is important for any person to remember their homeland, the statements collected here help in this. Reading quotes about the homeland, you can react to them in different ways, the main thing is to understand your feelings on this issue.

Nowhere is it said what to do during the performance of the anthem - to stand, lie down or crawl. We must love our country.
Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

You can't go back to the same house you left. This is the result of maturity.
Dragon Age 2

We have two words: Motherland and State. We love our homeland. Therefore, the Motherland is “our mother”, and the state is “your mother!!!”

Mikhail Zadornov

It is much easier to fall in love with someone else's home than with your own...
Max Fry. Volunteers of eternity

So you don't like our country?
- I live in it.
Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies!

George Bernard Shaw

Great quote about home!

As a child, at school, in history lessons, I fell asleep: I was bored and not interested. Speaking about the Second World War, the teacher turned to numbers, diagrams and showed cards with arrows. And only today I realized that real people were behind this: boys, girls younger than me, who fought for their Motherland, died for it, for us today, for our lives. Every year on May 9, my mother took me to the parade. I liked how the orders shine. My mom used to buy balloons for me. Everyone smiled. Mom gave flowers. I just could not understand why this holiday was called with tears in their eyes. Now I understand everything - the Motherland is one, one for all time.

I am far from admiring everything that I see around me; as a writer, I am upset ..., many things disgust me, but I swear to you on my honor - for nothing in the world I would not want to change my Motherland, or have a different history than the history of our ancestors, as God gave it to us.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Russia is the best motherland in the world! But the most absurd state.

Mikhail Zadornov

Aphorisms about the homeland were left by different people, each of whom had his own homeland. But they were all united by similar feelings when they said quotes about their homeland.

In a foreign World there is always an irresistible charm, whatever it may be. And one's own homeland often causes a dreary disgust, sometimes completely unjustified.
Max Fry. simple magical things

Hitler believed that he would fight the Stalinist regime? Fool! A naive fool who repeated the mistake of a much more talented person - Napoleon. He had to fight not with the regime, but with the People. The people who defended not the state, but the Motherland, the Fatherland. And when our people defend the Fatherland, it can be defeated only by destroying it in principle. Polls. This is probably our greatest secret strength. Such Russia is a strange country. You can inflict a number of defeats on it, you can even win a military company from it, and maybe an entire war. But only as long as the state wages this war. So far, as Lenin would say, it “does not develop” ... only not from imperialist to civil, but from ordinary war to Patriotic War.
This is the kind of war Russia cannot win. No price.
Vladimir Medinsky. War. Myths of the USSR 1939-1945

Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person.
Napoleon I Bonaparte

Love for the motherland begins with the family.
Francis Bacon

Have you ever wanted to leave Russia?
- This is my country, my homeland, my destiny. I don't have another.
Leonid Parfenov

My love for the fatherland does not make me close my eyes to the merits of foreigners. On the contrary, the more I love my fatherland, the more I strive to enrich my country with treasures not extracted from its depths.


You can grow old and not know that you love the fatherland; but for this you need to stay in it. We learn the essence of spring in winter, the best May songs are sung behind the stove.

(G. Heine)

The motherland is our second mother, and such a motherland as the Urals, even more so.

(D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Patriotism does not mean only one love for one's homeland. It is much more... It is the consciousness of one's inalienability from the motherland, the inalienability of experiencing together with her her happy and unhappy days.

(A.N. Tolstoy)

Motherland! She is always beautiful. And in the autumn flames of the forests, and in the snowy expanse of January, and in the first spring flowers, and in the golden flood of the grain fields!

(V. Dvoryanskov)

Except for the mother,
There is no mother in the world.
In addition to the homeland - another
There is no native land in the world.

(B. Ukachin)

Russia does not need a revival, but a cleansing and restoration.

(A.V. Shakhmatov)

What is Fatherland? This is the sum of economic, legal, political, etc. facts and ideas bequeathed to us by our fathers.

(N. Mikhailovsky)

The country is not some addition to the population, the individuals who make it up; she herself is the soul, the conscience, the personality, the living force.

(E. Ranan)

There were people before us, now we are, and there will be people after us. A Russian warrior on the Kulikovo field is a warrior at Kunersdorf. A warrior at Kunersdorf is a warrior on the Borodino field. A warrior on the Borodino field is a warrior on Shipka. Warrior on Shipka - This is the defender of the Brest Fortress ...
Ideas have changed, people have changed. But they still have one homeland - this is mother Russia; and at all times blood has been shed in the name of one thing - in the name of the Russian Fatherland. We did not see off the fallen on the Kulikovo field. We were not awakened by Yaroslavna's sobs.
We don't know the names frozen on Shipka... And yet we know them! Yes, we remember them, we see them, we hear them, we will never forget them. For these are our ancestors, reader.
History has the voice of blood. This voice obliges us to a lot. Let's not seek glory for ourselves.

We spoke in the days of Batu,
As in the fields of Borodino:
Let Russia rise
Let our names perish!

(V. Pikul)

And around invincible love
To the villages, pines, to the berries of Rus',
My life revolves invisibly
Like the earth around its axis!…

(N. Rubtsov)

The motherland is the first tested caress, the first conscious thought that dawned on the head, it is the smell of the air of trees, flowers and fields, the first games, songs and dances ...
These are successive impressions of being, childhood, adolescence, youth, youth and maturity.

(A.I. Kuprin)

For most people, the feeling of the motherland in the broad sense - the native country, the fatherland - is supplemented by the feeling of the homeland of the small, original, motherland in the sense of native places, fatherland, district, city or village. This small homeland with its own special appearance, with its own, albeit the most modest and unpretentious, beauty appears to a person in childhood, at the time of life-long impressions of a childish soul, and with it, this separate and personal homeland, he comes over the years to that big The homeland that embraces all the small ones - and in its great whole - is one for all.

(A. Tvardovsky)

You do not yet love Russia: you know how to be sad and irritated by rumors about everything bad that is done in it, all this produces in you only one callous annoyance and despondency. … If you love Russia, you will be eager to serve her..

(N. Gogol)

Russia has always been a philosophical country. But philosophical, not in the German and European sense of the word. The philosophy of Russia has always been a philosophy of the heart, a philosophy of the spirit.

(D. Likhachev)

... Just as a flower grows from a grain, our love for the Motherland has its source in that "corner of the earth" where we were born and grew up.
In early childhood, our world is limited to the rooms of our father's house, later - to the happy realization of our blood involvement in that sacred and lofty thing that is called the name of our native country.
In distant wanderings, I carefully carried the name and image of the Motherland in my heart, as they wear a portrait of their mother in a hidden medallion. I love everything in my great Motherland - its sad tundras, and its rivers, and its new buildings, magically enlivening recently barren deserts, and its dense forests, preserving the original charm of nature.

(N. Smirnov)

In a decent person, patriotism is nothing but the desire to work for the good of one's country, and comes from nothing else but the desire to do good - as much as possible more and as much as possible better.

(N. Dobrolyubov)

The image of the Motherland is always concrete. It cannot be vague, general. They love their native land where they were born and raised. For one, these are boundless expanses of the steppe, for the other - ora, drawing a broken line against the sky. One has a scorching sun overhead, the other has cold flashes of the northern lights. For one, this is the silence of a village afternoon, for the other, the dissonance of a city street.

(V. Pekelis)

Love for the Fatherland is the readiness to defend its independence. This creates patriotism - a great, necessary, beautiful feeling. It incorporates love for the Motherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests with its deeds.

(V. Pekelis)

True patriotism can be defined as love for one's country, respect for all the people living in it, knowledge of the customs and traditions of one's people, devoted service for the good of the country. A patriot is one who, in any situation, puts the interests of the country above his own needs. Patriotism is aimed at the true good and prosperity of the country, which cannot be achieved through immoral acts.

(W. Haynes)

True love for one's people, one's Motherland is impossible without love and respect for other countries and peoples. This is what patriotism consists of - not opposing oneself to the whole world, but respect and deep understanding of one's people, a sense of responsibility for the fate of one's country, which helps to see the true value of any other culture.

(W. Haynes)

The homeland is dear to the heart not by local beauties, but by captivating memories.

(N. Karamzin)

You are not alone in this firestorm Russian people. From the heights of history, our song Yermak, and the wise Minin, and the Russian lion Alexander Suvorov, and the glorious artisan Peter the Great, praised by Pushkin, and Peresvet with Oslyabey, who were the first to fall in the Kulikovo battle, are looking at you from the heights of history. In a difficult moment, ask them, these strict Russian people, who collected our homeland bit by bit, and they will tell you what to do, even left alone among the enemy multitude. With what courage they served her! ... And wherever they went for distant borders, they bowed to the belt of their dear one, and the bitter, wormwood dust of her dears was sweeter than honey to them.
And a handful of native land, sewn into an amulet, was taken to a foreign land, like a mother's blessing, on the chest. And wherever the dictates of history turned out to be, a Russian man, his heart, like a compass needle, was steadily directed in one cherished direction, towards Russia. And they put on clean shirts before a mortal feat, going to military suffering, as to a bright holiday. That was what made the Russian land strong, that was how it stood for centuries.

(L. Leonov)

It is known that the feeling of the Motherland in every citizen is commensurate with his personal creative contribution to the common cause, hence it is easy to explain both the patriotism of a true worker and the political indifference of the tradesman.

(L. Leonov)

... A citizen cannot take place in a person, divorced from the root system of his people. And therefore, the entire upbringing of the young - from the primer to the university bench - must be permeated with an effective master's attachment to the Motherland and its nature, to everything that makes up the grandfather's heritage, on which lies the imprint of the dreams and golden hands of our geniuses.

(L. Leonov)

The feeling of the Motherland cannot be learned, but it is impossible not to teach. This is akin to teaching writing or artistic skills: the teacher may not know whether the creator of brilliant compositions will turn out from his student, but he is able to instill in him a craving for beauty, he believes in it and is obsessed with it. Stone by stone, we are building together a building whose name is love for Russia.

(Yu. Tyurin)

Dear, bright Motherland! All our boundless love is for you, all our thoughts are with you.

(M. Sholokhov)

Oh, bright and beautifully decorated, the Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, rivers and local springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clear fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles. You are full of everything Russian land ...

("Word about the destruction of the Russian land")

Recognition of the Motherland is multilayered and diverse, as is the knowledge of the secrets of art, the study of nature, the comprehension of the laws of life. More than one road leads to the goal, but the main thing is to once set foot on your own road, then you have to go without turning.

To make friends love for the Fatherland with the first impressions of memory.

(K. Ryleev)

History is a powerful factor in the education of conscious patriotism. To belittle one's history, to forget it, means to spit on the graves of one's ancestors who fought for their native land...

Valentina Oshchepkova
Project "Love for the Motherland begins with the family"

Relevance project.

Why motherland begins? For every person, it is first of all starts with family. For a small child Motherland is mother, dad, grandparents; these are the people he sees first, who surround him love and care, form the basis of the world in the first years of life.

And why family starts? With love, mutual assistance, mutual understanding and traditions that bind all generations, allow you to feel the unity.

In preschool age children start to form elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life and the norms of human communication. Children of this age are characterized by great emotional responsiveness, which allows them to educate Love, good feelings and attitudes towards people around and, above all, to loved ones, to one’s own family.

At present, in our country, for many reasons, family ties are weakening, traditional family education is becoming a thing of the past. Exactly family is the guardian of traditions, ensures the continuity of generations, preserves and develops the best qualities of people.

Currently family going through hard times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents less and less attention is paid to children, the number of incomplete and dysfunctional families is growing.

It's getting harder for a child to love his home, family and kindergarten too.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home, kindergarten.

Children must learn not only to take, but also to give away: take care of loved ones from childhood, be attentive to each other, help in word and deed.

Our project- a great opportunity to reflect on the role families in the life of every person, about family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on project is of great importance for the formation of the personality of the child, the strengthening and development of children's parental relationship. Parents must give the child the notion that he is part of families that is very important. We adults need to help children understand the importance of the family to educate children Love and respect for members families to instill in children a sense of affection for family and home.

Subject project: « Love for the motherland begins with the family»

View: Creative

Duration project: long term

Members project: children of the second younger group (3-4 years old, parents, educators.

Base project: project implemented on the basis of MBDOU No. 38 in Syktyvkar in the second junior group.

Work form: group, frontal.

Target project: Formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the native home, family, kindergarten.


Bring up love for home, family, kindergarten.

Create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between people (adults and children) built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Encourage children to do community meaningful assignments, to good deeds for families, home, kindergarten.

Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, attentiveness to relatives and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

To provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a diverse and free way, to have personal time for doing what they love.

Respect the rights of the child to play, to leisure, to their territory.

Promoting active engagement parents in joint activities with the child in conditions family and kindergarten.

Expected Result: U children:

Expanding understanding of relationships family;

Initial ideas about family traditions will appear;

Enrich vocabulary;

feelings will appear: compassion, attention to relatives and friends, mutual assistance.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 - Preparatory

Topic definition project. Rationale for its relevance.

Setting goals and objectives of the work.

Determining the level of knowledge of children about family, home, kindergarten. (Observation of the communication of children in a group)

Survey and conversation with children "What's happened family, "My family»

Questionnaire parentsWhat kind of parenting style family you keep

A selection of fiction by thematic blocks: "Native family» , "Kindergarten", "Houses are different".

Reading fiction and educational literature.

Creation of a card file of didactic games on moral and patriotic education.

Summaries of cognitive studies, conversations.

Selection of consulting material for parents.

Stage 2 - Cognitive - research (basic)

Implementation project through different types of activities.

Game activity

Role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "House", « Family» , "Who works in kindergarten?", "Profession of my parents» , "Birthday".

Didactic games: "What is good, what is bad?", "My Good Deeds", "How we live in kindergarten", "My family my ancestry", "Birthday", "I give gifts", "My name", "My room", "Find Items".

Communication games: "I'm growing...", "Call it sweetly", "Let the name go to the wind", "I have a head", "Happy birthday".

Theatricalization based on fairy tales: "Grandfather and Turnip", "Masha and the Bear", "Ryaba Hen and Golden Egg"

Educational area "social and communicative development"

Subject "My family» . Target: form an idea of family how about people who live together; cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in one's own family, activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge of their own family.

Subject: "About my beloved dad". Tasks: will teach the skills of retelling small stories based on personal experience.

Subject: "My beloved mother". Tasks: learn to answer the teacher's questions, write a short story (with pedagogical support) using the algorithm.

Conversations on topics: "Who do I live with", "Good in our garden", "My mom, dad, grandma, grandpa", "Mom's, grandmother's hands", "My room", "My favourite hobby", "My best friend", "What I like to do in kindergarten and at home", "What I want to be".

Reading fiction.

Reading: "My grandmother", S. Kaputikyan; "My grandfather", R. Gamzatov; "Mother", Yu. Yakovlev; "Patch", N. Nosov; "Flu", "Graft", A. Barto; "About Boys and Girls", S. Marshak; "My dodyr", "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky; "Close together, bored apart", K. Ushinsky.

Memorizing poems: "If I were a girl", E. Uspenskaya; "Grandma's Hands", L. Kvitko; "Mom, why?", G. Vieru; "Don't stop me from working", "That's it mom", E. Blaginina.

Riddles on the topic: « Family» , "Native home", "Kindergarten".

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing on a theme: "My family» "Colored threads for grandmother", "Colorful balloons for mom", "Nice cart for dad", "Grandpa's Car".

Application: "Multi-storey building", "House", “Multi-colored rug for mom (balls and cubes)».

Exhibition design: "My family» .

Drawing with elements of application of holiday cards for moms, dads.

Congratulations to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day. (giving gifts to boys) .

Listening to audio recordings. (V. Shainsky “Early in the morning the kindergarten meets the kids”, listening to the song of M. Tanich and V. Shainsky "If with a friend went on the road".

Entertainment for children "Wide Shrovetide" (Learning invocations about spring)

Kindergarten tour "What's good and what's bad".

Work with parents.

Wall newspaper design "My family» .

Exhibition of children's parenting work"This is my family tree".

Questionnaire "Do you know your child?", "Reward and Punishment"

Consultations: "Friendly relations between adults and children in family- the basis for the education of positive character traits of the child, "Let's be polite...", "How to Communicate with Children", "Is it possible to do without punishment?", "The rights of the child in family» , "The role of didactic play in family and kindergarten» , "Mistakes of family education", "The role of the father in family education".

Parent meeting on the topic"My family» .

Presentations parents at the meeting: my healthy lifestyle families, coat of arms of my families.

Joint event in nature.

Stage 3 - Control

Physical entertainment in nature "Merry family" together with a physical education teacher (Ski base "Dynamo").

Group portfolio.

Exhibition of children's parenting work"My family tree".

Parent meeting: “Successes of the 2nd junior group. My family What could be more expensive

Methodical product: Presentation project"My family»

Presentation of work experience on the pedagogical council.

Love for the motherland begins with the family. Francis Bacon

You can't carry your homeland on the soles of your boots. Georges-Jacques Danton

Where else can one find love for the motherland and fidelity to the common will, if not from the people themselves? Maximilian Robespierre

Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts. Victor Marie Hugo

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my Motherland - you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

First of all, you owe your Motherland, as well as your friends, the truth. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

For treason to the Motherland, an extreme baseness of the soul is needed. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Love for the Motherland is the first virtue of a civilized person. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

They love the Motherland not because it is great, but because it is their own. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)

The easier and freer life is for a people in the world, the more they love their Motherland. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A strange thing is patriotism, true love for the Motherland! You can love your homeland, love it for eighty years and not guess about it; but for that you have to stay at home. Love for the German homeland begins only at the German border. Heinrich Heine

I do not have longing for the Motherland, but longing for a foreign land. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The more you feel the connection with the Motherland, the more real and willingly you imagine it as a living organism. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

All have two homelands: one by birth, the other by citizenship. I will never refuse the name of the motherland to the first, even if the second is more extensive, and the first will only enter as part of its composition. Mark Tullius Cicero

The subjects of a despot have no homeland. The thought of it is supplanted by self-interest, ambition, servility. Jean de La Bruyère

Love for the fatherland must come from love for humanity, as the particular from the general. To love one's Motherland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of mankind and, to the best of one's ability, to promote this. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the homeland reveal itself as the common mother of citizens; let the advantages they enjoy in their homeland make it dear to them; let the government leave them a share in the public administration sufficient to make them feel at home; and let the laws be in their eyes only a guarantee for the general freedom. Jean Jacques Rousseau

We are all exiles in our homeland. Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky

Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

War is barbarism when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the Motherland. Guy de Maupassant

The historical significance of every great Russian man is measured by his merits to the Motherland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

I prefer to scourge my Motherland, I prefer to grieve it, I prefer to humiliate it, if only not to deceive it. Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

For almost every person, the concept of Motherland is not an empty phrase. Motherland is important for everyone, as is freedom. Unity with native expanses, with the places where you were born and raised, unity with the people you belong to, with its customs and life. Love for the holy native places, for the Motherland is brought up from childhood. The ability to live and work for the good of the Motherland, to love and protect it, to fully develop and improve the quality of life is the essence of each of us.

Great poets sang their love for the Motherland in verse, writers dedicated novels to it. The ancient sages left a legacy to their descendants in the form of sayings that have passed through the years and have come down to our days and which we are reading now ...

Aphorisms about the Motherland

If the holy army shouts "" Throw you Rus', live in paradise!"

I will say: "There is no need for paradise. Give me my Motherland." (Sergey Yesenin)

There is no higher idea than how to sacrifice one's own life, defending one's brothers and one's fatherland... (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

Patriotism is like capital: it exists or it doesn't. (Konstantin Kushner)

Only those who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual are capable of taking to heart the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

Treason to the motherland requires extreme baseness of the soul. (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Love for the motherland begins with the family. (Francis Bacon)

They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca Jr.)

Universal experience says

that kingdoms perish

not because life is hard

or terrible ordeals.

And they die because

(and the more painful the longer)

that the people of their kingdom

no longer respected. (Bulat Okudzhava)

While we burn with freedom

As long as hearts are alive for honor,

My friend, we will devote to the fatherland

Souls wonderful impulses! (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

Many tend to confuse two concepts: "Fatherland" and "Your Excellency." (Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Even the flowers at home smell differently. (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)

Only one fatherland contains that which is dear to all. (Mark Tullius Cicero)

The best way to instill in children a love for the fatherland is to have this love in the fathers. (Charles Louis Montesquieu)

Not enough has been done for the fatherland if everything has not been done. (Maximilien Robespierre)

The exile air is bitter Like poisoned wine. (Anna Andreevna Akhmatova)

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