Acoustic, classical guitar device. What does an electric guitar consist of and how does it work Structure of an electric guitar diagram


Today I will talk about the design of the guitar, how the neck and body of the guitar are arranged, I will also give a diagram of the structure of the guitar and talk about the materials from which one or another part of it is made.

General information

Acoustic guitar is divided into 2 main types:

  • classical
  • Variety

Rice. 0 Acoustic and pop guitars

classical guitar most often used to perform classical works, folk, folklore, flamenco, bard and marching songs. The classical guitar is also called the Spanish guitar, as it was first made in Spain. The classical guitar is dominated by a wide neck and nylon strings.

pop guitar universal for all musical styles, but for me personally it is associated with such genres as blues, folk and country. The pop guitar is also called the western guitar or simply the acoustic guitar. The pop version is dominated by metal strings and a neck that is narrow compared to the classic version.

Acoustic guitar device (diagram)

Both classical and pop guitars consist of two main parts: corps And vulture.

Fig.1 Guitar construction diagram

1 -Vulture. 2 - Headstock. 3 - Fretboard. 4 - Neck heel. 5 -Kolki. 6 -Top nut. 7 - Fret threshold. 8 - Frets. 9 - Top deck. 10 -Lower deck. 11 -Shell. 12 - Resonator hole. 13 -Bridge (string holder). 14 -Bottom. 15 -Button. 16 - Protective lining.

Guitar neck arrangement

The neck consists of the headstock (2), fretboard (3) and the heel of the neck (4). Pegs (5) are located on the headstock - a mechanism that is designed to fasten and change the tension of the strings. Also on the headstock is a nut (6), which is designed to reduce string vibration. It is usually made of plastic or bone.

Rice. 2 Nut made from bone

In the fretboard on a special machine, notches are made, where the frets are later pressed (7). The nut protrudes above the neck of the guitar and separates its frets (8) (the distance between the two nut is called the fret). The neck heel is glued or bolted into the body of the guitar. If the neck heel is glued into the body, then the distance between the strings is adjusted by an anchor bolt that runs the entire length of the neck and is located under the fingerboard.

Rice. 3 Anchor under the fretboard of the guitar

The head of the truss rod is located either in the headstock or at the bottom near the rosette. Bolt-on, allows you to adjust the height of the strings.

Guitar body structure

The body of the guitar consists of a top (9) and a back (10), which are cut into a figure-of-eight shape. They are interconnected by the walls of the guitar, the so-called shells (11). On the front deck, under the strings, there is a round resonator hole (12), which is usually called a rosette. In cheap guitars, which are made from low-quality materials, the socket is decorated with plastic or paper stickers, and in more expensive guitars, it is decorated with veneer or mother-of-pearl.

Rice. 5 Resonator hole decorated with mother-of-pearl.

Some models of guitars have an additional sound hole, which is located in the upper part of the body and gives the guitar special acoustic properties:

Rice. 6 Guitar with additional resonators.

On the top deck is the so-called bridge (string holder) (13). On the tailpiece is the saddle (14), which is made of plastic or bone. Strings are attached to the string holder with special buttons (15), which are made of plastic. A protective pad (16) is glued onto the top deck to avoid scratches and chips.
Since very unpleasant forces act on the guitar from the tension of the strings, it is reinforced from the inside with special rails, which betray the strength of the body structure, but also affect the sound of the guitar, enriching the sound with very tangible acoustic properties.

Rice. 7 Reiki reinforcing the guitar from the inside.


The bodies of the cheapest guitars are made of the most ordinary plywood, which has a very lousy sound, equipped with tuning pegs that practically do not hold the system and strings that need to be changed immediately after buying a guitar. Cheap guitar necks are made from pressed plywood and God knows what else. The nut and nut are made of low-quality plastic, and the frets are made of some kind of bi-metal.

Rice. 8 Rosewood guitar body

The bodies of expensive guitars are made of mahogany, rosewood and maple. They are equipped with good tuning pegs that hold the system and of course strings that are pleasant to play. The necks of expensive guitars are made of beech, mahogany and other durable woods. The nut and nut are usually made of good quality plastic or bone, while the frets are usually made of good quality metal.

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What is an acoustic guitar made of? In general, it can be divided into two main elements: the body and the neck. This educational program will tell you more about the structure of an acoustic guitar.

In this article, we will not talk about the different types of acoustic guitar, you can talk about it. Read more about the difference between "classic" and "acoustic" In this article .

Roughly and without going into details, we decompose into the following components:

  • Body (body)
    - Top deck
    -Bottom deck
  • Vulture
  • Internal organization

Acoustic guitar body.

The body consists of their upper, lower deck and shell. The top deck is the part of the guitar where the strings are attached, while the opposite plate is the bottom deck. The shell connects the decks.

Top deck.

The sound of the guitar depends mainly on the top deck. The greatest influence is exerted by the tree species and the veins of annual rings. Spruce and cedar are the best material for this part of the guitar, and the thinner the veins of the tree's rings, the better the sound will be. Often you can find an upper deck consisting of several longitudinal parts, less often a deck of two halves. The best option would be a soundboard assembled from four parts, since in this case the master will be able to select smaller-layered sections of the tree that can ideally fit under each other.
guitar device with the budget performance of the upper deck is somewhat different. As a rule, it is made of veneer. Sometimes this material is called musical plywood or laminate, although these definitions have their own specifics.
There is a hole in the top deck called the voice box or resonator hole. The optimal size for it is 8.5 cm in diameter. It is this size of the voice box that will give the best sound. Any experiments with shape and size most often lead to a deterioration in sound. The golosnik, as a rule, is decorated with an ornament. Opposite it, on the inside of the bottom deck, a label with information about the master who made the guitar is glued.
Next to the resonator hole, on the side of the widest part of the top soundboard, there is a wooden plate, it is called a stand or bridge.

This drawing shows the bridge or bridge (from the English "bridge" - bridge) of a classical guitar. The stand has a slight rise with holes for attaching strings and a nut on which the strings rest.
The device of a non-classical guitar stand (western, dreadnought) is somewhat different: the strings are inserted into round grooves that perforate the stand through and through. To fix the strings, these grooves are closed with plastic pins.

Lower deck.

Now consider the bottom deck device. It also has an effect on the sound, but, let's say, it rather adds color to the sound, without having such a direct influence as the top deck. A variety of materials are used for its manufacture. Most often there are acoustic guitars from the following types of wood: pear, cypress, maple, walnut, mahogany, laminate. But the best material for this part would be rosewood. The lower deck consists of two parts, and the butt seam is connected by a piping. Kant is usually used on more expensive guitars. It gives strength to the deck, as it is quite massive.


The acoustic guitar device also includes one more element: the lower and upper decks are interconnected by a shell. As a rule, it is made of the same material as the bottom deck.
In the lower part of the body, on the side, there is a button that serves as a fastener for the strap, which makes it possible to play the guitar while standing. Sometimes it is called a button.

Acoustic guitar fretboard.

Now you can move on to the structure of the neck. It consists of several elements (Fig. 2). "The heel of the neck" - it is with this part that the neck is attached to the shell. The “hyphal body” itself, its main part is called the “neck”. It is better to buy a guitar made of durable wood. The overlay is already pasted on the “neck of the neck”. Both are made most often from rosewood, ebony, beech, hornbeam.
Along the entire length of the neck there are crossbars - these are the frets. They are made from different materials. On a budget guitar, you can see the performance of plastic. Most often frets are made of steel, brass, cupronickel. It is very important that the distance between the frets is correct (the distance is calculated mathematically, and then everything is in the hands of the master), as this will envy the guitar's tuning. If acoustic guitar device balanced, the instrument will not be out of tune. But if the system is broken, then no matter how much you tune the guitar, you are guaranteed a bad sound. The thing is that there will be a mismatch in the sound in different positions of the neck. So it’s better not to save much initially and buy a good acoustic guitar, which will not only pay off several times, but also bring you pleasure, not torment.

At the very top of the “neck”, on the side of the fingerboard, there is a nut with slots for the strings. On expensive guitars, it is made of natural bone. The distance between the nut and nut is called the scale, usually about 650 mm.

At the very top of the neck is the headstock. Here live the pegs on which the strings are attached. Due to the pegs, you can tighten or loosen the string, thereby adjusting the sound. The pegs correspond to the number of strings, on a six-string guitar there will be six of them, on a seven-string guitar, respectively, seven.

The internals of an acoustic guitar.

We have familiarized ourselves with all the external components of an acoustic guitar, now we can look inside. On the reverse side of the upper and lower decks are springs and baffles - they are used to improve the sound and for the strength of the body.

As mentioned earlier, the lower deck, due to its massiveness, is sometimes reinforced with edging. There is another way - it's crackers. They can be seen in the last picture - these are small thin bars along the junctions of the shell with the decks:

Here are the things :) A brief theoretical acquaintance with the structure of an acoustic guitar can be considered complete.

The names of the components of the classical guitars:
The headstock is an element located at the end of the neck, which is used to secure and tension the strings and tune them.
The tuning pegs (there are six of them: one for each string) are a unique mechanical component of the guitar that can rotate to wind the strings, as well as increase or decrease their tension.
Nut- place of support for the strings. Located between the headstock and the neck itself. In this place, the vibration of empty space begins - the sound of the guitar (without pressure on the frets), each of its strings.

Fret - the space between the frets, in which the performer exerts pressure (clamps the strings) with the fingers of his left hand.

A fret nut is a metal element that separates the frets from each other.

The neck is an important part of the guitar, on which the frets (19 in total) and fret nut are located.

Drum (body) - the second important part of the guitar, connected to the neck with a bolt located on. On the sides of the drum is applied stroke .

resonator hole- a hole in the front of the case guitars required for sound depth.

Strings (six total)- are divided into two groups: three by fifths made of synthetic fibers and three strings made of fiber with a spiral winding of metal wire.

Articles about the guitar Views: 75915

If you bought an electric guitar and look at it stupidly, trying to figure out what to connect where and where to press, then this article is for you :) In general, electric guitar device harder than acoustic. If only because there is a lot of electronics in the electric guitar.

Therefore, a beginner, before buying a tool, should figure out what's what. In this article, you will get acquainted with the device of an electric guitar in general terms.

Electric guitar device: general scheme.

In the first figure, you can see the components of the electric guitar, in fact, we will talk about each of them separately.

Electric guitar fretboard.

The neck of an electric guitar may differ in structure from the neck of an acoustic guitar. For example, its length or radius of the lining. In addition, the headstock can take on a variety of shapes, which is not common on acoustic guitars. An overlay is glued onto the neck, on which the nut is located, dividing the neck into frets.
The fingerboard experiences quite large loads due to the tension of the strings, and to prevent its deformation, a anchor rod(cm. Setting up a guitar truss).
There are two options for installing it. For example, you can buy an electric guitar with a truss rod installed directly under the pickguard. But then there is a high probability that over time the rod will simply rip it off. The second option is to install an anchor on the back of the neck. This method is very time consuming, but worth it. The Fender brand prefers this way of installing the anchor.
Electric guitar necks have different fastening method to the hull. The neck in the device of an electric guitar can be either glued or screwed in with bolts. Each option gives a special sound to the electric guitar. The most expensive (but also the best sounding) fastener option is through fastening. The neck-through goes right into the body and gives the guitar a deep, rich sound.

Electric guitar body.

The body of an electric guitar is very different from an acoustic guitar. You can buy an electric guitar with both a solid body and a hollow body inside. Solid body guitars are made from either one or more pieces of wood (usually of the same variety), and the more body pieces, the worse the sound will be, since the resonance is attenuated exactly in the areas of gluing. Exceptions are electric guitars, which have multiple body parts, and the parts are usually different grades. These guitars have a harsh and aggressive sound and are often used in heavy music.
Hollow body instruments sound different. It is more intense, but fades quickly. These guitars are bought to play country, blues, jazz. The disadvantage of these guitars is that when played loudly, a creaky sound can occur. The type and quality of wood in such instruments has a greater impact on the sound than in solid body guitars.
As for the design of the body and the form of its execution, unlike acoustic guitars, this does not significantly affect the sound of the instrument.
The device of the body of the electric guitar also has one or rarely several sockets for connecting a Jack-type cord (Jack). The other end of the cord connects to the guitar peripherals.


Pickups are pickups that convert the vibrations of metal strings into electrical signals. They are of two types:

  • Singles. They have a bright, clear and crisp sound. As a rule, they are used in blues and jazz. Minus - they collect interference, and a bad sensor can even catch the radio :)

Pickup Single (fig.2)

  • Humbuckers (Humbucker). They have a rich, wide sound. Good suppression of noise. They are usually used in heavy music.

Humbucker pickup (Fig. 3)

Pickups can be further divided into two types: active And passive.
Active (Fig. 4) differ from the passive in that it has a wider frequency range, which greatly improves the sound of the electric guitar. But this also increases the sensitivity of the sensor, i.e. any flaws in your technique will be more noticeable than when playing with a passive sensor. It is also worth noting that the active pickup is powered by a 9-volt battery. Inexpensive electric guitars usually use passive pickups.

Active pickup (Fig. 4)

There are several options pickup positions. Position and quantity certainly has its effect on the sound. There are three main pickup positions:

  • At the base of the neck (Neck)
  • Middle (Middle)
  • At the tailpiece (Bridge)

Different sounds can be obtained by turning on several pickups and experimenting with their combinations. For such manipulations there is a sensor switch. Basically, these are three- and five-position switches. By the way, it is important to know that some pickups are designed only for a certain position of the three main ones.
The sound of the sensors is also changed by the volume and tone (tone) controls. There may be a different number of them on different electric guitars.

Bridge or machine.

The bridge (typewriter) is used to fasten the strings to the body of the electric guitar. There are two types of breeches:

  • With tremolo system (fig.5). The tremolo system allows you to change the tension of the strings using a lever, thereby creating a vibrato effect. Also, due to these machines, you can change the pitch by one and a half to two tones, which gives a certain variety to the sound. If you buy a Stratocaster-type electric guitar, you can be sure that the tremolo is there.

Fender Tremolo System Floyd Rose Tremolo System
Rice. 5. Tremolo systems

  • Without tremolo system. Their design is simple, the strings change easily, the system keeps well, the sound is more melodious. Such machines are often put on semi-acoustic guitars. Also seen among Fender Telecasters.

Electric guitar electronics.

The body of an electric guitar is stuffed with electronics. On the guitar rice. 1 this compartment is on the back. If the sensors are active, then, as a rule, there is a special compartment for a 9 V battery.

Here is such a small educational program on the structure of an electric guitar :) For a competent choice of an instrument, it would be nice to navigate the device of an electric guitar at least at such a basic level.

We offer the reader a short video review on the topic of the article:

The guitar is a magical instrument. Her parts can be heard in any style of music - from classical to modern rock compositions. The history of this goes back to ancient times. After all, for more than 4000 years, mankind has been using related cithara, zither, lute. Often in our homes you can find this beautiful instrument, but not everyone wonders what the guitar consists of.

History of occurrence

Translated from Persian "chartra" - four-string. It was the instruments with four strings that came to the countries of the Middle East and Europe from Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Then a fifth string was added to the guitar. It happened in Italy during the Renaissance. At this time, the number of frets on the fretboard increased from eight to twelve. The six-strings familiar to us appeared in the middle of the 17th century, and since then the structure of classical guitars has remained practically unchanged. In the 30s of the last century, a kind of guitar revolution began, and electronic components, amplifiers were added to musical instruments, and in the following decades, various sound effects.

The device and features of classical guitars

The forerunners of classical instruments were "Spanish". They had five double strings and not quite familiar to them. Then, in the 18-19 centuries, a sixth string was added to the Spanish one, musical masters experiment with forms, scale length, invent new peg mechanisms. The result is a classic that has come down to us.

So what is a classical guitar made of? The main parts of the instrument are the head, neck and body. Strings are attached and stretched on the head of the neck with the help of pegs, and it is equipped with frets and frets to change the length of the vibrating string and thereby the frequency of the sound. The body of the instrument consists of a top deck, a back deck with a shell, a resonator hole and a stand - the place where they are connected to the body. Next, consider what an acoustic guitar consists of.

The device and features of acoustics

What is this type of guitar made of? Acoustics on the device is almost no different from classical instruments. The difference lies in the size of the body and the strings - they are metal. Depending on the size, such instruments are divided into dreadnoughts, jumbo and folk guitars. Widely used in such musical styles as blues, rock, bard song, and many other song genres.

Various types of wood are used for the production of tools. Although guitars made from exotic woods are not uncommon, acoustics are made from certain types of woods. After all, every wooden element from its design affects the sound.

The device and features of the electric guitar

Electric guitars differ from acoustic and classical guitars by the presence of pickups and an electrical circuit with control knobs and switches. These guitars require sound amplification equipment. For playing at home, tube and transistor combo amplifiers with a power of 4-35 watts are most popular.

Magnetic pickups appeared in the mid-20s of the last century at Gibson. And the guitar revolution happened a decade later, when jazz musicians discovered the wide range of possible electric guitar tones.

If we talk about the appearance of tools, then the most original and popular forms are:

Other models of guitars from various manufacturers somehow borrowed the features of these instruments.

Materials for manufacturing

Above it was considered what parts the guitar consists of. What are they made from? The top deck has the most significant effect on the sound.

The traditional material for it in classical and acoustic guitars is spruce. High-level instruments have a body made of red spruce. For simpler models, cheaper varieties are used. Used for the production of the upper deck and cedar. Cedar and spruce instruments sound different, but beautiful in their own way: the former has a brighter sound, while the latter is softer and more enveloping.

Mahogany is the most popular back and sides material. The same material is used for the production of these guitar parts. In addition to mahogany, you can find instruments made of rosewood, maple, walnut, bubinga and koa wood.

The neck of an acoustic guitar is most often made of mahogany. The second most popular are maple necks. The most common fretboard is rosewood. In acoustic and electric guitars of a higher class made of ebony - ebony.

Electric guitars, like acoustic and classical instruments, are made of wood, although there are metal guitars and models made from artificial materials. "Classic" Gibson layout: mahogany body and neck, maple topboard, mahogany fretboard.

Fender instruments: alder body, maple neck, maple or rosewood fretboard.

The device and features of bass guitars

Bass guitars differ from other types of instruments in the thickness of the strings, increased scale and, as a result, large dimensions.

Such a guitar is a relative of the double bass. There are usually four or five strings, although six or more stringed instruments are found. They play with the fingers using a specific technique, or with a mediator.

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