What is the relevance of the work of duck hunting. Problematics, main conflict and system of images in the play A


Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt", a summary of which will be presented below, has become one of the best works of Soviet literature. Today it is classified as Russian classical literature.


In our article, each reader will find a work authored by Vampilov. A very brief summary of "Duck Hunt" will tell about the main events of the play. Reading a summary of the play will not take more than ten minutes, while the original will take about two hours. What did Alexander Vampilov write about? Analysis, summary of "Duck Hunt" will help to better understand the work. The morality that the author deliberately introduced into his creation became an indicator that in the days of the Soviet Union there were dishonest spouses, despair and the shame of betrayal. Undoubtedly, in the summary of "Duck Hunt" by A. Vampilov, it is impossible to convey all the author's thoughts that can be seen in the original play.

In addition, it is important to note that there were many theatrical productions and several adaptations of the play. The summary of "Duck Hunt" (Vampilov) will play an important role in motivating viewing the film adaptation of the heritage of world culture. So, in more detail.

About heroes

Viktor Zilov is the main character of the story. A man who is thirty years old has a noble appearance: large facial features, tall stature, strong build. In all Zilov's manners, one can see how confident the main character is: this is noticeable in the way he talks, in his gestures and even in his walk. Zilov feels special, because he differs from his friends in physical superiority. Despite the fact that Viktor Alexandrovich does not show his inner feelings, his habits show boredom and sadness, which goes unnoticed when you first meet the hero.

Galina is the wife of the protagonist. The girl is a little younger than her husband - she is twenty-six. This is a fragile woman who amazes everyone with her elegance. But the natural femininity of Galina is inherent from birth. After she fell in love with Zilov and married him, all the dreams that the girl had kept for years were simply destroyed by everyday difficulties. Due to the unenviable financial situation, Galina has to work hard, and difficulties in her personal life constantly upset the woman. On the face of Galina, the expression of happiness and carelessness has long disappeared - the girl is always upset and preoccupied with something.

Irina is a young student who manages to lure Zilov into love networks. She falls in love with a married man who, in the end, is going to marry her, leaving Galina alone.

Kuzakov is a friend of Victor. He is about thirty years old, an inconspicuous young man. By nature, Kuzakov is silent and thoughtful. He constantly worries about his problems, although he does not share his feelings with any of his loved ones.

Sayapin is Victor's former classmate. In addition, young people in the past did military service together. For many years, Zilov and Sayapin remain friends.

Valeria is the wife of Sayapin. The girl is younger than her husband. She is distinguished by a special activity, a positive outlook on life and amusement with which she perceives all life's difficulties.

Vadim Kushak is the head of Sayapin and Zilov. He is a serious man who knows his own worth. Important, solid, Sash keeps all his subordinates at bay. Despite the fact that Vadim is strict and businesslike in the institution, outside the walls of the workplace he is too insecure, indecisive and often fussy.

Vera is Victor's ex-lover. She is young and beautiful, dresses well and spares no time and effort to look great. The girl works as a simple saleswoman in a store.

Dmitry is a waiter at the Forget-me-not bar. Since Victor is a regular at the bar, Dima and the main character have a common friendship since their school days.


It’s worth starting from that morning when Viktor Zilov wakes up and feels a strong hangover. Victor was awakened by a phone call. He picks up the phone, but the caller doesn't say a word. Within a few minutes, everything repeats itself: a phone call, silence on the phone. He tries to remember what happened last night, but the memories refuse to come back. Then Zilov himself decides to call Dima to ask what happened last night. Dima briefly talks about the fact that the main character made a brawl in a bar. In addition, the waiter asks if Zilov is going to duck hunting, which they have agreed on for a long time. Surprised by the question, Viktor Alexandrovich says that the offer is in force and hangs up. He begins to do morning exercises, quenching his thirst with cold beer.

unexpected guest

The continuation of the summary of "Duck Hunt" may surprise the reader with its plot twist.

Victor hears a knock at the door. Opening it, he sees a boy holding a funeral wreath in his hands. On the wreath is written "Eternal memory to Viktor Zilov, who died during a huge fire." Surprised and annoyed by such a joke, Zilov sits on the bed and begins to think about what would happen if he really died. He begins to remember the last days of his life.

First memory

Our summary of "Duck Hunt" continues with the memories of the protagonist, who are truly able to shed light on the character of Zilov and his entourage.

The first memory was of a meeting between Zilov and Sayapin with their boss. It happened in honor of a joyful event - Zilov just received a good apartment. Suddenly, Zilov's mistress, Vera, appears in the Forget-Me-Not bar. He takes her aside and tells her not to tell anyone about their relationship. Vera understands everything and fulfills the request. And he begins to "make eyes" Kushak, who recently sent his wife to rest in the south. Faith does not retreat from conquering Vadim's heart, and hope begins to appear in the soul of an insecure man.


On the same evening, the whole company goes to a housewarming party with the Zilovs. Galina is very upset, she sees how strained her relationship with her husband has become. She warms in her heart the hope that it is still possible to fix it. She believes that everything can be as it was between her and Victor at the very beginning of the relationship.

Zilov's friends brought a huge number of gifts to the spouses, most of which relate to hunting equipment. Zilov's passion is duck hunting. Despite the fact that the “hunter” himself has not yet managed to shoot a single bird, he regularly gathers for it. Galina says the following about her husband's passion: "For Victor, hunting is just talking and gathering." However, Zilov himself does not notice his wife's ridicule.

Second memory

A very brief summary of Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" continues to amaze the reader with its ironic events.

Sayapin and Zilov were instructed at work to draw up a plan for innovations in the institution. Victor invites his friend to do something simpler: just provide information that the porcelain factory was modernized and reconstructed. Sayapin doubts for a long time whether this is a good idea. He is afraid that such a trick will soon be revealed. In the end, he agrees to the surrender of "fake" information.

At the same time, the main character receives a letter from his old father. The old man writes that he is very ill and would like to see his son. But Zilov does not believe that this is true. He decides - his father is just playing a prank on him. Therefore, Victor is not going anywhere, and he is very busy, he has a vacation soon, which he was going to spend hunting, so he does not have time to visit his father.

At first sight

You can learn about further funny events from the summary of Vampilov's "Duck Hunt". At the same moment, Irina appears in Zilov's office, who confused his office with the room of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Victor decides to play a prank on the girl and pretends to be an employee of the publishing house. When Kushak enters the office, he immediately exposes the deceiver, which causes Irina to laugh. It is after this joke that a romance begins between young people.

third memory

The summary of "Duck Hunt" continues with tragic events.

Victor returns home early in the morning. Wife Galina has not yet gone to bed. She meets her husband and complains to him that she has a lot of work, that she is very tired, that she is too upset by such a sudden business trip of her beloved. Zilov understands that Galina began to suspect him of treason, and denies all accusations of his wife. But the girl does not give up and tells her husband that the neighbor saw him with a young beauty. Angry at Galina, the main character says that she herself is to blame for this state of affairs, not paying any attention to him.

Galina rashly tells Victor that she had an abortion last week. Zilov, completely excited, begins to scream, asking Galina why she did not consult with him before making such an important decision, to which his wife replied that she was not sure that Victor really wanted common children. The man is trying to somehow alleviate the tension that has grown between him and his wife. He begins to remember how his relationship with Galina began. At first, the girl tries not to react in any way to the words of her beloved man, but soon gives up and begins to plunge into the past. As a result, the unfortunate woman sits on a chair and begins to cry.

fourth memory

A very brief summary of "Duck Hunt" continues with another memory of the protagonist.

Sayapin and Zilov are sitting in their office. Suddenly, an angry boss appears and begins to chastise his friends for their trick with the porcelain factory. Zilov, knowing that a friend should soon be given an apartment, takes the whole blow on himself. Sayapin's wife invites Vadim to a football game and thereby pacifies the evil boss.

Unexpected message

Our very brief summary of Vampilov's "Duck Hunt" continues with very sad events.

On this day, Victor receives an urgent telegram saying that his father died as a result of an illness. He abandons all his plans and is going to fly to his native land in time for the funeral. Galina offers to keep him company, but the man refuses. Before leaving, Victor decides to look into the bar where he had an appointment with his mistress. Suddenly appearing in the walls of the Forget-Me-Not, Galina, who brought a briefcase and a raincoat to her husband, sees Victor with Irina. After that, Zilov confesses to a young girl that he is married. Realizing that today he does not have the strength to fly anywhere, he postpones his departure for the next day and orders dinner at a bar.

Fifth memory

Zilov's wife is going to leave for her relatives. As soon as Galina leaves the apartment, Victor calls Irina and asks her to come to him. Suddenly, the wife returns to the apartment and tells Zilov that she will not return back. He tries to stop the woman, but she leaves and closes Zilov in the apartment. The man screams that he loves her, that she is infinitely dear to him, he is ready for anything, so long as she does not leave. But instead of Galina, to whom this speech was intended, Irina hears all the words of Victor, taking all Zilov's confessions personally.

Last memory

While Zilov is waiting for his friends at the bar, he drinks heavily. When the friends finally get together, Victor is already very drunk and begins to be rude to everyone, saying various nasty things. Friends, seeing the behavior of Victor, just leave. Irina also leaves the protagonist, who has greatly offended her.

Victor calls the waiter Dima a lackey, for which he painfully hits Zilov in the face. Victor passes out and soon his friends come to take him home.


From the summary of "Duck Hunt" by Vampilov, you can find out that the plot ends with the despair of the protagonist. Remembering all the horror of the last days, the protagonist wonders if he should commit suicide. He writes a farewell letter, takes a gun and points its muzzle under his chin. At this time, friends come to him and, seeing what is happening with Zilov, they push him onto the bed and take away the weapon. Victor Alexandrovich tries to drive them away, and he succeeds. Having driven out his friends, he throws himself into bed and either laughs out loud or sobs out loud. Time passes, and he calls Dmitry to say that he is ready to go hunting.

"Duck Hunt"

A play by A.V. Vampilov's "Duck Hunt", written in 1970, embodied the fate of the generation of the "era of stagnation". Already in the remarks, the typical nature of the events depicted is emphasized: a typical city apartment, ordinary furniture, household disorder, indicating the disorder in the mental life of Viktor Zilov, the protagonist of the work.

A rather young and physically healthy man (according to the story, he is about thirty years old) feels a deep weariness from life. There are no values ​​for him. From the very first conversation of Zilov with a friend, it turns out that yesterday he made some kind of scandal, the essence of which he no longer remembers. Turns out he offended someone. But he doesn't really care. "They'll survive, right?" - he says to his friend Dima.

Unexpectedly, Zilov is brought a funeral wreath with a ribbon on which touching memorial words are written: "To the unforgettable, untimely burnt down at work Viktor Alexandrovich Zilov from inconsolable friends."

Initially, this event seems to be an unsuccessful joke, but in the process of further development of events, the reader realizes that Zilov really buried himself alive: he drinks, scandals and does everything to arouse the disgust of people who until recently were close and dear.

There is one important artistic detail in the interior of Zilov's room - a large plush cat with a bow around his neck, a gift from Vera. This is a kind of symbol of unfulfilled hopes. After all, Zilov and Galina could have a happy family with children and a cozy, well-established life. It is no coincidence that after the housewarming Galina offers Zilov to have a child, although she understands that he does not need him.

The basic principle of relations with people for Zilov is unbridled lies, the purpose of which is the desire to whitewash oneself and denigrate others. So, for example, inviting his boss Kushak to a housewarming party, who at first does not want to go on a visit without his wife, Zilov informs Galina that Vera has been invited for him, with whom he is allegedly in love. In fact, Vera is the mistress of Zilov himself. In turn, Victor pushes Kushak to woo Vera: “Nonsense. Act boldly, do not stand on ceremony. It's all done on the fly. Grab the bull by the horns."

Expressive in the play is the image of Sayapin's wife Valeria, whose ideal is petty-bourgeois happiness. She identifies family ties with material wealth. “Tolechka, if in six months we don’t move into such an apartment, I will run away from you, I swear to you,” she declares to her husband at a housewarming party with the Zilovs.

Aptly described by A.V. Vampilov and another expressive female image of the play - the image of Vera, who is also, in essence, unhappy. She has long lost faith in the possibility of finding a reliable life partner and calls all men the same (Aliks). At the housewarming party, Verochka constantly shocks everyone with her tactlessness and her attempt to dance on Zilov's table. A woman tries to seem rude and cheeky than she really is. Obviously, this helps her drown out her longing for real human happiness. Kuzakov understands this best of all, who tells Zilov: “Yes, Vitya, it seems to me that she is not at all who she claims to be.”

An important compositional move is used in the housewarming scene. All guests give gifts to the Zilovs. Valeria torments the owner of the house for a long time before giving a gift, and asks what he loves the most. This scene plays a big role in revealing the image of Zilov. Galina confesses in her that she has not felt her husband's love for a long time. He has a consumer attitude towards her.

Vera, asking with a grin about her mistress, also understands that Victor is indifferent to her and her visit does not give him much pleasure. During the conversation, it turns out that Zilov does not favor his work as an engineer, although he can still improve his business reputation. This is evidenced by Kushak's remark: "He lacks a business vein, that's true, but he's a capable guy...". Sayapins give Zilov equipment for hunting, which the hero so dreams of. The image of duck hunting in the work is undoubtedly symbolic. It can be regarded as a dream of a worthwhile cause, which Zilov just turns out to be incapable of. It is no coincidence that Galina, who knows his character more deeply than others, notices that the main thing for him is getting ready and talking.

A kind of test for Zilov is a letter from his father, who asks him to come to him to see him. It turns out that Victor has not been with his parents for a long time and is very cynical about the tearful letters of his old father: “He will send such letters to all ends and lies, like a dog, waiting. Relatives, fool, run over, oh, oh, and he is pleased. Lie down, lie down, then, you see, he got up - he is alive, healthy and takes vodka. At the same time, the son does not even know exactly how old his father is (he remembers that he is over seventy). Zilov has a choice: to go on vacation to his father in September or to realize an old dream of duck hunting. He chooses the second. As a result, the unfortunate old man will die without seeing his son.

Before our eyes, Zilov is destroying Galina's last hopes for personal happiness. He is indifferent to her pregnancy, and the woman, seeing this, gets rid of the child. Tired of endless lies, she leaves her husband for a childhood friend who still loves her.

Troubles are also brewing at work: Zilov handed over to his boss an article with false information, and he also forced his friend Sayapin to sign it. The hero is about to be fired. But he doesn't really care about it.

In a cafe with a sentimental name "Forget-Me-Not" Zilov often appears with new women. It is there that he invites young Irina, who sincerely falls in love with him. In a cafe, his wife finds him with a girl.

Upon learning of Galina's desire to leave him, Zilov tries to keep her and even promises to take her hunting with him, but when he sees that Irina has come to him, he quickly switches. However, other women whom he once attracted with false promises eventually leave him. Vera is going to marry Kuzakov, who takes her seriously. It is no coincidence that she begins to call him by his first name, and not Alik, like the rest of the men.

Only at the end of the play does the viewer find out what kind of scandal Zilov made in Forget-Me-Not: he gathered his friends there, invited Irina and began to insult everyone in turn, grossly violating the rules of decency.

In the end, he offends the innocent Irina as well. And when the waiter Dima, with whom the hero is going on the long-awaited duck hunt, stands up for the girl, he insults him, calling him a lackey.

After all this disgusting story, Zilov is actually trying to commit suicide. He is rescued by Kuzakov and Sayapin. The economic Sayapin, dreaming of his apartment, is trying to distract Zilov with something. He says it's time to repair the floors. Victor in response gives him the keys to the apartment. The waiter Dima, despite being offended, invites him to go duck hunting. He allows him to take the boat. Then he drives away people who are somehow trying to fight for his life. At the end of the play, Zilov throws himself on the bed and either cries or laughs. And most likely he cries and laughs at himself. Then he still calms down and calls Dima, agreeing to go hunting with him.

What is the future fate of the hero? It is quite obvious that he needs to rethink his attitude to life in general, to the people with whom he is connected by communication. Perhaps Zilov will still be able to overcome the mental crisis and return to normal life. But most likely the hero is doomed to quickly find his death, because he cannot overcome his own egoism and does not see the goal for which it is worth continuing life. The loss of spiritual and moral supports is a typical feature of the generation of the period of stagnation. For centuries, the life of people was subordinated to the norms of religious morality. At the beginning of the 20th century, public thought was driven by the idea of ​​creating a bright future, a socially just state system. During the Great Patriotic War, the main task was to protect the native land from invaders, then - post-war construction. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were no social and political problems of this magnitude. Perhaps that is why a generation of people has formed who are characterized by the loss of family ties and the meaning of friendships. The influence of the church on the spiritual life of a person had been lost by this time. The norms of religious morality were not respected. Few believed in the idea of ​​building a brighter future. The reason for Zilov's spiritual crisis is the realization of the futility of his life, the lack of a real goal, since the so-called duck hunting, which he constantly dreams about, is more an attempt to escape from life's problems than a real thing for which you can sacrifice everything else.

Sections: Extracurricular work


  • Through the analysis of the play, show the peculiarity of the writer's manner: the image of the inconsistency of being, the extreme states of human feelings.
  • Develop the ability to analyze the work and summarize the knowledge gained.
  • To cultivate the desire to seek answers to enduring questions about the good and truth, about the meaning of human existence, to show the relevance of the problem raised by the author in the play.
  • To educate in children a fair attitude towards people, the desire not to give them categorical characteristics and assessments.

Equipment: portrait of A. Vampilov, exhibition of books and photographs.

Preliminary task:

  1. Read the play "Duck Hunt" and think about how the author solves the problem of the relationship between the individual and the people around him.
  2. Give a written assessment of the image of V. Zilov.

During the classes

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

Valentin Rasputin believed that together with Vampilov, sincerity and kindness came to the theater - old feelings, like bread, and, like bread, necessary for our existence and for art. It cannot be said that they did not exist before him - they were, of course, but not in that, obviously, persuasiveness and closeness to the viewer ...

In the writer's work, we are primarily interested in his plays, which with great difficulty made their way to the viewer, brought him wide fame, and among them, according to critics, the best play by Alexander Vampilov - "Duck Hunt". The review of her first production noted: "So much is said in this play and it is said in such a way that it should be defined as a bright phenomenon of the Soviet theater."

Alexander himself wrote to E. L. Yakushina, head of the literary department of the theater. M.A. Yermolova: “I started the third tragicomedy, it seems to me that it will be a good play...”.

This play, according to friends, colleagues, readers, is the best, but, despite this fact, it turned out to be the most difficult to criticize.

In the lesson, you and I have to find out what was the reason that her fate, like previous dramatic works, was not easy? After all, printed, it caused ... a long silence.

II. Goal setting from students

Based on the play you read, the topic of today's lesson, determine the most important objectives of the lesson for each of you.

III. Choosing an epigraph

In order to successfully resolve the issue of principle for each of us, raised by the playwright in the play, we need to choose one of the proposed epigraphs, which will correlate with the topic and content of our today's conversation. Justify your choice.

Epigraph options:

“...will you, human, remain human? Will you be able to overcome all that false, all that false, unkind that is prepared for you in many trials, where even opposites have become difficult to distinguish - love and betrayal, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsehood, goodness and enslavement ... "

Valentin Rasputin

“Vampilov builds the characters of his heroes in such a way that the difference between courage and seriousness, pain and ridicule is irresistible. Ultimately, the point ... is that the writer offers the character of a person in whose behavior enthusiasm and cynicism, sincerity and lies, loftiness of impulse and baseness of the act are merged into one.

E. Grushanskaya

Christ. Man does not live by bread alone.

Grand Inquisitor. In this you were right. For the secret of human existence is not only to live, but in what to live for. Without a solid idea of ​​himself, why should he live. A man will not agree to live and will rather destroy himself than remain on earth, although there were bread around him.

(most suitable option)

IV. Play work

1. For more than 30 years, disputes about the “Duck Hunt” have not subsided.

- What, in your opinion, is the main subject of the dispute? (The main character of the play is Zilov, his life credo, immorality, relationships with others.)

- Is it possible to give a specific assessment of the image of Zilov?

– Indeed, no. Critics' assessments are contradictory, even polar. Some - they note in him talent, originality, human charm. He is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn. Something in it leaves hope for renewal.

Others believe that before them is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. All the best in it is lost forever. He does not know filial feelings, fatherly pride, respect for a woman, friendly affection.

2. What assessment did you give to the image of Zilov, having read the play yourself?

(Read out options for their assessments of the image.)

Vladimir P.

“... It seems to me that Zilov has achieved nothing in his life, except for pain and loneliness. He behaved obscenely with his relatives and friends. He had the opportunity to have a wife and a child. But he missed this chance because of his stupidity and weakness. He cannot be called a real man, he is a morally weak human being...”.

Julia M.

“...Zilov is a cold, indifferent person. He is lost to society as a person. Zilov did not value his loved ones, because of indifference he lost his wife and friends. But it seems to me that he did not regret it at all, because he loved only himself. There are a lot of people like Zilov in our time ... ”.

Jan K.

“... Everyone has a black streak in life, and Zilov at some point is also no exception, so I would not blame him, but tried to lend a helping hand. Indeed, if you look from the other side, Zilov has a wonderful quality: to realize his mistakes and ask for forgiveness, I believe that this is what will lead him to the path of correction and understanding ... "

3. Conversation with the class:

- So, as you can see, the opinions of the guys were divided in the same way as the opinions of the critics were divided. And this once again speaks of the inconsistency of the image of the protagonist of the play. But each of the guys made for himself a certain portrait of Zilov.

- But in order to condemn Zilov in immorality, lack of spirituality, we must understand who his friends are, what are they? Maybe, one way or another, it is they who “push” him into the “abyss of being”? Or did they help him become the way he appears to readers?

4. Work on compiling a table according to images:

image characteristic
Sayapin The idea of ​​pranking Zilov with a wreath and a telegram supposedly saves a “friend” from suicide, but thinks about repairing an apartment if she gets it after the death of a “friend”. Trouble at work passes to Zilov.
Valeria (Sayapin's wife) Young, energetic, assertive. The husband is delighted with her "punching" abilities. She is laconic. For the sake of profit, she is even ready to hit on her husband's boss, to flatter him rudely.
Sash Restricted, stupid and cowardly, but not against having fun in the absence of his wife.
Kuzanov Naive. Almost does not understand either people or life

- Does Zilov suit his social circle? Is it funny or sad for the reader from the picture drawn by the playwright? The characters in the play, representing the younger generation, are not in conflict because they are all the same. Then what is the dramatic conflict? What drives the play? (The conflict of the play lies in the hero himself, before whom the main question arose, the question of fate: how and why to live?)

– Why did the playwright need the reception of memories by the main character of his former life?

And everything is simple: at the beginning of the play, having seen a terrible symbol of death, we are waiting for how its appearance will be explained. We find this explanation in Zilov's memoirs, perceived as a hero's confession.

- What appears in the first memories of Zilov? (Waiting for departure for duck hunting, jealous of Dima's sharp eye and firm hand, gets a new apartment, he is tired of Vera, celebrates a housewarming party, inviting friends.)

- Why, then, does he not leave the feeling that life is somehow empty, worthless and even bitter? Why such an impression?

- Analyze Zilov's relationship with his wife Galina. Can we call them happy? Who is to blame for the fact that they have long ceased to understand each other?

- What is the reason for the second memory of Zilov? (Signature under a fake document, a letter from my father and an acquaintance with Irina.)

- Follow his attitude to official duties, to his father and Irina. What should be paid special attention to? What surprised you, or maybe even shocked you? (Attitude towards father.)

- Why does this cold person change when he meets Irina? Indeed, at first glance, Zilov's wife, the fragile Galina, is very similar to the direct and trusting Irina?

- Zilov lies to himself, his wife, Irina. Does he understand the terrible meaning of what is happening? What does this understanding reveal for us in Zilov?

(Reality - a gift from friends, a funeral wreath and resurrected in memory, led Zilov into confusion, he suffers, feels lonely.) Prove from the text.

Zilov had the opportunity to be forgiven and understood by his wife Galina at the time of her departure, but even here he acts unpredictably.

- How does Victor behave when parting? Find by text.

- What do you think, can Zilov be trusted or not?

- Your opinions are divided again, but here is how the opinions of critics are divided:

B. Sushkov:

“... Vampilov in this monologue shows the sincere and deep repentance of the hero’s soul, and not his regular chatter, as those critics who from the threshold deny spiritual beginnings in him managed to perceive him ... (“You are not there .. You are not yet was born. And there is nothing... And it will not - that is, there is no more of his former, bad and will not be) - this vow to improve, to be reborn, which he gives to his wife, is also a sign of "lack of spirituality"?

V. Lakshin:

“There is a temptation to interpret the image of duck hunting in Vampilov as something sublimely poetic. In fact, nature, silence, concentration of the soul ... But does the author leave Zilov hope for a revival here? “Do you know how quiet it is? the hero explains. “You are not there, do you understand? No. You haven't been born yet. And there is nothing. And it wasn't. And it won't." The explanation is murky. With these short phrases (“And there is nothing. And there was not. And there will not be”) as if nails are being driven in...”

Teacher: Let's go back to the title of the play. Why did the play get the name “Duck Hunt”, why does the hunting motif appear in a variety of scenes?

What is the role of hunting for humans? And for Zilov?

He did not kill even a single small bird. But what does he most dream of, what does he envy?

– What paradox does the author hide in this metamorphosis? (On the hunt, Zilov is unlikely to be able to kill, but in life he hits his relatives and friends without a miss, not understanding the old truth that the evil you do will return to you a hundredfold.)

The end of the play is open.

Let's move on to the final scene of the play. How to interpret it?

- Is Zilov crying or laughing? After all, the further fate of the hero depends on how you interpret this scene...

Here is how O. Efremov rethought the finale of the play, in his interpretation one can trace the moral ideas of the actor: “... A person like Zilov can choke on longing, can lose faith in people, in the expediency of life, but he cannot become Dima, a hunter , killer. These are still people of different social breeds. There's more blood here. With an open ending, I would like to evoke tragic tension in the viewer, if you want moral tension, if you want, moral shudder ... ”

– Do you agree with the interpretation of O. Efremov?

The author leads the reader to the idea that we all participate in the creation of the moral climate of life. It was about this that A. Vampilov very accurately said: “The environment is ourselves. We are put together. And if so, isn’t it the environment each of us individually?..”

Let's return to the epigraph.

– Why did we choose this particular quote as the epigraph to our reflections on the play “Duck Hunt”?

– We are returning “to square one”: without faith, without love, without a spiritual principle that determines thoughts and actions, without consciousness, for what and how we live, although a person remains alive, but sentences himself to spiritual death.

V. Final reflection

– What moral lessons did everyone learn for themselves today?

VI. Filling out self-control sheets

VII. Homework

Write an essay "The relevance of the problems raised by A. Vampilov in modern society."


Krupina N.L., Sosnina N.A. Complicity of time. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1992

Alexander Vampilov is known in Russian dramaturgy as the author of four major plays and three one-act plays. He tragically died at the age of 35. Vampilov's innovative plays revolutionized Russian dramaturgy and theatre. The writer created the image of the hero of his time, a young, self-confident, educated person, experiencing the collapse of his romantic hopes and ideals. The author dared, in the face of severe ideological restrictions, to show the youth of the 1960s as a deceived generation. The writer puts his heroes in critical situations when they are required to live on, but they do not see the point in this. The author brilliantly portrayed the stuffy stagnation of the Soviet era, when any initiative was punished, there was no freedom, it was impossible for young people full of strength to express themselves.

The originality of Vampilov's plays is that they are based not on a dramatic, but on a lyrical conflict. These are confessional plays, the heroes of which never do anything, there is no tragic or dramatic beginning in the plays. In front of the viewer is a hero who is trying to understand himself and the absurdity of the world around him. The main thing in the plays is the process of a person's lyrical self-awareness. Vampilov tried to show on stage what cannot be played, and he succeeded.

The play "Duck Hunt" (1971) is the brightest and most mature work of A. Vampilov. It expresses the main, according to the author, the conflict of his era - the devaluation of spiritual values.

The protagonist of the play is Viktor Zilov. It is through the prism of his memories that we observe the events of the play. A month and a half from Zilov's life is a time in which many events take place, the apogee of which is a funeral wreath from friends to a completely alive "hero of his time", "Zilov Viktor Aleksandrovich, who untimely burned down at work."

The author's position is expressed through remarks, which is traditional for dramaturgy. In Vampilov they are quite common, in them, as, for example, in the case of Irina, a qualitative emphasis is placed: in the heroine, the main feature is sincerity. Vampilov's remarks point the director to an unambiguous interpretation of this or that character, leaving no freedom in the stage production. The author's attitude to the characters can also be traced in the dialogues. Here, the estimated characteristics of others are given more than all Zils. He - a cynic and, on the whole, a frivolous, unpredictable citizen - is allowed a lot, as jesters have been allowed in all ages. It is not for nothing that even the closest friends laugh and joke at Zilov, sometimes very evil. By the way, Zilov's entourage has any feelings for him, but not friendly ones. Envy, hatred, jealousy. And Victor deserved them exactly as much as each person can deserve them.

When the guests ask Zilov what he loves most of all, Victor does not find what to answer them. But friends (as well as society, the party, the state) know better than our hero - most of all he loves hunting. The tragicomic nature of the situation is emphasized by an artistic detail (the whole play is full of such details) - Zilov does not take off his hunting accessories until the end of his memories, like a mask. This is not the first time that the leitmotif of the mask appears in the author's work. In earlier plays, we see a similar device ("The Elder Son", "The Story with the Met Entrance"). The heroes not only put on masks, but also put them on: “May I call you Alik?” Vampilov's characters are happy to resort to labels, hanging which frees them from thinking and making decisions: Vera is exactly who she claims to be, and Irina is a “saint”.

Duck hunting for Victor is the embodiment of dreams and freedom: “Oh! It's like in a church, and even cleaner than in a church... And what about the night? My God! Do you know what silence is? You're not there, do you understand? You have not been born yet…” More than a month before the cherished day, he is already gathered and waiting for the hunt as deliverance, as the beginning of a new life, as a period for respite, after which everything will become clear. material from the site

"Duck Hunt" is a play about the values ​​of the "thaw" generation, to be more precise, about their disintegration. The tragicomic existence of Vampilov's heroes - Gali, Sayapins, Kuzakov, Kushak and Vera - reflects their self-doubt and unsteadiness, it would seem, forever determined by society of the surrounding reality. There are no positive or negative characters in the Duck Hunt character system. There is self-confident Dima, suffering from the injustice of being Zilov, defiant Vera and Sash, who is in constant fear. There are unfortunate people whose life did not work out and, it seems, could not work out.

Vampilov is a recognized master of open finals. The "Duck Hunt" also ends ambiguously. Zilov laughs or cries in the last scene, we will never know.

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  • duck hunting of vamps the attitude of the author to the heroes of the play
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Analysis of the play by A.V. Vampilov "Duck Hunt"

A play by A.V. Vampilov's "Duck Hunt", written in 1970, embodied the fate of the generation of the "era of stagnation". Already in the remarks, the typical nature of the events depicted is emphasized: a typical city apartment, ordinary furniture, household disorder, indicating the disorder in the mental life of Viktor Zilov, the protagonist of the work.

A rather young and physically healthy man (according to the story, he is about thirty years old) feels a deep weariness from life. There are no values ​​for him. From the very first conversation of Zilov with a friend, it turns out that yesterday he made some kind of scandal, the essence of which he no longer remembers. Turns out he offended someone. But he doesn't really care. "They'll survive, right?" - he says to his friend Dima.

Unexpectedly, Zilov is brought a funeral wreath with a ribbon on which touching memorial words are written: "To the unforgettable, untimely burnt down at work Viktor Alexandrovich Zilov from inconsolable friends."

Initially, this event seems to be an unsuccessful joke, but in the process of further development of events, the reader realizes that Zilov really buried himself alive: he drinks, scandals and does everything to arouse the disgust of people who until recently were close and dear.

There is one important artistic detail in the interior of Zilov's room - a large plush cat with a bow around his neck, a gift from Vera. This is a kind of symbol of unfulfilled hopes. After all, Zilov and Galina could have a happy family with children and a cozy, well-established life. It is no coincidence that after the housewarming Galina offers Zilov to have a child, although she understands that he does not need him.

The basic principle of relations with people for Zilov is unrestrained lies, the purpose of which is the desire to whitewash oneself and denigrate others. So, for example, inviting his boss Kushak to a housewarming party, who at first does not want to go on a visit without his wife, Zilov informs Galina that Vera has been invited for him, with whom he is allegedly in love. In fact, Vera is the mistress of Zilov himself. In turn, Victor pushes Kushak to woo Vera: “Nonsense. Act boldly, do not stand on ceremony. It's all done on the fly. Grab the bull by the horns."

Expressive in the play is the image of Sayapin's wife Valeria, whose ideal is petty-bourgeois happiness. She identifies family ties with material wealth. “Tolechka, if in six months we don’t move into such an apartment, I will run away from you, I swear to you,” she says to her husband at the housewarming party at the Zilovs.

Aptly described by A.V. Vampilov and another expressive female image of the play - the image of Vera, who is also, in essence, unhappy. She has long lost faith in the possibility of finding a reliable life partner and calls all men the same (Aliks). At the housewarming party, Verochka constantly shocks everyone with her tactlessness and her attempt to dance on Zilov's table. A woman tries to seem rude and cheeky than she really is. Obviously, this helps her drown out her longing for real human happiness. Kuzakov understands this best of all, who tells Zilov: “Yes, Vitya, it seems to me that she is not at all who she claims to be.”

An important compositional move is used in the housewarming scene. All guests give gifts to the Zilovs. Valeria torments the owner of the house for a long time before giving a gift, and asks what he loves the most. This scene plays a big role in revealing the image of Zilov. Galina confesses in her that she has not felt her husband's love for a long time. He has a consumer attitude towards her.

Vera, asking with a grin about her mistress, also understands that Victor is indifferent to her and her visit does not give him much pleasure. During the conversation, it turns out that Zilov does not favor his work as an engineer, although he can still improve his business reputation. This is evidenced by Kushak's remark: "He lacks a business streak, that's true, but he's a capable guy..." The Sayapins give Zilov the equipment for hunting that the hero so dreams of. The image of duck hunting in the work is undoubtedly symbolic. It can be be regarded as a dream of a worthwhile cause, which Zilov just turns out to be incapable of. It is no coincidence that Galina, who knows his character more deeply than others, notices that the main thing for him is gatherings and conversations.

A kind of test for Zilov is a letter from his father, who asks him to come to him to see him. It turns out that Victor has not been with his parents for a long time and is very cynical about the tearful letters of his old father: “He will send such letters to all ends and lies, like a dog, waiting. Relatives, fool, run over, oh, oh, and he is pleased. Lie down, lie down, then, you see, he got up - he is alive, healthy and takes vodka. At the same time, the son does not even know exactly how old his father is (he remembers that he is over seventy). Zilov has a choice: to go on vacation to his father in September or to realize an old dream of eel hunting. He chooses the second. As a result, the unfortunate old man will die without seeing his son.

Before our eyes, Zilov is destroying Galina's last hopes for personal happiness. He is indifferent to her pregnancy, and the woman, seeing this, gets rid of the child. Tired of endless lies, she leaves her husband for a childhood friend who still loves her.

Troubles are also brewing at work: Zilov handed over to his boss an article with false information, and he also forced his friend Sayapin to sign it. The hero is about to be fired. But he doesn't really care about it.

In a cafe with a sentimental name "Forget-Me-Not" Zilov often appears with new women. It is there that he invites young Irina, who sincerely falls in love with him. In a cafe, his wife finds him with a girl.

Upon learning of Galina's desire to leave him, Zilov tries to keep her and even promises to take her hunting with him, but when he sees that Irina has come to him, he quickly switches. However, other women whom he once attracted with false promises eventually leave him. Vera is going to marry Kuzakov, who takes her seriously. It is no coincidence that she begins to call him by his first name, and not Alik, like the rest of the men.

Only at the end of the play does the viewer find out what kind of scandal Zilov made in Forget-Me-Not: he gathered his friends there, invited Irina and began to insult everyone in turn, grossly violating the rules of decency.

In the end, he offends the innocent Irina as well. And when the waiter Dima, with whom the hero is going on the long-awaited duck hunt, stands up for the girl, he insults him, calling him a lackey.

After all this disgusting story, Zilov is actually trying to commit suicide. He is rescued by Kuzakov and Sayapin. The economic Sayapin, dreaming of his apartment, is trying to distract Zilov with something. He says it's time to repair the floors. Victor in response gives him the keys to the apartment. The waiter Dima, despite being offended, invites him to go duck hunting. He allows him to take the boat. Then he drives away people who are somehow trying to fight for his life. At the end of the play, Zilov throws himself on the bed and either cries or laughs. And most likely he cries and laughs at himself. Then he still calms down and calls Dima, agreeing to go hunting with him.

What is the future fate of the hero? It is quite obvious that he needs to rethink his attitude to life in general, to the people with whom he is connected by communication. Perhaps Zilov will still be able to overcome the mental crisis and return to normal life. But most likely the hero is doomed to quickly find his death, because he cannot overcome his own egoism and does not see the goal for which it is worth continuing life. The loss of spiritual and moral supports is a typical feature of the generation of the period of stagnation. For centuries, the life of people was subordinated to the norms of religious morality. At firstXXFor centuries, social thought was driven by the idea of ​​creating a bright future, a socially just state system. During the Great Patriotic War, the main task was to protect the native land from invaders, then - post-war construction. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were no social and political problems of this magnitude. Perhaps that is why a generation of people has formed who are characterized by the loss of family ties and the meaning of friendships. The influence of the church on the spiritual life of a person had been lost by this time. The norms of religious morality were not respected. Few believed in the idea of ​​building a brighter future. The reason for Zilov's spiritual crisis is the realization of the worthlessness of his life, the lack of a real goal, since the so-called duck hunting, which he constantly dreams about, is more an attempt to escape from life's problems than a real thing for which you can sacrifice everything else.

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