What is the highlight of women of different zodiac signs? Women's zest: why men fall in love with girls.


Today, the women's site site will take up the question of what it is.

And really - what does "highlight" mean? Where to look for it? Is she alone, or can there be many “raisins”? And generally speaking, how to add raisins to become more attractive to men?

What is the highlight in a woman? Poll Beautiful and Successful

To clarify the question, what is a highlight in a woman, Beautiful and Successful conducted a mini-survey among men. It turned out that:

  1. Every man thinks in every woman there is some kind of zest.
  2. It is believed that few men are able to give a clear definition of this "zest". But our survey found the opposite: men know very well, what is the highlight of this particular woman.

« Zest is originality in a woman, what catches me, ”said Stanislav.

Alexander concluded that the raisins are different:
“For example, the highlight that attracts me is one thing.
The zest that makes me want to live one life with a woman is another.
The zest that elevates women to the ranks of my true friends is another zest.
Here are three different highlights!”

Mind-Ko all the time comes across archi-original women: “I have an opinion: the stronger a woman has a brain for me, the more raisin ...”

“A highlight in a woman? Small and wrinkled? Yes, it's a clitoris! Michael exclaims.

In general, the site survey confirmed: a man is a straightforward creature, whether a woman is a highlight, or whether it doesn’t matter to him. The main thing is that a woman should have some kind of feature that distinguishes her from others.. Only then will a man notice her.

But we live in a world where not only men are. We already clearly distinguish where a woman has mystery, where - raisin, and where - charm. And we understand that the more profitable we differ from other women, the higher our self-esteem, the more interesting and happier our life is!

Learning from … connoisseurs of raisin buns

And yet - how much should we have this very raisin? If we, as baking lovers, consider the most common bun with raisins, we will see that ...

Good buns with a medium amount of raisins

Too many raisins is too much: too sweet, the impression that you eat one raisin without a bun.

Too few raisins are insipid and, moreover, sometimes unexpected: you can get scared and mistake the raisin for a cockroach.

It's good when the raisins are evenly distributed in the bun.

It is worse when it is the other way around: in one place - a solid raisin, in another - a simple dough.

Raisins are different

Alyosha likes dark, large and bigger. Sachets - medium size and medium quantity. Misha is small and light. And Ivan does not like raisins at all - he likes chocolate.

To each his own, but for every raisin there is a lover. Others love burnt buns - they seem to them tastier than ordinary ones.

Dough matters too.

If the dough is tasteless, then no raisins will save!

How to add raisins to yourself?

Let's move on to the practical part of our article.

We are not pennies to please everyone

As the site has already noticed, give each man his own raisins. Some will appreciate your beautiful, well-groomed hair, while others don't care if it's long or short. Yes, you can't please everyone!

Two rules follow from this:

  1. For every raisin there is a connoisseur. Unless, of course, you communicate in a society where there are more connoisseurs. If your raisin bun is sold in a little-traveled store, then you run the risk of weathering and molding before someone discovers raisins in it.
  2. The more variety of raisins you have, the more likely that you will like not only a particular man, but also other people. We all love special people - so become one!

We are looking for zest in ourselves

Since we understand that the highlight in a woman is her peculiarity, her dissimilarity to others, then it’s worth finding out how exactly you differ from the rest.

Take a piece of paper (or open the word ... but on paper the thought is somehow more widely expressed), write above:

“My features: what makes me different from others”

…and list everything that comes to mind.
It comes out a lot, right?

If nothing comes to mind - do not rush! Ask friends, acquaintances, friends. Your list will surely grow!

Now take a close look at this list and consider: maybe some features should be developed more, focus on them? Let's say if you have beautiful hair, then you can either try some new ones. If, then you should go to speaker courses or try your hand at singing. If you draw beautifully, try yourself as an artist, designer or stylist. In general, you understand what I'm hinting at: develop, you will only benefit from this!

Add some raisins

So, we take another sheet and write:

"What I would like to try"

It can contain anything! Get a boy haircut, skydive, get busy, do a photo shoot, try a new makeover...

Is the list ready? Now let's start cross off of which, in your opinion, is the most uninteresting. Those few points that remain are the most interesting things to try in the very near future. If you do this, then you will not be afraid of anything!

It also happens differently. You want to charm someone specific with your zest. Then we write another list:

“He will definitely like it if I…”

Do something from your list... and HE won't be able to resist! 🙂

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Sometimes men, meeting a woman, just go crazy over her. And she doesn’t seem to be a beauty, and she doesn’t shine with special talents, but for some reason everything is at her feet. There is some inexplicable feminine charm in her that literally attracts men.

That is why it is sometimes said that all women are a bit of a witch. After allcharm is a special female magic, a way to cloud the mind of any man.

WOW! And this is all ORIFLAME!

In rare cases, charm is innate. If nature endows a woman with such "magic", then this is a great gift. One smile - and all the blessings of the world are pouring at her feet. Female charm will help out such a person more than once in difficult situations. He will help her find her "place in the sun" and provide a good, happy future.

But, of course, women with innate charm are often envied by those whom nature has not endowed with them. Feeling offended that the owners of innate charm get everything so easily, their ill-wishers often try to "put a spoke in the wheel." Fortunately, the ability to get away dry from the water helps here too. women who have charm. But they are rather an exception to the general rule.

For the most part, we can observe feminine charm in those who have diligently cultivated it in themselves from a very young age.

The acquired charm is a combination of a mass of elements that have become so firmly established in the habit that a woman can no longer imagine herself without them. What are these "elements"? Firstly, charm is the ability to behave in public.

An ideal dosage of politeness, self-confidence, coquetry and toughness of character- these are the main components of female charm.

Only the woman herself and only by experience can determine the perfect proportions that will turn these character traits into charm.

Charm recipe for everyone will be different, because we are all individuals. Another aspect of charm is mystery.

If there is a certain mystery in a woman, then she acquires a completely mystical attraction for men. It could be some event from the past.

Or it is not clear where the unique skills obtained from. Or maybe just the meaningful, mysterious smile of Mona Lisa. But all this concerns the internal content, and the charm is absolutely necessary to be well designed externally. First of all, the charm creates a train of expensive perfumes, stretching for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly and very carefully select the smell.

Clothing can also give a woman charm. Most importantly, clothing should express the inner essence of a woman. And if she “doesn’t have a soul” for classic dresses, then you don’t need to wear them, wanting to find charm.

Because in her case, leggings and a long sweater will serve a great purpose much better. You can add charm to yourself with the help of accessories. They must have some kind of “zest” in themselves, be unusual. Moreover, not even necessarily from precious metals.

Another detail of the external design refers to the female body, and not to what she is wearing. As a rule, female charm is most fully manifested in those who speak in a low voice with chest aspiration. Squeaky high voices are often quite annoying.

That's why accustom yourself to speak slowly, quietly and measuredly if you want to find your charm. Watch your gestures too. Rehearse beautiful, graceful gestures in front of a mirror and try to use only them. Excessive and emotional gestures can only scare men away from you.

So, let's go through the points again:


Not so often there are girls with a harmonious figure and good external data. Of course, they know what charm is and how to use it as their main trump card. It happens that bright beauty, on the contrary, can be cold and repulsive.

If you constantly think about the length of eyelashes and nails, complex because of the small size of the chest or full hips, then the inner beauty is left without attention. The ability to veil shortcomings, emphasize their merits add confidence to the girl in her irresistibility.

Here it should be remembered that it is precisely to emphasize your grace, and not to flaunt it, that plays a key role in creating an image. The exclamation of the famous actress Faina Ranevskaya “Beauty is a terrible force!” has a double meaning: appearance can be admired, or you can just kill on the spot.


It will not be possible to attract the attention of a man, and even more so to keep him, with the help of bright vulgar rags. Compliance with the basic rules in the selection of clothes for going to work, a party, a theater will save a woman from incomprehensible looks and clarify the concept of what charm is.

It is not at all necessary to buy expensive things, chase them in foreign boutiques, order from a fashion catalog. It is enough to be able to combine the details of the wardrobe that you already have, skillfully complement them with charming details in the form of interesting accessories.

Soul organization

You cannot be beautiful with a gloomy mood, charming with a sharp tongue, attractive with constant complaints, sexy with a wary look. Men want to see an unconcerned, kind, cheerful, intelligent woman and ... bitchy, strange as it may seem, within reason, of course. So work on yourself, if something from the listed list is not yet available to you, and learn how to use it skillfully. Then you don’t have to ask yourself the rhetorical question “What is charm?”.

Women's charm, as you can see, consists of a huge number of small details. But it is their combination that gives such an amazing effect. Feminine charm is like a designer dress - everything seems to be simple, but if you look closer, the essence becomes visible.

Every stitch is calibrated, every part fits perfectly to the next, and everything is in its place. And it is immediately clear - in front of you is a real work of art! Therefore, if you want to cultivate charm in yourself, you will have to make a lot of effort. But it's definitely worth it!

The easiest way to bring a little novelty to the environment is to add colors. Just a few details can transform a neutral interior. Choose decor items or textiles as bright accents: it will not cost much, and if necessary, you can later replace them with something more relevant.

2 invoices

Another way to add zest to a neutral setting is to turn to textured materials. Coarse knit blankets, fur, interior items made of wood, metal, concrete will help out.

Design: Coco Lapine Design

3 Shades

It is not necessary to turn to bright colors, so that you can limit yourself to shades of colors already used in the interior. This will add volume, make the atmosphere “play out” in a new way.

4 Personalization of space

Get away from the feeling of a boring, inexpressive interior will help personalize the space. Find a place for things dear to your heart, hang frames with photographs, add to the design those details that most accurately reflect the character and hobbies of the household. You will see: the apartment will become not only more interesting, but also more comfortable.

5 Dark details

Sometimes interiors, in the design of which only neutral light colors are used, lack graphic quality. The situation will help to correct the furnishings in black or another dark color. Just a few details will be enough: a poster, a decorative pillow.

Design: Coco Lapine Design

6 Art objects

Art objects will help to give the atmosphere a touch of sophistication, bohemianism and move away from the feeling of facelessness: for example, paintings, sketches, sketches, figurines, decorative elements made of plaster, glass, porcelain. They will become the very highlight that attracts the eye and sets the mood for the entire interior.

7 Designer furnishing

The same goal can be achieved in another way: by placing a designer piece of furniture with a pronounced individuality in the apartment. This will not only help to make the atmosphere more stylish, but also add status to it.

8 Lettering

Another way to add personality to an overly neutral interior is lettering. Posters with inspiring phrases, textiles and dishes with inscriptions, garlands with names in the nursery, words cut out of plywood and hashtags - there are many options for using this technique in the design of a living space - choose the one that suits you.

Design: Lotta Agathon

9 Unusual fittings

10 Hooligan notes

To move away from neutrality, small pranks, carefully added to the environment, will help. Hang an ironic drawing or cartoon portrait on the wall, arrange chairs from different sets around the dining table, purchase. Let yourself be a little mischievous - and the space will instantly change.

Design: Bjurfors

11 Handmade

Great idea to spice up a boring space. In addition, this is a simple and budgetary way to bring an exclusive little thing to the interior and add a little more warmth and comfort to the atmosphere. At the same time, it is not necessary to make some serious things: it is enough, say, to draw a poster or just print a photo of beautiful landscapes made with your own hands.

Every woman has her own zodiac sign. But many perceive their uniqueness as a disadvantage. Find out what your zodiac sign is and skillfully present your feature. The ability to present yourself correctly is a great talent of charming and attractive women. Beauty is primarily manifested in individuality and self-confidence. Find out your zodiac sign and be unique!


The Aries woman tries to take everything from life: she is ambitious, purposeful, but at the same time devoted and defenseless. This bright person is unique in her desire for victory and great willpower. Inside Aries lives a defenseless girl who needs love and understanding. The highlight of this woman is her irresistible desire to take everything from life.


The Taurus woman is unique in her outward softness and great charm. But behind the apparent complaisance lies an iron grip and nerves of steel. This strong person still seems to everyone soft, fluffy and vulnerable. The Taurus woman is very comfortable, because she rarely arranges quarrels and tries to maintain peaceful relations with everyone.


The Gemini woman is unique in her versatility. She is always different, and it attracts men so much. The highlight of Gemini is her seductiveness and ability to be charming in conversation. This woman is so unpredictable that you never know what she will be this time.


The Cancer woman is very sensual, charming and shy. She creates an atmosphere of softness, comfort and warmth around her. She seems to gently warm you, envelops you with her warmth and care. This woman is charming, but not bright. This is her highlight - she always remains mysterious.

a lion

The Leo woman has an incredible charm, especially when she smiles. It may seem as if she is all glowing with joy and charms everyone with her rays. This woman is able to create an aura of love and happiness around herself, which certainly attracts men to her. But sometimes she stays in the shadows to gain strength and take a break from the attention of others.


The Virgo woman knows how to present herself in the best possible light. This attractive person creates her charming appearance with the help of personal care and good taste. It exudes freshness and alluring beauty. The Virgo woman remains in memory for a lifetime, it is impossible to forget her.


The Libra woman is incredibly attractive. This is a very artistic expressive person, she is graceful, elegant and very feminine. It exudes freshness, youth, vitality and energy. Near the Libra woman, inspiration wakes up, she is very sexy, her piercing gaze is impossible to forget.


The Scorpio woman is very attractive and sexy. In the eyes of men, she looks incomprehensible and dangerous. This woman is not for the weak. Near Scorpio it is impossible to relax, she constantly keeps in suspense and this attracts even more. The highlight of the Scorpio woman is her inner self-confidence and ability to remain an unsolved mystery.


A Sagittarius woman can afford everything: to be harsh, not to try to please someone, not to try to show something of herself. In any case, she is incredibly beautiful and charismatic. Its highlight is the ability to entertain, give optimism, create an atmosphere of lightness, joy and infinity around you. Around her, everything seems possible.


The Capricorn woman has great inner strength, which distinguishes her from others. She is very purposeful and self-confident, and this gives her a special charm. The Capricorn woman is beautiful in her severity, good breeding, perseverance and education. She remains charming and sweet even as she pursues her ambitions with unwavering strength.


Aquarius woman is beautiful in her inaccessibility, originality and creative approach to everything. This person strives for freedom and independence, which is very attractive and attracts men. She is talented, inquisitive and very effective. With an Aquarius woman it is always interesting and easy, communication with her is a holiday. The highlight of the Aquarius woman is her love of freedom and the ability to remain unconquered.


The Pisces woman is charming due to her defenselessness, the ability to be weak and charming. It is mysterious and incomprehensible, it is impossible to understand it, therefore it remains only to love and constantly be surprised. The Pisces woman is a very mysterious and gentle creature. Her zest is the ability to be different and at the same time always remain feminine.

Zest (Person with a Zest) as a quality of personality - the possession and manifestation of a kind of charm, attractiveness, sharpness and liveliness, amazing forms of self-expression.

- Of course, I understand that every girl should have a zest, but at least cook some compote from you!

The expression "with a twist" is used in the sense: something that gives a special taste, attractiveness to something (a dish, a story, a person, etc.). It arose from a folk proverb: “Kvass is not expensive, zest in kvass is expensive”; became winged after the appearance of the drama by L. N. Tolstoy "The Living Corpse". The hero of the drama Protasov, talking about his family life, says: “My wife was an ideal woman ... But what can I say? There was no zest, - you know, is there a zest in kvass? - there was no game in our life. And I had to forget. And without the game you will not forget ... ". That is, allegorically, a zest is what gives a person a special attractiveness, originality and originality.

Much more often fall in love with those in whom there is a zest. A reasonable man looks for a zest in a woman, a stupid man looks for body shapes.

A person with a twist is the owner of some special attractive quality, it is this that becomes a magnet for others. Interest in such a person never fades, because some inexplicable attractiveness, delicacy and desirability have been registered in him.

A woman with a zest has a remarkable quality, without which her other virtues fade and fade: she knows how to inspire her husband, that is, she is able to ensure in him a complete readiness to actively and effectively work in the outside world; is able to charge her husband with the energy of creation, enthusiasm, love, affection and tenderness.

A woman with a twist knows that the success and prosperity of her family depends entirely on the simple fact, how much she can charge her husband with energy, which he will spend in the outside world, proving daily that he owes him a lot. A woman inspires a man to great deeds. She charges him with the energy of affection, tenderness and love. Without a woman, a man cannot generate such energy. Having received from the woman the energy of peace, joy, enthusiasm and cheerfulness, he confidently walks through life. A man is inspired if he clearly sees that his woman needs him, that she respects and appreciates him. By virtue of male nature, he wants to physically protect his family, provide for her financially, give emotional protection to a woman, patronize her, do everything possible for her spiritual growth. A man thinks of himself the way his woman thinks of him.

In a word, if a woman has no zest, then she is unable to inspire a man, he will be bored with her with all external well-being.

What is a highlight for one may be a disadvantage and flaw for another.

What about tastes we argue so zealously?
Everyone knows, and this is not new:
What one considers a flaw -
That is a highlight for another!

The Japanese writer Haruki Murakami in “Afterdarkness” cites a dialogue characteristic of this thought: “I am no match for her. Height is small, no breasts, his mouth is half a face, his hair sticks out ... - Actually, - Kaoru laughs, - people call all these things “highlights” ...

A woman with a twist is an enticing mystery for men.

After all, not "any woman" will suit
Our impeccable, refined taste.
"Tender is her soul"? What is worth it!
But we are attracted by raisins and art!

The highlight is a heavenly gift from God!
You can't buy it anywhere, you can't sell it.
And she can replace herself:
And a fashionable silhouette, and style, and makeup.

The zest is an unknown mystery,
An invisible touch of a mysterious soul,
A melody that arose by chance
Furiously attracting men.

You have to be born with a twist
She will appear years, commercials, from twenty,
And just a pretty girl
He skillfully turns a woman into a riddle.

So that's the whole point of this riddle!
She (highlight) is good for that,
What attracts and so excites the body,
What is revealed and "tender soul"!

A woman considers her shortcomings to be highlights, and men - vices. Oddities of a woman are considered by lovers to be zest, and husbands are fools. How a woman will act depends on what kind of zest she thinks at this time.

Girl, are you alone? - No, I'm with raisins and bells and whistles.

There is such a riddle: What is it - small, brown, wrinkled, is there in every woman? The answer is Zest.

The eyewitness tells: - Gathered by the company, having fun. I ask one friend this very riddle, general silence hangs in the air, everyone is waiting for an answer. It should be noted that everyone except him knows the correct answer. He carefully looks at his girlfriend (apparently, wondering what she can be small, brown and wrinkled) and after a couple of seconds says with conviction: - Brains! We then laughed for a long time and could not move away from such an answer.

  1. S. And he never received a slap in the face from his girlfriend, they managed to keep her ...

If a person has too many raisins, he turns into a cupcake.

A woman should have some kind of peculiarity, dissimilarity to others, if she is completely equalized and balanced, charm will disappear, there will be no zest. Therefore, it is unreasonable, even reckless, to balance a woman one hundred percent - the zest will disappear.

Petr Kovalev 2016

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