What is the beauty of Matryona Timofeevna. The image of Matrena Timofeevna in the poem “Who in Rus' should live well


Yasyreva Anastasia


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"…To me
happiness in the girls fell out:
We had a good
Non-drinking family.
For father, for mother,
Like Christ in the bosom,
I lived
well done…”
no matter how I run them
And the betrothed turned up,
On the mountain - a stranger!
Philip Korchagin -
By skill
Life before marriage
N. A. Nekrasov
Who lives well in Rus'
Chapter "Peasant Woman"
big gray mane,
Tea, not cut for twenty years,
With a big beard
Grandpa looked like a bear
Especially from the forest
Bending down, he left.
Grandpa has an arched back, -
At first I was afraid
Like in a low hill
He entered. well straighten out?
will punch a hole
In the light of the head

Savely - branded
but not a slave!
was the biggest
Grumpy... I got it
From girlish holi to hell

Life in a new family

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written was

taken from
anger from the soul, my handsome
Driven away with an angelic smile,
Like the spring sun
Drives snow from the fields
Birth of a child
death was too hard for her.
N. A. Nekrasov
Who lives well in Rus'
Chapter "Peasant Woman"

Keys to women's happiness
our free will
, lost
God himself!”
Life of Matrena Timofeevna
is a constant struggle for survival, and she manages to emerge victorious from this struggle.
Love to
children, to your family
- this is the most important thing that a peasant woman has, so Matrena Timofeevna is ready for anything, just to protect her
kids and her husband.


The image of Matryona Timofeevna (based on the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Rus'”)

The image of a simple Russian peasant woman Matrena Timofeevna is surprisingly bright and realistic. In this image, Nekrasov combined all the features and qualities characteristic of Russian peasant women. And the fate of Matrena Timofeevna is in many ways similar to the fate of other women.

Matrena Timofeevna was born into a large peasant family. The very first years of life were truly happy. All her life, Matrena Timofeevna remembers this carefree time, when she was surrounded by the love and care of her parents. But peasant children grow up very quickly. Therefore, as soon as the girl grew up, she began to help her parents in everything. Gradually, the games were forgotten, there was less and less time left for them, hard peasant work took the first place. But youth still takes its toll, and even after a hard day's work, the girl found time to relax.

Matrena Timofeevna recalls her youth. She was pretty, hardworking, active. It's no wonder the boys were looking at her. And then the betrothed appeared, for whom the parents give Matrena Timofeevna in marriage. Marriage means that now the free and free life of the girl is over. Now she will live in a strange family, where she will not be treated in the best way.

Matrena Timofeevna shares her sad thoughts. She did not want to change her free life in her parents' house for life in a strange, unfamiliar family.

From the very first days in her husband's house, Matrena Timofeevna realized how hard it would be for her now. Relations with the father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law were very difficult, in the new family Matryona had to work hard, and at the same time no one said a kind word to her. However, even in such a difficult life that the peasant woman had, there were simple and simple joys. The relationship between Matryona Timofeevna and her husband did not always develop smoothly. A husband has the right to beat his wife if something does not suit him in her behavior. And no one will stand up for the poor thing, on the contrary, all relatives in the husband's family will only be happy to look at her suffering.

Such was the life of Matrena Timofeevna after marriage. The days dragged on monotonous, gray, surprisingly similar to each other: hard work, quarrels and reproaches from relatives. But a peasant woman has truly angelic patience, therefore, without complaining, she endures all the hardships that have fallen to her lot. The birth of a child is the event that turns her whole life upside down. Now the woman is not so embittered at the whole wide world, love for the baby warms and pleases her.

The joy of a peasant woman from the birth of her son did not last long. Work in the field requires a lot of effort and time, and then there is a baby in her arms. At first, Matrena Timofeevna took the child with her into the field. But then the mother-in-law began to reproach her, because it is impossible to work with a child with full dedication. And poor Matryona had to leave the baby with grandfather Savely. Once the old man overlooked - and the child died.

The death of a child is a terrible tragedy. But peasants have to put up with the fact that very often their children die. However, this is Matryona's first child, so his death turned out to be too difficult a test for her. And then there is an additional misfortune - the police come to the village, the doctor and the camp officer accuse Matryona of having killed the child in collusion with the former convict grandfather Saveliy. Matryona Timofeevna begs not to do an autopsy in order to bury the child without desecration of the body But no one listens to the peasant woman. She almost goes crazy from everything that happened.

All the hardships of a difficult peasant life, the death of a child still cannot break Matryona Timofeevna. Time passes, she has children every year. And she continues to live, raise her children, do hard work. Love for children is the most important thing that a peasant woman has, so Matrena Timofeevna is ready for anything to protect her beloved children. This is evidenced by an episode when they wanted to punish her son Fedot for an offense.

Matryona throws herself at the feet of a passing landowner to help save the boy from punishment. And the landowner said:

“Guardian of a minor

By youth, by stupidity

Forgive ... but a daring woman

Approximately punish!”

Why did Matrena Timofeevna suffer punishment? For his boundless love for his children, for his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Readiness for self-sacrifice is also manifested in the way Matryona rushes to seek salvation for her husband from recruitment. She manages to get to the place and ask for help from the governor, who really helps Philip free himself from recruitment.

Matrena Timofeevna is still young, but she has already had to endure a lot, a lot. She had to endure the death of a child, a time of hunger, reproaches and beatings. She herself says what the holy wanderer told her:

“The keys to female happiness,

From our free will

abandoned, lost

God himself!”

Indeed, a peasant woman can by no means be called happy. All the difficulties and difficult trials that fall on her lot can break and lead a person to death, not only spiritual, but also physical. Very often this is exactly what happens. The life of a simple peasant woman is rarely long, very often women die in the prime of life. It is not easy to read the lines that tell about the life of Matryona Timofeevna. Nevertheless, one cannot help but admire the spiritual strength of this woman, who endured so many trials and was not broken.

The image of Matrena Timofeevna is surprisingly harmonious. The woman appears at the same time strong, hardy, patient and gentle, loving, caring. She has to cope on her own with the difficulties and troubles that fall to the lot of her family, Matryona Timofeevna does not see help from anyone.

But, despite all the tragic that a woman has to endure, Matrena Timofeevna causes genuine admiration. After all, she finds the strength in herself to live, work, continues to enjoy those modest joys that from time to time fall to her lot. And let her honestly admit that she cannot be called happy in any way, she does not fall into the sin of despondency for a minute, she continues to live.

The life of Matrena Timofeevna is a constant struggle for survival, and she manages to emerge victorious from this struggle.

Slides captions:

everything between men
Find a happy
Let's feel the woman

we don't like that
And there is in the village of Klin:
Holmogory cow,
Not a woman!
And more ironically - there is no woman.
Ask Korchagina
Matryona Timofeevna,
She is the Governor
N. A. Nekrasov
Who lives well in Rus'
Chapter "Peasant Woman"
"It's not your business!
Now it's time for work
Leisure to interpret
an ear is pouring down on us,
Not enough hands, dear."
"And what are we, godfather?
Come on sickles! All seven
How will we become tomorrow - by evening
We will burn all your rye
give us your soul!"
"I won't hide anything!"
; gray hair,
big, strict
the richest
and swarthy
her shirt
sundress short
sickle through
The appearance of the heroine

Almost every writer has a secret theme that excites him especially strongly and passes through all his work as a leitmotif. For Nekrasov, the singer of the Russian people, the fate of the Russian woman became such a topic. Simple serfs, proud princesses and even fallen women who sank to the social bottom - for each, the writer had a warm word. And all of them, so different at first glance, were united by complete lack of rights and unhappiness, which were considered the norm at that time. Against the backdrop of universal serfdom, the fate of a simple woman looks even worse, because she is forced to “submit to a slave to the grave” and “be the mother of a son-slave” (“Frost, red nose”), i.e. she is a slave in the square. “The keys to the happiness of women”, from their “free will” have long been lost - this is the problem the poet tried to draw attention to. This is how the incredibly bright and strong image of Matryona Timofeevna appears in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.
The story of the fate of Matryona is set out in the third part of the poem, which is called: "Peasant Woman".

A rumor leads the wanderers to the woman, stating that if any of the women can be called lucky, then only the “governor” from the village of Klin. However, Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina, a "dignified", beautiful and strict woman, having heard the peasants' question about her happiness, "twirled, thought" and did not even want to talk about anything initially. It was already dark, and the month with the stars went up into the sky, when Matrena nevertheless decided to “open her whole soul.”

Only at the very beginning, life was kind to her, Matrena recalls. Mother and father took care of their daughter, called "kasatushka", cherished and cherished. Let us pay attention to the huge number of words with diminutive suffixes: late, sun, crust, etc., characteristic of oral folk art. Here, the influence of Russian folklore on Nekrasov's poem is noticeable - in folk songs, as a rule, the time of carefree girlhood is sung, which contrasts sharply with the subsequent difficult life in the husband's family. The author uses this plot to build the image of Matryona and almost verbatim transfers the description of the girl's life with her parents from the songs. Some of the folklore is introduced directly into the text. These are wedding songs, lamentation over the bride and the song of the bride herself, as well as a detailed description of the matchmaking ceremony.

No matter how hard Matryona tries to prolong her free life, she is still married to a man who is also a stranger, not from her native village. Soon the girl, together with her husband Philip, leaves the house and goes to an unfamiliar land, to a large and unfriendly family. There she goes "from a girl's holi" to hell, which is also transmitted with the help of a folk song. "Drowsy, drowsy, messy!" - so they call Matryona in the family, and everyone tries to give her more work. There is no hope for the intercession of her husband: even though they are of the same age, Philip treats his wife well, but sometimes he beats (“the whip whistled, blood splattered”) and does not think to make her life easier. In addition, he spends almost all his free time on earnings, and there is “no one to love” Matryona.

In this part of the poem, the extraordinary character and inner spiritual stamina of Matryona become clearly visible. Another would have despaired long ago, but she does everything as ordered and always finds a reason to rejoice at the simplest things. Her husband returned, “he brought a silk handkerchief / Yes, he took a ride on a sled” - and Matryona sang joyfully, as she used to sing in her parents' house.

The only happiness of a peasant woman is in her children. So the heroine of Nekrasov has her firstborn, whom she can’t get enough of: “How hand-written was Demushka!”. The author very convincingly shows: it is the children who do not allow the peasant woman to become embittered, they support truly angelic patience in her. The great vocation - to raise and protect her children - raises Matryona above the gray everyday life. The image of a woman turns into a heroic one.

But the peasant woman is not destined to enjoy her happiness for a long time: work must continue, and the child, left in the care of the old man, dies due to a tragic accident. The death of a child at that time was not a rare event, this misfortune often fell upon the family. But Matryona is harder than the others - not only is this her first-born, but also the authorities who came from the city decide that it was the mother herself, in collusion with the former convict grandfather Savely, who killed her son. No matter how much Matryona cries, she has to be present at the autopsy of Demushka - he was “spilled”, and this terrible picture was forever imprinted in her mother’s memory.

The characterization of Matrena Timofeevna would not be complete without another important detail - her willingness to sacrifice herself for others. Her children are what remains the most sacred for a peasant woman: “Just don’t touch the little ones! I stood up for them…” Indicative in this regard is the episode when Matryona takes upon herself the punishment of her son. He, being a shepherd, lost a sheep, and he was to be flogged for this. But the mother threw herself at the feet of the landowner, and he "mercifully" forgave the teenager, ordering in return to flog the "impudent woman." For the sake of her children, Matrena is ready to go even against God. When a wanderer comes to the village with a strange demand not to breastfeed her children on Wednesdays and Fridays, the woman is the only one who did not listen to her. “To whom to endure, so mothers” - in these words of Matryona the whole depth of her maternal love is expressed.

Another key feature of a peasant woman is her determination. Submissive and compliant, she knows when to fight for her happiness. So, it is Matryona from the whole huge family who decides to stand up for her husband when he is taken into the soldiers and, falling at the feet of the governor, brings him home. For this act, she receives the highest award - people's respect. Hence her nickname "Governor". Now the family loves her, and in the village they consider her lucky. But the hardships and "storm of the soul" that have passed through Matryona's life do not give her the opportunity to speak of herself as happy.

A resolute, selfless, simple and sincere woman and mother, one of the many Russian peasant women - this is how the reader of Matryona Korchagin's “Who Lives Well in Rus'” appears before the reader.

The description of the image of Matryona Korchagina and her characterization in the poem will help 10th grade students before writing an essay on the topic “The Image of Matryona Timofeevna in “Who Lives Well in Rus'””.

Artwork test

Most of Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" under the title "Peasant Woman" is dedicated to Russian women. Wanderers looking for a happy man among men, in this part of the work decided to turn to a woman, and on the advice of the inhabitants of one of the villages, they turned to Matryona Korchagina.

The confession of this woman captivated them with the directness and depth of the story about the past years. To do this, the author used in the story of the heroine and metaphors, and comparisons, and folk songs and lamentations. All this in the mouth of Matryona sounds sad and sad. But is she happy and what is her life story?

Matrona's childhood was cloudless. She was born in a good hardworking peasant family, where there was no contention. She was loved and protected by her parents. Growing up early, she began to help them in everything, working hard, but still found time for rest.

She also recalled her youth with warmth, because she was beautiful and energetic and managed to do everything: work and rest. Many guys stared at Matryona until they found a betrothed, to whom she was married. The mother, mourning her daughter, lamented that it would not be sugar for her in marriage, in a strange side and a strange family. But such is the fate of women.

It all happened. Matrena ended up in a large unfriendly family, for her words "from a girl's Holi to hell." They didn’t like her there, they forced her to work hard, offended her, and her husband often beat her, because in those days it was common to beat women. But Matrena, having a strong character, courageously and patiently endured all the hardships of her bonded life. And even in these difficult life circumstances, she knew how to be happy. Here the husband will bring a scarf as a gift, and ride on a sled - and she rejoices at these moments.

The greatest happiness for Matryona was the birth of her first child. That's when she was truly happy. But this happiness was short-lived. Due to an oversight of the old man, the child dies, and the mother is blamed for everything. Where did she get the strength to endure all this? But she survived, as she survived a lot of grief and humiliation.

In her difficult peasant life, she proudly fights and does not fall into despair. Every year she gives birth to children, giving them all her love. She resolutely stands up for her son and accepts his punishment, she boldly goes to ask for her husband so that they do not take him to the war. Left an orphan at the age of 20, she has no one to rely on and no one to pity her. So courage and resilience developed in her character.

Two fires, epidemics, famine and other misfortunes fell on her hard lot. But the firmness and fortitude of this Russian woman can only be envied. Even when her mother-in-law died and Matryona became the mistress, it did not become easier for her to live, but she stubbornly fought for survival and she won.

Such is the life story of Matrona. Here they are, Russian women, were once in Rus'!

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"To whom in Rus' to live well" was written more than a century ago. The poem gives a vivid description of the troubles and trials that the Russian people had to go through, and draws what happiness looks like for ordinary men. The work is titled with the eternal question that has tormented each of us for centuries.

The narrative invites the reader to familiarize themselves with the original story. Its main characters were the peasants, who gathered to determine the class in which a happy person lives. Analyzing all the ranks, the men got acquainted with the stories of the characters, the happiest among whom was the seminarian. The meaning of the hero's surname in this case is important. Happiness for the student was not material well-being, but peace and quiet on the lands of the motherland and the well-being of the people.

History of creation

The poem was created in the period from 1863 to 1877, and in the course of work, the characters and the plot of the work repeatedly changed. The work was not completed, since the author died in 1877, but "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" is considered an integral literary opus.

Nekrasov is famous for his clear civic position and speeches against social injustice. He repeatedly raised in his work the problems that disturb the Russian peasantry. The writer condemned the treatment of landlords with serfs, the exploitation of women and the forced labor of children. After the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the long-awaited happiness for ordinary people did not come. The problem of unfreedom was replaced by other questions concerning the prospects for independent peasant life.

The images revealed in the poem help to penetrate into the depth of the question asked by the author. Nekrasov demonstrates the difference between happiness in the understanding of a landowner and a simple peasant. The rich are sure that the main thing in life is material well-being, and the poor consider the absence of unnecessary troubles as happiness. The spirituality of the people is described by means of Grisha Dobrosklonov, who dream of universal contentment.

Nekrasov in "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" defines the problems of estates, revealing the greed and cruelty of the rich, illiteracy and drunkenness among the peasants. He believes that, realizing what true happiness is, all the heroes of the work will make efforts to achieve it.

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina is a character in the work. In her youth, she was truly happy, as this time of her life was truly carefree. Parents loved the girl, and she sought to help her family in everything. Like other peasant children, Matryona was early accustomed to work. Games were gradually supplanted by household worries and chores, but the rapidly maturing girl did not forget about leisure.

This peasant woman is hardworking and active. Her appearance pleased the eye with stateliness and real Russian beauty. Many guys had views of the girl, and one day the groom wooed her. On this young and happy life before marriage came to an end. The will was replaced by the way of life that reigns in a strange family, about which Matryona's parents grieve. The girl's mother, realizing that her husband will not always protect her daughter, mourns her future.

Life in the new house really did not work out right away. The sisters-in-law and the spouse's parents forced Matryona to work hard and did not indulge her with a kind word. The only joys of the beauty were a silk scarf given by her husband and a sleigh ride.

Relations in marriage could not be called smooth, because at that time husbands often beat their wives, and girls had no one to turn to for help and protection. Matrona's everyday life was gray and monotonous, full of hard work and reproaches from relatives. Personifying the ideal of the majestic Slav, the girl meekly endured all the hardships of fate and showed mighty patience.

The born son revealed Matryona from a new side. A loving mother, she gives her child all the tenderness she is capable of. The girl's happiness was short-lived. She tried to spend as much time with the baby as possible, but the work took every minute, and the child was a burden. Grandfather Saveliy looked after the son of Matryona and once did not look after. The child died. His death was a tragedy for the young mother. In those days, such cases occurred often, but became an incredible test for women.

The police, the doctor and the camp officer who arrived at the house decided that Matryona, in collusion with her grandfather, a former convict, had deliberately killed the baby. It was decided to conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of the boy's death. For a girl, this becomes a great grief, because now a child cannot be buried without scolding.

The image of Matrena is a portrait of a real Russian woman, persistent, strong-willed and patient. A woman who is not able to break life's vicissitudes. After a while, Matryona again has children. She loves and protects them, continuing to work for the good of her family.

The maternal instinct of Matrena Timofeevna is so strong that for the sake of children the heroine is ready for anything. This emphasizes the episode when the son of Fedotushka wanted to be punished by the landowner. A portly woman lay down under the rods, sacrificing herself instead of her own child. With the same zeal, she stands up for her husband, whom they want to recruit. The people's intercessor grants salvation to the Matryona family.

The life of a simple peasant woman is not easy and full of grief. She survived more than one hungry year, lost her son, constantly worried about people dear to her heart. The whole existence of Matryona Timofeevna is based on fighting the misfortunes that stand in her way. The difficulties that fell to her lot could break her spirit. Often, women like Matryona died early because of hardships and troubles. But those who remained alive aroused pride and respect. The image of a Russian woman in the face of Matryona is also sung by Nekrasov.

The writer sees how hardy and patient she is, how much strength and love her soul keeps, how caring and gentle a simple hard-working woman can be. He is not inclined to call the heroine happy, but he is proud that she does not lose heart, but emerges victorious in the struggle for life.


In Tsarist Russia, the life of a woman was extremely difficult. By the age of 38, the strong and majestic Matrena Timofeevna was already calling herself an old woman. Many troubles fell to her lot, with which the woman coped on her own, so she condemns the men who started looking for lucky women among the women:

“And what you started
It's not a matter - between women
Happy looking!"

For stamina and fortitude, the heroine was called the "governor's wife", because not every woman dared to take such heroic actions that Matryona took. The woman rightfully deserved the new nickname, but this name did not bring happiness. The main joy for Korchagina is by no means in the glory of the people:

"They glorified the lucky one,
Nicknamed the governor
Matryona since then ...
What's next? I rule the house
Grove of children ... Is it for joy?
You need to know too!

The chapter in which the heroine opens the eyes of the peasants to a mistake is called "The Woman's Parable". Matrena Timofeevna admits that she is not able to recognize herself and other peasant women as happy. Too much oppression, trials, the wrath of the landowners, anger from their husbands and relatives, and the vicissitudes of fate fall to their lot. Matrena believes that there are no lucky women among women:

"The keys to female happiness,
From our free will
abandoned, lost

The Russian peasant woman became the heroine of many poems and poems by Nekrasov. In her image, Nekrasov showed a person of high moral qualities, he sings of her stamina in life's trials, pride, dignity, caring for her family and children. The female image was most fully revealed by Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” - this is the image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina.

The part “Peasant Woman” in the poem is the largest in volume, and it is written in the first person: Matrena Timofeevna herself tells about her fate. Matryona Timofeevna, according to her, was lucky as a girl:

I was lucky in the girls:

We had a good

Non-drinking family.

The family surrounded their beloved daughter with care and affection. In the seventh year, the peasant's daughter began to be taught to work: "she herself ... ran to the herd for a dumpling, brought breakfast to her father, grazed the ducklings." And this work was her joy. Matrena Timofeevna, having worked out in the field, will wash herself in the bathhouse and is ready to sing and dance:

And a good worker

And sing and dance the huntress

I was young.

But how few bright moments in her life! One of them is an engagement to his beloved Filippushka. Matryona did not sleep all night, thinking about the upcoming marriage: she was afraid of “bondage”. And yet love turned out to be stronger than fears of falling into slavery.

Then it was happiness

And hardly ever again!

And then, after marriage, she went “from a girl’s holi to hell.” Exhausting work, “mortal insults”, misfortunes with children, separation from her husband, who was illegally recruited, and many other hardships - such is the bitter life path of Matryona Timofeevna. With pain she says about what is in her:

No broken bone

There is no stretched vein.

Her story reflected all the everyday hardships of a Russian peasant woman: the despotism of family relations, separation from her husband, eternal humiliation, the suffering of a mother who lost her son, material need: fires, loss of livestock, crop failure. Here is how Nekrasov describes the grief of a mother who lost her child:

I rolled around with a ball

I twisted like a worm

Called, woke Demushka -

Yes, it was too late to call! ..

The mind is ready to be clouded by a terrible misfortune. But a huge spiritual strength helps Matryona Timofeevna to survive. She sends angry curses to her enemies, the camp and the doctor, who torment the “white body” of her son: “Villains! Executioners!” Matrena Timofeevna wants to find “their justice”, but Savely dissuades her: “God is high, the tsar is far ... We cannot find the truth.” “Yes, why, grandfather?” - asks the unfortunate. “You are a serf woman!” - and this sounds like a final verdict.

And yet, when misfortune happens to her second son, she becomes “impudent”: she decisively knocks down the elder Silantius, saving Fedotushka from punishment, taking his rods on herself.

Matryona Timofeevna is ready to endure any trials, inhuman torments in order to defend her children, her husband from everyday troubles. What tremendous willpower a woman must have to go alone on a frosty winter night dozens of miles away to a provincial town in search of the truth. Boundless is her love for her husband, which has withstood such a severe test. The governor, amazed by her selfless act, showed “great mercy”:

They sent a messenger to Klin,

The whole truth was brought -

Filipushka was rescued.

Self-esteem, which manifested itself in Matrena Timofeevna in her girlhood, helps her to go majestically through life. This feeling protects her from the impudent claims of Sitnikov, who seeks to make her his mistress. Anger against the enslavers thickens in a cloud in her soul, she herself speaks about her angry heart to the peasant truth-seekers.

However, these trials cannot break her spirit, she retained her human dignity. True, in the face of the force of circumstances created by the social structure of that time, when the “daughter-in-law in the house” was “the last, last slave”, “intimidated”, “cursed”, Matryona Timofeevna also had to put up with it. But she does not take for granted such family relationships that humiliate her, require unquestioning obedience and humility:

Walked with anger in my heart
And didn't say too much
Word to nobody.

The image of Matrena Timofeevna is given in the poem in dynamics, in development. So, for example, in the story with Demushka, at first, in a fit of despair, she is ready to endure everything:

And then I surrendered
I bowed at my feet...

But then the inexorability of the “unrighteous judges”, their cruelty, gives rise to a feeling of protest in her soul:

They don't have a soul in their chest
They have no conscience in their eyes
On the neck - no cross!

The character of the heroine is tempered precisely in these difficult trials. This is a woman of great mind and heart, selfless, strong-willed, resolute.

The chapter "Peasant Woman" is almost entirely built on folk poetic images and motifs. In the characterization of Matrena Timofeevna, folklore genres are widely used: songs, lamentations, lamentations. With their help, the emotional impression is enhanced, they help to express pain and longing, to show more vividly how bitter the life of Matryona Timofeevna is.

In her speech, a number of folklore features are observed: repetitions (“creeping crawling”, “noise-running, “a tree burns and groans, chicks burn and groan”), constant epithets (“violent head”, “white light”, “fierce grief” ), synonymous expressions, words (“fertilized, dismissed”, “how she yawned, how she growled”). When constructing sentences, he often uses exclamatory forms, appeals (“Oh, mother, where are you?”, “Oh, poor young woman!”, “The daughter-in-law is the last in the house, the last slave!”). There are many sayings and proverbs in her speech: “Do not spit on red-hot iron - it will hiss”, “The working horse eats straw, and the idle dance - oats”; often uses diminutive words: "mother", "pale", "pebble".

These features make Matryona Timofeevna's speech uniquely individual, give it special liveliness, concreteness, and emotionality. At the same time, the saturation with sayings, songs, laments testifies to the creative warehouse of her soul, wealth and strength of feeling. This is the image of a peasant woman not only strong in spirit, but also gifted and talented.

Matryona Timofeevna's story about her life is also a story about the fate of any peasant woman, a long-suffering Russian woman. And the part itself is not named after Matryona Timofeevna, but simply “Peasant Woman”. This emphasizes that the fate of Matrena Timofeevna is not at all an exception to the rule, but the fate of millions of the same Russian peasant women. The parable about “the keys to the happiness of women” also speaks of this. And Matryona Timofeevna concludes her thoughts with a bitter conclusion, turning to the wanderers: “You started not a business - look for a happy woman among the women!”

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