What did Shukshin see the meaning of life. Literature lesson on the topic: "The search for the meaning of life is the lot of every thinking and conscientious person" on the example of the story of V.M.



TOPIC: "The search for the meaning of life by the heroes of Shukshin's stories"

Lesson plan
Topic: The search for the meaning of life by the heroes of Shukshin's stories.

Type of lesson: Combined lesson


to acquaint with the work of Shukshin;

improve text analysis skills.

education of sensitivity, kindness, humane attitude towards people, a sense of justice, honesty, truth, conscience;

fostering a sense of love for the Motherland, patriotism.


development of the ability to analyze information;

compare and draw conclusions;

establish a relationship with contemporary events;

development of creative abilities of students;

coherent monologue.


1. Wall newspaper dedicated to the work of Shukshin.

2. Statements by V. M. Shukshin, drawn up on the board.

Interdisciplinary connections:

History, Russian language.

During the classes
1. Organizational moment.
2. Motivation of educational activity.

Introduction by the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the questions that Vasily Shukshin raised, and which he bequeathed to us to solve. We will also talk about the lessons of Shukshin: about the way to live in art, about the position of the artist. His work calls for a dispute, for discussion. In our lesson, memories of the writer, his letters, excerpts from articles, poems will be heard.
3.Communication of new knowledge.
3.1. The student reads a poem:
Scattered village in the foothills,

Where the Katun splashed lightly,

Knew enough and dashing and grief

This is an ancient village.
Here the boy toiled the path,

A drunken wind inhaled from the meadows,

Eating potatoes in the garden

On the Katun he pulled chebakov.
Siberian edge. The landscape is unobtrusive.

A wave hits the shore of the Katun.

Everyone in Russia knows that splices -

This is the birthplace of Shukshin.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, while working on a novel about Stepan Razin “I came to give you freedom”, found the history of his peasant family in Russian history. It turns out that the Sura River, a tributary of the Volga, has its own small tributary - the Shuksha River. From here, from the Volga region, the ancestors of the writer, the Shukshins, moved to Altai in the 19th century.
And he was born on July 25, 1929 in the village of Srostki, Biysk district, Altai Territory. And he was still very young when his father was arrested on charges of aiding the enemies of Soviet power. In 1956, Makar Shukshin was posthumously rehabilitated - like many innocent victims at that time. Vasya and his sister Natalya were raised by their mother, Maria Sergeevna. For a short time, the children had a stepfather, according to Shukshin's memoirs, a kind person. My stepfather died in the war. Shukshin carried the most tender love for his mother through his whole life.
In 1943, the war year, he graduated from the rural seven-year plan and entered the Biysk Aviation Technical School, but he did not like it there, and he returned to Srostki, became an ordinary collective farmer, a jack of all trades. However, in 1946, Maria Sergeevna had to lead her son into an independent life.
From the age of 17, Shukshin worked at a construction site in Kaluga, at a tractor plant in Vladimir, at construction sites in the Moscow region - workers were then required everywhere. He tried to enroll in a military aviation school, in an automobile school - through the military registration and enlistment offices. Did not work out. In 1949, Shukshin was called up for military service - to the navy. He served first in the Baltic, then in Sevastopol: a senior sailor, a radio operator by profession. Registered in the officer's library. The fact that books build entire destinies, Shukshin wrote, having already become a famous writer.
After demobilization, he returned to Srostki - apparently already with well-thought-out plans. I passed my matriculation exams externally, having messed around with mathematics a lot, and considered this my small feat: “I have never experienced such a strain of strength.” In Srostki, obviously, there were not enough teachers - Shukshin taught Russian language and literature at the local evening school for a short time and retained a bright memory of how gratefully his students listened to him - village boys and girls who had worked out during the day.
(From V. Shukshin's article “Monologue on the Stairs”) “I was a teacher, to be honest, unimportant (without special education, without experience), but I can’t forget now how well, gratefully the guys and girls who had worked out for the day looked at me when I managed to tell them something important, interesting. I loved them in those moments. And in the depths of my soul, not without pride and happiness, I believed: now, in these moments, I am doing a real, good deed. It's a shame we don't have many moments like this in our lives. They make up happiness.”
In the spring of 1954, Maria Sergeevna, in order to raise money for her son to travel to Moscow, sold the heifer. There are many legends about how Shukshin entered the Institute of Cinematography.
(From the memoirs of Shukshin) “It was 1954. There were entrance exams to VGIK. My preparation left much to be desired, I did not shine with special erudition and with all my appearance caused bewilderment of the selection committee ... Then I met Mikhail Ilyich Romm. Applicants in the corridor painted a terrible picture of a person who will now look at you and incinerate you. And they looked at me with surprisingly kind eyes. I began to ask more about life, about literature.”
“The horror of the exam resulted in a very humane and sincere conversation for me. My whole fate here, in this conversation, probably, was decided. True, there was still a selection committee, which, apparently, was also amazed at who Mikhail Ilyich was recruiting.
The chairman of the commission ironically asked:
Do you know Belinsky?
- Yes talking.
– Where does he live now?
Everyone in the committee was silent.
Vissarion Grigorievich? He died, - I say, and began to prove unnecessarily ardently that Belinsky "died". Romm was silent all this time and listened. The same infinitely kind eyes were looking at me. I was lucky to find smart and kind people.”
While still a student, Shukshin filmed a term paper according to his own script, played and directed himself. As a student, he received his first major film role - the soldier Fyodor in Marlen Tsukhiev's film "Two Fyodors" (1959). His last role was Lopakhin in Sergei Bondarchuk's film "They Fought for the Motherland" (1974). The first directorial work in the cinema is the film “Such a guy lives” (1964). The last one is “Kalina Krasnaya” (1973). The first story to appear in print was Two in a Cart (1958). The first book is a collection of short stories “Rural Residents” (1964).
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin died on the night of October 2, 1974 from a heart attack in the cabin of the ship, which served as a floating hotel for the participants in the filming of the film “They Fought for the Motherland”. In 2002, Shukshin's admirers saved the old ship from scrapping, repaired it and gave it a name - "Vasily Shukshin".
I want to read Leonid Popov's poems. It seems to me that the position of the poet in the main thing has something in common with the life line of the writer V. Shukshin:
Late: learning to "sing - dance",

Scuffing your soles in a hot circle.

It's a shame: to distribute bows for the future,

Passionately fall in love with the metropolitan blizzard.
To believe in a shake of the official hand,

Honor to pay for strained mercy,

Time: to sum up your debts,

Fortunately, there are enough of them.
Time: remember past sins,

So that in vain the soul is not proud.

To keep your head from spinning.
Time: the last to rake out the copper,

But to the penny for everything to pay

And die before dawn

To be born free at dawn!
And now we will talk about the problems that the writer poses to readers.

3.2. The problem of the city and the countryside in the work of Shukshin.
The collision characteristic of Shukshin's stories - the clash of "urban" and "village" - not so much reveals social contradictions as it reveals conflicting relations between dreams and reality in the life of a "little man". The study of these relations is the content of many of the writer's works.

The Russian person in Shukshin's image is a searching person, asking life unexpected, strange questions, loving to be surprised and surprised. He does not like hierarchy - that conditional worldly "table of ranks", according to which there are "famous" heroes and there are "modest" workers. Opposing this hierarchy, Shukshin's hero can be touchingly naive, as in the story "Freak", an incredible inventor, as in "Mil pardon, madam!", Or an aggressive debater, as in the story "Cut off". Such qualities as obedience and humility are rarely present in Shukshin's characters. Quite the opposite: they

stubbornness, self-will, dislike for insipid existence, resistance to distilled sanity are characteristic. They cannot live without "leaning out".

3.3. Analysis of works.

Some critics believe that the writer is characterized by some social narrowness. He constantly wrote about the countryside and villagers, but he had a negative attitude towards the city and townspeople.
Do you agree with this opinion?
Let's talk about the heroes of the story "Villagers". What actions do the characters perform and how does the author treat them?
The writer sympathizes with them.
Vasily Knyazev in the story "The Freak" goes to the city to visit his brother, where he encountered the anger and envy of his brother's wife, who also once came from the village. Do you think it was the city that made her bad?
Prove your point.
“Cut off” is one of the brightest and deepest stories of Shukshin.

The central character of the story, Gleb Kapustin, has a “fiery passion” - to “cut off”, “settle down” people from the village who have achieved success in life in the city.

Shown here is a village man and a city dweller. How do village men treat them? Which of the characters do you like?
The main thing for Shukshin is not where a person lives, but how he lives and what kind of person he is. The main thing is to have the courage to speak the truth. And Shukshin had it.
I'll give you an example. We see something bad in the life around us - and habitually repeat: “remnants of the past in the minds of people”, “the pernicious influence of the West”. And Shukshin had the courage to face life. And from the pages of the story “Resentment” came the woeful cry of Sashka Ermolaev “How long will we help rudeness ourselves .. After all, we ourselves have bred boors, ourselves! No one brought them to us, they didn’t drop them on parachutes ..”

V. Shukshin is not afraid of the sharp, unexpected actions of the characters. He likes the rebels because these people defend human dignity in their absurd way.
The writer hated self-satisfied, well-fed, reassured people, he wanted to disturb our souls by showing the truth, but beautiful heroes and noble gestures were demanded of him. V. Shukshin wrote: “Like anyone doing something in art, I also have “intimate” relationships with readers and viewers - letters. They write. Require. They need a handsome hero. They are scolded for the rudeness of the heroes, for their drinking, etc. What do they require? For me to invent. He, the devil, has a neighbor who lives behind the wall, who is rude, drinks on weekends (sometimes noisy), sometimes quarrels with his wife .. He does not believe in him, he denies, but he will believe if I lie from three boxes: he will be grateful, will cry at the TV, touched, and go to bed with a calm soul. V. Shukshin wanted to wake up our conscience, so that they would think about what is happening to us.
Comfortable in art

be a sweet bun


but you won't eat

no cripples

no orphans.

Shukshin was a humpback

With red viburnum


The black one

Without which the people are inconceivable ...

When we got up

On the heavy leaven of a peasant,

We are drawn to nature

To Yesenin's pure verses.

We can't deal with lies

You can’t get along in comfort,

And a heart like a falcon

Like a tied Razin Stepan.

E. Yevtushenko. "In memory of Shukshin".
His wonderful films went around the country: “Such a guy lives,”

“Stoves-benches”, “Kalina red”. His heroes looked at us from the pages of magazines: drivers, collective farmers, saddlers, ferrymen, watchmen. The country recognized itself in his heroes and fell in love with Shukshin.
Shukshin always writes about his mother with great love, tenderness, gratitude, and at the same time with a feeling of some kind of guilt.
Let's remember the scene of Egor Prokudin's meeting with his mother (“Kalina Krasnaya”)., Comment on it. We note that Yegor's mother is not a professional actress, but a simple village woman.
- Why did the director make such a decision - to approve an unprofessional actress for the role of mother?
What did Shukshin want to say in Red Kalina when he killed Yegor Prokudin? That it makes no sense for thieves to rush to a normal life, right?
(It seems to me that V. Sh. wanted to say that you have to pay for everything in life. To have the opportunity to respect yourself and feel the respect of people for yourself - sometimes it takes a whole life. More than one field needs to be plowed, more than one act needs to be performed. And Egor understood this.)
During the life of Shukshin, few people thought about the price paid for his art. We think about it only now that he is gone. In the notes on the margins of his drafts there are such lines: “Never, not once in my life have I allowed to live relaxed, falling apart. Always energized and collected. Both good and bad - I start to twitch, I sleep with clenched fists. .This can end badly, I can crack from stress.”
. And now we will talk about Shukshin's peculiar approach to the problem of a good hero.
Have you noticed that he doesn't have a goodie? Is he needed?
Shukshin himself wrote about this with humor: “Let's say a young man came out of the cinema and stopped in thought: he didn’t understand who to take an example from, who to be like. Whom to be like? To myself. You won't be like anyone else." V. Shukshin invites us to think about ourselves.
Let's stop on the story "Energetic people". What characters does the author show us? Why does he call them that? What is the basis of their relationship? ("You - to me, I - to you").
I want to read a poem relating to our dispute and Shukshin's position in life.
Everyone chooses for himself

Woman, religion, road.

Serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for himself.
Everyone chooses for themselves

Word for love or prayer.

Dueling sword, battle sword

Everyone chooses for themselves.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Shield and armor. Staff and patches.

The measure of final retribution.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I choose as well as I can.

I have no complaints against anyone.

Everyone chooses for himself.

(Yu. Levitansky)
. From Shukshin's working notes.

“Now I will say beautifully: if you want to be a master, dip your pen into the truth. Nothing else surprises you.”
“Kind, kind .. This medal is worn through one. Good is a good deed, it is difficult, it is not easy. Do not boast of kindness, do not at least do evil!”
“When we feel bad, we think: “But somewhere, someone feels good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: "Somewhere someone is bad."
“I am a son, I am a brother, I am a father. The heart grew like meat to life. It’s hard, it hurts to leave.”

3.4. Essay composition: "What the heroes of Shukshin's stories taught me."
4. Systematization and generalization of the acquired knowledge.
Final word from the teacher.

There is no longer a writer with us - Vasily Shukshin. But his books, his thoughts remained. And each of his stories makes us think about the serious problems of our time, about life, about human behavior, his actions.
And again the words of the writer are recalled: “The Russian people in their history selected, preserved, elevated to a degree of respect such human qualities that are not subject to revision: honesty, diligence, conscientiousness, kindness. Believe that everything was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible severity of victory, our suffering - do not give it all away for sniffing tobacco. We knew how to live. Remember this. Be human".
5. Summing up the lesson.

6. Homework.

1. "The truth of life" in the works of Shukshin.
2. The human drama of the common man.
3. Situations in which Shukshin puts his heroes.
When it comes to the “picturesque truth of life”, the works of Vasily Shukshin come to my mind. His works are well known. Peru Vasily Makarovich Shukshin owns about one hundred and twenty stories, several stories, two novels, plays and screenplays. Shukshin, without a doubt, is the most talented writer of the 20th century. His works are much deeper than they might seem at first.

Sight. The philosophical understanding of life by the writer does not open immediately. Our attention is sometimes concentrated on trifles, which makes the work of Vasily Shukshin seem very simple for the reader's perception.
Many of Shukshin's works tell us about the human drama, which remains incomprehensible and sometimes unnoticed by others. Vasily Shukshin turns his attention to ordinary people; there are practically no representatives of the elite among the heroes of his works. Very often Shukshin talks about peasants, villagers who find themselves cut off from their usual life, from their original roots. But even in the city these people cannot find employment. Behind the comic situations lies a real tragedy. A person's search for his place in the world, understanding his role on earth - these are far from all the topics that Shukshin touches on in his work.
The writer pays a lot of attention to the moral and spiritual values ​​of man. The search for one's place in the world is often accompanied by the rejection of those values ​​that were dear to a person before. And this is also a tragedy, because the moral degradation of a person affects not only himself, but also those close to him.
Shukshin paid much attention to the so-called village theme. In his works, he said that the peasants were losing those values ​​that were dear to their ancestors. But in return for the lost, nothing is gained. That is why a simple person falls into drunkenness, revelry. The lack of meaning in life is the reason. In the work of Shukshin, the problem of fate is touched upon. For example, the fate of an ordinary person, a peasant, a worker, is work. It is both a duty and at the same time the meaning of life. Cut off from his roots, the working peasant becomes unhappy. But the life of ordinary people is by no means sad and hopeless. In addition to work, there are many joys in their life. Perhaps, in someone's opinion, these joys will seem simple and primitive. But for the peasants themselves, they mean a lot. Shukshin often shows what place holidays take in the unpretentious life of peasants.
Shukshin does not spare his heroes. He sometimes puts them in the most unpleasant situations. And the reader understands perfectly well that these situations are not invented, they are real. A simple person, naive and gullible, often becomes a victim. For example, in the story “A Mother's Heart”, a young peasant guy Vitka Borzenkov failed to recognize the danger, from which he ended up in prison. For a villager, prison is a difficult ordeal. It is hard not only for Vitka himself, but also for his old mother. Son, helper, hope and support, is behind bars. Shukshin paints a reliable picture. We see a simple, hardworking guy who does not know how to understand life.
A work called "Kalina Krasnaya" is very well known to many. Yegor Prokudin, of course, cannot but arouse sympathy. He broke away from his peasant roots. It seemed to him that the dull, monotonous labor of a villager was uninteresting. But the connection with the criminal world does not bring anything good to the hereditary peasant, it becomes the cause of his inevitable death.
Vasily Shukshin himself came from a family of hereditary peasants, so the “village theme” was close and understandable to him. Among his works there are many that are more optimistic. The dream of a peasant about a holiday can come true. For example, from the story "Boots" we learn how a simple village man decides to please his wife with a luxurious gift. It did not occur to him to do anything but to buy beautiful boots for a village resident. Of course, such a purchase is useless in the village. In addition, elegant boots do not fit on the “strong, peasant foot”. But, nevertheless, the desire to please his wife was not in vain. The boots showed the wife that her husband still had warm feelings for her. In addition, Sergey himself thinks about joy, which is so scarce among gray monotonous days. Beautiful boots in the story act as a symbol of joy, a holiday. And the life of Sergei and his family becomes a little bit happier. Sergei is overwhelmed by thoughts. And they can be called philosophical with full confidence. They are very serious, because a simple village man thinks about the meaning of life: “This is how you live - forty-five years already, - you all think: nothing, someday I will live well, easily. And time goes by. And so you come to that hole in which you have to lie down - and all your life you have been waiting for something. The question is, what the devil should have been waiting for, and not making such joys as you can do? Here is the same: there is money, extraordinary boots lie - take it, make a person happy! Maybe there won't be another opportunity like this."
Art has always helped a person to better understand real life. Shukshin's works cannot leave the reader indifferent. Often critics compared the writer with Chekhov. After all, A.P. Chekhov, like Shukshin, paid a lot of attention to simple, everyday life, saw its beauty and significance.

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  • Category: Shukshin V.

I. Moral problems in the writer's stories.

II. The fate of the heroes of the stories of V. Shukshin.

1. Kindness and pity are the main human values ​​of Shukshin's heroes.

2. The attitude of others to the actions of the "freaks" from the story of the same name.

3. The strength of the mother's heart.

III. Shukshin and his heroes.

Vasily Shukshin is one of those writers who are not just needed by people. His works are essential to the people. The works of this writer attract with the sharpness of the age-old problem of the meaning of life. "What's happening to us?" - as if V. Shukshin wants to ask with his stories. External events in the works of V. Shukshin are not the main ones. The plot is just an excuse to start a conversation. More often, the heroes of the writer's stories are simple people, but always not indifferent. They think about the basics of being and increasingly turn to the so-called "eternal questions".

Kindness occupies a special place among human values ​​in Shukshin. He saw the most precious wealth in the heart's ability to do good: "If we are strong and truly smart in something, it is in a good deed." Shukshin believed that life would be beautiful only when people would do good, would please each other. So, in "Kalina Krasnaya" changes in the soul of the protagonist Prokudin occur only under the influence of the force of "counter good". Shukshin believed that the "reserves of goodness" in the human soul are unlimited.

In the stories of V. Shukshin, one of the leading places is occupied by the fate of unusual people with complex characters, the so-called "freaks". "Freaks" are strange, dreamy, simple-minded people who cannot and do not want to put up with a gray and boring life. They seek to free themselves from everything material, base. They are looking for the meaning of life in something sublime, beautiful. This is the main character of the story "Freak". The author persistently emphasizes his eccentricity, which distinguishes the hero from other, "correct" people. This technique helps to reveal the best human qualities of the Chudik: truthfulness, conscientiousness, kindness. The story is built in the form of a presentation of the events that happened during Chudik's vacation trip "to his brother in the Urals." Various stories that were not understood by others happened to the hero of the story. Nevertheless, in these episodes, the wonderful properties of the hero's soul are revealed: honesty, modesty, shyness, the desire to do good to people. But what happens to us? Why do many people not understand Chudik and consider him a strange person? Was it really impossible to forgive the eccentricities of the protagonist and pity him? After all, when, for example, he painted a baby stroller, he thought only of the good, of making it more beautiful and better.

And here is another "freaky" from the story "Mother's Heart". Vitka Borzenkov went to the city to sell lard in order to earn money for the wedding. And then I walked around a bit. And when the money was stolen, he decided to take revenge by severely beating several city residents, including a policeman. The mother, having learned about the misfortune that befell her son, tries to justify him. “A mother’s heart is wise, but where trouble loomed for her own child, the mother is not able to perceive an extraneous mind, and logic has nothing to do with it.” Mother is mother. She is ready to give everything for her son. But do children always appreciate the self-sacrifice of their mothers, the warmth and strength of their mother's heart?

Vasily Shukshin himself considered his mother the dearest and closest person. He inherited from his mother a rare gift - warmth of the heart. And later, the desire for a "holiday of the soul" was inherited by Shukshin's heroes. In his last works, V. Shukshin wrote: “Mother is the most respected thing in life, the most dear, everything consists of pity ... Take pity from her, leave her higher education, the ability to educate, respect ... Leave her everything, but take away pity... Why do people rise all in anger when the enemy is on the threshold? Because everyone feels sorry for mothers, children, native land.

The heroes of Shukshin's stories are mostly people with an unsatisfied spiritual need. Hence their eccentricities, sometimes completely innocent, and sometimes on the verge of breaking the law and even beyond this line. V. Shukshin himself constantly doubted, painfully thought about our life, asked endless questions to himself, often not finding satisfactory answers to them. And many of its heroes are similar to its creator: restless, often acting contrary to common sense, to their own detriment. But the writer always appreciated sincerity, directness, and a good beginning in a person. Even in the most erring person, he wanted to see something good, elevating him above the prose of life.

The writer managed to express in his works the world of modern man, the complex, "tangled" world of the era of stagnation.

Shukshin reveals and explores in his heroes the qualities inherent in the Russian people: honesty, kindness, diligence, conscientiousness. But this is a world in which the best is forced to fight for its existence in human souls with a huge "pressure" of hypocrisy, philistinism, indifference, lies.

In Shukshin's stories, one can always feel the psychological depth, the inner intensity of the hero's state of mind. They are small in volume, reminiscent of ordinary, familiar everyday scenes, casually overheard ordinary conversations.

Shukshin's heroes solve the problem of the meaning of life in their own way. They too

ask eternal questions: why was I born, why do I live? But they do it somehow absurdly, clumsily, again from the point of view of village morality. For example, Alyosha Beskonvoyny in the story of the same name. The name of the hero was actually Kostya Valikov - “Beskonvoyny” he was nicknamed for the uncontrollability of his character, although he was known on the collective farm as a diligent and hardworking worker, he did not shy away from any work. But on Saturday and Sunday, under no pretext could he be forced to work. Saturday in general was a holy day for him - "on Saturday he heated the bathhouse."

On this day, he thought about life, remembered the past, thought about the future. The very process of preparing the bath evoked a feeling of extraordinary joy in Beskonvoyny - his soul rang. First, he chopped firewood and carried water, then in a special way, in his own way, he melted the stove. Looking at the fire, he philosophized: "Two logs burn differently, but you want people to live the same way." He was also excited by the discovery that he made, looking at the fire: “Any firebrand, burning down, will flare up with the last fire - just like a person before death burns with the desire to live.” And from this simple discovery it became calm in my soul. No one in the village would have believed that Alyosha seriously thought about life, "what is the secret in it, is it (life) to be pitied?" Thought, however, within all the same household coordinates in which he lived. About how the children will grow up, start their own families, will come to visit the old people, and he will be proud of them. He set aside one Sabbath day for all these thoughts, but it was his day, his personal space, into which no one was allowed to enter.

The writer pays a lot of attention to the moral and spiritual values ​​of man. The search for one's place in the world is often accompanied by the rejection of those values ​​that were dear to a person before. And this is also a tragedy, because the moral degradation of a person affects not only himself, but also those close to him.
Shukshin paid much attention to the so-called village theme. In his works, he said that the peasants were losing those values ​​that were dear to their ancestors. But in return for the lost, nothing is gained. That is why a simple person falls into drunkenness, revelry. The lack of meaning in life is the reason. In the work of Shukshin, the problem of fate is touched upon. For example, the fate of an ordinary person, a peasant, a worker, is work. It is both a duty and at the same time the meaning of life. Cut off from his roots, the working peasant becomes unhappy. But the life of ordinary people is by no means sad and hopeless. In addition to work, there are many joys in their life. Perhaps, in someone's opinion, these joys will seem simple and primitive. But for the peasants themselves, they mean a lot. Shukshin often shows what place holidays take in the unpretentious life of peasants.
Shukshin does not spare his heroes. He sometimes puts them in the most unpleasant situations. And the reader understands perfectly well that these situations are not invented, they are real.

Shukshin's work in the first half of the 1960s - this is an attempt to express the "logic of life" in the moral quest of specific characters; the creativity of subsequent years is an intention to correct the “logic of life” with the “logic of art” and thereby help a person. On this path, the writer faced many difficulties, disappointments and dead ends.

The heroes of Shukshin's stories are mostly people with an unsatisfied spiritual need. Hence their eccentricities, sometimes completely innocent, and sometimes on the verge of breaking the law and even beyond this line. V. Shukshin himself constantly doubted, painfully thought about our life, asked endless questions to himself, often not finding satisfactory answers to them. And many of its heroes are similar to its creator: restless, often acting contrary to common sense, to their own detriment. But the writer always appreciated sincerity, directness, and a good beginning in a person. Even in the most erring person, he wanted to see something good, elevating him above the prose of life.

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