What is the greatness of a fat man as a person. The world significance of L.N. Tolstoy


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Epigraphs of the lesson:

  • “L.N. Tolstoy is the whole world.”(M. Gorky)
  • “The greatest and only genius of modern Europe, the greatest pride of Russia,... a writer of great purity and holiness...”(A. Blok)
  • Reminding the world of eternal beauty,
    Your powerful voice sounded...
    (A. Apukhtin)

Lesson goals.


  • Show the greatness of the literary and journalistic heritage of Tolstoy, closely connected with the cultural and historical process of the 20th century.
  • Reveal the global significance of creativity.


  • The development of oral speech, expressive reading by heart, the ability to highlight the main thing, to compare;
  • Development of students' motivation for creative activity, stimulation of interest in creating presentations;
  • To form the ability to independently study literary sources, transfer and present the knowledge and experience gained;
  • Develop teamwork and communication skills.

Educational: 1

  • To introduce students to the rich spiritual heritage of Tolstoy, who has been striving all his life to unravel the secret of the “green stick” about how to make all people happy;
  • The development of a feeling of love for the rich literary world of Leo Tolstoy, an aesthetic taste for reading Leo Tolstoy's texts, which are "more reliable than any reality, more undoubted than any history."

Methods: analytical conversation, work with text, preparation of information projects (reports, abstracts, presentations), vocabulary work, system-activity approach to learning.

Lesson objectives: create a learning motive through the connection of the lesson material with life; to teach the presentation of their thoughts in accordance with the norms of the literary language; improve the skills of working with a literary text and texts of literary articles; consolidate knowledge, skills of independent work with various sources; formulate generalizing conclusions; develop communication skills, tolerance, motivation for creative processing of knowledge.

Lesson equipment: interactive whiteboard, literature textbooks, video clips of Sergei Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace", illustrations for the works of L.N. Tolstoy, multimedia presentations: “L.N. Tolstoy in the photographs of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya”, “L.N. Tolstoy in the image of Russian artists”, “Foreign writers about L.N. Tolstoy". Presentations are attached separately - a report on a trip to Yasnaya Polyana: “Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy”, “Inspiration”.

Lesson type: seminar-conversation (I chose this type, since this lesson was held in the form of a detailed conversation according to the plan with a brief introduction and conclusion of the teacher, it required the active participation of each student; a high degree of concretization of the educational material; students were required to study additional literature on their own; the questions of the seminar were prepared in advance proposed, students were self-preparing on them; the teacher explained the goals and plan of the upcoming lesson, held consultations for students; all important conclusions of the lesson were recorded in a notebook)

During the classes

Introductory speech of the teacher: (See Appendix No. 1)

Conclusion. Tolstoy's literary world opens up to us from a very early age to adulthood: from the fairy tale "Three Bears" to the epic novel "War and Peace".

Conclusion (record in students' notebooks). Life credo of L.N. Tolstoy: “In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again and quit again, and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness.”

Tolstoy's whole life was a struggle, a protest against all evil and violence, all his work served to affirm high moral ideals.

An excerpt from Vladimir Nabokov's poem "Tolstoy" (1928) sounds. Reading by heart student

But there is one thing
What we can't imagine
Though we roam with notebooks, like
Correspondents on fire, all around
his soul. To some secret trembling,
we can't get to the main.
An almost inhuman secret!
I'm talking about those nights when
Tolstoy created; I'm talking about a miracle
About the hurricane of images flying
across the black skies in the hour of creation,
at the hour of incarnation ... After all, living people
were born on these nights... So Lord
gives his chosen one
old and noble law
create worlds and into created flesh
inhale instantly the unique spirit.
And here they live; everything in them is alive -
habits, sayings and habits;
their homeland is such Russia,
what we wear in that depth,
where a vague dream will accept the inexpressible, -
Russia of smells, shades, sounds,
huge clouds over the hayfield,
This is all we love.
... I know that death is only a certain border;
I see death only in one image:
Last completed page
And the light went out over the desk.
Another vision, lingering like a reflection,
trembles, and suddenly - an unthinkable end ...
And he left, the choosy creator,
Dividing into transparent voices
the rumble of being, he understands the rumble ...
One day he came from a random station
Turned in an unknown direction
and further - night, silence and mystery ...

Why is this writer, thinker close and dear to millions of people in Russia and abroad? (key question of the lesson)

In what era did the writer live, what historical events did he witness?

Years of death of A.S. Pushkin (1837), M.Yu. Lermontov (1841), N.V. Gogol (1852)

1853-56 - Crimean War;

1855 - death of Nicholas I;

1861- "Peasant reform";

1866 - assassination attempt on Alexander II;

1876 ​​- the emergence of the society "Land and Freedom";

1877-78 - Russian-Turkish war;

1881 - assassination of Alexander II;

1887 - assassination attempt on Alexander III;

1904 - 05 - Russo-Japanese War;

Conclusion: fate gave this amazing person a long, difficult and wonderful life. Born three years after the Decembrist uprising and more than thirty years before the fall of serfdom, he witnessed the first people's revolution in Russia. Time has no power over his immortal creations, which capture the unique personality of a brilliant artist and great thinker. Tolstoy is one of the most widely read and revered classics not only in his homeland, but all over the world. In our time, Tolstoy's works have been translated into 98 languages ​​​​of the peoples of our country and foreign countries (hereinafter, it is proposed to watch the presentation “L.N. Tolstoy in the image of Russian artists”).

Tolstoy - who is he?

Reveal the meaning of the turning point in the worldview of L.N. Tolstoy (based on a textbook article edited by G.A. Obernikhina, pages 318-319).

L.N. Tolstoy - artist and ideologist. Student's message (see Appendix No. 2)

Interview with students on:

What is the phenomenon of Tolstoy as “an event within European civilization” (in the words of the German philosopher, historian O. Spengler)?

What is the purpose of a writer according to Tolstoy?

Conclusion: Tolstoy himself expressed this in the following clear words: “The thinker and artist will never sit quietly on the Olympic heights, as we used to imagine; the thinker and artist must suffer together with people in order to find salvation or consolation.”

The main postulates of the ideology of L.N. Tolstoy?

Conclusion (notebook entry): The main provisions that are the foundation of the artist and ideologist Leo Tolstoy: “At the level of interethnic relations, this is a passionate denial of war and enmity between peoples. At the level of interpersonal relations, this is a call for unity and brotherhood of people. At the level of an individual, this is a statement of the infinite ability of a person to improve.” How relevant these words are today. Tolstoy could not bring humanity into the realm of freedom and equality. But he could undermine the foundations of the kingdom of injustice.

L.N. Tolstoy is a mirror of Russian life and life in general; modern prophet.

Student's report based on the article by A.A. Gorelov “Tolstoy - who is he?” (see Appendix No. 3)

Vocabulary: Prophet -

1. In religion: interpreter of the will of God.

2. One who predicts something

Protestant 1 - one who protests against something

Protestant 2 is a follower of Protestantism (one of the main directions of Christianity, which unites the creeds that broke away from Catholicism in connection with the Reformation of the 16th century.)

Tolstoy's treatise "So what should we do?" Here he gave a devastating critique of the authoritarian regime of pre-revolutionary Russia, presented a broad picture of national disasters and poverty.

What was the active participation of Tolstoy during the famine of 1891-1892?

Tolstoy most actively participated in helping the starving. Through the efforts of him and his assistants, about 200 free canteens were opened. In articles about the famine, addressed to the whole world, he spoke about the reasons for the current situation and directly accused the authorities.

What is Tolstoy's attitude to art? (Treatise “What is art”)

Conclusion: Tolstoy believed that "genuine overcoming of exploitation will come as a result of raising the level of morality of all strata of society, which is possible not by force, but through familiarization with real culture."

Art is one of the means of communication between people at the level of feelings. Art is called upon to form the ideals of a person and his idea of ​​the meaning of life.

Philosophy of the world in the works of L.N. Tolstoy.

Dream of Pierre Bezukhov about the globe - Tolstoy's idea of ​​the world (student's message, see Appendix 4)

How is the model of life presented during Pierre Bezukhov's dream?

(text “The Dream of Pierre Bezukhov about the Globe”, Volume 4, Part 3, Chapter 15).

“And suddenly Pierre introduced himself as a living, long-forgotten, meek old man who taught geography to Pierre in Switzerland. “Wait,” said the old man. And he showed Pierre the globe. This globe was a living, oscillating ball, without dimensions. The entire surface of the sphere consisted of drops tightly compressed together. And these drops all moved, moved, and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many. Each drop aspired to spread, to capture the greatest space, but others, striving for the same, squeezed it, sometimes destroyed it, and sometimes merged with it.

Life is everything. Life is God. Everything moves and moves, and that is God. And as long as there is life, there is the enjoyment of the self-consciousness of the deity.

What geometric shape is often used in the text of the novel "War and Peace"? What is the author highlighting? (see textbook p.303)

Conclusion: Tolstoy's world is like a spinning ball. Man is caught up in the whirlpool, the whirlwind of the world. He himself is a drop in this whirlpool. The world draws a person into its orbit, makes him whirl, without giving an answer about the meaning and purpose of this whirling, mixing death and life together, distinguishing them with the common sign of a circle.

All the positive characters of Tolstoy are presented in harmony with nature (student's report, see Appendix 4)

What example from the text of the novel can confirm the idea that the positive characters of L.N. Tolstoy are always described in harmony with nature?

(Episode “Revival to life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky at the sight of a blossoming old oak tree” (Vol. 2, part 3, ch. 3); viewing a video clip from the series “Andrey Bolkonsky”.)

(hunting scene in “War and Peace” vol. 2, part 4, ch. 6) to preview the excerpt by watching a video fragment of the film by S. Bondarchuk (series “Natasha Rostova”):

“At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so piercingly that her ears rang. With this squeal, she expressed everything that other hunters expressed with their one-time conversation. And this screeching was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild screeching and everyone should have been surprised at it if it had happened at another time.

Conclusion: Tolstoy was a witness and participant in many important historical events. The historical situation was very complex and contradictory, which could not but affect the views and teachings of Tolstoy.

What is the circle of acquaintances of L.N. Tolstoy with figures of culture and science? (student's message see Appendix 5)

Word of the teacher: All his life Tolstoy tried to understand the essence of the destiny of man on earth, the moral strength of which he saw in the perfection to which he himself aspired. Five years before his death, in October 1905, he wrote: “I have all the vices, and to a higher degree than most people. My only salvation is that I know it and fight.” At the age of 83, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana. By this he fulfilled his old dream - to harmonize the inner spiritual life and life.

What is the greatness of Tolstoy's work in world literature?

Russian writers of the twentieth century. continued in their works the epic tradition of L. Tolstoy. Drawing up a summary of a textbook article p. 325 - 326.

The word of the teacher: “Of course, the spiritual image, the literary portrait is the fundamental basis of our ideas about the writer. And yet, nothing can replace the vivid visual impressions that L. Tolstoy's photographs evoke.

Student's message “Guests of Yasnaya Polyana” (see Appendix 5)

Conclusion: reading A. Bodrenko's poem “To Tolstoy, to Yasnaya Polyana! “

You can finish the conversation about the life and work of Tolstoy with the thought that Count L.N. Tolstoy was close to the people and the people remember this:

To Tolstoy, to Yasnaya Polyana! -
Tell the coachman: "Take it."
I just look, I just look
What does a genius look like up close?
Here he sits, furrowing his brows,
At that famous table
Where in the word the heroes came to life,
Russia saved in the past.
How deftly mows with men
In a white shirt in front
And the famous sweatshirt
Hanging on a carnation, go.
That he is a count, forgetting
He goes with everyone to the spring.
And what is the glory of the world,
When he is close to a man.
And believing in worldly happiness,
To the displeasure of the authorities,
In his Yasnaya Polyana school
He teaches peasant children.
... Tell the coachman
Yes late:
Long time ago Tolstoy was gone.
But, as if he was recognized by the oncoming ones,
It's about to get back to the office.
And like rivers to the ocean.
Roads run here.
To Tolstoy, to Yasnaya Polyana
The people of all the earth are striving.

The result of the lesson: dear students, I hope that today's educational material did not leave you indifferent: you listened to the prepared reports of your comrades, actively participated in the conversation, watched presentations with unique photographs, portraits made by famous artists, episodes from the film "War and Peace". You understood that Tolstoy's work as a writer, thinker, and public figure was enormous and significant not only for that time, but remains absolutely relevant today. Remember, please, the main postulates of Leo Tolstoy's ideology, which you wrote down in your notebook, and follow them throughout your life. Read the works of the great writer, further discover the deep world of Russian literature. And tomorrow we will go to Tolstoy's "small homeland" to the Yasnaya Polyana estate - the pearl of Russian culture, and you will embody your impressions and everything you see in a creative project.

Reflection of students' activities: self-assessment by students of activities in the lesson is organized, the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of activities is fixed.

Homework: prepare an essay “Review of the works of the late period: “Anna Karenina”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “Hadji Murad”, create a presentation “Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy” (optional).

self-analysis of the lesson. At the lesson, the goals and objectives were determined, the equipment of the lesson was thought out. The results of the work of all students were evaluated with positive marks. This seminar is the result of a joint project activity of the teacher and students, it required a long preparation, but it was worth it. The lesson was held at a high emotional level, with the utmost responsibility of the students (teachers of other disciplines, the administration of the educational institution were present at the lesson). All tasks proposed for students contributed to the moral, intellectual, emotional development of students.

Appendix 1. Introductory speech of the teacher. One of the first works that a young reader gets acquainted with is the fairy tale “Three Bears”. Talking about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a bear hut, L.N. Tolstoy introduces the concept of size to kids: small, medium, large. Then - the story "Philippok"; how the desires of five or six-year-old readers will coincide with the dreams of the hero of the story about how to get to school faster. Next - the story "Childhood" from the autobiographical trilogy, where the attention of readers will already be directed to the emotional experiences of the protagonist. In the smallest details of Nikolenka's life, readers of different eras notice details that are close and understandable to themselves. The hero's childhood is most directly reflected in the soul of most readers. Having experienced the hardships of the Sevastopol siege, L.N. Tolstoy conveys to us the idea that true patriotism should be sought not in the highest circles, but in the circle of ordinary people, on whose shoulders the main hardships of the war fell. In the story “After the Ball”, which tells about the cruel punishment of a soldier, the author’s idea of ​​non-resistance to evil by violence was expressed, and the use of force methods of restoring order and cruelty in the army was criticized. And the school course of studying the work of L.N. Tolstoy ends with the novel “War and Peace”, about which I would like to say in the words of the literary critic Strakhov: “... all passions, all moments of human life, from the cry of a newborn child to the last flash of feeling of a dying old man, all the sorrows and joys available to man - everything is in this picture!” Tolstoy's whole life was a struggle, a protest against all evil and violence, all his work served to affirm high moral ideals.

Application number 2. Student message. (based on the article by V.S. Kamyshev ““L.N. Tolstoy is an artist and ideologist”). “According to the famous German writer Thomas Mann, “... the task of the writer is to be the judge and stimulator of life. Initially, Tolstoy sets himself the task of being useful to people in general, but to a special extent - to the people of Russia "... At the beginning of his creative path, the writer is going through a crisis, a discord with his social environment, culminating in a break, which is discussed in "Confession" ( 1879 - 1882): "I renounced the life of our circle, recognizing that this is not life, but only a semblance of life." The commoner is close to Tolstoy in his wholeness, “merging with nature”: the common people “stand much higher than us with their life full of labors and hardships”; therefore “it is somehow not good for our brother to look for and describe bad things in him.” That is why, Tolstoy is convinced, the subject of art should be “real peasant people”. Outlining the “dogmas” of his faith, Tolstoy clearly expressed: “the thinker and artist will never sit quietly on the Olympic heights, as we used to imagine; the thinker and artist must suffer together with people in order to find salvation or consolation.” The writer is convinced that it is a work of art that educates a person in the spirit of virtue, high morality, involving him in active social activity. Tolstoy's democratic humanism is a factor that determines the unity of his worldview and creativity. Here are the provisions that are the foundation for Tolstoy the artist and ideologist: “At the level of interethnic relations, this is a passionate denial of war and enmity between peoples. At the level of interpersonal relations, this is a call for unity and brotherhood of people. At the level of an individual, this is a statement of the infinite ability of a person to improve.” Tolstoy could not lead mankind into the realm of freedom and equality, but he could undermine the foundations of the realm of injustice. And he did it with great power in journalistic works.

Application No. 3. Student's message (based on the article by A.A. Gorelov “Tolstoy - who is he?”) “By the nature of his activity and significance in the history of mankind, L. Tolstoy can be compared with the biblical prophets, and if we take the time closer to ours, then with the great Protestants. Tolstoy was a "mirror" of Russian life in general and life in general. He was not only a brilliant writer, but also a philosopher, he made a significant contribution to humanitarian knowledge. In the treatise “So what shall we do?” Tolstoy gave a devastating critique of the authoritarian regime of pre-revolutionary Russia. The basis of this work was the observation of the writer himself over the life of the working people, mainly during the census, presented a broad picture of national disasters and poverty. He believed that a genuine overcoming of exploitation would come as a result of a rise in the level of morality of all strata of society, possible not by force, but through familiarization with a real culture.

In the treatise "What is art?" Tolstoy expressed his attitude towards art, science, and culture in general. “Art is one of the means of communication between people at the level of feelings. Art is called upon to form the ideals of a person and his ideas about the meaning of life.”

Application No. 4. Student message. (Based on the article by K. Sylvia “Philosophy of Peace and the Problem of Harmony of a Character with the Universe in the Works of L.N. Tolstoy”) “The idea of ​​peace according to Tolstoy is deeply rooted in Pierre Bezukhov’s dream about a globe in “War and Peace”. It is significant that Pierre had this dream after meeting with Platon Karataev, who is the personification of the world. “And suddenly Pierre introduced himself as a living, long-forgotten, meek old teacher ... he showed Pierre a globe. This globe was a living, oscillating ball, without dimensions. The entire surface of the sphere consisted of drops tightly compressed together. And all these drops moved, moved, and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many. Each drop strove to separate, to seize the greatest space, but others, striving for the same, squeezed it, sometimes destroyed it, sometimes merged with it.

That's life, - said the old teacher.

How simple and clear it is, thought Pierre, how could I not know this before. Pierre finally finds the answer to the question about the essence of life: Life is God. Everything moves and moves, and that movement is God. And as long as there is life, there is the enjoyment of the self-consciousness of the deity. To love life. Love God." “Each drop on the ball symbolizes a person, God is in the middle, and each drop tends to expand in order to reflect him in small sizes.” (Esaulov I.A. The idea of ​​catholicity in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” // Category of catholicity in Russian literature. - Petrozavodsk, 1995.)

The theme of the circle, circular motion is the leading one in Tolstoy. Pierre's famous dream about a globe proves this very clearly. In one of the articles, reflecting on the upbringing of children, Tolstoy directly compares the development of a person with a ball.

In Platon Karataev, who taught Pierre a new understanding of life. There was something “round”, he was in Pierre’s soul the personification of everything “Russian, kind, round”.

Since in this dream the earthly and heavenly are conjugated. Personality and the world, man and God, one can even say that there is no definite boundary between people, in this case there can be no strife between people, which will lead to injury to oneself. The idea of ​​such a pairing is depicted in the married life of Natasha Rostova with Pierre.

After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and he felt this because he saw himself reflected in his wife. In himself he felt all good and bad mixed up and obscuring one another. But only what was truly good was reflected on his wife; everything that wasn’t very good was thrown away.” Natasha Rostova, who at first glance lived egoistically in complete pleasure, had the ability to attract people around her to life. So Prince Andrei, when he first saw Natasha, felt the need to live together with other people, and not a separate life. But after the injury, the death of his wife, the prince had an extinct look. Comparison with an old ugly oak emphasized the inner state of Andrei Bolkonsky: “There is no spring, no sun, no happiness, ... our life is over.”

In Tolstoy's work, the essence of the philosophy of peace and non-violence is reflected in the idea of ​​harmony with the universe. Violence, not only over people, but also over life, is opposed to the law of the universe, and Tolstoy, of course, has a negative attitude towards it. In his works, positive characters are always described in harmony with nature. In the hunting scene in War and Peace, where Natasha is convinced that it is impossible not to go hunting, her unity with nature is manifested. Vivid experiences of Natasha at the moment of merging with nature, the author expresses her squeal. “At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so piercingly that her ears rang. With this squeal she expressed everything that other hunters expressed ... And this screech was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild screech and everyone should have been surprised at it if it had been at another time. This squeal was not strange, since it was a manifestation of Natasha's feelings and at the same time a manifestation of the state of nature itself, so Natasha merged with nature and personified it with her squeal, this was a manifestation of true humanity. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy himself tried to lead a peasant way of life, which reflects his desire to get closer to nature. Tolstoy's life and creative paths have always led to harmony with the universe. Tolstoy was very fond of and knew how to feel nature. The world, where the unity of man and nature reigns, is harmonious.”

Annex No. 5. Student's report on the book by N.A. Milonov “Russian writers and the Tula region: essays on literary local history”. - Tula: Priokskoye Books. publishing house, 1971. Guests of Yasnaya Polyana. In Yasnaya Polyana, many remarkable people of our country visited Tolstoy: writers A.M. Gorky, A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgenev, V.G. Korolenko, V. Kataev, S. Marshak, artists I.E. Repin, I.N. Kramskoy, poets A. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov. Of course, modern poets and writers R. Gamzatov, E. Yevtushenko, P. Aleshkovsky, cultural figures, actors, the great musician Mst. Rostropovich, the first president of Russia B. Yeltsin Tolstoy's personal library contains books donated to him by the poet A. A. Fet, the writer A. M. Gorky, the French writer A. France, the English writers and playwrights J. Galsworthy, B. Shaw, the French novelist and publicist R. Rollan. Once every two years, a family event takes place in the museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana". From different countries and continents, from Europe to the USA, from Africa to Latin America and, finally, from different cities of Russia and the CIS, direct descendants of the Tolstoys and Berses flock to the Yasnaya Polyana nest. As a rule, these are the great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofya Andreevna. At present, about four hundred direct descendants of the Tolstoys live all over the world, and almost all of them know each other and even meet in their historical homeland once every two years. This can only be proud of. A unique case when a family that arose 150 years ago still exists, carefully preserving the traditions of the ancient Tolstoy family.

Informational resources.

1. Tolstoy Collection - 2008. LN Tolstoy and the Russian Revolution: Materials of the XXX International Tolstoy Readings. - Tula: Tul Publishing House. state ped. un-ta im. L.N. Tostogo, 2008. - 249 p.

2. Textbook of Literature, ed. G.A. Obernikhina. – M.: Academy, 2009. – p.325. Tolstoy's work in world literature.

3. Tolstoy in life. L.N. Tolstoy in photographs by S.A. Tolstoy and V.G. Chertkov. Compilers and authors: Popovkina T.K. and Ershova O.E. - Tula: Priokskoye Books. from-in, 1988.

4. LN Tolstoy in the image of Russian artists. Zotov A .. - M .: Izogiz, 1953.

5. Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy. Puzin N.P .. - M .: Soviet Russia, 1982.

6. LN Tolstoy in portraits, illustrations, documents. Handbook for secondary school teachers. - M .: State. uch. - ped. from Min. Enlightenment of the RSFSR. 1956.

7. http: // www. en / 2012 / 08.22 siezd. html/

8.http://old-yp. amr-museum. en / history

On December 19, 1900, Tolstoy writes in his diary: “In order to act on others, an artist must be a seeker, so that his work is a search. If he has found everything and knows everything, and teaches or deliberately amuses, he does not act. Only if he searches, the viewer, listener, reader merge with him in search.

Leo Tolstoy searched all his long life, searched intensely, non-stop, passionately. This also applied to his search for his own path in literature.

Every great artist is called great because he makes artistic discoveries in his work. He discovers in life that neither his predecessors nor his contemporaries noticed.

This is what happened with Tolstoy. He was not the first to write a novel on a historical theme and turned to the image of folk life. And before him, the inner world of literary heroes was already depicted. But only Tolstoy created not the usual historical novel, but an epic novel, only he managed to penetrate so deeply into human psychology like no other.

Themes have long existed in literature: war, death, peasant life. But in Tolstoy they are revealed in a completely new way. Now it is no longer possible to create, for example, a literary work about the war without referring to the writing experience of Tolstoy: it was he who was not afraid to describe the war "in its true expression, in blood, in suffering, in death." By the way, Ivan Franko at one time paid special attention to how penetratingly Tolstoy describes the death of a person in many of his works: “These descriptions in themselves would deserve a separate study, as the only one of its kind in world literature” .

Thanks to Tolstoy, artistic knowledge of the human soul, in general, the depiction of psychological processes in literature, acquired a completely new character. In order to penetrate into the inner life of another person, it is necessary, the writer believed, first of all to study "the secrets of the human spirit in oneself." The ruthless introspection undertaken by Tolstoy in his diary (and he kept a diary for many years) helped him in many ways to understand that "mysterious process by which thought and feeling are developed."

The attention that Tolstoy paid to human psychology is far from accidental. For him, this is not a literary device, but a worldview principle. He was firmly convinced that the main meaning of human life lies in moral self-improvement, in tireless and hard work, the purpose of which is the desire to cleanse oneself, one’s inner world, one’s “I” from everything evil, contrary to human nature. That is why the "dialectic of the soul" occupies such a significant place in the work of the great writer.

Tolstoy's influence on Russian and world literature is enormous. Not only the artistic work of the brilliant writer, but also he himself, his unique personality turned out to be a kind of guideline in upholding and protecting the great universal human ideals.

The younger generation of Tolstoy's contemporaries - Chekhov, Garshin, Korolenko, Kuprin, Bunin - could indirectly or even directly polemicize with the great writer, but they could not ignore his artistic achievements, because they clearly realized that further the development of literature is impossible without taking into account and using what the author of War and Peace and The Death of Ivan Ilyich did. material from the site

Even during his lifetime, Tolstoy came to world fame. The greatness of Tolstoy has long been unconditionally recognized in the countries of Europe and America, in India, China, Japan, and Africa. Everyone recognizes the enormous literary and - especially note - moral authority of the brilliant representative of Russian literature, who opened a new page in the history of world artistic culture. Let us confine ourselves to the statement of the famous French writer Anatole France: “As an epic writer, Tolstoy is our common teacher; he teaches us to observe a person both in external manifestations, expressing his nature, and in the hidden movements of his soul; he teaches us with the richness and power of the images that animate his work; he teaches us the unmistakable choice of propositions that can give the reader a sense of life in all its infinite complexity.

Turning to the invaluable experience of Tolstoy in many ways contributes to the formulation in literature of the most acute problems of morality, "eternal questions" about the meaning of life, a person's place in society, about his moral responsibility for himself and for everything that happens in the world .

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  • Tolstoy's worldwide fame
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  • world fame of lev nikolaevich tolstoy
  • from which creation the literary glory of L. Tolstoy began
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The work of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is an invaluable contribution to the history of Russian literature, to the treasury of world culture.

Revealing the diversity and complexity of such a large literary and social phenomenon as the work of Tolstoy, V. I. Lenin wrote: “...L. Tolstoy managed to raise so many great questions in his works, he managed to rise to such artistic power that his works took one of the first places in world fiction.

With the name of Tolstoy, V. I. Lenin connected the long transition period from 1861 to 1905 - the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution. "The epoch of the preparation of the revolution in one of the countries crushed by the feudal lords appeared, thanks to the brilliant illumination of Tolstoy, as a step forward in the artistic development of all mankind." The process of preparation and development of the first Russian revolution was complex and contradictory.

Having passed a long way of life - almost a century, Tolstoy witnessed great social and political transformations. Responding to all the events of his era, Tolstoy, with great artistic force, sharply criticized all the injustice of the life around him, revealed the inconsistency of the system based on the enslavement of the working people.

In his merciless exposure of the autocratic apparatus of tsarist Russia, in "tearing off all kinds of masks," the freedom-loving aspirations of the broad peasant masses for independence, their angry protest against the harsh living conditions, their hatred of exploitation, were reflected.

And, despite the fact that Tolstoy denied the revolution, vaguely imagined, like the majority of the peasants of that era, what the new society in Russia should be like and what the real paths to it should be, with his accusatory activity he contributed to the struggle to overthrow the old system, to revolutionize the consciousness of the people. wt.

Having first established the revolutionary essence of Tolstoy's denunciation and protest, reflecting the aspirations of the people, V. I. Lenin wrote: “... Tolstoy not only gave works of art that will always be appreciated and read by the masses when they create human living conditions for themselves, overthrowing the yoke of the landowners and capitalists, he was able with remarkable power to convey the mood of the broad masses, oppressed by the modern order, to outline their situation, to express their spontaneous feeling of protest and indignation.

The world significance of the work of the great Russian writer was emphasized by the outstanding French writer Romain Rolland, who studied Tolstoy for many years. Speaking about the greatness of Tolstoy, he noted: "Leo Tolstoy brilliantly exposed the lies and crimes of the then existing social system, directing criticism at him, which in itself was a call for revolution."

So, in the manifestation of a deep knowledge of life, in true democracy, in selfless service to the people, lies the enduring value of Tolstoy's legacy.

Books placed in the bookcases of the introductory hall tell about the world significance of the great writer's work. These are various editions of works in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world, in Russian and many languages ​​of our country. Among them are a number of beautifully designed editions with illustrations by artists D. Shmarinov, A. Samokhvalov, S. Kharshak and others. Here is the Complete (Jubilee) Collected Works of Leo Tolstoy, numbering 90 volumes. This first complete collection of works of the writer, published by the State Publishing House of Fiction Literature in 1928-1958, is the largest event in the history of world culture. The publication was launched in 1928 to mark the centenary of the writer's birth.

In terms of volume, this edition is unparalleled. It took 30 years to prepare all the volumes for printing and publish them. The texts of all works were checked against the surviving manuscripts. They corrected the errors of the previous editions, eliminated distortions and restored the omissions made by the tsarist censorship. The jubilee edition includes not only the text of the writer's works, but also draft versions, sketches, excerpts, entire sections discarded by the author for some reason. It also prints diaries, notebooks, letters. All this is accompanied by numerous comments. This publication includes material, unusual in its importance, for the study of Tolstoy's writings, it makes it possible to penetrate into his creative laboratory, to trace the entire process of his thinking.

Along with Soviet publications, the exposition presents works by Tolstoy in the languages ​​of the peoples of all continents. In terms of the number of translations of books and the number of languages ​​into which they are translated, Tolstoy occupies one of the first places among the writers of the world.

Many books were donated to the museum-estate of Yasnaya Polyana by various international public and cultural organizations, a number of books were donated by distinguished visitors to Yasnaya Polyana.

The books speak of Tolstoy's great popularity abroad, of the deep attention paid to him by the peoples of all countries.


Leo Tolstoy's work with peasant children deserves great attention. He believed that one of the reasons for the impoverished life of the people is their ignorance, and therefore undertook to correct this situation. The school set up by Tolstoy was not like an ordinary one. At first, the peasants were suspicious of the idea of ​​the master to teach their children for free, so there were few students, but over time there were a lot of them, and they all read with pleasure, walked, listened to interesting stories, and counted. The writer even traveled abroad to see how children are taught there. With his help, schools began to open in the surrounding villages, students worked as teachers in them. On Sundays they gathered in Yasnaya Polyana and talked about school and work.

Tolstoy published the Yasnaya Polyana magazine, which published his articles and articles by other teachers on education and upbringing. Lev Nikolaevich's love for the land was not ephemeral. He loved not only to walk, relax, enjoy the wonderful landscapes, hunt. No! As a count, he did not disdain to walk in a simple linen shirt, rolling up his sleeves, he liked to walk in the field behind a plow, mow hay to the seventh sweat. On his estate, he tried to engage in beekeeping, dug out stakes, planted orchards, raised thoroughbred pigs and cows.

He did not succeed in everything, in many ways he was disappointed, felt dissatisfied with his actions, but still worked. Tolstoy was a passionate defender of forests and loved his forest with a special, tender love. Tolstoy's wife Sophia Andreevna became a true friend, assistant and support in life. When they got married, he was thirty-four years old, she was eighteen, but she was smart, vitally wise, caring, arranged life with love, took care of the household. When she arrived in Yasnaya Polyana, everything was abandoned here, there were no flower beds and paths. And the young mistress quickly put everything in order.

The family multiplied. Gradually, ten children appeared in her. Lev Nikolaevich constantly rebuilt and completed the house. They lived together and cheerfully, in the evenings they played the piano, sang, the owner read his works, played chess. Relatives and friends came more and more often, and it did not bother anyone that the house was small, that the furniture in it was not new, and in general everything was almost ascetic. It was so easy to write in this house... But the further life went on, the more it depressed Tolstoy. From early youth, he asked himself the question: why does a person live? Why are people unequal? Why do some live at the expense of others? And all his life he was ashamed of his belonging to the ruling class. In 1878, he began to work on a large article “Confession”, where he wrote: “A revolution happened to me, which had long been preparing in me and the makings of which have always been in me. It happened to me that the life of our circle - the rich, the scientists - not only disgusted me, but also lost all meaning ... the life of the entire working people, of all mankind, creating life, presented itself to me in its present.

Later, for this article, for seditious views, the church declared an anathema to him - excommunicated him from his bosom. But this little saddened the great master. With his life, his writing work, he has long won the love and respect of the people. Before the news of the excommunication appeared in the newspapers, telegrams, letters, and addresses began to arrive from all over the country to Tolstoy, in which ordinary people expressed support for their beloved writer. He was so popular, so frankly expressed his views on the tsarist autocracy and its laws, that the tsar was truly afraid of him. Yasnaya Polyana was put under surveillance. Even the editor of the Black Hundred newspaper Novoye Vremya wrote: “We have two tsars: Nicholas II and Leo Tolstoy. Which one is stronger? Nicholas II cannot do anything with Tolstoy, cannot shake his throne, while Tolstoy undoubtedly shakes the throne of Nicholas and his dynasty.” August 28, 1908 L.N. Tolstoy is 80 years old.

In many countries of the world, his anniversary was solemnly celebrated, and the tsarist government in Russia tried to do everything to prevent the celebration. But it could not interfere, because telegrams and letters were sent to Yasnaya Polyana from everywhere, people came and came - many of them just to stand near the house, perhaps to see the great genius and thank him for the joy and happiness that his books give. . But it became harder and more disturbing to live in a family. Adult children went their own way, the youngest son Vanyusha died, the daughter Masha died, with whom he was especially close. My wife and I have long lost a common language.

For many years she was his faithful assistant and comrade-in-arms, but for a long time she did not share his views, could not understand the complex, contradictory life of her husband - a great artist, a rebellious person. She herself, driven to despair by such a life, at one time rushed into stakes. She was saved by Dushan Petrovich Makovitsky, the Tolstoy family doctor. "Dusha Petrovich" - that's what the Yasnaya Polyana peasants called him. Lev Nikolaevich trusted him alone with the secret of his will, he took him alone when he finally decided to break with the world to which he belonged by right of birth and live a simple peasant life. The cold autumn of 1910 arrived, with early snow and frost. The night of November 9-10 Tolstoy spent restlessly, at 5 in the morning he woke up his friend Makovitsky and told him that he had made the final decision to leave home. They began to hurriedly get on the road. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and had to get off the train at the Astapovo station. Here, in the house of the head of the station, the writer spent the last 7 days of his life ... A crowd of thousands gathered for the funeral. Workers, peasants, intellectuals, students - all went for the last time to bow to the great genius. The Yasnaya Polyana peasants felt orphaned… After parting, the sons lift the coffin, carry it out of the house, those present kneel down, then the procession heads to the forest, to the Old Order, where the body is interred. It was the place where, on the edge of the gully, a green stick was hidden with the secret of how to make all people happy. Tolstoy bequeathed to bury his body here, not to erect any majestic tombstones and monuments. Let the grave be simple and modest, peasant. The main thing is that he is at home, in his painfully beloved Yasnaya Polyana. So, we are convinced that the real greatness of a person is in his deeds, in his inextricable connection with his native land, native nature, native people. Only realizing himself a part of the great concept - Russia, Leo Tolstoy could say: “No, this world is not a joke ... this is one of the eternal worlds, which is beautiful, joyful, and which we not only can, but must make more beautiful and joyful for those living with us and for those who will live in it after us.”

"Sevastopol stories" - Ilya Efimovich Repin. Defense of Sevastopol. "Sevastopol stories" L.N. Tolstoy. Military awards L.N. Tolstoy. The city and its garrison knew no respite. Diary entries. True heroes. Steel Garrison. Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy. What is the fourth bastion. V. Vereshchagin "The Apotheosis of War".

"Tolstoy Childhood Lesson" - What are the traditions in the family? Childhood. Parent's house. How many years did Karl Ivanovich live in the house? Kindergarten. Grandmother grandfather. Favorite expression of Karl Ivanovich? What is the value of childhood? Playground. Brothers sisters. Laughter. Teachers, educators. Studies. Childhood is a very valuable and important time in a person's life. Books.

"Tolstoy Two brothers" - Fairy tale. We'll disappear for nothing - we'll disappear in vain We'll be left with nothing - we'll be left with nothing. Get to the workout! Manor in Yasnaya Polyana. Let's get acquainted with the work of L.N. Tolstoy and the work "Two Brothers". The purpose of the lesson. We'll sit down at our desks, together Let's get down to business again. I want to learn. There is no bad without good.

"Tolstoy" Boyhood "" - Continue the phrase. Lyubochka. It will grind, there will be flour. Personification, epithets. Race for the leader. Hero of the work. Describe any character. Storm. Correlating a term with a concept. Compose a crossword. Means of artistic expression. The development of speech. The final game based on the work of Leo Tolstoy "Boyhood".

"Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories"" - I. Aivazovsky "Siege of Sevastopol". Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. Assault on the Malakhov Kurgan. Fragment of the panorama F. Roubaud "Defense of Sevastopol". I. Aivazovsky "Sevastopol". The main theme of the stories. Defenders of Sevastopol. Steel Garrison. D.N. Kardovsky "Defense of Sevastopol". Defense of Sevastopol. "Sevastopol stories" L.N. Tolstoy.

"Tolstoy's Prisoner of the Caucasus" - Our goal is simple and clear. The story is written by a military officer. Leo Tolstoy Prisoner of the Caucasus. Story mystery. Our goal. History of the story. We are learning to read a book!

In total there are 34 presentations in the topic

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