An old man entered the room. Yoshkin Kot writes

Do you think Pushkin did not realize what he was writing here?))) I think that he might not have thought about the exact age of the heroine's mother. And how can we know exactly her age? Maybe this woman got married at 28, like Evpraksia Wulf, with whom Pushkin was friends? Maybe a 50-year-old widower married her, for whom a young woman would no longer go. Or another option. In life, infant mortality was high. Maybe, having married at 23, this woman first gave birth to three sons in 6 years - and all died in infancy ... And at 30 she gave birth to a daughter, and she survived. (I want to say that Pushkin could write simply remembering the girls he knew and their mothers (and not determining the exact age) - but in life ... You never know how it happened in life?)))
When we now use the expression "Balzac age", we constantly forget that we are talking about a woman in her thirties, not in her fifties. This is how I always understood "Balzac's age", like Balzac's.))) And the word "nymphet" is also misunderstood, naming, for example, 15-year-olds and older.
klavir The other day I specifically checked that Smerdyakov is the brother of Karamazov, at the beginning of the book there is not a word When did I argue with this?
But there, by the way, you can guess.))) I guessed it myself, I remember.))) "At the fence, in
nettles and burdock, our company saw the sleeping Lizaveta. spree
the gentlemen stopped over her with laughter and began to joke with all possible
uncensored. It suddenly occurred to one barchenka completely
an eccentric question on an impossible topic: "is it possible, they say, although who
whatever it was, to consider such a beast for a woman, at least now, etc. ". All
with proud disgust decided that it was impossible. But Fedor happened in this bunch
Pavlovich, and he immediately jumped out and decided that he could be considered a woman, even
very much, and that there is even something of a special kind of piquant, etc., etc. ... with excessive gaiety, and finally everyone went away with their
Expensive. Subsequently, Fyodor Pavlovich swore an oath that then he, together
left with everyone; maybe that's exactly what happened, no one knows for sure and
never knew, but after five or six months everyone in town was talking to
sincere and extreme indignation that Lizaveta walks pregnant,
they asked and searched: whose sin, who is the offender? Here, suddenly
a strange rumor spread throughout the city that the offender is this very Fedor
Pavlovich .... rumor
She pointed directly at Fyodor Pavlovich and continued to point. ... Baptized and named Paul, and by patronymic
everyone themselves, without a decree, began to call him Fedorovich. Fyodor Pavlovich is not
contradicted nothing and even found it all amusing, although with all his might
continued to renounce everything."

The population is aging. There is nothing specific to the country in this statement. All of Europe, all developed countries are aging. In 2015, the number of people over the age of 65 exceeded 13%. But over the past decades, France, and Italy, and Greece, and Great Britain have noticeably aged. Despite the constantly declared “speciality”, the country fits perfectly into the European rut. In 15 years, the proportion of old people in our country may approach 19-20%.

But are we really that old? Over the past 30-40 years, ideas about age have changed significantly. We are more and more like the inhabitants of Yalta from A. Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog": "And then two features of the elegant Yalta crowd were clearly evident: the elderly ladies were dressed like young ones, and there were many generals." I also recall another phrase (it seems to be from Turgenev): “A bent old man of forty-seven years old entered the room ...”

Today, many people live adhering to the formula: a person is as old as he feels himself to be. In large cities, in fitness clubs, there are more and more women whose age has exceeded 60. In stores, women of "venerable age" buy outfits that were previously flaunted by 30-year-olds. More and more men and women, drawing up pension certificates, are not going to part with work. The attitudes of employers are also changing. Today, the realization has come that 50-, 60-year-olds have such experience and such efficiency that young people can envy.

Due to the peculiarities of the history of the twentieth century. The country has a very complex demographic pattern. Revolution, civil war, famine in the 1920s, emigration, repressions, deportations of entire peoples and, finally, huge human losses during the Great Patriotic War seriously violated demographic patterns. The decline in the birth rate in the turbulent 90s also has an effect. As a result, there are large gaps between age and gender categories. All this seriously violates the harmony of the social environment. There is no stability in the creation of family centers, in the birth rate, in the "entering the market" of children of toddler and kindergarten age. Either there are not enough nurseries, kindergartens and schools, or there are not enough children to fill them. The army has the same problems with conscripts.

Without energy?

Today, the country is entering the path of development, where the number of young people will noticeably decrease. The energy of the builders of capitalism will decline. According to demographers, the category of 20-30-year-olds will be in particular deficit. This will entail a reduction in the influx of young people not only to the labor market, but also to higher education institutions. Accordingly, in a few years the number of graduates will also decrease. There will be a shortage of workers with quality education. And the personnel of scientific centers and the teaching staff of universities will grow older and older. This may affect the dynamics, quality and relevance of scientific work.

Most likely, there will be no problems with feeding a low-skilled workforce in the foreseeable future: some of the neighboring countries, lagging behind in their development, will continue to “push out” the young workforce. Due to a number of circumstances, Russia will primarily receive these flows. It is hard to imagine that France, Italy or the UK will open the doors to flows from Central Asia.

But with the quality of labor resources, things will be tight. By most parameters of the quality of life, the country does not have that attractive force that would attract young specialists from Western Europe to us. So far, the trend has been reversed.

With beard...

Population aging will affect not only the economy, but also politics, civil society, and the level of democracy. In the course of aging, conservative, protective tendencies may intensify in the country. Voting during the elections will be more focused on the preservation of traditional values, on the conservation of the social habits of older people. But it will be more difficult for the "parties of progress" to attract supporters. Both the authorities and managerial personnel will grow old, which may adversely affect the choice of directions and priorities for development. The well-known principle “one step forward, two steps back” can become the slogan of power. And this trend is already being observed. A significant part of the population today still lives with an eye on the USSR and with great reluctance refuses even the odious symbols and standards of Soviet life. Bronze will soon be needed to cast new monuments to Comrade. Stalin.

So far, we have a relatively young government. And in the higher spheres, there are many cadres who flew into power on young wings in the 90s, and not all of them are lowered yet. But conservative trends are already being felt in personnel policy. The rate of rotation in the higher echelons of power is low. And many of the faces we see on TV will soon need a facelift. This, by the way, is very noticeable in the sphere of culture. In many theaters, "only old people go into battle." Both politicians and security officials are aging. It seems that the phrase “An old man of forty-seven years old entered the room” will soon be replaced by another: “A young minister of about seventy entered the office ...”

* * *

In the world, all kinds of anti-aging agents are becoming increasingly popular. Both men and women do “plastic surgery”, dress in a youthful way, famously “hang out” and use newfangled stimulants for the brain, body and quality sex.

There are already cures for aging. Glory to science! But these means are applicable primarily in private life. And what about civil society?

Age is relative...

L. Stevenson: "Barely shuffling and coughing, a decrepit 50-year-old man entered the room" ....

Having stumbled upon this phrase, I began to dig in the literature of the 19th century and even earlier ...

But at first I found in the protector of children Astakhov (today) "a woman at the age of 25 is already covered with deep wrinkles"

Juliet's mother was 28.

16-year-old Pushkin wrote: "An old man of about 30 entered the room."

Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young: "She was in her 20s."

Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was 34 years old, the age of extinction."

The old pawnbroker from Dostoyevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was 42
of the year.

Anna Karenina at the time of death was 28 years old, the old man's husband
Anna Karenina - 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel, everyone for 2 years
less). Vronsky was 28 years old ("beginning to bald" - this is how Tolstoy described him).

To the old Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege described in The Three Musketeers
Fortress La Rochelle was 42 years old.

Tolstoy about "Princess Marivanna, an old woman of 36 years old."

Lermontov in the story "Princess Ligovskaya": "Her main drawback was pallor, like all St. Petersburg beauties, and old age, the girl was already 25. To the delight of our local gentlemen."

In the 19th century, the marriageable age for women was 15-17 years old.

Chekhov: "At the wedding of her younger sister Manyusya, aged 18, her older sister Varya had a tantrum. Because this older sister was already 23, and her time was running out, or maybe already gone ..."

Gogol: "The door was opened to us by an old woman of about forty."

In those days, in Russian literature, one could often read how a woman of 30-35 years old put on a cap, like an old woman, and took her 15-year-old daughter-bride to the ball.

It is no coincidence that Tatyana Larina, at the age of 18, was already considered almost an old maid, and therefore the aunts, nannies, gossips complained: "It's time, it's time to marry her, because Olenka is younger than her."

Guy Breton, who describes French history using love examples, not only considered women to be elderly at 25, but also men at 30. Then they gave birth at 13-14, sometimes at 12. Therefore, with a 15-year-old mother, lovers changed like gloves and she looked down on a 20-25 year old woman. Since then, times have changed in a hysterically chaste direction (a striking difference in age when they lose their virginity).
Still, for example, in other literature of those years, one can find expressions: “a deep old man with a stick of 40 years old entered the room, he was supported under the arms by young men of 18 years old” or “she lived so long that the courtiers did not even know how long this lady-in-waiting is aged. In fact, this decrepit woman died at the age of 50 from old age, and not from illness."

Or: "The king announced to his queen that he was exiling her to death in a monastery due to old age. He found himself a young wife of 13 years old, whom he wants to make his queen. Shedding tears, the wife threw herself at the feet of her master, but the old king (he was 30 years) was adamant, he announced to her the pregnancy of his new lover"

Suskind "Perfume":
"... Grenouille's mother, who was still a young woman (she
turned twenty-five), and still quite pretty, and also
kept almost all her teeth in her mouth and a little more hair on her head,
and apart from gout, and syphilis, and slight dizziness, nothing
she was not seriously ill, and still hoped to live a long time, maybe
five or ten years...

1. The age of Juliet's mother, the researchers calculate in one phrase:

“As for me, when I was your age, I was your mother a long time ago.”

Shakespeare also mentions the age of Juliet:

"Well, on Peter's day by night And she will blow fourteen years old."

It turns out that Senora Capulet may be 28 years old, or even less. But why should this surprise us if we are witnessing the love story of a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy? Does anyone sincerely worry that they did not become a parent at 14?

2. The age of Marya Gavrilovna from the Snowstorm by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The only mention in the story about the age of the heroine:

“At the end of 1811, in an era memorable to us, the good Gavrila Gavrilovich R ** lived in his estate Nenaradovo. He was famous throughout the district for his hospitality and cordiality; the neighbors kept coming to him to eat, drink, play five kopecks in Boston with his wife, and some in order to look at their daughter, Marya Gavrilovna, a slender, pale and seventeen-year-old girl. She was considered a rich bride, and many predicted her for themselves or for their sons.

So many years she was at the time of the wedding, and the explanation with Burmin happened more than three years later. Therefore, she could not go to the 20th year.

3. Balzac age.

This expression became popular after the release of Honoré de Balzac's The Thirty-Year-Old Woman in 1834. And it is indisputable that the “Balzac age” can really be considered the age of 30 years. Another thing is not clear, why does this expression have such a derogatory, at best derogatory-joking character? After all, Balzac does not describe at all an old woman who no longer knows where to put herself, but a woman in the prime of her beauty and strength.

4. Age of Ivan Susanin.

Thanks to the unknown network researchers who finally put an end to the age-old debate about Susanin's age. It’s only a pity that modern historians are not yet in the know and continue to call the time of Ivan Osipovich’s birth “the last third of the 16th century”, which, you see, gives a wide variation in age, given that Susanin died in the fall of 1612 or in the winter of 1613.

5. The age of the old pawnbroker.

This is a shameful lie! Yet at school they read Dostoevsky's novel!

“She was a tiny, dry old woman, about sixty years old, with sharp and angry eyes, with a small pointed nose and simple hair.”

Shame on you folks, shame on you.

6. Age of Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy does not mention the exact age of the heroine. Where does such an exact figure come from - 28 years? Nowhere. Just guesses.

"I'll start over: you married a man who is twenty years older than you."

I did not find any mention of the age of Alexei Aleksandrovich Karenin in the novel. But for some reason, the most common version on the network says that Karenin was 44 years old, and not 48 or 46 at all. And this already contradicts Anna's announced 28 years.

7. Age of Richelieu.

Yes, yes, not Richelieu, but Richelieu. The siege of La Rochelle lasted a whole year from September 1627 to October 1628. At the time the siege began, Cardinal Richelieu was indeed 42 years old, but did anyone consider him an old man? Why should we be surprised at his age? I don't understand.

8. 30-year-old Karazmin and 16-year-old Pushkin.

Just a celebration of ignorance. Only it is not clear what: historical or mathematical. I guess both.

Now let's calculate: Pushkin turned 16 years old in 1815, respectively, Karamzin was then about 49 years old, and not thirty at all. Hey Pushkin! Three years before his birth, he saw Karamzin, and even left a note about it, pretending to be 16 years old.

9. And again about Karamzin.

Apparently, this refers to Yuri Nikolayevich Tynyanov, a writer and literary critic. He has a study of the unfinished novel "Pushkin", where you can actually find this quote. Only she does not relate to the physical age of Karamzin, but to his mood and activity at that time.

“The main person was, of course, not the count. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was thirty-four, the age of fading.

The time to please has passed, But to be captivated without captivating, And to glow without inflaming, There is a bad trade.

There were no wrinkles yet, but a coldness appeared on his face, elongated, white. In spite of his jocularity, in spite of his fondness for tickles, as he called the young ones, it was evident that he had learned a great deal. The world was crumbling; everywhere in Russia - deformities, sometimes bitterer than French villainy. Fully dream of the happiness of mankind! His heart was broken by the beautiful woman whose friend he was. After traveling to Europe, he became colder towards friends. The "Letters of a Russian Traveler" became a law for educated speeches and hearts. The women were crying over them. He was now publishing an almanac, called the female name "Aglaya", which women read to and which began to generate income. Everything is nothing but trinkets. But the barbaric censorship also constrained trifles. Emperor Paul did not live up to the expectations placed on him by all the friends of good. He was self-willed, angry, and surrounded himself not with philosophers, but with Gatchina corporals, who did not in the least understand elegance.

It's about a disappointed person, not an old one.

Here I am reading Russian classics ...
16-year-old Pushkin wrote: "An old man of about 30 entered the room"
Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was 34 years old - the age of fading"
Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young: "She was in her 20s."
"Alas, Tatyana is not a child, the old woman said, groaning." This was said about the 36-year-old mother of Tatyana Larina
Chekhov Literature teacher: "At the wedding of her younger sister Manyusya, aged 18, her older sister Varya had a tantrum. Because this elder sister was already 23, and her time was running out, or maybe already gone ... "

This list of quotes could go on and on and it would be a lot of fun if it weren't so sad. After all, February 9, I'm 39 years old.
Probably, unlike the classics, today, this is the time of youth. I do not console myself, I look at life. How many people at the age of 40 are unmarried and still students who have not known work by profession.

There are a lot of young people in my life, but for others, this is an indicator of a lack of seriousness. But recently I saw a film about an Egyptian hermit monk, the film The Last Hermit. The monk said that the life of a Christian with God and his life as a monk is a path from pride to humility, from independence to dependence and from adult to child.

The other day I was talking to a boy of 14 years old and said that he had a wonderful age, and he answered me the following: " I also see that my classmates think and look older than their years, but in a bad way. Of course, I don’t care what a person thinks about me, but their behavior and disrespect for others is just darkness. And 40 years is not old now! It's like 20 years now! You look young at your age, some don’t look like that at 24, honestly. I liked the way you said: "That's easy for us, because we are who we are and I have complete confidence in you in everything!" Indeed, a wonderful idea, just like a quote from ancient authors! It's easy to be yourself when you don't have to hide and hide. "

But my 14-year-old namesake made me happy. For me, at the age of 14, a 30-year-old already seemed as old as a dinosaur) Now, about a 70-year-old, I will not say that he is an old man, he is just elderly. After all, if I am 70 years old, how can I call myself young old!)))

And yet lived not a small part of life. If I lived from scratch, would I change something or not? Probably these 39 years I would have lived the same way. All my life I had to hide something from others. From the age of three, I was forbidden to talk about my gift so as not to be ridiculed, in my school years to hide faith in God, when atheistic wall newspapers hung around the school. I secretly come to the Boriso-Gleb Cathedral, and there my Latvian language teacher hides from me behind a column. And I'm happy, like two criminals now tied with blood)))

Man is not the master of his destiny, only God. I really wanted to be a doctor at the age of 16, have a family, children, at least from the age of three I knew who I would be and how I would live. I openly told my parents and two grandmothers even at the age of 5 years. Perhaps children are given to see their fate and their future. I did not go to medical school, I met a monk, at the age of 19 I became a priest with the help of that monk. And there I had to hide what I did not accept in myself, comparing the word of God and the deeds of modern holy fathers. And when the patience to remain silent ended, with me, a 21-year-old man, 70-year-old people in high ranks acted like a rabid dog, they simply expelled me. Even the age difference in human terms required a dialogue like a father with a "foolish" son. But apparently those people knew that I was right and there were no good words for me, except to expel, call names and threaten me. And then I realized that I was not mistaken that I left them. I don't get along with those. At least today, from the height of my age, I would be wiser and would not flog a fever, but would enter into a dialogue to defend my interests. On the other hand, if the ancient persecuted Christians were diplomats, we would not have saints, there would only be Judas and Christ-sellers. I have never hidden my opinion from anyone since 1994. I am as I am, all open in deeds and judgments.

Christ, too, for the ossified Jewish righteous was a criminal who had entered the ancient law. Although he was a modern man of his society. But he was not understood. He did not come to save the righteous, but sinners and went into the houses of sinners. So what are those now boasting about who shout that they are more righteous and better than other unrighteous and unworthy Christians? Was Christ with the righteous? Is Christ with them? For 17 years I had no choice, either I should be like everyone else and blindly worship against my will those who are alien to me along the line of ideology, or the yoke of a sectarian .. But were not the ancient Christians sectarians in relation to Judaism? And in relation to the pagan Roman Empire of Maximian? Finally, justice prevailed and I became the "official Orthodox" for my state. Well, isn’t it a “circus with horses” when, in order to believe correctly and pray correctly, you need a certificate in a secular state separated from the Church from this very state that you are a true Christian, and not some kind of sectarian?

I know it's far from perfect. There were, are and will be weaknesses, temptations and temptations of this world. I am a living person in the flesh and let the first one cast a stone at me who is pure and holy. Today I realize that I still have 80% of what I could do spiritually and what I didn’t do deep inside me. our modern technologies are only the languor of the mind and distraction from God. Probably God sees that today I am still weak to call for something where I would reveal myself more. I have not yet matured for this in this society and this country. But already now the soul demands another transformation.

Once Vanga was asked: “Tell me, is your gift from God or from the devil?”, She thought for a long time and said: “I don’t know. The main thing is not from whom the gift is, but how to use it, for good or evil!” A lot of people come to me from abroad. There are things that I can amaze people with and they also ask how you can see and know this. One guy once told me: “We are now living in such a terrible time when the sky is closed to God and all miracles are only from the devil and they are given for the sake of seducing a person.” And here Wang is remembered. The main thing is how to use your gift. A computer is also a technology, most likely not from God, but it can be used for the benefit of friendship, communication, spiritual teaching and knowledge. Through this thing, I found my best friends, virtually came into contact with those shrines with which I could not yet really come into contact.

39 years. But I'm only growing spiritually. When I grow up, then I will not have money, a computer, beautiful things, there will be only a big beard, a cassock and prayers in my head. Perhaps this will be the greatest happiness that a person should strive for. After all, as one Egyptian monk said: "My strength is in my hardships!" My strength today is also in my hardships. In deprivation of family, children, wealth... But much still weighs. When I lose everything, even the opportunity to live in my homeland, then I will be even stronger. And if I had all the blessings of the world today, I would be a spiritually weak person.

Today, the most precious words for me, these are not from old people, what I am ... what ... For these are flattery and control words, such control words as wishes for health and happiness in a New Year's card))) That's when the little bully boy will tell me: "Dude, even though you're a pop, but cool and without showing off, not as boring as other adults!" , this will be a balm for the heart))) Because children are the future of our planet and they will rule us when we all become decrepit!

There is a biblical prayer, the words of which I always repeat: “I ask You for two things, do not refuse me before I die. Remove vanity and lies from me, do not give me poverty and riches, feed me with daily bread. "And so that the impoverished would not steal and use the name of my God in vain."

My Favorite Quote: " "Life deceived me! I guess that it is very difficult and even impossible to live honestly in our country. In vain, in this case, we are presented with examples from the life of foreign peoples. It is beneficial for others to be honest, but we do not. We manage with intelligence and honor incomparably harsher and more merciless than with mediocrity and quest. With honesty, we can only suffer and grovel. I have outlived everything, still almost starting to live. If I had a son, I would now no longer know how to educate him. So that he was not unhappy, it is necessary that he was not very honest, and was accommodating to everything. Because of this, I will never have my own family. It is good to admire honest people from the outside, but it is painful to force a loved one to endure everything in his own skin. I even wonder if it’s worth living on my own? I don’t see any point in living in that terrible consciousness that there is no place for honor and real nobility in Russian life... No one can fix this alone, and at the same time it’s impossible to live honestly ... "
Quod medicamenta non sanat - mors sana!
The lost trust in people was healed by death...

(Engineers without silver. N.S. Leskov)

And I will finish with my new verse

Again I'm sad and my heart hurts
Again I'm alone in the silence of the night
That's enough, that's enough ... I shout "Enough!"
Fate shattered my dreams

Remained childhood in the distant distance
And youth somehow already passed
Oh how it hurts, if you only knew
The soul of peace, no, I did not find it.

Years pass, they fly like birds
The desert of death lies ahead
To fall to the key to drink water
Wherever you look, only mirages.

And the heart is beating tiredly
And already gray hair
And alone I breathe freely
But this will is like a prison to me.

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