Valeria Suponeva. The son of Sergei Suponev hanged himself (photo)


Many viewers remember Sergei Suponev as a good-natured and cheerful TV presenter. He was adored by children and respected by adults. A successful career, the recognition of colleagues, true love and a family hearth - all this was with Sergei Suponev. He himself considered himself a happy man and was going to please the Russians for many more years with his television projects. But fate decreed otherwise. In 2001, he was gone. This article describes the brightest moments of the life and work of the famous TV presenter.

Sergei Suponev: biography

The creator and presenter of ORT children's programs was born on January 28, 1963 in a small village. After graduating from a local school, he decided to enter the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. He managed to accomplish what he set out to do. But studying at the main university of the country lasted only 1 year. In 1981, Sergei Suponev was called up for military service. Returning to the "citizen" in 1983, our hero still graduated from the university and received the profession of a journalist.

Television career

Sergei Suponev began working on Russian TV even before the army - in 1980. Having paid his debt to the Motherland, he again got on television. In 1983, Sergei was offered the position of administrator on one of the central channels. His duties included the processing of programs dedicated to public holidays. In the period from 1984 to 1986, Suponev had a chance to work as an administrator in the propaganda department. For the next 2 years, Sergei was preparing plots for the program “Up to 16 and older”, popular at that time.

Our today's hero had a chance to try himself as a leader only in 1988. The program was called "Marathon 15". Soon Sergei Suponev woke up famous. He began to offer various projects. He himself noticed and highly appreciated his talent. It was thanks to him that the children's program "Star Hour" found such a sparkling and objective host.

Sergei was not going to stop there. Soon he created a completely new, unparalleled children's program, Call of the Jungle. This idea, embodied by him into reality, made Suponev the owner of the TEFI award. "Call of the Jungle" is not the only program for children that our hero has created. In his creative piggy bank there are programs of various genres: Disney Club, King of the Hill, The Seventh Sense and others.

Personal life

When communicating with the opposite sex, Sergei used his natural charm. He was a very attractive man and an interesting conversationalist. Suponev was officially married twice. According to him, in both cases he married for love. The first wife gave him a son, Cyril. In the second marriage, a lovely daughter was born. Sergey equally loved both his children, tried to pamper them and devote more time to them.

The death of Sergei Suponev

The famous TV presenter went in for sports and loved to ride with the breeze. It was this passion that played a cruel joke with him. Although more than 10 years have passed since that terrible event, not everyone knows today how Sergey Suponev died.

On December 8, 2001, he went to the Tver region to ride a snowmobile. No signs of trouble. The lifeless body was discovered late in the evening by local residents. There was no doubt about what had happened. The investigation concluded that Sergei simply lost control. His snowmobile was moving on the ice of a frozen river. The speed was very high. Sergei failed to turn in the right direction. The snowmobile skidded and crashed into a tree at full speed. The body of the journalist was found a few meters from the barrel. Most likely, the snowmobile hit the tree with such force that Suponev was simply thrown out of the seat. He received severe injuries incompatible with life. Arriving at the scene, police officers found two dead bodies - Sergei and his young companion.

The news of the death of a popular TV presenter caused a real shock to his fans and colleagues. But it was hardest of all for Suponev's relatives. They did not want to accept and realize what had happened. The famous singer and TV presenter, who fell into a deep depression, fell into a deep depression. For many years, her brother was her support and support, and now he is gone. The tragedy that occurred could not but affect the children of Suponev. His daughter was not even a year old at the time. But the teenage son Cyril was very worried about the loss of his own father. No one imagined how this accident would affect the future fate of the boy.

Another tragedy

In September 2013, the Russian print media reported the terrible news - the son of Sergei Suponev died. Was he, like his father, a victim of an accident? Later it turned out that no. Cyril committed suicide. It all happened in a Moscow apartment on Osenny Boulevard. While mom went to the store closest to the house, Kirill took a strong rope and hanged himself. When the woman returned, it was already too late. The doctors who arrived at the address stated the death of the guy.

Remembering what Kirill was like, many of his acquaintances and friends pointed out that after the death of his father, the guy became withdrawn and gloomy. He smiled on rare occasions and shared his emotional experiences with no one. But Cyril was predicted a great future. He managed to enter and successfully complete his studies at MGIMO, get the profession of a journalist. Kirill Suponev was fond of music and was even a drummer in a trendy metropolitan band. Father would be proud of him. But soon everything went wrong. Lack of self-realization and support of friends, constant failures at castings and non-healing psychological trauma - all this led to a sad outcome. Cyril could not stand the tests that fell on him and decided to part with his life.


Sergey Suponev is an interesting and comprehensively developed personality. He did a lot for the development of Russian television. The children's programs he created are a clear example of how to work and interact with children. More than one generation has grown up on the Call of the Jungle and Finest Hour programs. Every second child aged 6 to 15 dreamed of taking part in them, as well as seeing a kind and impartial presenter live. Blessed memory to Sergei Suponev ...

Entertainment programs for children and teenagers, created by Sergey Suponev, brought up several generations of young viewers. The tragic and untimely death of Suponev interrupted his career at the most interesting place; later, Sergei's son, Kirill, followed in his father's footsteps and decided, like him, to make a career in television. Alas, the story of Kirill Suponev ended just as gloomy.

The tragic death of Sergei Suponev at one time pretty much shocked the whole country - the presenter and producer played a significant role in the development of Russian television and enjoyed the respect and love of those around him. Alas, the accident put an extremely untimely end to Sergei's biography.

Sergei Suponev became a truly famous TV presenter in the second half of the 90s. He started from the bottom - initially, back in 1980, Suponev worked as an auxiliary worker.

In 1986, Sergei began filming his own stories for the popular youth television project Under 16 and Over.

In 1989, Suponev got the place of the host in the program "Marathon 15"; Sergei turned out to be more than worthy as the presenter - and already three years later Vlad Listyev himself offered him the position of the host of the new children's quiz "Star Hour". This show was the first really successful Suponev; later Sergey began to create his own projects - and he succeeded a lot in this field. The King of the Hill, Call of the Jungle and Dandy - New Reality programs have in many ways defined the face of children's entertainment television.

the rider crashed on a snowmobile near the Tver village of Edimonovo. From an extremely strong blow, Sergei died on the spot. 12 years after Sergei's death, his son, Kirill, followed in his footsteps; unlike his father, Cyril died not from a fatal combination of circumstances, but from his own hand.

28-year-old Suponev took his own life in the house where he lived with his mother. Valeria Suponeva left the house for only 10 minutes; alas, this was quite enough for Cyril to carry out his plan. Returning home, the woman found her son in a noose; alas, it was too late to save Cyril - he was dead.

What exactly prompted Cyril to commit suicide is not exactly known - he did not consider it necessary to leave some kind of farewell message. However, it seems that Cyril still had certain prerequisites for suicide.

It may seem to someone that there was nothing to complain about Cyril in life. Behind Suponev Jr. was a successfully graduated faculty of journalism from MGIMO and considerable experience in television; Suponev held quite worthy positions - he happened to be engaged in both producing and directing. Kirill worked on his own projects;

in parallel, he had time to study music - Suponev was listed as a drummer in the Romeo Must Die team. At the end of 2013, the group was supposed to break up. On his last day, Kirill was supposed to go to St. Petersburg; there the band was supposed to play one of their last concerts.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to find out exactly why Suponev decided to commit suicide. Kirill's friends and colleagues said that he reacted extremely painfully to all sorts of failures and career troubles. To some extent, Kirill became a victim of his own father - many (often unwittingly) compared Kirill's achievements with those of Sergei; these comparisons, alas, usually turned out to be not in favor of the younger Suponev. Cyril actively tried to get out of his father's shadow - and even refused to take the position of the host of the "Star Hour" program that had been vacated after the death of Sergei; unfortunately, he never managed to rise to the level of Suponev Sr. It is quite possible that it was the combination of several failures at work with the breakup of the group that caused Cyril an unusually strong depression - the way out of which the host found by no means the best.

The tragic death of Sergei Suponev at one time pretty much shocked the whole country - the presenter and producer played a significant role in the development of Russian television and enjoyed the respect and love of those around him. Alas, the accident put an extremely untimely end to Sergei's biography.

Sergei Suponev became a truly famous TV presenter in the second half of the 90s. He started from the bottom - initially, back in 1980, Suponev worked as an auxiliary worker.

In 1986, Sergei began filming his own stories for the popular youth television project Under 16 and Over.

In 1989, Suponev got the place of the host in the program "Marathon 15"; Sergei turned out to be more than worthy as the presenter - and already three years later Vlad Listyev himself offered him the position of the host of the new children's quiz "Star Hour". This show was the first really successful Suponev; later Sergey began to create his own projects - and he succeeded a lot in this field. The King of the Hill, Call of the Jungle and Dandy - New Reality programs have in many ways defined the face of children's entertainment television.

Suponev's affairs went uphill; alas, on December 8, 2001, the popular presenter crashed on a snowmobile near the Tver village of Edimonovo. From an extremely strong blow, Sergei died on the spot. 12 years after Sergei's death, his son, Kirill, followed in his footsteps; unlike his father, Cyril died not from a fatal combination of circumstances, but from his own hand.

28-year-old Suponev took his own life in the house where he lived with his mother. Valeria Suponeva left the house for only 10 minutes; alas, this was quite enough for Cyril to carry out his plan. Returning home, the woman found her son in a noose; alas, it was too late to save Cyril - he was dead.

What exactly prompted Cyril to commit suicide is not exactly known - he did not consider it necessary to leave some kind of farewell message. However, it seems that Cyril still had certain prerequisites for suicide.

It may seem to someone that there was nothing to complain about Cyril in life. Behind Suponev Jr. was a successfully graduated faculty of journalism from MGIMO and considerable experience in television; Suponev held quite worthy positions - he happened to be engaged in both producing and directing. Kirill worked on his own projects; in parallel, he had time to study music - Suponev was listed as a drummer in the Romeo Must Die team. At the end of 2013, the group was supposed to break up. On his last day, Kirill was supposed to go to St. Petersburg; there the band was supposed to play one of their last concerts.

Best of the day

It is unlikely that it will be possible to find out exactly why Suponev decided to commit suicide. Kirill's friends and colleagues said that he reacted extremely painfully to all sorts of failures and career troubles. To some extent, Kirill became a victim of his own father - many (often unwittingly) compared Kirill's achievements with those of Sergei; these comparisons, alas, usually turned out to be not in favor of the younger Suponev. Cyril actively tried to get out of his father's shadow - and even refused to take the position of the host of the "Star Hour" program that had been vacated after the death of Sergei; unfortunately, he never managed to rise to the level of Suponev Sr. It is quite possible that it was the combination of several failures at work with the breakup of the group that caused Cyril an unusually strong depression - the way out of which the host found by no means the best.

Last weekend brought tragic news: the 28-year-old son of a TV presenter and creator of a number of popular children's TV programs died in the capital Sergei Suponev Kirill Suponev.

Suponev Jr. was knocked down by creative failures?

The incident happened in a house on Osenny Boulevard, where Suponev Jr. lived with his mother, Valeria Suponeva.

As the mother of the deceased told the police, she left the house for literally ten minutes, and upon returning she found her son in a noose. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to help him.

A note in which Cyril would explain the motives for the fatal step was not found. Law enforcement agencies are conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of suicide.

Kirill Suponev was the son of TV presenter Sergei Suponev from his first marriage. After graduating from the journalism faculty of MGIMO, Suponev Jr. followed in his father's footsteps, starting to work on television.

He held the positions of director and producer, worked on his own television projects. Friends and relatives of Cyril noted that the young man was hard to bear career failures and fell into depression.

Another area of ​​activity of Kirill Suponev was music - he was the drummer of the Romeo Must Die group. The musicians, who had been playing together for a long time, decided to end the project at the end of 2013. On the day of the tragedy, Kirill had to go to St. Petersburg to participate in one of the final concerts of the band.

It is possible that the completion of the musical project, to which Suponev Jr. devoted more than one year, against the backdrop of creative failures on television, pushed the young man to a fatal step.

In 2001, immediately after the death of his father, Kirill Suponev was offered to replace him as the host of the Star Hour program, but Suponev Jr. refused. According to friends, Cyril was an ambitious person and did not want to be compared with his father.

"Star hour" by Sergei Suponev ended on the ice of the Volga

The television career of Sergei Suponev reached its peak in the second half of the 1990s. He came to television back in 1980, but initially served as an auxiliary worker and administrator. In 1986, Suponev began to shoot stories for the TV show "Under 16 and Over."

Popularity came to Sergei Suponev in 1989, when he became the co-host of the Marathon 15 program for teenagers. In 1992, Vlad Listyev invited Suponev to lead the children's TV quiz "Star Hour". From that moment on, Sergei Suponev began to actively work on children's television broadcasting, not only as a presenter, but also as a producer, creator of new programs.

He has such projects as "Call of the Jungle", "Dandy - New Reality", "King of the Hill", "I'll Sing Right Now" and many others. Suponev worked on entertainment programs not only for children - in 2001 he became one of the creators of the reality show "The Last Hero".

At the very peak of his career, tragedy struck. On December 8, 2001, the 38-year-old TV presenter rode a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga near the village of Edimonovo, Tver Region. At some point, Suponev lost control and crashed into the snow-covered wooden walkways of the river pier. Sergei Suponev died on the spot.

In addition to his son Cyril, Suponev left a daughter from his second marriage Pauline who was less than a year old at the time of her father's death.

Sergei Suponev came from a creative family - his father was an actor in the Theater of Satire, his mother worked there as a pianist. Suponev's maternal half-sister is the famous singer and TV presenter Elena Perova.

On the tombstone of Sergei Suponev, an epitaph was engraved, which his father came up with: “Your stellar path in this world has gone from the screen to the souls of the children.”

On Saturday, September 28, Kirill Suponev was found hanged in his apartment in Moscow. The body was discovered by his mother, the first wife of the famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev - Valery. According to the woman, she literally left her son alone in the apartment for 10 minutes, and when she returned, he was already dead.

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Kirill Suponev was born on April 16, 1984, graduated from MGIMO, faculty of international journalism. He, following the example of his father, was going to become a TV presenter, but a series of failures at television castings made him discouraged. Most recently he played drums in the Romeo Must Die band.

Why did Kirill Suponev commit suicide?

Friends of the young man say he had a girlfriend, but as they say, he did not have quarrels on the basis of love and he could not take his own life because of love. What exactly caused his departure, relatives find it difficult to say, since after the death of his father he became closed and tried to keep his experiences to himself.

Kirill's father Sergei Suponev, a popular TV presenter of children's and youth programs ("Starry Hour", "Call of the Jungle") of the late 90s, early 2000s, died in the fall of 2001. He lost control and the snowmobile he was driving skidded right onto the walkways of the river pier. As a result of the accident, the famous TV presenter died on the spot.

The second wife Suponev confirmed the death of a young man, but refused to comment on anything. The Investigative Committee is investigating the fact of suicide.

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