Whitecurrant jam: secrets and cooking options - how to cook delicious whitecurrant jam from white fruits. Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes


In this article, we will look at what can be prepared for the winter from white currants. This berry is albino. According to the biological classification, white currant is the same red, only devoid of color pigment. It tastes more tender than its ruby ​​sister, not so sour. Currants in Rus' began to be cultivated earlier than in Europe. And the name of the berry bushes was Slavic. In Ukrainian, the word smorid means stink. To a greater extent, this applies to the black variety. Not only the leaves, but also the branches and the berries themselves have a sharp, slightly unpleasant smell. But the white currant fruits do not smell. Their delicate taste and unusual aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Preparations from this berry are not only tasty and healthy, but also interesting in a purely aesthetic sense. Translucent, light golden jam looks so unusual. Here it is such an albino berry - white currant. Recipes for the winter from this garden crop, read below.

The benefits of white currant

Black berries are the richest in vitamins and minerals. In France, until the eighteenth century, this type of currant was considered exclusively as a medicinal plant, and they began to be used in cooking much later. Red (and at the same time her albino sister) is inferior to black in the amount of vitamin C. But even in white currants it is four times more than in vaunted citrus fruits. And in terms of iron content, she overtakes her black sister. Red and white currants are rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart, and is also responsible for the removal of excess fluid from the body and prevents swelling and bags under the eyes. These berries also sharpen eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A in them. If you regularly use white currants, immunity will increase, metabolism will improve, and the body will be cleansed of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals.

How to choose the right berry

White currant, from which we will learn how to make blanks, is a specific product. Traditionalists, who are accustomed to the fact that the jam must necessarily be red or orange, often mix this berry with ruby ​​\u200b\u200band black clusters, cherries or raspberries. And people who love originality use the transparent color of white currant to create decorative blanks for the winter. For example, preserve the berries along with the cuttings, while maintaining the integrity of the bunches. You can combine white currants with pieces of unpeeled orange. Berries for harvesting are best picked in sunny and dry weather. Next, they need to be sorted out, removing random debris and leaves. If this is not specified in the recipe, tear off the cuttings. Then they must be thoroughly washed and dried a little. To make whitecurrant jelly, you need to extract the juice. The bones of this species are large. They clog the juicer and, when crushed, have a bad effect on the taste of the jelly. It remains the old grandmother's way of rubbing through a sieve. So that the berries do not resist, they are scalded with boiling water.

White currant: jelly without cooking

These berries are the best raw material for this kind of desserts, because they contain a lot of pectin. The recipe advises to add some unripe to ripe currants. In such berries there is an order of magnitude more pectin, which will help jam gelation. Squeeze juice from white currant. For one liter of liquid, take 1200 grams of sugar, preferably fruit. Using this sweetener, we will enhance the aroma and taste of jelly, as well as thicken its consistency. Mix well the juice with sugar. We sterilize jars. We spread the jelly over them, filling the container to the top. On top we put a circle cut out of parchment along the width of the neck of the jar. We will first moisten it in vodka so that the white currant does not ferment. And then we cork the jars with nylon lids. The first days, the blanks are stored in a quiet and cool place, without rearranging or shaking. Then you can put the jars in the refrigerator.

boiled jelly

For this cooking method, ordinary sugar is used, since fructose melts and forms crystals at high temperatures. Boiled whitecurrant jelly is a very stable product in storage. And its consistency is wonderful, you can even decorate cakes with it. To prepare such a jelly, you must first extract juice from slightly unripe berries. Pour the liquid into a small bowl and start cooking. Gradually add four hundred grams of sugar. Cook, and at the end add another 400 g of sweet sand. Readiness is determined as follows: we draw a wooden spatula along the bottom of the dishes with jelly: if there is a trace-path, you can turn off the fire. We take small cans for this blank, maximum half a liter. Sterilize them in the oven, fill with jelly. The container should stand for about ten hours, after which it can be corked with ordinary nylon lids.

Jam with oranges

There are many preparations for the winter, where the main ingredient is white currant. Recipes often suggest mixing it with other fruits for color or for more sweetness. This method of harvesting white currant does not involve heat treatment. Thanks to this, all minerals and vitamins remain in the jam. One kilogram of currants is passed through a meat grinder. Wash two oranges, cut into pieces, select the seeds. We also pass through a meat grinder. We combine currants with oranges. Add one and a half or two kilograms of granulated sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. To make it easier for yourself, it is permissible to slightly heat the mass. We spread the jam in a sterile glass container. If you intend to store in the refrigerator, you can cover it with ordinary plastic lids.

Classic jam

Whitecurrant recipes do not ignore this common homemade preparation for the winter. Classic jam is prepared like this. Pour a kilogram of berries with the same amount of sugar. Let the juice stand out. In two glasses of water we dissolve three hundred grams of sugar. We cook syrup. We lower the berries there (along with the allocated juice). We cook, regularly remove the foam, stir. We lay out the transparent jam in jars, cork. Decorative jam requires a different approach. First, we cook syrup from a glass of water and a pound of sugar. Carefully place the grapes in it. We continue to cook, stirring very gently so that the berries remain intact. When the jam becomes translucent, turn off the fire and put it in jars. Such white currants are good both as an independent dessert and for decorating various kinds of pastries.

Candied fruit

For such homemade sweets, black, red, white currants are suitable, but the berries must be very ripe. We wash them, put them in a colander and pour them into an enamel basin. Cooking syrup. A kilogram of berries requires 300 milliliters of water and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Boil the syrup until the crystals dissolve. We filter it by passing through several layers of gauze. Put on fire again and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup into a bowl of berries. Boil for five minutes and leave for ten hours. After the specified period, boil the white currant until tender. Strain the berries, but save the syrup, you can make jam or juice from it. Let's leave the berries for two hours. Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar. And dry them: in the oven (at + 40 C) for three hours, at room temperature for six days. Next, roll the balls from the berries, roll them again in powdered sugar. Continue to dry them in the oven or at room temperature.

Home wine

What else can whitecurrant be useful for? Recipes for the winter very often use juice from this berry. It is very acidic, so it can be used in place of vinegar, acidifying dishes or pouring it into marinades. The juice will make excellent homemade wine. In four liters of wort, it is required to dissolve 1.6 kilograms of sugar. Let's take the suleya to a cool place and wait for the start of fermentation. Somewhere in ten days we stop the process by alcoholization. It takes an average of a liter of vodka per 10 liters of fermented wort, but you can adjust the strength of the drink at your discretion. Mix and leave for five days. Strain and add 800 grams of sugar. Stir until dissolved and pour the wine into bottles. After three months of storage in a cool place, the drink can be served at the table.

White currant: compote

For a beautiful color, you can add a few ruby ​​​​clusters. For one sterilized 3-liter jar of compote, you need three cups of currants. Wash the berries and put them on the bottom. Pour 2.5 liters of filtered water into a saucepan and put on fire. Gradually add two cups of granulated sugar. Let's wait for the syrup to boil. Fill them with currants (do not forget to put a metal spoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst). Put on the lid and wait five minutes. After the berries give the syrup their taste and aroma, pour it back into the pan and bring it to a boil again. At this stage, you can add various spices to the compote: cloves, cinnamon or orange zest. Pour the berries with boiling syrup and roll up the jars with iron lids. We turn the container upside down and wrap it with a blanket until it cools down gradually.

Currant for home first aid kit

You can not fill the berries with syrup. Then in winter you will have almost fresh white currants. We make preparations like this. We select ripe large berries and put them dry in a jar. We cover the glass container and place it in a sterilization dish. Pour water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar. Let's warm it over low heat until the berry starts up the juice and settles (you need to report the currants so that it fills the dishes to the top). We pasteurize for about half an hour at 85 C, and then roll up. Such currants treat colds well and are flu prevention.

"- Is it red? - No, it's black. - Why is it white? - Because it's green." What is this? Of course, we are talking about currants. There is red, there is black, and this is not news. And there is white currant. According to its properties, this is the same red berry, also rich in vitamins A and C, only the color is different.

In the country, we have only one bush of such a berry, the rest is more and more familiar - red and black. And from these berries, I decided to make a yummy for the child - jelly. We already have such jelly from red currant, but to make it tastier and more interesting, we need to make it from white. To do this, the berry is tedious to collect, rinse, dry a little. You can do this with a paper towel or regular waffle towel, which is fine. Unlike red currant, white does not leave bright spots on the material. Then the berry needs to be boiled a little. To do this, I add a small amount of water to the dishes in which I need to do this. As soon as it boils, remove from heat so as not to destroy the vitamins.

Then begins a responsible and time-consuming process - squeezing currant juice. For this, I used a regular colander, but the holes there are quite large, and some of the bones fell into the juice. After the berries are mashed and the juice is separated from the skin and most of the seeds, it is best to strain the resulting juice.

The juice turns yellowish, even beige, cloudy. Red currant looks better in my opinion. But it doesn't affect the taste. Continuing the preparation further, add sugar to the currant juice and put on fire until it boils. We measure sugar by eye, the volume is slightly less than the volume of juice. We weld. Future jelly should be hot and a little thick, somewhat viscous. Then after hardening it will become a real jelly. When the resulting mass cools down a bit, I pour it into a clean jar.

Put in a cool place to set, and then put in the refrigerator. This is what it looks like after freezing:

The color is amber, beautiful, and the taste is sweet and sour, currant :) Such a healthy delicacy will be an excellent dessert for both a child and an adult. In combination with redcurrant jelly, you can beautifully decorate the table. Thanks to minimal heat treatment, jelly retains its vitamins, which are so rich in currants. Great for winter!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 hour

Dedicated to all gourmets and lovers of delicate berry jelly! Exquisite taste, amber color of this jelly will not leave the participants of your dinners or parties with snacks indifferent. Not only is this jelly a great accompaniment to tarts or pancakes, it's a perfect accompaniment to soft cheeses, especially brie, caramelized onion toast, rabbit liver pate, and even as a flavorful ingredient in berry sauces. But even when just served with toast for breakfast, this jelly is excellent!


  • 2 kg of white currants (without twigs)
  • 2 kg sugar

Step 1

Pick whitecurrant berries from the twigs, rinse in running water and drain. Pour the berries into a saucepan (not aluminum!), add 50 ml of water and put on medium heat. Bring the berries to a boil and cook for about 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. All berries should burst and boil.

Step 2

Remove the mass of boiled berries from the heat and rub through a fine sieve from seeds and skins. The result is a translucent light mass. That's the way it should be.

Step 3

Add sugar to the berry mass in portions, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the berry-sugar mixture back into the pan where the berries were cooked before and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring, for about 5-7 minutes. The mass should become transparent and acquire an amber hue. At this time, prepare beautiful small jars (sterilized) and lids.

Step 4

Remove the mass from the heat and, while hot, pour into jars. This is important, because the jelly hardens very quickly! Leave jars of jelly to cool completely without lids at room temperature. For storage, close the jars with lids and store in a cool place. Store the opened jar in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Red currant jelly


  • 1.5 kg redcurrant
  • 1 kg sugar
  • (4 cans of 500 g)


Wash the currants, dry and put in a container for making jam. Pour in 100 ml of water and heat over medium heat. Cook until the berries burst and begin to release juice. Squeeze the currant with the convex side of the slotted spoon. Boil. There should be enough juice. Add sugar, mix. Boil for 3 more minutes, then remove from heat. Strain the contents through a very fine sieve, without squeezing the berries, so that the jelly is transparent. Pour into jars using a ladle with a spout. Cool and cover with lids or parchment paper.

Blackcurrant jelly


  • blackcurrant - 1.5 kg
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 cloves
  • 500 g sugar
  • 5 st. l. blackcurrant liqueur

In this article, we will look at what can be prepared for the winter from white currants. This berry is an albino. According to the biological classification, white currant is the same red, only devoid of color pigment. It tastes more tender than its ruby ​​sister, not so sour. Currants in Rus' began to be cultivated earlier than in Europe. And the name of the berry bushes was Slavic. In Ukrainian, the word "smorid" means "stink". To a greater extent, this applies to the black variety. Not only the leaves, but also the branches and the berries themselves have a sharp, slightly unpleasant smell. But the white currant fruits do not smell. Their delicate taste and unusual aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Preparations from this berry are not only tasty and healthy, but also interesting in a purely aesthetic sense. Translucent, light golden jam looks so unusual. Here it is such an albino berry - white currant. Recipes for the winter from this garden crop, read below.

The benefits of white currant

Black berries are the richest in vitamins and minerals. In France, until the eighteenth century, this type of currant was considered exclusively as a medicinal plant, and they began to be used in cooking much later. Red (and at the same time her albino sister) is inferior to black in the amount of vitamin C. But even in white currants it is four times more than in vaunted citrus fruits. And in terms of iron content, she overtakes her black sister. Red and white currants are rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart, and is also responsible for the removal of excess fluid from the body and prevents swelling and bags under the eyes. These berries also sharpen eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A in them. If you regularly use white currants, immunity will increase, metabolism will improve, and the body will be cleansed of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals.

How to choose the right berry

White currant, from which we will learn how to make blanks, is a specific product. Traditionalists, who are accustomed to the fact that the jam must necessarily be red or orange, often mix this berry with ruby ​​\u200b\u200band black clusters, cherries or raspberries. And people who love originality use the transparent color of white currant to create decorative blanks for the winter. For example, preserve the berries along with the cuttings, while maintaining the integrity of the bunches. You can combine white currants with pieces of unpeeled orange. Berries for harvesting are best picked in sunny and dry weather. Next, they need to be sorted out, removing random debris and leaves. If this is not specified in the recipe, tear off the cuttings. Then they must be thoroughly washed and dried a little. To make whitecurrant jelly, you need to extract the juice. The bones of this species are large. They clog the juicer and, when crushed, have a bad effect on the taste of the jelly. It remains the old grandmother's way - rubbing through a sieve. So that the berries do not resist, they are scalded with boiling water.

White currant: jelly without cooking

These berries are the best raw material for this kind of desserts, because they contain a lot of pectin. The recipe advises to add some unripe to ripe currants. In such berries there is an order of magnitude more pectin, which will help jam gelation. Squeeze juice from white currant. For one liter of liquid, take 1200 grams of sugar, preferably fruit. Using this sweetener, we will enhance the aroma and taste of jelly, as well as thicken its consistency. Mix well the juice with sugar. We sterilize jars. We spread the jelly over them, filling the container to the top. On top we put a circle cut out of parchment along the width of the neck of the jar. We will first moisten it in vodka so that the white currant does not ferment. And then we cork the jars with nylon lids. The first days, the blanks are stored in a quiet and cool place, without rearranging or shaking. Then you can put the jars in the refrigerator.

boiled jelly

For this cooking method, ordinary sugar is used, since fructose melts and forms crystals at high temperatures. Boiled whitecurrant jelly is a very shelf-stable product. And its consistency is wonderful, you can even decorate cakes with it. To prepare such a jelly, you must first extract juice from slightly unripe berries. Pour the liquid into a small bowl and start cooking. Gradually add four hundred grams of sugar. Cook, and at the end add another 400 g of sweet sand. Readiness is determined as follows: we draw a wooden spatula along the bottom of the dishes with jelly: if there is a trace - “path” - you can turn off the fire. We take small jars for this blank - a maximum of half a liter. Sterilize them in the oven, fill with jelly. The container should stand for about ten hours, after which it can be corked with ordinary nylon lids.

Jam with oranges

There are many preparations for the winter, where the main ingredient is white currant. Recipes often suggest mixing it with other fruits for color or for more sweetness. This method of harvesting white currant does not involve heat treatment. Thanks to this, all minerals and vitamins remain in the jam. One kilogram of currants is passed through a meat grinder. Wash two oranges, cut into pieces, select the seeds. We also pass through a meat grinder. We combine currants with oranges. Add one and a half or two kilograms of granulated sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. To make it easier for yourself, it is permissible to slightly heat the mass. We spread the jam in a sterile glass container. If you intend to store in the refrigerator, you can cover it with ordinary plastic lids.

Classic jam

Whitecurrant recipes do not ignore this common homemade preparation for the winter. Classic jam is prepared like this. Pour a kilogram of berries with the same amount of sugar. Let the juice stand out. In two glasses of water we dissolve three hundred grams of sugar. We cook syrup. We lower the berries there (along with the allocated juice). We cook, regularly remove the foam, stir. We lay out the transparent jam in jars, cork. "Decorative" jam requires a different approach. First, we cook syrup from a glass of water and a pound of sugar. Carefully place the grapes in it. We continue to cook, stirring very gently so that the berries remain intact. When the jam becomes translucent, turn off the fire and put it in jars. Such white currants are good both as an independent dessert and for decorating various kinds of pastries.

Candied fruit

For such homemade sweets, black, red, white currants are suitable, but the berries must be very ripe. We wash them, put them in a colander and pour them into an enamel basin. Cooking syrup. A kilogram of berries requires 300 milliliters of water and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Boil the syrup until the crystals dissolve. We filter it by passing through several layers of gauze. Put on fire again and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup into a bowl of berries. Boil for five minutes and leave for ten hours. After the specified period, boil the white currant until tender. Strain the berries, but save the syrup - you can make jam or juice from it. Let's leave the berries for two hours. Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar. And dry them: in the oven (at + 40 C) for three hours, at room temperature for six days. Next, roll the balls from the berries, roll them again in powdered sugar. Let's continue to dry them - in the oven or at room temperature.

Home wine

What else can whitecurrant be useful for? Recipes for the winter very often use juice from this berry. It is very acidic, so it can be used in place of vinegar, acidifying dishes or pouring it into marinades. The juice will make excellent homemade wine. In four liters of wort, it is required to dissolve 1.6 kilograms of sugar. Let's take the suleya to a cool place and wait for the start of fermentation. Somewhere in ten days we stop the process by alcoholization. It takes an average of a liter of vodka per 10 liters of fermented wort, but you can adjust the strength of the drink at your discretion. Mix and leave for five days. Strain and add 800 grams of sugar. Stir until dissolved and pour the wine into bottles. After three months of storage in a cool place, the drink can be served at the table.

White currant: compote

For a beautiful color, you can add a few ruby ​​​​clusters. For one sterilized 3-liter jar of compote, you need three cups of currants. Wash the berries and put them on the bottom. Pour 2.5 liters of filtered water into a saucepan and put on fire. Gradually add two cups of granulated sugar. Let's wait for the syrup to boil. Fill them with currants (do not forget to put a metal spoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst). Put on the lid and wait five minutes. After the berries give the syrup their taste and aroma, pour it back into the pan and bring it to a boil again. At this stage, you can add various spices to the compote: cloves, cinnamon or orange zest. Pour the berries with boiling syrup and roll up the jars with iron lids. We turn the container upside down and wrap it with a blanket until it cools down gradually.

Currant for home first aid kit

You can not fill the berries with syrup. Then in winter you will have almost fresh white currants. We make preparations like this. We select ripe large berries and put them dry in a jar. We cover the glass container and place it in a sterilization dish. Pour water so that it reaches the "shoulders" of the jar. Let's warm it over low heat until the berry starts up the juice and settles (you need to report the currants so that it fills the dishes to the top). We pasteurize for about half an hour at 85 C, and then roll up. Such currants treat colds well and are flu prevention.

By far, the most useful white currant is a berry just picked from a bush. In recipes, heat treatment takes several minutes, which preserves the appearance of the berries.

There are a whole lot of options for preparing whitecurrant jam, here (in the article) the most delicious and proven preservation recipes are collected.

Valuable berry

Whitecurrant is not as popular as black or red. Currant is a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. If you eat 35-40 pieces every day, then the berry enriches the body with iron, vitamin C and E.

The berry is indicated for heart disease, influenza, viral infections. Also, such a currant is in no way inferior to pomegranate and figs in useful properties.

White currant contains a lot of pectin, thanks to which it is not necessary to add gelatin or agar-agar to jams and desserts.

Old grandmother's ways have faded into the background, now fresh jam is being prepared, which retains more vitamins. The berry is passed through a meat grinder to avoid fermentation, and slow heating does not destroy the vitamin content in the currant.

Classic winter recipe

Fragrant whitecurrant jam will surprise all family members and will suit even the smallest gourmets.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • For syrup - sugar (1 cup).

Immediately you need to prepare the berries, gently rinse and cut the stalks.

Let's start with the syrup. For it, take the necessary ingredients (water and sugar) and mix in an enameled or stainless steel container. We put it on the stove, heat it up and periodically stir constantly with a silicone spoon until the sugar is completely diluted.

Pour a little white currant into the boiling syrup and boil. As soon as the foam appears, pour in the next portion of the berries. Stir gently and boil for 5-7 minutes. It is unacceptable to boil violently.

Pour the boiled dessert over the jars washed with soda and let cool at room temperature. Close whitecurrant jam for the winter with a plastic lid.

"Five-minute" for those who are in a hurry

Whitecurrant jam for the winter "Five Minute" is such a preparation that is perfect as a semi-finished product for pastries and desserts. In this recipe, the berry is suitable for any ripeness.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Water.

From this number of products, 3.5 liters of dessert are formed.

To properly boil the syrup, you need to take 200 ml of hot water and one third of sugar. Boil in an enameled or stainless container (this is a must, because the berries contain a lot of acid), stirring occasionally with a silicone spoon. The fire must be medium so that the sugar does not burn.

In order for the berry to look beautiful in dessert, not to lose its shape, there is a little secret - be sure to pour boiling water over the currants.

Pour the white currant into the syrup, stirring. Bring back to a boil, add the remaining sugar. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Berries should boil for 5 minutes.

White currant jam "Pyatiminutka" thickened, changed color to darker. Ready! Pour hot currants into jars washed with soda and close with a plastic lid.

Red and white currant jam

Fragrant jam turns out to be a pale pink shade with multi-colored berries. A real summer cocktail to enjoy on a winter evening.


  • White currant - 0.5 kg;
  • Redcurrant - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Sort the berries from the stalks, wash and cover with sugar. Leave for a couple of hours until the juice separates.

In an enameled or stainless steel pan, put the currants to heat up. Stir occasionally with a silicone spoon or spatula, boil for 5 minutes. Let cool completely. Repeat the procedure at least three times.

Pour the hot jam into hot soda-washed jars and close with a plastic lid. Leave to cool.

winter jelly recipe

Jelly-like whitecurrant jam for the winter is very convenient and correct to make from a mashed berry that has lost its presentable appearance. The basis of this preparation is currant puree.

The berry contains natural pectin, due to which it thickens itself. Dessert is used for making fruit drinks and as a basis for jelly.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Wash the berries and remove the stems. For puree, you need to use a blender, rather than a meat grinder.

Thanks to this, the jelly will be softer, the currant skin particles will not be felt.

Pour a little currant into the bowl and start whisking.

Then grind the resulting puree through a sieve or cheesecloth for greater uniformity.

Set aside the pomace, they are suitable for making marmalade.

We proceed to the juice, pour sugar in small portions. The amount of sugar directly depends on the conditions in which you will store the jam.

Whether it is a refrigerator, sugar is required in proportion to the juice one to one. When stored indoors, the amount of sugar doubles.

In an enameled or stainless steel pot, heat the juice, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil. You should only stir with a wooden spoon to avoid the oxidation process. The consistency is liquid at this stage.

Pour the jam into hot jars washed with soda and close with a plastic lid. After cooling, the puree will acquire a jelly-like consistency.

Marmalade for children

Every housewife has waste-free production in her kitchen. So, having made currant jelly, berry pomace remains. They are just right for this recipe. The resulting product is in no way inferior to the purchased analogue. In addition, it contains all the vitamins. Healthy and delicious for kids.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 gr.

The pomace (cake) from the preparation of jelly after squeezing 1 kg of berries remains approximately 600 grams. For an equal amount, add the remaining 400 grams of fresh berries. Before that, steam them with a little water.

Using a meat grinder, twist the berries with cake until smooth. The next stage is the grinding of the resulting mass through a sieve. In an enameled or stainless steel saucepan, put the puree on low heat and gradually add sugar.

If you feel that the mass is very thick, then you should add a couple of tablespoons of water. At this stage, it is impossible to leave and it is necessary to stir the berries, because. they thicken quickly. The process takes approximately 25 minutes.

Properly boiled white currant marmalade after boiling again weighs 1 kg. You can check the readiness as follows: drop a drop of boiled mass onto a plate, if it does not spread and keeps its shape - it's ready!

Pour into silicone molds and chill in the refrigerator. Cut into slices and sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Royal jam in tandem with orange

White currant jam with orange is a light, unsweetened delicacy, children eat it with pleasure.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Oranges - 2 large pieces;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Berries should be washed properly, sorted out from the twigs. Twist the white currant in a meat grinder on a large wire rack. If there is no equipment at hand, you can kill it with a crush in a glass using the old proven method.

Wash oranges and cut into small pieces. The bones must be removed, because. they will be bitter, and interrupt the taste of currants. Together with the zest, we pass the fruit through a meat grinder.

For this proportion we take at least 1.5 liters of sugar. It is more convenient to measure banks. Mix thoroughly by hand with a spoon. We leave whitecurrant jam with orange to infuse for 1 - 2 hours so that the sugar dissolves.

Prepare jars: rinse with soda and sterilize for 30 minutes. In order for the jam not to ferment, we do not pour the jar to the end, leave 2 cm. Close with a plastic lid.

You need to store jam in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In addition, you can store in plastic containers in the freezer.

Original delicacy of white, red currant and cherry

Cherry gives an unusual taste and, of course, aroma. In a duet with currants, you get a rather memorable dessert. And the syrup infusion method will help the cherries open up.

Jam Ingredients:

  • White currant - 500 gr;
  • Red currant - 500 gr;
  • Cherry (or cherry) - 300 gr;
  • Sugar - 1 cup (for sweet lovers, increase the rate by one and a half times).

Wash the berries thoroughly, the stalks of the currant can be left and not removed, the pits can be removed from the cherries.

Prepare jars: rinse with soda and sterilize for 30 minutes. Fill the jars with berries by two thirds of the volume, the displacement is unimportant here. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with a metal sterilized (boiled) lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, drain the water into an enameled or stainless steel pan, leave the berries in a jar. Put the dishes on the stove to heat up and add sugar in small portions.

If you use cherries, you should take 1.5 cups of sugar. Boil until boiling and complete dilution of sugar. Then add berries little by little. Boil for 5 minutes and fill the jars with the contents. Roll up the jam with a metal lid, wrap and let the jar cool upside down.

We also advise you to read, This berry is so useful that it simply cannot be missing from your stocks for the winter.

A lot of housewives do not like zucchini, but this is completely in vain. From them you can cook a lot of delicious dishes, wonderful preparations for the winter, and even pineapple-flavored compote. the technology of preparation of such an unusually tasty squash drink is described.

And read about how to preserve cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars.

Have you cooked a treat with a low sugar content and are afraid that it might ferment? There is a little trick - cut parchment or paper according to the diameter of the neck of the jar and dip it in vodka. Pour the jam and put the paper blank on top of the berries.

It is preferable to cook dessert in a copper basin. This will preserve the aroma and color of the berries. There will be no oxidation process.

The key to unboiled berries is ideal ripened and harvested fruits. It is better to take unripe than overripe berries.

Stir vigorously while cooking. Thanks to this, the berries are all enveloped in syrup and do not wrinkle.

Do not be too lazy to cook whitecurrant jam for the winter according to one of the described recipes; in the cold season, it will undoubtedly come in handy for you. Good luck preparing!

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