Varvara Tretyakova from home 2. The difficult life of Tretyakova after leaving the project (07/08/2013)


The other day, details of the difficult life of Varvara Tretyakova appeared on the Internet after leaving the Dom 2 television project. As you know, the brunette unexpectedly left the television set in March 2013. The reason for this was the romance of the girl outside the perimeter with the rich "boy" Oleg Panov, who soon abandoned the "star House 2", leaving her without housing and means of subsistence in a large metropolis.

Nevertheless, Tretyakova continued to convince her fans that there was no reason to worry about her future. Varvara explained that she had many creative plans and her business was going uphill. However, the information regularly appearing on social networks spoke of the opposite. Viewers managed to find out that the brunette had to return to her small homeland in Yekaterinburg, having owed a large amount to her close friend Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, who was busy opening a small business on social networks. As a result, Varya “burnt out”, refused to give money and communication with the twin stopped. There were also rumors about Tretyakova's romance with wealthy businessman Leonid Chernyugov, as the last attempt to gain a foothold in Moscow.

And now the last details of Barbara's life have become known. The countrywoman of the girl published information received from a personal manicurist. According to her, the brunette is only trying to maintain the image of a successful lady, while she was expelled from the institute, she lives with her mother, with whom relations are tense to the chapel, and even the girl has to buy second-hand clothes.

Here is what Varvara's compatriot said on social networks: Girls, hello everyone. Yesterday I decided to go to the manicurist, about whom Varvara Tretyakova drank. And because we are from the same city - went. She left at 3:30 am. Varya was also supposed to come for makeup, but did not call. Came the other day for a manicure. In general, Varya returned from Moscow, because. she doesn’t really get anything there, and there’s nothing to rent an apartment. She was expelled from the institute (local SINH), she already took the documents. The day before yesterday I bought myself a car - Daewoo Matiz. And a few worn things from the same manicurist. In connection with the move to Moscow, the master sold her things, jewelry.

Varya lives with her mother (fathers, as you know - no) in the Vtorchermet area with us. This is one of the old districts of the city, one might say pickles. With ancient Khrushchev. They hardly communicate with their mother. In words, Varya is promised to give a store (a kind of pepper), but in reality this is not a gift, but simply appointed as a manager. What will she do there in this position at the age of 19 without education - xs. Here it is, in short. The master spoke of Var as a poor fellow. She made an impression as a beautiful girl, in general she communicates normally”

The ex-participant of "DOMA-2" shared the good news. Varvara Tretyakova, who recently got married, is in an interesting position. Moreover, the brunette will become a mother very soon.

Varvara Tretyakova
Photo: Instagram

Ex-participant of "DOMA-2" Varvara Tretyakova will become a mother. The 24-year-old brunette and her husband are expecting their first child. The news about the pregnancy of the television star caused a violent reaction - the girl will give birth very, very soon, but only relatives knew about her interesting situation.

We found out the sex of the child at the first ultrasound, but we want to keep it a secret. I am very happy that I will soon become a mother.

Varya is expecting her first child
Photo: Instagram

However, secrecy has always been inherent in Tretyakov. So, for a long time she met with a man whose face was carefully hidden. And in early October 2017, she published a photo with a wedding ring, making it clear that she had married him. Now Varvara bears the double surname of Tretyakov-Kalinin. Judging by the dates of publication, at the time of the solemn ceremony, the brunette was already carrying a baby under her heart, because in fresh photos she is in her eighth month of pregnancy, but in fact she will give birth in the very near future.

“In the photo I’m 28 weeks old, and now I’m a big, huge bazooka, waiting for my little one,” Tretyakova shared.

Varvara Tretyakova hides the sex of the child from the public
Photo: Instagram

Recall that for the first time, TNT viewers learned about the charming and young brunette Varya Tretyakova back in 2012. Then she came to DOM-2 in order to finally build her love, because in her career she managed to achieve success. In total, the girl came to the project three times and tried to build relationships with Nikita Kuznetsov and Sasha Zadoinov. But, having failed on the personal front, Tretyakova left the project and met the man of her dreams outside the perimeter.

Varvara Tretyakova is a slender brunette with a daring character. To many of you, she is known for her participation in the reality show "Dom-2". Do you want to know the details of her biography? Are you wondering how the girl's life turned out after leaving the project? We are happy to share information about her person.

Varvara Tretyakova: biography. Childhood and youth

She was born on August 13, 1993 in one of the largest cities in Russia - Yekaterinburg. She comes from an average family with an average income.

Valentina is the real name of our heroine. She became Varey before joining the Dom-2 project. This name seemed more sonorous to her. But Tretyakov did not make any changes in her passport.

Valya grew up as an active and inquisitive child. The girl disappeared for hours on the street. She liked outdoor games with her peers. She had almost no friends. And all because she preferred to spend time in the company of boys.

At school, Tretyakov studied well. The teachers praised the girl for her active participation in the life of the class. After all, Valya was a regular participant in various events and amateur competitions.

From the age of 7, our heroine was engaged in acrobatics and dancing. And in the fifth grade, she became interested in athletics. Playing sports allowed her to develop such qualities as endurance, willpower and determination.

After school, the girl applied to the Ural State University, choosing the faculty of commodity science. Tretyakov was enrolled in the correspondence department. The brunette worked as a waitress in a restaurant and also tried her hand at modeling.

Participation in "House-2"

In early 2012, Varvara Tretyakova went to Moscow. She got a job as a manager in one of the beauty salons. She was lucky with her work, but her personal life did not go well. And the brunette decided to correct the situation.

In September 2012, our heroine appeared on the set of "House-2". The loose guys showed little interest in her. They chose the girl with whom Varya came to the party and she was sent home. But the next day, Tretyakov was again invited to the project. Sasha Zadoinov asked the presenters about this. It was with him that a native of Yekaterinburg began to build relationships. The couple settled in a separate room. They often quarreled, then reconciled. One day the guys finally broke up.

Varvara began a stormy romance with handsome Oleg Miami. The couple's relationship was like a roller coaster. Varya and Oleg kissed passionately, then fought, then united against the whole team. In November 2012, the guy was disqualified after another scandal. A month later, Varya also left the project.

In September 2013, Tretyakova's second visit to Dom-2 took place. The temperamental brunette showed sympathy for Sergei Sichkar. But she was out of luck. Indeed, on the same day, the guy left the reality show. The girl was not at a loss and turned her attention to Nikita Kuznetsov. Although she did not manage to build a relationship with him.

This time, Tretyakova did not stay long. On October 3, 2013, the majority of the guys voted against it. The brunette went out the gate.

present tense

Varvara Tretyakova (see photo above) continues to conquer Moscow. She regularly participates in photo shoots for fashion magazines and online stores. Any outfit looks great on her slender figure. The ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2" dreams of someday releasing her own collection of clothes.

Personal life

For more than a year, Varvara Tretyakova has been dating a young man, whose name is Alexander. The girl regularly receives expensive gifts (jewelry, fashion accessories, gadgets) and bouquets of flowers from her chosen one. Close friends of the couple are looking forward to being invited to the wedding.

In early August 2016, fans began to congratulate the ex-member of Doma-2. The reason was a photo that Tretyakova Varvara herself posted on social networks. In the picture, she showed off in a snow-white dress, and the groom Alexander gently hugged her, standing behind. The next day, subscribers for misleading them.

There was no wedding. Varya was just trying on a dress for the upcoming photo shoot. Her fiancé Alexander decided to take advantage of the situation. He put on a black jacket, hugged his beloved and captured this moment on the phone. Our heroine really liked the picture, and she shared it with subscribers. That's all.


We reported on where Varvara Tretyakova was born, how she behaved on the project, with whom she currently lives. We wish this sweet girl financial well-being and female happiness!

The birthplace of Varvara Tretyakova is Yekaterinburg. The girl was born in the summer of 1993 in an ordinary family. From the age of fourteen, she began to earn money on her own, eventually becoming a very popular model. The real name of the pretty brunette is Valentina. But, becoming a member of the popular show, she chose to take a pseudonym. The girl explained her action to her fans by the desire to have a more sonorous and interesting name. In fact, there are rumors that before appearing on the set, the girl managed to completely ruin her reputation, so in such an unusual way she decided to protect herself from her past.

After finishing nine classes of a secondary school, Tretyakova entered one of the local colleges. Then she left for China for a year, and, returning to her homeland, she entered the Ural University of Economics for correspondence studies.

Barbara devoted seven years of her life to athletics. She was fond of dancing, was a regular visitor in the prestigious nightclubs of her native city.

At the age of nineteen, Tretyakova became a member of the television project Dom 2. However, before that, she had met with a certain young man for a long time, the reason for parting with whom was his pathological jealousy.

For the first time, the girl appeared on the air of the scandalous TV show in September 2012. The guys reacted with interest to the appearance of a spectacular brunette in the perimeter. However, the new participant also did not lose her head and tried to bestow attention on everyone who came across her path. She spent a lot of time in the company, arranged trips outside the perimeter with, but in a city apartment she began to cohabit with.

The relationship between Barbara and Oleg cannot be called ideal. Many viewers have repeatedly compared them to the notorious "roller coaster". Crazy quarrels gave way to abrupt truces. After another conflict, the young man was disqualified from the project for assaulting the girl. It happened in November 2012. Having honestly served the term of his disqualification, the guy was going to start from scratch with Varvara Tretyakova. However, he was already aiming for his place next to the girl.

However, Varya herself did not feel much desire to repeatedly step on the same rake. Therefore, having carefully rummaged through the phone of her former lover, she found a couple of compromising evidence there and quarreled with him with pleasure. She was in no hurry to start a relationship with Strawberry, preferring to keep him next to her in the status of a friend. In addition, the girl was provided good support, once again returning to the television project.

The female half of the show saw Tretyakov as a strong rival, so she had no friends on the perimeter. On the contrary, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, suffering from the lack of reciprocity on the part of Oleg Miami, spoiled Varvara's life on the project with enviable persistence.

In the winter of 2012, Varya received an offer to take part in the filming of the comedy What Men Do. She got an episodic role, but this did not reduce the envy of her colleagues in the television project.

Soon, Varvara Tretyakova decided to leave the project - outside the perimeter she met a young man for whom she experienced quite serious feelings. But these relationships were short lived.

In September 2013, Varya reappeared on the perimeter, expressing her sympathy for Sergei Sichkar. The guy did not expect such attention to his person and soon fled the project in the company of Alexandra Skorodumova. In October 2013, Tretyakova also went out of the gate - the participants crossed out her photo at the next women's vote.


Varvara Tretyakova was born in the summer of 1993 in Yekaterinburg. Her real name is Valentina, but the girl changed it when she joined the project, and she answered all the questions of the fans of the show that Varya sounds much better.

Varvara Tretyakova graduated from college with a degree in computer operator, spent a vacation in China and became a student of the correspondence department of the Ural State University of Economics. She also competed in athletics for seven years, danced and spent nights in the clubs of her hometown.

Varvara Tretyakova changed her name for a reason when she joined the Dom 2 project, many viewers know her personally and sarcastically comment on numerous novels that do not benefit the reputation of a nineteen-year-old girl.

Personal life of Varvara Tretyakova / Varvara Tretyakova

September 21, 2012 Varvara Tretyakova was in the perimeter of the scandalous "television". Her appearance caused a stir among men, and the new participant herself did not refuse them attention: she accepted the courtship of Alexander Zadoynov, went to the cinema with Alexei Samsonov, and eventually settled in a city apartment with Oleg Mayami Krivikov.

Their relationship reminded viewers of a roller coaster, and after another scandal in November 2012, Oleg was disqualified from the set. When he decided to take a step towards reconciliation, he was met in a city apartment Gleb Zhemchugov, who, as it turned out, was not averse to taking the place vacated near Varvara Tretyakova.

The girl managed to read the SMS messages on the phone of her former lover, find compromising evidence there and quarrel with him again. She was in no hurry to transfer her relationship with Gleb to the status of close ones, but she did not refuse his support either. She was also very taken care of by Evgeny Kuzin, who once again ended up on the perimeter.

In addition, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, upset by the appearance of a rival in the fight for the heart of Oleg Miami, also for a long time weaved intrigues around Varvara Tretyakova.

A blog entry by Varvara Tretyakova in December 2012: “No one will be surprised now! I am the only one who engaged in self-deception and justified it. At that moment, when Katya Kolisnichenko went to Oleg in karaoke, they had sex, and then, when they were in the companies of Kambur, Ryazka and Masterko, everything was also! I took him to show off, saying that I know everything, but he was seduced! Then Katya told me everything else ... Oleg, in his own defense, plaintively said that this was the former!

December 2012 Varvara Tretyakova took part in the filming of the comedy episode

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