Vasily Kashevarov: “Everyone who really wants to sing can sing. Vasily Kashevarov: “Everyone who really wants to can sing Musical hobbies of Vasily Kashevarov


The art of music is known to everyone - it gets rid of negative memories, gives strength, helps to think creatively. But, unfortunately, not everyone can feel it due to the fact that not all people can sing, hear and feel the rhythm. Many teachers think so, but the person who will appear today on the pages of a women's magazine is sure that the true professionalism of a musician and teacher is determined not when he teaches a talented person, but only when he tries to reveal the inner world and depth of the voice of a novice performer , who may have already been told that he has nothing to do on the stage.

Vasily Kashevarov is a person who not only sings, records his songs in the studio, but also helps gifted and not so talented people to sing. Today he will talk about the fact that you can put on a voice and start a musical career at any age, and music teachers who do not see a future artist and vocalist in an ordinary boy or girl simply do not know their business. In addition, he will share with readers and readers his formula for success, as well as a music blog where you can find his video lessons and start self-education ...

- Vasily, probably a lot of people recognized you as a teacher and musician after you started distributing your vocal video lessons. Why did you decide to do this?

The thing is, I've always had a passion for music. In addition, I have my own music school in Moscow. Of course, before, my colleagues and I taught our children directly through close contact between the teacher and the student, i.e. in person. However, after some time, an idea appeared to expand our vocal sphere and help people from different parts of Russia to make music, because not every person has the opportunity to come to the capital. That is why I decided to create my own video courses, supporting them with music tracks and recommendations. In fact, what I practice can be called virtual teaching, and as you know, it allows a person to study music at home. With my video course, I want to help people from the outback understand those vocal secrets that were previously inaccessible to them, so that after some time they can put them into practice, engage in creativity, i.e. put your music on the Internet, promote it on local radio stations and generally make yourself known, because so many people from the provinces really have a talent for music! And thanks to the methodology contained in the vocal course, they can combine their originality with real professionalism. I also have a great desire to promote our Russian music to a higher level.

— You have said a lot about teaching methods. Is she special in your course?

Here it is worth turning to the history of vocals. Once there was a post-Soviet school, which was not sufficiently developed. Of course, there were some attempts to improve it, when teachers traveled around the country, taught children, studied with them. Just once I got into one of these studios, which was just beginning to develop. Vocal training was carried out here thanks to teachers from Gnesinka, however, they also lacked experience, but gradually Moscow teachers began to turn to the methods that Westerners own, because, oddly enough, they had their own vocal secrets, which, after perestroika, did not reach the Russians . But after I found a teacher who began to tell me how, for example, to sing in the same free and easy voice as Justin Timberlake, I realized that people should know this technique. Probably, this is the peculiarity of my course - to help people master not only the secrets of the vocals of our domestic performers, but also take something from foreign ones.

— Is the promotion of vocal video courses for you a business or some kind of humanitarian aid?

I divide creativity and business into two equal halves, because, as a rule, how much you give, so much you get. I may not be a complete enthusiast, but I am also not a full businessman, because I have many free lessons that can also be found on the Internet. If I completely become a businessman, neither people nor I will like it, moreover, the business itself will fall. Therefore, creativity is certainly present in my practice.

How did the idea for the first lesson come about?

— At the initial stage of your teaching activity, were you sure that your virtual lessons would help?

I assumed that they would indeed be useful to many, for the simple reason that they help me. As I said earlier, I created my lessons, on the one hand, for people, and on the other, for myself. For example, I imagined that I live in a small town, far from Moscow, where I do not have a musical instrument, but instead I have a computer. To begin with, naturally, I need a teacher who can tell about some basic techniques used in music and help put them into practice. Because, this is really the main system by which people learn vocals, i.e. in fact, the teacher first tells the theory, and then helps to sing, and do it correctly. I do pretty much the same. But, unfortunately, virtual learning has a number of disadvantages. For example, if in a real school, I can correct a student who sang a note incorrectly, then this will not work here, i.e. a person must hear and correct himself. And this is very difficult to do, especially for a novice vocalist. But nevertheless, I strive to teach the children to work independently, because in this way they do not depend on their teacher. In fact, this is one of the most common mistakes a vocalist makes, because when he leaves his teacher, he simply loses experience. Therefore, it is desirable to work independently, and, of course, evaluate your voice, and you can do this by recording it on a computer, which I have repeatedly talked about in my courses.

- Many teachers claim that not everyone can sing, due to the fact that not everyone has a developed ear, a voice, and in general there is no talent. Do you think so too?

No I do not think so. You know, I had a teacher who already had enough experience in this area, and so she said that she was not interested in working with those who had data, she liked helping people who did not have a pronounced talent, so that later make him an artist. This is what defines the true professionalism of the teacher. As a rule, it all depends on the person. If he really wants to sing, then he can do it, even if he has vocals like Boris Grebenshchikov, and he has a rather strange sound delivery. I believe that anyone can learn to sing, but with the only condition that he really wants to. In my practice and in the work of my colleagues, there were cases when we managed to develop an ear for people who simply did not have it, i.e. a person could not repeat with his voice the note he heard. But over time, of course, subject to his efforts and desire, he develops an orientation in notes, and he begins to hear. Of course, it is difficult to develop a hearing for a person who does not want it or simply does not trust the teacher. For example, I had a similar case when I came to one of my teachers to achieve some additional techniques in vocals, but somehow I couldn’t hear the teacher, to which he answered me - either you accept what I I'm trying to tell you or not...

Is it hard to trust the teacher?

Here you need to rely on intuition, i.e. some sixth sense to understand that this teacher suits you. Sometimes it happens that a student goes to a lesson with a teacher who practices pop vocals on the basis of academic, while a person needs pop vocals. And here a barrier arises, during which the student does not understand that the result and his well-being as a vocalist depend on it, i.e. He should also like the teacher as a person. Of course, you cannot consider him as a friend, rather, you need to evaluate him in terms of professionalism and rely on your intuition.

— What are the most common mistakes you have encountered in vocals, and which do you find in your students?

- Do you accept everyone in your vocal school? Do people come to you who ask you to learn to sing from scratch?

In our vocal school, we accept everyone who really wants it, but why should we refuse? People of different ages really come to us who want to learn how to sing, and I do not believe that a person cannot achieve this. As I already said, here everything depends only on the desire of the singer, and in ordinary music schools they simply don’t want to deal with such guys, giving all their efforts to those in whom they noticed something musical. This is probably true to some extent. Moreover, I am thinking about creating a special department in our vocal school, where guys with a pronounced talent will study, but, nevertheless, we will continue to work with a wide variety of people.

- I know that you have your own music blog on the Internet, which is located at the address - "", where you can write comments. Are there negative ones among the positive ones?

Certainly. For example, people write that I need to learn terminology, although the students, in turn, say that it is absolutely not needed, because it only gets in the way. I completely agree with this, because even when we record songs with vocalists in the studio, we never communicate in terms, but use expressions that are more understandable to the performer. By the way, a positive result is not long in coming. Of course, when I decided to register my blog, I was also afraid of various negative responses, but, fortunately, there are not so many of them, there are more positive ones. By the way, positive assessments began to appear after the first month of the release of the course. Here people thank, they write that vocal lessons really help, many, after completing the course, began to perform at musical evenings, feel their own success and even record albums.

— Speaking about your own career as a musician, why did you decide to choose music in the first place?

When I was only 7, together with my family, we went to my grandmother in the village. It was then that the conversation began that the then still little boy needed something to do, and they offered to send me to a music school. But it was not at all interesting for me to listen, and I pretended to be asleep, but nevertheless, my parents managed to attach me to a music school in the piano class, where I began to learn the art of music, which initially seemed very boring to me. But, nevertheless, I studied there for three years, then quit. From the age of 11, I began to study at the music studio "Variety-Jazz Vocal". Here we not only studied music with a teacher, but also began to go to various children's competitions, to give our own small concerts. By the way, we had a very good teacher, thanks to whom we received the highest awards, someone even received the Grand Prix. Therefore, many of my fellow students participated in the "Star Factory" and "People's Artist".

- Have you taken part in such competitions?

I did not aspire to this, because in the above projects there is a strong pressure from the producers, because I am such a free performer. Besides, I like arthouse and underground more.

- In what musical genres do you feel most comfortable?

Rather, it is pop-jazz vocals. But at this stage of my creative career, I do not perform, of course, I record my musical works in the Moscow studio "Neon", I experiment with the guys. For example, now we write electronic music. Earlier, of course, I performed in clubs, bars, but I’m not drawn to the big stage

Do you remember your very first performance?

I first performed in front of people when I was 11. It was in the House of Culture of the city of Noyabrsk. Then I sang a children's song, which included a story about a watchman guarding the garden. I played the man who scares away the crows to protect his fruit. Then there was no excitement, probably due to age, but meanwhile, the people who were present at the performance were very bribed by my spontaneity. Already in my teens, I began to have self-control, when I began to evaluate my performances and think about the emotions conveyed. From this moment, as a rule, problems begin, and it is at this time that stage fright, known to many novice performers, may appear. Right now I am finishing my lesson on this topic.

Has there been ups and downs in your musical career?

You know not. Rather, I tried for a very long time to find the meaning of what I do, because for a very long time I was engaged in music meaninglessly, i.e. I did it, and I did it. I looked at my idols, admired their work and tried to imitate them. But all this is in the past, and now I understand that you need to tell something on stage and convey the deep meaning of the song, and if you have nothing to say, then there is no point in going out on it. For a long time I couldn't understand it. This is probably why my musical activity was somewhat dead, and now I am gaining this understanding. Speaking of the stage, there are a lot of people in Moscow who go out on it without any purpose, just like that. For example, you can take the well-known Russian TV project "Star Factory", where hundreds, thousands of people come, just wanting to make themselves known to the whole country.

— How do you feel about the Star Factory project?

I noticed that there is no creativity in this competition. Basically, there is influence and control on the part of the producers, which means a terrible suppression of talent. Among them are Masha Weber and Elena Temnikova, who is now singing in the Silver group. By the way, I absolutely do not like what Max Fadee made of her c, because those songs that she used to sing with soul and originality could be processed from a musical-producing point of view and turned into a really talented project. Once upon a time, Alexa was also at the fourth Factory. When I heard her songs, I didn’t feel any energy and desire to do something in music, like, for example, the singer Maxim. After all, in each of her songs I feel something, in some general atmosphere, Alexa, unfortunately, does not have this. In fact, it doesn’t matter that money is invested in a person, because if the project is good, interesting, it’s worth working on it, and in the case of Alexa, there was nothing special.

- Do you think that you have a talent from God?

No, probably, there is just data, because all my grandmothers sang very well, my mother sings wonderfully, although she did not study anywhere, my cousin is engaged in music. By the way, it was my mother who insisted that I choose the musical path, because she once preferred family concerns to creativity. Now she is engaged in social activities and organizes the work of an Orthodox youth club, i.e. works in Sunday school. In general, I believe that if a person, when performing his songs, gives something to people, brings some deep meaning and works for a reason, when there is some kind of spark in him, this is probably called a gift from God, which, according to In fact, it is given to everyone, but, unfortunately, not everyone can discover it in themselves.

— Do you write your own musical compositions?

Yes, I used to write songs, but now I want to work with other songwriters, because I don't consider myself a true professional in this field. I want people who are more savvy in this business to do this. Today I want to choose a song that will fit the meaning that I want to convey to the audience, and express it in a vocal, charismatic way

What is your most vivid childhood memory?

You know, I really love my village, where I spent all my childhood. Every summer, for 3-4 months, we came here with the whole family and rested. Here, freedom and real life seem to be in the air.

- You travelling?

Not now, but once I was in Ireland, where the environment is very clean, and the air is fresh even in the center, and as grassy as in the countryside.

Do you have your own formula for success?

As such, no, but it is probably very important to work hard, not to be lazy and to delve into the details.

Vasily Dmitrievich Kashevarov
Born - June 22, 1986
Education: piano music school, pop-jazz vocal studio, Institute of Contemporary Art
Genre in music - pop-rock, funk, house
Favorite classic literature - Tolstoy, Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Interviewed by Anna Kondratieva

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An example of how to automate your business, how to turn your hobby into an info business. And, of course, another success story. It will be about Vasily Kashevarov.

Vasily Kashevarov - musician and vocalist

Vasily Dmitrievich Kashevarov is a young, successful, full of positive, creative ideas and business ideas vocalist, musician, producer, composer, arranger, information businessman.

Vocal and musical instrument teacher, author of a popular music blog. Back in 2013, Vasily Kashevarov sold his video lessons for one million dollars.

Kashevarov was born in 1986, at the moment he is only twenty-nine years old. Vasily Kashevarov has been fond of music since childhood, he has been studying it since he was eleven years old.

Kashevarov graduated from music school in piano. Then the studio of vocal-jazz vocals and the Institute of Contemporary Art were completed, Vasily studied at the Gnessin Academy.

Musical hobbies of Vasily Kashevarov

Vasily Kashevarov himself prefers such modern trends in music as pop-rock, funk and house. Kashevarov records music in his own performance, he has his own offline music school.

Vasily Kashevarov tried himself as a member of rock and jazz bands. Vasily taught classical and electric guitar. But the online projects of Vasily Koshevarov are the most widely known.

The purpose of their creation was to enable every person, whether he lives in Moscow or somewhere thousands of kilometers from the capital, to learn vocals, learn the secrets of how to learn to sing from leading experts.

After all, there are a lot of talented people who lack professionalism and Koshevarov's courses, his video lessons enable talented people to improve their vocal level.

After all, Kashevarov's courses are cheaper than taking live lessons with a vocal teacher, and their quality is very high. Kashevarov also has a dream to raise our Russian music to a new and better level. Currently, Vasily leads the online vocal academy of Vasily Kashevarov.

Vasily Koshevarov teaches not only music, he actively teaches the basics of the info business. For example, on Azamat Ushanov's video channel, he talks about how to organize sales of his own or someone else's information product and automate this process. He is a speaker at infobusiness conferences. For example, at Infoleaders -2013.

Vasily Kashevarov's blog

Vasily Kashevarov's music blog has a huge number of lessons, tips, training videos of both paid and free content of very high quality.

There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about the lessons and training courses of Vasily Kashevarov from his students from different cities of Russia.

The site of Vasily Koshevarov has interesting offers for information businessmen who are interested in affiliate programs.

Information products of Vasily Kashevarov

Vasily Kashevarov has dozens of interesting information products. Here are some of them:

7 secrets of how to learn to sing beautifully with a free voice.

Vocal lessons;

Vocal lessons in video format;

The breath of the vocalist;

Piano and keyboard lessons from scratch;

Recording vocals on a computer from scratch;

Creating music on a computer from scratch;

How to open your own recording studio and build a business on it;

Development of musical ear;

Songwriting technique;

Drum lessons;

Smooth transitions between registers;

Vocal skills from A to Z;

Pure singing and pure intonation;

Academic vocal lessons.

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Vasily Kashevarov - short biography:

Vasily not only sings, records his songs in the studio, but also helps gifted and not so talented people to sing. He has always been into music. In addition, he has his own music school in Moscow. Of course, earlier he and his colleagues taught their children directly through close contact between the teacher and the student, i.e. in person. However, after some time, the idea to expand the vocal sphere appeared. And to help people from different parts of Russia make music, because not every person has the opportunity to come to the capital.

With his video courses, Vasily Kashevarov wants, first of all, to help people from the outback understand those vocal secrets. Which were previously inaccessible to them, so that after some time they could put them into practice. Engage in creativity, that is, spread your musical works on the Internet. Promote them to local radio stations and, in general, make themselves known. Because so many people from the provinces really have a talent for music!

And thanks to the methodology contained in the courses, they can combine their originality with true professionalism. Also, Vasily has a great desire to promote our Russian music to a higher level.

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