Vbulletin children's work creativity. Exhibition, as a result of the work of students of the children's association


Exhibition of children's creativity, as a result of the work of students of the children's association

Demidova Olga Borisovna, teacher of additional education, MUDO "House of childhood and youth of the city of Cheremkhovo".
Material Description: This material is intended for teachers of additional education of children's associations of fine arts and arts and crafts.
Target: acquaintance with the work of the children's association "Young Artist".
Tasks: reveal and develop the potential artistic abilities inherent in the child.
Awaken children's interest in creating diverse, unique and original works
Students of the children's association "Young Artist" are successfully engaged in various types of creativity. Their work can be seen at exhibitions of various levels.
The organization of exhibitions is a painstaking and time-consuming business, everyone knows this at least once in this work.
The exhibition is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.
For children-viewers, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for someone, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.
Each participation of a student in an exhibition is the acquisition of a certain experience, access to different levels of exhibition activities.
Main types of exhibitions:
Thematic exhibition

Final exhibition
The first demonstration of students' works takes place inside the creative association. At the end of each lesson, an exhibition is organized, the work is analyzed and evaluated. Summing up provides for reflection, a collective analysis of products as a whole and an assessment of the crafts of each child.
Lesson Application "Lamb".

Lesson Application "Traffic light"

The next stage is the design of thematic exhibitions of students' creative works in the arts and crafts room, which is the result of the joint work of children and the teacher. Do-it-yourself creative work will be the best example showing the assimilation and consolidation of the program.

Students of the children's association "Young Artist" under the guidance of a teacher organize exhibitions on the basis of schools where classes are held. All visitors are surprised by the variety of techniques: plasticine painting, quilling, origami, trimming, decoupage. The purpose of the event: to attract children to the children's association.

City exhibitions are held within the framework of social partnership:
In the central library "February inspiration".

Students took part in the open regional competition-exhibition of children's art creativity "Singer of a small Motherland", where the work "Bird cherry" by Babina Anastasia took 1st place.

The works were exhibited at the Children's Ecological and Biological Center at the exhibition "The Necessary from the Unnecessary".
In the regional competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "Baikal Star" in the recreation center "Khimik", Usolye-Sibirskoye.

In the regional festival of children's folk art "Solar Circle" in D.K. "Miner"

In the regional exhibition: "The second life of things" in Angarsk.
At the end of the school year, the House of Childhood and Youth hosts a final exhibition of students' creative works.

Viewing of the work is carried out so that everyone can see: how each child mastered the program, what he achieved during the school year. This form of work allows you to visually assess each child and, in general, show the level of children's association.
At the end of each exhibition, students receive certificates, diplomas, diplomas of the participant, gifts. An analysis of the event is carried out, where the participants discuss the results and share plans for the future.

Purposeful work shows a high level of development of creative imagination. This form of work has shown its effectiveness. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements, hidden talents.

What is creative work? A work created with your own hands, a craft, a written verse, a composed melody ... A lot of things can be attributed to this concept.

A child creates every moment of his life

In fact, any activity can be called creative if a person performs it by connecting fantasy. Children's creativity sometimes consists in the simplest actions that seem ordinary or even harmful to adults.

Here the kid tears paper and chaotically scatters scraps on the floor. From the outside it may seem that he is just a hooligan. However, the child may be busy with an important task: he creates snowflakes that fall asleep on the ground.

Damaged wallpaper is an attempt to depict something monumental, large, which does not fit on a sheet. Curved curtains, perhaps, are also the embodiment of a creative idea - the child wanted to cut lace on boring monotonous curtains.

Life is a fairy tale to be seen

To connect fantasy, doing something, you need to teach kids from childhood. Even such a tedious job as rewinding balls can be easily turned into a creative one if you invite the “winder” to imagine the balls as living beings that run around the bowl, talk, quarrel, make peace - in short, they live their own “ball” life. And then the boring occupation is no longer boring at all, but creative work.

With their own hands, rewound threads under mother's or grandmother's fingers will turn into an amazing little thing, in the creation of which the baby will take part.

Types of creative work

That is why it is quite difficult to attribute to specifically designated categories. But if we consider directly children's creativity, then several rather extensive sections should be distinguished. These are the activities in which the child can reveal his potential. For example, we can distinguish such types of creativity as:

  • pictorial;
  • verbal;
  • musical;
  • theatrical play.

This also includes designing, modeling, making appliqués. L. S. Vygotsky proposes to include them in fine art. But research creative work is already a scientific activity. It most of all fits into the category of verbal creativity.

Musical children are already born

But the baby got to the pans and selflessly knocks on them with a ladle. Why does a child have so much harm? Does he deliberately piss off adults by causing headaches with noise? Of course not.

A wise adult understands that the baby is doing important creative work - with his own hands he learns to extract various sounds, compares them, puts them into a certain pattern. Let him do it clumsily for now, but look how he tries!

And what if next time, instead of a pan, offer him a tambourine, castanets or triangles? You can arrange a real small orchestra with your child and play an amazing melody.

Drawing - a touch to creativity

Also, children love to draw. They also begin to engage in this type of activity from early childhood. And if, while eating, the baby purposefully stains the table with jam, spreads a puddle of juice with his finger, smears porridge on his head and clothes, perhaps he is already trying himself as an artist.

Very tiny peanuts can be given at this age, which are easily washed off furniture and hands and easily washed off clothes and upholstery. And the wallpaper in the children's room is best replaced with cheap ones, which it will not be a pity to change in a year.

The kids who are already deftly holding a pencil in their fist should be offered paper and shown how great this “magic wand” can do amazing things on a white field.

And let the child first simply draw on the sheet with pencils or put shapeless spots with a brush. The main thing in this activity is not the result, but the goal that he sets for himself.

Art classes in kindergarten

In the classroom, children are no longer just drawing. They perform creative work on a topic given by the teacher. It can be a landscape or a still life, a plot painting depicting people, animals, fairy-tale characters or household items.

Children's creative works are interesting, in which the teacher does not set a clearly defined task - to draw a specific object, but offers to independently come up with the concept of a picture on one or another, fairly broad topic. These may be the topics “We do not want war!”, “Why do we need to follow the rules of the road?”, “Take care of nature, because it is our home!” and others.

The words "sculpt" and "create" are often synonymous.

Fine art, as mentioned above, also includes modeling. With the help of plasticine, clay, polymer masses, salt dough, cold porcelain, they try to fashion what they see, love, what adults told or read about, which fantasy suggests. Such creative works of children can tell a lot about their inner world. That is why it is so important to give the kids the opportunity to sculpt not only on a given topic, but also according to their own design.

Collective creativity of children

Everyone noticed that kids sometimes do something together. Here in the sandbox they are building a town or laying a highway, building fortresses out of snow. This type of activity not only allows you to unleash your creative potential, but also teaches you how to work in a team, which will be so useful to them in their future adult life.

You should use this for educational purposes in the classroom. For example, the application “Bird Town” can turn out to be wonderful if the guys independently paste birds cut out of paper, their nests, flowers, leaves on the branches of a tree or in the grass under it on whatman paper! This is a great team work. Do-it-yourself made and posted will be the pride of the kids, their parents and teachers.

Exhibitions of children's crafts

Children's institutions often hold a competition of creative works on a specific topic. It can be very different. For example, “Competition of crafts made from natural materials”, “We create fairy-tale characters from vegetables”, “Magic cardboard”, “What can be made from plastic bottles?” and others.

Children and teenagers purposefully learn to construct objects, compositions from improvised materials that can be used in everyday life or as home decoration. It is very important to set a task for the children, to show examples of work already done by someone, to explain that the option that is made according to one’s own plan is more valuable, and not copied.

It is interesting that the creative works of students are often so unexpected in their decisions, individual and so masterfully executed that adults sometimes do not believe in the authorship of the student.

Children discover the world through play

All children love role-playing games. Participating in them, they play whole impromptu performances. But a smart teacher will not let this view take its course.

In all children's groups, a special creative plan of work in this area is being developed. It must indicate the goals that the teacher seeks to achieve through the game, the necessary skills and abilities of the participants, which they consolidate or learn in the course of the action, methodological techniques.

For example, the creative game "Shop" is included in the plan. The teacher sets the following goals:

  • Acquaintance with the work of adults who work in the store.
  • Development of cultural communication skills in retail outlets.
  • Fixing the names of products, classifying them according to quality characteristics.

The preparatory ones used to organize a didactic role-playing game can be as follows:

  • Target visit to the store.
  • Talk with children about what they buy at retail outlets.
  • Modeling of plasticine vegetables and fruits.
  • Drawing on the theme "We went to the store."
  • Ball game "Edible-inedible".
  • Didactic table lotto "What products are made of."

Role-playing games are used not only in kindergartens and elementary grades. They are very effective in learning foreign languages. Also, even high school students really like the game of teachers in the classroom - it teaches teenagers to relax, develops the skill of speaking in front of an audience, evaluative ability and reviewing other people's answers.

And everyone's favorite game "The Sea is Worried", when the presenter asks to show various figures, reveals the real acting talent in the players.

Creative work - concert

Often in groups you need to hold a concert on your own. It is good if all members of a small society know each other and know who is capable of what. But if the team is still very young, if it only takes a couple of days, as it happens in summer camps at the beginning of a shift? Then the game "Chamomile" will help to organize such a creative business.

You just need to cut out a lot of petals from cardboard and lay them out on the table or fasten them with buttons on the wall. On the back of each, you need to write a task: read poetry, sing, dance, portray an animal, tell a funny story, and so on. Children take turns choosing a petal for themselves and preparing their performance. Some group with each other. The ability to replace one task with another should not be prohibited, it is still a creative work, not an exam.

Verbal creativity

This view is worth a separate point. Even adults, not everyone knows how to talk interestingly about what they see, let alone invent something. But to develop this talent is required for everyone from early childhood.

Children try to compose fairy tales, poems, fables - it's wonderful! Wise adults immediately write down all their creations. And even if Bazhov or Dragunsky, Pushkin or Rozhdestvensky do not later grow out of the baby, the first literary experience will remain a pleasant memory.

But the skill of presentation, formulation, writing descriptions will be required both by a child at school and by an adult in the future. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to retelling and presentation, compiling stories from pictures.


The process of cognition of the world occurs constantly, from birth to old age. At each age, it has its own volume and its own rate of assimilation of the new. However, he almost never stops.

Here the baby crumples and tears the newspaper, puts fingers and toys in his mouth. This is serious research work. The kid receives a lot of sensations, knowledge. But he is still too young to draw conclusions understandable to others.

Later, already when the child begins to speak, you should direct him in the right direction. From early childhood, children should learn to systematize the acquired knowledge. Issued in written or printed form, such a research work can be called a scientific work.

The baby can conduct the first experiments with bulbs by placing cups with plants on the windowsill. Daily observations should be recorded under the supervision of an adult using notes or drawings. The finished version of the report is already a real research work.

You can organize creative research in the field of culture and art. For example, a comparison of drawings and ornaments on dishes will be an interesting topic. Here, the beginner "scientist" masters comparative analysis, learns to find the complex in the simple, and the simple in the complex.

Older children and the topic for research choose a more difficult one. These can be analyzes of works of art and music, experiments with chemical elements, collection and systematization of plant care methods, and other interesting options.

Briefly about the main

Every person has creative potential. And the task of educators, parents, teachers is to help him open up with the help of collective deeds, to give impetus to the development of the talents of the growing personality.

Let while autumn hides behind a mask of warm summer, it is felt. This means that the number of hours spent on the street will soon be reduced, more and more often we will need ideas to entertain children at home. Luckily, ideas are plentiful, as are excellent resources to draw from. Today we are sharing 5 great kids art blogs and 15 ideas that we thought were absolutely amazing.

Babble Dabble Do

Ana Dziengel is an architect and industrial designer based in Los Angeles, has three children and blogs about creativity in all its forms. On the pages of Babble DabbleDo you can find a lot of ideas for scientific experiments with children, art projects for children of different ages - from unusual origami to experiments with oil paints and "drawing" on magnetic boards. All master classes are as detailed as possible, in addition, the author writes in a very lively language - each text is filled with love for children and the necessary amount of humor.

Coloring the pebbles

Drawings on stones are a very popular type of art. Moreover, some even manage to elevate it to the rank of a full-fledged art. How does it, for example, Sehnaz Bac.

One of the simplest and most interesting options is painting stones with the help of three-dimensional paints (you can buy them at any art store). The sequence of actions is as simple as possible: you need to wash and dry the pebbles, open the paints and create any drawing by squeezing the paint out of the tube. I'll just create a pattern of many small dots. Another option is to squeeze out a few streaks of paint, and use a toothpick to mix them together, creating a pattern, as is usually done, for example, by painting on the surface of a latte.

colored gelatin

It's just something incredible. Firstly, coloring jelly is fun, secondly, it's beautiful, and thirdly, it's also a great tactile game.

In order to realize all this, you just need to mix water and gelatin, and make the most common jelly in any convenient form. Remove the jelly and place it on the board, after laying a few paper towels. Then it remains to arm yourself with industrial syringes (they look like medical syringes, but they usually have blunt wide needles - printers used to fill such syringes), mix different colors in a small amount of water and introduce different dyes into the jelly, piercing it. Of course, such experiments should be carried out together with parents. Watching what happens to paint in clear jelly is incredibly interesting. After the “painting” is completed, you can cut the jelly and examine the cut, or you can tear it into pieces - to arrange a colorful celebration of disobedience.

Exploring traces

Perhaps this is the simplest and cheapest idea to implement that you can imagine. We knead the dough from water and flour (you can add a little salt, in which case even the smallest child will not try to eat it), add food coloring or a little of any paint for drawing to the dough. Then we tear off pieces from the dough, roll out small cakes and leave traces with the help of any relief surfaces in the house - from the bottom of a plastic bottle to ... anything! The exercise perfectly develops motor skills, imagination and tactile perception.

rice mosaic

Everything is simple. We cover the table with paper or oilcloth, pour rice into several into several plates and color with food coloring or paint that your child usually draws. Once the rice is colored, you can start different games. You can simply mix rice of different colors in a separate cup and look at the combination of colors, you can pour it on the board and try to draw some figure, number or letter with your finger, or you can try to lay out the picture - like a mosaic. It all depends on the imagination of the child. Please note that the rice is small - for small children such material for games can only be offered in the presence of adults.

colored tree

During the next walk, find a beautiful branch. Wash it at home, take a small bucket or glass, fill it with sand or colored salt and put a twig. Now, with the help of paints (preferably acrylic), paint it as you wish and get a magic tree. If desired, you can decorate it with paper toys or mold fruits and foxes from plasticine and attach them to twigs.

art BAR blog

This is the personal blog of a graphic designer and art teacher from Connecticut. Here she posts step-by-step crafting tutorials for kids, photo reports of class results, stories about her kids' crafts, collections of inspiring books and lots of home decor ideas.

Dreamcatcher: children's version

To create such a "dream catcher" you will need a wooden hoop, which you need to paste over with multi-colored tape. The next step is to wrap the hoop with multi-colored threads, decorate the ends with pompoms and decorate with felt figures, and make convenient fasteners.

Nursery decoration

The idea with hoops and ribbons can be played up in another way: just change the fastening, attach pompoms or other decorative elements to the ribbons, and we will get a great decoration for a child's room.

color tower

It would seem that what could be easier than taking wooden blocks (sold in any art store), painting them in different colors and building a tower? Moreover, many towers and other figures can be made from the same bars. By the way, such an activity is perfect for several children of different ages - a great example of collective creativity.


Another incredibly simple idea is to make leaf art objects. You just need to stick strips of multi-colored tape to the surface and cut x around the edges to keep the shape of the sheet.


In order to make such a decoration for a nursery, you first need to make a few corrugated circles from thin paper (for example, from crepe paper). Then you should paint them in different colors, add some sparkles, attach loops and any decor you want.

Home Grown Friends

This blog by an early childhood development specialist (also a mother of two) contains a wide variety of educational materials - from sensory games for the little ones to lessons dedicated to the study of nature. A separate block is dedicated to creative workshops and crafts.

leaves collage

We go with the child for a walk around the city and do not forget to collect bright, beautiful leaves. You can wash them at home and make a very beautiful collage. For example, you can take tracing paper or other transparent paper, stick leaves on it and add a little glitter of different colors. If you treat the composition correctly, you can get a wonderful decoration for the room.

colored pumpkin

A pumpkin can be decorated in many ways, and carved lanterns are not the only option. For example, you can simply take a different color of tempera, mix it with a little water, and pour the paint over the pumpkin in neat streams. Get a voluminous work "in the style of Pollock." Once the paint dries, the pumpkin will turn into a bright decorative element.

Bright ribbons or ropes and clothespins will also serve as a great display.

Frame, ropes and exhibition is ready:

The display can also be built not on the walls, but something similar can be made from ordinary thick wire, wood, or whatever is available:

Attach wooden slats to the wall to which you can attach drawings:

A few tips:

No matter how you are going to organize children's drawings, before sending them for storage, make sure that you do not forget to sign the project, age or category, as well as other useful information about the work. It seems to you that you will always remember at what point the drawing was made, but believe me, it is not possible to remember everything. Eventually you may forget. Therefore, it is better if the works are sorted and marked. Alternatively, you can attach a photo of your child to the box or folder where you keep the work, so as not to forget which of your children painted this or that work.

You can create several boxes, one in which you will add the works you like the most and which you would like to keep as a keepsake. The second is for temporary storage, so that your child can improve the drawing during the school year. So you can compare the drawings, think with the children how they can be improved.

Ask your children for advice and break down the work you would like to keep into categories. Do not keep work that does not make sense to keep. Determine the criteria with the children. Sometimes in the eyes of children, some works that we may not like look in a special way. You may think that these drawings can be thrown away, but your children - quite the contrary. There is nothing worse if you throw away some children's work, and the child asks to see it after a while. Identifying with the children worthwhile work and drawings that can be thrown away is also learning, because you can’t save everything.

Take photos of the best artwork. Often children are ready to part with some work if they know that you have their photographs. Create a separate folder on your computer where you will store such works and view them from time to time with your children. Create subfolders and sort pictures of drawings into categories for quick search. Don't forget to name the files, or even write down the title, the name of the child who created the work, and the creation date or age of the child in a text file. You can also use these photos to create gift calendars, posters or photo albums for yourself or your relatives.

Make a video! Film how your child draws, sculpts or makes an application. Children love to look at themselves and their creativity. Make small videos, also save these files on your computer. In the future, using simple programs, you can compose these short films into a small film, burning it to a disc for home viewing on TV. It's nice to look back, isn't it?

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