We keep a reading diary. Literary lesson "How to keep a reader's diary?"


In elementary school, it is very difficult for students to formulate their thoughts, not only in writing, but even orally. Ask the child to say what he read about. At best, the child will begin to retell the text in great detail and it will drag on for a long time. And to say in one sentence what is written in this fairy tale, what this story teaches or the main idea of ​​the text, students of 1-2 and often even 3-4 grades will not be able to express. They just don't know how to do it.

When maintaining a Reader's diary, the child needs to write down the main idea in a separate column and express it in 1-2 sentences. This means that the child learns to draw a conclusion and express it in a very short phrase.

Making an analysis of the work, formulating a conclusion, the child remembers the meaning of the work better and, if necessary, he will easily remember this work.

Writing down the author of the work, the main characters, the child remembers this data. If this work is read at extracurricular reading, during competitions, quizzes, the child, scrolling through his reader's diary, will easily remember both the heroes of the work and the plot.

By reading various works and writing down the general content in the reader's diary, the child trains not only writing skills, but also learns to analyze the work, highlight the main idea of ​​the author, understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader with his work. The child develops reading skills, the culture of the reader.
Target keeping a Reader's diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop the culture of the reader. Therefore, the requirements for the Reader's Diary come from this goal. Therefore, my design requirements are minimal. When keeping a reader's diary, immediately after reading a work or chapter, if the work is large, write down your conclusions.
One of the options for keeping a reader's diary:
for the Reader's Diary, we take the most ordinary notebook, preferably not very thin, so that it is enough for the whole year. Let's break it down into multiple columns:

♦ reading date,

♦ the title of the work,

♦ main characters,

♦ "About what?" Here, with the help of parents, the child writes down the main idea of ​​the text in 1-2 sentences.

With regular filling, this does not take much time, but it fixes the work in the child’s memory well. And then, when in the school year, we hold quizzes, extracurricular reading, the children turn to their Reader's diary and remember what stories they read by N. Nosov, what characters are in fairy tales, authors of works and other data.

Moreover, if the work is large, and the child reads slowly, then you can write down not only chapters, but also page numbers, if the chapter is very large and is read for more than one day.

Teach your child to keep a Reading Diary from the first grade, help him in the second, and then the child will do it himself. Spending quite a bit of time filling out the Reader's Diary, you will teach your child to analyze what they read, better understand and remember books, and form a reader's culture.

Parents, controlling the reading diary, can easily track the interests of the child, understand which genre or direction the child is more interested in and, if necessary, correct the direction of reading, offer the child books of a different genre.
If you liked the book:
you can draw the character you like or paste a coloring picture with him
find and glue the portrait of the author of the book, write his full name and patronymic
If you liked the book:
create illustrations (or comics) based on what you read;
come up with riddles or puzzles about heroes;
make a crossword according to what you read;
you can write and "send" a letter in the diary to the characters or the author of the book;
find out and write down interesting facts from the biography of the writer.

More experienced readers can write in a diary, answering the following questions:

1. Who advised you to read this book (story, fairy tale, etc.)? If he chose himself, then why her? (Explain the choice as it is)
2. You started reading (or maybe they read to you). Are you interested? Why? Write down your thoughts.
3. Draw a picture at the very beginning of the reading, when you have learned little. It can be whatever you want. Write a few words to the picture.
4. Surely, you have a favorite hero. It's time to create his personal page! Here are some questions to help you:
Describe the character's appearance
Name the traits of his character
What are his favorite activities
What he likes to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc.
Who are his friends? What are they?
Would you like to be like this hero? How?
Is there anything you don't like about it? Why?
Draw a portrait of your favorite hero
5. What part of the book did you like (or remember) the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it. Draw an illustration for the passage.
6. Imagine yourself as the hero of the book. What would you be called? Come up with a name for yourself. Describe your character. Indicate who you would be friends with, where you lived, etc. If you want, draw your portrait or a story with your participation.
7. So you turned over the last page. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.
8. What would you tell your friend about this book so that he would definitely want to read it? Choose and write such magic words.
And one more sample.
How to write a reading diary

1. Write the author and title (with a capital letter).
2. Indicate to which literary genre this work belongs (fairy tale, poem, story, epic, etc.).
3. Write who drew the illustrations (name of the artist).
4. About what or who the work you read is about.
5. Who are the main characters.
6. Did you like what you read. Evaluate the actions of the characters.
7. Make an illustration for the text.
When all the books from the list have been read, please arrange them in order: No. 1 - the most interesting from the list, No. 2 - liked a little less, etc. all books read.
Get a beautiful notebook or album and design your reader's diary as your fantasy tells you - drawings, poems, quizzes, riddles will only decorate your reader's diary! The diary can be kept not for one year, but for several years.

One of the main tasks of a younger student is the development of reading technique. A lot depends on how and how much a child will read: how his personality, learning ability, the child's attitude to the teacher, friends and himself will be formed. To instill a good attitude towards reading, to help the child achieve good results in mastering the technique of reading is the task of every parent and teacher. And when the baby reads a lot, it would be nice to think about such a useful thing as a reader's diary. As a rule, at the end of the school year, all students receive lists of works to be read in the summer. Teachers often require students to write down what they read in a reader's diary. Since the guys, in anticipation of the summer holidays and freedom from education, do not have much desire to study in the summer, the task of parents is to control this process. This is not about edifying total control, but about friendly help to the child in the design and maintenance of such a diary at first. Why should you keep a reading diary? When a child reads a work, it is necessary that he take out the main idea from it, learn something new for himself. And when quizzes and competitions are held at school, he will quickly remember what was once read. If the book is read and forgotten, then the child read it in vain. The purpose of keeping a diary is to learn to draw conclusions, to better remember and understand the work. Many parents of primary school students note that if in grades 1 and 2 children found it difficult to analyze the text and could keep a diary only with the help of elders, then by grade 3 this problem completely disappears. How to make a reader's diary in grade 1? For students of grades 1 and 2, when making a diary, only four columns can be distinguished: “Title of the work” “Author” “Main characters” “Description” - a very short, literally 1-3 sentence description of what was read about. If the kid loves to draw, it would be nice to make illustrations for the books he read. On the Internet you will find a lot of examples of how you can design a reading diary for students in grades 1 and 2. You can choose the design template as you wish. For first-graders, there are certain recommendations on how to arrange a reader's diary in grade 1, for example, it is recommended to paste or draw pictures from works. If the kid does not know how to draw beautifully, this is a very good opportunity to teach the child to draw in stages, or you can use carbon paper. Just be sure to show him how to use it correctly so as not to spoil the book or magazine from which you will copy. Usually children love the process of copying pictures: they draw as if by themselves, but it turns out like an adult! A great option would be to print out the diary pages and put them together in a binder. In this case, the baby will be able to write by hand on the finished pages. You can leave space on each page for a small picture that he will draw himself. How to make a reading diary for a 2nd grade student? The diary of a 2nd grade student can be arranged in this way: Title of the work. FULL NAME. author. Indicate the genre in which the work is written. Draw a picture for the book you read. Enumeration of the main characters of the work with a brief description of each of them. Description of the plot (what the story is about, what you liked about the work or, maybe, what you didn’t like). Each parent can, together with the child, think over their own version of how to arrange a reader's diary. Grade 2 is already the age when the baby is able to independently decide which option he likes and which does not. In any case, absolutely identical diaries do not exist, because everyone approaches this issue individually: external design, drawings, title font, the text of the description of the work itself. Many children read encyclopedias. Since this is also a book, and the child has read it, the encyclopedia should also be entered in the reader's diary. It is recommended to make entries in your diary immediately after reading the book, while fresh memories of it remain in your memory.

Topic: "My reader's diary"

Subject area: "Literary Reading"

Age Group: 8 years old

FULL NAME. Head: Aptrahmanova Zhanna Georgievna, primary school teacher

Prepared by: Ivanova Yu., Pirozhenko A., Timkanov A.

MAOU Lyceum No. 81, 2-D class.

1. Introduction.

1.1. Rationale for the choice of topic.

1.2. Goals and tasks of the work.

1.3.Expected results.

2. What we learned about the reader's diary.

2.1. The value of reading.

2.2. Definition of a reader's diary.

2.3. Tips for keeping records in a diary.

2.4. Which books are the most interesting.

2.5. The opinion of parents about the reader's diary.

4. List of references.

5. Applications.

1. Introduction.

More than one generation of children and adults are faced with the problem of not wanting to read, modern children trust the image and sound more, reading as a learning process requires great intellectual effort on the part of the student. Against the background of easier ways of consuming information, it becomes less significant and uncompetitive. The boundary between "traditional adulthood" and childishness is blurred. Children and adults read the same books, watch the same TV shows.

In order for reading lessons to compete successfully with television and computers, the elementary school teacher needs special knowledge.

As an epigraph to our project, we took the statement of the famous writer-philosopher of the Enlightenment, Francois-Marie Voltaire

Who write well

Get used to speaking well.

1.1. Justification for the choice of topic.

We chose this topic because we want to help our peers overcome the difficulties of not wanting to read, to show that this process can be exciting and interesting. Teaching today's schoolchildren to read, we are faced with the following questions: how does a reader of the 21st century differ from a reader of the past century, why is it so difficult to introduce modern children to a book?


Does the reader's diary contribute to the development of speech, the ability to work with text, increase the pace of reading, improve the quality of reading, and develop creative abilities in children of primary school age.

1.2. Goals and tasks of the work:

The purpose of our work:

is the education of a culture of reading and the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​through the mass introduction of students to the book and to systematic reading as part of the implementation of the program for spiritual and moral education.


    Collect material on the topic.

    Study the collected material and arrange it for clarity in the form of a presentation.

    Tell the children in an accessible form about the design of the reader's diary, about its benefits

    Introduce children to the names of the classics of children's literature

    Awaken and develop interest in reading

    Call for motivating reasons for reading comprehension

    To develop the creative abilities of students, cognitive activity - increasing the prestige of reading as a developing intellectual activity

    stimulation of literary creativity of students

    rational use of free time.

1.3. Expected results.

1. Appearance of interest in reading, love of books.

2. Acquaintance with the works of many children's writers and poets.

3. Ability to analyze read works.

4. Improve reading technique.

5. Creatively designed voluminous reader's diaries.

We took the material for our work on the Internet, in the district library. We have already spoken about this topic in extracurricular activities. I am learning to create a project.

2. What did we learn about the "Reader's Diary"

The structure of the diary consists of a title page, its own list of works, a list of books recommended by the teacher of literature and a work analysis form (for each work, the student fills out a separate form), which provides information about the author, the history of the creation of the work, genre, system of characters, unfamiliar words are explained, favorite quotes are indicated, conclusions and impressions about the book read are formulated. To design a reader's diary, a student must fill out the title page, indicating the last name, first name, course, specialty, academic year; fill out the "List of works" form, indicating those works that the student wants or plans to read; at the end of the diary, more experienced readers can answer additional questions. The main thing is to figure out for yourself what to read and what to write about!

Theoretical information included in the student's reading diary is presented in a coherent logical system, illustrated and supported by solid practical material corresponding to the general education program. It should be noted that the work of students in the reader's diaries is also aimed at the development of independent practical creative activity.

2.1 The value of reading.

Until quite recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable among us. In the 70-80s. In the twentieth century, there was a myth about Russia as "the most reading country in the world." Of course, this was a fairly stable image-myth, but, in comparison with other countries, our performance in the field of mass reading was not bad. Russia was a society that sociologists called "literary-centric". The high prestige of reading in society, and especially reading "serious" literature, classics, works in "thick magazines", book collection and the creation of one's own libraries - all this contributed to reading and really reinforced our ideas about ourselves as a reading country (in the 80s in 80% of families read books to children, and now only 7%!).

In the last decade, we have been in an unprecedented situation of radical change in reading in Russia, and the reading of young people is changing especially significantly. Reading young people is the key to life in the information society, and it is increasingly becoming an extremely important factor that determines the level of culture of the society of the future. But today, when informatization, the development of high technologies and the complication of social life are the features of the modern development of society, the price of illiteracy and the inability to read and analyze information becomes especially high. As we can see, the attitude to the level of development of the reading culture of the individual, as well as to the process of reading activity today has changed and is acquiring extremely important, paramount importance for society. The facts confirm that reading today is becoming a value, and a value both in the field of education, ideology, culture, and in the world of big business.

The analysis of a work of art teaches us to think metaphorically. Metaphorical thinking allows you to "jump over barriers" and find semantic connections where a flat look will not find anything in common. Human thought, like the heart, works in the "compression-expansion" mode. We then turn the thought to a formula, thesis, abstract, then we expand it with the help of analogies and associations.

2.2. Definition of a reader's diary.

A reader's diary is an opportunity to do something interesting on your own, making the most of your abilities; this is an activity that allows you to prove yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit and show the publicly achieved result; this is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal and a task, when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is practical, has an important applied value and, which is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

Keeping a reader's diary from the teacher's point of view is an integrative didactic tool for development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop the following research competencies of students in accordance with their individual capabilities:

Analysis of the problem field, identification of sub-problems, formulation of the leading problem, setting tasks;

Goal-setting and activity planning;

Self-analysis and reflection (self-analysis of the success and effectiveness of solving a problem within the framework of a research question);

Search for the necessary information, its systematization, structuring and classification;

Conducting research (analysis, synthesis, hypotheses, detailing and generalization);

Ability to answer questions, conciseness and reasoning of answers.

A well-designed reader's diary opens up wide possibilities for its use. It can be considered as a historical source, as a means of self-education, self-improvement, increasing the culture of reading, as a reference tool, as a means of communication and revealing oneself to others.

We believe that creative subject Olympiads, extra-curricular research and project work, as well as the study of extra-curricular literary material (especially on modern literature) will become the product of the effective use of the reader's diary.

Keeping a reader's diary helps to improve communication skills, information skills (extracting information, highlighting the main, key moment, collapsing information), helps the value-semantic definition of students, stimulates the development of reading habits. spiritual and moral education and preparedness for the exam in the discipline "Literature".

Consequently, by studying and analyzing a literary text, students involuntarily enrich their cultural baggage, form ideas about different aspects of life, different eras, and improve their moral sense. They learn to compare, think logically, defend their own opinions, admit and correct their mistakes. Finally, they master the richness of accurate and expressive oral and written speech, research competencies are formed.

The well-known musician and teacher G. Neuhaus wrote: “You cannot create talents, but you can create culture, i.e. soil in which talents grow and flourish. Creativity leads to the emancipation of the individual, the ability to navigate in society and find one's place in life, to be needed and useful to people, and this is the main result of our work.

There are many definitions of a diary. One of them, owned by M.O. Chudakova, precise and clear, seems especially acceptable for school practice: Diary - a form of narration conducted in the first person in the form of daily entries. Usually such records are not retrospective - they are contemporary to the events described. Most definitely, diaries act as a genre variety of fiction and as autobiographical records of real people”(Short literary encyclopedia).

To begin with, it is worth identifying the plot and the main characters. You can help separate the main ones from the secondary ones with simple leading questions: “Which of the characters acts from the beginning to the end of the book?” “Whose actions are the most important?” "Without whom, the story would not have been written?" “Which hero needs to be removed in order for events to seriously change?” The same should be done with the selection of events, both for retelling and for analysis: “Which events are important and which are not?” Ideally, the child himself should talk about these topics.

2.3 Tips for keeping records in the diary.

The main goal of keeping a Reader's Diary is not to burden the child and parents with additional work, but to teach them to draw conclusions and develop the culture of the reader. Therefore, the requirements for the Reader's Diary come from this goal. Therefore, the requirements for registration are minimal. When keeping a reader's diary, immediately after reading the work, write down your conclusions.

For the Reader's diary, we take the most ordinary squared notebook. We draw on several columns (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)

♦ reading date,

♦ main characters,

♦ review, my opinion (“About what?” Here, with the help of parents, the child writes down in 1-2 sentences the main idea of ​​the work)

With regular filling, this does not take much time, but it fixes the work in the child’s memory well. And then, when in the school year, we hold quizzes, extracurricular reading, the children turn to their Reader's diary and remember what stories they read by N. Nosov, what characters are in fairy tales, authors of works and other data.

Teach your child to keep a Reading Diary from the second grade, help him in the third, and then the child will do it himself. Spending quite a bit of time filling out the Reader's Diary, you will teach your child to analyze what they read, better understand and remember books, and form a reader's culture.

Here are the main tips (if there is a lesson, the students can write them down).

1. “Not a day without a line” (Yu. Olesha).

2. Date each entry.

3. Be sincere and honest in your notes.

4. Don't read someone else's diary without permission!

2.4 Processing personal data. Which books are the most interesting.

In order to find out and understand what genre of work our peers like to read, whether they like to read, whether they keep reader diaries, this process arouses their interest or, on the contrary, difficulties. We conducted a survey in which the children of the second grades of our school took part. (Annex 3)

After processing the results of the survey "The book in our life", it turned out that:

90% - answered positively, only 7% - reading causes difficulties, and 3% of the respondents do not have the opportunity to read due to lack of free time.

    To the second question, “What genre do you prefer to read?”

13% - children chose science fiction.

3% read books on military topics.

    To the third question, “Name the works that you have read in the last month?”

most of us like to read folk tales, stories by V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories", D. Rodari "The Adventures of Chipollino", stories by N. Nosov, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy ...
We like to read them because they tell about our peers.
We empathize with their heroes and rejoice in resourcefulness.

    The fourth question is “Do you keep a reading diary?”

32% - children keep reading diaries and this process arouses their interest.

16% do not always write in a diary when they remember.

13% - children keep records only at the request of the teacher.

8% of students do not have a reader's diary.

Based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that most of the guys love to read, keep notes in the reader's diary. Our hypothesis about the benefits of the reader's diary was confirmed. If we generalize the tastes of our peers, we can say that they prefer modern literature, preferably funny and with a dynamic plot. They love bright aphorisms, language games, surprises, they do not like pretentious, sad and everything related to military topics. (Annex 4)

But unfortunately, many more children work with a book at the reminder of an adult. This indicates a low level of autonomy.

2.5 Parents' opinion about the reader's diary.

Let's see why and who needs a Reader's diary.

Parents of our class also participated in our survey, who were asked to leave a review, their opinion about the benefits of a reader's diary, about how parents help children in keeping a reader's diary, and joint reading. (Annex 5)

Some parents say indignantly: “I am against reader diaries. Who needs to write out the main characters, storylines? In general, sometimes I don’t remember who’s name and the name of the author in parallel to me. I liked it - I read it, I forgot it. Based on this comment, it turns out that we read in order to forget?!

Children read works not in order to forget, but in order to take some thought out of any work, to learn something new for themselves. In addition, very often the school holds various competitions, quizzes, intellectual marathons, in which you need to remember everything that you once read. If the child read and forgot, then, of course, he will not remember anything. Those. the book was read in vain, there was nothing left in my head.

“My child does not need this, he keeps a reader's diary under duress. It does not add to his love of reading. Of course, if a child does it under duress, then this will not cause positive emotions. And the Reader's Diary is not intended to develop a love of reading. He has a completely different goal - to teach the child to draw conclusions from what he read, to help the child better remember and understand the work.

Among parents, there are many supporters of keeping a Reader's diary. “In elementary school, a reader's diary is good. This disciplines, allows you to draw conclusions, at least two or three sentences. After all, it helps to formulate your thoughts in writing. » It is quite rightly noted that keeping a Reader's diary disciplines and teaches you to draw conclusions about what you have read.

Another mother continues the same thought: “No, he definitely didn’t discourage us from either the desire to read or the ability to do it. But new skills, one might say, have appeared. It was clearly seen how in the 2nd grade it was generally bad with text analysis, they could hardly write a diary. And in 3 - it was already easy "

3. Conclusion

Thus, our hypothesis is the benefit of a reader's diary, it contributes to the development of speech, the ability to work with text, an increase in the pace of reading, an increase in the quality of reading, and the development of creative abilities in children of primary school age.

The introduction of a reader's diary into the educational process of a younger student makes it possible to form spiritual and moral values ​​through the mass familiarization of students with a book and systematic reading. According to A.S. Makarenko “the essence of education is not the acquisition, but the use of books”, it is obvious that the younger generation needs to be helped to understand a simple truth: by reading a book and analyzing the significant experience placed in it, a harmonious personality develops. It is impossible to come to reading under pain of punishment, only in connection with personal interest, that is, reading is a process realized by a person as necessary for development. And, finally, all of the above is directly interconnected with the pedagogy of future success in a society of a developing personality.

4. Literature:

Increase reading speed. A set of exercises for speed reading. Author of the article: Osmakova Marina Vasilievna - teacher of psychodiagnostics and correctional pedagogy of the Tyumen Pedagogical College No. 1 (highest category).

History of pre-revolutionary Russia in diaries and memoirs. Volume 1. M .: Book, 1976.

Literary encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1987.

New School Encyclopedia: Literature. Moscow: ROSMEN; OOO "World of Books", 2004.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Critic. M., 1997.

Information taken from the site: http://www.ufamama.ru/Posts/View/102


Annex 1

Form start

End of form

Reader's diary

students ____ 2nd grade

MAOU Lyceum No. 81 of the city of Tyumen


1. Keep your eyes moving along the line.

2. Try not to go back to reading the word you read if you understand it.

3. When reading, be attentive to every word.

4. Try to understand what you are reading.

5. Read daily:

· "About myself"

2. Scroll through me, look at all the illustrations.

3. Suggest what I will tell you.

4. Read the text yourself in small parts, check and refine your assumptions.

6. Work on the features of speech: voice color, volume, tempo.

Talking about a story or book you read
use these questions.

1. Who advised you to read this book (story, fairy tale, etc.)? If he chose himself, then why her?

2. Surely, you have a favorite hero. It's time to create his personal page!

Describe the character's appearance

Name the traits of his character

What are his favorite activities

What he likes to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc.

Who are his friends? What are they?

Would you like to be like this hero? How?

Is there anything you don't like about it? Why?

Draw a portrait of your favorite hero

3. What part of the book did you like (or remember) the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about it.

Draw an illustration for the passage.

4. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.

5. What would you tell your friend about this book so that he would definitely want to read it? Choose and write these words....

As I read (March):

    Reading method: ______________________________

    Reading quality - unmistakable - (yes/no) __________________________________________

    My mistakes:
    replacement, omission, distortion of letters - __________________________________________

repetitions of words and syllables - __________________________________________
incorrect placement of stress - __________________________________________

distortion of endings in words - __________________________________________

This month I read the following books:


Appendix 2

Questionnaire for 2nd grade students "Book-in our life"

F.I., class

Answer options

B) Not really, I don't have much free time.

c) Reading causes me great difficulty.

2. What genre do you prefer to read?

A) fairy tales

B) fiction

B) Adventure

D) military

3. Name the works that you have read in the last month?

4. Do you keep notes in the reader's diary?

A) Yes, it's interesting.

B) not always when I remember

C) when the teacher asks

D) I don't have it

1.Anderson G.H. "Mermaid", "Ole-Lukoe", "Nightingale"

2.Bazhov P. "Silver hoof", "Malachite box"

3. Barto A.

Types of reader diaries

Depending on the goal pursued by the teacher, there are several types of diaries:

  • a diary report on the number of pages read to oneself or aloud, marks of parents who read with the child. There may be the following columns: number, title of the work and full name of the author, number of pages read, type of reading (out loud and to oneself), signature of the parents. Used in elementary grades.
  • diary-report of books read. Only book titles, authors' names, reading dates (June 2014, August 2014, etc.) are taken into account. There may also be "marginal notes", that is, brief remarks about the book.
  • diary cheat sheet with a mini-analysis of works. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What should be in the reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Full name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, story, etc.)
  • In what year was the piece written? How famous is this year in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • Main heroes. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give a brief description: age, connections with other characters (older brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, hobbies, habits, you can give page numbers on which the author gives a description hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot is what the book is about.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the action takes place, or specific years. Who then was in power? In what country or city does the action take place?

High school students may also provide additional information:

  • List of critical literature by work or author.
  • Extracts of favorite phrases, expressions.
  • Brief biography of the writer.

In addition to the usual information, you need to give the child the opportunity to draw in the reader's diary, do crosswords, puzzles, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, and so on.

Can you help your child keep a diary?

Yes, especially in elementary grades, it can be too difficult for him. Moreover, you can even read together and discuss the book, characters, events and fill out a diary as you read.

Many adults do not pay due attention to the format and appearance of the reader's diary, and children do not feel like filling them out. But let's think: what are the motives for reading in a child? Why does he read (especially children under 6th grade)? Why is he filling out a diary? It is unlikely that at this age he does it consciously, most likely, he was simply “forced”. But we must remember that it may be simply interesting for children to work in a large and beautiful notebook, fill in tables, etc. Therefore, we propose to pay special attention to the design of the reader's diary and offer several templates.

Summer Reader's Diary

………………………………………(F.I. Class)

The point of keeping such a diary is that it can become a real assistant in the development of the child, teach him to think and express his thoughts, train the skills of competent and beautiful speech, teach the child to retell and, at the same time, exercise control over how he understood the text.

    Indicate the date of reading (if the work is large and has been read for more than one day, then write the start and end dates of reading),

    Write down who the main characters are.

    What or who is the work you read about? Briefly describe the plot (3-6 sentences are enough).

    Did you like what you read? Evaluate the actions of the characters.

    If you want, make an illustration to the text.

Sample Summer Reading List


Russian folk tales : Tiny-Khavroshechka. Russian folk tales about animals: Winter hut of animals, Cat, rooster and fox, Fox and hare, Goby - a tar barrel, Fox and crane, Chanterelle-sister and wolf, Cockerel - a golden comb.

English folk songs . translation by S. Marshak.

Literary tales.

1. G.Kh. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

2. A. Lindgren. "Three stories about the Kid and Carlson". "Myo, my Mio."

4. A. Milne. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all".

5. Brothers Grimm. "Miss Blizzard"

6. Ch. Perrault. "Sleeping Beauty".

7. D. Rodari. "Journey of the Blue Arrow".

8. A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"…

9. P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

10. P. Bazhov. "Silver Hoof". "Blue snake".

11. V. Kataev. "Pipe and pitcher".

12. K. Chukovsky. "Dr. Aibolit". "Cockroach". "Barmaley".

14. G. Tsyferov. "Like a frog looking for dad."

Stories about children and for children.

1. Stories from the "Russian alphabet" L.N. Tolstoy ("Three Bears", "How Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest", "Cow", "Filipok").

2. N. Nosov. "Live Hat" "Friend". "Dreamers". "Karasik". The Merry Family and Other Stories. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

3. V. Dragunsky. "He's alive and glowing..."

4. V. Oseeva. "Magic word". "Why? ". "Blue Leaves".

5. B. Zhitkov. "How I caught the little men."

About animals.

1. V. Bianchi. Sinichkin calendar. Forest houses. Orange neck.

3. N. Sladkov. Multicolored earth. Forest tales.

4. M. Prishvin. Hedgehog. Guys and ducks.

Russian classical poetry.

1. A.S. Pushkin. "Winter! Peasant triumphant...", "Red dawn..."

2. N. Nekrasov. "It's not the wind that rages over the forest..."

4. S. Yesenin. "Winter sings - calls out ..."

Modern poetry.

1. N. Rubtsov. Sparrow. Crow.

2. A. Barto. In defense of Santa Claus.

3. G. Sapgir. Spring gifts. Gardener. The cat and me. Forest alphabet. Four envelopes. Tale of forest music.

5. I. Pivovarova. We have been looking for a long time. What the cloud dreamed about. Blue evening.

6. O. Driz. Glasses. Buttons. One hundred spring frogs. When a person is six. Cello. SIP of water.

7. Yu. Moritz. It's true! This is no! Favorite pony. Pony.

8. D. Rodari. Poetry train.

9. V. Berestov. Tales, songs, riddles. Master Bird. Lark. On the way to first class

How to make a reader's diary?

1 . Zand the basis can be taken a simple notebook in a cage. On the title page you need to write: "Reader's diary", the name and surname of the author, class. Also, the child can design the cover at their discretion.

2 . On the next page, prepare the contents of a reading diary, which will list all the books that need to be read (can be cut from this memo).

    When writing information about a book you have read, you can follow the following order: First write the title of the work, Surname I.O. author.

Next, you need to list the main characters of the book, you can give them a brief description. The next item is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when the events take place, what is the conflict, when is it resolved, etc.) You can describe one of your favorite episodes in the book.

If the book liked:

    you can draw the character you like or paste a coloring picture with him

    find and glue the portrait of the author of the book, write his full name and patronymic

Date of reading _____________________________

Name ____________________________________________________


Plot ______________________________________________________


My opinion _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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