Witch from the last battle of psychics. The black witch from the "Battle of Psychics" dealt with offenders in an unexpected way


The life of Ilona Novoselova is shrouded in mysterious rumors and mystical stories. And now investigators are unraveling the secrets of her death. Psychic fans will surely see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Video: Channel Five

Footage from the place of death of Ilona Novoselova
Video: Channel Five

Black hair, dark clothes, a penetrating look… The classic image of a modern witch is complemented by an extravagant accessory — a roe deer paw. According to Novosyolova, this is her magic wand, with which she communicates with the spirits. They help her to foresee the future.

On the show of psychics, she increased her rating with outrageous behavior: she scandalized, showered curses on the program participants, disrupted filming, smoked in the frame and was not shy in expressions. And, despite this, one of the best passed all the tests, as if seeing people through and through.

Video: Channel Five

From the TV screens, Ilona spoke more than once about the fact that she began to see and hear the dead as early as 10 years old. The girl, due to her connection with the other world, found it difficult to study and in the seventh grade she switched to home schooling.

Her peers laughed at her, the neighbors shunned her, calling her a witch. Ilona accumulated resentment and cursed all ill-wishers.

Once in a famous TV project, Ilona Novosyolova from Pavlovsky Posad became famous throughout the country. As a result, a queue of people who wanted to remove the damage and bewitch her lover lined up to the sorceress. She assured that she identified diseases by smell and healed any ailment. Along with fame, a lot of trouble fell on the woman. The yellow press began to write fables about her. One of the most striking is about gender reassignment. Like, Witch Novosyolova is actually Andrey.

Vlad Kadoni, participant of the show "Battle of psychics"
Video: Channel Five

In 2013, Ilona began a real black streak - she was kidnapped at the entrance of the house and later demanded a ransom from her mother - seven and a half million rubles. The criminals assumed that the famous witch must have money. The police quickly detained the kidnappers, and Ilona remained unharmed. And then it became even more popular.

Video: Channel Five archive

Journalists guarded her at the door of the apartment with the question: how did she not foresee her abduction? Witch Novosyolova promised illness and trouble in response.

Ilona's last lover is the warlock Artyom Besov. The talking name and bold image of the 26-year-old black magician only added to the popularity of their union - on Instagram, the couple was called “beautiful” and “real”.

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

The glory of Novoselova clearly favorably affected the income of the young magician. In his photo, elite brands of clothing, jewelry and electronic gadgets flicker with enviable frequency.

Photo: instagram.com/artyombesov

But the idyll in the relationship between the witch and the sorcerer in real life, as it turned out, was overshadowed by regular scandals. According to the neighbors, the lovers often quarreled - on the fateful day of Ilona's death, it was allegedly noisy outside the door of their apartment. According to one version, the couple had a big fight, and Artyom said on emotions that he would leave Moscow.

Video: Channel Five

Earlier, in an interview, Novosyolova told how at the age of 19 she tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Ilona was then abandoned by a guy and the spirits allegedly persuaded her to stay alive. Like, "the calling of a psychic is more important than women's happiness."

But Novosyolova sadly admitted to her relatives that she was very lonely and dreams of getting married. A few friends of the psychic say she was aggressive only in appearance. In his heart, he was an extremely vulnerable and very sad child.

Photo: instagram.com/ilonanovoselova

The last post that the witch left on her Instagram page two years ago is an ominous photo of a skull with the caption: "I prophesy to everyone." The most impressionable have already decided that the hereditary sorceress then jinxed herself.

Ksenia Yakubina

The tragic death of the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova excited her "colleagues".

Magicians and sorcerers, soothsayers and sorceresses are racking their brains: what could happen to one of them? Why didn't she see her death? Not protected, not saved? And did she have a chance to stay among the living? ..

She died instantly. After falling from the sixth floor, few survive. 29-year-old Ilona Novoselova, either by negligence herself, fell out of the balcony of her apartment in Moscow, or someone helped her do it. And not necessarily physically. In the environment where Ilona has been spinning for the last 10 years, they are sure: you can kill without even touching a person.

Ilona became famous eight years ago when she reached the final of the show "Battle of Psychics". The black witch surprised with accurate predictions, saw the dead, consulted with otherworldly forces. She was tough, daring, like no one else.

Then it surfaced that Ilona is a transgender. A person who has changed sex. There was Andrei, and he turned into a woman, becoming an adult ...


She was not alone at home that day. With his young man Artem Besov. And my mother came to visit. The woman became a witness to another quarrel of tipsy young people - Artem allegedly threatened to leave Ilona, ​​she begged not to do this. And, apparently, deciding to scare, she jumped out onto the balcony, leaned over the railing. Didn't count, broke...

This is still the working version of the investigators. In which, it seems, besides themselves, few people believe.

A close friend of Ilona, ​​clairvoyant Alsu Gazimyanov, is convinced that Ilona was killed.

When I saw the first photos from the scene, the first thing I thought was: I definitely didn’t jump myself. I saw the male hands that pushed her. And then Ilona contacted me herself: for the fifth night in a row, she gives more and more new information.

Alsou laments that recently they rarely communicated. A year and a half ago, Ilona got a new boyfriend - Artem. He called himself a warlock, as they say, pulled money and connections from her. He convinced Ilona that it was worth narrowing down the circle of acquaintances - he drove all her friends away from home, deleted all her pages on social networks.

And they also told me that before her death, she suddenly rewrote an apartment for him, ”says Alsou. She has no doubts who benefits from Novoselova's death.


"Witch - witch's death, so she needs it!" - alas, there are a lot of similar comments on the Internet under the news about the death of Novoselova. Many believe that Ilona deserved such an early and terrible departure from life with her black deeds.

She could drive into a coffin, cause damage, break up a family, punish a rival, - the psychic and clairvoyant Kazhetta shakes her head. “I always warned her that all these dark deeds would not go in vain, she would have problems. But she didn't hear me.

Among the participants of the "Battle" there was a rumor that one of their own "ordered" Ilona. Like, someone crossed the road - so they removed the rival. Either they sent a curse, or they drugged them with a potion. Magic in general.

This version cannot be taken seriously. They are colleagues with Ilona, ​​only Nicole is a different suit, a white witch. But the common essence allows her to “see” why Novoselova died.

In the family of Ilona there was a woman who practiced white magic. She quarreled with the witch - they did not share the man. And at the wedding of a happy rival, the black witch cursed all her descendants. The curse fell on Ilona, ​​who looked like a bride like two drops of water.

This is the key to Ilona's stubborn desire to change her appearance, even gender: she seemed to want to get rid of an ancient evil conspiracy. But he dominated her, did not allow her to find her place in life, pushed her to self-destruction. There is no one responsible for her death, except for the long-dead sorceress.


But there are more mundane versions of the death of the black witch Ilona. The lingering depression that almost all of her friends talk about. Having received recognition and demand, Novoselova was never able to become happy. Well, after the truth came out that in fact she was a man who had changed sex, her whole life went awry.

There was real bullying. Naturally, she began to have serious problems with her personal life. - says the participant of the "Battle of psychics" Vlad Kadoni. - Ilona was very afraid of loneliness. Lately she's been on the verge of a nervous breakdown...

In a state of hysteria, Ilona told Cazhetta, with whom she was friends, that she had been possessed by an otherworldly force long ago. This voice inside and advised her to have a sex change operation, which she later regretted terribly.

Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she just went crazy, - says the clairvoyant. - Depressions became stronger, breakdowns were more frequent, she could no longer work. She drank hormonal drugs endlessly, but the pains were so strong that they drove her to madness.

The witch extinguished physical and mental pain in a proven way. While intoxicated, she was often seen by housemates. She drank often and a lot.

In her horoscope, a deep form of psychiatric illness can be traced, and all this was aggravated by excessive alcohol consumption and not only it, says astrologer Pavsekaky Bogdanov. This year 2017 was her last. No witch, no magician, no third party was involved in the death of Ilona.

The body of the black witch was burned - so she bequeathed during her lifetime. Investigators continue to work. People wonder about the causes of death. And psychics believe: Ilona simply continues her journey in other worlds.

And maybe it will be in touch soon...


Julia Wang - psychic from Latvia, according to many, has become the most mysterious participant in the 15th season of the mystical project of the TNT channel, and the girl herself said: she is magic and spirit in the human body - the Spirit of Chaos. Also Julia she said that the spirit chose her body and fate, therefore the victory in the 15th “Battle” became a matter of life and death for Wang in her current incarnation.

By the way, she says that she perfectly remembers all her past lives: at the time of participation in the "Battle" there were already more than 150, and the last time Julia was born in German Fershtenberg.

Julia Wang. Biography

Julia Vladimirovna Wang was born on October 29, 1981 in Riga, where she went to a regular school. She always liked the Latvian capital: in this city, according to Wang, there are many sacred corners and places of power. From childhood, Wang stood out among other peers. She was not interested in dolls, other toys, but preferred loneliness. From an early age, she had the gift of manipulating people.

Wang's mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, a nuclear physicist by profession, has nothing to do with extrasensory perception, but she fully supports and shares her daughter's passion for extrasensory perception. Julia never saw her father. She herself is sure that he is not of this world. And Tatyana Vladimirovna even claims that in 1980 she had contact with an extraterrestrial being who appeared to her in the form of a man.

The public has a different attitude to these words: some believe a woman, others consider her crazy. Still others believe that Julia Wang she asked her mother to tell the story. However, the girl's family was not always incomplete. Julia was raised by her stepfather, with whom she did not have a relationship, and he himself did not seek to find a common language with his stepdaughter.

Barely reaching the age of 16, Wang left her home, but continued to study at school. In her free time, she worked in the market. She lived with her friend. Mother secretly from her stepfather communicated with Julia and brought food.

At the age of 17, a young blonde came to conquer Moscow, where then no one knew who she was Julia Wang. Appearance allowed the girl to build a brilliant modeling career. New York, London, Paris, Milan - the long-legged blonde has visited these and other cities. She participated in the filming of commercials, clips, short films. She posed for the best European and American photographers. She worked as a hair and make-up model.

In addition, she successfully passed the entrance examinations and entered GITIS, receiving a diploma five years later and becoming an actress. Then she enrolled in the French school of perfume art. The ability to combine ingredients, incredible smells is the source of a good income for Julia, who, being a very versatile person, managed to be a hairdresser, costume designer, and singer over the years.

Wang also has a diploma from the London Royal Academy of Fine Arts. And at once in three specialties: stylistics, design, photography.

Julia Wang about herself: I am the New Sun among the stars of the world industry. An ideal body, an angelic face and a voice of 4 octaves - it's all about me.

As regards the availability of Julia Wang superpowers, then, according to her, she completely rethought her life after reading the book " Dao of Chaos". Then the girl became seriously interested in esotericism.

Julia Wang. Film and television activities

Debut Julia as a film actress took place in 2000. She starred in the TNT comedy project "The Best Movie - 2", appeared on the screen as a vampire in the film "Day Watch", played Andrei's girlfriend in the 12th episode of the series "", appeared in an episode in the action movie "Tumbler".

The fight of extrasensories

Before joining the TNT project “The Battle of Psychics”, the 15th season of which started in September 2014, Julia went through many years of practice. Only her inner circle knew about her powerful inner strength and other superpowers. But appearing in the "Battle", Wang from the first minutes riveted everyone's attention to herself. Some participants of the show were even afraid to look into the "cat" eyes of the witch, and eternal skeptics Safronov brothers- Ilya, Sergey, Andrey - they constantly teased the blonde, because they did not believe that the ex-model and actress had some kind of paranormal abilities. The Safronovs believed that Wang came to the project in order to promote herself, but then admitted that they were wrong.

Already in the qualifying test, Julia showed herself as a strong psychic. She continued to delight the audience with bright makeup, original outfits and phenomenal talents. So, on one of the tests, she scared even a professional psychologist. Wang's main competitor in the show was the St. Petersburg witch Tatyana Larina. Two blondes throughout all issues were "nostril to nostril".

Julia Wang answered all questions regarding the reason for coming to the “Battle of Psychics” on her page on the social network as follows: I have no problems in terms of self-realization, as, probably, everyone has already checked in Google. And I don't care about this mortal world, i.e. nude fame and PR. I could say that I want and dream of becoming a winner, but I can’t lie, I’ll tell the truth. My participation in BE is not related to PR in the field of esotericism or magic. It is only a matter of life and death in this incarnation of mine. I just know how to see and change the variants of reality, which I did, to those who contacted me. And I came to BE to change my reality and, perhaps, not only my own.”

For three and a half months, the audience watched as people with supernatural abilities are tested. Every week, one psychic left the project, whom the panel of judges recognized as the weakest. At the same time, the host of the show, Marat Basharov, was always present.

Julia Wang repeatedly became the best psychic of the week, but sometimes the title was given to her main rival - Tatyana Larina. As a result, 4 participants reached the final. Arseniy Karadzha became the fourth, the Slavic witch Ekaterina Borisova - the third, Tatyana Larina- second. A Julia Wang was declared the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics (70% of the vote). This show and its results caused incredible interest in Julia from her fans. Participation in a paranormal project made Wang incredibly famous: strangers approached her on the streets, asking for autographs, joint photos, etc.

And yet, many skeptical viewers have great doubts about the truth of the gift. Julia Wang.

The fact is that Wang, the “product” of producer Ulyana Semenova, previously showed herself exclusively in a different role: as they say on the offsite, “…Music…Sexy…Love…Style….Drive…Glamour…Julia Vang…, photographer, stylist, designer, fashion designer, actress, model, poetess, composer and singer”, who performed in the capital's clubs.

In the early spring of 2015, special episodes of the show were shown on TNT. "Battle of Psychics Season 15". They, among other things, spoke about the details of the life of the main participants in the project: Julia Wang, Tatyana Larina, Arseniy Karadzh, Baba Katya, others.

In the fall of 2015, a video appeared on NTV, in which Julia Wang announced that she had decided to give up magic and do more mundane things, such as the perfume business, writing books, modeling clothes, and so on.

After participating in the Battle, Julia really continued to create exclusive perfumes, began to write songs and perform as part of her own rock band.

In the summer of 2016, viewers again saw Wang in the TNT channel project - " Psychics are investigating". As part of the fifth season of the show, Julia, along with Alexander Sheps, the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, went to the Kaliningrad Region, where both magicians visited the mysterious medieval Order Castle Shaaken. The reason for their visit there was the ghosts, which, according to eyewitnesses, constantly walk around the territory of the building.

This participation Julia Wang in a programme " Psychics are investigating”was the first, before that she had not starred in“ The Battle of the Strongest ”.

After filming, Alexander Sheps admitted that he was a little nervous, as it was scary to “fall into the mud on his face”, being weaker than his rival.

Julia Wang. Past and personal lives

Julia often asked to be called nothing but the Spirit of Chaos, stating that she herself is magic. In one of the interviews, the psychic said that she remembers all her past lives. So, according to her, there were about 150 of them. She managed to try on both female and male looks.

As far as personal life is concerned, Wang there were dizzying romances with men, but she will become married only if she finds a chosen one like herself. Also Julia She openly spoke about the fact that she was unlikely to ever decide on a child.

Summer 2017 Julia impressed fans with her incredible thinness, short hair, nondescript hair color and sickly appearance. The bright girl suddenly completely changed her style, and instead of extravagant outfits, men's suits began to flicker more and more often in her photo. She did not comment on the radical change in style and weight loss. And about her hair, she only said that in the UK, where she began to visit more and more often (a young man lives there Wang, with which, by the way, everything is serious with the girl), the hairdressers accidentally dyed her hair radically black, which ruined her hair.

Later Julia Wang admitted that she was tired of experimenting with hair color, so she decided to return to the natural “mouse” shade.

“How difficult it is not to become what others see you. Especially when all your life you have been fighting between two “I’s”, one of which knows everything, lives a secret life, and the other has been convinced since childhood that you are crazy, and you sincerely consider yourself crazy, trying to mimic the environment. Once the second “I” will still break out,” said Julia after changing her image.

Julia Wang. Filmography

The Best Movie 2 (2009)
Galygin.ru (2009)
Tumbler (2007)
Day Watch (2005)
Balzac age, or All men are their own ... (TV series, 2004 - ...)
Victim (2000)

A participant in the show “The Battle of Psychics”, the black witch Ilona Novoselova was found dead under the windows of a house on the Enthusiasts Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the balcony of the sixth floor, having quarreled with a young man Artem Besov. Many viewers sympathized with Novoselova, who was known as one of the most scandalous participants in the program. The young woman often allowed herself ambiguous antics and could express herself obscenely, which attracted the attention of the public. There were also rumors on the Web that Novoselova underwent a sex change operation. It's no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom his parents named Andrei. Ilona fell in love with viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project "Battle of Psychics". The Tenacious Witch was a contestant on the show's sixth and finalist seasons.

But another psychic, Ziraddin Rzayev, was friends with Novoselova. He spoke of Ilona very warmly, calling her a little girl.

Everyone said she was aggressive, in fact, she just looked like that. She was in life like a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. We worked with Ilona in a pair: she is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, she was well-mannered, she did not break through energy. We had a good tandem. I believe that this is a loss for the psychic world, - Rzayev concluded.


Anastasia, a friend of Ilona Novoselova, also described the deceased positively.

For me, he was a good person who will always help in any way he can, one of the few who was remembered for a lifetime. She helped someone, maybe she did something badly, because such a profession, but for relatives and friends she remains a good person, ”REN TV quotes a friend of Ilona.

According to Novoselova's colleague Marilyn Kerro, she was not at all going to die ahead of time.

She showed herself stronger than she is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently got into a fight. She always said that it's too early to die, - Kerro said fragmentarily.

Igor Gornostaev, a participant in the seventh season of the mystical show, shared his memories of a colleague who died tragically. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.


This was to be expected. She had problems from birth, because of this the question arose with the definition of sex. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using psychic abilities and even got baptized. Because when you have to communicate with the other world, it does not lead to good. During the project, Ilona and I were on friendly terms. After the end of the Battle of Psychics, we did not keep in touch with her. I only heard rumors that it was not easy for her. She came to the project quite young, and after that huge popularity fell on her, they began to make appointments with her. Of course, when she began to accept 10 people, it took a lot of effort. She didn’t seem like a strong psychic to me,” Igor Gornostaev told StarHit.

StarHit contacted the illusionist and host of the Battle of Psychics program Sergei Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely acquainted with Ilona Novoselova, but she stood out from other participants in the show.

It's just that people don't fall off the sixth floor. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics. There were many rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed her sex. Sometimes I saw her in scandalous news bulletins. In general, I don’t intersect with psychics after the project, I don’t talk even after filming. However, I saw that she was a rather reserved person. I don’t dare to draw any conclusions, but after participating in the Battle of Psychics, popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to endure ... As I could see, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, you never know what could have happened - maybe alcohol is involved or some illegal substances. I didn’t see her at any parties, only one can draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks, ”Sergey Safronov told StarHit.

The journalists also got to Ilona's neighbors. Those noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals, they often drank alcohol. Could throw dishes at him in the stairwell. In general, she was a good person. Mom did not live with them, occasionally she only came - she checked them. I was at that moment at home, I heard screams. It all happened at three o'clock in the afternoon, - one neighbor said.

Another resident of the house spoke about the strange behavior of Ilona.

She kind of cursed this house. It was often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something. This was discussed in a chat at home. It is possible that she was sick with something, another neighbor of the deceased girl said.

Last weekend, a new season of the program "Psychics. The Battle of the Strongest" went on the air. While famous magicians, sorcerers and witches are investigating mystical mysteries on the screens, the site recalls what happens in the ordinary life of clairvoyants. And they are worried about quite earthly issues - pregnancy, parting with their husbands, litigation, illness and money.

Photo: instagram

Victoria Rydos

Victoria and her husband Vasily are raising their daughter Varvara, and will soon become parents again: in February, the couple will have a son, whose name the spouses have not yet disclosed. Even in the last stages of pregnancy, Rydos continues to work and lead an active lifestyle: the witch spent the winter holidays with her family in Thailand, and upon returning home she presented the magical diary “Turning Year”, which, according to Victoria herself, will help its owners learn to “use magical the energy of the annual cycle to make yourself stronger and your life more harmonious. Rydos will spend the first spring months on maternity leave, and at the end of May he will meet with fans at a week-long seminar in Turkey - the cost of participation in the event starts from 1.5 thousand dollars.

Natalya Banteeva

“I am a Life-coach, I find solutions to non-standard problems,” Natalia writes about herself. The St. Petersburg witch also earns in other ways: the woman opened a production center (among the services are trainings, creating advertising, producing events and public figures, organizing holidays and corporate parties), launched a clothing line and created a school of magic. A loud scandal is connected with Banteeva's latest business project: according to media reports, during a five-day training course, the witch of the Forensic Medical Examination Bureau in St. Petersburg.

Marilyn Cerro

Another witch and another pregnancy among the participants in the Battle of Psychics. The other day, a picture of a rounded belly appeared on Marilyn's personal page - users immediately began to congratulate the woman on her imminent replenishment and even received answers to some questions. For example, on behalf of Kerro in the group of the witch, the following entries appeared under the photo: “No, these are not pancakes”, “The pregnancy is long-awaited” and “The dog is part of the family, the baby feels very well.” Exactly a year ago, the red-haired witch shared a similar picture, but later admitted -. However, now fans are sure that Marilyn will become a mother. Some of them still hope that Alexander Sheps is the father of the child, but the lovers broke up last year. After the break, Kerro rested in Greece with the mysterious.

the same Sheps they are increasingly seen in the company of a pretty blonde: the medium introduced the girl in the last season of the Battle of Psychics, but the couple is credited with a romantic, not a working relationship.

Swami Dashi

The most mysterious participant in the “Battle of Psychics” carefully hides his personal life: it is known that he is married, has an adult son and three children from his current wife Irina - a woman, by the way, helps Swami in the development of his meditation center. Dashi continues to hold group seminars and sessions (events are already planned for May), and has also published two books - "Rebirth" and "Wolf. Thinking about the main. True, not the projects of a man, but scandals with his participation are much more vigorously discussed. So, in April last year, Swami provoked a conflict on the plane, trying to drive the passenger from the next chair, and a few months later the psychic was detained for.

Nicole Kuznetsova

A participant in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics continues to fight for her health. Since childhood, Nicole has been suffering from a serious illness, due to which she is forced to breathe through a tracheostomy tube and periodically go under the surgeon's knife - the woman underwent about 280 operations. In February, Nicole's condition worsened - due to previous interventions, a foreign specialist was unable to provide her with appropriate assistance. Kuznetsova can only hope for a professor from Stuttgart, who promised to make a complete reconstruction of the affected organ. At the end of last year, the witch was attributed to Anton Mamon, but Kuznetsova spent the New Year holidays with her husband and children in the Dominican Republic - family pictures debunked all the myths about her secret personal life.

Julia Wang

The participant of the show has changed beyond recognition, remembered by the audience thanks to extravagant outfits. Now Wang is easily confused with a man: Julia got rid of her long hair, lost a lot of weight, almost gave up makeup, and dresses in her wardrobe gave way to jackets, trousers and shirts. From the "spirit of chaos", as Julia herself called herself in the project, there was also no trace left. The winner of the 15th season does not conduct receptions and does not provide consultations - now Wang earns in a more earthly way: she sells hand-made dolls, perfumes and sews clothes.

Natalia Vorotnikova

The first winner of the project about psychics at the end of last year returned to the screens: together with the Filaretov sisters, Natalya launched the show "Magicians", in which she helped the audience deal with difficult situations - but without competition and determining the winners. Vorotnikova often makes predictions regarding the personal life of stars, but she herself does not become the heroine of the news. The clairvoyant continues to work in the center, providing services together with other finalists and winners of the "Battle of Psychics" - Maxim Vorotnikov, Yulia Solovieva, Tursuna Zakirova.

In the new season of the show “Psychics. The battle of the strongest” is attended by: Swami Dashi, Nicole Kuznetsova, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Victoria Raidos, Alexander Sheps, Alexander Litvin, Zulia Radjabova, Lilia Khegay and others.

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