The leading voice of the children is Valeria Lanskaya. Dmitry Nagiyev will have a new partner in the show "Voice


During the tour of the Moscow musical "Monte Cristo" in the capital of Latvia, Valeria Lanskaya spoke about the "Voice" in her life, the parody everyday life of the show "Repeat", her favorite books and much more.

The artist surprises with her energy and diligence. Valeria manages everything: acting in films, participating in television projects, simultaneously playing in several theaters, singing in musicals.

Valeria, tell us about your participation in the Voice. Children". After all, you started acting in the project a month after you became a mother!

It was my first stage appearance after a long break, so my heart was pounding for these kids and for mine. But I am very glad that the return to work began with this project. I myself am much more curious to watch a children's "Voice" than an adult.

They are direct, sincere, respectively, and emotions are real. They are interesting to watch. They are just as good as adults. For them, of course, this is a test, but on the other hand, it is a good platform for the future. Those who make it to the final will find it much easier to work in this area in the future.

- Which stage do you remember the most?

- Blind Auditions. It was a challenge to myself. My main mission on the project is to send children on stage and cheer them up before the performance. To be honest, this is not an easy task. More than 60 guys performed every day, who need an individual approach, not stereotyped phrases, but their own words of support. How can you wish good luck 60 times a day without repeating yourself? This is the work of a psychologist. Everyone is worried in different ways - someone is confident in himself, and someone cannot even connect two words, he is so worried.

- Where do you feel more comfortable - in the theater, cinema, television projects?

From early childhood I have been working on stage - in the theater I feel like a fish in water. Nothing can replace a live exchange of energy with the audience. And cinema is a completely different profession, despite the fact that my diploma says - "Actress of theater and cinema." I know a lot of artists who only work in movies and don't like theater, but I'm not one of them. In my opinion, a film actor without constant practice on the theater stage is not experienced enough. Although, of course, there are exceptions.

You also tried yourself in the parody genre, participating in the Repeat! project. In which of the numbers did you not expect a powerful reincarnation from yourself, which showed you from a new side?

I have never done anything like this. Some things worked out easily, some things didn't work at all. I independently worked out the numbers, it was more homework, without teachers. Of course, they were on the project, gave advice, directed. But it was not possible to fully work with them - there was very little time for each image.

The most difficult for me was the image of Irina Khakamada. Perhaps because he was the very first. I didn't know how the audience would react.

Worked on it for the longest time. But it turned out, oddly enough, on the eve of filming, at the very last moment. And in my memory remained as the most successful and memorable.

- And which of the images was the easiest for you?

Image of Tamara Gverdtsiteli. At the theater institute, I made musical observations of her. What a lucky coincidence! Of course, ten years after graduation, I did it differently, but there was some help in this image.

What genre would you like to try yourself in?

I don't like guessing. If you really want something, it often doesn't come true.

Valeria, your husband is a film director. Would you like to work with him on the same set? And did he make you such an offer?

We worked with him last spring - in the four-episode comedy Life is Just Beginning. My husband is the director and screenwriter of this melodrama. I played a supporting role. It was a completely comedic image - a milkmaid from the village. It is easy for me to work in this genre in cinema, especially if the director is not deprived of a sense of humor.

- You travel a lot with tours. Perhaps you have some traditions in the cities where you often come?

I have only one tradition. Quickly pack your suitcase. Small and compact. From experience I know what is needed and what is not.

How do you prepare before the performance?

There are words that I say to myself before every stage appearance. But it's personal. With fellow artists before the start of the performance, we put our hands together and wish each other good luck.

What kind of vacation do you prefer, if, of course, there is time for it at all - your daily routine is so tight ...

I love to walk. If I find myself in a new city for myself, I immediately go for a walk, go to museums, watch the townspeople, catch the mood of the city, its rhythm. Even if I'm at sea, I still go in for sports. I try to read a lot, especially on the road, on the plane, on the beach.

- What genres do you prefer?

Any. I try to read as many different books as possible. Classic is a must. The more you know her, the better. This is your development - mental, creative. I am convinced that you need to read the classics. Especially for people in our profession.

I love Tolstoy. There is an opinion that people are divided into two categories: those who admire Dostoevsky's work and those who love Tolstoy. I am an absolute Tolstoyan. Sunday is my favorite piece.

- And who would be singled out from the modern ones?

Pavel Sanaev and his “Bury me behind the plinth” and “Gouging life”. The second is read in one breath.

- What artists do you listen to?

I work in the musical genre, so you need to be in the topic of what is relevant now. At the same time, I am madly in love with jazz, I dreamed of singing it all my life. According to my idea, in the Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov, where I serve, they staged a play “Love Show”, based on jazz. In the performance, I perform my favorite jazz hits by George Gershwin, Arthur Hamilton, Louis Prima. With my rhythm of life, outside of work, I don’t want to listen to a lot, I want to be in silence.

Continuing the musical theme. I can't help but ask about the musical with which you came to Riga - "Monte Cristo". What three words would you use to describe him?

Love, betrayal, revenge. Let it be said in the language of Dumas, but it is very catchy.

Musical is a complex genre. In addition to mastering the musical and dramatic arts, you also need to have choreographic skills.

The musical is a synthetic genre. Artists must do everything - sing professionally, move, be good dramatic actors. If one of these components is lame, then it is difficult to call yourself a professional musical artist.

The first performance of the musical abroad, in South Korea, brought international recognition to the play. "Monte Cristo" bypassed all competitors, having won the Grand Prix and received three acting awards! Was this success a surprise to you?

We were shocked by such a reaction of the audience in Korea. The hall shouted "Bravo!", the applause literally blew up the hall. And this despite the fact that they have their own production of "Monte Cristo". They are very sophisticated spectators - there are a lot of musical performances in Korea. We stood on the stage and cried. We seemed to be covered by a wave of emotions. "Monte Cristo" is very appreciated and loved in Russia - by the duration of the shows, it can rightly be called a cult.

- Did you like Riga?

We came here with the Ice Age, but, unfortunately, we didn’t manage to walk around the city then. We saw practically nothing. This winter, before the musical "Monte Cristo", we walked around the Old Town and also found the attributes of the New Year. Riga is very similar to other Baltic cities. I know Lithuania very well. Something in common can be traced, but in each of the countries there is something so original that distinguishes them.

Very soon fans of the show "Voice" will be able to watch the children's vocal competition on the air of Channel One. It is already known that Dima Bilan, Pelageya and Leonid Agutin took the judges' chairs this season. The mentor of the adult "Voice" replaced Maxim Fadeev, who announced last summer that he was leaving the project. The replacement took place in the leading. So, the popular theater and film actress Valeria Lanskaya became the new co-host of Dmitry Nagiyev. She had a difficult mission - to set up the children before the performance. How the actress, who herself became a mother in September last year, managed to cope with emotions, what impressions the project left, how she managed to combine work and raising a baby, Valeria told in an interview with Russian Blogger.

How long did you think about the proposal to become the host of the project “Voice. Children"?

I immediately agreed when the producers offered me. Firstly, it is very interesting to work with children - this is a special energy! My mission is to send kids on stage and cheer them up before the performance. Here you need to be a psychologist and a friend, as I am with them at the most exciting moment. Each of the participants, of which there are more than 300 people, needs an individual approach, their own words of support. Agree, it’s bad to cheer with the same “template” phrases. After all, insincerity will be noticeable not only to children in the studio, but also to viewers. Therefore, this work is interesting to me from a professional point of view, it is interesting for me to conduct a dialogue, find new images and choose the right words.

Having become a mother, have you begun to relate to children in a different way?

I have always loved children very much. Yes, my child is very desirable and long-awaited. I can't say that anything has changed. However, after the birth of my son, I became softer and calmer, less nervous. Before, I would have been much more worried. With the advent of Artemia in my life, it has become easier to relate to everything, there is no extra fuss. And this is good!

Tell us about working with co-host Dmitry Nagiyev.

On this project, in pairs, we work quite a bit with him, we only open and close. Each of us is in our own room. Dmitry meets the participants after the performance, I see them off. In general, we have known him for a long time, since the Two Stars project. Sometimes we communicate outside of projects, but now we have met again. He supports me, so everything is good and comfortable. Praise from a mega-experienced presenter is very pleasant.

We will see many talented guys who have declared themselves in the show “Voice. Children"?

Honestly, I didn't expect there to be so many! The percentage of incredibly talented children is very high. Guys arrived from different cities, who had previously been selected at preliminary castings. Most of them are not afraid of anything, they have amazing voices and professional voice skills. I think a lot of artists should learn from them. (smiles)

Tell us, were there participants that you liked, but they were not chosen by the judges for one reason or another?

Were. But everyone should understand that it is very difficult to choose the best of the talented guys. Sometimes judges are simply afraid of missing out on the most talented, so many have to be undeservedly denied, as the number of places in the competition is limited. Luckily, it's not the end of the world! The kids are young and have their whole lives ahead of them! The majority will have more than one chance to show themselves. At the same time, everyone who took part in the "blind auditions" will receive their five minutes of fame on Channel One. They will be shown on TV all over the country!

Did they not take Artemy with them to the shooting, as Natalia Podolskaya and Katie Topuria sometimes did?

We were with him quite by chance at the gathering of the show "Voice" before the first day of filming. I had no one to leave my son with. It was the only time! I think that keeping babies in a small stuffy room is bad. Of course, many take their children to work, but my mother helps me, who looks after her son in his usual environment with normal food. He walks normally and is constantly under supervision, rather than I will leave him to strangers, make-up assistants and be nervous in the frame because of him.

You are a representative of a creative dynasty. How do you see your child? What parenting methods do you intend to follow?

It's hard to talk about it. Let him start to express himself somehow and talk. I have never been forced into a profession, and I will not. I will try to diversify it, including musically, with the opportunity to choose the direction in which there will be special abilities.

I would like to say that you look great. Did you have to recover after giving birth, or are you the owner of good genetics?

I cannot say that I have completely recovered. There are a few extra pounds. But I eat normally because I feed. You can recover quickly if you don't feed. Until I stop feeding, a few kilograms will be superfluous. The person himself chooses what is more important - the health of the child or the figure. (smiles).

Almost immediately after the birth of your son, you took the stage of the Operetta Theater without refusing to participate in the musical "Count Orlov". What difficulties did you face before going on stage after giving birth?

Why did you decide not to be on maternity leave?

I don't see any point in this. Agree, it’s one thing to act in films, go on expeditions and not see a child for days, and it’s completely another thing to go to performances in the evening or sometimes to shoot several times a month. Work helps to get back into physical shape faster, not to fall out of the profession, not to overtrain. Some actresses sit with children for several years, and then lose energy and begin to get nervous again before going on stage. Why is this needed? At the same time, I do not cease to be a normal full-fledged mother and spend a lot of time with my child. In general, the theater is optimal for work when you are raising a small child.

Actress Valeria Lanskaya will become the new co-host of the third season of the Voice. Children".

29-year-old theater and film actress Valeria Lanskaya will become the new face of the main competition for musically gifted children on Channel One. She will host the popular show " Voice. Children". Lanskaya has repeatedly participated in television projects, including on " Channel One". Valeria Lanskaya starred in the film " rowan waltz", as well as in the series" circus princess», « Temporarily unavailable", « Yesenin"and so on.

Recall the mentors of the new season will be Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin And Pelagia - most of the same "star" jury of the adult "Voice", which brought the show to the top of the ratings among viewers. Producer Maxim Fadeev, previously acting as a mentor to young talents in Voice. Children", . By the way, it was his young mentors who became winners in past seasons.

"Voice. Children is a Russian adaptation of the Dutch show The Voice Kids. The format of the show involves the participation of children from 7 to 14 years old. As in the adult "Voice", the contestants will have blind auditions, selections by mentors and viewers. Each mentor can select 15 talented guys for further participation in the show.


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