Hosts of Good Morning. The most beautiful TV presenters in Russia TV presenters good morning 1 channel women



Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva is the host of the Vremya information program on aired from Monday to 21 o'clock local time. Ekaterina Sergeevna came to work in 1991. At first she was the announcer of Central Television and the Ostankino television company, and also hosted the Good Morning program. Since 1995, Andreeva has been working on Channel One (then still ORT). She began her career here as an editor of information programs, and then was the host of news releases. Since 1998, Ekaterina Sergeevna has been the permanent host of the Vremya program on Channel One. The work schedule is a week after a week with Vitaly Eliseev.

Vitaly Eliseev

Vitaly Borisovich, along with Ekaterina Andreeva, is a permanent host of the Vremya information program. Eliseev has been working in this field since 2007. Vitaly Borisovich joined the information service of Channel One in 1992. Then he worked as an engineer in the broadcast coordination department, and then served as editor of the correspondent department. Since 2005, Eliseev has been the head of the planning and production department of the Directorate of Information Programs of the main Russian TV channel. Vitaly Eliseev was appointed host of the Vremya program in 2007, replacing Andrei Baturin in this position. The work schedule is a week after a week with Ekaterina Andreeva.

Dmitry Borisov

Dmitry Dmitrievich is the host of the evening editions of the Novosti program on Channel One, aired from Monday to Friday at 18:00 local time. Borisov is a well-known Runet figure, as well as a producer of documentaries. Dmitry Dmitrievich was invited to Channel One in August 2006. At first, he led the morning and afternoon news, and then retrained for the evening broadcast format. In 2008, Dmitry Borisov was awarded the First Channel award as the best presenter of this television season. Schedule - week after week with Anna Pavlova. Since 2011, Borisov has been running the Vremya information program, temporarily replacing its permanent hosts.

Anna Pavlova

Anna Yuryevna is a Russian announcer, public figure, editor, journalist and TV presenter of the evening program Novosti on Channel One. In the 90s, Pavlova worked as a referent for the Vremya program, after which she worked as an assistant director and editor of the Vesti group of cities on the Russia 1 TV channel (then RTR). After some time, Anna Yuryevna graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow Moscow State University and became the host of the Vesti program of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Soon she goes to work as a news presenter on the TV-6 channel. In 2001, Anna Pavlova hosted morning and afternoon newscasts on Channel One (then ORT), after which she left for REN-TV as the host of the 24 program.

Anna Pavlova returned to the main TV channel of the country already in 2007, where she works in the Directorate of Information Programs. In 2009, Pavlova was the host of the Vremya program, and then the host of news releases broadcasting to Central Russia. During the same period, she hosted five-minute newscasts that aired every half hour on the Good Morning program. In 2013, Anna Yuryevna was the host of the nightly news releases on Channel One. Currently, along with Dmitry Borisov, he hosts the Evening News program. The schedule is week after week.

Among the other news presenters of Channel One are Valeria Korableva (daily editions), Alena Lapshina (daily editions), Sergey Tugushev (morning and afternoon editions), Larisa Medvedskaya (morning and afternoon editions), Maxim Sharafutdinov (night editions), Yuri Lipatov (night editions ), Andrei Levandovsky (early morning editions) and Maria Vasilyeva (early morning editions). In addition, on Sundays Channel One broadcasts the information and analytical program “Sunday Time”, hosted by Irada Zeynalova, who recently replaced Pyotr Tolstoy in this position.

» on the TV channel "Russia 1". Also known as an actress and fashion model.

Elena Nikolaeva. Biography

Elena Nikolaeva was born in Tashkent. Elena's mother and father were physicists. Grandmother worked as a design engineer: she built aircraft at the TAPOiCH plant. Grandfather was the head of the same factory. WITH childhood Elena dreamed of being a journalist. At the age of 14, she moved to Moscow with her family. IN In 2009 Elena graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin, where she studied in the specialty "Economics and Management at an Oil and Gas Enterprise".

Elena Nikolaeva: “I dreamed of becoming a journalist, and this would be a truly independent path for me. But my mother slammed the door of the room: “This is not a profession.” An agreement was introduced: first I get an education with which, as they say, "you won't get lost."

In 2011, she entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, where she received additional education as a TV presenter.

For six months - from 2010 to mid-2011 - Elena worked as a news correspondent on the Expert TV channel. She started with small stories, and then began to produce her own special reports. In 2012, Elena Nikolaeva began to write a small column, which grew into a full-fledged program " New business with Elena Nikolaeva”, being the author, presenter and chief editor of all issues.

In early 2013, Elena received an offer to transfer the television format to print and publish weekly in the magazine " Expert". For three years, about 170 stories have already been published telling about young Russian businessmen in the New Business section. Elena also writes her column in the magazine "Snob".

Also at the beginning of 2013, Elena received an offer from the RBC TV channel. After six months of work as the host of news releases, since the fall of 2013, Nikolaeva began to host the program “ business morning».

Since September 2014 - the host of the linear broadcast on the Moscow 24 TV channel.

In the spring of 2015, Elena Nikolaeva joined the program team " RUssia morning" as the host of exit interviews with "first persons". In the summer of 2015, she became the main host of Morning of Russia.

Elena Nikolaeva: “I'm just happy. It is a great honor and responsibility for me to wish good morning to our entire vast country, to all our compatriots and beyond. "Morning" is generally responsible. The main thing is to start the day with the right emotion. Almost for the first time, I feel like I belong. I want to be better - for you. And let our morning with you become the basis of a good, successful day. And everything will work out.

In March 2017, on the channel "Russia 1" the children's show "Gold of the Nation" was launched, the participants of which were gifted children from 5 to 12 years old. The program was hosted by Alexander Pushnoy and Elena Nikolaeva. Elena during the releases of the show was in a white waiting room where the parents of the participants watched what was happening in the studio and interacted with the presenter.

Years of 2018, Elena Nikolaeva opened a small seasonal restaurant on the Central Market in Moscow.

Elena Nikolaeva. Interesting Facts

Hobbies of the leading TV channel "Russia 1" - literature, theater, charity, painting, yachting, equestrianism, fishing, skiing. Elena Nikolaeva is an active member of the Volunteer Club. In 2008 she became a debutante at the 6th and 7th Vienna Balls in Moscow.

In her student years, she starred in 40 commercials for various companies, including"Coca-Cola", "McDonald's", "Russian Potato", "Kalinka-Stockmann", "Rambler", "Panasonic" and others, as well as in more than 10 films and TV series. In addition, Nikolaeva took part in the filming of the video "Let's Go East" by the group "Leg cramped".


Air time: On weekdays, from 07:00.
Already from five in the morning, when it is still dark outside, they bravely fight with the indomitable desire of the audience to dive back under the covers.

Of all the hosts of Good Morning on Channel One, this quartet stands out in particular. Olga Ushakova, Dilbar Faizieva, Marina Kim and Anastasia Tregubova are from “last year’s draft”: they all first appeared on the program’s air in 2014. The Teleprogramma magazine offered the girls a little mischief in front of the camera lens, to which they agreed with genuine enthusiasm. So what happens in the studio when the cameras are off?

Girls, have you ever had a desire to offer the management to put you all four on the air at once, without male co-hosts?

Olga: - I have repeatedly offered. We don't have enough boys, and they suffer. They sometimes have two shifts in a row! But they say that then there will not be enough time for plots. We will chat endlessly.

Marina: - So you're suggesting that girls get as tired as boys?!

Do you date outside of work?

Marina: - If we meet somewhere, we pretend that we don't know each other.

Olga: - Marina was joking.

Nastya: - Actually, of course, we meet. Sometimes by accident. It is very nice.

Olga: - In some cafe, for example, at some event.

Nastya: - After today's shooting for the "TV program", the idea even arose not to leave, but to go somewhere, just sit.

Marina: - At least lie down.

How did you manage to work? What about female jealousy?

Marina: Terrible! We all hate each other. I always bribe make-up artists to paint them worse.

Olga: - Ethers are distributed evenly, so we don't seem to have a competitive environment.
- Dilbar, you are the youngest in the team. Is there hazing?

Marina: - Of course!

Dilbar: - On the contrary, they take care and patronize, they call me a baby.

Marina: - Do you remember, I called you and said: “Dilya, according to our rules, you have to work for me on the New Year and on all holidays” ?!

“We sleep in Ostankino on a folding bed”

How do you get up so early? If the broadcast is from five in the morning ...

Nastya: - You have to wake up at four.

Marina: - In fact, from nine in the evening until one in the morning we have a live broadcast to Kamchatka. From one to four in the morning we sleep here on a cot. Then you wake up, do your make-up again and at five you are beautiful again live.

Olga: - We live in Ostankino.

Dilbar: - No, I'm leaving home for at least 2 - 3 hours.

Marina: - Do not tell the authorities about this
How are you treated at home?

Olga: - So they do not notice that we are not there, they are sleeping! And in the morning - oops, mom is already at home!

What about household chores? Nastya, here you have two children - to feed, to check the lessons ...

Marina: - Nastya, how do you have two children?

Nastya: - So you didn't know?!

Olga: - I think our children have approximately the same reaction to their mother on TV at breakfast. Mine, for example, are very jealous of my work - they want me to sit in the kitchen next to them. Therefore, I try to give them signs - my mother remembers them! And then they rejoice.

How do you cheer up before the broadcast, if you want to sleep?

Olga: - I am personally invigorated by a sense of responsibility. Get up to work, turn on and go. Fatigue sets in after. When the broadcast ends, you return to the dressing room, and here you are covered. And from practical advice - I personally drink effervescent vitamin C. The glass slammed - and it's good.

Dilbar: - I think the more active you are, the more strength you have. As soon as I have a few days off, it is very difficult to start doing something, and when I am on the move, everything is easy. Maybe I'm just young? I can sleep 2-3 hours and feel great.

Olga: - And we, then, are old?!

Marina: - This is not for long, Dilya, this is not for long ... Let's increase her workload. The man does not get tired!
Do you remember funny clauses?

Marina: - I remember Nastya's reservation. Nastya does not know the names of her partners. She constantly says "Timur Babaev" and "Sergey Solovyov." (In fact, the leading names are Timur Solovyov and Sergey Babaev. - Auth.)

Olga: - Some reservations then come into use. You start using them. For example, I have a favorite reservation by Roma Budnikov: “Plaster”.

How the operator falls

They say that you are all passionate about extreme sports. Does it help at work?

Olga: - You just need to force yourself to go to the gym in this zombie after-the-air state. If you force it, it helps. I recently bought a longboard for my daughter. I tried to teach her to ride, downloaded lessons from YouTube. And, in general, in one of the classes I fell like I never fell in my life. Couldn't get up for five minutes. My entire side was cut off. That was extreme! When she fell, her face turned away. Okay side, back. The main thing is not to fall on the asphalt with your cheek. Into the frame later!

Dilbar: - And I like to run. And I do Burmese boxing. It is almost like Thai, but there are still headbutts. Although I don't use them. This is the most cruel kind of martial arts, mainly guys are engaged in it.

Olga: - I also went in for boxing in my youth. The same problem was. They set up all sorts of gibberish with me. I thrashed them.

Marina: - I'm filming in the extreme project of the First Channel "Without Insurance". But I don't do that in my life. By the way, Nastya is jumping on a trampoline.

Nastya: - It seems that it is easy, but in fact, coordination is needed there. And, by the way, it is very useful for girls.

Marina: - Libido increases.

Nastya: - No, seriously. All muscle groups are involved there. It's fun, not boring.

Are there any emergencies on the air?

Marina: - In our Good Morning, the operator once fell asleep. Behind the camera. And fell. The sound was: “boom!”.

Olga: - The editor of the prompter fell asleep most often. When the stories are on, the prompter editor (a special screen combined with a camera from which the presenters read the text. - Auth.) does nothing at this time. And then the next lead to the plot. You start reading and realize that the prompter is not moving. You go to the sheet, because you can’t be silent. You wait for the plot and shout: “Get up!” The live broadcast is so alive that everything is very unpredictable. You sit down at the table and you don't even know what might happen
- Did it happen that shortly before the broadcast there was a nuisance and you didn’t want to smile at all?

Nastya: - Nobody cares. If you're really a professional, it doesn't matter what kind of trouble you have - even if you got into an accident on your way to work. In the frame, no one should notice.

Marina: - Wipe the blood and sit in the frame.

Olga: - Waking up the country is a very serious profession. You are the first person people see in the morning. And to some extent it depends on you with what mood a person leaves the house and how his day goes. According to the feedback from viewers, I can judge that we are coping with the work.

How to get on TV? You don't have to graduate from journalism, do you?

Olga: - It seems to me that television is such a world, it is open to everyone who has a great desire, love for this crazy work, endurance. It is not particularly associated with special education. And then the strongest survive.

Marina: - It is necessary to eat a competitor.

Dilbar: - On television, no one is waiting for you with open arms. You need to prepare yourself for this or that position, constantly offer something.

Olga: - You can first come for an internship, work as a correspondent.

Dilbar: - But hundreds come, and only a few remain.

Good host - cold

What can not be done before the change? Wine, perhaps not to drink?

Marina: Why not? It's even possible! At four in the morning.

Olga: - You can't go to karaoke before the broadcast. The voice will sit. And there are nuts. Then, like Leps, everyone is talking.

Dilbar: - I don’t eat citrus fruits before the broadcast - they irritate the ligaments.

Marina: - You can't talk too much in the cold.

Nastya: - Although we have been working in a mobile studio for two years now and everything is tempered with us - from fingertips to ears.

Marina: - A woman is better preserved in the cold ...

Photo: Dmitry MAKAROV
Full version of the interview:

Dear Konstantin Ernst! I have never written to you, please return Svetlana Zeynalova, the most positive presenter. Next to Timur, this is just an addition to each other in the program. We always watched the program with these hosts, it is a charge of emotions, positive and mood. Please, my grandmother and I, she is 80 years old, are very upset that she is not in the program. Please consider our request!

On the air of 03/15/19, they showed a report on how to save on a vacation trip, which says that you can infringe on food, refuse taxis, etc. And the savings come out to 20,000 rubles a month, but if salary (dirty) is 17,000 rubles. minus income tax, minus utility bills, minus alimony, and in the end there are only tears! Do you think that I am cheating and such salaries do not exist???? Drive away from the Moscow Ring Road for 200 kilometers and look, and in the outback it is even worse with the level ...

Remove Sharapova, this is horror, she is grimacing, this is Channel 1, and they watch it abroad. Well, just embarrassing for the announcer.

Well, Gazmanov doesn’t go to lead Channel One. Well, he's not the leader. Always used to watch Good Morning. Now, out of habit, I turn it on, and I have to switch the channel, it's unpleasant to look at it.

Every morning I watch Channel 1, but the presenter S. Zeynalova is something, her behavior is abnormal, she always interrupts Timur, does not allow the poor to say anything. It’s disgusting to look at, is there really no one to pull it up, so many negative reviews. Please take action.

Today, in the Good Morning program, Svetlana Zeynalova completely shamelessly interrupted a representative from the Hydrometeorological Center, who in the story was supposed to talk about the weather forecast for the New Year. At the beginning of the phrase, she passed in front of the speakers to the girls (leading weather forecasts on the First) and offered to dress up as snow maidens. Thus spoiled the plot, and in fact there was nothing more to talk about. How not ashamed?? Remove the inadequate person from the First. The country is big, you can probably find more adequate.

Hello. Today, Zeynalova simply hits with aggression. From the first seconds of the broadcast. First, she attacked Timur with her fists, that he called her colleague beautiful. And not in jest, but it really hurt her. Why not admit the obvious that she is not ice. Then the phrase about mayonnaise: "What you bought, then eat." He just has a silent pause on the air. "Santa Claus gives gifts to good girls. Like me!" So many smart and beautiful presenters. Why are you "THIS" on the air let. Sincerely.

The cost of 1 dish "Borscht". According to them, the pan costs 198 rubles. What is the size of the saucepan? A normal pot for the whole family of 4 in the outback costs at least 400 rubles. Don't fool people! And if everything is so good in Moscow, why do you need such inflated salaries and why?

Marina: Previously, morning programs were recorded. It was convenient for everyone: both the presenters look cheerful, and, in which case, there is an opportunity to record a new take. That's just the viewer will not deceive. People on the other side of the screen feel the catch.

That's why we go live, no fools. An exception is the recording of interviews with guests. Unfortunately, rare people can get up at 4-5 in the morning without any problems to come to our broadcast (one of the few capable of such feats is Sergey Bezrukov). Or, for example, we want to wish someone a happy birthday, and the person is going on tour, or just wants to take a day off. You have to shoot beforehand.

Everyone thinks that the working day of the presenters starts at 4 am. This is only partly true. In fact, we arrive at Ostankino around one o'clock in the afternoon. First, we prepare - it takes more than an hour just to get dressed, make up and do hair, not to mention the discussion of the script and other important points. Then we start recording interviews with guests. It happens that the recordings pass quickly, but it happens that you feel like you are on a conveyor belt. There are so many guests that after a while you get tired. One can only hope for editors who prompt questions for the interlocutor in the earpiece. But the sight that we are tired, we don’t serve, you can’t disappoint the viewer!

Around 9 pm we start working for the Far East, we conduct a full-fledged broadcast, we finish at one or two in the morning Moscow time, we go to bed. In Ostankino we have special folding beds. I personally am not used to sleeping with makeup on my face, so I have to first take off my make-up, then get up an hour earlier, that is, about four, to make up again. And then on the air. With a good mood and a smile. No other way.

Novel: Before morning shooting, I set myself three alarms at once: for 4:00, 4:01 and 4:02, just in case. Of course, the schedule is not simple, and if all the broadcasts were led by one person, he would have to be very tight. But, fortunately, there are many presenters on Good Morning, each one or two entries a week. But the rest of the time you can sleep well.

Marina: Of course, with such a schedule, staying alert is not so easy. Good tea helps me with this (I don’t drink coffee, on the contrary, it makes me sleepy), and something sweet, for example, glazed cheese.

I also very vividly imagine the people who watch me on TV. A mother who cooks breakfast for a large family, a grandmother who works around the house early in the morning. We have a very large and very different audience, from pensioners to young people, I simply have no right to disappoint them with my tired appearance. Such thoughts are very disciplined.

Novel: It's true, you can't help but think about the audience. People see us at the very beginning of the day, we need to give them positive energy so that the morning starts with good emotions. We try to convey good news and good mood to them.

First broadcast

Marina: I remember very well my first shoot for Good Morning. Then I was struck by how the mobile studio looks in the early morning. I imagined a large, bright room from which the entire center of Moscow is in full view. In fact, it turned out to be dark - at least for the eyes. At five in the morning, when the broadcast began, I wanted to say not “Good morning”, but “Good night”. I must say, on the air, I felt like a fish in water, after all, I worked in the news for seven years before that, but still there was excitement. New program, new format, everything is unusual. Then my co-host Timur Solovyov helped me a lot: he constantly joked to make me feel more comfortable, “insurance”, if I suddenly stammered out of habit, suggested some points.

Marina Kim, host of the Good Morning program on Channel One

In general, we have a very warm relationship in the team. There are many hosts, couples are constantly changing, but I can’t remember a single case when someone conflicted or quarreled with someone. Everyone works quietly and happily.

Novel: We really got a team in which everyone is very different, but at the same time everyone is surprisingly sociable. All each other insure, support. I was very encouraged before the first broadcast, so as not to worry. Although, as soon as the camera turned on, the excitement passed by itself.

Presenter's work: solo and duet

Novel: It is not difficult to work independently and in tandem with a co-host, on the contrary, it is a pleasure. With a partner, there is more room for creativity, when you are alone - your own nuances. But I still like working with a co-host more.

Roman Budnikov and Larisa Verbitskaya, hosts of the Good Morning program on Channel One

Marina: When I worked in the news, I was a kind of lone wolf. I really didn’t like it when there were two presenters on the air. There is another specificity: passions are running high, everyone is tense, one mistake can cost a career. It is not at all excluded that this mistake will not be yours, but a partner’s, but both are responsible for the final result.

Here is something else. "Good morning" is a sincere, friendly conversation. The viewer is more interested when several people participate in the conversation. In general, I do not represent this format with one leader.

Improvisation and script

Marina: Of course, our wonderful editors prepare the most detailed scenarios for each broadcast, but a live broadcast is a live broadcast. If you need to include a news block, you have to shorten the eyeliners on the go, no matter how ingenious they may be.

Novel: Not only is there room for improvisation in the script, impromptu is welcome. In each "half hour" (as we call the gap between news releases), we always have a backlash in time to add something of our own. By the way, we are preparing for improvisations while the story is going on. The audience watches the video, and we think that we will talk in a minute.

Marina: And then, we communicate with the guests, during the conversation there are questions that are not written in the script, new remarks, jokes, this makes the program truly alive.

Incidents on the set

Novel: Anything happens on air. Sometimes the microphone is turned off. It happens that by mistake they broadcast at the wrong time - a little earlier or a little later. You have to somehow get out and navigate in the course of the play. But, to be honest, I don’t remember any specific case right now.

Marina: Yes, indeed, there are enough incidents. Recently we talked with Alexey Glyzin. He talked about a children's music competition. I decided to ask the musician about how he feels when he hears his songs performed by little contestants. I say: “Do you like it when the guys sing songs ... Serov?” I don’t know why I remembered this no less wonderful musician, some clouding! Alexei turned out to be a very tactful person - after my reservation he didn’t even raise an eyebrow, he calmly continued the conversation.

Marina Kim, host of the Good Morning program on Channel One

Here is another funny situation. Sometimes we do live broadcasts on the street. And since the weather a couple of weeks ago was not at all spring, especially in the mornings (the face turned blue so that no makeup could save it, and the sound engineers heard our teeth chattering), it was necessary to show ingenuity and find some "frost-resistant" guest. They showed it - they decided to invite a bear to the studio (with a trainer, of course). I had to stand in the frame side by side with the beast. I confess it was scary. Especially after the bear ate the ether microphone.

Guests on air

Novel: Almost all the guests in our program are interesting, creative people with whom it is pleasant to communicate. To be honest, I can't even single out one. It happens, by the way, that we ourselves offer people who can be invited. Basically, guest editors deal with this issue, of course, but if you suddenly happen to meet an interesting person, why not talk to him on the air.

Marina: I really love my job also because thanks to it I can communicate with amazing people. I remember once I had a chance to talk with Alexei Leonov, the first man to go into outer space. He is unique! No "star" husks, arrogance or anything like that. Absolutely open, friendly man.

I also remember our conversation with the gymnast Elena Isinbayeva. We have small children, almost the same age, so while the camera was not filming, we only talked about mixtures, diapers and other topics that young mothers usually discuss. Elena even gave me a couple of valuable tips. In general, I admire that she consciously decided to raise a child without resorting to nannies. And at the same time, she is not going to change the rhythm of life - a month after giving birth, she began to train again.

Marina Kim, host of the Good Morning program on Channel One

Luxurious guest - Gennady Khazanov. When he shows up at the studio, the whole crew knows he's going to be provided with a blast of positivity for the next few days. Even when the camera is on, you have to hold on to a chair to keep from laughing! But only 20 percent of jokes get on the air, the rest remains behind the scenes.

Some guests bring back pleasant memories. I remember that in my youth I really liked the Lyube group, I literally listened to it. She especially loved the song "Night knocks on the window with an apple." And now Nikolai Rastorguev comes to our studio. We talked, we ask what song he will perform for our viewers. And, imagine, he starts playing this particular song. I literally got goosebumps. It was so sweet and touching. It's like flipping through an old photo album.

About signs

Novel: I’m not superstitious, so I don’t have any special rituals, like entering the studio only on my left foot or drinking from only one cup, I don’t have. You have to ask your colleagues. They will tell you something interesting.

Marina: I'll tell you a little secret that no one knows about. Usually, before sending us to the studio, costume designer Lyudmila asks if we can pour some tea so that we have something to drink during the broadcast (yes, yes, the tea and coffee that we drink in the frame is not a props). So, if a mug with a black, fragrant drink appears on the table, and two pieces of sugar lie next to it, I understand that the shooting will go smoothly and smoothly. If something goes wrong, Lyudmila takes care of the guests, she simply does not have time for our tea, there is no doubt - the broadcast will be nervous.

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