Presenter Dmitry Shepelev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children photo. Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna: latest news Beloved in Kyiv


Shepelev Dmitry Andreevich is a media face and easily recognizable. He is a handsome, bright and charismatic person, whose penetrating gaze cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Shepelev is a guy with a difficult and even tragic fate, he fought the terrible disease of his beloved common-law wife, but oncology won. After this loss, the man tried to start his life anew, and the whole country discussed the steps he had taken, often going too far.

However, Dmitry Shepelev, like a phoenix, was reborn from the ashes, he brings up his son, participates in new projects, loves and is loved.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Shepelev

Many fans are attracted not only by appearance, but also by Dmitry's sincerity, however, they are not averse to finding out what his height, weight, and age are. How old is Dmitry Shepelev became the main question when the guy met Zhanna Friske.

Shepelev was born in 1983, so he was already thirty-four years old. The man was born under the Aquarius zodiac sign, which gives him such character traits as inconstancy, sociability, wit, and a heightened sense of justice.

The eastern horoscope gives Dmitry Shepelev the sign of the good-natured, simple, rich and lucky Boar.

Dmitry's height reaches a meter seventy-five centimeters, and the weight is set at seventy-two kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Shepelev are full of rapid ups and downs. The boy was born in the Belarusian capital, he was very athletic, so he played water polo and tennis.

Dimka studied at the prestigious Minsk gymnasium for fours, he did not really like the exact sciences, but in the humanities he achieved incredible success. The guy was a merry fellow and a joker, however, he had few friends.

Dmitry saw that it was very difficult for his parents, so he began to earn extra money in the lower grades. He washed cars, handed out flyers, and in high school started working for a computer company.

The young man was still at school when he was invited to participate in a youth television show. Shortly after that, Dima was cast for the host of the 5x5 talk show and decided to connect his life with television.

He applied to the Belarusian State University, after which he received the specialty of the host of television and radio programs. Dmitry studied well, but often missed lectures, so they wanted to expel him.

Shepelev worked for a long time on the First Belarusian Channel, was a DJ for Alfa Radio. Later he began to host the youth program “Guten Morgen” on the M1 channel and moved to Kyiv.

In 2008, he was invited to host the second season of Star Factory, after which there were projects Karaoke Star, You Play, You Don’t Play, Make the Comedian Laugh, Red or Black, One Family, Property of the Republic, "Minute of Glory", "Two Voices", because of which he quit his job at the Minsk radio.

Since 2008, he appeared on the screens of Russia, as he was invited as the host of the show “Can You? Sing!" The guy became so popular that he was one of the hosts of Eurovision 2009 and the 2018 FIFA World Cup draw.

Since 2010, he began to receive a second education at the Department of Visual Culture of the Lithuanian State University. He released his own book about relations with Friske, which was called "Jeanne". He claims that in 2017 he will become the host of the program "Live".

The news that Dmitry Shepelev was arrested spread around the Internet, however, this is ordinary gossip. The guy was really accused of forbidding Jeanne's parents to see their only grandchildren. For the fact that he evades the execution of the decision, Dmitry can pay a fine of 5,000 rubles or be arrested. Shepelev claims that he is acting in the interests of the baby, because after meeting with his grandfather, the child has a fever due to nervousness.

The TV presenter's personal life includes two marriages, as well as a huge number of stormy novels. Including, with Anastasia Prikhodko, Masha from Minsk, however, they were not confirmed or refuted.

Shepelev carefully maintains the image of a womanizer and a person who is absolutely not a family man. After the tragic death of Zhanna Friske, he completely devoted himself to raising his son, although he gave an interview that he did not mind marrying the woman who would replace the baby's mother.

Family and children of Dmitry Shepelev

The family and children of Dmitry Shepelev are the closest people to him, he constantly protects their reputation and carefully protects them from the attention of the press.

Dima's family was not very rich, so the boy had to earn extra money from an early age. At the same time, no one forced the boy to do this, he supported his relatives with all his heart and wanted to help his loved ones.

His parents had nothing to do with the world of sports, cinema or television, so the guy tried to achieve everything on his own. Father - Andrey Shepelev - was a programmer and worked in a computer company, and mother - Natalya Shepeleva - had a technical education and worked as an accountant.

Dmitry Shepelev does not have illegitimate children, as gossips from the yellow press claim. The famous presenter is raising his only son from his beloved woman.

The son of Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev

The son of Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev - was born in 2013 in hot Miami. His mother was Dmitry's common-law wife, Zhanna Friske, who died suddenly when Platoshka was barely two years and a couple of months old.

The woman gave birth to a baby at thirty-eight, and the baby might not have been born, because Zhanna had a choice: give birth or overcome oncology. Little Plato did not see how his mother was fading away, because he was taken by his father to Bulgaria.

Platonchik Shepelev is insanely similar to the famous mother. He is a very artistic and restless boy. Plato became the little man who allows Dima to survive the loss, not to start abusing alcohol and to believe in the best.

The boy loves to pick up his wardrobe and skate. Plato dreams of his own motorcycle, however, while mastering a two-wheeled bicycle.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Shepelev - Anna Tabolina

The ex-wife of Dmitry Shepelev - Anna Tabolina - appeared in his life in the ninth grade. The guys together hosted the youth show "5x5" in 1998, however, they discussed only working moments.

A year later, Dima invited Anya on a date, after which the young people met for another seven years. In 2005, the guys filed an application with the registry office, but immediately after the marriage they went to different cities.

Life in two cities quite spoiled the relationship between the spouses. They officially separated in 2008, however, they lived together for only three weeks.

Anna received a medical education and married a second time to a Belarusian presenter, she has two children. Anna fundamentally does not communicate with Dmitry.

The civil wife of Dmitry Shepelev - Zhanna Friske

The common-law wife of Dmitry Shepelev, Zhanna Friske, met her future husband back in 2009 on the set of the show program “Property of the Republic”. The girl was at the peak of her popularity, she was in demand, popular, bright. She sang, starred in videos, and also shone in the films "Night Watch", "First Ambulance".

Despite the fact that Jeanne was nine years older than Dima, she threw herself headlong into the pool of love. Young people carefully concealed their relationship from the media, claiming that they were just friends.

After little Plato was born, the couple announced that they were going to get married. However, the plans were destroyed by the news about Friske's cancer. She underwent treatment in Germany and the USA, but the brain tumor could not be defeated. Jeanne died in 2015 in her own home.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Jeanne - such headlines often appear on the Internet and on the pages of the yellow press. Dima does not comment on articles about his possible passion in any way, but does not refute them either.

Articles constantly appeared in the media that Shepelev's possible girlfriend would be Zhanna Friske's personal beautician and part-time her best friend, Oksana Stepanova.

Jeanne's father spoke about this relationship for the first time, who condemned the fact that a strange woman helps to raise a baby. However, Friske's sister Natasha said that Oksana had no relationship with Dima. Moreover, she is married and brings up grandchildren from her beloved children.

Natalya Friske clarified that Dmitry does not have any woman, since he still loves Jeanne and his son. However, they began to talk about the fact that designer Katya Tulupova could become Dima's new passion, since Shepelev began to hint more often that he was not averse to changing the status of a bachelor to the role of a young spouse.

Transfer-show "Actually" with host Dmitry Shepelev

The transfer of the show “Actually” with the host Dmitry Shepelev should have started the other day on Channel One. It is designed to unite close people who have become enemies, as well as help them solve their problems.

The producers of the program claim that Dmitry is an ideal option, since he himself experienced the loss of his beloved woman and enmity over the baby with her relatives. Shepelev will be able to help each project participant to speak out and find a compromise, as well as to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

According to Dmitry Shepelev, the new program on Channel One will certainly be objective, and verbal battles will be hot. In this case, everyone will be able to find their own truth or try to prove their own innocence.

Dmitry's main task will be to help establish a dialogue between the guests, which should lead to reconciliation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Shepelev are quite official, since they contain information related to personal and family life, childhood and adolescence. Particular attention is paid to the career growth of a television presenter in the three fraternal countries.

178,000 people have subscribed to the host's Instagram page, who can enjoy photos and video materials from Dmitry Shepelev's personal archive.

Each photo is accompanied by a brief but interesting commentary that tells what exactly he felt at a particular moment in time. At the same time, Dmitry does not hesitate to communicate with his fans and answer all their questions.

TV presenter staged a scene of jealousy pregnant Zhanna Friske

TV presenter staged a scene of jealousy pregnant Zhanna Friske

Dmitry SHEPELEV is rightfully called the lucky one: he is young, charming, handsome, at the age of 25 he got on the main channel of the country, where he still hosts several rating programs (“Property of the Republic”, “Minute of Glory”). However, recently in the press he is increasingly mentioned in a pair with Zhanna FRISKE. Secular chroniclers have been trumpeting for a year about their romance, which is about to culminate in a wedding, and about the singer's interesting position. Friends of lovers call the exact date of marriage - December 12, 2012.

The popular TV presenter assures that only friendship connects them with the former soloist of the "Brilliant". However, it is difficult to hide from the ubiquitous paparazzi: Dima and Zhanna more than once fell into their lenses together. And rumors about the singer's pregnancy appeared immediately after she left the TV project "Vacations in Mexico" and began to appear at social events in baggy outfits. Doubts were dispelled after the airing of the next issue of "Property of the Republic", dedicated to Leonid Derbenev, Where Friske paired with Alexander Revva. During the duet, Zhanna allowed the humorist to hug herself, revealing a decently rounded tummy. These tenderness did not please the singer's boyfriend. The film crew of the project witnessed a scene of jealousy that Shepelev rolled Friske backstage.

Friends of the TV presenter believe that he does not want to talk about his relationship with Friske because of a not entirely successful love experience: for ten years on television, Shepelev managed to work in three Slavic capitals - in Minsk, Kiev, Moscow, and in each leave a loved one.

selfish dude

Dmitry Shepelev was born in Minsk in an ordinary Soviet family: father is an engineer, mother is also a graduate of a technical university. At first, the parents tried to raise their son in strictness: the future star earned his first pocket money as a schoolboy - during the holidays he delivered mail. The proceeds were then barely enough to drive Bryan Adams, But that was only the beginning.

At school, Dima was no different from the rest of the guys, - said his class teacher Elena Khrolovich. - I led them from the fifth grade, taught English. Dima always kept aloof - he did not make friends with anyone. And there was no particular activity in extracurricular activities for him.

- It turns out that the joker Shepelev was quiet in childhood?

I got the impression that Dima just always knew what he wanted in life, and gradually went towards his goal. He did not spray himself on "unnecessary" subjects - physics, mathematics, chemistry, although he graduated from school without triples, but focused on the humanities, did not participate in skits, preferring to spend more time in the television center. So he said: “I have more important things to do!” Then it angered his classmates a little: they say, why does Shepelev leave after school, and we stay? I confess that I also did not always find an excuse for his egocentrism.

- After Dima got on television, did he change?

Our gymnasium has raised several well-known journalists and presenters at once. But outside of Belarus, only Shepelev is popular. He got on television by accident: my son Pavel, Dima's classmate, studied at the school for young journalists at the television center and once invited him to take part in the extras of the 5x5 youth program. Since then, Dima fell ill with television and already in the ninth grade he became one of the hosts of this program. For you to understand: "5x5" aired on the First National Channel of Belarus, which broadcasts throughout the country, it is watched in every village. Of course, they began to recognize Shepelev, and the girls at school did not let him pass. It flattered him: Dima began to follow his appearance more - always with a fashionable hairstyle, in bright ties. Such a dude!

- Surely the first love appeared?

At this time, he showed sympathy for a classmate Katya Kolesnikova. They sat at the same desk and constantly whispered. All the teachers noticed that Dima really likes Katya. It was to her that he first voiced his dream - to conquer television.

Dima looks into the school? I heard he was offended that at the last call he was not entrusted with carrying a first-grader with a bell.

Is it true? the teacher was surprised. - Maybe it's his style. Dima was then full of ambitions, and, perhaps, he was hurt that this role was entrusted to a taller and physically stronger guy, and not to the idol of the Belarusian youth. Since Shepelev became famous, I have never seen him at the gymnasium. I don't think he keeps in touch with the guys either.

Mistake of youth

Shepelev forgot his first love as soon as television turned from a hobby into a vocation. After graduating from school, Dima entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University, while Katya chose the profession of a lawyer. Soon, the already well-known TV presenter in Belarus also became a DJ of one of the popular radio stations in Minsk - Alfa Radio. Such a rapid career growth could not but affect his studies: for the last two courses, Shepelev practically did not appear at lectures. They tried to expel him twice. However, this did not prevent the rising star from graduating from the university with honors.

At that time, Dima met with Anya Startseva, - a Minsk acquaintance of Shepelev told us, who asked not to indicate his name. - They met as schoolchildren on the air of "5x5". Anya was his co-host. At first, their relationship was friendly, then Dimka began to devote more and more time to her: he saw her home after the programs, invited her on dates. There was a strong feeling between them. I remember when they quarreled, Shepelev asked mutual friends to set up a chance meeting for them, at which he did everything to make peace with Startseva.

- It turns out that Dima was guilty of quarrels?

Not always. But in general, Dimka is very quick-tempered. If something does not go according to plan, it can break loose, say a lot of nasty things. But then he quickly moves away and begins to regret what happened. Anya did not continue her career on television and connected her life with medicine.

Their marriage didn't even last a month...

The guys met for seven years, but after the stamp in the passport they fled after three weeks. At that time, Dima lived in two countries: in 2004 he received an offer from the Ukrainian music channel M1 and soon decided to move to Kyiv. Anya did not go with him. There were rumors that during his "business trips" to Ukraine, he met some girl, they began an affair, which was the reason for the divorce.

- How was the fate of Anya after the divorce?

She was very worried and expected Shepelev to return, but for him his career turned out to be more important. Then Dima even called their marriage a “mistake of youth”. In 2009, Startseva married Yuru Tabolina- a well-known TV presenter in Belarus. By the way, he studied with Dima in the same gymnasium and also began his career with the 5x5 project. They met Anya at the birthday party of a mutual friend, when she was still Shepelev's wife. It seems to me that Yura fell in love with her immediately, but did not want to break up the family. And a year later they met at the same holiday, when Anya was already divorced. Today she is a successful psychotherapist, without five minutes a candidate of sciences. They have two children with Yura, and she tries not to remember Shepelev.

Every day it is more and more difficult for the singer to hide the pregnancy. During a duet with Alexander REVVA, FRISKE unveiled a decently rounded tummy. Photo from the album of the official group Zhanna FRISKE /

Dmitry received his first experience of family life as a student, but then his marriage lasted only three weeks. First wife of Dmitry ShepelevAnna Tabolina was his longtime girlfriend - they had known each other as teenagers, since working in the 5x5 program of the First National Channel of Belarus. Before becoming husband and wife, they met for seven whole years, but this did not help them create a strong family.

In the photo - Dmitry Shepelev and Anna Tabolina

When Dmitry began to appear at social events in the company of Zhanna Friske, everyone started talking about them as a couple, although they assured that they were just friends. But after it became clear that the singer was pregnant, no one had any doubts that she was the common-law wife of Dmitry Shepelev.

They felt very happy - Jeanne gave birth to a son, Plato, but their carefree life was overshadowed by the news of Zhanna Friske's terrible illness - doctors discovered she had brain cancer.

In the photo - Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

Dmitry Shepelev's wife gave birth in America, where she stayed to continue her treatment. They had a lot of trials and experiences, a long treatment, and then rehabilitation. Dmitry tries in every possible way to support his wife and remains an optimist. The feeling of closeness and support helped Zhanna cope with her illness, and now she feels relatively well.

She had to endure the ordeal of the fight against cancer, she had to live with the thoughts of her little son Plato, whom she saw much less than she would like due to illness.

While the wife of Dmitry Shepelev continues to live and be treated in America, where her husband and her relatives constantly come to her - mother, sister, son and beloved husband. Together, they recently celebrated her fortieth birthday, and, undoubtedly, they are pleased that Zhanna began to feel much better. Now she is undergoing rehabilitation in Los Angeles, doing physical education, taking long walks.

She still sees almost nothing, but does not lose hope that her vision will be restored. In the near future, Zhanna is going to return to Russia, and will do this as soon as she receives permission from the doctors.

A native of Minsk, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who lives with him after the death of Zhanna Friske, were embroiled in a scandalous story that continues into 2017.

The civil husband went abroad, taking with him the son of the famous singer shortly before the tragedy. According to the relatives of the late Russian pop star, Dmitry took a huge amount with him and kidnapped the child. It also became known that his new girlfriend Ksenia went to rest with Shepelev.

Relatives of Zhanna Friske believe that he acted immorally, tarnishing the memory of their daughter. But, despite all the statements in the press and rumors, Dmitry could not be held criminally liable. He provided irrefutable evidence that he acted within the law, fulfilling the last will of the singer and protecting the interests of her child.

Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in a family that had nothing to do with show business. From childhood, he was actively fond of sports, visiting tennis sections and swimming pools. In the field of sports, he achieved great success, entering the top ten junior tennis players in Belarus.

After graduating from high school, immediately after the ninth grade, an ambitious and self-confident young man entered the faculty of journalism on a state basis. Studying did not prevent Dmitry from earning a living using his talents.

Shepelev got a job working for a TV channel and regularly broadcast on Alfa Radio as a DJ. But, after some time, he was invited to work at the Unistar radio station, where he stayed much longer.

In 2004, working for ONT, he accepted an invitation from another, beloved channel, M1. He was called to the post of host of the morning program "Guten Morgen". Not wanting to leave his favorite radio station, Dmitry “chased two birds with one stone” for a very long time, working as a presenter on both radio and television stations in different countries.

He had to fly regularly from Minsk to Kyiv to delight the audience and listeners with his unique performances.

In 2008, tired of rushing between the two countries, Dmitry Shepelev decided to move to live in Kyiv. The reason was the invitation to take part in the show "Star Factory-2" as a host. And after the end of the project, the young man immediately accepted an offer from Novy Kanal to act in the same role in two programs - “You play or you don’t play” and “Star Karaoke”.

Upon completion of work in projects, in 2012 Shepelev easily switched to the Inter channel as the second host of the Red or Black show. And a year later, he appears as the face of the Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev program, where he shows his new talents and charms housewives who are fond of cooking.

In parallel with this project, he acts as a host in the most interesting musical show "One Family", where several families compete for a nice monetary reward, showing their talents in the field of music.

Dmitry Shepelev: and love story

Rumors and scandals accompanied the relationship between Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev from the very beginning. In August 2011, journalists first tried to tell celebrity fans about the creation of a new couple among the stars. But the public took this news as another way to increase the popularity of the singer.

Despite all the facts, Zhanna and Dmitry continued to prove that they were just friends. And in May 2012, they were again noticed at a joint SPA procedure.

A little later, the first rumors appeared that the wedding date had already been set: 12/12/12. Trying to explain the secrecy of idols, the fans decided that Friske was pregnant and did not want to advertise her position. And in July, everything turned upside down when the singer and presenter appeared at the film festival separately. As Friske commented on this situation, the couple broke up at that time. But the quarrel did not last long. A few days passed and Zhanna refused a lucrative contract with MTV for the sake of a joint holiday in Italy with Shepelev.

The birth of a son

Rumors that appeared in the first half of 2012 about Zhanna Friske's pregnancy resumed in November of the same year. And only a month later, Dmitry Malikov confirmed that the singer was in her 5th month, which is why she postponed the joint work to a later date, when she could recover from childbirth.

Shortly before the New Year, one of the members of the film crew of the Blue Light told reporters that Zhanna was not pregnant from Shepelev.

The son of Jeanne and Dmitry - Plato

The source of information believed that the baby's father was a businessman associated with crime. But in April 2013, all the rumors subsided, because the singer gave birth in Miami, and Shepelev was recorded in the "Paternity" column.

True, until the death of the singer, the couple did not sign, which caused a lot of disputes and litigation between Friske's relatives and her common-law husband.

Circumstances of what happened

After the terrible tragedy in June 2015, when Zhanna Friske died of brain cancer, Dmitry Shepelev immediately left the country.

He justified his behavior and absence at the funeral by the fact that he was fulfilling the will of the deceased common-law wife. Before her death, Zhanna gave Shepelev custody of their son Plato and asked him to take the child away and protect him from pain. The boy did not have to see his mother die and attend the funeral.

Despite the condemnation from relatives and friends of Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, his new girlfriend after Zhanna and son Plato went on an exciting journey.

When the newly-married couple returned, it turned out that even before the death of his common-law wife, the presenter began dating her friend and cosmetologist, Ksenia Stepanova.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna do not hide their relationship and post photos of a family of three on the network, including the son of the deceased singer. The nanny who replaced dad while he was at work was also fired. Now he does not need the help of strangers who will raise the child Friske.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna live together in the house of the newly-minted guardian Plato.

Ksenia became a mother for the boy, replacing his real mother. She tries to take an active part in the life and upbringing of the child. This behavior upsets Friske's relatives and causes a lot of talk on this topic. But under the law there are no prohibitions on bringing a new woman into the house who can accept and understand the child.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, cosmetologist Oksana Stepanova, support the policy pursued by her lover. She does not answer the phone calls of Friske's relatives and does not contact them. Dmitry and Oksana do not want the son of the famous singer Plato to communicate with people who can cause him moral injury.

Failed meeting

Zhanna Friske's parents turned to the guardianship and guardianship authorities for help in order to defend their rights as grandparents. In response, they received an official statement that Dmitry, as the sole and official guardian of Plato, independently decides who is allowed and who is forbidden to see the child. If, according to Shepelev, a meeting with relatives can harm the psychological health of the boy, he has the right to refuse them a meeting.

Some time later, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend agreed to organize a meeting between Plato and his ex-wife's relatives, but only on their terms. Grandparents can contact their grandson on the territory of the child's residence and only in the presence of a security guard who, if necessary, will interrupt unwanted communication.

At the same time, Dmitry urges not to raise the issue of his own mother and her death in front of the child.

The parents of Zhanna Friske, outraged by this decision, told Dmitry that their grandson must know the truth. But, according to the father and guardian of the child, in this case there will be no meeting with Plato. Therefore, in order to finally see their grandson, the grandparents agreed to the terms of the boy's guardian. They love Plato very much and miss him, so they agree to any conditions, just to see the child.

Whether the meeting will take place is up to Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who appeared after Zhanna Friske. At the moment, it is constantly postponed, and the reasons and arguments are not flaunted in front of the public.


The desire to see the grandson is not the only reason for disputes between the relatives of Friske and Shepelev. A huge amount of 68,000,000 rubles was collected for the treatment of the singer.

She was able to undergo the most difficult operation in America, as well as travel around the world, restoring her health. Unfortunately, it didn't help. And after Jeanne's death, most of the remaining money mysteriously evaporated.

Friske's parents blamed Shepelev for the incident. But Dmitry staunchly denied what happened, in the end, evidence was found that the patient's mother disposed of the money. Based on this, Rusfond won the court and ordered the older generation to pay every penny.

Also, during the proceedings, Dmitry Shepelev was already twice tried to deprive him of paternity. The first time it was lawyer Yuri Gashchin from Kostroma, who was a sperm donor. He believed that there were chances of a celebrity pregnancy from his hereditary material. But after the statement of Plato's guardian that the grandparents would see their grandson when Gashchin stopped his attempts to sue his son, the statement of the Kostroma lawyer was quickly withdrawn.

But soon a new attempt began. Now it has been announced that Plato's father is Shepelev's predecessor. There is no evidence or refutation of this fact yet. Therefore, Dmitry Shepelev with his son and new girlfriend continue to hold the siege.

Dmitry received his first experience of family life as a student, but then his marriage lasted only three weeks. First wife of Dmitry ShepelevAnna Tabolina was his longtime girlfriend - they had known each other as teenagers, since working in the 5x5 program of the First National Channel of Belarus. Before becoming husband and wife, they met for seven whole years, but this did not help them create a strong family.

In the photo - Dmitry Shepelev and Anna Tabolina

When Dmitry began to appear at social events in the company of Zhanna Friske, everyone started talking about them as a couple, although they assured that they were just friends. But after it became clear that the singer was pregnant, no one had any doubts that she was the common-law wife of Dmitry Shepelev.

They felt very happy - Jeanne gave birth to a son, Plato, but their carefree life was overshadowed by the news of Zhanna Friske's terrible illness - doctors discovered she had brain cancer.

In the photo - Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

Dmitry Shepelev's wife gave birth in America, where she stayed to continue her treatment. They had a lot of trials and experiences, a long treatment, and then rehabilitation. Dmitry tries in every possible way to support his wife and remains an optimist. The feeling of closeness and support helped Zhanna cope with her illness, and now she feels relatively well.

She had to endure the ordeal of the fight against cancer, she had to live with the thoughts of her little son Plato, whom she saw much less than she would like due to illness.

While the wife of Dmitry Shepelev continues to live and be treated in America, where her husband and her relatives constantly come to her - mother, sister, son and beloved husband. Together, they recently celebrated her fortieth birthday, and, undoubtedly, they are pleased that Zhanna began to feel much better. Now she is undergoing rehabilitation in Los Angeles, doing physical education, taking long walks.

She still sees almost nothing, but does not lose hope that her vision will be restored. In the near future, Zhanna is going to return to Russia, and will do this as soon as she receives permission from the doctors.

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