Broom - etymology. Bath broom Raw materials for bath brooms


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Banya broom- (English broom; Spanish escoba) - a bundle of connected branches of plants used in bathing.

It is used for bath massage (broom massage), aromatization of air, spraying the heater with water, steam injection, and other actions.

Raw materials for bath brooms

A broom can be made from branches of almost all trees and shrubs that are flexible enough, do not have thorns and do not emit sticky or harmful substances, the most common: birch, oak, nettle , alder, coniferous. Also, many other plants, herbs and their combinations are used to make brooms.

In folk medicine

Various medical properties are attributed to various brooms:

  • Birch a broom helps with pain, aching muscles and joints after exercise and physical exertion, cleanses the skin well with a tendency to rashes and pustules, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, has a calming effect, improves mood. Its special advantage is a strong expansion in the coronary pair of small bronchi. This contributes to the discharge of sputum and improves ventilation of the lungs. Indispensable for asthmatics, smokers with experience. Birch leaves contain essential oils, tannins, vitamin C, provitamin A. After the parka, the skin will be smooth, elastic, and of a pleasant color. The infusion of a broom at the end of the bath is good for the scalp: it strengthens the hair and destroys dandruff.
  • Oak broom is more suitable for people with oily skin. It makes it matte and elastic, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The aroma of oak prevents an excessive increase in blood pressure in the steam room. Oak leaves contain a large amount of tannins. Oak decoction is used as a remedy for certain skin diseases, with sweating of the feet. Calms the nervous system after intense physical and mental activities.
  • Lime broom perfectly eliminates headaches, has a diuretic effect with a mild effect on the kidneys, accelerates sweating, has a calming, wound healing, bronchodilatory, antipyretic effect.
  • Alder broom is used for colds, aching joints and muscles.
  • fir a broom is used in winter in Siberia, and juniper- in Central Asia. Resinous substances of plants irritate the skin, stimulate perspiration, increase blood circulation deep in the muscles and - reflexively - even in the internal organs. Such a broom is good for a kind of massage. For example, with pain in the spine, neuralgia, sciatica. It perfectly disinfects the air and prevents respiratory diseases.
  • Coniferous broom should be steamed for 10 minutes in boiling water. As soon as it becomes soft, you can start steaming. It is useful to add one or two coniferous branches to a birch or oak broom. The infusion of such a broom can be used both for watering stones and for washing.

Fir, spruce and juniper brooms cannot be harvested for future use. After drying, the needles crumble. Use fresh!

  • Eucalyptus broom - more often used in the Caucasus. Eucalyptus leaves contain from 1 to 3 percent essential oil, which is associated with its medicinal properties. It is especially good for a runny nose, sore throat. In the steam room, they press it to the face and breathe through the nose for 4-5 minutes. But it also has disadvantages: the branches of the eucalyptus broom are too thin, flexible, and the leaves are long. They are difficult to "manage" during fastening.
  • Morning brooms of leaves mountain ash and herbs tansy enhance the processes of excitation in the nervous system - eliminate the relaxing effect of the bath procedure, prepare the body well for work and therefore are successfully used in the morning.
  • Nettle a broom is used for aches and pains in the joints, muscles or lower back after physical exertion. It has a powerful local irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory effect. Nettle broom is a good remedy for the treatment of sciatica, rheumatism, gout. With its regular use, blood pressure decreases, nervous tension is relieved. However, with a strong whipping, it quickly frays and becomes unusable. Such a broom is lowered into hot water for only a few seconds. They steam only after warming up the body, with light strokes. Nettle is a remedy for rehabilitation after fractures, sprains, bruises, hematomas, etc., due to its burning properties, provokes massage of sore spots.
  • Good brooms from maple, walnut, ash, elm. A very pleasant broom of young shoots cherries cut at the beginning of summer. Such a broom is soft, has a good cherry aroma. You can add bunches of medicinal, fragrant and any herbs to brooms. In summer, whole herbal brooms are used, including for rubbing. In season, brooms, of course, are best used fresh - these are the ones that contain a lot of essential oils and phytoncides.
  • Combined brooms- a bunch of branches of different trees, shrubs, herbs. They are made to combine different qualities or give new ones - fragrant compositions, organoleptic properties.

Preparation of brooms

According to popular custom, birch brooms are harvested after Holy Trinity Day, which happens on the 50th day after Easter. It usually falls in early to mid-June. In some regions of Russia, at this time, the birch may not bloom, while in others the catkins may be thrown away. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the stage of maturation of plants, when the leaf is the strongest, a sign of the appearance of the first catkins, but at the same time take branches from a birch without catkins. Brooms should be harvested on a dry day. Brooms are broken in the first half of the day, after the dew has disappeared.

Weeping birch is suitable for a broom. As a rule, this is a tall tree. The branches of such a tree are very flexible and unbreakable, long hairy for a steam room. Young birches are well suited, they have never bloomed, it is believed that they have the most tender leaf. The upper side of the leaf should not be rough, the leaf should be tender, velvety. And the branches are thin and straight.

At first, the branches are tied loosely. Hang on poles or a stretched rope under a canopy, so that direct sunlight does not fall, where there is a good draft. After 6-7 days, when the brooms dry well, they are tightly tied and tightly laid on racks in a dry dressing room, shed or other dry and well-ventilated room.

Best of all, when brooms take the form of a fan, and not a broom. To do this, fresh brooms are laid out on the floor and turned over every day until they dry. The main thing is not to overdry.

Studies have shown that it is in compliance with all the centuries-old traditions of collecting medicinal plants (this also applies to birch brooms) that active medicinal substances are preserved in the material in the optimal quantity and quality. If you tie a broom of fresh branches tightly, then in the center of its leaves will lose color, darken, and such a broom will have almost no smell, since the leaves will “burn”.

Finished brooms after drying should have all the leaves of a concentrated matte green color, and the broom itself should smell like balsamic birch oil. This smell sharply intensifies after steaming the broom. The collection of brooms at the beginning of summer is fully justified, because the leaves of the birch have already become large, but they still have enough essential oil glands, which are many not only in the leaves, but also on the young shoots of the birch. Large young shoots are very elastic, so it is pleasant to whip the body in the steam room with such a broom.

Brooms begin to be harvested when the branches are young and the leaves on the branches are young and strong. In such leaves, the highest content of medicinal substances for the human body. In Russia, the most suitable time for harvesting brooms is mid-June - July. At this time, the birch leaf is gaining the greatest strength.

Knit a broom should be as follows. First, the branches are cleaned of leaves and knots in the place where the handle will be. Then the desired number of branches is wrapped with twine, squeezing the branches with your left hand. It is important to lay thicker branches inward, and around them - thinner ones, bending inward. The broom will turn out dense - it will be enough for several baths.

It is good to store brooms in a haystack. You can store the harvested branches in the dark in winter and in the form of one sheaf, as needed, tying them into a broom. In both cases, the leaves are preserved better.

  • oak brooms cut in June - August in a damp, darkened forest. Drying and knitting of a broom is the same as that of a birch broom.

Massage with a broom

If the broom is fresh, they are steamed immediately, without steaming, otherwise it will become sour.

A dry broom should first be dipped in cold water for 10-20 minutes, and then in hot water for 1-3 minutes.

A very dry broom needs to be steamed longer - pour boiling water into the basin, lower the broom into it and close it with another basin on top. Dip in a basin of hot water and for 1-3 seconds, swirling and shaking. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times, and after 1-2 minutes the broom will be ready.


What are the bath brooms - popular tree species.

Husband. a bunch of branches, twigs with foliage, for parks in a bathhouse, for sweeping the floor, cleaning a dress; bunch of herbaceous stems; a bunch of small and long wood shavings, for spraying linen, flowers. Naked broom, without foliage, golik. Clean clothes with a broom ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Golik, broom, panicle, pomelo, osmelok; floor brush, mop. ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. broom golik, broom, whisk, pomelo, okomelo; brush (sex), mop; … Synonym dictionary

broom- Broom, a, m. 1. A simple, primitive person. 2. Language. 3. only pl. Nonsense, trifle, nonsense. Pretend (or close up) with a broom to play simpleton. Hold the broom, think what you say, don't lie... Dictionary of Russian Argo

BROOM, a, husband. A bunch of branches, twigs, dry long stems. Sweep the floor with a broom. Bath in. (for soaring in the bath). Feed brooms. | adj. broom, oh, oh and broom, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

broom- a patient with a venereal disease jarg ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Combat broom. RPG. Shuttle. iron. Any weapon of the participant of role-playing game. TK 2000. Roll a broom. Sib. In the wedding ceremony, arrange for the bride and her friends to ride around the village on a sleigh with a decorated broom attached to them. SRNG 13, 124; FSS, 91.… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Broom: Wiktionary has an entry for "broom" Bath broom broom used for bath procedures ... Wikipedia

BROOM- Seeing a broom in a dream means prosperity and quick positive changes in your destiny if the broom is new. If it is old and crawled out - you are waiting for loss in business. To lose a broom - you run the risk of being branded as a grumpy woman and a worthless mistress. ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

Broom- m., usually with a definition. II Nitrogen broom. A broom made of birch or spruce branches, which was used in the littering (cleansing of dirt and impurities) of gold-bearing turbidity. 2 braids of fine turbidity are poured onto the threshold board, weighing ... ... Dictionary of the gold industry of the Russian Empire

broom- 1. Abbreviated name from Benjamin. Youth slang 2. Toyota Avensis car. Does the broom have wheels? Automotive slang 3. Operating system of the Microsoft Windows family. See also Windows I'll go and reinstall the broom ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang


  • Broom, cat and gingerbread, Lomashkevich Laya. Dear Guys! Make friends with Venik and his friends by reading Laya Lomashkevich's Christmas story, and boldly take on the production of a play without complicated costumes and scenery. Fun and easy...
  • Broom, cat and gingerbread, Lomashkevich Laya. Dear children! Make friends with Venik and his friends by reading the Christmas story of Laya Lomashkevich and boldly take on the production of the play without complicated costumes and scenery. Fun and easy...
Who is who in the world of discoveries and inventions Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

Who invented the broom and broom?

Who invented the broom and broom?

A broom and a brush are somewhat similar to each other. Of course, the broom is only used for sweeping. Many brushes are also used for this purpose, although they were invented many thousands of years before the broom.

The caveman used brushes made from bundles of animal hair tied to the end of a stick. A kitchen whisk was a bundle of branches, reeds or wood bast tied to a long handle. In colonial times in America, just such brooms were used. And in many countries of today's Europe one can see how streets and floors in houses are swept with such brooms.

The broom known to us today is made of millet stalks. It was first made in America. Either true or not, but there is a legend about its origin. According to legend, a friend of Benjamin Franklin sent one of the clothes brushes made in that country from India. The brush was very similar to a small whisk. Several grains got stuck in the brush, and Franklin planted them in the ground. They took over, and within a few years the crop had spread throughout America.

One day, an old bachelor from Hadley, Massachusetts, needed a new broom. He cut millet stalks, tied them together, and swept the floors in his house. After that, he never used a birch broom again. He began to make these panicles and sold them to his neighbors. When he died in 1843, broom making was already an important industry. Until now, the main work in the manufacture of panicles is done manually.

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Choosing a broom An indispensable attribute of visiting a Russian bath is a broom. When choosing it, make sure that it is fresh and does not crumble. The leaves must be green and fragrant, the twigs must be strong and resilient, and the broom itself must be well connected. The oak broom is very durable, harsh, with

For the manufacture of a broom, both natural and synthetic materials are used.


It is a bundle of long (usually 20-50 cm) stems (rods) of a shrub, herbaceous plant, small and long wood chips, or synthetic hard elastic fibers, which is occasionally fixed on a short handle. Knitting and selling brooms were previously engaged in brooms. Now the production of brooms has been put on an industrial basis, a special variety of sorghum has been developed - broom sorghum, from which mass products are made. The production technology is regulated by the industry standard OST 56-31-91. A very original and beautiful broom is knitted from sorghum by residents of the village of Semyono-Aleksandrovka, which is located in the Bobrovsky district, Voronezh region. They tie him not with twine, but with split willow.

cultural significance

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see also


  • // L. N. Vinogradova, S. M. Tolstaya. Dictionary of Slavic mythology

An excerpt characterizing the Household broom

Nikolai was sitting far away from Sonya, next to Julie Karagina, and again, with the same involuntary smile, he spoke something to her. Sonya smiled grandly, but apparently she was tormented by jealousy: she turned pale, then blushed, and with all her might listened to what Nikolai and Julie were saying to each other. The governess looked around uneasily, as if preparing herself for a rebuff, if anyone thought of offending the children. The German tutor tried to memorize the categories of foods, desserts and wines in order to describe everything in detail in a letter to his family in Germany, and was very offended by the fact that the butler, with a bottle wrapped in a napkin, surrounded him. The German frowned, tried to show that he did not want to receive this wine, but was offended because no one wanted to understand that he needed wine not to quench his thirst, not out of greed, but out of conscientious curiosity.

At the male end of the table the conversation became more and more lively. The colonel said that the manifesto declaring war had already been published in Petersburg, and that the copy, which he himself had seen, had now been delivered by courier to the commander-in-chief.
- And why is it difficult for us to fight with Bonaparte? Shinshin said. - II a deja rabattu le caquet a l "Autriche. Je crains, que cette fois ce ne soit notre tour. [He has already knocked down arrogance from Austria. I'm afraid our turn would not come now.]
The colonel was a stout, tall and sanguine German, obviously a campaigner and a patriot. He was offended by Shinshin's words.
“And then, we are a fat sovereign,” he said, pronouncing e instead of e and b instead of b. “Then, that the emperor knows this. He said in his manifesto that he cannot look indifferently at the dangers threatening Russia, and that the security of the empire, its dignity and the sanctity of alliances,” he said, for some reason especially leaning on the word "unions", as if this was the whole essence of the matter.
And with his infallible, official memory, he repeated the introductory words of the manifesto ... “and the desire, the sole and indispensable goal of the sovereign, is to establish peace in Europe on solid grounds - they decided to send part of the army now abroad and make new efforts to achieve“ this intention “.
“Here’s why, we are a worthy sovereign,” he concluded, instructively drinking a glass of wine and looking back at the count for encouragement.
- Connaissez vous le proverbe: [You know the proverb:] “Yerema, Yerema, if you would sit at home, sharpen your spindles,” said Shinshin, wincing and smiling. – Cela nous convient a merveille. [This is by the way for us.] Why Suvorov - and he was split, a plate couture, [on the head,] and where are our Suvorovs now? Je vous demande un peu, [I ask you] - he constantly jumped from Russian to French, he said.

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