True love arguments from literature. Composition on the theme “The power of love


The themes are already more adult, for the senior classes of the school and institutes. Composition on the topic: True love helps to endure everything will reveal your point of view. How do you feel about this aspect? But for me personally, this concept is completely true. All the same, leaning on the shoulder of a loved one or relative in difficult times helps not to lose heart and continue working or fighting. By cheering each other on, life is easier and easier. And if a loved one, in addition to everything else, is like you and shares a common idea, then moving mountains is easy.

No one showed love in more ways or for a longer period than he did. We are also glad to know that we rejoice in Jehovah because His Word encourages us to “love one another.” But there are other reasons to fall in love. Why is it important to show unselfish love to fellow believers?

Simply put, love is the essence of true Christianity. If we do not demonstrate this quality, we will not be able to develop close relationships with other Christians, and more importantly, our efforts will be worthless in the eyes of Jehovah. See how the Word of God emphasizes these truths. In chapter 29, we saw that Jesus set a fine example of selfless love by putting the needs and interests of others before himself.

The works in which loving hearts were together are Romeo and Juliet. If not for the fatal event, then their plan would have worked and the couple would have been together - despite the disagreements of the families.

What to write an essay on: “Faithful love helps to endure all hardships”, confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller

True love really helps to endure both difficulties and problems, and all the negativity that can be encountered on the path of life. When a person is not alone, but he has a faithful partner, an ally who loves him and does not betray him, but rather supports him both in word and deed, and often just with a silent presence - this helps a lot in everything.

We, too, must demonstrate selfless love so clearly that it is obvious even to those outside the true Christian community. In fact, selfless brotherly love is the mark that identifies us as true followers of Christ. And does copper resonate? Other versions use the expressions "noisy gong" or "gong noise". A person without love is like a musical instrument that makes a loud and raucous noise that repels rather than attracts. How can such a person have intimate relationships with others?

There are many examples of this - both real and invented fantasies of writers, screenwriters, artists.

For example, Prince Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, the heir to the British throne and an ordinary American woman.

Imagine! A man without love is good for nothing, no matter what he does. Is it not clear that the Word of Jehovah places great emphasis on the manifestation of love? These verses do not focus on God's love for us or our love for Him. Rather, the focus of Paul's words is about how we should show love for one another.

He described some things that are love and others that are not. How does patience help us in our relationships with others? Being long-suffering, you are patient with other people. We all have to show that kind of patience, don't we? Since we are imperfect beings serving side by side, it is to be hoped that from time to time our Christian brethren will make us angry and that we will harass them too.

Or the love of Arno and Elisa against the backdrop of the French Revolution in Assassin's Creed: Unity.

Or the witcher Geralt and the sorceress Yennefer in Sapkowski's The Saga of the Witcher and the Witcher.

These are completely different examples, but they are united by the power of feelings and the ability to keep them, no matter what.

How to write an essay on the topic: True love helps you endure everything

True love gives confidence, gives meaning to everything, gives a feeling of warmth and security. You are not alone in this world, and no matter what happens to you, you always know that it interests and worries the one who truly loves you, he will help and support, sympathize and share sorrows. This is how a person who has the happiness to feel loved and needed by someone who is important to him feels like.

But patience and self-control can help us deal with minor disagreements and frictions that arise in our relationships with others, thereby maintaining the peace of the congregation. How can we show kindness to others? Love motivates us to look for ways to show kindness, especially to those who need it. For example, an older person may feel lonely and need encouragement. A mother without a spouse or sister who lives in a religiously divided home may need help.

"Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."
Friedrich Schiller
Loyalty and betrayal… Two, at first glance, such concepts known to all… However, you can talk about them for a long time, and in fact they are much deeper and more extensive than it might seem. What is loyalty and what is betrayal?

Loyalty is perseverance and immutability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one's duties. If a person cheats on someone or something, this is a betrayal, because it is loyalty that is the unique feature of a person that attracts other people so much and appreciates them the most. A faithful person is reliable, one who can be relied upon in a difficult life situation. However, it is even more valuable if a person is faithful to you when you are happy, because being happy for others is always more difficult than empathizing. Loyalty is what friendship, love and patriotism are built on. After all, any betrayal, any betrayal is the infliction of a deep spiritual wound. So does true love help overcome difficulties? Undoubtedly.

I agree with Friedrich Schiller's statement. When there is a person nearby who is a support in life, then next to him, even trouble will no longer seem like trouble. On the contrary, there will be motivation to move forward, because a person will be able to give wise advice, suggest how best to act in a given situation. And not without reason there is an expression "love inspires". And in the literature there are many examples that talk about exactly how love affects a person. The most striking example is the work - the immortal story of true love - William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Young people, being in love, were happy and felt love and support from each other. And even despite the difficulties that accompany them on the path of life, they did not despair.

And in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, the meeting of the main character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, with Sonya Marmeladova helped him become better and realize his guilt. So does love inspire?

So it is - the support of a loved one can inspire something that, perhaps, a person would not have dared to do, if the object of love was nearby.

Thus, such a strong feeling as love can make a person better. No wonder many artists, poets, writers and composers created their masterpieces under the influence of this feeling. It is love that can so exalt. It is she who brings such great meaning to a person’s life, and, of course, helps to endure all the hardships. Therefore, the expression of Friedrich Schiller is absolutely correct.

Direction " Loyalty and betrayal"is included in the list of topics for the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year.
Below are examples and additional materials for development themes of loyalty and betrayal in the final essay.

Composition on the topic: Loyalty and betrayal

Loyalty and betrayal are two opposite extremes of the moral and ethical image of the individual. Considered from a literary point of view, "fidelity" and "treason" in most works vividly and accurately characterize the actions of the characters. Whether it's "Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy, "Eugene Onegin" or "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin - everywhere the problem of fidelity and betrayal is acute and multifaceted.

If we turn to modern reality, then on the one hand, noble behavior takes its basics from early childhood in a family atmosphere, on the other hand, human moral character is a full reflection of a person’s thinking and nature.

Of course, do not forget about loyalty to your family, relatives, loved ones and close people. Our inner circle accepts us for who we really are. This circle includes the closest people who will support us at any moment of our life, sincerely share the joys and troubles that have happened. They will certainly give advice and share their personal experience. We must respect the people close to us and cherish them very much, as well as their presence in our lives.

Therefore, native people, like no one else, deserve a faithful and devoted attitude. We must always support them and never betray them. As various literary sources say, even our ancestors sang in folk art the significance, strength and indivisibility of the family circle. Every person who has a number of those people who love, appreciate and respect him is considered rich. He seems to grow wings from the support he receives and he wants to conquer new heights.

Every person who has an adequate consciousness must necessarily possess the qualities that are inherent in fidelity. This concept decorates and greatly exalts the appearance of a person. It is also worth noting that all these feelings cannot be forcibly instilled. Boring notations and moralizing are not helpers in this matter. The concept of "fidelity" is born in the very depths of the soul at the birth of each person. And his fidelity can be judged by the actions he performs, the train of thought and, in general, by the chosen course of life, discarding all eloquent sayings. But, you should not consider loyalty as a kind of starting position in life position. In fact, loyalty is a generous tribute to sincere and genuine love.

Only love is capable of reviving in the human soul endless respect and complete readiness for self-sacrifice. Own thought contributes to the formation of individuality. Thanks to the fact that you have your own position, you can significantly stand out among the crowd and not succumb to public opinion. In this case, no one will be able to impose other people's thoughts on us. That is why it is very important to be true to yourself.

After betrayal, you no longer want to trust anyone, a devoted person begins to look for a catch in everything. It is worth focusing on the behavior of the traitor, how he behaves. Does it explain why this happened? Does he ask for forgiveness? Everything happens in this life and no one is immune from mistakes. It may even be that, due to life circumstances or under the influence of someone else's opinion, we do not deliberately substitute another person. The most important thing is to come to your senses in time, sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness. If you can really find an excuse for the perfect, then you can forgive a person, giving him one more chance to fix everything and return honest and trusting relationships.

No need to close, life goes on, so you need to move on. First of all, we are all human and should be patient with each other. Our life, so, is filled with all sorts of difficulties of a different nature, so you need to treat loving and beloved people with great respect and reverence.

In the context of this open direction, it would be appropriate to think of loyalty and betrayal as radically opposite manifestations of human nature. It is recommended to analyze the categories of betrayal and fidelity from the moral, ethical, philosophical, psychological points of view, as well as referring to everyday realities and works of literature.

The categories of "fidelity" and "treason" occupy a key role in the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the thoughts and deeds of heroes in situations of moral choice, both in personal relationships and in the social aspect.

Topics and questions that can be considered within the framework of the direction "Loyalty and betrayal"

What does loyalty mean?
What does betrayal lead to?
How do you think loyalty and love are related?
How do you think loyalty and friendship are related?
What is the danger of cheating?
Confirm or refute W. Churchill's statement: "The man who never changes his mind is stupid."
Can betrayal be forgiven?
What are the causes of betrayal and betrayal?
When does a choice arise between loyalty and betrayal?
How do you understand the word "loyalty"?
Is it important to be true to the word? What pushes a person to cheat?
Do you agree with the statement: "A traitor and a coward are a berry of the same field"
What qualities should a true friend have?
How do you understand Plutarch's saying: "Traitors betray themselves first of all"?
How does betrayal affect relationships?
“Is it possible to run away from yourself, leaving your homeland?” Horace What is the worst betrayal?
Do you agree with the statement: “Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength”?
Do you agree with the statement “Whoever has never sworn allegiance will never break it”? (August Platen)
Can a noble heart be unfaithful?
Is it possible to deal with a person who cannot be trusted?
Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: "True love helps to endure all hardships"?
How do you understand the words: “In order to preserve love, one must not change, but change”? (K. Melikhan)
Do you agree with the statement of N. Chernyshevsky: "For treason to the Motherland, an extreme baseness of the soul is needed"?
Is it possible to be a hero fighting against the motherland?
Is it possible to call a dog the most faithful friend?
Why is cheating on a friend much more painful than cheating on a loved one?
Do you agree with Lope de Vega's dictum, "Cheadying a friend is a crime without justification, without forgiveness"?
Can it be argued that the loyalty of a friend is “the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all”? (E. Telman)
How do you understand the saying of V. Hugo: "Half friend - half traitor"?
How do you understand the meaning of the saying: "An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that drags behind you while the sun is shining."
Do you need to be true to yourself? Is the statement of L. Sukhorukov true: “Who is faithful only to himself, is always unfaithful with others”?
Do you agree with the saying: “He who never changes his mind loves himself more than the truth”? (Joseph Joubert)
Why do you think traitors betray themselves first of all?
How do you understand the saying: “To be authentic means to be true to yourself”? (Osho)
Do you agree with the statement of A.P. Chekhov: “Loyalty is that quality that people have lost, but dogs have kept”?
Do you agree with folk wisdom: "A true friend is better than a hundred servants"?
Is the statement true: “Whoever has experienced affection for a faithful and intelligent dog, there is no need to explain how gratefully she pays for it”?
Can loyalty bring disappointment to a person?

More topics:
Patriotism is loyalty to the motherland.
Can you be true to others while still being true to yourself?
Loyalty as the basis of honesty and honor.
Treason - is it betrayal or loyalty to your interests?
Forgiveness of betrayal - is it a recognition of the correctness of the traitor, your own weakness or love?

Sometimes, when people fall in love with each other, it seems to them that everything is on the shoulder. That they are ready to go through all the difficulties of life together. And all the losses, sufferings, burdens, failures are powerless while they are together. Faithful, true love helps a person to live, move on, even if it is non-reciprocal. Once one of the greats said: "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."

How rightly pointed out! So let's turn to the works of Russian classical literature to see this.

In Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main character, Rodin Romanovich Raskolnikov, falls in love with a girl named Sonya Marmeladova. Love for Sonya changes him for the better, and Rodion confesses that he committed a crime, after which he goes to hard labor. But Sonya did not forget him and was with him all the time: from the moment when he only confessed to her, to his stay in hard labor. She comes to him even a year later, thereby facilitating his difficult life. Their love overcame all difficulties and led to good changes.

And in the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" one of the heroes, G.S.

Zheltkov, in general, lived only for the sake of his beloved - Vera Sheina. However, his love was not reciprocated, but despite this, in his suicide letter, he wrote to her that she was his only joy and consolation. And only when Vera's husband and brother actually forbade him to hope for any mutual feelings from Vera and send her letters, he decides to commit suicide. For eight years, love for Vera helped him endure the hardships of life. He lived in a poor house, was a petty official, his life was not full of variety and impressions. But he was pleased in every possible way by the little things in the form of a scarf she had forgotten, a short message from her, thoughts about her and a desire to please her ... In my opinion, this is a very significant example of how love helps not only endure the hardships of life, but also live in general.

Yes, indeed, in both examples I have given, the heroes truly and strongly loved. Love really helped them endure all the hardships, made life easier, filled it with colors and positive emotions. This is the most beautiful power of love, as well as the most destructive.

Updated: 2017-11-26

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There is an opinion that love is not given to everyone in this world, not many are given to experience it. Love is comparable to singing talent: a person either has a voice or not. So is the ability to love. Some can love selflessly and forever, others are not capable of such a feeling. But if such a person falls in love, and the love is mutual, then we can assume that these two drew a happy lot. True love helps to survive all difficulties, to go through all trials.

The novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, at first glance, is not about love. But in fact, the central character of the novel is Sonya Marmeladova - the embodiment of universal love. A girl of extraordinary responsiveness, warmth, openness and religiosity, she deserves a better fate. Cornered by her stepmother, Sonya goes to the bar, but her soul remains pure. The meeting with Raskolnikov becomes fateful for her. He, Raskolnikov, chooses her because he believes that the girl committed suicide by going out into the street, engaging in prostitution. And she understood Raskolnikov after the first meeting. When he told her about the murder of the old pawnbroker, Sonya accepted all the pain of Rodion Romanovich as her own. She gives advice - to confess to the murder, because only in this way can one atone for guilt, atone for a crime. She follows Raskolnikov to hard labor and waits for him to wake up from his state of contempt for everything that surrounds him. Only after the illness, Rodion suddenly realizes that he misses her presence. Sonya's true love has stood the test of time and has become the basis for Raskolnikov's feelings. Embracing a now dear person, the former killer reflects that now all Sonya's views, her faith have become his faith too. They decide to live and wait for the release of Rodion Raskolnikov in order to start a new life.

No less significant was Masha Mironova's love for Pyotr Grinev. The girl fell in love with the young man at first sight. At the very moment when she went out to dinner, already at the first meeting with the young master, she felt that he was her destiny. But not everything is so simple. Wounded in a duel, Grinev writes a letter to his father asking him to bless his marriage to Maria. To which the father, of course, does not agree, considering the choice of his son a whim, a whim. But even after Father Petrusha's ban, they do not stop hoping. Love remains in their hearts. In a time of severe trials, each comes to the aid of the other. First, Peter saves Maria, and then the daughter of Captain Mironov goes to the Empress herself to rescue her beloved from prison. So the love of both became the key to their future long happy life.

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