Merry New Year: holiday contests for adults. Contests for the new year of the fiery rooster


Having fun in the New Year 2017 is a top priority for everyone. And good fun, as you know, depends not only on a wonderful company, but also on a well-thought-out holiday scenario. Often, New Year's scenarios are quite similar in plot. The whole holiday is built on the expectation of a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, amateur performances and presentation of gifts. Almost the only item that can add variety to the celebration is the contests for the New Year 2017. The mood of all those present largely depends on how diverse, original and interesting they will be. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use a lot of fun and cool contests to entertain your guests. And our today's article will certainly help you with this. Below you will find ideas for New Year's contests and games in kindergarten, school, an adult group of friends and family members. We are sure that they will help you celebrate the unforgettable New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster even at home!

The best contests and games for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster in kindergarten

New Year's party, without exaggeration, can be called one of the most favorite holidays for kids in kindergarten. And this is not surprising, considering how many interesting and funny things are waiting for the kids on this holiday. Just one meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is worth something! And that's not to mention gifts and sweets. But the children love the New Year in kindergarten also for numerous games and fun contests, the best of which we have prepared for you later. For convenience, all options for the best games and competitions for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten were divided into age groups, which will greatly facilitate writing a script for a matinee.

Options for competitions for the younger group of kindergarten for the New Year 2017

For the youngest kindergarten students, the first New Year's party is stressful in many ways. Therefore, the main task of educators is to think over the scenario to the smallest detail and prepare the kids in advance for the meeting of Santa Claus and the action plan. Simple but exciting contests can help a lot with this. The only important point that you should definitely take into account are incentive prizes for the losers. Let it be trinkets or sweets, but they will help to avoid children's tears of annoyance.

Find Santa Claus

Kids are shown different pictures on a winter theme. Their task is to find the image of Santa Claus on them and shout his name. The most attentive wins.

Winter Riddles 2017

The leader divides the children into two teams and reads them riddles about winter, New Year, Santa Claus. Which of the teams will quickly and correctly name the correct answers wins.

Dance with chairs

The well-known and very fun competition with music and chairs is perfect for kids. The number of chairs is one less than the number of participants, put in a circle. A cheerful New Year's melody is included. While she is playing, the kids should dance in a circle. As soon as the melody stops, each child should take a free chair. Who did not have time to do this, he leaves the competition with a consolation prize.

Competitions for the middle group of kindergarten for the New Year 2017

Older children are already looking forward to the New Year's party in kindergarten. In particular, they take part in games and New Year's competitions with great pleasure. Next, you will find some fun options for children 3-4 years old.


In the middle of the table, a mark is made with tape. Children from different teams sit at the edges of the table, opposite each other. Their task is to blow the cotton ball beyond the mark on the table as quickly as possible. The team that blows away all of their "snowballs" the fastest wins.

Garland for New Year 2017

Children are divided into two teams. Each participant is given a sticker or leaf with a certain color. Then the presenter shows a picture with a large image of a New Year's garland. The task of each team is to line up in the correct color order as quickly as possible. The score is kept up to 3 rounds.

Assemble the snowman

Another version of the team competition for speed. Team members are given a set of paper parts to create a snowman. At the signal of the facilitator, each participant in turn runs to the paper and attaches his part. The first team to make a snowman wins.

Ideas for competitions for the senior group for the New Year 2017

The oldest kindergarten students love New Year's contests no less than gifts from Santa Claus. For them, you can prepare not only team, but also individual versions of games. Musical and dance competitions are also perfect for the New Year's party.

Treats for the Snow Maiden

Each participant is given a small set of drawn food products: vegetables, fruits, sweets and others. Among them should be inedible items, such as toys, furniture, dishes. Then each child is given a recipe for the Snow Maiden. He must choose from his set of suitable products. The winners are those children who correctly collect all the products for the dish.

tangerine relay

Children are divided into 2 teams. At the end of the room, tangerines are laid out on the table according to the number of participants. The task of each participant is to run to the end of the room, take a tangerine and put it in a tablespoon. Then you need to get to your team as quickly as possible and pass the baton on. The fastest team wins.


Each contestant must hold a brush in his mouth and, without the help of his hands, draw on a large Whatman paper the symbol of the coming year - the Red Rooster. Who is the best and fastest to cope with the task and wins.

Fun contests for schoolchildren for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

School-age children simply love fun competitions for the New Year 2017. They are happy to take part in both individual and team competitions. If we talk about what fun competitions for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren to choose, then you need to start from their age. For example, younger students will be happy to take part in sports and active games and competitions. While high school students are more willing to participate in intellectual quizzes and erudition games. Next, you will find examples of fun, original and interesting New Year's competitions for schoolchildren of different ages, which can be safely used when writing a script for a festive concert.


Four participants are chosen for the competition - two boys and two girls. Boys wear large mittens on their hands. Girls wear shirts or robes with lots of buttons. The task of the boys is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible, which is very difficult to do in large mittens. The winner is the one who first copes with all the buttons.

Inside out

The facilitator asks the participants simple questions, the answers to which are obvious. For example, what color is milk or how many eyes a person has. Participants must respond very quickly incorrectly and funny. Each participant who gave the correct answer is eliminated from the game and so on until one winner remains.

Pass it on

A very cool and fun competition in which several large teams can participate at once. Each team lines up in a long line. The task of the participants is to transfer, without the help of hands, for example, by holding their feet, various thematic objects to the next in line. Balloons, Christmas decorations, cotton snowballs are suitable as items. The fastest team to pass all the items without damage wins.

snow basketball

For this competition, you will need two buckets and a lot of cotton snowballs. Participants must temporarily throw as many snowballs as possible into their bucket, which is located at a distance of 5-7 meters. The most accurate wins.

Contests, games, entertainment for the New Year 2017 for families and children

If you are planning to spend the New Year 2017 with your family and children, then by all means take care of fun contests, games and entertainment. Try to choose such options for entertainment, contests and games in which both adults and children will participate with the same interest and enthusiasm. As a rule, these are team competitions where children compete against adults or boys against girls. It is also important to think about thematic prizes for competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year 2017 for families and children. It can be both homemade crafts and comic souvenirs. Sweets can be used as incentive prizes. Next, you will find examples of very fun and entertaining contests, games and entertainment for all family members.

Who am i?

One of the participants is attached to the head of a piece of paper with the name of some New Year's character. His task is to ask leading questions to other participants in the game to find out what kind of character he is. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. After the character has guessed correctly, the next participant receives the inscription.

snow champagne

Participants of the competition are given empty bottles of champagne. A large number of paper snowflakes are thrown into the room, which the participants must collect and fill their bottle with them. Whoever completes this task first wins the competition.

funny snowman

Each contestant is given props in the form of a bag, a plastic bucket and a carrot with an elastic band. The task of the participants is to quickly put on their costumes as a snowman, make a few circles around the chair, then climb on top of it and dance an incendiary dance. The most charming and cheerful snowman wins.

Confetti for meeting 2017

Several people are required to participate in the competition. Each participant is given a balloon filled with confetti. His task is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible so that it bursts and the confetti falls apart.

Cool contests for a fun company for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

To celebrate the New Year 2017 in a cheerful company is one of the best options for this holiday. No wonder they say that as you meet the New Year 2017, so you will spend it. Therefore, the more fun the company is, the better. And for the holiday to be really cool, you need to prepare a lot of cool contests for a fun company for the New Year 2017. Their number and content will depend on the number of guests and their emancipation. But there are also many universal contests and games that are perfect for almost any company. Next, you will find a selection of the best cool contests for the company for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster.

Magic wand

An excellent competition for a large company, which can be included at the beginning of the holiday. The facilitator invites guests to the center of the room and urges them into a circle. Then the participants are given a "magic wand" - a long wooden pole. While the music is playing, the participants must pass the stick in a circle. The one who has the stick in his hands, when the music stops, must go to the middle of the room and fulfill the task of the leader. For example, play a stick like a guitar or use it as a mop. The most artistic one wins.

New Year's champagne

This competition is perfect for a fun and slightly drunk company of adults. It will take 3-4 volunteers, each of whom is given a glass of champagne. The task of the contestants without the help of hands is to carry their glass to the next table. Whoever has the fullest glass at the end wins.

Bottoms Up!

Another option for a fun contest for a drunken company. Each contestant will have to drink a large beer glass of a certain drink. The choice of drink is determined by a hat with notes on which various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are written. After the participant has taken out his drink, he is blindfolded and served a glass with contents that may differ from his choice.


Couples must participate in this competition - a model and a stylist. For more fun, it is better to choose guys as models, and girls as stylists. Each pair is given a certain set of accessories, each of which the stylist must adapt to the image of his model. Among the traditional handbags and hairpins, there should be completely original items, for example, a teapot or a flower pot.

Funny contests for a small company for the New Year 2017

Meeting the New Year in a small company can be very fun if you pick up funny contests. Like New Year's Eve 2017 contests for large companies, ideas for a small number of people should be fun and funny. You can even adapt some of the options for children's competitions, which are often used at New Year's parties in kindergartens and schools. After all, the New Year 2017 is a great occasion for adults to feel like schoolchildren again and have fun from the heart. Moreover, for funny contests for the New Year 2017 for a small company, which we have collected for you further, do not require large investments and preparation time. Complete the contests with fun games, entertainment and dancing and get an unforgettable New Year 2017!

guess the movie

Participants in a circle guess the name of their favorite New Year's film or cartoon. Other participants must, by asking leading questions, guess the name of this film. Whoever guesses the most names is the winner.

Drawing for the New Year 2017

Each participant is given a set for drawing and hands are tied. Holding a pencil or brush in their teeth, the participant must draw a winter landscape or a portrait of a famous character. The most creative and fun drawing for the New Year 2017 wins.

Unusual journey

The host prepares in advance tricky questions about New Year's traditions from around the world. Participants are divided into teams, and quickly guess which country they are talking about. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. The team with the most points wins.

Pop the balloon

A very fun game for young couples. Partners stand with their backs to each other and between them the host of the competition pinches a balloon. The task of the couple is to burst the balloon as quickly as possible. To complicate the task, instead of one balloon, the participants can ask the contestants to burst 3-5 balloons of different sizes.

Speed ​​game

The facilitator distributes different tasks for speed to all participants. For example, in 1 minute, sit down the maximum number of times, eat as many crackers as possible, or peel a mountain of tangerines. After the time runs out, the participants must exchange "props" with their neighbor on the right and complete the speed task again. And so on in a circle, until everyone gets back to their first task. Wins the game the fastest on the results of several tasks.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 should be fun, cheerful and interesting. The symbol of the coming year - - loves fun and games. Try to lure all the guests into the game, even the most shy ones. Think over such New Year's competitions in which both adults and small guests will be involved.

First of all, play with the children. To play with them, you can change into a costume of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Also, do not forget to prepare gifts and prizes for winning games and contests. They do not have to be valuable, they can just be souvenirs:

  • keyrings;
  • Candies;
  • Kinders;
  • figurines;
  • Candles;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • magnets;
  • Movie tickets;
  • Fruits.

The youngest guests are most looking forward to the games for the New Year 2017. They will be happy to play all the proposed games, laugh, have fun and have fun. It is worth starting competitions for the New Year 2017 with children because the enthusiasm of children will push adults to have fun.

"Egg Relay"

The first competition should be the competition that everyone is fed up with enough, but it will please the patron of next year - the Fire Rooster. In the original plot, the children should be divided into two teams, stand next to each other, and on the contrary, put two trays. At the command of the host, the first player from the team takes a spoon, puts a tangerine in it and carries it to the tray. As soon as he does this, the next player on the team takes the spoon and repeats the procedure. The first team to transfer all the tangerines to the tray wins.

In order to make this game themed, tangerines should be exchanged for eggs. Don't forget to boil them so that they don't break if dropped. If you want to make the game even more interesting for children, paint all the eggs in the New Year theme.


An excellent children's competition for the New Year 2017 - "Kolpak". To do this, all the children must stand in a circle, the leader gives one player a New Year's cap and turns on the music. While she is playing, the players pass the cap around the circle until the music stops. The participant who had a cap in his hands when the music stopped, puts it on and performs the task of the presenter.

In order for this competition to please the Fire Rooster, the cap should be changed to a hat with a crest. You can make it yourself from cardboard, sew it or just buy it in the store.


This competition for children for the New Year 2017 will again divide the company into two teams. It is also necessary to prepare two easels, whatman paper, markers and eye patches in advance. The first player of the team stands in front of the easel with a clean paper on it. He is blindfolded, given a marker, and he begins to draw a New Year's picture: it can be anything - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a snowman, a Snow Maiden. The patron of 2017 according to the eastern calendar, the Fire Rooster, must be present in the picture.

When the first player draws one element of the picture, he removes the blindfold, passes it to the second player, who will have to continue the drawing blindfolded. The team with the prettiest drawing wins.


A classic game that both adults and children enjoy playing. Two people begin to play, the first thinks of a New Year's fairy tale or song to the second. The second player, without the help of words, but only showing with facial expressions and body, tries to convey to other participants what they have guessed for him. The guessing player leaves, and the one who just showed the hidden fairy tale or song comes up with a new winning child.

The game can continue as long as the children are interested in playing it. Since the coming year will be the Year of the Fire Rooster, in addition to New Year's songs and fairy tales, you can expand the list of phrases and words you think of to the point that is associated with the Rooster and the eastern horoscope.

Adults love games and contests for the New Year no less than children. In 2017, try to come up with as many entertainments as possible for all guests to appease the Fire Rooster with fun and laughter.

Contests for adults should be selected depending on the company. If you've invited the whole family, including grandparents, think of some quiet contests where they don't have to run and jump. If there are only young people among those invited, then the contests can be a little “spicy”.

"Snow Sniper"

This competition for the New Year-2017 provides for the presence of 2 buckets and many lumps of cotton wool. Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on their number. Each team is given the same number of cotton balls that will replace the snowballs. A bucket is placed at a distance of 5-7 meters, and each team begins to throw snowballs into it. The smaller the bucket, the more difficult it will be to hit, so if you want to make the competition more difficult, take children's buckets or even glasses. The team that manages to throw the most snowballs into the container wins.

To make this New Year's contest even more like the Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017, you can change snowballs for grains, and buckets for small glasses. So the competition will become unusual and more difficult.


A fun competition for the New Year 2017 for adults - "Fees". Of the props for it, you only need mittens. To participate in the competition, the host selects all the guests whose clothes are buttoned. Anyone who is given mittens becomes a pair of them. The task of the player in mittens is to gather his partner for the holiday. To do this, he needs to put on a shirt on him and fasten all the buttons (even on the sleeves). The team that completes their task the fastest wins.

The competition can become even funnier if a festive cap is put on a person in mittens. But you need to put it on not your head, but on your face so that it looks like a bird's beak. This detail will not only prevent the participants from taking a closer look at the buttons to make them easier to fasten, but will also please the patron saint of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

"Princess on the Pea"

"Princess and the Pea" is an excellent competition for the New Year 2017 for a cheerful youth company. Only girls participate in it. The facilitator arranges chairs behind each girl. They stand with their backs to the chair, and at this time small objects are placed on it (grains, caramels, designer parts, etc.). Sitting on a chair behind her, the participant must guess what is on the chair and how many pieces. The participant who is closest to the correct answer wins.

If all the guests understand the jokes, then you can put nothing on one chair or place a drawing depicting the Fire Rooster - the symbol of 2017. Then the girl will try for a very long time to understand what she sat down on, especially if several girls in front of her already give the correct answers.

"Who am I"

Another cool contest for the New Year 2017 is “Who am I”. To organize it, you only need sticky stickers, a marker and a stopwatch. All guests are divided into teams so that each has an equal number of participants. One player from the team comes out in turn, the leader sticks a sticker on his forehead, where the noun is already written. The word must have something to do with the holiday.

A participant with a sticker on his forehead begins to ask the questions “Am I alive?”, “Am I an actor?”, “Do I have magical powers?”, And the players from his team can only answer “yes” or “no”. You should not think of the simplest words, otherwise the competition will be too easy. As soon as the player guesses who he is, the next team enters the game. At the same time, the presenter records the exact time during which the player from each team was able to guess who he is. Then the second team members go out, etc. The team that completes its task the fastest wins.

This competition is good because it can last as long as you like, and absolutely all guests can participate in it - from children to grandparents. Such a competition for the New Year-2017 for the whole family will please the Fire Rooster, and he will definitely bring good luck to your home.

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it” - remember this saying when you plan a festive night. The more fun, laughter and smiles, the happier the coming 2017 will be for you.

Try to think together with the whole family in advance how to celebrate the New Year 2017. Dream about what it will be like for you, make a list of desires and goals. And, of course, do not forget to think in advance, on the festive table, to choose for yourself and the children, and for all relatives and friends.

November 21, 2016

Starting with the first snowflakes slowly circling in the frosty air, we begin to wait for HIM! The most wonderful, most fabulous, incredible and fun holiday is the New Year!

There is no longer a single holiday, three months before which, friends would ask: “Well, what do you think about the New Year?”. Yes, this is exactly the day when the aliens are in a panic from an unknown signal from the Earth - “The new year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen ..”, and the whole planet glows with bright lights and fireworks! It is from December 31 to January 1 at 23:59 that we all stand with glasses of bubble champagne in our hands and are happy to meet the new year and new emotions that will burst into our lives, and this, by the way, is a great reason to throw an unrealistically cool party !

It is impossible to imagine any party without the company of beloved friends. With them, at least International Pancake Day, at least celebrate Bastille Day - always fun and interesting! In order not to interrupt this wonderful tradition, you should thoroughly prepare for organizing the main party of the year!

An important part of the 2017 meeting is the entertainment program: games and competitions for the New Year for adults. They make you get to know each other better, make the team more united, and the evening is more interesting, if you know what I mean 😉

website I am sure that almost all adults will take part in pranks with great pleasure, dance in a round dance, make a cool toast and compete in exciting contests! They can be different: playful, smart, dexterous and, of course, with erotic overtones. It all depends on the degree of looseness of the party guests.

We offer 12 fun games and contests to celebrate the New Year, which will make the party fun and memorable.

1. So it's about me!

Small paper bags are taken in which you can put souvenirs, sweets or any small items (batteries, condoms, a glass ...). Nominations are written on the packages:
- the longest-haired;
- the one who kissed the girl before everyone else;
- the one that kissed the guy before everyone else;
- the owner of underwear with the largest number of colors and shades;
- the strongest armwrestler;
- the lady with the highest heel;
- the most thrifty smoker (the one or the one who has the most cigarettes with him);
- the coolest rapper (the fastest to read poetry);
- the bluest eyes of 2017;
- the loudest laughter of 2017;
- the craziest act of 2016;
- the most unlucky (the one who did not get any of the holiday packages).

You can come up with your own nominations - the most suitable for your friends and family.

Ready-made packages with contents need to be hung on a Christmas tree. This can be done before the guests arrive, but then they will be discovered too early, most likely even before everyone has gathered. Therefore, it is best to do this right after midnight, when everyone goes to look at the balcony or outside to watch the New Year's fireworks. At this point, hang the packages on the tree. Than not original gifts for all those present.

The guests returning from the fireworks will notice the new Christmas tree decorations and start the competition…

2. What do you remember about the outgoing year?

Buy whatman paper in size A1 or A0. At the top, write in large letters “What do you remember about 2016”. To make the inscription look even and beautiful, print it on a printer using the New Year's font you like. You can stick photos of guests on whatman paper (for couples - use joint pictures). There should be space between photographs for drawings. It is even better if you order such a poster in a printing house.

Hang the poster on the wall or closet. Let everyone draw next to his photo the best event for him of the outgoing year. Someone will depict a palm tree, symbolizing a vacation in warm countries, someone will have a new car, and for someone it will be a child with a briefcase walking confidently to school for the first time.

You can make such collections of positive memories a tradition of your friendly company.

3. Coolest of all

We choose the main characters of the evening - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Those who wish to change into costumes, take thematic attributes: a beard, mittens, a staff, a bag with gifts, and introduce themselves to the public in turn. The most cheerful, charismatic and irresistible guy or girl will become Santa Claus. The choice is made by applause voting. Not only girls, but also brave guys can take part in the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden! A little powder, red lipstick and a wig with pigtails will turn a serious top manager into a sweet granddaughter of Santa Claus. A short fashion show in a skirt will determine who will become the queen of the party, even if she is with bristles.

4. Alphabet

Further, to warm up the guests of the party, it will be correct to hold a competition for the best toast in alphabetical order. The bottom line is this - everyone in turn says a toast with wishes, but not just like that, but it should begin with a specific letter. For example, the first with “A” - “The sweetest orange, the tastiest tangerine, good Santa Claus will bring you as a gift”, then to “B” - “Great hopes, beautiful dreams, rays of goodness, and a cute beaver! Happy New Year!”, “B” - “Santa Claus comes to the house, he brought us gifts: a soft bear, a delicious cake, a telephone and a moon rover, pasta, an orange, soap, a gingerbread and a dolphin.”

In such a cheerful manner, everyone makes their toasts, the author of the most original rhyme receives a prize.

An easier option - a wish consists of one or two words per dropped letter. For example: wish A active rest, b wealth, V ezania, G lamura, d money…

Especially lucky for those who get the letters Y, Y, b, b 🙂

5. Hello, sleepwalkers

Such a competition is best held when all the guests are already in a cheerful mood. One participant is seated on a chair, and now he plays the role of the main lunar base, others will depict moon rovers and asteroids flying by. To do this, you need to crawl on all fours around the room, saying: “Reception, Lunokhod-1 is calling the base”, “Lunokhod-2, we need refueling at the lunar base, the battery has run out.”

An asteroid periodically flies between spaceships at speed, and with the words “Banzai” tries to get into the lunar rover. There is only one rule in this game - do not laugh! At all! The one who gets a laugh in his mouth crawls to the base to receive a task.

It might look like this:

  • remove two layers of skin from your lunokhod;
  • pour 200 ml of fuel into Lunokhod 1;
  • solder 3 new skin parts on Lunokhod-2;
  • dock with Lunokhod-3;
  • explore the environment in reverse mode, etc.

Whoever never laughs wins. Great mood guaranteed for everyone!

6. New Year's sculptor

Props for two sculptures:
— round balloons of various colors, 100 pieces;
- balloons round with a pattern of a face (smiley), 2-4 pieces;
- balloons for modeling (those from which clowns make dogs), pieces 50;
- double-sided tape, 2 pieces;
- threads, 2 spools;
- multi-colored markers.

We divide into two teams and start creating a festive sculpture. The choice of image is at the discretion of the organizer: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, rooster (symbol of 2017), monkey (symbol of 2016), snowman or any other interesting character.

7. Pass it on

The good old match game will help the audience get to know each other better and loosen up a little. All guests stand in a circle, alternating - a guy, a girl. The match is cleaned of sulfur, the first participant takes it with his lips and passes it to the next. After the first round, the match is cut off by a few mm, and it goes to a new circle. The game ends when the participants have nothing to transfer, well, or at will.

8. News

Participants receive leaflets on which five words are written. According to them, in five minutes they must compose interesting news. Words from the card can be turned into any part of speech, for example:

  • England, Chinese, axe, genetics, Malvina (English geneticists crossed the Chinese with an axe. But he refused to chop wood, but he cut out a wooden Malvina for Pinocchio - let the kid have fun until the knot is dry);
  • Tula, flashlight, minibus, roofing material, camel;
  • Zimbabwe, pan, sun, skis, toothbrush;
  • Antarctica, soap, ostrich, bicycle, ear.

9. Associations

One person whispers a certain word into the ear of the next person, he passes a synonym or a word close in meaning to this word to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The last participant says the word aloud, and it is compared with the first, often at the end completely unrelated words are found, such as sea and olivier.

10. Slow motion

Everyone can take part in this game. In turn, each participant is given a task, which he must depict in slow motion:

  • capture of Sparta;
  • tearful declaration of love;
  • fight with the invisible;
  • escape from the tiger;
  • pitching a tent;
  • surfing, etc.

Whoever completes the task most creatively will receive a prize.

11. Alligator

Everyone likes the game of all times and peoples "Crocodile", regardless of age, preferences and other factors. But this is a festive crocodile, so let's call it "Alligator" today. The essence of this does not change: to show a phenomenon or object, without the help of words or sounds. Since the topic is known, it will be necessary to show tangerines, deer, Christmas decorations, firecrackers, garlands, etc.

12. Whose Santa Claus?

For some reason, everyone believes that Santa Claus comes from Lapland. The poor fellow annually in one night flies around all the children on the planet, delivers gifts to all the obedient, and magic pendals to the naughty. But is it?
Guess where each of these Santa Clauses comes from, and what he does in life:


  1. Originally from the Netherlands
  2. Lives in Smolensk
  3. The students of the 5th school No. 10 ask him for good grades


  1. Special Santa Claus for the very naughty
  2. Santa Claus from Germany
  3. Fulfills the New Year wishes of the landsknechts


  1. Canoeing through the canals of Panama
  2. Lives in Hawaii
  3. Part-time Santa Claus, got all the Santa Clauses with stupid questions, and often hears “Kana Kalok from here” in his address.

Pasquale's dad?

  1. Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia
  2. Is the "don" of the Italian Santa Clauses
  3. Initially, he was the brother of Carlo Pasolini, but, unable to withstand the glory of the latter, he retrained as Santa Claus

Fairy Befana?

  1. Ded Moroz transvestites
  2. Symbolizes the New Year in Italy
  3. Fairy - Santa Claus in the tribes of the Amazon

Popeye Noel?

  1. The oldest Santa Claus, brought New Year's gifts to the camp of Khan Mamai's nomads, for this he received the respectful nickname "Papay"
  2. He began his career in England, then changed the climate and moved to one of the French colonies. The natives called him "Yohar papaya" (because he always brought not the gifts that he ordered), but the French colonialists "Noel" (that is, you went with your ale
  3. Papay Noel from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys in the forest

And here are the correct answers: Sanderklass (1), Weichnachtsmann (2), Kanakaloka (2), Papa Pasquale (1), Fairy Befanu (2), Popeye Noel (3).

Arrange a quest

Come up with your own unique quest adventure for friends. See an example.

If there is not enough time, order a ready-made one. All you have to do is print and lay out the clues in the caches. Preparation will take no more than an hour. Or a table quest for the New Year - you don’t need to hide anything at all, but spend 10 minutes preparing. The link to the quests is below.

A child lives in each of us, and we all expect something unusual, magical and wonderful from the New Year celebration. Everyone can arrange a cool holiday for themselves and their friends, and we hope our selection of New Year's contests will become a real lifesaver for you at the festive table on New Year's Eve 2017.

Have a nice holiday and a happy new year, friends!

On New Year's Eve, many are waiting for miracles and magic. To remember the holiday for a long time, you need to spend it fun, there are many competitions that can be held in the circle of relatives and friends. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will delight in a great company and diversify the holiday on a fabulous night. At this moment, adults become children and create an atmosphere of a forgotten past.

Alphabet toast, New Year games and entertainment

To warm up, let everyone present in turn make a toast. The beginner should start with the letter "A", the next with "B" and so on. Let's give an example: "A fragrant orange New Year in 2017!", "I'm afraid that you won't convey all the happiness that you want this year, but if you try, you can handle it!", "Let's drink to a strong friendship that will only grow stronger! ". The one who makes the best toast wins.

Company of divers

This is a rather funny competition that helps to develop coordination of movements, teaches you to navigate in space. We lay a small path on the floor, but intricate and tortuous, we put on a swimming mask for the player and go! The bottom line is to go all the way without difficulty, because in a mask it is not entirely easy. She changes the picture, and if you put on more fins, the fun is guaranteed.

Crocodile for the new year

The competition is suitable for all ages and is quite simple: without resorting to words and sounds, you need to show with your hands, some kind of New Year's accessory or image. You can even say whole proverbs, you need to split into two teams.
Let's have a cup of tea

Now it's time to take a break and have some tea. Each person present is given three cookies, no need to rush and eat. You should put them all in your mouth and try to whistle. Who managed to whistle beautifully, you can give him another cookie and a large mug of drink!

Romantic tailor

This romantic entertainment is designed for families or couples in love. The essence of the competition is to find five pins that are pinned in different places on the players' clothes. You will have to do this with your eyes closed. Since the tailor is forgetful, there may be four pins instead of five. Someone will look for a non-existent pin for a very long time! Whoever guesses first wins!

Competition "Candy"

The most delicious competition "Sweetie", held for children and adults. You need to take a large bowl of flour and hide the sweets there, leaving the ponytails on top. The problem is to fish out the candy and not get dirty with flour. Do not use your hands in this situation, you can only get sweets with your mouth. The winner is the one with the most candies. Well, of course, in the end, the winner will share with sweets, of which he has a lot!

tower clock

This playful competition must begin in advance. When all the guests gather, it is necessary to distribute notes to them, where a temporary task will be written that will need to be completed. It will be funny when, at the main peak of fun, the guests will complete the task, while doing ridiculous things, such as meowing, squeezing the person sitting next to them or quoting prose.

Competition "Your Name"

On the most fabulous night, all guests will have to forget their real name. Everyone present will receive a new New Year's name. For example: needle, snowman, chimes, bump. The one who leads the competition asks questions, for example:

Your name?


Where did you find the gift?

In a snowman

Where will you spend your summer holidays?

In a snowman

Who could not restrain himself and laughed, he loses the phantom and leaves the game.

Prediction Contest

On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of the fulfillment of their most secret desires. With this competition, you can open the mysterious veil and look ahead. In balloons prepared in advance, we send notes with predictions, fill them with air and hang them all over the room. We blindfold the guests, hand over scissors and send them for pieces of paper that are hidden in balls. Naturally, all predictions should be good and soft, let every guest be satisfied.

Fishing in the new year

Prepare for this competition wadded Christmas toys and a fishing rod with a large hook. In turn, each guest must hang New Year's toys on the Christmas tree, and then remove them with a fishing rod. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner.

Competition for creative people

We take a large sheet of paper, make two holes for the hands. The task is to draw, using a brush, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus blindly. The one with the luckiest drawing wins.

Fresh breath

A large snowflake is placed on the table in front of each player, which is cut out of paper. It is necessary to blow the snowflake to the other end of the table so that it falls. The winner is the one whose snowflake deflates more slowly, as his frosty breath freezes the snowflake.

signature dish

Lovely ladies who are present at the table can take part in this competition. The task is to cook several dishes by choosing the products that are on the table. It can be a salad or an unusual sandwich. The men are blindfolded and they begin to taste the dishes that the hostesses have prepared. The winner is the one who quickly feeds her dish to the man.

New Year's march

Bottles are placed on the table, spoons are distributed to the players. It is necessary to reproduce the melody by knocking on the bottles. Whoever has the best melody wins.

The image of the modern Snow Maiden

For this competition, men are needed who will create, with the help of ladies, the image of the modern Snow Maiden. You can use cosmetics, jewelry, New Year's accessories that will make the Snow Maiden the most fashionable and modern. The one with the brightest image wins.

New Year's contests for 2017, the Year of the Rooster, will help not only celebrate the New Year, but also bring a lot of impressions to the guests. If you have a huge imagination, you can come up with contests that can make players and spectators smile.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 will bring fun time at the table, and dance breaks will help create a festive atmosphere. Games and competitions will entertain not only an adult audience, but also a children's one.

New Year's contests for 2017 of the rooster can be held with a fun company, relatives and children. With a good mood, you can create masterpieces that will appeal to many people. Positively minded people will create the right atmosphere, and contests will come in handy. Even the most uncomplicated game will seem exciting in the circle of a friendly company. To continue the fun, we offer a few more exciting contests that many will like.

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At the fabulous New Year's table, guests can also get bored. After tasting the goodies offered by hospitable hosts, both adults and children feel the need for festive entertainment, funny scenes, funny games, tricks, fortune-telling and other miracles ... It's time to offer relatives and friends the best contests for the New Year 2017. They will perfectly entertain a small cheerful company and raise the degree of mood to an unprecedented height. For a large work team, for family and friends at home, for classmates at school and kids in kindergarten - on our pages you will find the most successful games and entertainment for any age category for the celebration of the New Year of the Rooster 2017. Choose, experiment, improvise, have fun!

Thematic competitions for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten

Not only educators, but also parents can turn a children's holiday party into carefree fun. To do this, it is enough to tell the host in advance a couple of thematic competitions for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten. Throwing artificial snowballs, a tangerine relay race, role-playing humorous scenes and much more will easily amuse the kids, relieve tension and excitement before the performance, plunge into the amazing atmosphere of New Year's magic and winter wonders.

"Fast smart guy"

Santa Claus - a cheerful old man? - Yes. - Likes jokes and tricks? - Yes. - Do you know songs and riddles? - Yes. - Eat all your chocolates? - No. Will he light the Christmas tree for the children? - Yes. - Hide threads and needles? - No. Doesn't he age in spirit? - Yes. Will it warm us up outside? - No. - Joulupukki - Frost's brother? - Yes. - A rose bloomed under the snow? - No. Is the New Year getting closer? - Yes. - Does the Snow Maiden have skis? - No. - Santa Claus brings gifts? - Yes. - In the New Year, are all the masks bright? - Yes.

"Tangerine Relay"

For the competition for the New Year 2017, it is necessary to put two stools in the hall with a distance of 5-6 meters. On the first chair you need to place two bowls of tangerines, on the second - two empty plates. A pair of participants, armed with tablespoons, must transfer the same number of tangerines from full bowls to empty ones as quickly as possible. The winner will be the one who copes with the task faster than his opponent.

"I'll freeze!"

This competition is suitable for the youngest kindergarteners. The kids take hold of the handles and lead a round dance around Santa Claus. And the old man, in turn, threatens to freeze everyone and everything. To the music, the grandfather says loudly: “I’ll freeze, freeze, freeze my ears.” In response, the kids should let go of the neighbor and take hold of the ears. Then Santa Claus continues: “I’ll freeze, freeze, freeze my heels.” The children react accordingly. The game continues for another 5-6 approaches (with cheeks, knees, noses, etc.).

Funny contests for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren

Unlike other school concerts that are coming to students during the school year, the New Year celebration is not aimed at a massive demonstration of talents, but at entertaining and amusing children, parents, and teachers. So, you can’t do without funny competitions for schoolchildren for the New Year 2017. Given the standard nature of the annual school scenarios, parents have the right to intervene in time and advise the organizer of several options for suitable games and competitions. Successful offers will certainly diversify the classic matinee with unprecedented fun, sincere children's laughter and real magic.

"We answer in chorus"

In a fun game for younger students, the whole class can participate at the same time. The facilitator asks questions, the students respond in unison. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?

He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

What, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the questions are answered

You all know about Santa Claus.

And that means it's time

All the kids are waiting for.

Let's call Santa Claus!

"How to decorate a Christmas tree"

We will play an interesting game with the guys:

What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.

Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,

If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response.

Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!”

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Folding beds and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars radiant?

The coolest contests for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster for a fun company

The most fun and frank contests are usually held on New Year's Eve 2017 in a fun company of adults. Where there are no children and teenagers, and adults are already a little tipsy. If the boss is a cheerful and creative person, he will also be happy to take part in humorous parodies, funny New Year's relay races, drawings and lotteries with symbolic prizes.

"New Year's chimes"

To make a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2017 even more fun and humorous, we recommend holding a simple contest. At the entrance to the festive hall, you need to put a "ticketer" with homemade lottery tickets. Each new guest must buy a ticket with a task and the exact time for its execution for a minimum amount. There is also a symbolic amount of winnings for a task completed on time. Participants do not consult among themselves about the received missions. Secrecy and punctuality are the most important rules. The prize fund is formed from the box office from the sale of lotteries. The essence of the competition lies in unexpected curiosities and unplanned fun. It's funny, however, if in the middle of the toast, at exactly 22.43, the accountant Vasily Arkadievich gets up and starts crowing loudly for the whole room or dancing "can-can" at the bar counter.

"New Year's turnip"

Turnip - claps, beats his knees with his palms and says "both-on";

Grandfather - rubs his hands with the words "Tek-s";

Grandmother - shakes her fist at grandfather and says "I would kill";

Granddaughter - shrugs her shoulders with the words "I'm ready" (it is better to give the role to the most brutal man);

A bug - scratches behind the ear, saying "Fleas got it";

Cat - wags her hips with the phrase "I'm on my own";

Mouse - shakes his head and says "Finished";

The facilitator lines up the characters in a row and begins to read the tale. Participants play their roles accordingly: Grandfather ("Take-s") Planted a Turnip ("Oba-on"). Turnip grew up (“Both-on!”) ​​Big-very big. Grandfather (“Tek-s”) began to pull Turnip (“Oba-na!”) Pull. Pulls, pulls, can't pull. He called Grandfather (“Tek-s”) Grandmother (“I would have killed”), etc. A complete apotheosis begins from the moment "Grandfather for Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother ..."

Comic contests for the New Year 2017 for a small friendly company

A friendly company at home for the New Year 2017 is the most successful atmosphere for funny and comic contests. Friends, as a rule, are not shy, not embarrassed, sincerely show emotions and have fun. Active and mobile humorous games and contests for the New Year 2017 are a real find for a small team that knows how to "come off to its fullest"!

"Drunken Checkers"

For the game, they use a real board for checkers, and glasses are used as pieces. On one side are stacks of red wine, on the other - with white. Further, everything is the same as in a regular game: he cut down a pile of the enemy - he drank it. The strongest masters of international class can pour cognac and vodka. But even they will not be able to master more than three games of a drunken tournament.

"Drunken Reciter"

Once upon a time in the cold winter time,

I came out of the forest; there was severe frost.

I look, it rises slowly uphill

Horse carrying firewood.

And, marching importantly, in serenity,

A man is leading a horse by the bridle

In big boots, in a sheepskin coat,

In big mittens ... and himself with a fingernail! ...

Each of the participants must read funny lines using the intonation of one of the characters:

  • football match commentator;
  • a guest reading a toast to the hero of the day;
  • a young romantic who confesses his love;
  • a strict judge announcing the verdict;
  • little frightened child;
  • a director reading a notation to an employee;

"Most dexterous"

There are three girls in the competition. At the command of the leader, the ladies put on men's gloves, then shirts. The task for the participants is to fasten the buttons on the shirts as quickly as possible without removing the gloves. The winner of the competition receives a prize - a set of needles and threads or a nail file. There is not much difference, since both options will be appropriate.

Mobile contests, games and entertainment for the family for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

As you know, on New Year's Eve we eat a lot of delicious and satisfying food. After that, we feel the awakening laziness and a feeling of tiring heaviness. To drive away the passive mood, we recommend having fun outdoor contests, games and entertainment for the whole family for the New Year 2017. So the festive night will become much brighter and more fabulous, and the calories eaten will melt in a matter of minutes.

"Grab it"

This competition is very similar to the traditional game - round dance around the chairs. Simply put, its funny variation for the New Year 2017. But in this case there are no chairs. An exceptionally round table or stool with a tray on which cool attributes are laid out: huge glasses, false mustaches, etc. Participants move around the table to the music, and after a pause, they take apart and put on funny little things. Whoever gets nothing is out!

"Under the chimes"

All family members and guests of the holiday are divided into two teams. The host gives the captains a box of Christmas tree decorations. The smallest member of each team will play the role of a festive spruce, the rest will have to dress up. Toys, garlands and tinsel can be hung on fingers, ears, buttons, etc. As soon as the presenter turns on the recording with the chimes, the participants rush to decorate their improvised Christmas tree. The winner of the competition is the team whose creation will turn out to be the brightest and most amusing until the last strike of the chimes.

"Snow Candy"

To participate in the competition, the host selects two participants. Previously, the hostess lady hides chocolates in deep bowls with flour in such a way that only small ponytails of wrappers stick out “from under the snow”. At the command of the host, players must get the maximum amount of candy from flour using any part of the body ... Except for the hands!

Intellectual competitions for children and adults at home for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Intellectual New Year's competitions for the whole family at home are good because they can be held without leaving the table. Such entertainment will set the guests in the right mood before the start of outdoor games, warm up and incite children and adults. These include humorous riddles, song competitions, funny fortune-telling and other contests for the New Year 2017, proposed by us below.

"Alphabet Toast"

Such a fun competition for the New Year 2017 will be a good warm-up before active games and a great opportunity not to get bored at the table at the very beginning of the meal. The organizer of the holiday can invite guests and family members to take turns speaking short funny toasts “in alphabetical order”. Eg:

  • “Fragrant tangerine-orange New Year 2017 to everyone!”
  • “Perfect order in the house, in the family, in the head, in the heart!”
  • "Let's drink to great achievements and fun events!"

"All the way around"

Guests can participate in this competition without getting up from the festive table. The rules oblige the contestants to answer the host's questions quickly and WRONGLY. In fact, the task is not difficult. But only in the event that we are not talking about typical popular questions, to which the answer breaks out by itself. Eg:

  1. What is mom's name?
  2. What holiday is today?
  3. What color is the sky?
  4. What does New Year 2017 smell like?
  5. What season is it in the yard?
  6. Who did the children make out of snow?
  7. What is the name of Santa's granddaughter?
  8. What lies under the tree?

Cool contests, games and entertainment for the whole family for the New Year 2017

New Year's Eve is still in full swing, and all the gifts are open, toasts have been said, surprises have been received? Keep holding cool New Year's contests, games and entertainment for the whole family. Have fun and have fun while there are those who want to participate. When else can adults fool around on a par with children, if not on the magical New Year's Eve 2017.

"New Year's Podium"

The number of participants in this competition should not exceed half of those present. Each player draws a secret card with a character's name. For example, Santa Claus, Snowman, Rooster, Drunken Horse, etc. After evaluating their character, the players must defile him with a gait on an impromptu catwalk. And the audience - to guess the hero as quickly as possible. The participant who will be declassified before the rest will win.

"Deer and Santa"

In this competition, participants compete in pairs: one of the duo is Deer, the second is Santa. The deer is blindfolded and two laces are attached to the belt. Santa stands behind and picks up the ends of the laces - the reins. With the help of pins or empty bottles, the leader organizes two tracks. On a signal, couples start: Santas control the Reindeer using improvised reins. The duo that knocks down the minimum number of obstacles on the way wins.

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