Spring duck hunting. Duck hunting in spring


A duck is an excellent prey and a worthy trophy for any person who respects such a type of recreation as hunting.

Spring hunting for ducks, as a rule, begins in March-April, when the bird, tired after a long flight from wintering grounds, returns to our area. Do not shoot birds from afar, as you often have to do on a clear day.

Firstly, you will not be able to properly aim at a bird flying very high, and finding it, in case of a successful hit, will not be very easy.

And secondly, from a distance it is very easy to confuse a female and a drake, and in the spring you need to hunt only for the latter. The mass extermination of females leads to the fact that the number of ducks is sharply reduced, and in some regions of our vast country, there are very few of them. For example, this year in the Rostov region, hunting for ducks is completely prohibited, due to the plight of this species - this is what rash shooting leads to.

So, let's let the bird get closer, and then shoot. But how to do it to remain invisible? First of all, you should not wear clothes that can give glare in the sun, and secondly, you need to lure the bird. The best bait, traditionally, is considered a decoy duck.

A decoy duck is a bird tamed and bred specifically for hunting purposes.

Since the decoy duck uses its voice to lure others, hunters are constantly working to ensure that this voice has the right timbre. To do this, different types of ducks can interbreed, that is, cultivation can take more than one generation. But all this work is more than paid off when it comes time to hunt. Although, some prefer not to bother and simply take a decoy with them to hunt, imitating the voice of a duck on their own.

If in good weather duck hunting is done only in the morning and evening, then on a cloudy day, the bird can fly all day and then you can make quite a few successful shots. Duck hunting in the spring can be more difficult if there is less material around to create a full-fledged shelter - stealth.

Duck hunting in spring video

Duck hunting in spring video

In the spring, as soon as the ice on the rivers and reservoirs begins to melt, ducks return from wintering. In the period from April, they will begin the mating season, before which they are actively looking for a mate. Often drakes dominate migratory flocks, and they court females. There are frequent fights between individuals for the attention of a bird. Males become aggressive and even females suffer from them.

Courting the female, the drakes swim around her, stretch their necks, and actively flap their wings. At the same time, they emit a loud, whistling cry. From a flight altitude, males cannot always distinguish a real duck from an artificial bait. They also easily react only to the sound, approaching without even seeing the duck. This is used by hunters - luring drakes with stuffed animals and a special device - a decoy, the sound of which realistically imitates the inviting quacks of a female.

How to aim a duck and how to shoot a duck

In spring, drakes have sparse plumage and can be easily shot the first time.

It is quite easy to tell a male from a female. As a rule, they have a bright and variegated color, also larger. Mallard drakes have the following appearance:

  • body - large, length - up to 60 cm;
  • wingspan - up to one meter;
  • color - head and neck - dark with a green tint. At the bottom of the neck is a clear white collar. The body is gray and the rump has black feathers. The wings have bright blue-violet mirrors. It is by them that the birds of this breed distinguish their relatives.

But there are breeds, for example, a gray duck, the males of which practically do not differ from the females. If you are not sure, then it is better not to shoot, because in spring the females prepare for nesting and incubation of eggs. The future of the population directly depends on this.

Beginning of spring hunting for wild duck

If the winter was warm, and the duck population survived the winter safely, without significant losses, then the season begins in the first 10–15 days of the beginning of the thaw, when the ice on the reservoirs melts. The start of the season is announced by the relevant state supervision body.

It also regulates the basic rules:

  • what breeds are allowed to be fished;
  • how many ducks can be shot by one hunter;
  • determines possible places for spring hunting;
  • issues an appropriate permit - a hunting license.

In Russia it is allowed to shoot:

  • mallard;
  • whistling teals;
  • widgeon;
  • blacken;
  • pintail;
  • gray duck.

The season continues until the beginning of summer, depending on the habitat of the bird. After the end of the mating season, the males fly away to molt. During this period, it makes no sense to track them. Although they become easy prey - they cannot fly, but the quality of meat is deteriorating, the birds lose some weight.

Legislative restrictions

Depending on the specific regions of duck hunting, some restrictions on hunting may be imposed by the state:

  • if the population is not numerous and has not endured the winter well, hunting may be banned altogether;
  • often limit the number of killed birds per person - in 2016 there were 5 pieces;
  • shooting near populated areas is prohibited;
  • rifle power is limited;
  • shooting in flight is prohibited, because it is so difficult to determine the gender.

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If the established rules are not followed, and the hunter is caught “hot”, then his fishing is recognized as poaching and a fine is imposed (from 5 to 10 times the minimum wage, they can withdraw the gun and deprive him of the right to further fishing).

Ambush Equipment

Before the start of spring hunting, you should study the area, conduct reconnaissance. Drakes use the same places for feeding and lodging for the night and always fly along the same route. Exploration must be done correctly:

  • during the morning and evening dawn - when the spring hunt will be held;
  • you can’t take a gun - in order to deprive yourself of the temptation to shoot and thereby frighten off the bird;
  • determine for yourself an advantageous place to equip an ambush;
  • prepare a hiding place - dig a hole, measuring a meter by a meter or make a hut, prepare shields to mask the boat.

Spring ambush can be equipped on the shore, in the water, on the field - depending on the flight path of the bird and the place of its landing. Recommended:

  • place it so that the wind is fair as the duck takes off and lands against the wind. So, it can be further brought closer to yourself;
  • if you plan to use decoy ducks or hunt with stuffed animals, then the ambush should be at a distance of up to 30 meters from them - the optimal firing range;
  • you should use for masking the same vegetation that surrounds - reeds, sedge, shrubs, dry grass. The more natural the hide is, the closer the duck will fly up;
  • you need to make an ambush in such a way that the muzzle of a rifle fits into it;
  • if water hunting is supposed, you need to find a place where you can hide the bow of the boat and thereby save time on arranging camouflage barriers.

How to use decoy duck correctly

The use of decoy ducks for hunting in the spring is an opportunity to quickly lure a drake to the optimal distance for a shot. A live duck has some advantages over stuffed ones: it looks natural, it quacks “correctly”, thanks to which other birds are not afraid to fly up to it. Such ducks are kept on their own farm, bred on their own or purchased at breeding stations.

Basic rules for choosing a decoy duck:

  • she must be healthy;
  • shout loudly;
  • have a calm disposition;
  • the same breed that will be hunted in the spring.

It is desirable to have several individuals: two or three females and one drake. The male does not need to be released into the water. You can use a little trick: keep it with you, it will make sounds that females actively react to. So they will be more active and loud. And the drakes flying past will be lured by the spirit of rivalry.

The duck is tied to a circle or stake, which is hammered into the bottom of the reservoir.

The length of the rope should be two to four meters so that the bird can freely and freely move around the pond. The string is fixed on the paw with the help of a boot so as not to injure the leg and not cause discomfort to the bird.

If a drake that has flown to the call of a female is killed, then there is no need to rush to get it out of the water, after it more birds can fly, which the sight of a man or dog will certainly frighten away. But a shot duck will not cause any alarm.

Hunting with artificial decoys is a great alternative to decoy birds

The spring season will be no less productive if you properly use artificial bait - stuffed ducks. Before the start of the season, you should acquire stuffed animals or inspect existing ones:

  • stuffed animals must be realistic;
  • the paint should not peel off, fade or be absent altogether;
  • stuffed animals should not shine: neither on the street, nor at home, nor on the water.

If necessary, it is worth repairing or tinting the dummies.

For successful fishing in the spring with stuffed animals, you will need several copies. Lone individuals are more likely to fly to one bait, and small groups, to a larger flock.

In the spring, landing on the water of 15–20 pieces is considered optimal. In America, up to a hundred stuffed animals are used, but in Russia this practice has not been recorded, since there is no area suitable for the area. Yes, and managing so many stuffed animals is quite difficult. It will take at least two hours to just seat them. At the same time, artificial birds should not be in the same pile, otherwise the ducks flying by will get the impression that danger is close.

It is effective to lure the bird with mechanical stuffed animals - they flap their wings, as if a duck is taking off or, conversely, is landing. Feeding duck dummies make a small wave, as when the head is naturally immersed in water.

It is advisable to use decoys for luring, since artificial stuffed animals are silent. The call imitates the inviting cry of a duck and the male willingly flies to the sound.

The advantages of stuffed animals:

  • they do not need to be kept and fed;
  • easy and compact to transport;
  • they are durable;
  • not afraid of an accidental shot hit.

It should be planted in a place where the current is not strong, otherwise they can stray into one heap or swim away altogether. Use in calm weather, since many stuffed animals are lightweight and turn over on their side from the wind - they look completely unrealistic.

Hunter's unofficial rules

Even if some points are not regulated by law, any experienced hunter has his own "code of honor":

  • you can not hunt while intoxicated;
  • if a bird is shot on someone else's territory, then it is given to its owner;
  • you can not leave wounded animals - a wounded bird;
  • if collective hunting is carried out on the water, then subsequently all the prey is divided equally;
  • do not shoot at a bird that has not yet taken a wing - that is, it is still young and does not know how to fly;
  • if a novice hunter is lucky, he brings a dead carcass to his mentor as a token of gratitude.

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Video: Decoy

There are few who want to argue with the fact that duck hunting with stuffed animals in spring not as attractive as in autumn. There are several reasons for this assertion.

At this time of the year, hunting becomes very colorful and memorable, because a lot of time has passed since the closing of the hunting season for game birds, so the hunter is even more excited.

After many months of hunting for a hare, an opportunity opens up to remember duck hunting with stuffed animals in spring in all the highlights. Even if a person loves hunting in winter, sooner or later there comes a moment when she gets a little bored and wants variety.

As a rule, such a feeling takes possession of the hunter at the end of the winter hunting season. A little time passes and spring comes, which brings with it new opportunities for hunting.

It has its own limitations and features, but this does not stop real nature lovers from going to the reservoirs in search of wild ducks.

Why is duck hunting with stuffed animals difficult and easy at the same time in spring?

The complexity of this hunt lies in the fact that it requires the hunter to prepare and organize for a long time. Consider the most basic work that a hunter must perform.

It is necessary to choose stuffed ducks, carry out the correct one, build a hut at the hunting site, learn how to use the decoy and carry out some other minor work.

If we talk about the choice of duck stuffed animals, then here you need to purchase a set of different types of ducks. For example, mallard, teal and duck are the most popular in the set. Their number should be at least 15 pieces, and preferably 25-30.

As for the arrangement of stuffed animals on the water, there are certain rules that should be followed by everyone who wants to get a duck.

As a rule, teals and mallards belong to the same group and it is recommended to place them in shallow water in groups of 4-7 individuals. The distance between ducks should be at least a meter, and between groups it increases to 3-4 meters.

Diving ducks should be handled a little differently. They must be placed at a depth and separately from the rest. Only such an arrangement will allow you to lure ducks.

Each group of ducks must be placed in a certain order. It is recommended to launch birds in the shape of the letter "V". Thus, a specific pocket is formed, where arriving ducks land.

The creation and installation of a hut is another necessary activity in preparation for this duck hunt. It should be installed a little away from the stuffed animals and no further than 25 meters.

The hut itself must be disguised so that it merges with the environment and does not betray the hunter. In the spring, this is not so easy to do, because the vegetation has not yet blossomed.

All these activities are complemented by a decoy, which you need to learn how to use in order to draw the attention of ducks to the placed stuffed animals.

At its core, hunting for ducks with stuffed animals in the spring is not fundamentally different from, but it has its own characteristics.

The ease of this hunt is that you do not need to walk a lot and trample the hunting grounds, as is done when hunting for a hare. Here the hunter sits in one place and waits for a beautiful drake to fly up to his stuffed animals in order to get it with a well-aimed shot.

The arrival of spring pleases every person, but hunters experience especially strong feelings - they know that the hunting season is about to open. If the winter passed without cataclysms, and the number of birds did not decrease significantly, spring duck hunting opens at the very beginning of spring for 10-15 days. Most often, decoy ducks are used for this, so they have been worried about their presence since the end of autumn - the beginning of winter.

These domesticated birds are designed to serve as bait - drakes flock to the sounds they make, driven by the natural instincts of reproduction. You can only hunt them, it is strictly forbidden to shoot at females - they are the key to the appearance of offspring.

It is very easy to distinguish a drake from a duck - it has a light gray plumage and a bright gray head. The female, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is simply gray and slightly smaller in size.

It is necessary to shoot at a drake when it is on the ground in order to exclude the possibility of a wounded animal. If this happens, it is necessary to finish off the bird with the next shots. That is why it is not allowed to hunt ducks from the approach. This can only be done from a hiding place, a hut, a stationary boat or standing right in the reeds.

In order to visualize how spring hunting with decoy ducks goes, it is advisable to watch this video.

What qualities should an ideal decoy duck have?

  • Calmly respond to the presence of a person, quickly adapt to new environmental conditions.
  • Have a strong voice that can be heard far away.
  • The duck must be active enough to call the drakes to itself for a long time.

Some hunting farms are engaged in selective breeding of decoy ducks from year to year - selecting the best for breeding. There are also avid hunters who grow decoys themselves, approaching this process very seriously and devoting a lot of time throughout the year.

We equip the shelter

The ability to properly select and arrange a shooting site develops with experience, but the most important thing here is a good knowledge of the area and logical thinking. After the appearance of the first flocks in the mating areas, the hunter must conduct reconnaissance on the ground. In the course of it, the route of movement of birds is marked, as well as favorite places for feeding and resting, so that later it would be possible to most successfully install a hut or hiding place.

Since spring duck hunting is conducted from a shelter, success largely depends on the quality of its manufacture. Firstly, it is installed in the place of the largest concentration of birds. Secondly, you need to use improvised materials from the same area - reeds, branches, needles. This is done to give the hut the maximum similarity with the environment - to hide the hunter from the ducks.

Sometimes, instead of a hut, they make a small depression in the ground, covering it with branches, leaves and grass. You can also use a barrel or other container - to prevent flooding of the skradka with ground or river water. At the same time, everything is covered from above with improvised masking materials.

In any case, the distance from the hut to the expected site for the appearance of ducks should be within 20-25 m. From several sides, the shelter must be equipped with loopholes for inspecting the area and conducting aimed fire at birds.

Features of duck hunting

Most often, duck hunting is carried out early in the morning or before sunset, when the birds are most relaxed and active. Although in cloudy weather, drakes can respond to the call of females throughout the day and, accordingly, the hunt is extended in time.

Even before dawn, the hunter must hide in a hut so that the birds do not notice him during the morning flight. Decoy ducks are placed at a distance of 20-25 m from the hide. At the same time, they are attached with special, strong cables, one side to the paw, the other to a peg nearby. It is also worth placing rubber or wooden stuffed birds nearby, which will imitate a flock that has landed to rest or feed.

With the first rays of the sun, as a rule, decoy ducks begin to make inviting sounds. To help the duck, the hunter can imitate the voice of the bird himself or use a special decoy. If a decoy duck taken for hunting is silent, it can be cheered up a little with the help of a drake hidden somewhere nearby. Hearing him, she will begin to "work."

The duck flying past the drakes is “upset” by a short but sharp call to land. After that, in most cases, the male individual sits next to the inviting bird. This is the best moment to shoot. But at the same time, you can’t allow yourself to get into your own duck. P Therefore, you can shoot only when the trajectory of the bullet will surely pass by the decoy "worker".

It is strictly forbidden to leave your shelter before the complete cessation of summer. So you can scare away not only flying birds, but also create a negative impression of the area, which will lead to a decrease or complete disappearance of ducks here in the following days. You can pick up the killed game calmly after the end of the hunt, especially since the birds do not pay any attention to the killed brethren.

Rules: vowels and unspoken

Experienced hunters know and follow them all, and it will be useful for beginners to learn them.

  • Make sure that you have permits for carrying weapons and a valid permit for hunting activities.
  • You can hunt only on designated days and in strictly designated areas.
  • It is impossible to exceed the norms of animal production. The number of each type of bird or animal must be specified additionally in the relevant organizations.

  • It is forbidden to hunt closer than 200 meters from a person's dwelling and closer than 1 km from the expected spring flood of rivers.
  • Under no circumstances should a loaded weapon be passed on to another person.
  • Do not point the gun at people or pets, even if it is not loaded at that moment.
  • You can transport only unloaded and sheathed weapons.
  • It is advisable to always keep the gun pointed away from the neighbor standing next to you.
  • After the fall of the hunter or weapon, you should check if debris or earth has fallen into the barrel in order to avoid a possible tragedy when fired.
  • Immediately after the shot, it is desirable to make sure that the barrel is clean.

These are only the most basic rules, non-observance of which can lead to serious consequences, up to loss of health and life.

As a rule, shot number 3-5 is used for duck hunting, less often - 6-7.

In any case, remember that a hunter in our time is primarily a person who enjoys communicating with nature. You do not need to try to shoot as many birds as possible to show what a good shooter you are. Better be humble and remember the safety measures.

The spring hunting season is quite popular. Most likely, when asked when you like to hunt the most, the hunter will answer - in the spring. Of course, no one canceled the autumn beauty and winter landscapes, but it is in spring that the liveliness of nature wakes up, many hunters are ready to do what they love all day long.

Features of spring hunting

Usually, duck hunting in spring begins in the early morning or late evening, just before sunset, at which time the birds are most active. In cloudy weather, drakes are often distracted by females, so the hunt can drag on for a long time.

Before the start of the hunt, you must have time to climb into the hut in order to become invisible to the birds that fly up in the morning. Decoy ducks are placed at a distance of 20 meters, a maximum of 25. Birds must be fastened with very strong cables, the first must be fixed to the paw, the other to a peg driven in nearby. Stuffed birds should be placed in the vicinity, they will create the appearance of those who have landed to rest.

At dawn, decoy ducks should make a calling sound. If the "bait" does not do this, you must help her in this, for this you need to imitate her voice and use the decoy.

Ducks flying past drakes beckon with their sharp call to land. In most cases, after this, the duck and drake sit in pairs. For a hunter, this is the perfect moment to shoot, the main thing is not to hit your duck. You need to fire a shot only when you are sure that the trajectory of the bullet will not hit your "hard worker".

What is the difference between a drake and a duck:

  • Ducks quack with all their might, drakes hiss;
  • The drake has a wider neck than a duck;
  • Drakes have brighter colored feathers;
  • The head of ducks is rounder;
  • The male has a ring of feathers on its tail;
  • If we consider their behavior, then the duck will always keep in front.


Duck hunting in spring begins almost from mid-March. Undoubtedly, the climatic conditions of this region are of great importance. You need to go out for game when the “real spring” has come, the date of its arrival changes every year.

The green light for hunters does not burn for long, on average it is 10 days, rarely reaches 14. To know for sure, you need to look at information on hunting sites. Most often, the beginning of the hunting season falls on Saturday, this is done for convenience, and is considered a holiday for hunters.

Hunting rules

Spring hunting has a number of rules, both vowels and unspoken:

  • You must have the necessary permits to carry and use weapons, and a hunting permit;
  • Shooting at game is allowed only on certain days and in special places for this;
  • Exceeding the rate of animal production is prohibited;
  • You cannot hunt if there is a residential building within a radius of 200 meters or if there is a river overflow within a radius of 1 km,
  • It is forbidden to transfer weapons to other persons;
  • During transportation, the weapon must be unloaded and dressed in cases;
  • If the hunter fell, you need to carefully inspect the weapon, if debris or dirt gets into the barrel, the shot can end tragically.

Is duck hunting from a boat prohibited? If your duck hunting boat is on the water for cover and not moving, then it is allowed, but driving on the water during the hunting season is prohibited.

We have listed only the most basic rules, their non-compliance threatens with very bad consequences, do not forget that you can lose your health and even life.

Shelter construction

A successful spring duck hunt will only work if you know how to choose the right one, as well as arrange a place for shooting. For many, this skill comes with time, you must know the surroundings well and have logical thinking. After the first flocks appear in the mating areas, you must reconnoiter the territory. During exploration, you must determine the chronology of the movement of prey, as well as find out favorite places to rest or feed. Only after collecting this information will you be able to properly build a hut.

Due to the fact that spring duck hunting comes from a hut, in most cases its success depends on the correctness of its construction. Its establishment should take place in the place of the largest accumulation of prey. You need to build a hut from materials that are nearby, that is, branches, reeds, needles. All this works as camouflage for your hideout.

You can make a small depression in the ground especially for the hut, or use a barrel so that the hiding place is not flooded with water. Be sure to cover it with improvised masking materials. The hut should be located at a distance of 20-30 meters from the place of accumulation of potential game.

Hunting with a scarecrow

Spring hunting will be very effective if properly prepared stuffed animals.

Before starting the hunt, you must definitely purchase a stuffed animal, here are a few requirements for them:

  • must be realistic;
  • the color should not be dull or peeling;
  • the stuffed animal should not shine.

You will need several decoys at once if you want to lure a large number of birds. In the spring, a good indicator is 20 stuffed animals planted on the water. In other countries, for example, in America, they can even put up to 100 stuffed animals, but this has not been noticed in Russia. By the way, managing so many stuffed animals is not at all easy, and certain territorial conditions are needed. There are also mechanical stuffed animals, they are even able to flap their wings, simulating a duck taking off or landing.

The advantages of stuffed animals:

  • do not require maintenance and feeding;
  • convenient in transportation;
  • bought not for one year;
  • accidental hits of a fraction are nothing to them.

No need to put scarecrows in places with a strong current, the result may not be the most pleasant: they will either float into a pile, or swim away for good. In addition, they need to be used only in calm weather; an inverted stuffed animal will be of little use.

Decoy hunting

Hunting with a decoy begins with a reduction in diet, this is done so that at the opening of the season she can lose fat that has accumulated over the winter. If you don't take it seriously enough, your bird simply won't attract drakes.

At the first sign of the arrival of spring, you need to accustom your bird to water. If you do not have the opportunity to accustom a decoy duck to an open source of water, you can put a medium-sized container of water in it. If the bird gets used to the water, it will begin to take care of itself more carefully, lubricate the coccyx with a special gland, this will enable it to stay on the water for a long time in the future, without the need to go to land.

Decoy boots are the next step in preparing for decoy hunting. The boot is a leather strap tied in the bird's leg to hold it in one place. For self-production, you will need a nylon cord, the thickness of which should be 3 mm, or another strong thread. On the one hand, you need to make two leather cuffs for attaching to the duck foot, on the other hand, you need to place a weight.

The weight of the load must be considerable, the main thing is that the duck cannot drag it away. Lower it into a special basket and put it in the water, the other end of the boot must be tied to both paws. If tied to only one, it can injure itself when trying to escape.

As soon as the bird realizes that it is tied, it will try to free itself in various ways, which can harm the hunt. It is for this that you need to accustom her to the leg in advance. This is done quite simply, just 1-2 weeks before the start of hunting with a decoy. Every 2 days, you need to devote at least 1 hour of time to tie a boot and let the bird into the water.

During spring hunting, many people attach cuffs to duck legs and attach them to the load with a carabiner.

Blowing out is part of a successful spring hunt. All because of the duck, which will be in such conditions for the first time - it will hide in order not to attract attention to itself. This will negatively affect the amount of your production, since no one will get hooked on it.

This is the meaning of accustoming a bird to "field" conditions. To make the ducks roar, you only need to go to an open place with a pond for about 30 minutes a couple of times. After that, your duck will already gain experience in the open area, and will not be scared in a different situation.


From our video you will learn how to properly aim at a duck in flight.

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