What is the name of the sport on a pole. What is the pole dance called? What are pole dances and is it easy to learn? Pole sport - choice of dance direction


Myslo talked to Victoria Tsybulskaya, who has been steadily developing pole dance as a sport in the Tula region for many years.

It all depends solely on the person who comes to study, and on what tasks he sets for himself, - says Victoria. - If you want to dance, you will have a dance, but if you take it seriously, you can do it really professionally.

Pole dance is a young and very democratic sports and dance direction in Russia. As a sport, it has not yet been officially recognized in our country, and this, probably, in a sense, gives more freedom to all half-dancers. There are different categories, for example, “exotic” - this one is just about dancing in high heels (yes, the very ones that everyone thought about), and there is “sport” - these are basically various power tricks.

In both cases, flexibility, stretching, plasticity are needed, but unlike many professional sports, Pole dance welcomes everyone, regardless of age and gender.

Victoria is a choreographer by education, she graduated from the Oryol Institute of Culture, worked in variety ballet in parallel with her studies, and after graduating in Tula she taught at various dance studios.

Pilon came into her life spontaneously: I saw a beautiful video with a girl on a pole and wanted the same. Seven years later, she is already a professional athlete and coach, herself and her students are participants and winners of festivals and championships, including Catwalk Dance Festival and Amazing PoleChampionship.


This year, for the first time, she participated in the Pole sports Russia 2019 championship of Russia, where she took fourth place in the Sports category.

At first, pole dance was more of a hobby, but after studying for a year, I realized that I really succeed, but the most important thing is that this is exactly what I really want to do further on a professional level.

Having a specialized education, she took additional courses and became a coach. But I was not going to stop there and constantly studied videos of various elements performed by eminent half-dancers, and tried to repeat after them, looking for master classes.

It's pain, it's worn feet, blisters, but the end result has always given me satisfaction from what I could and what I learned.

For me personally, pole sport (I will call it that) opened up a whole world of limitless possibilities for the human body. There was a sense of developing my own physical data, having been doing choreography for so many years, I could not boast of ideal splits and flexibility, and at the age of 25, a new meaning for personal development, and later for the development of my students, opened up to me.

Yulia Kuznetsova is one of Victoria's students. I came four years ago. Like many, I learned about this sport from friends - a friend practiced on the pylon and offered to try.

From the very first lesson I fell in love with pole dance and now I can't stop. It is unfortunate that many people still perceive pole lessons as erotic, striptease is a terrible word. We have to explain to everyone that this is a sport, a cool sport, it is strength, endurance, flexibility, that this is not strip dancing at a pole.

For me, this is a power sport, it gave me a toned figure, strength, I can now do many exercises better than men who go to the gym.

If we talk about the level of development of this sport in Tula, there are a lot of schools in general, but it was not easy to find a truly professional coach who constantly develops himself, finds something new. But in the end I found him, - says Yulia Kuznetsova.

Today, thousands of people are engaged in pole dance professionally or just for themselves. The big plus of this sport is that it has no age limits, it is never too late to come into it.

Today, many people prefer pole dance to classes in fitness clubs. Why? Because at each lesson, when performing elements on the pylon, a load is given to all muscle groups, in addition, flexibility, plasticity, and stretching develop. That is, in 1.5 hours of training you get everything that you can get in other cases if you take subscriptions to Pilates, fitness and a dance studio.

Age and physical fitness in pole dance does not play any role. At the first trainings, competent studios necessarily include the entry level, physical training, stretching classes, which in turn helps to prepare anyone who comes to the upcoming loads on the pylon. In general, I can say one thing, it’s not scary to start pole dancing with any level of training, any training involves physical activity, to which the body gets used to over time.

A vivid confirmation that pole dance has no age barriers is a 55-year-old tula . Today she is one of the students of Victoria Tsybulskaya. She first came to training in a pole dance group at the age of 51!

I was sent an invitation to a group of one of the pole dance schools on the social network. The fact that the pylon rotates, I learned only at the first training session. Before that, I had never even heard of this sport, which immediately struck me with its beauty. Only age stopped me. But, having tried it once, I realized that I could handle it, although it is not easy.

Today, for me, pole dance is, first of all, a complete reboot, an escape from stress.

No matter what happens in life, no matter what serious problems pile up, training makes you disconnect from everything, completely concentrate on performing the trick. After it, you leave with a slight fatigue in your body, a bright soul and in a good mood. Excellent physical shape for me is just an added bonus. Now a kind of addiction has already developed, I can no longer imagine life without training on the pylon. At the moment I train five times a week, three of them under the guidance of Victoria Tsybulskaya. Athletes tend to train with those who are stronger, this gives tangible progress. Vika believes in her students, it helps a lot. Each workout becomes not just interesting, it becomes exciting, you want to practice, come back again and again.

A large number of people aged 30 and older come to the pylon, and this indicates the accessibility and popularity of this direction. If we are not talking about sports achievements, but about training for health, to improve physical fitness, then there are no restrictions, only desire and interest. The uniqueness of pole dance is that it is available to everyone, at any age and with any physique, men or women, children and adults. Especially now children's pole sport is developing, a lot of men also choose this sport for themselves.

In fact, if we discard stereotypes, this is a very male sport. They have their own set of tricks, in some way close to workout. It is enough to find on the Internet examples of men's performances at professional pole dance competitions, and you will understand that it is really cool, difficult, strong and exciting.

Despite the fact that pole sport is not an official sport, there are federations all over the world. They hold championships with the aim of recognizing this sport as official and Olympic, and in any case it is a matter of time, - says Victoria. - For us, pole dance athletes and coaches, it is very important to convey to everyone that the pole is a sports equipment that has its own standards, special coating, diameter and height. We train in shorts and tops in accordance with safety regulations, as we need the grip of the skin with the pole. Pole sport has nothing to do with nightclubs, it is physical labor akin to sports acrobatics.


In Tula, many dance studios today have classes on the pylon. But how to choose the one where they really teach? Firstly, the studio must have professional equipment - two-phase pylons (statics and dynamics). Some schools, unfortunately, sin and put an ordinary pipe instead of a pylon, but it is impossible to fully master this sport and understand all its beauty on it. Secondly, the professionalism of the coach: if he and his students regularly participate in various competitions and festivals, it means that he strives to be in trend. Today, many schools offer free trial classes so that a new member can understand, not in words, but in practice, what pole dance is.

Even despite the rapid development of Pole Dance (Paul Dance), many still do not know how pole dancing is called correctly. So, Pole Dance is a dance direction that has nothing to do with striptease. This is a pole dance (acrobatics on a pole), where the performance takes place on a static or rotating pole, at the same time combining:

  • choreography;
  • sports gymnastics;
  • acrobatics.

Over the past decades, the direction of Pole Dance has become widespread throughout the world due to its diversity and versatility. Perhaps this is exactly the kind of sport in which there is always something to strive for and there is no limit to perfection. In it, it is impossible to immediately perform all the elements equally well, due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Gradually gaining strength, flexibility and endurance, the athlete replenishes the stock of mastered exercises, increases the level of their complexity.

The main directions of Pole Dance

Among dancers all over the world, there are three main areas of Pole Dance, in which competitions are held:

Pole Art

The emphasis of competitions in this direction is on the artistry and choreography of the dancer. Each performance should have a well-thought-out image, a story, which are accompanied by appropriate musical, sometimes visual, accompaniment. The flight of fantasy of the competitors is absolutely unlimited, there are no strict requirements and limits. The main task is the artistry, entertainment and scale of the performance. The most popular dance competitions in the world are: Pole Art France, Pole Art Cyprus, Pole Art Italy.

It is a discipline of air-strength athletics and has become an independent sports direction. Competitions are organized by international organizations and federations, which can only be judged by accredited judges. Strict requirements are put forward for athletes, costumes and music; failure to comply with them threatens with deduction of points or disqualification. The performance itself necessarily consists of a set of gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, each of which is worth a certain number of points. Technical performance guarantees the athlete a high overall score. IPSF - international pole sport federation, or the international pylon sports federation, is the main organizer of this type of competition.

The peculiarity of this direction lies in the minimum set of power elements. The main attention is paid to the parterre choreography, plasticity and eroticism of the performance. Dancers compete in special shoes - strips. Don't be fooled into thinking that Pole Exotic is an easy destination. It requires not only strength and endurance, but also plasticity, the ability to work with the public, to fascinate and intrigue it. This is a triumph of femininity and dance, which is not subject to every dancer.

Now, thinking about the name of pole dancing, you can remember not only the general name, but also a separate direction of the sport, understanding the subtleties and difference of the name.

Pole dance as fitness

The high popularity of Pole dance is due to its versatility. During classes on a pole, the load is evenly distributed to all muscle groups, their elasticity and endurance increase. Bodyweight work promotes the development of the upper muscles, back, abs and legs without overloading a particular muscle group. Thus, the whole body is kept in good shape. The result is noticeable after the first month of classes.

It should be noted that after the first lessons on the pole, the students have bruises, small bruises on the body. This is due to the fact that the skin is unusual for her pressure and force. After about a month, the elasticity of the skin increases, and the number of bruises is noticeably reduced. Seeming lightness is achieved through regular and diligent training, but those who have embarked on the path of Pole Dance will never turn away from it.

Equipment for Pole Dance

Pylon - direct equipment is a polished metal pipe, the diameter of which varies from 38 to 55 millimeters. The material of manufacture is stainless steel, sometimes a special coating is used:

  • chromium;
  • titanium;
  • brass;
  • plastic;
  • rubber.

This coating provides reliable grip and smooth gliding at the same time. The rubberized surface is used on Chinese pylons, which are becoming more and more popular in recent times. It is recommended to engage in them in clothes, as sliding on such a pylon can cause burns. Pylons are installed and fixed depending on the characteristics of the room. These can be special stretch marks, frames for fastening or platforms. In any case, a prerequisite is the stability and reliability of fastening. Especially popular today are Chinese pylons, fixed only from above, thanks to which the athlete works not only in vertical or horizontal planes, but also diagonally.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! You and I already know what the pole dance is called (), and today I will talk about the direction of the dance Pole Dance - Pole sport and its features.

Pole dancing - what are the names of the directions in the dance

Each of you, in search of an answer about the name of the pole dance, will know that Pole Dance has several directions. And a novice athlete, making his first successes, wonders what style to attribute himself to.

Sometimes it is very sad to watch how novice dancers, in an attempt to emulate the success of others, dress themselves in other people's images and styles. Copying idols crosses out one's own individuality and originality, not allowing talent to manifest itself in all its glory.

Paul Dance is a young direction in dance, there are no rigid frames and boundaries in it, it develops naturally, the rules of style in it are formed by the dancers themselves - this is strength and passion, plasticity and grace. This is how Pole art, Exotic pole dance and Pole sport appeared.

It is very important to choose a direction close to the dancer, in which you can reveal yourself, surrendering to music and dance, and form your own style.

Pole sport (Pol sports) - pole acrobatics in Paul Dance

Pole sport (Sport floor), pole acrobatics or Pole Acrobatic - this direction is characterized by complex acrobatic stunts. The main emphasis in Pole sport is on strength, endurance and flexibility. Participants in this category perform a program whose main components are:

  • acrobatic composition;
  • elements on a static pylon;
  • elements on a rotating pylon;
  • dance in the stalls.

Elements performed in the stalls are for the most part inextricably linked with the pylon. The participants are required to have a high performance technique, the ability to perform acrobatic stunts, connected in one long chain without intermediate touching the floor, while maintaining the integrity of the composition, in which there is a clearly defined beginning and end. The transitions between the pylons should fit into the overall picture of the dance, and also have an acrobatic design.

One of the common mistakes athletes make when preparing their first programs for performances is to saturate the program with complex tricks. I urge you to abandon excessive haste: be prudent and consistent - use in the dance only those elements that you are sure of being perfect.

In the direction of Pole Sport, there are clear requirements for the presence and number of elements of various groups - for stretching (split), flexibility, jump elements, flips, power tricks, breaks, rotations and twists. When evaluating an athlete, the technique of performing tricks, their combination (ligaments), as well as choreography, artistry and integrity of the image are taken into account.

Often in the field of Pole Sport, the competition rules clearly stipulate certain requirements that affect the assessment (non-compliance with the requirements leads to the award of penalty points):

  • the number of elements in a bunch (both on a static and a rotating pylon);
  • the number of touches of the floor;
  • the number of times the athlete can fully release the pole.

I note that the male nomination is equal to the female. Male athletes must also
demonstrate the ability to perform elements of various groups connected in bundles, while maintaining the integrity of the image. The difference is that in the male category there are more stringent requirements listed above.

The Pole sport (Pole Acrobatic) direction is distinguished by restraint - there are no special requirements for shoes, but it is forbidden to use props, as well as remove parts of the costume during the dance. The performance of complex acrobatic elements determines the requirements for the appearance of the participant - the hair is removed, the absence of non-woven elements of the hairstyle, jewelry - stud earrings, clothes - a top and shorts or a sports swimsuit.

However, one should not think that Pole sport is available only to trained athletes - minimal physical fitness and a desire to dance: that's all that a beginner polonist needs, everything else will come in training. Of course, you will not do complex tricks right away, everything takes time. Very soon, having learned the first elements and combinations, you will be able to show your first dance.

If you want to compete and achieve success, my advice to you is - in addition to the pole, give yourself additional loads - visit the gym, workouts for complex stretching. Also alternate physical training with cardio loads. This will develop in you the endurance necessary to withstand the load during the performance of the competition program, and also add lightness and grace to the dance.

How to dance the best dance, or one success story in the Pole Sport nomination

In today's article, I have prepared for you an interesting video performance of an athlete in Pole Sport style at the All-Russian Pole Star Championship, Samara 2016. I witnessed the birth and evolution of this athlete. It was a long and difficult path: the birth of an idea, the creation of an image, the selection of a musical composition, changes in mood and the constant search for "myself", regular training and strength training - I saw all this with my own eyes. And as a result - a victory over oneself and an amazing performance that touches the depths of the soul: a technical, complex, holistic, artistic performance that arouses my delight.

You can become as good as you want.
The main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself.

Scott Adkins

Yes, this is not a beginner in his field ... but this person, like me and you, my dear readers, once came to training for the first time and discovered “his” Pole Dance style. I have always admired her stamina, stamina and commitment to training. Repeating the same trick until it's done perfectly. Then the construction and arrangement of elements for a musical composition, honing the elements in a bundle - everything is as a whole, excerpting one style and image.

So, are you ready? Here is Anna - for me personally, an ideal example of the formation and disclosure of personality, an athlete and a dancer.

Unfortunately, on the video you will not be able to hear how the whole team supports the athlete! Team spirit - a special atmosphere, experiences, this is a separate topic, which I plan to devote a separate article to. These are just indescribable emotions when you worry about each participant as for yourself. Anna, I repeat once again: I admire this number, the revealed image and the work of your coach.

Pole sport - choice of dance direction

To achieve good results, it is very important to choose the right direction. When deciding what style you want to dance in, listen to yourself, to your body. Think about what is closer to you: Artistic Pole will require artistry, the ability to convey the created image through dance. Exotic Pole - for flexible, plastic and passionate. If you are fast and hardy, you can perform trick after trick throughout the dance - Pole sport is your direction. Each dancer, athlete is unique: someone is plastic and restrained, someone is active and hardy, so choose a direction based on your data, then you will achieve real heights.

Whichever direction you choose, do not forget that Paul Dance is a dance, and music is its essence: acrobatic stunts should be succinctly intertwined with the dance melody. Learn to feel the music and transmit its energy through your body.

Pole Dance is a great show, a demonstration of amazing human capabilities, a dance that breaks the law of gravity.

Once wondering what the pole dance is called, and out of curiosity coming to the gym to understand what Pole Sport or Exotic Pole is, you will love this dance forever. And do not be afraid - everything will work out for you.

- This is dancing on a pylon (special pole) with elements of acrobatics. Many people confuse this direction with striptease, which is wrong. In fact, Pole dance is a kind of fitness and it can rightly be called even a separate sport.

Pole dance features

During the performance of tricks, a sports equipment called a pylon is used. Pole dance combines the following areas:

  • Pole Art(performance of artistic tricks, artistic performance, use of special costumes);
  • Pole Sport(prerete is done for complex physical exercises and tricks);
  • exotic pole dance(less tricks, more plasticity, choreography);
  • Pole Fitness(includes sets of exercises for the development of both muscles and plasticity).

The exercises on the pole are quite hard and difficult. They can be performed only after a long preparation and muscle pumping. Not every athlete succeeds in acrobatic stunts on a pole, because you need to hang in the air at a level of 1.5-2 m above the floor. Basic elements: pylon climbs, twists, dance steps, hangs. Pole dance is constantly being improved, new exercises and tricks appear that need to be mastered, which is why this direction is becoming so popular, because you don’t have to stand still, you can improve.

Pole dance championships

Recently, or rather since 2003, entire championships dedicated specifically to Pole dance began to be held. The sports program consists of three complexes: tricks at the upper level of the pylon, at the middle and at the lower level. The participant's program must include both acrobatics and plastic elements. Transitions between tricks must be clean, the elements must be interconnected. The jury pays great attention to small details: back bending, straight knees, extended toes.

In many professional competitions, it is forbidden to use leather or latex clothing and shoes for strip dancers. The costume should not be erotic. Applying moisturizing oils with glitter to the skin is not recommended, as this can cause. It is forbidden to expose the body. Intimate gestures and erotic positions are also prohibited. Such restrictions are introduced in order to separate Pole dance from striptease and put the emphasis not on sexuality, but on athleticism. In most cases, competitions are held among girls, but there are also men's groups.

The enthusiasm of many athletes for Pole dance has led to the creation of international organizations that unite fans of this type of acrobatics. The issue of including Pole dance in the list of Olympic sports is currently being considered.

Today Pole Dance is one of the fashionable and popular dance styles. Festivals and competitions are held on it, this direction is available in almost all dance schools. Moreover, pole dance can become an Olympic sport.

Such popularity is due to the fact that pole dance allows you not only to learn how to dance beautifully, but also to get an excellent toned and flexible figure, that is, to kill two birds with one stone. Now pole dance is a mixture of dance, acrobatics and gymnastics.

What is pole dance - a sport or choreography, is sometimes difficult to understand, since pole dance numbers are very diverse. In general, the pol dance can be divided into three currents.

1) Pole art

Pole Art is a direction in pole dance, which is characterized by the most harmonious combination of dance and power elements - approximately 50% to 50%. The emphasis is on artistry, power moves and tricks. At competitions, judges pay attention to choreography, grace, and the image of the performer.

At the same time, such exciting movements on the pole can be quite easy to perform, the technical complexity of the tricks here is not put in the first position in importance, but is evaluated along with the overall presentation and integrity of the image.

Of additional importance is the participant's choice of costume and musical accompaniment. There are some restrictions in choosing a costume: leather, latex, lacquer are prohibited, as these materials make it easier to grip the pole, and strips (shoes with a high platform and heels) and overly sexual images are also not allowed.

The dancer plays a role, in a matter of minutes of dance he tells a whole story with his movements. Pole Art is a real art, a weightless performance.

2) Pole sport

Pole Sport is a pole dance direction that claims to be included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

In this direction, the image is not included in the priority of the performance. Often the appearance can be quite neutral. Attention is paid to shoes: participants must perform barefoot or in special sports shoes, shoes are excluded.

Priority is given to trick and power elements on the pylon. For each competition, mandatory elements and points for them are prescribed.

In pole sport, there are additional restrictions to increase the complexity of the category, for example: a limit on the number of touches of the floor during a performance and a certain number of elements that must be performed in a certain sequence. The ratio of tricks in the room is 70% to 30%.

The performance may contain a dance part, but more often it just dilutes the performance, since the dance is not a priority here.

Requirement for music: it must be without words.

3) Exotic pole dance

Exotic pole dance is perhaps the most dance direction in pole dance. Exotic pole dance is a combination of two directions: strip plastics and pole dance. The emphasis is not only on acrobatic stunts, but also on dance sequences around the pole and in the stalls (on the floor).

Exotic pole dance is more of a state of mind. Body movements here only accompany, shape emotions. Passion, eroticism, exoticism - this is the meaning of this style.

This style of dance, in turn, has three categories:

exotic flow

Exotic Flow - dance of the flow. Elements of plasticity in the dance smoothly pass from one to another.

The ratio of tricks and choreography is 20% to 80%. This category does not require the performer to perform complex tricks on the pole. In this category, tricks are an accent, decoration, they should be as stylized as possible. The main thing in Exotic flow is the choreography around the pylon. Floorwork (parterre technique) is of particular importance.

exotic hard

Exotic Hard is the most tricky exotic pole dance category. The ratio of stunt and choreographic parts is 70% to 30%. The main emphasis is placed on the ability to perform acrobatic elements on the pylon in strips. Tricks must be dancing, but not a set of disparate elements on a pole. The image, idea and composition of the dance are just as important.

Exotic Old School (Style )

Exotic Old Style is the sexiest category in exotic pole dance. The main emphasis is on sensuality and femininity, on sexuality and passion. The ratio of tricks and choreography is 40% to 60%. The dance in this category must be performed musically, with accents and broaches. Tricks, as a rule, are selected as smoothly as possible, with the possibility of transitions from one to another.

That's how diverse pole dance is. This is a unique combination of choreographic, circus and acrobatic art.

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