Company video or corporate film? Creation of a corporate film Shoot a corporate video.

  1. a well-defined scheme of work,
  2. strong expertise in staged photography and 3D graphics,
  3. more than 200 created corporate films for 10 years of work,
  4. perhaps the best value for money.

The very concept of corporate video is very capacious: training films for staff, videos with annual reports, films with business presentations for potential partners, image video for brand building and sales video to increase sales - all these are types of corporate films about the company.

Corporate film about Planet shopping centers

Corporate film about Caparol logistics center

Corporate film about the implementation of the SAP system and ROSINTERBANK

The tasks facing the video determine what it will be, what idea will form the basis of the video, and how it will be implemented. To date, the creation of a corporate video is one of the 10 main methods used to build a brand and increase sales.

A corporate video is a film that tells about the company, the principles of its work, production technologies and products, its employees and management.

7 reasons to order a corporate video shoot for a company

Many entrepreneurs are sincerely perplexed why order the production of a corporate video at all?

With it, you can solve at least 8 tasks of any business.

  • Yarto announce the brand to introduce potential buyers to the company and its products. Any new business needs a presentation to potential buyers, and this task can be solved by producing a corporate video.
  • Emotionally affect customers. Think of a corporate film as an opportunity to connect with your target audience from the very first meeting. If your video made viewers cry, laugh or think, shooting a corporate video you managed to create a personal emotional connection with customers.
  • Increase consumer loyalty. Direct advertising no longer affects us the way it did 20 years ago. In order to arouse the client's trust in the brand and the desire to order branded goods, it is much more effective to shoot a corporate film about the company. And already in it, as a friend, to tell the viewer about how the manufacturer lives. Talk about the corporate ideology and values, about people - employees who do business. Take the viewer through the workshops and show the production process from the inside. Include in the creation of a corporate film sincere feedback from those people who have already used the company's services.
  • Expand audience reach and increase sales. Shooting a corporate video and placing it on the main page of the site is a good way to set up a user loyalty. When creating a website, think about what your client would like to see on its pages? It has been proven that high-quality video content with a story about a service or product increases sales by at least 85%. A high-quality corporate video can increase the effectiveness of your site as a tool for attracting customers to your business by several times.
  • Establish partnerships. By ordering the production of a corporate film, you will solve another strategic task: finding new business partners. In 3-4 minutes, you can not only give all the necessary information about the company, its product line, production technologies and quality control conditions, but also inspire trust and sympathy for you and your business, without which it is impossible to imagine effective cooperation.
  • Presentation at events. The format of exhibitions and congresses involves the presentation of business representatives in front of a large audience. How to arouse in the audience not boredom, but genuine keen interest in the topic of the speech, and in one short presentation to find new clients and partners among those present? Once again, corporate video development comes to the rescue.
  • Motivating employees and creating a corporate culture. A corporate video is one of the most powerful tools that can be used to rally people, explain company values, create and maintain a corporate culture, and motivate them to do quality work. These goals can be achieved, for example, by shooting a video every year about the results of work, about the best employees, etc.
  • Education. Making a corporate film is great for educational purposes.

How is the production of corporate films and commercials

Video development in the Moscow studio ExpoTV takes place in 4 stages:

  1. A personal meeting. On it we will ask you a lot of clarifying questions about the business. You want to order a video about the company: how do you see it? What goals do you want to achieve with it?
  2. Writing and coordinating the script, preparing for the creation of a corporate film.
  3. Direct video production process. At this stage, we are shooting a corporate video.
  4. Working with ready-made video frames. Editing, if necessary - the development of animation and its inclusion in the video, working with sound - this is how the creation of the video ends.

For more than 7 years, ExpoTV Studio has been professionally shooting and editing video in Moscow.

The ExpoTV team includes well-known screenwriters, cameramen, and directors. We have extensive experience working on TV and a large portfolio of corporate videos created for our clients for a variety of purposes.

We invite you to learn everything about how a corporate video is shot for a company and discuss your future order right now.

Or leave a request for a call back, we will call you back!

In previous articles, we have already described what benefits an enterprise can bring, and how to show this video to potential consumers. Why are we returning to this topic again? Let's take a look at a few facts.

According to experts from Google and Cisco Systems, as early as next year, about 90% of Internet traffic will be video. The YouTube audience is growing. Today, more people are looking for content using the YouTube search engine rather than the standard search engines. Recipes, reviews, tests, tips, instructions - this is not a complete list of video content that is gaining popularity.

Video producers also do not stand still: there is more content, it is becoming more spectacular, its quality is improving, and the timing is being reduced. The video responds to the needs of the audience. Being the most effective communication channel, video provides an extremely high conversion into a purchase, especially at the stage when the client has already realized the need for the purchase. The video effectively allows you to tip the scales in favor of the product at the comparison stage. Companies that appear in the SERPs with their video previews get an average of 50% more clicks from potential customers.

But enough statistics. Let's move on to specific examples. As a result of the search, we selected 4 companies, each of which successfully operates in its own field. When choosing a video, we were guided by the quality of the work of the creators of the video, and the effect created by the video clip, including a good impression of the quality of the products, the professionalism of the employees and the culture of the company.

Veterinary clinic BEST (Novosibirsk)

In a comprehensive description of the veterinary practice in each frame, the idea is emphasized: here, competent employees treat all four-legged patients and their owners with love and attention. A good technique is the presence of a cross-cutting plot - a visit to the clinic by the owner of the dog. We get to know the clinic staff, learn about their experience and achievements. The film details the many small details that make up everyday medical practice. The only remark about the video product is that the length of the video should have been shortened somewhat. It is unlikely that many people will watch the video to the end. But the creators managed to ensure the high quality of the video material and its presentation. Each frame of the video draws the viewer's attention to the high professional standards of the BEST clinic. The creators of the video set the task to show that the number of negative experiences in animals (and, accordingly, in their owners) is minimized. Excellent shooting of a corporate film. As a result: 6,300 views on YouTube. We estimate conversion to call at 50%.

Rose Restaurant (Budapest, Hungary)

By genre standards, the speaker in these films is either the owner or the chef. However, the restaurant focuses on serving foreigners, so the creators decided to get rid of problems with subtitles and dubbing, completely abandoning the use of talking heads in the frame. This film is five and a half minutes long - well-chosen music and excellent work of the director of photography, who do their job. Live unrefined camera work, typified characters, street movie elements - all this works to create an atmosphere. After watching, there remains a desire to try the food that will be prepared especially for us, and which cannot be tasteless - after all, we have seen what wonderful products they will prepare it for us from.

The video is on the first page of Google search results. The vast majority of reviews on TripAdvisor are from foreigners. The average rating of the institution is between "excellent" and "very good". The number of views on YouTube has already approached 50 thousand. With the film's estimated budget of $5,000, a 10-cent contact cost is an excellent figure.

Well, I'm ready to order. Bring everything!

Shoe factory Ludwig Reiter (Vienna, Austria)

In conclusion, let's move on to neighboring Austria. This corporate video shows the process of making shoes, as they say, from and to. The entire video sequence and classical piano music work to achieve the result - creating a desire in the viewer to buy a classic pair of shoes made by hand by a skilled craftsman. Traditions are emphasized in every plan: large and macro plans on old tools, calloused hands. The film is intended for true connoisseurs of classic shoes who are squeamish about buying shoes from the mass market. Will everything in this video be clear to those who do not know German? We guarantee - everything is clear without words.

We have shown examples of how a corporate video with a very limited budget can sell your services and products. All the films in our selection did not require serious Hollywood production, they do not have a deep thought - there is a finished script, good camera work, and simple editing. Shooting a corporate film solves one specific task - it conveys your message to an audience that is used to trusting the video format. And if you haven't already, it's time to start doing it. Call us +7 495 1333 905 and set a meeting date.

Dmitry Bogdanov

2. Corporate film

Corporate film is the basic product of corporate video production. This concept usually means a film about a company, its services, achievements, management, etc.

A corporate video, a film about a company, a presentation film, an anniversary film - as a rule, these terms mean the same thing, and these are all derivatives of a corporate film.

Why do you need a corporate film

The need to create a film can arise under the influence of various circumstances. For example, the company has an anniversary, there will be guests, you need to show them a film.

Or a manager, meeting with potential clients, wants to give them an idea about the company (for this, you can open a laptop and show a movie).

Or a movie for a website.

Or a movie to be shown on a local TV channel.

There can be a lot of such “or”. It is in the corporate film that the company sees the solution to its problems.

Development of corporate cinema in Russia

In the USSR, there were film studios that, on the instructions of factories and scientific institutes, made films about them. As a rule, these were documentary or educational films.

During the collapse of the USSR, portable video cameras began to appear: at first it was the Es-ve-ha-es (SVHS) format, then Betacams (Betacam SP) appeared - more professional cameras.

There are many corporate films made in the 90s on the Internet. Most often they were filmed by operators from television. There were no video studios as such. At the regional level, films for companies were filmed by local channels. It was a side income, along with shooting, for example, weddings, the so-called "hack".

For large companies, corporate films were shot by well-known directors, for example, Timur Bekmambetov shot a corporate film for the GAZ automobile plant.

With the invention of non-linear editing (editing using a computer), private specialists began to appear. If earlier, to make a studio, it was necessary to invest in the purchase of professional tape recorders, monitors, consoles, but now it was enough for a camera, a special video editing board and a computer. More and more people are involved in filming and editing. There were professional video studios.

I made my first corporate film as an editor on a TV channel near Moscow. I was 16 years old, I edited programs and news. One day I was offered to edit a film about our local meat processing plant. I agreed, we sat in the evenings and nights, making movies. Done. We did not agree on any money, I was interested in this work, and I did not count on anything like that. When the film reached the customer, they gave me a “thank you”: a large white plastic bag with the logo of a meat processing plant, filled with “thematic” products: sausages, cold cuts, all kinds of smoked meats. That was my first fee for a corporate film.

By the mid-2000s, professional video production studios had formed. And then the Internet penetrated our lives, the need for corporate films began to grow rapidly.

Today, there are worthy video production teams on the Russian market. And this is good: competition makes us work better, constantly look for new solutions. For customers, this is just a plus. In recent years, the projects of Russian companies have won prizes at world festivals.

What should be a corporate film

First, let's talk about what a corporate film should not be.

What does a typical corporate film look like, for example, for a construction company?

  • Dynamic graphic screensaver. In it we see buildings, a city, construction cranes, at the end of the splash screen - the company logo;
  • Next, a panorama of the city is shown, and the low male voice of the announcer says: “Closed Joint Stock Company SU-590/76 is a leader in the field of monolithic construction. Over the years of its existence, the company has become a key player in the construction industry. That's how it all started...";
  • The viewer sees black and white photographs of the management, the first construction sites;
  • Further interview with the founder of the company, who says: "When we created our company, we wanted to do something valuable for people...";
  • Further along the film we see: - a beautiful and modern office of the company; - designers who create and discuss new projects; - a construction site: a crane lifts loads, welders work, sparks fly, a worker in a helmet with the company logo speaks on the radio;
  • We see that the company has many licenses, management is certified according to ISO standards, work is carried out in accordance with SNiPs;
  • We see modern buildings, happy people and the panorama of the city;
  • If the company has branches, then a map of Russia is shown, and we move from one region to another along it;
  • The head of the company is awarded an honorary order for his contribution to the development of the country;
  • At the end of the film, lyrical music sounds, and against its background, the same low male voice says optimistically: "The company has done a lot to make the world a better place, but the most interesting is yet to come ...".

Everything is very touching and emotional, "everyone is crying."

This option is, of course, hyperbolic, but many corporate films are similar to this example. What is in this movie? The film has all the information about the company. More precisely, all the positive information about the company. Such a sugary honey business card. Canvas ten by ten meters in a gold frame as a portrait of a narcissistic emperor on horseback. Yes, all this is beautiful, pathetic, but, alas, no one, except for the participants in the film, is interested.

And why? Yes, because there is no conflict, no problem, no history.

A corporate film, although corporate, is still a film, and there are laws for making a good film. There are rules by which history must be built. Listing facts one by one is not history.

You have to respect the viewer, don't torture him, make an interesting film that people will watch with pleasure.

Now about what a corporate film should be like. It takes a challenge to make a good film. Through the solution of this problem, the viewer will see both the company and its attitude to business.

For example, there is a network of post offices throughout the country. One of the main problems of this company is the outdated model of communication with customers. What film can be made for such a company? You can make an interesting film in which the company itself identifies the problems (that would be very bold!) and shows how it copes with solving them, what innovations appear, what has become better, what remains to be done. It must be said: “Yes, we have problems, and everyone knows about them, it's true. At the same time, we solve these problems: we do this and that ... ". The viewer in such a film will see that the company knows its "points of growth", it does not ignore them, but successfully solves them. It may not work out all at once, but the process is underway. This is a fair open position. Such a film is more interesting to watch than just a “fanfare business card”.

A priori, a film for the client's money cannot be against him. But films with a problem are the most interesting films. I first learned about this principle from a book by screenwriter Robert McKee. Experts know that conflict is the essence of any drama. I knew that too, but I didn't think that this rule applied to corporate films. It turns out that it really is.

This approach to production is very similar to documentaries, and in fact such films are corporate documentaries. It is necessary to make subject corporate films, films-history. Everyone will be happy: both the customer, who will have an interesting product, and the viewer, who will not sleep while watching the film.


The optimal format for perception is considered to be up to 10 minutes. With such timing, the viewer does not have time to get tired, start to be distracted, and can normally absorb the information that he sees.

Clients sometimes have the following reaction: “8 minutes? No, this is not enough for us, we are a large company, we are big and serious. 8 minutes is kindergarten. We spend so much money on this .... and here 8 minutes. This is not a very constructive approach.

The task of the video studio is to make the film meaningful, and not just long.

The importance of the company is better shown not by the timing of the film, but by the quality of the information. As with any rule, there are exceptions here.

If a documentary is made for television, then the timing may have its own standards.

Stages of creation

  1. The most important stage: the customer must understand the purpose of the film and the audience. How will it be used and what problem should it solve. The effectiveness of the film largely depends on the correct work at this stage.
  2. Collection of basic information by the performer. You need to collect all the materials that are on the topic. This is necessary for the performer to immerse himself in the question. Ideally, the performer needs to conduct an interview with the customer, find out and speak out all the semantic nuances in person. It happens that it is during a personal meeting that suitable stories emerge, which then become the basis of the film.
  3. The performer creates the concept of the film and the scenario plan. The concept reveals the style of the future film, its main idea, and the scenario plan reflects the structure of the film, the sequence of semantic parts. A scenario plan is not yet a scenario. These are blueprints that make it clear what the film will be and what needs to be shot.
  4. According to the concept and scenario plan, video filming is carried out.
  5. After filming, the script team has a concept, semantic structure and footage in their hands. These three links are reduced to one point: a film script is being created. It already has a voice-over text and the exact phrases of synchros (interviews). The script is agreed and signed by the customer. It is on it that further work will be built.
  6. post-production. The film is edited (first rough, then finished), computer graphics are created, dubbing is performed, and the announcer is recorded. At this stage, individual positions are sometimes agreed upon. The customer can be given the voice of the announcer for approval, show the style of computer graphics.
  7. Film delivery. Show to the customer, discuss, make adjustments.


Metrostroy. Production - Installtechno. Russia.

One of my favorite corporate films. Dynamic and spectacular. I consider the combination of sound from Soviet newsreel and modern computer graphics to be especially interesting.

Hydroelectric power plant in Niedzice. Production - Fabryka Filmów. Poland.

The film is in Polish, but this does not interfere with perception at all. Calm, beautifully filmed, without pathos and tension. Everything is clear and without words. A clear example of how a well-built visual range in itself carries information content. Agree, even though we are talking about the dam here, you still understand how beautiful and good it is there. I even want to go there.

"We are Maersk". Produced by Copenhagen Film Company. Denmark.

The film is about a logistics company. The main visual image is a container with a logo. We see his journey and discover the story along the way. By the end of the film, this container is already associated with the company itself.

Saxobank. Preventing Losses". Production - Global Media Line. Russia.

A film about a bank. In dealing with finances, one must be calm, clear and confident, without fuss. The film is the same - everything is not hastily and to the point, while there is the necessary rhythm. Great job!

The reality is that having at your disposal one corporate film about the company, you close the entire need for video content for your business. How? More on that below.

To begin with, let's answer the question: "Why do we need to shoot a corporate film?" Usually, such a film is created in order to close several goals at once:

- Maintain a high level of business reputation,

- Present the technical potential of production,

- Tell about innovations and experience,

- Highlight key benefits

And finally, to form a clear idea about your company among your target audience.

Shooting a corporate film for the company

Corporate film development:

technology and stages

If we compare the development of a corporate film with the development of a commercial, then it consists of the same stages, with the only difference that the pre-production (preparation) stage is longer. After all, the amount of information that needs to be reflected in the film is more than in a regular commercial. The rest of the development can be divided into logical stages:

Pre-production: preparatory stage, when all available information about the company and brand is collected (text content: stories, press releases, interesting achievements and innovations),

Identification of the main brand colors, for further video branding and logo development (if there is none),

Company concept(company mission, business philosophy),

Creating the first script draft and the approximate structure of the film.

we know that the production process is quite complicated and expensive, so you can order video filming of corporate films with us at a 10% discount

Creation of corporate films:

video content for different types of advertising channels

Now about how, with the help of a corporate film, you can close the content plan for video for business. We do not argue that the production of a corporate film is a long and expensive pleasure, but let's say you order the development of a corporate film lasting 15 minutes. It turns out a beautiful finished product, like this:

Corporate film of the Armacell factory

Such a film can be placed on the site, however, such a version is too long for the site, according to statistics, the user spends an average of 1.5 to 3 minutes on commercial sites. Therefore, we will create a dynamic version - the juice itself - with a duration of 2-3 minutes.

We make the second version of the film about the company a little longer - 8-9 minutes, such a video is perfect for business negotiations and will impress partners or clients.

But what to do with the full version? It can be placed on video hosting sites, sent to special contests, to the best corporate video, and, in the end, can be demonstrated in your office, motivating employees to new achievements. It is hard to argue that a corporate film is always closely intertwined with corporate culture, which means it also solves the recruiting problem.

After all, when a potential applicant or client is looking for additional information about you and your company, the film about the company answers them exhaustively, and at the same time hints who the employer wants to see in their ranks.

Another useful product that can be obtained from the film is a presentation video, which is great for specialized exhibitions.

And finally, if your corporate film contains interviews with top managers of the company, then they can be used in the media and be part of the campaign's advertising strategy.

Corporate film cost:

about prices and terms of production

For any business owner, the most pressing issue is the question of price. How much does it cost to make a corporate film? From 100 000 rubles, the cost is affected by:

Shooting a corporate film and the complexity of the filming period (number of shifts, quality of equipment, composition of the film crew, locations),

- Post-production (editing, graphics overlay, 3D modeling).

3D modeling is one of the most important components of the film, especially when it comes to production, and there is no way, except through simulation, to show what is happening inside the turbine, press, or plant.

So, the production of corporate films is an integral attribute of modern business, which solves a wide range of tasks, and most importantly, has a positive effect on the formation of a brand image.

At Artback, we take each project as seriously as possible, because you trust us with the packaging of your business, which can and should look expensive.

Finally a new project corporate video for Pelltech, just in this price segment, which paid off as soon as it was posted on the site and video hosting. This customer also ordered 360 video shooting from us, but we will talk about this type of shooting separately.

is one of the activities of Compass production. In recent years, this is one of the most sought-after areas in the media market, and now it is more of a business necessity than fashion.

Along with advertising in the media, corporate films are one of the modern and very effective means of communication. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the production of an advertising film for the image of a modern reputable company. This format allows you to most fully describe the company, its goals and the specifics of its activities.

The corporate video for the well-known company UNIT-Office equipment perfectly demonstrates all business qualities and forms the image of a well-known service provider in Russia. We offer you to watch the video and evaluate the quality of its performance:

Corporate video Unit-Office equipment:

Corporate video "Red October":

Compass Studio has been making corporate films for many years, which are successfully shown to employees and partners. You can get acquainted with them in ours.

The effectiveness of a corporate film is much higher than that of any other advertising, because it is shown exclusively to the target audience. Visibility and informativeness are its main trump cards. Creation of a corporate film is performed for its display at conferences, meetings, meetings, exhibitions, television and many other places.

Corporate films are intended for audiences inside and outside the company. Often, the activities of the company's management (director or manager) are poorly known to all its employees. Shooting a corporate film is very important for the corporate spirit of employees and the explanation of the company's mission. The internal audience in this case is employees, personnel and shareholders of the company. External audience - customers, real and potential; investors and business partners of the company; government agencies and officials.

Types and tasks of corporate films

Corporate film is also called business or industrial video. You can call it whatever you like, the result that it helps to achieve is important. First of all, it is a powerful media tool used to achieve a number of goals, such as:

  • Sales volumes and their increase.
  • Presentation of a new brand.
  • Address advertising.
  • Merchandising.
  • Creation of the company's image.
  • Informing clients or investors about the company's activities.
  • Training of company employees.

It is customary to divide this type of video production into the following categories:

  • Presentation films
  • Educational films
  • Technology films
  • Video catalog
  • PR films
  • Poster films

This division is partly conditional, because the same corporate film of the company can perform several functions at once or contain elements aimed at different audiences. The scope of these films is very wide and therefore the shooting of corporate films occupies an important place among the orders of our production.

You can get acquainted with the samples in.

To place an order for the production of a corporate video, you send us a brief. After analyzing the information provided, we provide you with an estimate for the future video or film. A sample brief can be obtained by contacting us in any way convenient for you.

- this is what every company needs, which is going to position itself in a certain way in the market and in society. If you decide to shoot a corporate film, then you need to clearly understand the goals and objectives that the video will perform. The production of a corporate film has different goals: advertising the company, its products, building an image, training employees and customers, introducing a new brand to the market, informing the public about the company's activities.

A corporate video shot to increase sales differs from a traditional commercial primarily in timing. Corporate video is a small film, the hero of which is the product being sold.

Corporate film production- this is what can distinguish a company from the rest, make it more attractive and modern. Such a film makes it possible to inform customers about the company's activities in a convenient and attractive way for them.

The production of a corporate film to introduce a new brand requires a careful approach to script writing. New brands emerge regularly, and corporate films are shot for each of them. Standing out here is difficult, but necessary.

Creation of a corporate film- This is a direct process of video production, which includes the preparatory stage, writing the script for the film, the filming process, the post-production stage.

Shooting a corporate film This is the stage at which material is obtained for further processing. Filming of corporate films takes place both on the territory of the company and in pavilions with scenery and green studios. Thus, the production of corporate films is an area in which the use of special effects, computer graphics, and various production technologies is not only justified, but recommended. Especially often special effects are used to create corporate videos to form the desired image of the company. With them, the film looks more convincing.

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