Seeing a pregnant belly in a dream. Why dream of pregnancy, stomach


It means experiences to be dealt with. The forum interprets this situation in different ways. If the pregnancy test is not positive, then we are talking about a possible pregnancy in the near future. It does not hurt to do an ultrasound, where in the photo you can understand what the dream is for. It is worth paying attention to what month it is now, because the answers may differ, as they write reviews on women's blogs. Sometimes it means that you will become a bride.

Seeing yourself pregnant in your last term with a big belly in a dream

A girl can have a dream without a stomach. What is it for? If there is a belly and it is big, and there are no cherished two strips on the test, then the dream means the bearing of some idea, which is about to take on real features. Perhaps you are in a creative search that will be positive for you, and new and promising ideas will appear. During pregnancy, we are talking about the usual experiences during the process.

What does it mean if in a white wedding dress

Most often, it is about the well-being of the family. Sometimes, a dream can be interpreted as new love affairs or a subconscious desire to change something in an intimate life with a loved one.

In hospital, maternity home

It is not uncommon for a girl to say that she had such a dream for a long period or for a short (short) period and the child moves (feels moving), there may be a dream where the process of childbirth with blood (bleeding) is taking place, which is often dreamed by a pregnant boy. In such a situation, it is not superfluous to check the health and condition of the fetus. In the absence of a situation, we are talking about a disease that should not be left to chance.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream in old age (for an elderly woman)

In this case, the interpretation will be extremely unpleasant, because we are talking about a serious illness or a nervous breakdown. Often this is due to troubles in the family or with relatives.

Pregnant with twins, twins, triplets

In this situation, the dream speaks of an easy birth and good health of the baby. A similar situation if you dreamed of giving birth to twins. For a married lady, this portends financial success and family well-being. If pregnancy is not confirmed, then new ideas for work will appear.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream and giving birth to a girl or a boy

Sleep is not uncommon before childbirth. In the case of a girl, he portends a change in life, and for the better. In another situation, it is worth talking about the birth of a new project or idea that will bring prosperity.

Divorced woman (unmarried)

It is not uncommon in such dreams to see pregnancy from an ex-husband, a bad person, or from another man (lover), which is interpreted as new problems and life difficulties. Possible deception from a loved one.

Seeing yourself pregnant in front of a mirror

If the dream is from Thursday to Friday, when everything comes true, as popular belief says, then he speaks of the next birth.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to Miller

We are talking about happiness with your chosen one, and children will be born beautiful and obedient. If a woman is a virgin, then a dream is a shame and all sorts of misfortunes. If we are talking about a real pregnancy, then the dream must be explained as the imminent onset of childbirth, which may not coincide with the PDR.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to Vanga

If sleep is frequent, then soon there will be a pregnancy for non-pregnant women. But Vanga also says that it can mean a serious illness that is already in the body and will soon manifest itself. If there are no health problems, then the interpretation implies well-being and replenishment of the family budget.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to Freud

On the one hand, you have to wait for a new pregnancy and a meeting with a new husband. On the other hand, this indicates a lack of intimacy, which is difficult to experience in such an interesting position.

Islamic dream book (according to Islamic horoscope)

Such a dream denotes success in the household, obtaining new sources of income and improving income from existing ones. There is another version, according to which you will be deceived by a loved one or relatives.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream Muslim dream book

If a man has a dream, and he sees his wife pregnant, then he will be rewarded for his good deeds. For a woman, this means an increase in family income and an improvement in worldly life. In the case of a virgin, a dream means the next marriage. For older women, sleep indicates health problems.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

Do you remember your dreams? Do you think it's stupid to remember dreams? Reconsider your views. Why? Night images are a projection of what the subconscious wants to convey to consciousness. Sometimes dreams can be frightening or very strange. They need to be able to interpret correctly. Why dream of a pregnant belly? Read about it below.

Sleep pregnant

Who most often dreams of a big belly? Those women who are in an interesting position. Expectant mothers see pregnancy in night dreams more often than others. It is not surprising. A woman in reality is very worried and thinks a lot about how the birth will go and how then she will need to take care of the child. Why dream of a pregnant belly? For easy childbirth. The subconscious urges the woman to calm down and relax. It tells the woman that there is no reason to worry. The lady must calm down and pull herself together. Constantly winding herself up, a girl can shake her nerves. Do not bring the situation to insanity. Take it easy. You will With experience you will understand what to do and what to avoid. If you want to do something useful, read books about how to raise children. This lesson will bring you moral satisfaction and the realization that you are preparing for the birth of a baby.

pregnant belly

What do you remember from the dream? The fact that they saw the belly of a pregnant woman? Why dream such a dream? The subconscious says that soon your body will undergo some changes. It is not necessary that you become a mother. Most likely, you cannot come to terms with external age-related changes. Some ladies are painfully experiencing the appearance of the first wrinkles and a general deterioration in the condition of the skin. If this is your case, then do not cheat yourself. Accept your appearance the way it is. Stop thinking that it's time to go under the surgeon's knife. You need to age beautifully. Time always takes its toll. Only very stupid people cannot accept the transience of life. The fading of beauty should pass smoothly. A woman should devote more time to her inner world, so that even after 10 years she will be attractive due to her charisma and ability to present herself.

baby pushing

Does a pregnant woman dream of a baby moving in her stomach? Soon in the life of a woman there will be changes. Yes, it is understandable. A baby will be born, and the young mother will pay all her attention to him. The subconscious warns the woman that she should not forget about her social position. The child should be in the first place for any mother, but the attention should be paid to the husband and parents. Don't lock yourself in. Close people need you no less than before. Don't dismiss their concern. Try to find a few minutes in the frantic schedule of your life to talk with your mother and a few hours to communicate with your husband.

What is the dream of a pregnant woman's belly, in which the child is pushing? Such a dream for a non-pregnant girl means quick changes. The changes that will take place will be pleasant. A lady can improve her personal life, career, or find a hobby that she likes. Do not miss the opportunities that fate will soon give you.

Belly is growing fast

Have you recently made a discovery, to which you now devote all your free time and now you cannot interpret strange night visions? Why is the belly of a pregnant woman dreaming? Such a dream portends quick results in the field of activity that you are passionate about at the moment. Well, if a girl is fond of one thing. And if the lady is a diversified person and she has a lot of hobbies? Even in this case, the girl will be closer to one thing than all the others. It is to him that special attention should be paid. Don't spray. Concentrate on what interests you and what brings you pleasure. Then you will succeed. A girl can not only work on improving some of her skills or gaining new knowledge, but also take decisive steps to win the heart of her chosen one.

pregnant mom

Why is the belly of a pregnant woman dreaming? If you recognized your own mother in a lady who will soon need to give birth, then rejoice. Soon you will be able to easily acquire the knowledge and skills you need to advance your career and self-development. If you haven't been able to enroll in any courses before, then it's time. You will be able to find money, time and an experienced teacher. A person can also acquire skills through books. Therefore, do not discount this source of information. Carefully monitor all the data that will come to you from different sources. One of my colleagues may advise you to read a new article in a foreign journal or take another seminar instead. Don't miss out on the opportunity to get smarter. A pregnant mother who appeared to you in a dream is subtly hinting that you need to saturate yourself through the intake of "food for the mind."

pregnant daughter

Are you a happy parent and love your child very much? What portends a dream in which you see your daughter pregnant? Such night dreams tell people that it is time to let the child go, as the girl has grown up and is ready to start an independent life. Don't worry about your daughter doing stupid things. A pregnant girl in a dream is an image that should be interpreted as a child's readiness to take an important life step. Your daughter can choose her career or her life path. Help the girl find her place in this life. Young people listen to the advice of the older generation if they do not try to impose their opinion, but sincerely warn a person against mistakes. Try to speak softly, but at the same time impressively. Support your daughter, even if her choice is not very sympathetic to you. Understand that a grown child can independently make decisions that the older generation needs to respect.

pregnant wife

With a big belly? Could you guess your own wife in the lady? A similar image is seen by men who experience the most for their chosen one. A person representing a pregnant wife in night dreams is ready to have children. A man should talk to his soulmate that it's time to conceive a child. There is no point in postponing this conversation. The subconscious mind says that you are ready for a serious step, you have thought it over well and you will be able to do everything possible to raise a child. Some young people do not dare to have children, because they believe that they still have a lot of time left. In fact, time is fleeting. If a couple postpones the birth of a child until later, then the right moment may not be found.

Have you made a decision? Execute it. If there is a desire, then there is an opportunity. Parents will help raise the child. Do not be afraid of the difficulties you will face. You can handle everything.

pregnant sister

Are you close to your relatives? Then do not be surprised that they will often appear in your dreams. What can the vision in which your unmarried sister appears pregnant mean? The girl will soon have a successful marriage. If the lady already has a permanent boyfriend, then convince the girl that the person who is next to her is her soulmate. From the side it is always more visible. The sister may doubt her choice. Don't tell her about the dream. Just say that you are sure that the guy for whom the girl has warm feelings is the ideal candidate for marriage.

Did you see your married sister pregnant in a dream? Then your relative will soon have changes in her personal life. Observe the relationship between a sister and her husband. There is a possibility that the couple had a conflict that they cannot resolve in any way. Act as a psychologist. Talk to people and try them on. Family is sacred and must be protected.

pregnant girlfriend

In night dreams, did a friend with a belly come to you? Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming? If the girl is really pregnant, then expect a deterioration in relations with her own children. The subconscious makes you understand that you consider yourself a bad mother. You may be jealous of your girlfriend because the girl may be better off or better educated. Accept yourself for who you are. No need to envy anyone. Each person has his own destiny and his own problems. Do not idealize someone else's life, rather take the time to deal with your problems.

In a dream, did you see a friend with a stomach? Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming? If in reality the girl is not pregnant, it means that soon she will have a successful marriage. Carefully analyze the life of a friend. Give the girl instructions regarding her suitors. The individual who is currently attractive to you will make the perfect match for your girlfriend.

Children's sleep

Does your child dream of a pregnant woman with a big belly? How can such a night vision be interpreted? Children who see pregnant women in a dream are deprived of parental love in reality. Give your child more time. A child may feel lonely if his parents do not play with him or read fairy tales. The child may not show his resentment in any way. But the emotions accumulated in the soul will make the child nervous and withdrawn. The child will envy those children whose parents are less busy than his own. Remember that it is not money that makes a child happy, but parental love. Try to give your child as much attention as possible. Talk and play with your child every evening, and take family walks on weekends. Take your child to the cinema, to the theater, to an amusement park, or just go to the forest. The kid will love everything that you offer him.

see yourself pregnant

Does a pregnant woman dream of a baby in her stomach? Such a dream should be considered a boon. Everything will be fine in your life. Stop worrying about trifles. You will be a great mother. The subconscious is sure of it. Be proud of yourself and boost your self-esteem. Do not belittle your own dignity. You will still need them when you raise a baby.

What is the dream of a pregnant girl with a belly for a lady who is not in an interesting position? If the girl figured as the main character in her own dream, then she should expect a dirty trick from the young man. The girl should think about whether she made the right choice and whether she trusts her soulmate. If there is no trust, then it's time to leave. Do not keep unnecessary people near you.

Male sleep

A guy in a dream saw his girlfriend pregnant? Such a dream should not be taken literally. The man has some new thoughts and ideas that he has been nurturing for a long time. The subconscious advises the young man not to pull and bring his ideas to life. It's time to take a decisive step. Everything will work out, you just need to show more perseverance.

A pregnant unfamiliar woman portends serious problems for a man. A person who has seen such a dream should think about where and how she made a mistake. Try to correct the oversight before it has time to resonate. Don't wind yourself up. Everyone makes mistakes. You need to learn how to draw conclusions from them and safely use the experience gained in the following projects.

take birth

Did you help a girl in a dream? Taking birth is a good sign. Soon you will have the opportunity to participate in some project that can change your life. Be attentive to all offers, even those that come from strange sources. Weigh each project and think about whether it can bring dividends to you.

When deciding to take part in an event, do not ask others for advice. They may not understand you. Risky ventures rarely get a positive response from the public. Only after the project "shoots" will they start talking about it positively. If you want to get fame and money, you will need to be at the origins of the enterprise, and not be part of the staff of an already fully formed office. Even if you end up losing out, you will gain life experience that will help you start your own business in the future.

kiss belly

You don't have children yet? Why dream of a pregnant belly? The dream interpretation says that kissing the belly in which the baby is located is a very good sign. Your future children will be healthy, strong and smart. A similar omen often visits young girls in the pre-wedding fuss. A lady can rejoice in such dreams, since the body is morally and physically mature in order to bear a child. Don't trust your subconscious completely. Therefore, during pregnancy, you do not need to aggravate your situation by taking alcohol or abusing cigarettes. The subconscious does not show you a real picture of the future, it just makes assumptions.

touch belly

Do you like ladies in position? Why dream of touching the belly of a pregnant woman? Such a dream tells the dreamer that in reality he cannot cope with some kind of problem. There have already been attempts to resolve the oppressive situation, but there are still no results. The person should turn to friends for help. They will give you practical advice and, if necessary, help you solve existing problems. But before you turn to someone for help, consider in what area of ​​your life you need it right now. If you're having problems at work, consider delegating some tasks to free up time to work on the things you really care about. If there are problems in your personal life, then you need to turn not to friends, but to a psychotherapist.

Why dream of touching a pregnant belly? A person who cannot solve his problems on his own may be afraid of responsibility. Think, you really cannot cope with the obligations assigned to you, or do you not want to be responsible for the result of your own activities?

pregnant gypsy

Many people are afraid of gypsies. They believe that this nomadic people brings only misfortune. Is it so? If you dreamed of a pregnant gypsy, then expect profit. Gypsies in the subconscious are an image of wealth. These people know how to profit from almost everything. But remember that money will bring joy only if it is earned honestly. Try not to get into funny situations. Always calculate in advance the degree of risk of a particular enterprise. To get rich, you need to act judiciously. Don't settle for stupid suggestions from acquaintances and don't engage in dubious undertakings. Value yourself, your time and your capital.

A pregnant gypsy woman may portend financial well-being in general. For example, you may receive a salary increase or incentive bonuses. Funding will also come from other sources. For example, one of the fans will be able to sponsor your new project.

Stroking the belly

Do you have pregnant friends? Then they can come to you in night dreams. Why dream of stroking a pregnant belly? Such a dream is interpreted as a pleasant change in the future. What exactly can they happen? If a girl is concerned about her personal life, then she will soon be able to find herself a rich and promising gentleman. A man will be gallant, courteous and will soon offer a lady a hand and a heart.

Why dream of stroking the belly of a pregnant woman? If you had such a dream at a time when you have unresolved business at work, expect that the situation will improve soon. You may get a promotion, or you may be offered a more solid position at another company.

Why dream of stroking the belly of a pregnant girl? If a lady strokes her own stomach in a dream, then she is ready to take some serious step. A woman can safely change her job, move to a new apartment or even to another city.

pregnant man

Do such dreams often appear to girls? How should the strange image be interpreted? in reality portends a lady a good gift. The gift will be unexpected and pleasant. Think about which of the men around you can give you a gift? If you have a permanent gentleman, then doubts will be unnecessary.

What will the young man give? It can be an expensive piece of jewelry, a ticket to a popular resort or a subscription to Do not be surprised by such an expensive gift. The guy wants to surprise you. Do not take the offering as a kind of atonement.

Belly without belly button

Dreaming of a pregnant familiar woman with a big belly? See if she has a belly button. If it is missing, expect trouble. Something is wrong with your health - that's what your subconscious mind says. Consider what needs to be treated. If there are no visible problems, consult a doctor, or rather, undergo a complete medical examination. Finding the cause of your ailment, try to eliminate it immediately. Don't put things off until later.

A belly without a navel can portend a strong shock. Some of your acquaintances or friends may disappoint you, offend or surprise you. Try not to overreact. Even if a loved one has betrayed you, do not make scenes for him. Then you may regret your emotional incontinence. Take it for granted that not all people act the way you want.

A dream about your stomach encourages you to think about your life and well-being.

To see the belly in wounds in a dream - to losses and losses.

If you dream that your stomach has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of the stomach in a dream.

And vice versa: if you see that the stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that your state will be lost by you due to some kind of accident.

If you dream that your stomach is swollen, but empty inside, then your wealth will melt like smoke.

The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become.

If you dream that your stomach is grumbling with hunger, then you will have to work hard to own a state corresponding to the size of your stomach.

Pain in the abdomen is a sign of trouble.

According to other versions, such a dream portends health and prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you will feel in a dream.

In a dream, to see your stomach ripped open and with insides turned inside out means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you.

Seeing a bare belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible.

See interpretation: yes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Belly

Attention! A very typical and most characteristic feature of the black magician and obvious demonic influences are periodic sensations of pressure, pain, overstrain and cramps in the stomach both in the dream itself and upon awakening. Sometimes serious martial arts become the cause of the demonic transformation. In the author's collection there is even one wonderful dream told by one karateka. He reported that one night his stomach was severely twisted by a painful cramp. And he, not knowing what to do in this case, gave himself a massage of the abdomen, after which he fell asleep with great difficulty. But when he woke up in the morning, he discovered with great surprise that some unknown force (without his participation) tightly bandaged his stomach with a sheet, leaving hard knots in different places of the body. He swears he couldn't do it. After this incident, the karateka's family began to be wary of him, because such a pronounced demonic influence on him was obvious.

Interpretation of dreams from
  • Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSH EVENT and sets its certain content.
  • Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.
  • If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection. One of the YUNGU ARCHETYPES is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the family.
  • To see oneself engaged in activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.
  • If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.
  • A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as
  • compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men give birth not only to children, but also to something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.
  • The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.
  • Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, the DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as elevated
  • fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.
  • Dreams of infidelity or the death of a partner often occur as a response to feelings of insecurity due to a change in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects in the child belong to the category of negative WILL-DOING, and are also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.
  • Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of fears about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

The mystery of sleep has always attracted people. How will a person's life change, what awaits him? How many children, will there be wealth?.. Many questions arise in humanity after sleep and vivid emotions of the sleepy kingdom. Not every dream is remembered and not all details can be reproduced later.

Often a young woman may dream of pregnancy, namely a rounded tummy. Why dream of a pregnant belly? Let's try to figure this out.

What does the belly of a pregnant woman dream about according to Miller's dream book?

If the girl is unmarried and pious, then such a dream can promise trouble or various annoying incidents. Such a dream for an adult woman may mean that she will be unhappy in marriage, and the children born in this marriage will be unsuccessful, and even ugly.

But for a truly pregnant lady, this is a favorable dream. He portends a quick recovery after childbirth and that the baby will be healthy and happy.

Pregnant belly - Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, pregnancy in a dream for a married lady may portend that the birth of twins awaits her in the future, and for a girl who is not yet in a legal relationship with her loved one, it may promise some quarrels and disappointments. The other half can be a deceitful and unpleasant person.

Pregnant belly according to Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream pregnant with a belly, for a girl, means an early acquaintance with the person with whom she will establish a stable and long-term relationship. Acquaintance will be successful and prosperous.

Sometimes a man can have such dreams. This may mean that he really wants a child from the woman with whom he is in a serious relationship at the moment. If a man is free, then soon he will meet with the woman who will give birth to an heir or heiress.

Pregnant belly - dream book of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, to see yourself with a pregnant belly means to suffer losses in finance and business matters.

Having a big pregnant belly in a dream can also mean carrying some promising idea, a creative project. These ideas can take a lot of time and effort, but they will lead to success and stability.

If another person had a pregnant belly in a dream, then you should try to remember the figure of that person and his affiliation by family ties. If this is a rival's pregnancy, then this may indicate envy and anger. If a gypsy woman dreams with a belly, then this is to joy and profit. If a pregnant woman dreams of a grandmother or mother-in-law, then such a dream promises wealth and cash flows.

Sleep well and may you have only good dreams!

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