Types of predicates in Russian with examples. Compound nominal predicate: examples


The predicate is a very important part of the sentence. It is thanks to him that the meaning of what they are trying to convey becomes clear. Of course, there are sentences without this member, but they do not carry the dynamics that is an attribute of the predicate. There are a lot of varieties of this member of the sentence in Russian, and each is used to convey certain semantic shades. Let's take a look at its ways of expression.

The grammatical basis of the sentence

Before talking about the predicate as such, attention should be paid to the predicate, or in which it enters. It is no coincidence that these members of the proposal are called the main ones. After all, the subject and the predicate are the main guidelines for the fact that we have before us not a phrase, but a more complex syntactic unit.

Here's an example:

1. Colorful fish.

2. Nimble and colorful fish scurry between the stones here and there in shallow water.

In the first case, we have a phrase in which we can distinguish the main and dependent word. However, we do not observe the semantic load about what kind of fish they are, where they live, what happens to them. Thus, we have a phrase. In the second case, we have a proposal. Let's prove it. The basis of the sentence is easily singled out: the fish are scurrying. Here the main idea is already framed, the statement has a finished look, intonational completeness is felt.

Even if you remove all the minor members, the basis of the proposal remains. The fish are scuttling. It will no longer be a phrase for the reasons listed above.

In addition to the predicate, which will be discussed later, the subject is included in the predicative stem. This member of the sentence indicates the subject of speech, it is reported in this syntactic unit.

Predicate: definition of a concept

What is a predicate? Its main task is to convey the meaning of what is said about the subject of speech, expressed by the subject.

Predicate types

Taking into account the meaning in which the predicate and its ways of expression are used, different types of this member of the sentence are distinguished.

Let's take an example. Cheeks redden. - Cheeks continue to blush. - Cheeks become red. All these three sentences convey, in principle, the same idea, but their grammatical meaning and shades of meaning are different. So, in the first sentence, the grammatical meaning and semantic load lie on the predicate blush. Another thing is the second and third sentences. Here the grammatical and lexical meanings are conveyed by different words. The predicates consist of two words (they continue to blush, turn red), one of which (the first) carries a grammatical load, the second (an infinitive in the first case and an adjective in the second) is semantic.

Also, all predicates of the Russian language are divided into simple and compound. The first consists of one verb, which carries the semantic and grammatical aspects. My sister plays with dolls all evening. Predicate plays- simple.

Another thing is the compound predicate and its ways of expression. At least two words take part here, one of which outlines the grammatical component, and the second - the semantic one (see examples at the beginning of the section).

According to their type, nominal and verbal predicates are distinguished, examples of which will be given in the following sections. It is quite simple to distinguish them: if one of its parts is expressed by any name: noun, adjective, numeral - it will be called nominal.

The verb predicate and its connection with the subject

Before listing the ways of expressing a nominal and verbal predicate with examples, let's look at how it is associated with the subject in a sentence.

This can happen by number category: The student writes a dictation. - Pupils write a dictation.

Also, agreement can be implemented in number and gender: The student wrote a dictation. - The student wrote a dictation. The students were writing a dictation.

A special case is when the subject is expressed by a word with the meaning of any quantity. Here it is necessary to take into account the context and put the predicate either in the singular or in the plural. ABOUT blaka float across the bright blue sky. - Many students will remember their school years with gratitude and light sadness. Teaching occupies a special place among specialists. The last sentence is very significant, because in it the subject has a collective meaning, therefore it is required to put the predicate only in the singular. These are subjects such as majority, society, people, minority and others.

Simple verb predicate

Let's analyze the ways of expressing a simple verbal predicate. In it, the semantic and grammatical components are enclosed in one verb form. Let us make a reservation right away, it is a mistake to say that a simple verbal predicate is just one word, since it can be expressed in such a form that involves several words, significant or not.

So, ways of expressing the predicate with examples:

  1. A verb in any of the moods. I will go on vacation by the sea (indicative) - I would go on vacation by the sea (conditional) - Go on vacation by the sea (imperative).
  2. Compound future tense of the verb. I will bake a cake for my birthday (I will bake).
  3. Verb be, if it matters the presence of something or just existence. It rained all day yesterday. I have this quality.
  4. Phraseologism, if it contains a conjugated form. Olesya finally came to her senses. I find a common language with almost every child and parent.

Compound verb predicate

Let's analyze the compound verb predicate and its ways of expression. It includes the main part and the auxiliary. The first contains a semantic load and is an infinitive, while the second contains a grammatical meaning. Also, the auxiliary part can be endowed with additional shades of meaning. Let's figure out what the compound verb predicate means. Examples will help you understand this better.

  • Stages of action: beginning, end, duration. I'm going to re-read Pushkin. I'm finishing whitewashing the walls.
  • Desire or necessity of action, its possibility. Olga wanted to cut her hair very short. I should warn you about the danger of getting burned.
  • Any emotional context. I love walking along the embankment at any time of the year.

As mentioned above, the main part is always a verb-infinitive. The auxiliary one can be with the meaning of the action: should, glad and others, the words need, can, fun, bitter, loved, good can also be included here.

Nominal predicate

The compound nominal predicate contains, in addition to the auxiliary part, a nominal predicate. It contains the semantic component. The auxiliary part is responsible for the grammatical content and connection with the subject.

Let's look at what a similar predicate is and how to express it. If we talk about the auxiliary part, then it can be:

  • The linking verb to be. Her difference is that in the present tense she becomes zero: She was smart and beautiful. She will be smart and beautiful. She is smart and beautiful.
  • Other linking verbs, which, unlike being endowed with additional meanings: to seem, to be considered, to be, to become, and others.

  • Verbs of motion such as sit, come, stand and others. Liza sat proud and impregnable.

As for the nominal part, it can be a noun, an adjective, a word of the category of state, a participle or an adjective, full, short in a comparative degree. Andrei was taller than Igor by a whole head. The sky was blue and very clear. A table is a piece of furniture that is so necessary for the household.

Pronouns may also be present in the nominal part. The girl was exactly what he saw in his dreams. There are also numbers. Ten times ten is one hundred.

Phraseologisms are not uncommon as a nominal part. Shorokhov was a master of all trades in the construction business.

Offers. Different types of predicates in Russian can answer different questions, have different meanings, and be expressed by different parts of speech.

In our language, the predicate most often conveys the action performed by the subject ( boy running). In this case, it will answer the questions “What does it do? ” or “What will he do?”, And be expressed in verbs.

Less often, the predicate can express the state of the subject, its sign, and answer the questions “What is the subject?”, “Who is the subject?”. To be expressed, respectively, such a predicate will be other parts of speech.

There are different types of predicates in Russian. All of them have a real (lexical) and grammatical meaning. By real (lexical) is meant the name of the action or state that the predicate names. ( The Volga is flowing. I am builder.)

Grammatical depends on the form in which the part of speech that expresses the predicate stands. For example, in a sentence Volga flows this is the present tense, and in the sentence I am builder- masculine, singular.

Let's take a closer look at the types of predicates.

There are three of them. The simplest form is It is expressed by a verb in one of the moods, consists of a single word. ( It is raining. I would go somewhere. Run to the store.)

Compound verbal predicate (CGS) is built according to the formula: + infinitive. The role of the first is most often played by words that have a phase meaning: ( continue, start, stop). Often auxiliary verbs can be modal: must, must and so on. ( Ivan Ivanovich was a hunter for a tasty meal. The student must study well. It's time for you to quit smoking).

In such sentences, the auxiliary verb is needed to convey the grammatical meaning, and the main verb is needed to express the lexical meaning.

However, not all combinations of the infinitive and another verb are GHS. When studying the types of predicates, you need to remember: in order for the combination to be considered CGS, the auxiliary verb must not have a full-fledged lexical meaning. This means that by removing the infinitive, it will be impossible to understand what the sentence is about. ( I started to have lunch. I want to sleep). In these examples, the underlined words have an incomplete lexical meaning; without an infinitive, they lose their meaning, so there is a place for CGS in sentences. Otherwise (with a significant verb), the predicate will be a simple verb, and the infinitive will be a minor member of the sentence.

In sentences with CHS, the action of the infinitive must be subjective ( I started learning a new dance). Otherwise, if the verbs refer to different words, the infinitive will become a minor member ( I asked him to go shopping). Word go off- addition.

The types of predicates do not end there. The most difficult of them is the compound nominal predicate (CIS). It is built according to the formula: auxiliary + main part. Moreover, the auxiliary is expressed by a linking verb intended to convey grammatical meaning, and the main one (noun, pronoun) is used to express lexical meaning.

Some connectives may not have their own lexical meaning, but only fix the grammatical one. ( He was a geologist. He will be a geologist).

Semi-significant connectives are expressed by verbs denoting the name, occurrence, presence or development of a feature. They complement the predicate with lexical shades, and in other sentences they can play the role of an independent predicate. ( He remained undeveloped and wild. He stayed with me).

Finally, there are significant connectives ( I returned happy).

The nominal parts of SIS are expressed by nouns or other nominal parts of speech.

The types of predicates, examples of which are given above, help diversify Russian speech, make it bright, expressive, emotional.

Compound predicates- these are predicates in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (time and mood) are expressed in different words. Lexical meaning is expressed in the main part, and grammatical meaning (time and mood) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He sang(PGS). - He started to sing(GHS); He was sick for two months(PGS). - He was sick for two months(SIS).

Compound Verbal Predicate (CGS) consists of two parts:

A) auxiliary part(verb in conjugated form) expresses grammatical meaning (time and mood);
b) main part(indefinite form of the verb - infinitive) expresses lexical meaning.

GHS = auxiliary verb + infinitive

For example: I started to sing; I want to sing ; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not every combination of a conjugated verb with an infinitive is a compound verbal predicate! In order for such a combination to be a compound verbal predicate, two conditions must be met:

    The auxiliary verb must be lexically ambiguous, that is, it alone (without the infinitive) is not enough to understand what the sentence is about.

    Wed: I began- what to do?; I want- what to do?.

    If in the combination “verb + infinitive” the verb is significant, then it alone is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is a secondary member of the sentence.

    Wed: She sat down (for what purpose?) relax .

    The action of the infinitive must refer to the subject (this is the subject infinitive). If the action of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (objective infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the predicate, but is a minor member.

    1. I want to sing . I want to sing- compound verb predicate (I want - I, sing will- I ).
    2. I asked her to sing. Requested- simple verbal predicate sing- addition (asked - I will sing - she).

Auxiliary verb meanings

Meaning Typical verbs and phraseological units Examples
1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action) start, become, start, continue, finish, stay, stop, quit, stop and etc.

He began to prepare to leave.
He continued to prepare to departure.
He gave up smoking .
He again started to reason about the hardships of rural life.

2. Modal meaning (necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional evaluation of an action, etc.) To be able, to be able, to wish, to want, to dream, to intend, to refuse, to try, to try, to count, to be able, to contrive, to try, to assume, to get used to, to hasten, to be shy, to endure, to love, to hate, to be afraid, to be afraid, to be cowardly, to be ashamed, to set a goal , to burn with desire, to have honor, to have intention, to make a promise, to have a habit and etc.

I can sing .
I want to sing .
I'm afraid to sing.
I like singing .
I'm ashamed to sing.
I I hope to sing this aria.

Plan for parsing a compound verb predicate

  1. Specify the type of predicate.
  2. Indicate how the main part is expressed (subjective infinitive); what is the meaning of the auxiliary part (phase, modal) and what form of the verb it is expressed.

Sample parsing

The old man began to chew again.

Started to chew- compound verb predicate. Main part ( chew) is expressed by the subjective infinitive. Auxiliary part ( set off) has a phase meaning and is expressed by the verb in the past tense of the indicative mood.

Compound nominal predicate (grade 8), along with the subject, is one of the main members of the sentence. As you know, there are three types of predicates: simple verbal predicate, compound verbal predicate, compound nominal predicate. A simple verb is expressed by one full-valued word or a related phrase. The compound verb predicate has two parts: the infinitive and the verb. What is a compound nominal predicate? To begin with, we note that it is studied in the 8th grade, it consists of two parts: a bundle and a nominal part.

Compound nominal predicate (8th grade)

A link in a compound nominal predicate

Bundle expresses modality and category of time. Most often, the following verbs can act as a link:

  • The verb to be in all categories of tense. Do not forget that this verb in the present tense turns into a zero connective;
  • verbs become, appear, become, etc.;
  • verbs with a categorical meaning of an action or process: arrive, return, stand, leave, reach, swim, fly away, come, etc .;
  • Katerina is excited and energized by the unforeseen circumstances that have arisen on her way home. I'll be the first just for the sake of being better than you. If you become a good boy, I might take you to the circus with me.
  • It was getting cold outside, so we returned to the house. You turned out to be a two-faced person, because you wanted to quarrel everyone. It becomes fun from those memories of bygone days.
  • Leave this doctor healthy. My husband will arrive tomorrow by plane via Moscow on a direct flight.

Types of ligaments

The compound nominal predicate has several types of connections, which are markedly different from each other:

In past and future tenses, the verb to be expressed clearly. Same context: she was a doctor with a lot of experience but little ambition and she will be a doctor with a lot of experience but little ambition. Compound nominal predicates with an abstract connective to be are highlighted in the sentences.

A few words about the form of the subjunctive mood, when using it, the particle would be added to the abstract connective to be. Suggestion: she would be a doctor with a lot of experience but little ambition.

  • Ligament semi-abstract, is represented by the verbs to appear, seem, turn out, appear, become, etc. The peculiarity of semi-significant connectives is that they carry not only a grammatical component, but also help in expressing the meaning of the nominal part of the predicate. Suggestion: she turned out to be a doctor with a lot of experience, but little ambition.
  • Ligament significant, expressed in words of action, movement, any process. For example, we include such verbs as sit, lie, hear, think, read, walk, breathe, run, swim, wash, undress, speak, etc. These connectives express specific lexical and grammatical meanings. Suggestions: Geese in the yard walked important, as if the owners of the whole farmstead. He served as an ensign on the border for many years.

The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate

In the role of the nominal part are:

  • Summer days are getting shorter. Today you look better than yesterday. I'll be later, you don't have to wait for me for dinner. (adjective in comparative degree).
  • She is the decoration of this evening (noun in the instrumental form).
  • Aunt Masha seemed very sad to me. This summer has been unusually cold. The flowers you gave for the holiday were very beautiful. (adjective in a positive degree).
  • This child is sometimes completely unbearable. The man living on the floor above is extraordinarily rich. Honey collected from your apiary is so sweet. (abbreviated adjective).
  • All the mistakes made while writing the dictation were mine (possessive pronoun).
  • I suddenly became afraid. It was rather strange (adverb).

Sentences with a compound nominal predicate

Thus, the compound nominal predicate is studied in grade 8, along with other types of predicate: simple verb and compound verb. Its feature is the presence of two parts: ligament and nominal part. The problem of modern school education is that sometimes students do not have time to fully understand the essence of the types of predicates in the classroom, as a result, it is impossible to find and determine one of the main members of the sentence. You can deal with this problem in different ways, for example, work with a tutor or watch accessible and simple video tutorials on the Internet.

Which includes a subject and (or) a predicate. Their correct selection is the key to successful parsing. In this case, most often there are difficulties with finding the predicate. It can have a different structure and ways of expression. Depending on this, the following types of predicates are distinguished: simple and compound.

What is a predicate?

In a sentence, the subject usually names the subject (or has the meaning of objectivity). The predicate denotes the action, state, quality of the object named by the subject. You can ask him one of the questions: what does he do? what it is? what is he?

This member of the sentence can be expressed by words of different parts of speech and includes lexical and grammatical (the relation of the statement to reality) meaning. They can be combined in one component or require two or more components to express. Accordingly, the composition of the predicate may be different: one or several interrelated words. Knowing these subtleties helps to correctly find the grammatical basis in a sentence.

Types of predicates: table

The study of this topic deals with syntax. In Russian, the following types of predicates are distinguished:

Simple verb predicate

It is this type of main member that usually comes to mind when the question arises about what types of predicate you know. It is believed that finding it is quite easy, but in reality everything can be more difficult. Indeed, usually such a predicate is expressed in only one word - a verb in one of the mood forms: indicative ( I will sing you a song), subjunctive or conditional ( He would read a poem, but his throat hurts), imperative ( Please tell me my favorite story). In this case, both lexical and grammatical meanings are contained in one word.

However, when working with this type of predicate, you need to remember a few important points. First of all, about the fact that the verb in the form of the future compound tense is a simple verbal predicate ( A friend will meet at the station), although it consists of two words. Ignorance of this fact is the most common reason for the erroneous definition of the grammatical basis and its type. When characterizing different types of predicates in the Russian language, one must also take into account the following little-known (or often forgotten) ways of expressing it.

Difficulties in identifying a simple verbal predicate

Here are examples of sentences, when finding and characterizing the main members of which you can make a mistake.

  1. Two verbs used in the same form mean, in fact, one action: I'm going to eat something.
  2. The composition of the predicate, along with the main one, includes the verb TAKE in the personal form: She took and refused.
  3. The same verb is used twice - in an indefinite and personal form with a negative particle between them: She doesn't read herself...
  4. The personal verb is repeated to reinforce what was said ( I'm going, I'm moving forward...), sometimes with a particle SO (Yes, I sang, I sang like that).
  5. The sentence contains a combination of a verb with the word WAS or KNOW (KNOW YOURSELF), which have the meaning of a particle: He first thought...
  6. The predicate is a phraseological unit: Finally he came to his senses.

Thus, when determining the type of predicate in a sentence, one must be guided by the grammatical features of the verb as a part of speech and the conditions indicated above.

Compound predicates

Very often, when determining the grammatical basis of a sentence, semantic constructions consisting of two or more words are distinguished. These are subjects expressed by an indivisible phrase, or compound predicates, in which there are two parts: the main part (contains lexical meaning) and auxiliary (in addition to indicating grammatical features, it can sometimes introduce additional semantic shades). The latter are divided into verbal and nominal. For the correct finding and characterization, it is necessary to know their structure.

Compound verb predicate

The lexical meaning is always expressed by the infinitive, and the grammatical meaning is always expressed by an auxiliary verb (want, wish, be able, start, complete, wish, love, etc.) in a personal form or a short adjective (glad, obliged, ready, must, capable, intends). Here are the types of predicates with examples:

  • Soon the sun began to set.
  • A friend was obliged to warn about his departure.

When determining a compound verbal predicate, it is necessary to distinguish between the combination of the predicate and the complement expressed by the infinitive: The guests asked the hostess - about what? - sing. In such a case, you can be guided by a hint: if the actions denoted by the verb in a personal and indefinite form are performed by one person (subject), then this is a compound verbal predicate, if different, this is a simple verbal predicate and addition.

The infinitive can also have a circumstantial value and will be a minor member in such a sentence. Example: He sat down - For what? - relax.

Thus, the presence of an infinitive in a sentence is not always an indicator that a compound verb predicate is used in it.

Compound nominal predicate

This is the type that causes the most difficulty in defining. In it, the nominal part contains the main lexical meaning, and the link - grammatical.

The nominal part can be expressed:

  1. A noun in the nominative or instrumental case.
  2. An adjective in one of the forms (full, short, degree of comparison).
  3. Numerals in the nominative or instrumental case.
  4. Communion.
  5. Pronoun (used alone or as part of a combination).
  6. Adverb (more precisely, the word of the category of state).
  7. Whole phrase.

The nominal part can be represented by one word or a combination of them. Moreover, short adjectives and participles, as well as a simple comparative degree, can be in a sentence only part of the nominal predicate.

  • Human life is a constant struggle.
  • Everything around seemed magical.
  • Six yes five - eleven.
  • The hat was pushed to the forehead.
  • The book is now yours.
  • By evening it became stuffy.
  • His face seemed darker than a cloud.

As a link, the verb BE in a personal form is often used, as well as the words APPEAR, BECOME, COUNT, MAKE, etc., which complement the lexical meaning ( She has been a nurse for two years now.). Sometimes such types of predicates include as a bundle verbs denoting activity, state, movement and expressing an independent semantic meaning in other sentences: STAND, WORK, RUN, GO, etc. ( The girl has been standing like an idol for ten minutes now).

Using this knowledge will help you correctly parse any sentence, and the question of what types of predicate you know will no longer cause difficulties.

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