Types of incendiary dances. Modern dance styles: all directions on the list


How to tell a story about a man and a woman if you are not a writer or director. How to express it in such a way that it is a real dialogue of souls and hearts. Where they laugh, cry and get jealous. They can hate and forgive each other in one second. It seems that the thread of their relationship is about to break, but passion is already replacing anger, and after that there is tenderness and a little fatigue. Or in another way, where a lively and strong gamut of feelings can be traced in the detachment and distance between partners, only it is expressed with restraint and a little coldly.

How to tell your story and convey the energy and emotions that live in you? We know how to do it - in pair dance lessons. They have firmly won their place in the hearts of people all over the world, dividing into sports ballroom and social dances.

In sports ballroom dancing there are 2 programs:

  • Latin American - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble And jive.
  • European - quickstep, foxtrot, slow waltz, viennese waltz And tango.

Technique is highly valued here - the exact execution of elements, mastery of steps, positioning of hands, body, even turning and tilting the head. Everything, down to the costume and image, is strictly evaluated by the judges at the tournaments.

Social Latin American dances are performed in cafes, at home, at a party - anywhere. And their main message is to move as you like, just do it with the mood. These include: bachata, hustle, salsa, merengue, dream, cha-cha-cha.

The art of pair dancing diversifies people.

Firstly, it educates physically - it trains the muscles, makes the body toned, slim and hardy.

Secondly, in the classroom it teaches you to do those movements that previously seemed impossible to perform or memorize. Connect the work of the arms, legs and head, while each part of the body performs separate movements. But such work incredibly trains the brain and memory. Thirdly, dance is a real therapy for the blues and bad weather, and dancing in pairs is an opportunity to get to know each other from a new perspective. Acquire a special closeness in relationships, strengthen mutual understanding and develop the ability to hear, and most importantly feel each other.

Come dance your stories at the Dance Academy.

club dance

Includes such directions as Electro, House, Trance, Tecktonik.

Tektonik is a kind of dance movement of the 21st century, which combines elements of jumpstyle, hip-hop, locking, popping, techno and other styles.

strip dance

This name does not mean the striptease itself, but the art of dance suitable for the performance of a striptease. Therefore, Strip-dance is not one particular dance, but a multitude of heterogeneous directions, united into one group not according to the principle of style, but according to the principle of its “functional” capabilities.

Go go

Go-go is a style of erotic dance that differs from striptease in that the dancers do not undress during the dance.


Hakka originated in the Netherlands, in the 90s of the XX century as an attribute of the youth subculture gabber (hardcore)


Jumpstyle is a dance style whose name comes from the English word jump. People are dancing to energetic electronic music, and each dancer is in the rhythm of the music, but in his own way, makes movements similar to jumping. Dancers must not touch each other. Out-of-sync jumps by different dancers are encouraged

Jumpstyle has spread to Europe already in the 21st century, mainly in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany.


Melbourne shuffle, as the name suggests, originated in Australia in the late 80s of the XX century. The dance is based on fast jazz movements (step), but they are performed in a "modern" way, and are danced to various styles of electronic dance music.

D&B step

Drum and Bass step - a street dance that appeared in the youth subculture of drum and bass, and is based on elements of break beat and hip hop. DnB dance is performed in flat sneakers and pants that do not restrict movement.

The main emphasis in the performance of this type of dance is on the movement of the legs (the so-called “feints” with the legs): alternation of “toe - heel, toe - heel”, swings forward and to the sides, crossing the legs; turns and half-turns on the heel, on the toe and in the air by 180, 360 and more degrees.

Square dance

Square dance is a folk dance that originated in the United States. The pas adopted in the square dance came to it from traditional folk dances brought to the States by emigrants from Europe: morris, country and quadrille. Square dance is popular all over the world, including in recent years in Russia.


Hip-hop is a dance and cultural trend that appeared in the late 70s of the 20th century in the working-class areas of New York and had a vibrant social focus. These are street dances with which the working youth of New York tried to protest against inequality and injustice, against those in power. However, in the last decade of the 20th century, hip-hop largely lost its social focus and became just a fashionable part of the music industry.

Breakdancing is one of the styles of hip-hop.

Crip walk (C-walk)

Crip walk is a style of contemporary street dance based on virtuoso impromptu footwork. This type of dance originated in the 1970s in Los Angeles.


Popping (or more correctly - popping) is a style of dance based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles in such a way as to cause tremors in the dancer's body. This is performed continuously to the rhythm of the music and combined with various movements and postures. In Russia, for some time this dance was incorrectly referred to as "upper break dance". Papping also denotes a group of related styles. Pupping is one of the main styles of street dance competitions.


Due to the ease of execution of the hustle, it is very popular in the widest sections of society. However, mastering the hustle still requires some effort. A specialized hustle dance school is the best place to learn basic dance skills and learn the basics of improvisation.

Hustle - a group of couple dances based on improvisation and "leading". This type of dance is performed to disco music popular in the 1980s: disco fox, disco swing and hustle itself.

It is characterized by ease of execution, does not require long training and requires very little practice in order to dance well almost anyone can.

Of course, a sports hustle performed by professional dancers requires significantly more preparation.

One of the most interesting competitions is hustle jack and jill - a hustle competition format in which the competing pairs are randomly drawn. This nomination most clearly demonstrates the possibility of social improvisational dance.

Show hustle is a dance based on elements of the hustle, but with its own plot

Lady Hustle - performed by two partners.

Double hustle - performed by three dancers, as a rule: one partner and two partners.

Types of dances of the beginning - middle of the XX century

free dance

Free dance originated at the beginning of the 20th century as a rejection of the strictness of ballet art and a desire to combine life and dance.

On the basis of free dance, such directions as modern, jazz-modern, butoh, contemporary and even contact improvisation were subsequently born.

Free dance is not only a high art, but also a special worldview based on the ideas of Nietzsche, in which dance personified freedom, and the dancer was presented as the embodiment of an unfettered creative spirit. The founders of free dance, among whom was Isadora Duncan, dreamed of the transformation of life, of a new organic man, of the woman of the future as the owner of a "sublime mind in a free body." Supporters of the philosophy of free dance were looking for the source of the rebirth of man in nature, in the liberation of man from modern civilization.

Modern dance

Modern dance originated in the USA and Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and was positioned as a replacement for traditional ballet forms. This type of dance quickly gained popularity and supplanted other variations such as the free dance.

The general idea around which the various directions of modern dance developed was the desire to create a new modern choreography that met the aesthetic needs of a person of the 20th century. However, in practice it was not possible to completely abandon the traditional ballet forms.

Contact improvisation

Contact improvisation is a form of free dance. As the name suggests, the dance is an improvisation based around a point of contact with a partner.


Butoh is a modern Japanese dance. The name itself translates as the dance of darkness.

Latin American dances


Samba is a Brazilian dance that arose as a result of the fusion of traditional African dances, which were brought with them by slaves from Angola and the Congo, and Portuguese dances, brought by the conquerors of South America. The samba is danced to a characteristic rhythm, drums and marak, and usually has 50-52 beats per minute. Samba is one of the dances that is included in the Latin American ballroom dance program.


Bachata is a musical style and dance that originated in the Dominican Republic and has become widespread in the Latin American countries of the Caribbean. Musical size - 4/4. The music is characterized by a moderate tempo; and the lyrics tell about life's hardships and the suffering of unrequited love.


Mambo is a musical style and dance that originated in Cuba and has become widespread in other Latin American Caribbean countries. The name "mambo" comes from the name of the god of war, to whom a ritual dance was dedicated in the distant past. The modern form of Mambo emerged from the fusion of Afro-Cuban rhythms and jazz.


Salsa is a popular modern dance from the United States and Latin America. Salsa can be danced in pairs or in groups. The dance originated in the 1970s, and in December 2005, the World Salsa Championships were held in Las Vegas for the first time.

Zouk (Zuk)

Zouk is a dance rhythmic music that originated in the French islands of the Caribbean. Zouk translates as "holiday" or "festival". Music is most popular in countries where French culture is strong: in France itself, in Canada, in some African countries.


Lambada is a type of dance that became extremely popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s around the world, thanks to the song of the same name by the French band Kaoma.


Flamenco is a traditional musical and dance style of the south of Spain, characterized by a fusion of musical accompaniment, singing and dancing. It has dozens of varieties. Musical accompaniment includes, as a rule, a guitar, rhythmic clapping of hands and castanets.


Pachanga is a Latin American dance characterized by syncopated rhythm and movement. Music of this style is performed mainly by charanga orchestras.


Ballet is a traditional performing art that links music and dance. The ballet is based on classical and characteristic dance, with the help of which the actors act out pantomime, conveying the feelings and relationships of the characters. Modern ballet also uses elements of gymnastics and acrobatics.

Usually a ballet contains a plot, a dramatic idea, a libretto. But sometimes there are plotless ballets.

ballroom dancing

Ballroom dancing is a group of pair dances, in modern society it is actually a sport. Thanks to the entertainment, a very popular sport. It is divided into 2 programs: European and Latin American. The European program consists of slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot and quickstep (fast foxtrot). Latin American - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble and jive.

Dance is a kind of art in which artistic images are created by means of plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous changes in the expressive positions of the human body. Dance is inextricably linked with music, the emotional and figurative content of which is embodied in its choreographic composition, movements, and figures.
Origin and history of dance
Dance arose from a variety of movements and gestures associated with labor processes and emotional impressions of a person from the world around him. Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of a sick person. The dance expressed prayers for rain, for sunlight, for fertility, for protection and forgiveness. The movements were gradually subjected to artistic generalization, as a result of which the art of dance was formed, one of the oldest manifestations of folk art. Each nation has its own dance traditions. Stage dance began to be created on the basis of folk dance. In professional theatrical art, dance has reached a high level of development and has been scientifically systematized. Various dance systems were formed: European classical dance - the main system of modern ballet, dance systems of Asian countries (for example, Indian kathak, kathakali, manipuri, tamasha, etc.) and Africa.
The dance art of the Ancient East and antiquity had a great influence on the development of European dance culture: religious festivals in Assyria and Egypt, a dance in honor of Apollo, Bacchus and other gods, "pyrrhic" - military, athletic were an obligatory part of the performances of the Greek ancient theater. In the Hellenistic era (4th-2nd centuries BC), pantomime dancers appeared. In Ancient Rome (2nd-1st centuries BC) the development of Hellenistic dance took place, which later, in the 2nd-5th centuries. n. e., was developed in pantomime. During the Middle Ages, the dance was persecuted by the clergy. In the future, there was a gradual theatricalization of the dance (jugglers, hairpins, buffoons). In the 15-16 centuries. plot dance scenes were performed - moresques, treatises and textbooks of Dances were created. At the beginning of the 17th century. with the advent of ballet performances, the art of dance was enriched with new techniques. The French Royal Academy of Dance (founded in 1661) developed a dance system that later became known as classical dance. As a result of the reform of the musical theater (the opera reform of K. Gluck), a new structural form of ballet performance appeared, which helped ballet to stand out as an independent art form. In the Enlightenment, the emotional and dramatic content of the dance deepened. A form of effective dance appeared - pas d "axion, which was developed in romantic ballet. During the 2nd half of the 19th century, a new, virtuoso dance style was developed, this was facilitated by the appearance of special shoes (pointe shoes), At the end of the 19th century, stage dance was enriched by symphonic composers P. I. Tchaikovsky and A. K. Glazunov and ballet masters M. I. Petipa and L. I. Ivanov (dance dance leitmotif, coordination of dances of soloists and corps de ballet, etc.).
Directions and styles of dance
Modern dance (beginning - middle of the 20th century)
- Free dance
Free dance (also plastic, rhythmoplastic) is a movement that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century for liberation from the conventionality of the former ballet theater and the merging of dance with life. Free dance stood at the origins of the dance of the twentieth century; it formulated the principles on which modern and jazz-modern dance, contemporary, and even butoh and contact improvisation were partly based.
The creators of free dance were united not only by the desire to turn it into a high art, having an equal status with music or painting, but also by a special worldview. All of them, to one degree or another, accepted Nietzsche's idea of ​​dance as a metaphor for freedom and the dancer as the embodiment of a liberated and creative spirit. For the founders of free dance, dance became a special philosophy from which they expected the transformation of life. Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) dreamed of a new person, for whom the dance would be as organic as other everyday activities, about the woman of the future - the owner of "the most exalted mind in the most free body."
One of the ideological sources of free dance was the movement for physical perfection, the emancipation of the body. Its supporters looked for a source of rebirth in nature, called for naturalness, the liberation of man from the requirements imposed on him by modern civilization.

- Modern dance
Modern dance is one of the directions of modern foreign choreography, which originated in con. XIX - the beginning. XX centuries in the USA and Germany. The term "modern dance" originated in the United States to refer to stage choreography that rejects traditional ballet forms. Having come into use, he supplanted other terms (free dance, Duncanism, barefoot dance, rhythmoplastic dance, expressive, expressionist, absolute, new artistic) that arose in the process of developing this direction. Common to the representatives of modern dance, regardless of which trend they belonged to and in what period they proclaimed their aesthetic programs, was the intention to create a new choreography that, in their opinion, would meet the spiritual needs of a person of the 20th century. Its main principles are: the rejection of the canons, the embodiment of new themes and plots with original dance and plastic means. In an effort to achieve complete independence from tradition, representatives of T.m. came, in the end, to the adoption of certain technical methods, in the confrontation with which a new direction was born. The installation for a complete departure from traditional ballet forms in practice could not be fully realized.
- Contempo (contemporary)
Contemporary dance is a style of contemporary stage dance, which has evolved from the styles of modern and postmodern dance.
The contemporary style is characterized by the traditional attributes of ballet, the work on the platform. Dance of this style is often celebrated barefoot

-Contact improvisation
Contact improvisation (CI) is a dance in which improvisation is built around the point of contact with a partner. Contact improvisation is a form of free dance.
Butoh (Jap. 舞踏, butoh:, "dance of darkness") is a direction of modern Japanese dance.
Modern dance (late XX - early XXI century)
Club dance:
Tecktonik is a new dance movement of the 21st century, containing elements of jumpstyle, hip-hop, locking, popping, techno, etc.

Strip Dance is a dance direction that is essentially part of a striptease. If striptease is "the ability to dance naked", then strip dance is "the ability to dance suitable for exposure." That is, strip dance is any dance direction that can be organically applied to striptease. Accordingly, there are various options for strip dance: R "n" B strip, Strip latina, classic strip plastic, etc. There are also different types of strip dance based on various striptease techniques based on interaction with objects, such as: lap-dance, table-dance, pole-dance, etc.
Go-Go (go-go) is a style of erotic dance in which, unlike striptease, the dancers do not undress.
The purpose of the dance is to entertain discotheque goers. Go-go originated in the early 1960s when women at the Peppermint Lounge in New York City stood on tables and began to dance the twist.

Hakka (Dutch. Hakken, also Dutch. Hakkuh) is a dance style that appeared in the Netherlands in the 90s as an attribute of the hardcore youth subculture (gabber)
Jumpstyle (eng. Jumpstyle from English. jump - jump) - a dance style that has spread in Europe in recent years, mainly in the Netherlands, Belgium, as well as in northern Germany and France. The dances are accompanied by energetic electronic music, each dancer in his own way to the rhythm of the music makes movements similar to jumps, for which the style got its name. If there are several dancers, they must not touch the partner. Non-synchronous actions by different dancers are encouraged. Derived from Hardstyle
Melbourne shuffle is a style of dance that originated in the late 80s in Australia, in the underground scene of the city of Melbourne. These are fast, typical jazz dance moves (step), but in a "modern" way, and dance it to a variety of styles of electronic dance music.
-DnB step
D'n "B Dance (Drum and Bass step), or D'n" B step x-outing - street dance, an attribute of the drum and bass youth subculture, is performed to DnB-style music, most often at so-called gatherings ( informal gatherings or D'n "B-parties), battles (dance competitions, from the English battle - battle), and in Drum And Bass clubs. The D'n" B dance style absorbed elements of break-beat and hip- hop. D'n "B dance is performed in comfortable sneakers or sneakers with flat soles and most often jeans or pants that do not hinder movement.
The main emphasis in the performance of D'n "B dance is on the movement of the legs ("feints" with the legs):
the technique of alternating "toe - heel, toe - heel" (the so-called base, basic);
swing technique forward, to the side, crossing the legs;
technique of turns and half-turns on the heel, on the toe, occasionally in the air;
the technique of 180, 360 or sometimes more turns (the most difficult
-Square dance
Square dance (English square dance, translated from English as “dance of squares”) is a folk dance that appeared in the USA. The dance figures adopted in the square dance are borrowed from traditional folk dances brought to the United States by emigrants from Europe. Among these dances are the morris, the English country dance and the square dance. Square dance is danced all over the world. It first appeared in Russia in 2003.
street dance:
Hip-hop (English hip hop) is a cultural trend that originated among the working class of New York in the late 1970s. DJ Afrika Bambaataa was the first to identify the five pillars of hip-hop culture: MCing, DJing, breaking, graffiti writing, and knowledge. Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion and slang.
Originating in the South Bronx, in the 1980s, hip-hop became part of the youth culture in many countries around the world. Since the late 1990s, from a street underground with a sharply social orientation, hip-hop has gradually turned into a part of the music industry, and by the middle of the first decade of this century, the subculture has become "fashionable", "mainstream". However, despite this, many figures within hip-hop still continue its "main line" - a protest against inequality and injustice, opposition to those in power.

Breakdance or bboying (English breakdance) is a street dance, one of the currents of hip-hop culture.

- C-walk(Crip walk)
Crip walk (C-walk, Cwalk) - a style of modern street dance, focused on virtuoso impromptu footwork. C-Walk was born sometime in 1970 in South Central Los Angeles.
Popping (papping, dad; from English Popping) is a style of dance that is based on the technique of rapidly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause shocks in the dancer's body - pop or hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of the music, combined with various movements and postures. A dancer who performs popping is called a popper. in Russia for a long time incorrectly called "upper break dance". Popping is also used as a general term for a group of related styles that are often combined with popping to create more variety in performance.
In the Juste Debout street dance competition, Popping is one of the main 4 categories in which battles (competitions) are held

The true beauty of which lies in pure improvisation, rather than a series of planned sequential movements.
Latin American dances
Samba is a Brazilian dance, one of the five dances of the Latin American ballroom dance program. It arose as a result of the fusion of African dances that came to Brazil with slaves from the Congo and Angola, with Spanish and Portuguese dances brought from Europe by the conquerors of South America.
Samba music has a characteristic rhythm created by drums and maracas, usually has 50-52 beats per minute (2/4 time signature).

Bachata (Spanish: bachata) is a musical style and dance of the Dominican Republic, which has also become widespread in the Latin American countries of the Caribbean, as well as in those of the Latin American communities in the United States where immigrants from these countries predominate. Musical size - 4/4. Music, as a rule, is characterized by a moderate tempo; lyrics tell about the suffering of unrequited love and life's hardships.
Merengue (Spanish merengue) is a musical style and dance of the Dominican Republic, which has also become widespread in the Latin American countries of the Caribbean, as well as in those of the Latin American communities in the United States where immigrants from these countries predominate.
Mambo (Spanish mambo) is a musical style and dance of Cuba, which is also widely used in the Latin American countries of the Caribbean, as well as in those of the Latin American communities in the United States where immigrants from these countries predominate.
Mambo, like Rumba, Salsa, Cha-cha-cha, was born in Cuba. The word "mambo" comes from the name of the god of war, to whom a ritual dance was dedicated in Cuba in the distant past.
The current form of Mambo was born in the 40s as a result of the fusion of Afro-Cuban rhythms and jazz, whose fathers were Odilio Urfe and Arsenio Rodriguez.

Salsa is a modern dance from the United States and Latin America that is danced in pairs or in groups. The dance originated in the 1970s.
In December 2005, the first world salsa championship, the World Salsa Championships, was held in Las Vegas.

-Zouk (Zuk)
Zouk (Zuk) is a style of dance rhythmic music that came from the French islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, St. Lucia and became popular thanks to the efforts of the Grammacks and Exile One. Zouk translates to "party" or "festival" in French Creole. In Europe, music is most popular in France, in North America - in Canada, in the province of Quebec. At the same time, the Zouk direction was developed on the African islands of Capo Verde.
Lambada (port. Lambada) is a musical style and dance that originated in the north of Brazil, in the state of Para. Popularized in the late 1980s and early 1990s all over the world, including Russia, thanks to the work of the French group Kaoma.
-T ango
Flamenco (Spanish flamenco) is a traditional music and dance style originating from Andalusia; it is a fusion of musical accompaniment (toque), singing (kante) and dance (baile). The style is represented by several dozen varieties (more than 50). Flamenco dances and songs, as a rule, are accompanied by a guitar and percussion: rhythmic clapping of hands (palmas), playing on a percussion box (cajon); sometimes with castanets.
Flamenco performers are called "baylaor" (dancer) and "kantaor" (singer), "tokaor" (guitarist).
-capoeira, capoeira
Capoeira, capoeira (port. Capoeira, /ka.puˈej.ɾɐ/) is a Brazilian national martial art that combines elements of acrobatics, games, and is accompanied by national Brazilian music. As a martial art, it is distinguished by the use of low positions, kicks and, in some directions, an abundance of acrobatics.
Modern capoeira, unlike its earlier forms, is rarely used for combat purposes. The common practice is non-contact fighting, although there are world championships in full contact capoeira. Capoeira is an art form in which traditions determine the order of meetings, the appearance of the participants, the music and the grading of capoeiristas.

Pachanga (Spanish pachanga) is a Latin American musical style and dance characterized by syncopated rhythm and movement. Music of this style was performed mainly by charanga orchestras. In the 1960s, pachanga created a real sensation among New York teenagers of Hispanic origin.
Bolero (Spanish Bolero) is a dance and at the same time a musical genre that originated in Spain at the end of the 18th century. There are many varieties of bolero, characteristic of different regions of Spain. The bolero is ¾ in size. Also, a bolero is a short, tight-fitting sleeveless jacket without a fastener, part of the national costume.
Ballet :
Ballet (French ballet, from Latin ballo - I dance) is a type of performing art, the main expressive means of which are music and dance, which are inextricably linked.
Most often, a ballet is based on some kind of plot, dramatic design, libretto, but there are also ballets without a plot. The main types of dance in ballet are classical dance and character dance. An important role here is played by pantomime, with the help of which the actors convey the feelings of the characters, their "conversation" among themselves, the essence of what is happening. Elements of gymnastics and acrobatics are also widely used in modern ballet.

Ballet happens

Ballroom dancing:
Ballroom dancing is a group of couple dances that are danced in special rooms.
Sports ballroom dancing is divided into 2 programs: European and Latin American. The European program includes: slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot ("slowfox") and quickstep (fast foxtrot). In Latin American: samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble and jive.
Ballroom dancing is very popular, tournaments are held all over the world.

European program:
-Slow waltz
Slow waltz - ballroom dance of the European program. Dancing in 3/4. Typically, there are three steps per measure. When moving forward, the first step determines the length of movement for a given beat to the greatest extent, the second - the angle of rotation, the third - auxiliary, the change of the free leg, that is, the transfer of the center of gravity of the body.
Tango (Spanish tango) is an old Argentine folk dance; paired ballroom dance of free composition, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm; music for this dance.
Initially developed and distributed in Argentina, then became popular throughout the world.
Previously, tango was known as tango criollo (tango criollo). There are many dance styles of tango today, including Argentine tango, Uruguayan tango, ballroom tango (American and international style), Finnish tango, and old tango. Argentine tango is often regarded as the "authentic" tango because it is closer to that originally danced in Argentina and Uruguay.
Music and dance elements of tango are popular in activities related to dance, gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc.

- Viennese waltz
Viennese waltz - ballroom dance of the European program. It is similar to a slow waltz, but differs in the number of beats per minute, that is, the tempo of performance.
Foxtrot (fox step) - a new group dance that developed in 1912 in the USA from a not so temperamental one-step, at first in a slow 4/4-beat tempo. There is an erroneous opinion that the name of the dance comes from the English word foxtrot, which translates as "fox gait". Actually this is not true. The foxtrot was invented by Harry Fox to perform at a show in New York in 1913. After the First World War, the general interest in the foxtrot spread to Europe..
Quickstep (eng. Quickstep) - fast foxtrot. If the term "foxtrot" according to one of the versions is figurative and literally means "a fox's step", then the term "quickstep" is more accurate, that is, "quick step". Indeed, we are talking about a dance that, in accordance with its lively rhythm, requires lightness and mobility from the performer. Rich in variations, quickstep is considered to be the "small grammar" of standard dances.
The movement is fast, light, airy, swift, high-speed. Musical size: 4/4. Beats per minute: 50. Emphasis: on 1 and 3 beats. Competition: 1.5 - 2 minutes. Rise and Descend: Rise starts at the end of 1, continues through 2 and 3, up/down at the end of 4.

Latin American program
Samba is a Brazilian dance, one of the five dances of the Latin American ballroom dance program. It arose as a result of the fusion of African dances that came to Brazil with slaves from the Congo and Angola, with Spanish and Portuguese dances brought from Europe by the conquerors of South America.
Samba music has a characteristic rhythm created by drums and maracas, usually has 50-52 beats per minute (2/4 time signature).
H a-cha-cha (Spanish cha cha cha) is a musical style and dance of Cuba, which has also become widespread in the Latin American countries of the Caribbean, as well as in those of the Latin American communities in the United States where immigrants from these countries predominate.
Cha-cha-cha arose during the evolution and experiments of the Cuban composer Enrique Horrin (Enrique Jorrin, 1926-1987) with Danson, in the 50s of the 20th century.
Performed at competitions, starting with the Hobby class. Time signature 4/4, tempo 30 beats per minute.

Rumba is a paired Cuban dance of African origin. A distinctive feature of the rumba is erotic smooth movements, combined with wide steps. The most famous rumba melody all over the world must be considered the famous "Guantanamera", written by Joséito Fernandez and quickly becoming a rumba classic.
-paso doble
Paso doble (Spanish Paso doble - “double step”) is a Spanish dance imitating a bullfight.
The first name of the dance is "Spanish One Step", because the steps are made for each count. The Paso Doble was one of the many Spanish folk dances associated with various aspects of Spanish life. Paso Doble is based in part on bullfighting. The partner portrays the bullfighter, and the partner - his cloak or muleta (a piece of bright red fabric in the hands of the matador), sometimes - the second bullfighter, and very rarely - the bull, as a rule, defeated by the final blow. The character of the music corresponds to the procession before the bullfight (el paseíllo), which usually takes place to the accompaniment of paso doble.

Time signature is 4/4, tempo is 44 beats per minute.

Hustle (from the English hustle "hustle, hustle") is a pair dance based on improvisation and "leading". It is a collective name for dancing to disco music popular in the 1980s, such as disco fox, disco swing, and the hustle itself.
It is a “social” dance - that is, it is basically extremely simple, dances in four counts (disco-fox for three) to almost any music, does not require long training and allows anyone who wants to dance after a little practice.
-Sports hustle/disco fox/disco swing
-Hustle freestyle
-Hustle jack-n-jill
Hustle jack and jill is a hustle competition format where the competing pairs are obtained by randomizing partners and partners. This nomination most clearly allows you to show the skills of social improvisational dance. The main features of the nomination: the performance of performances is impossible, costumes and top acrobatics are not evaluated by the judges.
Features of the event:
Hustle Jack-n-Jill is held in classes - D, C, B, A, as well as in the categories of Absolute and Absolute according to the Star System.
Holding Hustle Jack-n-Jill in classes: D, C, B, A, and in the category - Absolute
-Show hustle
Show-hustle is a dance built on the elements of a hustle, having its own idea/plot, which are implemented in musical accompaniment, costumes and dance movements, which is a vivid performance.
Features of the event:
Show-hustle is held in the class - absolute, because there is no division of dancers into classes.
With the participation of 8 or less pairs, the final is held immediately. With the participation of more than 8 couples, at the discretion of the organizer, qualifying rounds can be held.
In all rounds, participants dance to their own music in one pair on the floor.
-lady's hustle
Lady Hustle is a dance built on the elements of a hustle, performed by two partners.
-Double Hustle
Double hustle is a dance built on the elements of a hustle, performed by threes, usually consisting of one partner and two partners.
historical dance
Historical dances are the general name for dances from past eras performed at the present time.
Mazurka (from Polish mazurek) is a Polish folk dance.
Minuet (French menuet, from menu - small) is an old French folk graceful dance, so named because of its small steps. Derived from the slow folk round dance of the province of Poitou. It is written in a two-fold warehouse, in a tripartite size (3/4). From the middle of the 17th century - a ballroom. Since the 17th century, it has spread widely throughout Europe.
Polonaise (Polish polonez, French polonaise, from French polonais - Polish) is a solemn dance procession at a moderate pace, of Polish origin. As a rule, it was performed at the beginning of the balls, emphasizing the solemn, sublime nature of the holiday. In the polonaise, dancing couples move according to the geometric shapes established by the rules. The musical size of the dance is ¾.
Folk dance
Attan is a traditional Pashtun-Afghan dance and the national dance of Afghanistan.
Vars - Czech dance popular in the 1970s.
Gopak (from Ukrainian gop - an exclamation uttered during the dance; hence the verbs gopati - stomp, gopkati - jump) is a national Ukrainian dance.
Hopak dance in Ukrainian national costumes. The dance is energetically dancing, the main movements of the dance are squatting, jogging, wide, high jumps with swinging legs. Sometimes the combat sabers of the Ukrainian Cossacks are used in the dance.

Jock (Mold. joc - game, dance) is a mass Moldavian folk dance. The dance movement is dynamic. Musical size 2/4; there are also sizes 6/8 and 3/8. In different regions of Moldova, there are independent versions of the music and dance steps of the joca.
Zhok also denotes a mass folk festival. There is joc batrynesk (joc bătrînesc, dance of the old people), joc de glume (joc de glumă, comic dance), etc.
- Zika
Zika is a Chechen folk dance. Performed by men only. Known since ancient times. Widespread, danced not only by folk art groups, but also at various especially important events.
Classical Indian dances
Scottish dances
Scottish dancing is the collective name for dances associated with Scottish culture.
Krakowiak (Polish Krakowiak) - a fast dance of Polish origin in 2/4; the form is two-step, the melody is animated in nature, often has an accent on the second eighth in the measure, which is syncopated with the third. The rhythm is sharp, with frequent syncope. It is performed cheerfully, temperamentally, with a proud posture.
Kochari (Azerbaijani köçəri) - Azerbaijani dance
Kochari (arm. Քոչարի) - Armenian dance
Kochari - Assyrian dance
Kochari (Greek Κότσαρι) - Pontic dance

Lezginka (Lezg. lekren kul, Osset. zilgæ kaft, tymbyl kaft) - Lezgin folk dance. Distributed throughout the Caucasus among all Caucasian peoples. Kabardians, Ossetians, Avars, Chechens, Ingush and other Caucasian peoples have their own varieties of lezginka.
Polka is a fast, lively Central European dance, as well as a genre of dance music. It appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia, and has since become a well-known folk dance.
Belly dance
Belly dancing is a Western name for a dance technique common in the Middle East and Arab countries. In Arabic it is known as Raqs Sharqi, in Turkish it is known as Oryantal dansı, i.e. "oriental dance". The peculiarity of oriental belly dance is in its plasticity.
Belly dance was brought to the Middle East from India by the Gypsies around the 10th century, and from there it spread further and, therefore, it is often erroneously attributed to the Middle Eastern origin.

Gypsy dances
Gypsy dances are dances created by various groups of gypsies. As a rule, the prerequisites for their appearance were the interpretation of the dances of the surrounding peoples. Some types of gypsy dances were originally intended to make money.
Trepak is an old Russian folk dance. It is performed at a fast tempo, in two beats. It is also distributed in Ukraine. The main movements are fractional steps and stamping. The dance was improvised by the performer. In character, it has much in common with "Kamarinskaya" and "Lady" - either a single male dance, or a dance. But, unlike them, trepak did not have its traditional melody.
Uzundere (Azerbaijani Uzundərə) is an Azerbaijani national dance, performed to lyrical national music, often at weddings, mostly by women.
round dance
Khorovod (horo, kolo, korogod, karagod, haragod) is an ancient folk circular mass dance-game. The dancers move in a circle, holding hands.
It is distributed mainly among the Slavs, but it is also found (under various names) among other peoples.
Csardas (Hungarian csárdás) is a traditional Hungarian folk dance. The name comes from Hungarian. csárda - inn, tavern.
Yalli (Azerb. Yallı) is an Azerbaijani national dance, which is one of the most common collective round dances in rural areas. Kochari, uchayag, tello and galadangalaya are considered different types of yalla dance.
Dance of the 1920s - 1940s. The term "swing" is usually used for a group of dances that developed during the "swing era" (late 1920s - 1940s) or for modern dances that are derived from them. Historically, swing has been categorized within the African-American folk dance tradition, although there are some exceptions that have been common among whites. Nearly all forms of swing are characterized by the syncopated (shortened) rhythm found in African-American and West African music and dance and with jazz dances of the Jazz Age (late 19th century to 1940s). Most swing styles have evolved along with the swing music genre, although many of these styles and their derivatives are now danced to contemporary music. Now swing is widespread in many developed Western and Asian countries, although in each city and country certain dances, their culture and music "suitable" for them are popular in different ways..
-Boogie Woogie
- Lindy Hop

The Lindy Hop is an African-American dance that originated in New York City in the 1920s and 1930s. Lindy hop developed in parallel with jazz music and belongs to the class of swing dances. He absorbed the features of the Charleston, tap, jazz and other dances that existed simultaneously with him.
In the 1980s, Lindy Hop was revived by American, Swedish and British dancers. Currently, Lindy Hop schools exist in many countries of the world, incl. and in Russia.
Like the Charleston, which is its progenitor, the basic step of the Lindy Hop consists of eight counts, and it is danced both solo and in pairs. In the open position, the partners hold each other by one hand; in the closed position, the position of the hands resembles the position of the hands in a waltz.

Jive (English jive) is an African-American dance that appeared in the United States in the early 1940s. Jive is a type of swing with fast and free movements. Modern jive is very different from swing in style, although it often uses the same figures and movements.
Time signature is 4/4, tempo is 44 beats per minute.
Rock and roll (Eng. Rock'n'roll from

The concept of "modern dances" is quite broad. It combines both styles that have recently appeared and dances that, like a little black dress, do not lose their relevance in any era, because they stand above fashion and time. The first case is jazz-funk, anime, dubstep, lady style, modern and many others. The second is the waltz, foxtrot and other classics that were born sixty, eighty, even a hundred years ago, but are still in demand. Thus, any dance that meets current trends in music and gives the performer the opportunity to express themselves will be modern.

It is difficult to imagine life without movement, and it is not necessary. And dance steps are the perfect way out for those who want to diversify their movements, enjoy them and simply benefit their health. What types of modern dances are popular today?

  1. Choose to your liking
  2. All to the street!
  3. sultry dancing
  4. Ballroom Europe
  5. For the beauty of the female body
  6. A little bit of everything

Choose to your liking

It is difficult to imagine life without movement, and it is not necessary. And dance steps are the perfect way out for those who want to diversify their movements, enjoy them and simply benefit their health. The following can be distinguished (the list covers the most popular styles):

  • All types of ballet.
  • Ballroom standard program - Europe.
  • Ballroom standard program - Latin America.
  • Street dance.
  • "Latinos".
  • Swings. A large group that combines swing, boogie-woogie, Charleston, balboa, lindy-hop. Sometimes rock and roll is referred to as "swing".
  • Vanguard. The brightest representative is butoh, a crazy experiment of Japanese choreographers.
  • A group of so-called philosophical styles - trance, modern, contemporary and others. They are based on free improvisation, which allows the artist to realize and express himself. This group is characterized by the rejection of canonical movements and a sound accompaniment in which rhythm is accentuated rather than melody.
  • Electrodance. This includes tectonics, electro proper, and their numerous varieties.
  • Club dances.

Diversity types of dance art strikes the imagination and allows everyone to decide what he likes more - Latina that does not lose its popularity or sexy bachata, free hip-hop or dynamic jive. The number of directions is such that it is quite difficult to answer the question in one article, what types of dances are quite difficult - more than one book can be written about this. That is why you should first decide which direction is the most interesting for you. Of course, it is important to take into account the level of training of the future dancer, and the state of health, and even character.

Professionals advise: when choosing a dance for yourself, try to understand its philosophy. The best way to do this is to plunge into history. The reasons for the appearance of the dance, the environment in which it arose, its origins explain almost all the basic movements, make them understandable, and therefore accessible and easy to perform. We can say that it is history that makes it easier for an artist to train and leads him to victory in competitions.

All to the street!

First of all, it is worth mentioning the so-called street dances. Of course, this is a somewhat arbitrary concept, and it does not mean at all that training must take place in the open. On the contrary, for hip-hop, locking or hustle you will also need dance studio space rental, but initially they were danced on the street. This type also includes breakdancing, popping and krump.

these dances have a common feature - they are born from a hurricane of emotions, from the desire of the performer not to be like everyone else. In the 70s - 80s of the last century, with the help of street "dance", young people found out which of them was the leader. It was a peculiar way of resolving conflicts: the one who got the victory during the battle (spontaneous dance competition) won the dispute. The same role was once played by tango in Latin America: instead of grabbing knives, figuring out who the truth is, temperamental machos went to the nearest flat area and tried to surpass each other in the beauty and complexity of the passages.

The pattern of street dance determines the momentary mood of the dancer. It is performed for pleasure, without regard to strict norms and standards.

sultry dancing

It is this name that can characterize the Latino group, which is very numerous. All the dances included in it are sensual passion expressed in the movements of the dancers' bodies. This is a real body language that conveys even hidden emotions. It includes tango, lambada, bachata, cha-cha-cha, rumba, bolero, flamenco, samba. In addition, capoeira is sometimes referred to this group. In addition, capoeira is sometimes referred to this group. Some dances are included in the Latin American ballroom standard.

The Latino group almost in full force came from Brazil, where the Spanish conquerors brought many black slaves in the 16th century. From the mixing of Portuguese and African rhythms, dances were born, which we now call samba, rumba, lambada.

Ballroom Europe

Viennese waltz, foxtrot, quickstep - all these are also types of modern dances. Their names are known to anyone who has ever watched the competition of couples on the dance floor. Most ballroom dances have a venerable age, but they do not lose their relevance. The beauty of movements, the perfection of the drawing, the amazing combination of smoothness and swiftness, accentuated grace and inner fire will always attract performers.

Almost all of this group comes from Europe. Waltz, for example, came from Germany, quickstep - presumably from Great Britain, Viennese waltz - from Austria. They are included in the so-called European standard program. Their performance is subject to very strict canons, but this in no way detracts from the freedom of the dancers' creativity, but on the contrary, it encourages them to reveal new facets of their mastery.

For the beauty of the female body

Among the types of modern dances, a special place is occupied by those options that are performed by the fair sex and fully demonstrate the beauty and grace of the body. Naturally, this is strip dancing, pole dancing, belly dancing. Go-go is also referred to them.

Go-go has quite an interesting history. He appeared in one of the clubs in New York in the 60s of the twentieth century. Once at a party, desperate clubbers (female regulars) began to jump on the tables and dance the twist. They were wearing low-heeled go-go boots. The initiative was liked by all those present and was adopted by the club administration. It began to practice a special dance, warming up visitors before the start of the main show. He got the name go-go, which has survived to this day. Now the art of go-go is the ability to move to club music, improvising in exact accordance with it.

A little bit of everything

Other trends are quite popular today, for example, tectonics, electro, contemporary, jumpstyle. However, other, although not so young, dances also have their fans (boogie-woogie, Charleston, rock and roll). Finally, do not forget about the pinnacle of art - dance-improvisation, where the performer can reveal his soul and express his own emotions in every step. However, if the melody sounds in the heart, then any dance will become like that.

The most desperate gravitate toward the avant-garde and master the butoh, an incredible combination of pre-war German expression and expressive conventions drawn from the practice of Japanese Noh and Kabuki theaters.

Butoh focuses on the human body, not on its movements. It does not feature active jumping or spinning, instead the performers assume carefully controlled static poses. They make slow gestures with their hands, freeze in a stance or crouch, showing no intention of getting up again. Their body turns into a passionless mirror reflecting strong emotions: fear, love, joy, rage. Viewers are encouraged to enjoy these experiences.

Finally, do not forget about the pinnacle of art - dance-improvisation, where the performer can reveal his soul and express his own emotions in every step. Modern dances come in many different types, and which one to choose is up to you. The main thing is that it brings joy and satisfaction, opens up opportunities for creativity. However, if the melody sounds in the heart, then any dance will become like that.

Dance is a wonderful art that allows you to convey emotions, thoughts and feelings, talk about events through plasticity, movements and gestures to the music. Dance styles, the list of which is very large, allow you to choose an activity depending on the character, tastes, age of a person. And it is not at all necessary to be a professional to feel the joy of dancing.

What are the dance genres

All dance genres are divided into large groups:

  • classical dance (ballet);
  • folk or ethnic;
  • ballrooms - Latin American and European program;
  • modern.

A separate group distinguishes the historical direction - polonaise, ballo, contradance, etc. Not so popular today, they reflect the spirit of past eras.

Each genre includes a variety of types, mutual substitutions from other directions, further development and complication of movements. Depending on the number of dancers, they can be individual, pair, group.

Popular dance styles

Even the seemingly unshakable and unchanging classic - ballet - is divided into separate styles:

  • classical;
  • modern;
  • romantic.

Ethnic group dance styles:

  • African;
  • Latin American;
  • oriental;
  • European.

The basis of the ball direction is the standard European and Latin American programs, 5 types in each.

Of particular interest is the diversity of modern genres. They are not so strict in relation to innovations and allow constant changes and improvements. The free style that appeared at the beginning of the last century became the basis for the emergence and development of modernity, contempo, butoh.

Modern is the most popular, spectacular dance that appeared at the beginning of the century. He denies the canons of classical ballet and includes the most original movements. Contempo uses a number of styles at once, maximum improvisation, conveys the whole gamut of feelings and emotions on the dance floor.

Butoh is a Japanese dance technique that was born quite recently, magical and incomprehensible. It embodies Eastern philosophy, aesthetics and religious values, which makes the dance very difficult for the Western world, but all the more spectacular and bewitching.

Sports and club dance genres

Breakdance, Go, Tectonic, Hip-hop, Crump are just some of the dance genres from a large list of club and sports trends. These genres are preferred by young people, they originated in poor neighborhoods around the world and conquered the entire planet.

The art of dance is fragile and short-lived. It is impossible to repeat improvisation exactly, even classical movements will differ with each number. The more interesting and valuable this activity. A variety of styles makes it possible to practice it at any age, regardless of preferences, social status and other parameters.

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