Viktor Tsoi died because of a woman. Viktor Tsoi: biography and non-cologist


On August 15, 1990, Soviet television and central newspapers wrote that a popular rock musician died in a car accident that occurred on the territory of Latvia. No specific details of the tragic incident were given. Except that the Soviet rock star allegedly fell asleep while driving and crashed into an oncoming bus at full speed.

The official investigation also leaned towards this version, and the case was soon closed. However, the circumstances of the car accident that happened left behind a lot of mysteries. When the traffic police officers arrived at the 35th kilometer of the Latvian republican highway Sloka-Talsi, they saw the following picture. On a narrow road, next to a small bridge, there was a Moskvich-2141 with a torn front end. Later, experts found that the car was thrown twenty meters back from the collision site, and the engine shattered into pieces. Viktor Tsoi, who was driving, received an open craniocerebral injury incompatible with life.

The Ikarus-250 bus stood on the left side of the bridge, with its nose buried in the river, where it maneuvered after the accident. The bus driver was not hurt. The Moskvich-2141 car was recently presented to Viktor Tsoi by his new producer. At that time, it was a cool and prestigious "car" that had just gone into mass production. One thing in the new model was not good: at a speed of 90 km / h, the car stopped feeling the road, and it was problematic to brake it effectively. And at a speed of 120 km / h, Moskvich-21411 began to shake violently, the steering wheel pulled out of his hands, and the engine hummed and could malfunction.

Therefore, a version immediately arose that Viktor Tsoi, who had only a three-month driving experience, corny lost control and crashed into an oncoming bus. Later, information appeared that a cassette recorder was lying next to the singer, on which he listened to his new album. When Victor decided to turn over the finished cassette, he lost control and accidentally turned the steering wheel to the left. It was this version that was announced by the investigation as the main cause of the disaster.

Inconsistencies in the death of Viktor Tsoi

However, independent experts found a number of inconsistencies. Viktor Tsoi was moving along the highway at a speed of 130 km/h. At such a speed, the Moskvich engine hummed strongly, therefore, the rock musician could not listen to tape recordings. And Viktor Tsoi also could not fall asleep with those wild shaking and noise that the car made when
high-speed movement. No traces of alcohol or drugs were found in the blood of the deceased.

At the same time, investigating the causes of the car accident, the Latvian police officers revealed an interesting fact, which is still little known to the general public. About the last three hundred meters to the accident site, Viktor Tsoi for some reason drove along the right side of the road, actually rolling into a ditch. And then suddenly he made a sharp inversion of the steering wheel to the left and jumped out into the oncoming traffic lane.

Experienced motorists will immediately guess what is at stake and why the driver of the Moskvich made such a strange maneuver. There can be only one option. Some other car squeezed Tsoi's car to the side of the road and tried to throw it into a ditch. Then an unknown car overtook the Moskvich and stopped abruptly in front of it, blocking the road. Viktor Tsoi tried to go around an unknown car on the left, jumped into the oncoming lane, where he collided with a bus.

In other words, someone was clearly chasing the popular singer and trying to push him into a ditch. By the way, this explains the fact why Viktor Tsoi raced along the highway, squeezing all the power out of the Moskvich, and did not drive at a comfortable speed.

The mysterious car pursuers then, of course, was not found. And the driver of the Ikarus gave official evidence that there were no other vehicles on the road. However, just a couple of months later, the bus driver died under unclear circumstances.

In mafia networks

In connection with the above facts, the version of the violent death of a popular rock star does not seem so absurd. Viktor Tsoi became the star of domestic show business
during his "wild" period. The singer mainly managed to get to the musical Olympus because he began to cooperate with the authoritative producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who, according to rumors, had connections in various mafia circles.

The charismatic producer brought Tsoi to new horizons, but the relationship between them was far from cloudless. Aizenshpis made a completely frantic schedule of tours around the country for the Kino group. The musicians were literally exhausted, giving several concerts a day. The problems of creativity and writing new songs are gone
to the background. There were rumors in the musical environment that Viktor Tsoi several times wanted to break the contract with the producer and go on an independent voyage.

However, this was fundamentally contrary to the interests of Aizenshpis, who earned a lot of money from the Kino group. Many Russian mass media wrote about these difficult collisions quite a lot and in detail. Many competitors in domestic show business dreamed of eliminating Viktor Tsoi, in which, as you know, morals reigned enough
cruel. In this regard, we can recall the murder of the talented singer Igor Talkov, which has remained unsolved.

There is a version about a personal conflict between Viktor Tsoi and some criminal authorities in Riga. Allegedly, the singer refused to perform in front of them, either in a bathhouse or in a restaurant, and openly sent them towards the sea. For this he was avenged. However, these are just rumors. It seems that we will never know the whole truth about the death of a rock musician.

Tsoi's death is described here. With the events of the last day of life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. Posthumous photos, photos of funerals and graves are given. Therefore, all people with an unstable psyche, as well as persons under the age of 21, this information is categorically not recommended for viewing.

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi
21/06/1962 - 15/08/1990

Cause of death

The officially recognized cause of Tsoi's death is an incompatible with life traumatic brain injury received as a result of a car accident. The car on which Viktor Tsoi was moving collided with an empty passenger bus. The bus driver was not injured, but Victor received severe injuries from which he died before the ambulance arrived. And although the producer of the KINO group, Yuri Belishkin, was an active supporter of the version of a premeditated murder, the version of an accident is still considered official.

Viktor Tsoi. The last photo in life. Jurmala, st. Jomas, 08/13/1990

Death certificate of Tsoi V. To Act No. 76

For the study, blood was taken in order to determine the group affiliation. Court. Honey. Expert Simanovskiy A.

Severe combined trauma of the body: open severe craniocerebral injury, fractures of the bones of the facial and cerebral skulls, severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobes, extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage and contusion of the soft tissues of the head, bruised wounds, abrasions of the face, fracture of the right humerus, bones of the right thigh, both bones of the lower leg on the right, both 2 ribs on the right, rupture of the spleen, multiple abrasions of the body, head and incised wounds of the limbs, pulmonary and cerebral edema.


Based on the forensic examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., and taking into account the results of laboratory tests, the circumstances of death, I come to the following conclusion:

  1. When examining the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., the following bodily injuries were found - Bones of the head - a multi-comminuted fracture of the bones of the head and facial skull. Severe brain contusion with crushing of the frontal lobes. Extensive hemorrhage under the soft head membranes, contusion of the soft tissues of the head, incised wounds, facial abrasions. Chest bones - fractures of both clavicles, 1-2 ribs on the right, extensive abrasions of the chest. Abdomen area - rupture of the spleen, extensive abrasions Bones of the limbs - fractures of the right humerus, right femur, both bones of the right lower leg, multiple abrasions, bruised and cut wounds.
  2. The death of Mr. Tsoi V. is violent. Date of death of Tsoi V. August 15, 1990, due to combined severe blunt trauma of the body in the form of a multi-comminuted fracture of the bones of the brain and facial skull, severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobes, extensive hemorrhage under the pia mater, fractures of the humerus, femur, both bones of the lower leg on the right, trauma to the chest and abdomen with a rupture of the spleen, fractures of both clavicles and 2 ribs.
  3. Bodily injuries on the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V. of intravital origin could have been formed immediately before death, in the conditions of a traffic accident when the victim was in the car during a collision with a road obstacle, for example, with an oncoming bus. Traumatic brain injury was obtained as a result of shock-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects, for example, deformed parts of a car, followed by squeezing the head in the anterior-posterior direction. Fractures of the bones of the right shoulder, right thigh, right shin, keys and ribs on the right, bruised wounds of the body also arose from the impact-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects - protruding parts of the car interior. Multiple abrasions on the anterior surface of the body, caused by sliding / friction / on the uneven surface of blunt objects. The traumatic force acted from front to back and from right to left.
  4. By their nature, the totality of bodily injuries is classified as serious, as life-threatening. There is a direct causal relationship between injuries and causes of death...

Date and place of death

Viktor Robertovich died at the age of 29, on August 15, 1990. The time of death is fixed as 12 hours 28 minutes. Place of death: Latvia, Tukums region, Sloka-Talsi highway, thirty-fifth kilometer.

Tsoi's place of death


There was no official civil memorial service or farewell ceremony as such. However, on the cemetery wall of the Theological Cemetery in Leningrad, a spontaneous exhibition of posters, flags, poems dedicated to the artist was organized. At the insistence of relatives, Viktor Tsoi was buried in a closed coffin.

Funeral of Viktor Tsoi. Theological cemetery, Leningrad.

Tsoi's funeral. Video.

Watch newsreel footage of the funeral of Viktor Robertovich Tsoi. In the video, you can see many famous people throughout the country: Yuri Aizenshpis, Alexander Abdulov, Konstantin Kinchev and other stars. Victor's wife and child, Marianna and Alexander, are present at the funeral. A huge number of fans of the artist came to honor the memory of the artist.

Burial place

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was buried at the Theological Cemetery of St. Petersburg (Leningrad).

Choi's death. Details

A large number of photographs and materials included in the publication of Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group. The commemorative album is published for the first time.

In addition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the memoirs written by Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis. The book was published under the name Viktor Tsoi and others. How the stars light up. The name of Yuri Aizenshpis needs no further introduction. The opinion of a direct participant in the events, a person who knew and closely communicated with Viktor during his lifetime, and who saw Tsoi's death, is always priceless.

Choi's death. Circumstances

As always in the case of the sudden death of a public person, Tsoi's death caused a number of conspiracy theories. However, it makes no sense to bring them here; we will dwell only on the most plausible reconstruction of the events of that day.

The tragedy occurred in the middle of the day of the last month of summer. The weather was warm, the asphalt was dry. Viktor Tsoi was returning home from fishing by car. Usually a little son liked to go fishing with him, but on this day Choi was alone. No one can now say what exactly distracted Viktor's attention from the road, but the fact remains: the car driven by Viktor Tsoi lost control, did not fit into the turn, and, in the oncoming lane, made a head-on impact with an empty bus moving towards him.

Scheme of an accident in which Viktor Tsoi tragically died

As a result of the accident, the bus driver was not injured, and the passenger car was crushed from a strong blow, the driver was thrown out. Victor died on the spot from his injuries.

From the testimony of Janis Fibikis (the bus driver involved in the accident):

That day was my 20th wedding anniversary. In the morning I drove workers to the airport in Riga. On the way back I wanted to buy flowers and a cake. Then I got the feeling that something was keeping me in the city on purpose, so that I was driving back at that particular time ... I saw how he was walking in his lane and suddenly turned into the middle. I tried to turn away, but it was too late - my speed was under 70, his speed was under 100. We collided 12 meters from the bridge across the river. His car then flipped over and hit the railing. In such situations, someone is lucky, someone is not lucky. I was lucky...

It’s good that I didn’t have people, otherwise the bus would have capsized, and there would have been victims ... Tsoi died immediately. From the blow, he fell out of the car, his right leg stuck in a mangled door. He had a deep dent on his forehead ... I had never seen Tsoi before and hadn’t heard his songs, so I didn’t recognize him when we collided.

Tsoi Viktor Robertovich is a legendary Soviet rock musician, singer, guitarist and songwriter, founder and soloist of the cult group Kino. In addition, Viktor Tsoi became famous for his work in cinema, playing in the famous films of the perestroika era Assa and Igla.

Family and childhood

Viktor Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. His parents were physical education teacher Valentina Vasilievna and engineer Robert Maksimovich. Victor owes his Korean surname and appearance to his grandfather on his father's side, a Korean who came to the Northern Capital from Kazakhstan. Victor was the only child in the family.

From early childhood, he read a lot, loved to draw and sculpt, and in the fifth grade he became interested in playing the guitar. When the boy was eleven, his parents divorced. The father left the family, but a year later the former spouses got back together. But Victor always had a warmer relationship with his mother. “I completely trusted him ... I myself was interested in how talented people are formed. Most importantly, I wanted to help Vita open up, develop his abilities, ”she later wrote.


In parallel with the secondary school in 1974-1977, Victor went to the "artist's school". According to the drawing teacher, the boy had excellent abilities, but he was not at all inclined to regular and painstaking work: “If he wants to, he draws, and he draws wonderfully, but if he doesn’t want to, you won’t force him.”

After graduating from the eighth grade in 1978, Victor entered the art school named after V. Serov. Devoting more and more time to music and not wanting to draw propaganda posters and generally do things that do not bring moral satisfaction, Victor abandoned his studies and was expelled from the school for poor progress.

Then, in 1979, the young man entered SGPTU-61 and received the profession of a woodcarver. In those same years, he was imbued with respect for the cult Soviet singers and actors Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky, and later a serious passion for the work of Bruce Lee was added to this. Victor began to practice karate and imitate his idol.

The beginning of creative activity

For the first time, Victor began playing in a group as a 13-year-old schoolboy - it was the Chamber No. 6 team, led by his fellow artist Maxim Pashkov. According to Pashkov's memoirs, Victor was very fond of music, but at first he did not know how to play the guitar at all. Having chipped in together, the guys bought him a bass guitar in a thrift store: they thought that it would be easier to learn to play it, because there were “only four strings”. The third member of the group pounded the pioneer drum, and together they performed hard rock in the style of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. The guys grew up and progressed very quickly in the game.

In the late 1970s, Victor met Alexei Rybin, who played in the amateur group "Pilgrims". They began to communicate a lot and began to play together with Mike Naumenko ("Zoo") and Andrey Panov, known by the nickname Pig. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, Svin was considered "the main punk of Leningrad", and a new punk group "Automatic Satisfiers" began to rehearse in his apartment, which included Viktor Tsoi and Alexei Rybin. Thanks to numerous apartment owners, the group gained fame outside of Leningrad and began to regularly travel to Moscow to Artemy Troitsky's apartments.

Sometimes I had to get to Moscow by “dogs” - several electric trains with transfers, and during one of these trips Tsoi singing in the car was noticed by Boris Grebenshchikov, the leader of the rock movement of that time. He later wrote about this meeting: “When you hear the right and right song, there is always such a shudder of the discoverer who found a precious stone or amphora of God knows what century - I had the same thing then.” Grebenshchikov promised the young musician his support, and later introduced him to Andrey Tropillo, Sergey Kuryokhin and other famous people.

In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky organized a new group called "Garin and the Hyperboloids", and in the autumn this group became a member of the Leningrad rock club. But soon one of the founders, Oleg Valinsky, went to serve in the army, and the group changed its name to the laconic "Kino".

"Garin and Hyperboloids" - My mood

The formation of the Kino group

Having acquired a new name, the group immediately began to work on recording their first album. BG's patronage also played an important role in this matter: it was he who brought Victor and his team to Andrei Tropillo's studio in the House of Young Technicians, and also "shared" the missing musicians from his Aquarium group.

The album was completed in the summer of 1982. The total duration of the songs on it was 45 minutes, which determined its name - "45". During the work on the album, the group played their first electric concert at the festival of the Leningrad rock club, and the whole concert was accompanied by a drum machine, since Kino did not yet have its own drummer.

In the autumn of the same year, the group recorded several songs with the Zoo's drummer at Andrei Kuskov's studio, including the songs "Spring" and "The Last Hero", but for some unknown reason this recording was rejected by Tsoi and did not receive distribution.

Cinema - The Last Hero (1990, live at the Olympic)

On February 19, 1983, a big joint concert of the groups "Kino" and "Aquarium" was given, at which the songs "Electric Train", "Aluminum Cucumbers" and "Trolleybus" were performed. At the same time, Yuri Kasparyan entered the main line-up of the group, and shortly after that, Alexei Rybin left the group.

After rehearsals with a new guitarist, the album "46" was recorded, which was planned as a demo recording of the future album "Head of Kamchatka", but slowly began to spread among the listeners as an independent album. Unfortunately, his musical activity had to be interrupted for a short time: in 1983, conscription into the army "hung" over Victor, and in order to avoid it, the singer feigned a suicide attempt and went to a psychiatric hospital on Pryazhka for a month and a half for examination.

After being discharged, Tsoi wrote the song "Tranquilizer", and in the spring of 1984 the Kino group performed at the second rock club festival, where they were awarded the title of laureate. The festival opened with the composition "I declare my house a nuclear-free zone", which was recognized as the best anti-war song. Then in 1984, Georgy Guryanov ("Gustav") joined the group as a drummer, backing vocalist and arranger.

The heyday of a musical career

In the summer of 1984, the Kino group began recording the album Head of Kamchatka at Andrei Tropillo's Antrop studio, and once again Boris Grebenshchikov came to the rescue, joined by Sergey Kuryokhin. Soon the final, "golden" line-up of the group was formed: Viktor Tsoi, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov and a new member - bass player Igor Tikhomirov.

In 1985, in the same Antrop studio, the group began working on the Night album, but things progressed slowly: the musicians wanted to find a new sound and playing techniques. Leaving work on this album for a while, Viktor Tsoi moved to the studio of Alexei Vishnya and quickly, in a little over a week, recorded the album “This is not love”. "Night" came out a little later, in January 1986, and included the famous songs "Saw the Night" and "Mama Anarchy". At the suggestion of Andrey Tropillo, the fans affectionately called this album "gateway music" - music "played by punks".

Life is like a movie. Documentary film about Viktor Tsoi

In the same 1986, work began on the album "Blood Type". An American friend of the musicians, well-known rock enthusiast Joanna Stingray brought a home four-channel portable studio "Yamaha MT 44" to Leningrad, and the musicians firmly settled in Gustav's house. Here the whole group, according to Artemy Troitsky, "hung out, rehearsed, painted pictures and - from time to time - listened to and recorded new songs."

In 1987, the album "Blood Type" was released, and wide recognition and real fame fell upon the group. On the wave of popularity, having played the famous joint concert with "Aquarium" and "Alice" in the recreation center of MIIT in Moscow, the musicians of "Kino" went on a triumphant tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. At the end of 1988, the album "A Star by the Name of the Sun" was recorded, and in 1989 the group acquired a new producer, Yuri Aizenshpis.

“I liked his work, I liked his sincerity, his energy, and from the very first minutes of communication I liked the author himself: calm, thorough, benevolent,” Aizenshpis recalled. The new producer began to organize numerous performances and filming on television: the popularity of "Kino" quickly gained an all-Union scale, a youth "film mania" began.

The album "The Last Hero" was recorded in 1989 already in France. On June 24, 1990, the last concert of Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group took place - at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, where the Olympic flame was lit for the first time after the Olympics-80 in honor of this event. After that, Tsoi and Kasparyan closed themselves off from everyone at a dacha near Jurmala and began working on a new, final album. It was released after the death of Viktor Tsoi and received the unofficial name "Black Album".

Film work

The debut work of Viktor Tsoi in the cinema was the role in the graduation film by Sergei Lysenko "The End of Vacation", filmed in 1986. This film consists of four clips of the Kino group, interconnected by a narrative with another plot, in which Victor also played one of the main roles. After the film "The End of Vacation" in 1986, Tsoi starred in the film "Yya-Kha" directed by Rashid Nugmanov, a short non-fiction film about Leningrad rock and its "fathers".

In 1987, the musician took part in the filming of the cult film "Assa" directed by Sergei Solovyov, in which a brilliant cast was involved: Stanislav Govorukhin, Tatyana Drubich, Sergei Bugaev ("Africa"), Alexander Bashirov, Alexander Domogarov and others. And although the role Victor in this film was not great and only one of his songs (“Changes!”) sounded, many people recognized and fell in love with him precisely after this performance, and the song “Changes!” became the unofficial anthem of Perestroika.

Fragments of films with Viktor Tsoi

The pinnacle of Tsoi's acting career can be considered the main role in Rashid Nugmanov's feature film "The Needle" with the participation of Pyotr Mamonov - the film was shot in Alma-Ata, and for the sake of filming, the Kino group had to temporarily interrupt their concert activities. And this sacrifice was not in vain: the film received several prizes at prestigious film festivals, became one of the leaders in the box office, and Viktor Tsoi was recognized as the best actor in 1989 according to a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine.

Personal life of Viktor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi was calm in character, but rather reserved and aloof. According to the memoirs of Alexander Titov, "he was an absolutely discreet person, unable to present himself, even shy in the company."

On March 5, 1982, while visiting mutual friends, 19-year-old Tsoi met Maryana Igorevna Rodovanskaya, who turned 23 that day. At that time, Maryana was far from musical life. She worked in the circus as the head of the production department and dreamed of entering the Mukhinskoye school and getting an art education.

She had several familiar musicians, to whose work she was cool, but Viktor Tsoi was a happy exception. Later, in her story “Starting Point”, Marianna wrote: “The feeling that I experienced when I heard it for the first time can rather be called amazement, not delight ... I did not expect such agility from the nineteen-year-old Tsoi!”. The girl fell in love with Victor and was seriously carried away by his music, soon left the circus and became the administrator of the Kino group, a reliable assistant and ally of the musicians.

In February 1984, Maryana and Victor got married. Almost all famous rock performers of that time walked at their wedding: Boris Grebenshchikov, Mike Naumenko, Alexander Titov, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov ("Gustav") and many others. “A hundred people crowded into our unfortunate apartment,” Maryana recalled. On August 5, 1985, the only child of Viktor Tsoi, son Alexander, was born.

In 1987, the couple separated, but the divorce was not formalized. The last period of his life, Victor lived in Moscow with the translator and film critic Natalya Razlogova, who, after his death, remarried and left for the United States. Natalya was not only Victor's last love, but also his good and faithful friend. A film critic and esthete, she also seriously influenced Tsoi's external image: according to Yuri Aizenshpis, "he turned from hungry and angry into imposing and mysterious."

In order to have an official place of work, as was required in the USSR, and to avoid criminal prosecution for "parasitism", Viktor Tsoi, like many other people associated with informal art, had to look for some not too burdensome position.

For example, in the summer of 1986, Viktor was a cleaner in a bathhouse on Veteranov Avenue, where he had to wash the room, dousing it with water from a hose. The work took only one hour a day, but this hour fell on the evening when the musical life was in full swing - and it was inconvenient.

In the autumn of the same year, Sergei Firsov invited Tsoi to work as a fireman in the Kamchatka boiler room, where they both spent time until 1988. Other well-known musicians worked in this famous boiler room at different times: Alexander Bashlachev, Svyatoslav Zaderiy, Andrey Mashnin, etc. “Hangouts” and unofficial concerts were also held here. It was only necessary from time to time to throw coal into the furnace, and otherwise the stoker could feel, in the words of Tsoi himself, "completely free." Now the club-museum of Viktor Tsoi is arranged in this boiler room.

The funeral took place on August 19 in Leningrad, among thousands of fans. The death of Viktor Tsoi caused a real shock and a wave of suicides among Kino fans.

His songs remain popular and in demand to this day, and he will forever remain one of the "pillars" of Russian rock. After the death of the musician, about a dozen films were released using previously filmed materials about Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group, the most famous of which were The Last Hero by Alexei Uchitel (1992) and Tsoi - Kino by Natalia Razlogova and Evgeny Lisovsky ( 2012). A feature film premiered in June 2018

Monuments are expected to be erected in Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Moscow - however, in the capital in Krivoarbatsky Lane there is a “spontaneous” memorial wall with photographs of Tsoi, numerous inscriptions “Tsoi is alive” and quotes from his songs. Similar walls exist in the city of Dnepr (formerly Dnepropetrovsk) in the Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as in Minsk and Mogilev.

In honor of Viktor Tsoi, streets are named in four settlements of Russia, as well as two squares - in St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk. In addition, asteroid No. 2740 is named after him.

That call, on August 15, to the duty unit of the Tukums regional department, like any similar one, did not bode well. A. R. Neimanis, a resident of the Dreymani farm, reported excitedly that not far from his house at about 11:30 a.m. (local time) a dark-colored passenger car crashed into an oncoming Ikarus. There are victims. E. K. Ashmane and senior police lieutenant Janis Elmarovich Peterson, senior police lieutenant Janis Elmarovich Peterson, left for the scene of the traffic accident, that is, to the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsa road. The hot sun literally melted the summer day. It was very stuffy, soaring, as if before a thunderstorm. As Erika Kazimirovna recalls, the heels were pressed into the softened asphalt, and it was difficult to breathe. Half an hour later we arrived at the scene of the tragedy.
A terrible sight: "Ikarus-250" was blown off the road into a small river Teitupe, behind the bridge. Well, there were no passengers. The driver J. K. Fibiks, who works in the Tallinn branch of Latselhoztechnika, escaped with minor bruises and fright. Before that, he took the tourist group to the airport and returned back.
The new "Moskvich-2141" Ya6832 MM was thrown 18 meters to the bridge with a powerful blow. Only the rear bumper remained intact. On examination, it is noticeable that the blow to the car fell from left to right, front to back. Apparently, the front bumper of the "Ikarus" went over the hood of the "Moskvich" straight into the salon. The steering wheel is bent on the driver's side, the seats are knocked down, the front panel shield is broken. The hood flew off, everything else was crumpled. A young black-haired guy was lying next to the car. No doubt he died instantly. According to the documents found in the cabin - Tsoi Viktor Robertovich ...
A little earlier, the ambulance that had arrived was standing on the side of the road. The doctors had no choice but to witness the death and send the corpse for a forensic medical examination. It showed that no alcohol was found in the blood of the deceased. Death occurred as a result of an accident from numerous injuries to the body.
The only eyewitness, Neimanis, explained that he had only seen a car rushing along the road at high speed and heard the sound of a blow. It was not possible to accurately determine the speed of the Moskvich, but, undoubtedly, it was at least 100 kilometers per hour. This was partly evidenced by the position of the cars after the collision and the Moskvich engine flying far to the side. To
she threw the engine so far - Ashmane had not seen in her practice. Potholes remained on the asphalt from the impact, and skid marks, by which it was not difficult to determine the place of the collision. This means that it was easy to imagine the process of collision. All the parameters and data were immediately entered into the protocol, and a scheme was drawn up for the initial inspection of the scene. In the event of further initiation of a criminal case, as is known, it is taken as a basis. In "Moskvich" they found three fishing rods, other fishing accessories, a tape recorder, speakers, a tool, a spare tire, documents, money and two small fish ...

In the distance, the forest rustled, birds called to each other, water murmured. Having drawn up a report, the investigator left, and Peterson remained to wait for the truck crane. Several drivers passing by stopped here, smoked, discussed what had happened. The Sloka-Tulsa road is calm, forested, cars pass occasionally. At the turn there is a wooden house, a little further there is another one, most likely pre-war construction. The place is beautiful, close to the sea. In recent years, Tsoi came here to relax, rented a summer house in the village of Plienciems.
- In my subjective opinion, - says E.K. Ashmane, - Tsoi dozed off at the wheel. The weather helped. He was returning from the forest lake, where he had been fishing since six o'clock in the morning. This is about 14 kilometers from the collision site. I was driving at high speed. And because of the turn at a speed of 60-70 kilometers per hour, a bus left, which he did not notice.
The road from Tukums to the place of the accident is not so close. It winds through the forest, goes around the farm. We did not notice how, behind the next turn - thus, from the hill down, this bridge emerged across Teitupe. Stopped. There are fresh flowers on the bridge, inscriptions, an open pack of cigarettes, matches, tied handkerchiefs, a woman's glove, a scarf, an empty bottle, a glass, photographs of Victor, more flowers ... Scratches, potholes, sand dug by the bus on the side of the road are still visible. The tragedy happened here. Ya. E. Peterson again shows how the cars collided. He remembers that the left traverse of the bus was damaged. So not face to face.
To leave fewer questions, we will work out three versions: murder, suicide and accident. As far as it will turn out according to the logic of the available facts. For the investigator did not initiate a criminal case - with the consent of the prosecutor - "due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the drivers." And, consequently, forensic, investigative and other examinations were not carried out. The first version is murder. I do not think that Tsoi had mortal enemies. And if, for example, they were found, then the method and place were not chosen the best. The house standing at the turn and the trees blossoming behind it obscure the drivers driving towards each other. In practice, the driver of the Ikarus could not see the Moskvich rapidly approaching the turn. Even if someone, let's agree, warned him in advance, then rush towards the unknown? .. A normal person will not do this. On the contrary, Phoebex sought to avoid the collision, risking ramming the bridge, the trees, not without a threat to his life.
Further. On Lake Tsoi he fished alone, at least there are no other facts. Consequently, no one could have influenced him in the form of poison, drugs, etc., which is also confirmed by a forensic blood test.
Is suicide possible? I would answer this question in the negative. The creative rise of Viktor Tsoi, specific plans for the future - the preparation of a new album, the main role in a feature film, tours in South Korea, Japan - reject this version. He was 28 years old - just started to live, getting out of the coal pit. The version of suicide is not confirmed for the reason that he hardly saw the bus approaching the turn. And, finally, I do not think that Tsoi deliberately endangered the passengers of the Ikarus. He was honest.
Both of the above versions, of course, leave some meager percentage of probability. But still, in my opinion, the third version is the most acceptable - the version of the investigator E.K. There is a straight, flat road leading to the Dreymani farm. You can also relax, the path is familiar, from the lake to the cottage in Plienciems about twenty minutes drive. The speed limit on this road is 90 kilometers per hour. Before turning 100 meters there is a road sign "Dangerous turn". It is clear that the driver is obliged to slow down here, which Tsoi did not do and which again indicates a loss of orientation. The tread mark from the right wheel of the Moskvich is marked on the right side of the road 21 meters before the bridge, from the "pocket" of the bus stop. Curvilinear. 11.5 meters after the bridge, the track exits steeply from the shoulder onto the paved part of the road towards the collision point., No brake marks found. In addition, remember that the new front-wheel drive Moskvich has a very sensitive steering system. One wrong movement at speed is enough (rearranging a tape cassette, for example) and ... that's it. Speedometer "Moskvich" Ya6832 MM stopped at 3400 kilometers. As a driver, Tsoi had category B, that is, the right to drive a car. The driver of "Ikarus" Phoebex is an experienced, experienced professional, has all categories, works on intercity transportation. For his part, he did his best to avoid being hit. So it's an accident.
Many, probably, are interested in the fate of V. Tsoi's car. For the first week, he was near the building of the Tukums District Department of Internal Affairs and attracted a large number of spectators - fans of the singer, or even just onlookers. Fans were ready to pull apart "Moskvich" in parts. Then the Tukums motor transport enterprise No. 29 took him under its roof - at the request of relatives, before the insurance was issued. But even here young people continued to visit - to look, to take something as a keepsake. The director of the enterprise, S. A. Konopiev, voluntarily acted as a guide, having previously contacted Tsoi's wife, Marianna Igorevna, by telephone. You can imagine what mental anguish this brought her. We also initially had a desire to photograph the car. We phoned Marianna Igorevna Tsoi, and this is what she answered:
- You know how tired I am of everything! Better do without it... I don't want you to take pictures
for example, his friend, he would have answered the same way.
I remember the episode in the underpass near the Riga station. A young guy was sitting on the ground and, with a smug smile, played Tsoi's songs on the guitar out of tune. In front of him lay an open case for small coins. Let's not do this: openly lie and beg miserably, speculate with a well-known name. The memory of Viktor Tsoi deserves more.

It is amazing, but for the quarter of a century that has passed since the accident of Viktor Tsoi, there are no comprehensive sources containing a detailed analysis of the tragedy that occurred to this day.

Even television documentaries on the stated topic did not show the ultimate picture, although the Lord himself ordered it with its technical capabilities.

Mean lines of protocol

The entire documentary "base" at the site of Tsoi's accident and its circumstances is still made up of the scant lines of the police report and the criminal report, pulled into quotes and memorized by fans of the talent of Viktor Tsoi and the KINO group:

“The collision of the dark blue Moskvich-2141 car with the Ikarus-250 regular bus happened at 11 o’clock. 28 min. August 15, 1990 on the 35th km of the Sloka-Talsi highway.

The car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km / h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Choi lost control. Death of V.R. Tsoi came instantly, the bus driver was not injured.

…IN. Tsoi was absolutely sober on the eve of his death. In any case, he did not drink alcohol during the last 48 hours before his death. Analysis of the brain cells indicates that he fell asleep at the wheel, probably from overwork.

What can be understood from this text, except that Tsoi has gone to Eternity?

Questions, questions...

The 35th kilometer is a loose concept: it contains at least 1,000 meters ... Where exactly did the accident occur on this kilometer?

In which direction did Viktor Tsoi's car go: from Sloka to Talsi or, conversely, from Talsi to Sloka? What is the width of the roadway? The quality of the road surface: asphalt, concrete, gravel, soil?

The answer to the question depends on this - is it possible, in principle, to fall asleep at the wheel on such a track? So, “Moskvich-2141” is not a “Mercedes”, but rather, a “tin can”: if gravel flying out from under the front wheels hammers at its bottom at a speed of 130 km / h, the dead one will rise again!

“Let's move into stalking” and try to “hunt down” (from stalking - tracking down) the answers to most of them. And let's start from the place of Tsoi's accident.

Firstly, the Sloka-Talsi route - where is it? Let's turn to the map; Google Map is here to help.

Here! It turns out that you can get from Sloka to Talsi along the “northern” route (highlighted in gray), along the “southern” (highlighted in blue) and even, by combining the route, along the “isthmus” through Tukums.

The question is - on which route did Viktor Tsoi's car move: northern, southern, or did the Poet combine the route through a vertical "jumper"?

Monument to Tsoi. His whereabouts

The fact that a monument was erected by his enthusiastic fans at the site of the death of Viktor Tsoi is a well-known fact. Let's try to locate it.

According to Wikipedia, the monument was erected near the road, on the 35th kilometer of the Talsi-Sloka highway, in the Engure suburb, in Latvia. The height of the monument is 2.30 m, the area of ​​the pedestal is 1 m², the area of ​​the monument is 9 m².

Most importantly, Wikipedia contains a kind indication of the geographical coordinates of the monument: 57.115539° N, 23.185392° E.

Again, let's turn to the maps of the Google Map application in search of this place (the coordinates have been slightly changed).

On the right side of the map is the Gulf of Riga. Consequently, Viktor Tsoi's car was moving along the upper, "northern" branch; in today's realities, it is named as P128.

In which direction did Choi go?

The next question is in what direction did Tsoi's car move? From Sloka to Talsi? Or, on the contrary, from Talsi to Sloka?

According to Kalgin, from the moment he met Natalia Razlogova, Tsoi spent all his summer vacations in Latvia, in Plienciems (Engure volost, Tukums district) - a fishing village known in the old days as a resort.

“Sailboats were built here at the beginning of the last century. Plienciems differs from other seaside villages in that it is protected from sea winds by a huge dune. Tsoi was not the first time in Plienciems that year.”

It remains to find it on the map. Yes, here it is, in the lower right corner of the last fragment!

So, he was driving from Talsi to Sloka, in the direction of Plienciems.

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