Victor Dragunsky "The Enchanted Letter" 1st class. Dragoon Victor - enchanted letter


When the rehearsal of the boys' choir was over, the singing teacher Boris Sergeevich said:

Well, tell me, which of you gave your mother what on March 8? Come on, Denis, report back.

On March 8, I gave my mother a small pillow for needles. Beautiful. Looks like a frog. I sewed for three days, punctured all my fingers. I made two of these.

We all made two. One - to my mother, and the other - to Raisa Ivanovna.

Why is that all? asked Boris Sergeevich. - Have you agreed to sew the same thing for everyone?

No, - said Valerka, - it's in our circle "Skillful Hands": we pass the pads. First the devils passed, and now the pads.

What other devils? - Boris Sergeevich was surprised.

I said:

Plasticine! Our leaders Volodya and Tolya from the eighth grade spent half a year with us devils. As they come, so now: "Sculp the devils!" Well, we sculpt, and they play chess.

Go crazy, - said Boris Sergeevich. - Pillows! Will have to figure it out! Stop! And he suddenly laughed merrily. - And how many boys do you have in the first "B"?

Fifteen, - said Mishka, - and twenty-five girls.

Here Boris Sergeevich burst into laughter.

And I said:

There are more females than males in our country.

But Boris Sergeevich waved me off.

I'm not talking about that. It's just interesting to see how Raisa Ivanovna receives fifteen pillows as a gift! Well, listen: which of you is going to congratulate your mothers on the First of May?

Now it's our turn to laugh. I said:

You, Boris Sergeevich, are probably joking, it was not enough to congratulate you for May.

But it’s wrong, exactly what you need to congratulate your mothers on May. And this is ugly: only once a year to congratulate. And if you congratulate every holiday, it will be like a knight. Well, who knows what a knight is?

I said:

He is on a horse and in an iron suit.

Boris Sergeevich nodded.

Yes, that was a long time ago. And when you grow up, you will read many books about knights, but even now, if they say about someone that he is a knight, then this means a noble, selfless and generous person. And I think that every pioneer should definitely be a knight. Hands up, who's the knight here?

We all raised our hands.

I knew it, - said Boris Sergeevich, - go, knights!

We went home. And on the way Mishka said:

Okay, I’ll buy sweets for my mom, I have money.

And so I came home, and there was no one at home. And I even got annoyed. For once I wanted to be a knight, but there is no money! And then, as luck would have it, Mishka came running, in the hands of an elegant box with the inscription "May Day". Bear says: - Done, now I'm a knight for twenty-two kopecks. And why are you sitting?

Bear, are you a knight? - I said.

Knight, says Mishka.

Then lend.

Mishka was upset:

I spent every penny.

What to do?

Search, - says Mishka. - After all, twenty kopecks is a small coin, maybe where at least one has fallen, let's look.

And we climbed the whole room - both behind the sofa and under the closet, and I shook all my mother's shoes, and even picked her finger in the powder. I don't have anywhere.

Suddenly Mishka opened the buffet:

Wait, what is this?

Where? I say. - Ah, those are bottles. Can't you see? There are two wines here: in one bottle - black, and in the other - yellow. This is for guests, guests will come to us tomorrow.

Mishka says:

Eh, your guests would have come yesterday, and you would have had money.

How is that?

And the bottles, - says Mishka, - yes, they give money for empty bottles. On the corner. It's called "Glass Container Reception"!

Why were you silent before? Now we will settle this matter. Give me a jar of compote, it's on the window.

Mishka handed me a jar, and I opened the bottle and poured blackish-red wine into the jar.

That's right, said Mishka. - What will happen to him?

Of course, I said. - Where's the other one?

Yes, here, - says Mishka, - does it matter? This wine and that wine.

Well, yes, I said. - If one was wine, and the other kerosene, then it’s impossible, otherwise, please, it’s even better. Keep the bank.

And we poured the second bottle there as well.

I said:

Put it on the window! So. Cover with a saucer, and now we run!

And we started. For these two bottles we were given twenty-four kopecks. And I bought my mom candy. They gave me two more kopecks in change. I came home happy, because I became a knight, and as soon as mom and dad came, I said:

Mom, I'm a knight now. Boris Sergeevich taught us!

Mom said:

Well, tell me!

I said that tomorrow I will surprise my mother. Mom said:

And where did you get the money?

Mom, I handed over the empty dishes. Here's two pennies in change.

Then dad said:

Well done! Give me two kopecks for the machine!

We sat down to have lunch. Then dad leaned back in his chair and smiled:

Compote would.

I'm sorry, I didn't have time today, - said my mother.

But dad winked at me:

And what's that? I noticed a long time ago.

And he went to the window, took off the saucer and took a sip right from the jar. But what happened here! Poor dad was coughing as if he had drunk a glass of nails. He shouted in a voice that was not his own:

What it is? What is this poison?!

I said:

Dad, don't be scared! It's not poison. These are your two faults!

Here the father staggered a little and turned pale.

What two wines?! he shouted louder than before.

Black and yellow, - I said, - that were in the sideboard. You, most importantly, do not be afraid.

Dad ran to the cupboard and opened the door. Then he blinked his eyes and began to rub his chest. He looked at me with such surprise, as if I were not an ordinary boy, but some kind of blue or speckled. I said:

Are you surprised, sir? I poured your two wines into a jar, otherwise where would I get empty dishes? Think by yourself!

Mom screamed:

And fell on the couch. She began to laugh, so much so that I thought she would feel bad. I could not understand anything, and my father shouted:

Laugh? Well, laugh! And by the way, this knight of yours will drive me crazy, but I'd better rip him out earlier so that he forgets once and for all chivalrous manners.

And dad began to pretend that he was looking for a belt.

Where is he? - Dad shouted, - Give me this Ivanhoe here! Where did he fail?

And I was behind the closet. I've been there for a long time just in case. And then dad was very worried. He shouted:

Is it ever heard of pouring collectible black Muscat from the 1954 harvest into a jar and diluting it with Zhiguli beer?!

And my mother was exhausted from laughter. She barely spoke: - After all, it is he ... with the best of intentions ... After all, he is ... a knight ... I will die ... of laughter.

And she kept laughing.

And dad darted around the room a little more and then, for no reason at all, approached mom. He said: - How I love your laughter. And he leaned over and kissed his mother. And then I calmly crawled out from behind the closet.

“Where is it seen, where is it heard…”

During the break, our October counselor Lucy ran up to me and said:

Deniska, can you perform at the concert? We decided to organize two kids to be satirists. Want?

I want it all! Only you explain: what are satirists?

Lucy says:

You see, we have various problems ... Well, for example, losers or lazy people, they need to be caught. Understood? It is necessary to speak about them so that everyone laughs, this will have a sobering effect on them.

I speak:

They are not drunk, they are just lazy.

This is what they say: “sobering,” Lucy laughed. - But in fact, these guys will just think about it, they will become embarrassed, and they will correct themselves. Understood? Well, in general, do not pull: if you want - agree, if you don't want - refuse!

I said:

Okay, come on!

Then Lucy asked:

Do you have a partner?

I speak:

Lucy was surprised

How do you live without a friend?

I have a comrade, Mishka. And there is no partner.

Lucy smiled again.

It's almost the same. Is he musical, is your Bear?

No, ordinary.

Can sing?

Very quiet. But I'll teach him to sing louder, don't worry.

Here Lucy was delighted:

After the lessons, bring him to the small hall, there will be a rehearsal!

And I set off with all my might to look for Mishka. He stood in the buffet and ate sausage.

Mishka, do you want to be a satirist?

And he said:

Wait, let me eat.

I stood and watched him eat. He is small himself, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it straight whole, did not cut it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot odorous juice splashed from there.

And I could not stand it and said to Aunt Katya:

Give me, please, also a sausage, quickly!

And Aunt Katya immediately handed me a bowl. And I was in a hurry so that Mishka would not have time to eat his sausage without me: I alone would not be so tasty. And so I also took my sausage with my hands and, without cleaning it, began to gnaw it, and hot odorous juice splashed out of it. And Mishka and I gnawed like that for a couple, and burned ourselves, and looked at each other, and smiled.

And then I told him that we would be satirists, and he agreed, and we barely made it to the end of the lessons, and then ran to the small hall for a rehearsal.

Our counselor Lucy was already sitting there, and with her was one boy, about the fourth, very ugly, with small ears and big eyes.

Lucy said:

Here they are! Meet our school poet Andrey Shestakov.

We said:


And they turned away so that he would not ask.

And the poet said to Lucy:

What is it, performers, or what?

He said:

Was there really nothing better?

Lucy said:

Just what is required!

But then our singing teacher Boris Sergeevich came. He went straight to the piano.

Come on, let's get started! Where are the verses?

Andryushka took a piece of paper out of his pocket and said:

Here. I took the meter and chorus from Marshak, from a fairy tale about a donkey, grandfather and grandson: “Where has this been seen, where has it been heard ...”

Boris Sergeevich nodded his head.

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

Dad decides, and Vasya gives up?!

Mishka and I just jumped. Of course, the guys quite often ask their parents to solve the problem for them, and then show the teacher as if they were such heroes. And at the board, no boom-boom - deuce! The case is well known. Oh yes, Andryushka, you got it great!

Chalk lined asphalt into squares,

Manechka and Tanechka are jumping here.

Where is it seen, where is it heard, -

They play "classes" but don't go to class?!

Again great. We really enjoyed! This Andryushka is just a real fellow, like Pushkin!

Boris Sergeevich said:

Nothing, not bad! And the music will be the simplest, something like that. - And he took Andryushka's verses and, quietly strumming, sang them all in a row.

It turned out very cleverly, we even clapped our hands.

And Boris Sergeevich said:

Nute, sir, who are our performers?

And Lucy pointed at Mishka and me:

Well, - said Boris Sergeevich, - Misha has a good ear ... True, Deniska does not sing very well.

I said:

But loud.

And we began to repeat these verses to the music and repeated them probably fifty or a thousand times, and I yelled very loudly, and everyone calmed me down and made comments:

Do not worry! You are quiet! Calm down! Don't be so loud!

Andryushka was especially excited. He completely blew me away. But I only sang loudly, I didn't want to sing softer, because real singing is exactly when it's loud!

... And then one day, when I came to school, I saw an announcement in the locker room:


Today, at a big break in the small hall, the performance of the Pioneer Satyricon flying patrol will take place!

Performed by a duet of kids!

One day!

Come all!

And something immediately clicked in me. I ran to class. Mishka sat there and looked out the window.

I said:

Well, let's play today!

And Mishka suddenly mumbled:

I don't feel like performing...

I was right dumbfounded. How - reluctance? That's it! After all, we were rehearsing! But what about Lucy and Boris Sergeevich? Andryushka? And all the guys, because they read the poster and will come running as one?

I said:

Are you out of your mind, or what? Let people down?

And Mishka is so plaintively:

I seem to have a stomach ache.

I speak:

It's out of fear. It hurts me too, but I don't refuse!

But Mishka was still kind of thoughtful. At the big break, all the guys rushed to the small hall, and Mishka and I could hardly trudge behind, because I also completely lost the mood to speak. But at that moment Lyusya ran out to meet us, she firmly grabbed our hands and dragged us along, but my legs were soft, like a doll’s, and weaved. I must have been infected by Mishka.

In the hall there was a fenced-off place near the piano, and children from all classes, both nannies and teachers, crowded around.

Mishka and I stood near the piano.

Boris Sergeevich was already in place, and Lucy announced in an announcer's voice:

We begin the performance of the "Pioneer Satyricon" on topical topics. Text by Andrey Shestakov, performed by world-famous satirists Misha and Denis! Let's ask!

And Mishka and I went a little ahead. The bear was white as a wall. And I was nothing, only my mouth was dry and rough, as if there was emery.

Boris Sergeevich played. Mishka had to start, because he sang the first two lines, and I had to sing the second two lines. So Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka threw his left hand to the side, as Lucy had taught him, and he wanted to sing, but he was late, and while he was getting ready, it was already my turn, This is how it turned out in music. But I did not sing, since Mishka was late. Why on earth!

Mishka then put his hand back in place. And Boris Sergeevich loudly and separately began again.

He struck, as he should have done, the keys three times, and on the fourth Mishka threw back his left hand again and finally sang:

Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics,

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I immediately picked it up and shouted:

Where is it seen, where is it heard, -

Dad decides, and Vasya gives up?!

Everyone in the hall laughed, and this made my soul feel better. And Boris Sergeevich went further. He again struck the keys three times, and on the fourth Mishka carefully threw his left hand to the side and for no reason sang again:

Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics,

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I knew right away that he had lost his way! But since this is the case, I decided to sing to the end, and then we'll see. I took it and finished it:

Where is it seen, where is it heard, -

Dad decides, and Vasya gives up?!

Thank God, it was quiet in the hall - everyone, apparently, also understood that Mishka had gone astray, and thought: “Well, it happens, let him sing further.”

And when the music reached the place, he again extended his left hand and, like a record that was “jammed”, wound it up for the third time:

Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics,

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I had a terrible desire to hit him on the back of the head with something heavy, and I yelled with terrible anger:

Where is it seen, where is it heard, -

Dad decides, and Vasya gives up?!

Mishka, you seem to be completely crazy! Are you tightening the same thing for the third time? Let's talk about girls!

And Mishka is so cheeky:

I know without you! - And politely says to Boris Sergeyevich: - Please, Boris Sergeyevich, go on!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka suddenly grew bolder, again put out his left hand and on the fourth beat began to cry as if nothing had happened:

Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics,

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

Then everyone in the hall squealed with laughter, and I saw in the crowd what an unhappy face Andryushka had, and I also saw that Lucy, all red and disheveled, was making her way towards us through the crowd. And Mishka stands with his mouth open, as if he is surprised at himself. Well, while the court and the case, I shout out:

Where is it seen, where is it heard, -

Dad decides, and Vasya gives up?!

This is where something terrible started. Everyone was laughing as if stabbed to death, and the Mishka turned purple from green. Our Lucy grabbed his hand and dragged him to her.

She screamed:

Deniska, sing alone! Don't let me down!.. Music! AND!..

And I stood at the piano and decided not to let you down. I felt that it didn’t matter to me, and when the music reached me, for some reason I suddenly threw my left hand out to the side and screamed out of the blue:

Vasya's dad is strong in mathematics,

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I'm even surprised that I didn't die from this damn song.

I probably would have died if the bell hadn't rung at that time...

I won't be a satirist anymore!

Enchanted letter

Recently we were walking in the yard: Alyonka, Mishka and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the yard. And on it lies a tree. We ran after the car. So she drove up to the house management, stopped, and the driver with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted at each other:

Easier! Let's bring it in! Right! Levey! Get her on the ass! It's easier, otherwise you'll break off the entire spitz.

And when they unloaded, the driver said:

Now we need to activate this Christmas tree, - and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree.

She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alyonka took up one branch and said:

Look, there are detectives hanging on the tree.

"Secrets"! She said it wrong! Mishka and I rolled like that. We both laughed the same way, but then Mishka began to laugh louder to make me laugh.

Well, I pushed a little so he wouldn't think I was giving up. The bear held his hands to his stomach, as if he was in great pain, and shouted:

Oh, I'm dying of laughter! Investigations!

And, of course, I turned on the heat.

The girl is five years old, but she says: “detectives” ... Ha-ha-ha!

Then Mishka fainted and groaned:

Ah, I feel bad! Investigations ... - And began to hiccup: - Hic! .. Investigations. Hic! Hic! I'll die of laughter! Hic!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply it to my forehead, as if my brain had already started to become inflamed and I had gone crazy. I yelled:

The girl is five years old, to marry soon! And she is a detective.

Alyonka's lower lip twisted so that it crawled behind her ear.

Did I say correctly! This is my tooth falling out and whistling. I want to say "detectives", but I whistle "detectives" ...

Mishka said:

Eka is unseen! She lost her tooth! I've got three that fell out and two are staggering, but I still speak correctly! Listen here: chuckles! What? Really, it's great - chuckles? Here's how easy it comes out for me: chuckles! I can even sing

Oh, green chick

I'm afraid I'll prick.

But Alyonka screams. One is louder than the two of us:

Wrong! Hooray! You say "snickers", but you need "detectives"!

Namely, that there is no need for "investigations", but for "snickers".

And both let's roar. All you hear is: "Detectives!" - "Sighs!" - "Detectives!"

Looking at them, I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I was walking home and all the time I thought: why did they argue so much, since both are wrong? After all, it is a very simple word. I stopped on the stairs and said distinctly:

No detectives. No giggles, but short and clear: fifks!

That's all!

Paul's Englishman

Tomorrow is the first of September, - said my mother. - And now autumn has come, and you will go to the second grade. Oh, how time flies!..

And on this occasion, - dad picked up, - we will now “slaughter a watermelon”!

And he took a knife and cut the watermelon. When he cut, such a full, pleasant, green crackle was heard that my back turned cold with a premonition of how I would eat this watermelon. And I had already opened my mouth to clutch at a pink watermelon slice, but then the door opened and Pavel entered the room. We were all terribly happy, because he had not been with us for a long time and we missed him.

Whoa who came! - said dad. - Pavel himself. Pavel the Warthog himself!

Sit down with us, Pavlik, there is a watermelon, - said my mother. - Deniska, move over.

I said:

Hello! - and gave him a place next to him.

Hello! he said and sat down.

And we began to eat and ate for a long time and were silent. We didn't feel like talking. And what is there to talk about when there is such deliciousness in the mouth!

And when Paul was given the third piece, he said:

Ah, I love watermelon. Even more. My grandmother never lets me eat it.

And why? Mom asked.

She says that after watermelon I get not a dream, but a continuous running around.

True, - said dad, - That's why we eat watermelon early in the morning. By evening, its action ends, and you can sleep peacefully. Come on, don't be afraid.

I'm not afraid, - said Pavel.

And we all again got down to business and again were silent for a long time. And when mom began to remove the crusts, dad said:

And why, Pavel, haven't been with us for so long?

Yes, I said, where have you been? What did you do?

And then Pavel puffed up, blushed, looked around, and suddenly casually let slip, as if reluctantly:

What did he do, what did he do?.. He studied English, that's what he did.

I was right in a hurry. I immediately realized that I spent the whole summer in vain. He fiddled with hedgehogs, played bast shoes, dealt with trifles. But Pavel, he did not waste time, no, you are naughty, he worked on himself, he raised his level of education.

He studied English and now I suppose he will be able to correspond with English pioneers and read English books! I immediately felt that I was dying of envy, and then my mother added:

Here, Deniska, study. This is not your lappet!

Well done, Dad said. - I respect!

Pavel just beamed.

A student, Seva, came to visit us. So he works with me every day. It's been two whole months now. Totally tortured.

What about difficult English? I asked.

Go crazy, - Pavel sighed.

Still not difficult, - intervened dad. - The devil himself will break his leg there. Very difficult spelling. It's spelled "Liverpool" but pronounced "Manchester".

Well, yes! - I said, - Right, Pavel?

It's a disaster," said Pavel. - I was completely exhausted from these activities, I lost two hundred grams.

So why don't you use your knowledge, Pavlik? Mom said. Why didn't you say hello to us in English when you came in?

I haven’t passed the “hello” yet, ”said Pavel.

Well, you ate a watermelon, why didn’t you say “thank you”?

I said, - said Paul.

Well, yes, you said in Russian, but in English?

We haven’t reached the “thank you” yet,” Pavel said. - Very difficult preaching.

Then I said:

Pavel, and you teach me how to say “one, two, three” in English.

I haven't studied it yet," Pavel said.

What did you study? I shouted. Have you learned anything in two months?

I learned how to say "Petya" in English, Pavel said.

Right, I said. - Well, what else do you know in English?

That's all for now," Pavel said.

That I love…

I really like to lie on my stomach on my father's knee, lower my arms and legs and hang on my knee like this, like laundry on a fence. I also really like to play checkers, chess and dominoes, only to be sure to win. If you don't win, then don't.

I love listening to the beetle dig into the box. And I love to get into bed with my dad in the morning to talk with him about the dog: how we will live more spaciously and buy a dog, and we will deal with it, and we will feed it, and how funny and smart it will be, and how it she will steal sugar, and I will wipe the puddles after her, and she will follow me like a faithful dog.

I also like to watch TV: it doesn't matter what they show, even if only one table.

I love to breathe through my nose into my mother's ear. I especially like to sing and always whine very loudly.

I terribly love stories about red cavalrymen, and that they always win.

I like to stand in front of the mirror and make faces like I'm Petrushka from the puppet theater. I love sprats too.

I like to read fairy tales about Kanchil. This is such a small, smart and mischievous doe. She has funny eyes, and small horns, and pink polished hooves. When we live more spaciously, we will buy Kanchil, he will live in the bathroom. I also like to swim where it is shallow so that I can hold my hands on the sandy bottom.

I love to wave red flags and blow "go-de-go!" at demonstrations.

I love making phone calls.

I love planing, sawing, I know how to sculpt the heads of ancient warriors and bison, and I blinded a capercaillie and a tsar cannon. This is what I love to give.

When I read, I like to nibble on crackers or something.

I love guests. I also love snakes, lizards and frogs. They are so dexterous. I carry them in my pockets. I like to have the snake lying on the table when I have lunch. I love it when my grandmother screams about the frog: “Remove this muck!” - and runs out of the room.

I love to laugh... Sometimes I don't feel like laughing at all, but I force myself, squeeze out laughter - look, after five minutes it really becomes funny.

When I'm in a good mood, I like to ride. One day my dad and I went to the zoo, and I was jumping around him in the street, and he asked:

What are you jumping?

And I said:

I jump that you are my dad!

He understood!

I love going to the zoo. There are wonderful elephants. And there is one elephant. When we live more spaciously, we will buy a baby elephant. I'll build him a garage.

I really like to stand behind the car when it snorts and sniff the gas.

I like to go to cafes - eat ice cream and drink it with sparkling water. She pricks in the nose and tears come out in the eyes.

When I run down the hallway, I like to stomp my feet with all my might.

I love horses very much, they have such beautiful and kind faces.

I like a lot of things!

... And what I don’t like!

What I don't like is dental treatment. As soon as I see a dental chair, I immediately want to run away to the ends of the world. I still don’t like it when guests come, stand on a chair and read poetry.

I don't like it when mom and dad go to the theatre.

I can't stand soft-boiled eggs, when they are shaken in a glass, crumbled bread into it and forced to eat.

I still don’t like it when my mother goes for a walk with me and suddenly meets Aunt Rosa!

Then they only talk to each other, and I just don't know what to do.

I do not like to walk in a new suit - I'm in it like a wooden one.

When we play red and white, I don't like to be white. Then I exit the game, and that's it! And when I'm red, I don't like being captured. I still run away.

I don't like it when they win.

I don’t like when it’s my birthday, to play “loaf”: I’m not small.

I don't like it when guys ask questions.

And I really don’t like it when I cut myself, in addition - to smear my finger with iodine.

I don’t like that it’s crowded in our corridor and adults scurry back and forth every minute, some with a frying pan, some with a kettle, and shout:

Children, do not turn under your feet! Watch out, I have a hot pot!

And when I go to bed, I don’t like it when they sing in chorus in the next room:

Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...

I really don't like that on the radio boys and girls speak in old women's voices! ..

What does Mishka like?

Once Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris Sergeevich was sitting at his piano and playing something slowly. Mishka and I sat on the windowsill and did not interfere with him, and he did not notice us at all, but continued to play for himself, and various sounds quickly jumped out from under his fingers. They splashed, and it turned out something very friendly and joyful.

I really liked it, and I could have sat and listened like that for a long time, but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano, and saw us, and cheerfully said:

ABOUT! What people! Sitting like two sparrows on a branch! Well, so what do you say?

I asked:

What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him so much.

I said:

Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

This is not a song. Although I love songs, but this is not a song. What I played is called a much bigger word than just "song".

I said:

What? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

Well, what do you like? More than anything else?

I answered:

I like a lot of things.

And told him that I love. And about the dog, and about planing, and about the baby elephant, and about the red cavalrymen, and about the little doe on pink hooves, and about the ancient warriors, and about the cool stars, and about the horse's faces, everything, everything ...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face when he listened, and then he said:

Look! And I didn't know. Honestly, you're still small, don't be offended, but look - you love so much! The whole world.

Mishka intervened at this point. He pouted and said:

And I love different differences even more than Deniska! Think!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

Very interesting! Come on, tell me the secret of your soul. Now it's your turn, take the baton! So get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

I love rolls, buns, loaves and cake! I love bread, and cake, and cakes, and gingerbread, even Tula, even honey, even glazed. I love drying too, and donuts, bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage and rice. I love dumplings and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but stale is also okay. You can oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

And I also love sprats, saury, pike perch in marinade, gobies in tomato, a part in their own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced ​​zucchini and fried potatoes.

I love boiled sausage right madly, if the doctor's - on a bet that I'll eat a whole kilo! And I love the dining room, and tea, and brawn, and smoked, and semi-smoked, and raw smoked! I love this one the most. I really like pasta with butter, noodles with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes and without holes, with a red crust or with a white one - it doesn't matter.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I love apples grated with sugar, and then the apples alone, and if the apples are peeled, then I like to eat an apple first, and only then, for a snack, - the peel!

I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas, boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, borzhom, soda with syrup, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag, I can and raw. I love sandwiches with just about anything, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge. So ... Well, I won’t talk about halva - what fool does not like halva? I also love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love ice cream with all my heart. Seven, nine. Thirteen, fifteen, nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

The bear looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently, he was already very tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove on.

He muttered:

Gooseberries, carrots, salmon salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although I already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmon, compote, sausages, sausage, although I also said sausage ...

The bear sighed and fell silent. It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Sergeevich to praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little displeasedly and even seemed to be stern. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what else Mishka would say. But Mishka was silent. It turned out that they both expected something from each other and were silent.

The first could not stand Boris Sergeevich.

Well, Misha, - he said, - you love a lot, no doubt, but everything that you love is somehow the same, too edible, or something. It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only ... And the people? Who do you love? Or from animals?

Here Mishka was all startled and blushed.

Oh, - he said embarrassedly, - I almost forgot! More kittens! And grandma!

Chicken bouillon

Mom brought a chicken from the store, big, bluish, with long bony legs. The chicken had a large red comb on its head. Mom hung it outside the window and said:

If dad comes early, let him cook. Will you pass?

I said:

With pleasure!

And my mother went to college. And I took out watercolor paints and began to draw. I wanted to draw a squirrel, how it jumps through the trees in the forest, and at first it turned out great, but then I looked and saw that it was not a squirrel at all, but some kind of uncle, similar to Moidodyr. Squirrel's tail turned out like his nose, and the branches on the tree - like hair, ears and a hat ... I was very surprised how it could have happened, and when dad came, I said:

Guess dad what I drew?

He looked and thought:

What are you, dad? You look good!

Then the father took a good look and said:

Oh, I'm sorry, it must be football...

I said:

You are kind of careless! You're probably tired?

No, I just want to eat. Don't know what's for dinner?

I said:

Look, there's a chicken hanging outside the window. Cook and eat!

Dad unhooked the chicken from the window and put it on the table.

It's easy to say, cook! You can weld. Welding is nonsense. The question is, in what form should we eat it? You can cook at least a hundred wonderful nutritious dishes from chicken. You can, for example, make simple chicken cutlets, or you can roll up a ministerial schnitzel - with grapes! I read about it! You can make such a cutlet on the bone - called "Kiev" - you will lick your fingers. You can cook chicken with noodles, or you can press it down with an iron, pour garlic over it and you get, like in Georgia, “chicken tobacco”. Can finally...

But I interrupted him. I said:

You, dad, cook something simple, without irons. Something, you know, the fastest!

Dad immediately agreed.

That's right, son! What is important to us? Eat quickly! You have captured the essence. What can be cooked faster? The answer is simple and clear: broth!

Dad even rubbed his hands.

I asked:

Do you know how to make broth?

But dad just laughed.

What is there to know? - He even got a sparkle in his eyes. - The broth is simpler than a steamed turnip: put it in water and wait. when it's cooked, that's all the wisdom. Decided! We are cooking the broth, and very soon we will have a two-course dinner: for the first - broth with bread, for the second - boiled chicken, hot, steaming. Well, drop your Repin brush and let's help!

I said:

What should I do?

Here look! You see, there are some hairs on the chicken. You cut them off, because I don't like shaggy broth. You cut off those hairs while I go to the kitchen and put the water on to boil!

And he went to the kitchen. And I took my mother's scissors and began to cut the hairs on the chicken one at a time. At first I thought that there would be few of them, but then I looked closely and saw that there were a lot, even too much. And I began to cut them, and tried to cut them quickly, as in a barbershop, and clicked the scissors in the air when I went from hair to hair.

Dad came into the room, looked at me and said:

Shoot more from the sides, otherwise it will turn out under the box!

I said:

Doesn't fade very fast...

But then dad suddenly slaps his forehead:

God! Well, we are stupid, Deniska! And how have I forgotten! Finish haircut! She needs to be set on fire! Understand? That's what everyone does. We will set it on fire, and all the hairs will burn out, and there will be no need for a haircut or shaving. Behind me!

And he grabbed the chicken and ran with it to the kitchen. And I follow him. We lit a new burner, because there was already a pot of water on one, and began to burn the chicken on the fire. She burned great and smelled of burnt wool throughout the apartment. Pan turned her from side to side and said: - Now, now! Oh, and good chicken! Now it will burn all over with us and become clean and white ...

But the chicken, on the contrary, became somehow black, all kind of charred, and dad finally turned off the gas.

He said:

In my opinion, she somehow suddenly smoked. Do you like smoked chicken?

I said:

No. She didn’t get smoked, she’s just covered in soot. Come on dad, I'll wash it.

He was downright happy.

Well done! - he said. You are smart. You have good heritage. You are all in me. Come on, my friend, take this chimney sweep chicken and wash it well under the tap, otherwise I'm already tired of this fuss.

And he sat down on a stool.

And I said:

Now, I have it instantly!

And I went to the sink and turned on the water, put our chicken under it and began to rub it with my right hand with all my might. The chicken was very hot and terribly dirty, and I immediately got my hands dirty up to the very elbows. Dad swayed on the stool.

Here, - I said, - what you, dad, have done to her. Doesn't peel off at all. There is a lot of soot.

Nothing, - said dad, - soot only from above. Couldn't it be all soot? Wait a minute!

And dad went to the bathroom and brought me a big bar of strawberry soap from there.

On, - he said, - mine properly! Lather up!

And I began to lather this unfortunate chicken. She took on a rather dazed look. I lathered it pretty well, but it lathered very badly, dirt dripped from it, it had probably been dripping for half an hour, but it didn’t become cleaner.

I said:

That damn cock is just smeared with soap.

Then dad said:

Here's a brush! Take it, give it a good rub! First the back, and only then everything else.

I began to rub. I rubbed with all my might and in some places even rubbed the skin. But it was still very difficult for me, because the chicken suddenly seemed to come to life and began to spin in my hands, slide and every second strove to jump out. And dad still did not leave his stool and kept commanding:

Hard three! More dexterous! Hold on to the wings! Oh you! Yes, you, I see, do not know how to wash a chicken at all.

I then said:

Dad, you try it yourself!

And I handed him the chicken. But he did not have time to take it, when suddenly she jumped out of my hands and galloped under the farthest locker. But dad didn't hesitate. He said:

Give me a mop!

And when I filed, dad began to shovel her out from under the closet with a mop. First, he took out the old mousetrap, then my last year's tin soldier, and I was terribly glad, because I thought that I had completely lost him, and he was right there, my dear.

Then dad finally pulled out the chicken. She was covered in dust. And dad was all red. But he grabbed her by the paw and dragged her under the tap again. He said:

Well, now hold on. Blue bird.

And he rinsed it pretty clean and put it in the pan. At this time, my mother came. She said:

What do you have here for the defeat?

And dad sighed and said:

We cook chicken.

Mom said:

Just now dipped, - said dad.

Mom took the lid off the pot.

Salted? she asked.

But my mother sniffed the saucepan.

Gutted? - she said.

Then, - said dad, - when it's cooked.

Mom sighed and took the chicken out of the pot. She said:

Deniska, bring me an apron, please. We'll have to finish everything for you, would-be chef.

And I ran into the room, took an apron and grabbed my picture from the table. I gave my mother the apron and asked her:

Well, what did I draw? Guess mom! Mom looked and said:

Sewing machine? Yes?

Inside out

Once I sat and sat, and for no reason at all suddenly thought up such a thing that I was even surprised myself. I thought how nice it would be if everything around me was arranged the other way around. Well, here, for example, that children should be the main ones in all matters and adults should have to obey them in everything. In general, adults should be like children, and children like adults. That would be great, it would be very interesting.

Firstly, I imagine how my mother would “like” such a story that I walk around and command it as I want, and dad would probably “like” it too, but there’s nothing to say about my grandmother, she would probably spend all day I would have roared. Needless to say, I would show how much a pound is worth, I would remember everything for them! For example, my mother would be sitting at dinner, and I would say to her:

Why did you start a fashion without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like! Poured Koschey! Eat now, they tell you!

And she would eat with her head down, and I would only give the command:

Faster! Don't hold your cheek! Thinking again? Are you solving the world's problems? Chew properly! And don't rock in your chair!

And then dad would come in, after work, and he wouldn’t even have time to undress, and I would have already screamed:

Yep, he showed up! You always have to wait! My hands now! As it should be, as it should be mine, there is no need to smear the dirt! After you, the towel is scary to look at. Brush three and do not spare soap. Well, show me your nails! It's horror, not nails! It's just claws! Where are the scissors? Don't twitch! I do not cut with any meat, but I cut it very carefully! Don't sniffle, you're not a girl... That's right. Now sit down at the table!

He would sit down and quietly say to his mother:

Well, how are you?

And she would also say quietly:

Nothing, thanks!

And I would immediately:

Table talkers! When I eat, I am deaf and dumb! Remember this for the rest of your life! Golden Rule! Dad! Put down the newspaper now, you are my punishment!

And they would sit with me like silk, and even when my grandmother would come, I would squint, clasp my hands and wail:

Dad! Mother! Take a look at our grandma! What a view! The chest is open, the hat is on the back of the head! Cheeks are red, the whole neck is wet! Okay, nothing to say! Admit it: did you play hockey again? What is that dirty stick? Why did you bring her into the house? What? Is this a stick? Get her out of my sight right now - to the back door!

Then I would walk around the room and say to all three of them:

After dinner, everyone sit down for lessons, and I'll go to the cinema!

Of course, they would immediately whine, whimper:

And we are with you! And so are we! We want to go to the cinema!

And I would them:

Nothing, nothing! Yesterday we went to a birthday party, on Sunday I took you to the circus! Look! Enjoyed having fun every day! Sit at home! Here you have thirty kopecks for ice cream, and that's it!

Then the grandmother would pray:

Take me at least! After all, each child can bring one adult with them for free!

But I would shirk, I would say:

And people over seventy years old are not allowed to enter this picture. Sit at home!

And I would walk past them, deliberately tapping my heels loudly, as if I didn’t notice that their eyes were all wet, and I would start getting dressed, and I would turn around in front of the mirror for a long time, and sing, and they would be even worse from this. they were tormented, and I would have opened the door to the stairs and said ... But I did not have time to think of what I would say, because at that time my mother came in, the real one, alive, and said:

Are you still sitting? Eat now, look who you look like! Poured Koschey!

V. Dragunsky "The Enchanted Letter"

Type of lesson: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge.

1. Educational: acquaintance with the story and biography of V. Dragunsky; improving the skills of expressive, conscious reading, to teach to understand and feel the language of the work;

2. Developing: develop the ability to analyze the emotional state of the characters, the ability to navigate the text, develop interest in reading fiction;

3. Educational: to cultivate a culture of speech, to promote the moral education of students, the education of mutual understanding and respect for relatives.


Personal positive motivation for the lessons of literary reading, the formation of aesthetic feelings and ideas; developing friendships with other children.

Regulatory develop skills of control, self-control, forecasting

cognitive understand what is read, find the necessary information in the text; identify incomprehensible words, be interested in their meaning; highlight the main discover the idea of ​​a work

Communicative coordinate their actions with a partner; readiness

help a friend.

subject consciously, correctly, expressively read in whole words;

Understand the meaning of the piece.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, word cards, explanatory dictionary

During the classes:

I. Motivation for learning activities.

At: The bell has already rung, we begin our lesson.

Guys , today we have a lot of guests at the lesson, and guests are always a joy, this is a good mood, let's greet them with our smiles, and now let's greet each other, Let's mentally wish ourselves good luck. And in order for our lesson to be interesting and useful, we must supplement the motto of our lesson with universal learning activities:

Plans for texts ………, (compose)

Rhyme for the word …………, (pick up)

To questions ……………, (answer)

And, of course, without a doubt,

Speaking at the same time…………..! (develop)

Quietly sit down at the desks.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

- Guys, we have finished studying the section with you. What is it called? (learning to read)

Now let's take a survey on this section.


1. What did Aunt Varya carry in a string bag, in V. Levin's poem "Miracles in a string bag"? (watermelon)

2. Who outwitted the wolf in the fairy tale by V. Zakhoder “How the wolf sang songs”? (sheep)

3. What is the name of the story of V. Oseeva, where the action was in kindergarten? (Watchman).

4. Who wrote the poem "Knights"? (A. Barto).

5. What broke the old man in the Russian fairy tale "The Most Expensive"? (knife).

6. What fairy tale is the proverb suitable for: “You chase two hares, you won’t catch one”?

III. Speech warm-up (phonetic exercise)

We begin our work, as always, with a speech warm-up.

Why do we do speech exercises? (We are preparing our articulatory (speech) apparatus.

You have papers on your desks.

Let's do a syllabic chant (To the melody "A grasshopper sat in the grass") in rows. You listen carefully to each other and guess the sounds that your syllables differ in:

1 row: sma-smu-smo-smi-smu-smu-sme

2 row: shma-shmy-shmo-shmi-shmu-shmy-shme

3rd row: hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm

All together: fma-fma-fmo-fmi-fmu-fma….

What did you notice?

What sounds were your syllables? (s, x, f,)

These are very interesting sounds guys. But why they are so interesting, we will find out later.

І V. Statement of the problem and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, When we pick up a book, what do we look at first?(on the cover).What information does the cover contain?(We can find the author and name his work

Look guys, I have prepared an exhibition of books.

Who do you think we are going to talk about today? (About Viktor Dragunsky).

And now let's remember what sounds your syllables differed in when you performed a speech warm-up (s, x, w, f).

These sounds do not tell you anything, or maybe they are hidden in one of the works of Viktor Dragunsky?

Guys, let's carefully read the works and try to find the answer. (The guys are looking for a work among the books at the exhibition where these sounds can be hidden) “Enchanted Letter”

Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson

What kind of work will we do in the lesson?

Lesson topic:


Get acquainted ... with the biography and work of V. Dragunsky;

Learn .... to work with text;

speak beautifully and correctly;

talk about what you read

V. Discovery of new knowledge

Without reading his works, what can you say about the author?

To whom are these books addressed?

What works does he write, funny or sad?

What else do you know about him?

Introduction to biography.

I know about him and I want you to know too. Listen. I include a record with a biography of the writer.

- :

Raise your hands, who watched the films based on his scripts?

Read the title of our work. (Enchanted letter) On the board plates are embroidered with assumptions.

What do you think this piece will be about? (about a letter, an enchanted letter)

Guys, in our life there are no bewitched letters. Where do you think such letters can be found? (in fairy tales) This is a work of a story, but there are elements of magic here. This work includes two genres: a story and a fairy tale. What is a story (real events)? What about a fairy tale? (all made up)

Can you tell from the illustration what the story is about?

Who are the main characters? (yes kids)

What age are they? (small)

Why so decided?

Whether our assumptions were confirmed, we will find out after getting acquainted with the work.

Word work.

When reading, we will come across difficult words, will we learn how to read them? On the screen, the words are written in syllables, and then in full.

We lament smoothly in syllables: DO-MO-UP-RAV-LE-NI-E

Now together, with the whole word HOUSE MANAGEMENT

Raise your hand, who can explain the meaning of this word.

There are two words hidden in this word, what are these words? (house and management).

That's right, HOUSE MANAGEMENT is an organization that manages houses.

PUT ON THE POP" Let's read in unison.

Where can you find the meaning of any word? Which dictionary do you turn to for help? (to the explanatory dictionary)

Let's see. Masha will read the meaning of this word.


The word "spitz" has two meanings.

1. a small lap dog with fluffy hair.

2. obsolete word is the same as the spire - the sharp tip of the top.

Which value suits us? (2)

We lament smoothly in syllables: FOR-AK-TI-RO-VAT

Now together, with the whole word ACTIVATE

ACTIVATE YOLKU - draw up a document called an "act".


("Merry Charging")

Everyone stood up together,

Take a deep breath for two

We raised our hands to the top

And everyone waved at three.

Four - arms wider.

Five - turn your hands.

Six - movement back.

Seven - correct posture

We bend the backs together

To the right, to the left we bent,

Reached up to the socks.

Shoulders up, back and down

Eight - smile and sit down.

4. Continue learning new material

Now we are active.

We have the opportunity to listen to the story performed by the author Viktor Dragunsky himself.

Your task is to listen carefully, catch the intonation of the characters, hear difficult words.

We listen. The story is being recorded.

After listening.

What are your impressions of the story? Let's check our assumptions. Pay attention to the notes.

Now we have the opportunity to read the story of Viktor Dragunsky.

Reading comprehension

you have this story in your textbook. Let's open the textbooks on p.

First stop

What did you read about?

What mistakes did you notice in the speech of the driver and the janitor? (left, right, stand)

Why did they say so? (they studied poorly at school) Who will correct the mistakes?

How did this part end?

Let's continue.

Second stop

We read to the words: All you hear is: "Detectives!" - "Sighs!" - "Detectives!".

What is the bulk of what is being said here?

Which of the children does not know how to say the word "bump"? What did Alyonka call? (Detectives) What did Mishka call? (Sighs)

How did this part end?

Why did they cry?

Let's continue.

The final stage of reading

Why couldn't any of them say the word correctly? Show your teeth, well you have all your teeth in place.

What is the right way to say?

5. Working with figurative expressions.

Do you think this story is funny or not? (yes) Why did you decide that? And I had fun.

And for what? (funny words)

Find funny words:

I pushed a little:. (add power)

Turned up the heat:: (made the situation tense)

Inflammation of the brain:.(headache)

It got into my ear::. (facial expression)

Let's roar:::.(arguing loudly)

I'm dying of laughter. :

6. Attention game.

Illustrations: walking children, truck, playground, Christmas tree, cones, snowman.

- Find those objects and those characters that met in the story. Name "extra" items.

- Well done! You were all very attentive, and found "extra".

7. Conversation with elements of selective reading.

Now we will find out who is the most attentive.

What else is missing in our book? (illustrations) Right. Let's look at the screen and find passages from the text to them -

Where should we insert this illustration?

8. Summary of the lesson

Did you like the lesson? How? (It was funny) Why was it funny? Who was crying? Can you draw a conclusion? How should you behave with your friends? (don’t laugh at others, don’t judge others and say that you can’t do anything when you can’t do it yourself either) or (don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do)

Now let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. What was our goal? Completed?

9. Reflection.

I suggest that you express your attitude to what you read on the sheet of impressions: write any words, sentences that you have in your head or draw a picture.

Now I invite you to evaluate your activity in the lesson.

Today in class I………..

I liked the way you worked in class.

- Our lesson has come to an end. Today I saw in front of me not just students, but readers who think and know how to reason.

Thank you all for the lesson. The lesson is over.

10. Homework.

In Dragunsky's story The Enchanted Letter, the guys saw how a Christmas tree was brought on New Year's Eve and it was so beautiful that they stood next to it and could not take their eyes off it. Unexpectedly, Alenka noticed cones on the Christmas tree. From this began a hilarious story about how she, Mishka and Deniska did not pronounce the letters.

Recently we were walking in the yard: Alenka, Mishka and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the yard. And there is a tree on it. We ran after the car. So she drove up to the house management, stopped, and the driver with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted at each other:

Easier! Let's bring it in! Right! Levey! Get her on the ass! It's easier, otherwise you'll break off the entire spitz.

And when they unloaded, the driver said:

Now we need to activate this Christmas tree, - and left.

And we stayed near the tree.

She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took up one branch and said:

Look, there are detectives hanging on the tree.

Investigations! She said it wrong! Mishka and I rolled like that. We both laughed the same way, but then Mishka began to laugh louder to make me laugh. Well, I pushed a little so he wouldn't think I was giving up. The bear held his hands to his stomach, as if he was in great pain, and shouted:

Oh, I'm dying of laughter! Investigations!

And, of course, I turned on the heat:

The girl is five years old, but she says "detectives." Ha ha ha!

Then Mishka fainted and groaned:

Ah, I feel bad! Investigations.

And began to hiccup:

Hic! Investigations. Hic! Hic! I'll die of laughter! Hic! Investigations.

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply it to my forehead, as if my brain had already become inflamed and I had gone crazy. I yelled:

The girl is five years old, to marry soon! And she is a detective.

Alenka's lower lip twisted so that it crawled behind her ear.

Did I say correctly! My tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say detectives, but detectives are whistling from me.

Mishka said:

Eka is unseen! She lost her tooth! I’ve had three of them fall out and two are staggering, but I still speak correctly! Listen here: chuckles! What? True, great - hihh-cue! Here's how I deftly come out: chuckles! I can even sing

Oh, green hykhechka,

I'm afraid I'll prick.

But Alyonka screams. One is louder than the two of us:

Wrong! Hooray! You say snickers, but you need detectives!

Namely, that there is no need for detectives, but for snickers.

And both let's roar. All you hear is: Detectives! - Hicks! - Detectives!

Looking at them, I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I was walking home and all the time I thought: why did they argue so much, since both are wrong? After all, it is a very simple word. I stopped and said clearly:

No detectives. No giggles, but short and clear: fifks!

Deniskin's stories
"Enchanted Letter"


The name of Viktor Dragunsky is known to children in our country and abroad. He wrote about a hundred stories from the life of the boy Deniska. These stories, told, as the author himself said, "in secret to the whole world," are known to our readers as "Deniska's stories." Viktor Dragunsky lived a long, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in his early youth he was a worker, then an actor, a "red" clown in the arena of the Moscow Circus, acted in films, directed the small Blue Bird Parody Theater.
He devoted himself to every case that Viktor Dragunsky was engaged in. With the same respect, he treated any work that he did in his life. He was a kind, cheerful person, but implacable to injustice and lies. Viktor Yuzefovich was very fond of children, and the children were drawn to him, feeling in him an older good comrade and friend. I would like to quote a few lines from Viktor Yuzefovich's letter to Japanese children for a book published in Tokyo. “I was born quite a long time ago and quite far away, one might even say, in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never let myself be offended. As you can imagine, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, by any means, Sid. I'm sure you share my point of view. At school, I studied, frankly, it doesn’t matter. Once, when I was twelve years old, I got into the police. And it was like this: I sat at home and pretended to do my homework. And suddenly there was a terrible ringing. A stone flew through the glass into the room... Do I need to tell you that a few moments later I grabbed a drunkard who was trying to bite me all the time, and dragged him to the police. Since then, the cheerful policemen have fallen in love with me.
From early childhood, I fell deeply in love with the circus and still love it. I was a clown. About the circus, I wrote the story "Today and daily." In addition to the circus, I really love small children. I write about children and for children. This is my whole life, its meaning. In his "adult" stories there are invariably children. This is a touching little village boy from the story "He Fell on the Grass". Tatka, the trainer's daughter, the so-called "circus boy" at a rehearsal in the arena and, finally, a boy near the circus with a ticket in his hands ("Today and Daily"). The boy's question: "Will there be a clown?" brings the hero of the story, the clown Nikolai Vetrov, out of a terrible state after the death of Irina. "The clown will! Necessarily will!" Vetrov answers. In one of the monologues, he says: “... I must bring joy to children every day. Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are full of laughter... Not a single day without work for the children, not a single child without joy. Hurry up to bring joy to children. Children have enemies, it's monstrous, but it's true. Today and every day there is a performance on the convex arena of the earth, and there is no need for gloomy military interludes! We must protect children! Today and every day!” When Viktor Yuzefovich was an actor, he willingly performed in front of children. He usually acted as Santa Claus during the winter holidays. Most often it was in Sokolniki Park. Speaking, he observed the children, easily communicated with them. Later, all this was reflected in the stories "My friend the bear", "Exactly twenty-five kilos", "Puss in boots" ...
The appearance of Viktor Dragunsky's first book "He is alive and glowing" in 1961 very quickly made him a popular writer. Books came out one after another. These were the new adventures of Deniska, who fell in love with our children. Soon, based on the stories of Viktor Dragunsky, a film called "Funny Stories" was made, then there were several more adaptations, including a number of television films. The books of Viktor Dragunsky were translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of the Soviet Union and into a number of foreign languages. Viktor Yuzefovich received many letters from children and their parents and tried to answer them as much as possible. Viktor Yuzefovich never refused to speak to a school audience. He read his stories wonderfully, and the children especially liked to listen to stories about Deniska when the author himself read. Many times Viktor Yuzefovich spoke at the pioneer fires in Peredelkino. where Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky constantly lived, who arranged festive pioneer bonfires for children living in villages and towns in the neighborhood. Famous children's writers and artists were invited to these bonfires. Countless times Viktor Dragunsky spoke on the radio reading his stories, which were included in the fund of the All-Union Radio. This record contains some of the stories of Viktor Dragunsky, read by him at various times on the radio.
Alla Dragunskaya

In 1953 she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. She worked at the Moscow Yermolova Theater and at the Moscow Drama Theatre. Since 1956 - at the film studio named after M. Gorky.
Margarita Korabelnikova was lucky to meet the greatest actor, "King of Radio" Nikolai Litvinov. The young actress participated in his productions, recorded records and soon ended up at Soyuzmultfilm. The heroes of The Golden Antelope, The Unusual Match, The Walnut Twig, The Wonderful Well, The Boy from Naples, The Adventures of Pinocchio, Masha and the Bear, Uncle Styopa speak in her voice.
In addition, Korabelnikova constantly voiced children in feature films, worked with almost all directors, from Tarkovsky to Bondarchuk. But she herself starred very little. She played episodic roles in the films "In a Difficult Hour", "Twelve Satellites", "Morozko", "Golden Horns", "What's Happening to You?", "Golden Horns", "The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin".

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the biography of Viktor Dragunsky, read his story "The Enchanted Letter", conduct a detailed analysis of the story, and do vocabulary work.

But in 1914 the family returned back to Russia and settled in Gomel, where he spent his childhood.

In 1925 the family moved to Moscow. Victor started working early to provide for his livelihood. However, he did not immediately become a writer. After graduating from school, Dragunsky worked as a turner at a factory, a saddler, a boatman, and a buoy worker.

From 1931 to 1936 he studied acting in literary and theater workshops (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Literary and theater workshop of A. Wild ()

Since 1935, the acting biography of Dragunsky began. He was a theater and stage artist, for several years he directed the Blue Bird Theater (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Pop group "Blue Bird" ()

His team instantly became famous. And also Viktor Dragunsky worked as Santa Claus on Christmas trees. He was also a red-haired clown in a shaggy wig in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Victor Dragunsky ()

And being a clown is very difficult, because he must be able to show tricks, and do somersaults, and walk on a tightrope, and dance, and sing, and be able to communicate with animals. Viktor Dragunsky knew how to do it all.

During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, then he performed with front-line concert brigades.

Rice. 5. V.Yu. Dragoon ()

Only 58 years fate measured him. Dragunsky lived one, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and whole life. He had a rare fate to be like no one else, to create his own style both in life and in creativity.

When Viktor Dragunsky's son Denis was born, all sorts of funny stories began to happen to him (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Victor Dragunsky with his son ()

Dragunsky began to write down these stories, and the result was "Deniska's stories" (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Cover of the book "Deniska's stories" ()

Rice. 8. Murzilka magazine (May 1959) ()

And the first book of sixteen stories was published in 1961 under the title “He is alive and glowing” (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Cover of the book “He is alive and glowing” ()

Deniskin's adventures became more and more. In total, about ninety funny stories were written (Fig. 10). These stories brought the writer well-deserved fame.

Rice. 10. Illustration for Dragunsky's story "Exactly 25 kilos" ()

The father in these stories is Viktor Yuzefovich himself, and Deniska is his son, who, having matured, became a successful writer. It is already difficult to find the features of the former boy in him, who could selflessly fall in love with the girl on the ball and lie about the fire in the wing (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Denis Viktorovich Dragunsky ()

In the stories of Dragunsky, light, tender feelings always triumph over flat and heavy everyday life.

"Deniska's stories" are good not only because they convey the psychology of the child with extraordinary accuracy, but also because they reflect a bright perception of the world. In the center of the stories is the inquisitive and active Deniska and his friend (dreamy, slow Mishka) (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Deniska and Mishka ()

Dragunsky's books are read not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, and in Moldova, and in Uzbekistan, and in Azerbaijan, and in Norway, and in the Czech Republic, and in Germany, and even in Japan.

If you suddenly feel sad, read "Deniska's stories."

Read the word first smoothly, syllable by syllable, and then all at once:

House management

House management- words are hidden in this word house And control.

House management is an organization that manages houses.

Put on the ass - in forestry it means to put upright.

The meaning of any word can be found in the dictionary. For help, you should refer to the explanatory dictionary (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Explanatory dictionary V.I. Dalia ()

Let's look at the meaning of some words in the Explanatory Dictionary of V.I. Dalia:

break off Spitz - at the word Spitz there are two meanings:

1. a small lap dog with fluffy hair.

2. an obsolete word, the same as the spire - the sharp tip of the top.

Read in syllables:


And now together, in a whole word:

Activate - draw up an act.

Read the story of Viktor Dragunsky (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Cover of the book "The Enchanted Letter" ()

Enchanted letter

Recently we were walking in the yard: Alenka, Mishka and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the yard. And there is a tree on it. We ran after the car. So she drove up to the house management, stopped, and the driver with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted at each other:

- Easier! Let's bring it in! Right! Levey! Get her on the ass! It's easier, otherwise you'll break off the entire spitz.

And when they unloaded, the driver said:

- Now we need to activate this Christmas tree, - and left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree(Fig. 15) .

Rice. 15. Illustration for the story "The Enchanted Letter" ()

Events take place on the street, in the yard. The main characters are Deniska, Alyonka and Mishka. A tree was brought into the yard.

Attention is drawn to the conversation between the driver and the janitor. Remember what they say: left, right. Their speech is wrong because it is right to speak left, right, move. These characters speak incorrectly because they obviously didn't do well in school.

She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took up one branch and said:

- Look, there are detectives hanging on the Christmas tree.

"Secrets"! She said it wrong! Mishka and I rolled like that. We both laughed the same way, but then Mishka began to laugh louder to make me laugh.

Well, I pushed a little so he wouldn't think I was giving up. The bear held his hands to his stomach, as if he was in great pain, and shouted:

- Oh, I'm dying of laughter! Investigations!

And, of course, I turned on the heat:

- Five years old girl, but she says "detectives" ... Hahaha(Fig. 16) !

Rice. 16. Deniska and Mishka laugh at Alyonka ()

Then Mishka fainted and groaned:

- Oh, I feel bad! Investigations…

And began to hiccup:

- Hic! .. Investigations. Hic! Hic! I'll die of laughter! Hic!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply it to my forehead, as if my brain had already become inflamed and I had gone crazy. I yelled:

- The girl is five years old, to marry soon! And she is a detective.

Alenka's lower lip twisted so that it crawled behind her ear.

- Did I say correctly! This is my tooth falling out and whistling. I want to say "detectives", but I whistle "detectives" ...

Mishka said:

- Eka is unseen! She lost her tooth! I’ve had three of them fall out and two are staggering, but I still speak correctly! Listen here: chuckles! What? True, great - hihh-cue! Here's how easy it comes out for me: chuckles! I can even sing

Oh, green hykhechka,

I'm afraid I'll prick.

But Alyonka screams. One is louder than the two of us:

- Wrong! Hooray! You say snickers, but you need detectives!

And Mishka:

- Precisely, that there is no need for detectives, but for snickers.

And both let's roar. All you hear is: "Detectives!" - "Sighs!" - "Detectives!".

This part of the story tells how Alyonka saw the bumps and mispronounced this word. But Mishka, as it turned out, also pronounced this word incorrectly.

Looking at them, I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I was walking home and all the time I thought: why did they argue so much, since both are wrong? After all, it is a very simple word. I stopped and said clearly:

- No detectives. No giggles, but short and clear: fifks!

That's all!(Fig. 17)

Rice. 17. Illustration for the story "The Enchanted Letter" ()

The reader did not expect that events would unfold like this, because Deniska also could not say this word correctly. Mishka and Alyonka cried because they tried to pronounce this word, but they failed. All three have the same problem - teeth fell out.

Since it is clear that in children milk teeth are replaced by molars, we can conclude that they are preschoolers.

The work "The Enchanted Letter" is a story. Stories are scientific and artistic. This story is artistic because it has a plot and a storyline.

Victor Dragunsky writes funny stories. This funny story teaches you not to laugh at others, because you, too, may fail at something.

Take other stories by Viktor Dragunsky from the library and read them.


1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.

2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook for a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.

4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: Grade 2. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.

2. Website of the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ()


1. Tell how Viktor Dragunsky got the idea to create the cycle "Deniska's stories".

3. Take a book with Dragunsky's stories in the library and read a few of them.

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