Virtual tours of museums. Window to the museum: virtual tours of museums around the world


There are a huge number of museums in Moscow - from small, the size of an apartment, to huge ultra-modern expositions. The best museums in Moscow daily attract thousands of tourists from all over the world to the capital. Thanks to the galleries, you can see unique historical artifacts, works of art, get acquainted with the achievements of science and technology. The list of interesting museums in Moscow is huge, and they will be interesting for people with a wide variety of tastes.

Museums dedicated to art

Galleries and museums of Moscow provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the real masterpieces of world art. During the excursions you will see the paintings of great artists, works of sculptors and jewelers, brilliant craftsmen and artisans. You can visit the luxurious "Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts" in Moscow, the famous Tretyakov Gallery and other landmarks for connoisseurs of a beautiful place.

Museums dedicated to Russian history

Many museums in Moscow present expositions dedicated to the history of our country. By visiting them, you can see ancient weapons, clothes, learn a lot about the most important historical events.

House-museums dedicated to famous personalities

There are a lot of museums on the map of Moscow, which turn into apartments that once belonged to famous people. By visiting them, you can get to know your favorite writer, historical figure from a new perspective, see how he lived.

Museums of antiquity, recreating the old Moscow life

Recently, a lot of expositions have appeared that recreate the old way of life. They can be located outdoors in estates. Such unusual exhibitions attract the attention of people of all ages. Although there are few real historical exhibits here, excellent reconstructions give visitors the opportunity to get acquainted with how people lived in past centuries.

Also in Moscow there are museums for children, interesting private exhibitions, a luxurious modern planetarium and much more. Our excursions include visits to the most interesting and unusual museums in Moscow.

There are a great many museums in Moscow - from those that are in any major city to the most unexpected and original. In addition to permanent exhibitions, there are countless exhibitions held in museums and beyond. So, no matter how much time is left from visiting the capital, it can be completely filled with visiting museums and exhibitions - if, of course, you have the courage and recklessness to get such a dose of impressions. Tours of Moscow museums are conducted for both children and adults or a mixed audience - although, as you understand, it is not appropriate to come to every museum with a child.

The very essence of the museum is that it is dedicated to history and / or art. Even a museum of Russian vodka or a museum of Soviet slot machines seriously highlights the historical aspect of their subject matter. But the most visited and famous museums in Moscow are, of course, "receptacles of art": the Tretyakov Gallery "in two volumes", the Pushkin Museum. Excursions in Pushkinsky are both an opportunity to learn to understand art, and a great way to introduce children to it. The Tretyakov Gallery will be no less vivid impression for guests of any age. The excursion here is like a guiding thread in the labyrinth of great paintings.

For both visitors to Moscow and Muscovites, an excursion to the Bolshoi Theater will be of interest. The backstage life of the old theater intrigues and excites the imagination, one has only to think about it. Stages and foyers, tailoring and rehearsal rooms - all this can be viewed under the strict guidance of a guide who knows the world of the Bolshoi Theater from the inside.

Perhaps each of us at least once thought about what kind of thing contemporary art is. Moscow, being an ancient cultural capital, nevertheless, did not remain alien to him - unexpected, shocking, challenging traditions. Contemporary art lives both in museums and in the open air, turning the city into an art space.

Virtual tours of the best museums

How I long for a cultural life!.. Only something always gets in the way. And there is no money for a trip to Italy. And time - even a trip to the Tretyakov Gallery. And the children are sitting in a row at the tablets. We ask: so what are the leaps and bounds of technology for you? There is a great way to join the beautiful, without taking anything strategically important from the chair!

Vatican, Sistine Chapel

It is not easy to get to this divine place, even if you get to Rome: the queue snakes - a kilometer long! And at home, in front of the monitor, you can see every detail, using the mouse and three treasured buttons in the lower left corner.

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

126 million specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, archaeological and cultural artifacts - and you do not need to fly to Washington for them. Move from room to room following the arrows, approach the most interesting mammoths closely and look around by pressing the buttons.

Kremlin opening

A virtual tour of the Kremlin also opens objects closed to tourists, which are part of the Kremlin complex of the presidential residence. Do not forget to click on the sound: the text is not read by anyone, but by Batalov.

Collection of the State Hermitage: high resolution

This museum is distinguished by the fact that it is easy for the inexperienced to get lost in it. Yes, and really in a day, unless you consider a couple of halls - and your head is spinning. Let's start with training. This collection contains 100 images, including paintings that are not in the permanent collection of the Hermitage. It can be downloaded in 5441×4013 resolution, saying: “This is my size!”.

Uffizi Gallery

Once in the famous palace in Florence with its inhuman collection of European fine art, you move along the corridors in the same way as on Yandex maps - and with bated breath you are looking for Botticelli.

Frick Collection

Frick is in this case not an eccentric, but a famous American industrialist. Although he is also an eccentric: such masterpieces should be bequeathed to a public museum! On free visiting days, queues of thirsty people line up at his mansion, and we can view his treasures at home completely free of charge.

Prado Museum Online Gallery

The Spaniards do not offer to walk around the halls and turn their heads, but the picture from the collection that interests you can be seen in very good resolution. And they have a notable collection of European fine art.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection online

Here, too, instead of technical problems - great works. You search, you click, you open, you go crazy. You approach, you look, you hang. You can meditate on one Van Gogh for a day.

Virtual walks around the Russian Museum

You can walk through all the palaces, gardens and houses of Peter the Great with arrows - and read explanatory texts under the window of a virtual walk.

Reconstruction of the Tretyakov Gallery in 1898

The reconstruction was made according to photographs by Pavel Tretyakov. Walking through the 19th century, the migrant from the 21st century is helped by the scheme of rooms on the right - and the general view of the room is straight ahead. On which you can click, bringing each canvas closer. The site is loaded for a long time and pompously, but it's still interesting there.

Salvador Dali Museum (Florida)

We will consider the paintings of the great surah guru right in the interior - there is also information about them if you click on the plaque. You can “walk” not only around the exposition, but also in all other rooms, and around the museum.

Museum of Oriental Art (Chicago)

For lovers of mysterious shards, precious coins with proud profiles, rusty harness and other ancient stuff. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Persia and Nubia online.

Moscow City Museum

If dear guests arrived in the dear capital on the day off of the museum of its history, this history can be studied at the computer, in a warm company, at home with Muscovite friends. I suppose they, too, have not yet reached there in this life. Bugs, yes, we understand.

Virtual tour of the Moscow Planetarium

According to the scheme, you can jump on all floors from zero to the third, along the icons that pop up along the way - in all halls. Examine devices and other interesting objects and read information about them. You can even look into a 4D cinema and a cafe. It’s a pity that technology has not yet reached online treats.

Civil Aviation Museum

Airplane lovers can not only wander between them and look from different angles, but also “leave their mark”: this tour has such a fun feature. However, if you wish, you can erase your trace.

Skansen in Chernivtsi

How virtual tours of museums are conducted, and why such a service is needed.

Many people would like to regularly visit interesting objects and galleries, but not everyone has enough time and opportunities for this (especially when it comes to museums in another country or city).

Online tours come to the rescue, which allow you to get acquainted with the exhibits without departing from.


The essence of the concept

Typically, these are presented on the main website of a museum or gallery, and are technically implemented in the form of .

It consists of many panoramas by analogy with other similar services. You can "move" with the arrows on the screen, and in this way, inspect all available rooms.

Advice: For different establishments, the format of registration may vary slightly. But, often, it is quite simple, and the management of "movements" quickly becomes intuitive. Usually, there are arrows on the screen, which indicate the possible directions of movement.

They are created by developers at the initiative of the owners. They allow you to get acquainted with exhibitions and collections, and are also able to stimulate the viewer's interest in a real visit.


You can take a tour of some of the rooms of the Louvre by going here. Not all exhibits are presented on the site, and there are no temporary exhibitions and expositions. But you can visit the following:

  • Egyptian archeology;
  • Medieval Louvre (dedicated to the legacy of the time when the building was the palace of the French kings);
  • Apollo Gallery.

To view the hall, you need to select the one you are interested in on the page that opens via the link.

Under its description, click on the Launch Virtual Tour button, and in the window that opens, hover over the exhibits and click on them.

Below the main window there is a field with a description, and a map where you can choose the exhibitions of interest.

In order to make an online tour of the Hermitage, you must follow the link. The application was created on the same engine as, therefore, using it is quite convenient and familiar.

The window can be expanded to full screen.

The tour starts in the central gallery, in order to “go” to the neighboring ones, left-click on the image of the doors.

There is an image of a compass in the lower right corner of the main tour window. With it, you can change the direction of the camera by moving it left and right.

Next to the compass there are buttons with the numbers 0 and 1 - they indicate the floors of the palace-museum.

It is in many ways similar to the Tretyakovskaya. Here, for inspection, works of art belonging to a private collector are also presented.

There is virtual access to almost all rooms. On the main page of the site, which opens on the link, there is a diagram of the premises. Choose what you want and click on it.

An online panorama of the selected room will open in a new window. You can control camera movements in a standard way - by moving the mouse while holding down the left button.

Also at the bottom of the screen there is a menu to control the movement using the buttons.

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a field, when clicked, a complete list of halls available for inspection opens. You can select the one you are interested in.

Excursions to Moscow museums are best planned in advance and set aside for them all day. Booking tickets online is convenient and practical. You save time as iconic museums don't get rid of ticket queues. The benefit in price is formed due to the discount provided when registering on the Sputnik website.


These are architectural complexes that personify entire historical epochs. Usually, independent detailed study of such museums takes more than one day. You can get to know them on sightseeing tours, where the best Sputnik guides will tell you the most important and interesting things.

Moscow Kremlin

The largest active fortress in Europe, the oldest buildings in Moscow, the residence of the President - many interesting facts about the Kremlin are known. Accredited guides will tell you about the history and culture of our state. But most people, when asked what the Kremlin means to them, will confidently answer that this is the Motherland. Here there is a poignant feeling of pride and love for Russia.

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Traditional country residence of Russian grand dukes, tsars and emperors. Vasily the Third, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, Alexander the Third lived here. The exhibits in this museum are not only man-made, but also natural. On the territory of the estate grow the oldest trees in Rus' - century-old oaks that "remember" Dmitry Donskoy and the young Tsar Peter, who is studying the basics of literacy under them.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

A magnificent complex built in the pseudo-Russian Gothic style at the end of the 18th century. It never became the new residence of the emperors, but restored in 2004, it turned into a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and numerous tourists. Against the backdrop of magnificent nature and unique architectural compositions, you can have a great day, combining nature walks with visiting museums.


All the main exhibits that tell about the multifaceted life of the Russian state are concentrated in Moscow. Here is a list of museums worth visiting:

  • State Historical Museum on Red Square.
  • Museum of Victory on Poklonnaya Hill.
  • Armory in the Kremlin.
  • Cathedrals of Moscow (Assumption, Arkhangelsk, Blagoveshchensk), which contain unique exhibits of Orthodox culture.

Our guides will help to create an individual program for people interested in the past of Russia.


Excursions to art museums are rich and varied. Since the founding of the city, works of art have flocked to Moscow as gifts to princes and royalty. Then the collections began to be replenished through the efforts of private collectors and patrons. Thus, the world's largest exposition of Russian painting, the Tretyakov Gallery, was assembled. It is worth visiting the Pushkin State Art Museum, the galleries of Zurab Tsereteli, V. Vasnetsov, I. Glazunov. There are many centers in Moscow dedicated to contemporary art.

The site presents group tours of the most popular museums in Moscow. Call our managers and clarify the details.

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