Leap year. Biography Leap Year Leap Year Band Biography

April 12, 2011, 14:18

Leap Year is a rock band from Fryazino near Moscow. Critics note its closeness to the national stage, warmth, sentimental lyricism, "rare sincerity and confidence in the songs of the Leap Year", among which the "Best Love Song", "Metro", "Quiet Light", "Cinema" and others received particular fame. “We invented Windows, we defaulted” became actually popular. In 1988, the Leap Year group arose as a "concept" in the mind of Ilya Kalinnikov, when he contemplated the landscape from the window of the Fryazino-Moscow train and composed a song. He thought it would be nice to call this song "Leap Year". Then he thought that it would be nice to name the group like that. And so it happened. And the song "Leap Year" remained unfinished. In 1990, the Leap Year group emerged as an amateur group of very young people. The Leap Year team included Ilya Kalinnikov (voice, guitar, songwriter), Dmitry Guguchkin (lead guitar), Ilya Sosnitsky (keyboards). In 1994, Pavel Seryakov (bass guitar) joined the group. In 2000, Dmitry Kukushkin (bayan, guitar) joined the group. 1995, January - "Best Love Song" was born. The first mentor and producer of the group was Alexander Kutikov ("Time Machine"). Their cooperation, which arose in 1996, did not lead then to practical results, but gave Ilya Kalinnikov important experience in show business. (1997). In winter, the song "Quiet Light" was born, again under the influence of Alexander Kutikov, who hinted, as in the case of "The Best Love Song", that more hits were needed. 1998, January - first radio broadcast ("Best Love Song" of the 1997 recording). March 2000 - the final version of the song "Metro" was recorded. 2000, the night of April 5 - the first radio broadcast of the song "Metro" on "Autoradio", Moscow. In the same year, with the song "Metro", the group is rotated on all leading Moscow radio stations, including "Our Radio", enters the "Chart Dozen" hit parade, and then wins it, remaining on the first line for 7 weeks . In the same year, the album "Which Returns" was recorded and released. 2000, August - an experienced concert manager Alexei Kan joins the group, and from that moment the concert activity of the Leap Year group begins. Alex Kahn has been the permanent administrator of the group since 2000 to this day. 2000, October - The group receives an invitation from Alla Pugacheva to take part in the "Christmas Meetings". The band gets a rare opportunity at Christmas Meetings to perform not one, but two songs (Best Love Song, Metro). The performance in "Christmas Meetings" brings the group national success. 2001, March - the song "Quiet Light" becomes the title song of the popular TV series "Truckers". In the same 2001, "Leap Year" was nominated for the "Ovation" award, became the winner of the "Song of the Year" and the winner of the "Stopud Hit" award. In 2002, Ilya Kalinnikov was awarded the Golden Star of Autoradio. In 2002, the song "Kino" appeared on the air of radio stations, in 2003 - "Bringing Good Luck", in 2004 - "Who's Here?", in 2005 - "Nobody but You", in 2006 - "Call!". In 2003, Ilya Kalinnikov invited Mikhail Mitin (drums) and Dmitry Shumilov (bass guitar) - the musicians of the legendary Polite Refusal - to record one of the songs. From that moment on, Mikhail Mitin became the permanent drummer of the Leap Year group. In 2005, the group disappears from the field of view of fans and critics, stopping performances in Moscow. Ilya Kalinnikov refuses the idea of ​​recording a new album. The band continues to tour and only perform at private events. 2006, June - Pavel Seryakov and Ilya Sosnitsky leave the group (they organized the project "Today in the World"). 2006, August - Dmitry Guguchkin (bass guitar) returns to the group. The place of the keyboard player is occupied by Ilya Murtazin. 2006, October - "Leap Year" resumes concert activity. Young musicians join the group - Yuri Vanteev (trumpet) and Renat Khalimdarov (trombone). Leap Year never had a producer, and not a penny was invested in traditional show business promotion. 2007, September - Ilya Kalinnikov is awarded the second "Golden Disc" from the National Federation of Phonographic Producers for the album "Which Returns". February 2008 - The band releases a reissue of their debut album. All songs remixed, 4 bonus tracks added.

The song "Metro" appeared on the first and so far the only album of Leap Year, released in 2000 under the title "...who returns".
This happened after ten years of existence of the group, which appeared as an amateur group of very young people. The composition of the VG included Ilya Kalinnikov (voice, guitar, songwriter), Dmitry Guguchkin (solo guitar), Ilya Sosnitsky (keyboards). The idea of ​​the album arose in the mind of Kalinnikov in the summer of 1993 during rehearsals in the music room of school No. 4 in the city of Fryazino, although it would be more correct to speak of it not as an album, but as a cycle of songs united by a specific theme, put in the title.
By the way, many noted that the group's performance style is very reminiscent of "Time Machine" (some still believe that "The Best Love Song" is the fruit of Makarevich's creative torment). In part, this can be explained by the fact that the first mentor and producer of VG was Alexander Kutikov, bass player and one of the vocalists of "Time Machine". Their collaboration, which arose in 1996, did not lead to any practical results, but gave Ilya Kalinnikov important experience in show business. Also under the influence of Kutikov, the song "Quiet Light" was born, which later became the title theme of the series "Truckers", and the final version of "The Best Love Song".

It is interesting that the song "Metro", which made the group famous, was the last to be included on the album, although its main musical motive appeared somewhere at the end of 1997 in the final solo part played by Kalinnikov to a completely different song. Over time, it became clear to Kalinnikov that the new composition would be called "Metro", which he spoke about somewhere in the spring of 1999. But the matter did not go further than conversations, and soon Kalinnikov was persuaded to work as a sound engineer on the set of one film. A few weeks later, Masha Hopenko, the director of the group, found him, after which the following dialogue took place:

Old man, where's your subway song? Ready?
- No, here is the text ... Here is the film ...
- Old man, what are you, oh$#$? What movie? In September, the collection "Farewell to Arms" with new songs is released. The place is already full. Quit your movie and go write.

Kalinnikov returned to Fryazino, and the group set to work. The song was recorded in a few days and nights, the text was completed during the recording (moreover, the line about Windows and the default was born as a joke). However, the version that came out one rainy September morning did not suit either the musicians themselves or authoritative listeners. The group took up the alteration, but then the terrorist attacks took place in Moscow, which finally knocked Kalinnikov out of the creative track, in which he had difficulty holding on anyway. He stopped wanting to hear anything about "Metro", drank vodka with the accomplices of the group and reasoned where it all would lead. Some of this led to the fact that as soon as everyone came to their senses, the second version of "Metro" was recorded, brighter, more guitar, more "formatted". But he also did not leave an impression of himself as the final one. (True, this second version was still published on a collection in an appendix to some magazine and even got on some non-capital radio stations).
The last version of "Metro" known today was recorded by a band that pulled themselves together in March 2000. True, sometimes during concerts, musicians, going out for an encore, perform the full version of the song, containing eight verses.

Kalinnikov himself admits: "When I wrote "Metro", I even said to myself: that's it, no more songs, it exhausted me so much. Then - in September 99 - we played it only once and threw it on the shelf. "We" are those who could serve in intelligence, play a movie, who could do something, and now stupidly goes to the subway, no one knows why there, no one knows why back.If you add up everything that people think about in the subway, and then take the arithmetic mean - that's what this song will be about. And also about love, the most hopeless love in the world."

The first broadcast of the song took place on April 5, 2000 at 00:15 on Avtoradio. Then it went to other radio stations. And especially well on "Our Radio", where, after a week of broadcasts, "Metro" took 9th place in the "Chart Dozen". Four weeks later, the first one, which had six more weeks to go. In total, the song lasted four and a half months in the designated hit parade, for some weeks it did not reach the absolute record on the chart.

By the way, some note that "Metro" is surprisingly similar to Cesaria Evora's song "Consedjo". However, the VG musicians themselves consider this a coincidence.

Cesaria Evora

The video for the song "Metro" was not filmed, although there were proposals. Kalinnikov explains this by the fact that "Metro" is a song-story that evokes in each person his own personal associations and emotions, and if you impose your own idea, your own video sequence on people, this will not benefit the songs. In addition, all the scripts that were offered to the musicians were banal.

Now the group periodically performs, sometimes recording new songs, however, there is no talk of a new album.
Kalinnikov: "Albums, discography, a career on the stage - was not an end in itself for me. I will say more: I am very distrustful of everything that sings and dances on stage. Five concerts later, I suddenly thought how I got here, why I am here, but what about dreams? Are they over or what? I'm 34, and I have not yet fallen in love with a black student from the south of France, I have never (never!) been arrested for diving in a fountain in Trafalgar Square! Who am I? The author and lead singer of the group "Leap Year"? Survived! I never stopped working with the band, but I reorganized my life a lot then. I understand, of course, that if people were interested in me, it was only as a (excuse the expression) "songwriter". But all life is more than songs. This is my important discovery. I give it to you!"

There are many mysterious characters among pop singers and other performers. They are known by sight and by name, they are regulars of secular parties. At the same time, no one can remember what and when they sang for the last time.
With the Leap Year group, the situation is exactly the opposite. Their “Best Love Song” or “Metro” is something that the deaf have never heard.
But almost nothing is known about them.

“So you write what I am,” Ilya Kalinnikov, the leader of Leap Year, admonished me during an interview. - In general, I'll tell you myself: I'm lazy, not very smart and very boring. But you write your opinion too - it will be interesting for me to read. Well. Really nerdy, definitely not stupid and very presumptuous. Our following conversation with him took place six months ago. Then they asked me to change the text - which is generally understandable: after participating in Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings", it is difficult to pour mud on show business - Ilya himself undertook to add and rewrite something. But I didn't change anything in the text. Not because I'm so mean. It just seems to me that everything he said in the interview is real. It will tell you better than me what it is ...

Show business and child prostitution - for me it has one aura "

Ilya, they talk a lot about your group, but no one has seen you. Tell me, is it a conscious policy that you didn’t shine anywhere for a long time, didn’t give interviews, or? ..
- Yes, in general, no one asked us for an interview for a long time. And then - yes, it was a conscious policy. But not for advertising purposes, but just the opposite - so as not to stoop to self-sale. You see, when I get money for a concert, I don't feel like I'm selling out. This is an adequate payment for the hard work - mine and the group. And when it comes to advertising, this is where the feeling of vulgarity does not let me go.
I have two neighbor girls - very beautiful girls. I often hear “Leap Year” songs from their windows, when we collide in the yard, they politely say to me: “Hello.” But they have no idea that I wrote these songs.
- Is it part of this policy that you still haven't shot a single video?
- We wanted to shoot a video for “Metro”, but I canceled everything. I'll explain why. Do you, let's say, when you listen to this song, do you have any associations?.. Well, I didn't want some upstart music video maker to try to impose his artistic delights on your holy imagination. It would still turn out to be nonsense, although for us it would be a huge advertisement. But I didn't want to sell the song for advertising.
- What you say is not quite according to the laws of show business.
“I never wanted to be in show business. He is distasteful to me. He combines in himself what should not be combined in principle - the realization of higher creative impulses and cynicism, venality. Show business, arms dealing and child prostitution all have the same aura to me. Tell me, do you have a category of people - social, professional - who are unpleasant to you? Homeless, for example?
- Well, homeless people are unpleasant, yes. Although there was one homeless person whom I fed.
- So I have people in show business whom I feed. But it doesn't really change anything, does it?
- Then why not find yourself a more suitable occupation, for example, planting flowers or teaching at school?
- Yes, you see, such a thing as songwriting ...
- Uh-huh, it doesn't choose.
- It kind of forces you not to do something else. Although, when I walk past the school, my heart skips a beat. Seriously, I'm telling you. My dream is to earn a lot of money and go to work as a teacher in a school. Which one will they take. Maybe a teacher of literature ... True, there is also a need for the Russian language. But I generally write well. When I studied at one technical university - we won’t specify which one - it was strict with this, the teacher put a deuce for one mistake.
- Tell me, how did your songs appear on the radio?
- A friend took it. From January 1, 1998, they began to be played on Avtoradio.
- 98th? And your debut album - “Who Comes Back” - was released only in 2000. Why?
- Let's put it this way: it was infused like expensive wine, tested by time. That is, the desire to release an album was there then, but it was like that - teenage. And by the spring of that year, it became clear that it should be released. I do not want, but it is necessary that he has nothing more to do on the shelf in our studio. The album was completely ready, the only thing we finished writing was “Metro”. It was important for me to finish it - for several years it lay on my soul as a heavy burden. I made it completely by myself: I wrote the songs myself, sang them myself, played them myself - that is, the guys also played, but I also mixed the album, and handled its design - everything.
- And yet there is one not your song - “A certain nobody”.
- This is the song of my friend - Boris Bazhenov. He is a brilliant performer, could be more popular than anyone you know. But he didn't want show business, show business didn't want him. Now this man is already many years old - I went to listen to him when I was 14, and he is how old I am now. He has not been writing for a long time, doing something very far from music. Therefore, it was important for me to perform one of his old songs. “A Certain Nobody” was written in 1985.
- Your group is represented on the CD: first name, first letter of patronymic and last name.
- So, in the English manner, without any idea and malicious intent.
- But you and the guys, I hope, do not call each other by their first and middle names?
- Sometimes - by name and patronymic, but always - on "you". This is convenient: some business, vanity ... He turned by name and patronymic - he immediately attracted attention.

"I played the piano at the rental shop"

Where were you before you became famous?
- In Fryazino. Or, as our director Masha Hopenko says, “in a fucking ass”. Masha is an enchanting lady, she does not climb into her pocket for a word.
- Yes, we are not talking about Masha now.
- No, it's about her, because thanks to her this album was released.
- Well, then let's talk about Masha.
- Masha is the best woman in the world I have ever seen.
- Is she your wife?
No, she's twice my age. We met her in 1994.
- And yet - what did you do before “Leap Year”?
- Yes, in general, the same as now, - he wrote songs.
- And how old were you when you wrote your first song?
- Thirteen or fourteen. It must have been about love. I do not remember exactly. In general, I don’t remember a lot of things - how it all began, but what songs I wrote then. That's how I met the guys with whom we later played in the group - I remember. I came to our local club DK "Fakel", where I rehearsed a children's VIA. I suggested: let's create a group, but they just didn't have the audacity to say that they already have a group. Somehow, imperceptibly, I moved their leader, and they almost completely began to rehearse my songs. One of those guys - Ilya Sosnitsky - still plays in my group. Already 11 years. Another - Dima, guitarist - left not so long ago. Even before everything started to unravel. He found himself a serious matter, and he did not have time for a senseless occupation with my songs. Now he is a waiter in London, he regrets terribly ... (Laughs.) This is Zhvanetsky.
- Have you ever had any doubts yourself that songs are exactly what you should do? After all, you still entered a technical university ...
- I didn't really go anywhere. I was very young - then everything developed by itself. Friends went - and I went. Then he quit. It's not important, but the fact that I wrote songs even then. And he considered it his main occupation, although not permanent. I still do this quite sporadically.
- Do you have a musical education?
- No. I was not accepted to the music school. due to lack of hearing. My grandfather took me there when I was six years old. He had a friend in the service of life - at the box office. When we went for a walk with him, grandfather came to her to talk about life, and while they chatted, I climbed into a corner and “played” on the piano standing there. And with great pleasure. Therefore, grandfather decided to send me to a music school in the piano class. And he was very upset when nothing came of it. By the way, he lived to an advanced age and, dying, knew that I was making music.
- And who did your parents want to see you?
- My mother has always been loyal to what I do. And now loyal. She likes many of my songs. She is an amazingly calm person. Ringing: come to me for soup. I say: “Mom, what kind of soup? I have a tour in Samara”. And she: “Yes, what kind of tour? What is Samara? I have soup. Come."

“The best love song is by Grebenshchikov or Vysotsky”

When "Metro" took first place in the charts of "Our Radio" ...
- What did I feel? I am often asked about this. And I didn’t feel anything, I was at the concert at that time and was nervous, as usual.
- I wonder how you regarded it: as a matter of course - “my song is really the best” - or as a happy accident?
- It was both. Then in second place, it seems, was Zemfira's song, and also about the metro - "She reads Nabokov in the metro." Beautiful song! Mine is pretty good though. I’ll say more when I heard it for the first time, I was simply flattened, I couldn’t believe that I could write such a thing.
- In "Metro" there is a line: "Our children swear, we ourselves are almost gone." I always wanted to ask: “we” - who is this?
- This is a collective character: me and someone else that I thought about, with whom I associated this song. In general, this topic is very painful for me. When I wrote "Metro", I even said to myself: that's it, no more songs, she exhausted me so much. Then - in September 1999 - we played it only once and threw it on the shelf. “We” are those who could serve in intelligence, play in the movies, who could do something, and now they stupidly ride the subway, no one knows why there, no one knows why back. If you add up everything that people think about in the subway, and then take the arithmetic mean, this will be what this song is about. And also about love, the most hopeless love in the world.
- By the way, “Metro” is considered your best love song.
- And my “Best Love Song” was named so as a joke. Many years ago, I met Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov, bassist and sound producer of the Time Machine group. He listened to our demo and said: “Ilya, what is it! After all, you seem to be able to write songs, but you write the devil knows what! Write a song that was - super. And about love.” I wrote. And so that he would like it, he brought out “The Best Love Song” on top of the cassette.
- Kutikov, by the way, once played in the Leap Summer group.
Yes, an incredible set of circumstances. When I called the group "Leap Year", I had no idea about it. So don't accuse me of plagiarism.
- You've already been accused. The Internet is discussing the fact that “Metro” is an exact copy of one of the compositions of the Portuguese singer Cesaria Evora. Album of the 95th year, the song is “Consedjo”.
- Nonsense. I know this singer. But I only got her record a couple of months ago. I never plagiarized anything. Although there are coincidences.
- And what would you call the best love song yourself?
- ... You won't say it right away. But I'm almost sure that it would be something from the repertoire of Grebenshchikov or Vysotsky. Or from the poems of Pasternak.

“I would like to lose ten kilograms, otherwise it interferes with sex”

After all, you do not rule out that your popularity will pass and you will go back to your Fryazino. What are you thinking of doing then?
- Firstly, I already live in Fryazino. And secondly - how do I know what will happen next? I don't even know what's happening to me right now. Here the concert was in Samara. It went great. And my heart is bad: why do I need all this?
Maybe just tired?
- Tired... On the stage you turn into a certain character - like a theatrical actor, only he has a wider range. You stand in front of the microphone, you have a guitar in your hands, and everything goes according to the script - not to change a word in the song, not to place accents otherwise.
- Well, they would have hooliganized and changed the words in the song ...
- By the way, we are changing. In "Metro", when we sing for an encore. It originally had eight verses, which is generally a bit long, but at a concert we sometimes sing them all. Instead of the words: “It was we who invented Windows, it was we who defaulted” - there were others.
- Which?
- I will not say. You will come to the concert - you will hear. The line about Windows and the default appeared when we were recording the song. I don't remember how it happened. There was a good mood, began to joke. We have Pashka, the bassist, such a wit! And Ilya Sosnitsky is terribly funny. Pashka starts to laugh - and he is simply carried, Ilya immediately collapses in hysterics, and Pashka sees this and, of course, tries even harder. At the moment of such "revelry" these words were thought up.
In general, during concerts we talk with the audience, we ask that they send us notes. They don't know much about us yet - let them ask. By the way, I have notes from the last concert with me. Do you want to read? .. There are such interesting ones. “A regular listener, Sergey, is writing to you with his friends Sveta and Sveta. Please perform the song "Valenki". Or, for example: “We liked you very much, I love you very much. Kiss. The girl with the biggest breasts." Out of inertia, I read this note at the concert aloud, then - oh ... I joked like: well, how am I going to calculate you, girl? The second note arrived. With phone.
- In general, the fans get it?
- Terrible business. Waiting after concerts. I'm already trying to get dressed, to wrap myself up so that they don't recognize me - they still recognize me. I can imagine what will happen when we shoot the video ... Another note: “Tell me, do you have children? And do they swear?
- Good question, by the way.
- Don't take the opportunity. I'm actually afraid that as a result of my involvement in show business, I won't have a personal life at all.
- Tell me at least: do you have a beloved woman?
- I, in any case, she has - that's for sure.
- You have already achieved something: your songs are loved by the people, the album has been released ...
- I would like to lose twenty kilograms more.
- Yes, I actually wanted to ask about creative achievements ...
- Or at least ten, otherwise it interferes with sex. That's when I'll be proud of myself.

Leap Year is a rock band from Fryazino near Moscow.

Critics note her closeness to the national stage, warmth, sentimental lyricism, " rare sincerity and confidence in the songs of the Leap Year", among which , , , were especially famous. The phrase" We invented Windows, we defaulted"has actually become popular.

In 1988 the Leap Year group emerged as a "concept" in the mind Ilya Kalinnikov when he contemplated the landscape from the window of the Fryazino-Moscow train and composed a song. He thought it would be nice to call this song Leap Year. Then he thought that it would be nice to name the group like that. And so it happened. And the song Leap year so it remained unwritten.

In 1990 The Leap Year group arose as an amateur group of very young people.

The Leap Year group included:

In 1994 joins the group Pavel Seryakov - Bas-guitar.

In 2000 joins the group Dmitry Kukushkin - button accordion, guitar.

Night of April 5, 2000- the first radio broadcast of the song on Autoradio. In the same year with the song Metro the group rotates on all leading Moscow radio stations, including Nashe Radio, is included in the hit parade Chart Dozen, and then wins it, remaining on the first line for 7 weeks. In the same year, an album was recorded and released.

August 2000- an experienced concert manager joins the group Alexey Kan, and from that moment the concert activity of the Leap Year group begins. Alex Kahn- The permanent administrator of the group from 2000 to this day.

October 2000 - the group receives an invitation from Alla Pugacheva to take part in the "Christmas Meetings". The band gets a rare opportunity at the "Christmas Meetings" to perform not one, but two songs ( Best Love Song, Metro). The performance in "Christmas Meetings" brings the group national success.

March 2001- song Quiet light becomes the title song of the popular TV series "Truckers". In the same 2001, Leap Year was nominated for the award Ovation, becomes a laureate Songs of the Year and award winner One hundred hit.

In 2002 Ilya Kalinnikov handed over Golden Star of Autoradio.

In 2003 Ilya Kalinnikov invites you to record one of the songs Mikhail Mitin - drums And Dmitry Shumilov - Bas-guitar- legendary musicians. From that moment Mikhail Mitin becomes the permanent drummer of the Leap Year group.

In 2005 the group disappears from the field of view of fans and critics, stopping performances in Moscow. Ilya Kalinnikov abandons the idea of ​​recording a new album. The band continues to tour and only perform at private events.

June 2006- leaving the group Pavel Seryakov And Ilya Sosnitsky (organized a project Today in the world ).

August 2006- returns to the group Dmitry Guguchkin - Bas-guitar. Place keyboard player takes Ilya Murtazin.

October 2006- Leap Year resumes concert activity. Young musicians join the group - Yuri Vanteev - pipe, And Renat Halimdarov - trombone.

Leap Year has never had a producer, and in showbiz tradition, promotion Not a dime was invested.

September 2007- Ilya Kalinnikov is awarded the second "Golden Disc" from the National Federation of Phonographic Producers for the album.

February 2008- the group releases . All songs remixed, 4 bonus tracks added.

Members of the Leap Year group:

Ilya Kalinnikov - songwriter, vocals, guitar
Dmitry Kukushkin - button accordion, guitar
Dmitry Guguchkin - bass guitar, guitar
Ilya Murtazin - keyboards
Mikhail Mitin - drums
Yuri Vanteev - pipe
Renat Halimdarov - trombone

Other news

In the late 90s, I did not listen to music in Russian at all. Only the English. And then one day a song started playing on the radio... A beautiful, insinuating voice, beautiful music... I involuntarily began to listen to the text and was shocked by this plot. I still have, as they say, goosebumps from this song. I do not know why...

Today, on the eve of Valentine's Day, I want to talk about this group...

The group is unique in its own way. They have only a few hits, and only one official album, which was released in 2000. And then - periodic concerts, and the eternal rotation of these hits on the radio. Still. For a long time no one knew what they looked like..

The Leap Year group was founded by Ilya Kalinnikov. The name "Leap Year" arose in 1988, when the future leader of the group, Ilya Kalinnikov, wrote a song with that name. The song was never finished, but in 1990 Kalinnikov used the band's name. The song was written in 1995.

Here is how Ilya Kalinnikov talks about her:
“My “Best Love Song” was so named as a joke. Many years ago I met Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov, bassist and sound producer of the Time Machine group. He listened to our demo and said: “Ilya, what is it! after all, you can write songs, but you write the devil knows what! Write such a song that it is super. And about love. " I wrote. And so that he liked it, I brought out on top of the cassette "The best song about love."

In 1998 they filmed a video clip...

The Leap Year group is also known for the songs "Quiet Light of My Soul", which sounded in the series "Truckers" and "Metro". Surprisingly, a video was never filmed for the song "Metro"!

Here is how Kalinnikov explains this fact in an interview:

“We wanted to shoot a video for “Metro”, but I canceled everything. I’ll explain why. Do you, say, when you listen to this song, do you have any associations? .. Well, I didn’t want some kind of clip maker "The upstart was trying to impose his artistic delights on your holy imagination. It would still be nonsense, although for us it would be a huge advertisement. But I did not want to sell the song for advertising."

Leap year - Metro

They still don't really shine anywhere. Although, if you read the information, the group lives constantly: it is updated, and so on.

From an interview with Kalinnikov:

"I have two girls next door - very beautiful girls. I often hear Leap Year songs from their windows, when we collide in the yard, they politely say to me:" Hello. "But they have no idea, that I wrote these songs.

Here is such a group. I love and respect her very much. I respect that people didn't fall into pop music and didn't become vulgar. So they play, saving face.

Leap year "Sixth day of autumn"

Happy New Year to everyone who celebrates it!

How do you like the group? :)
The full interview is here.

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