Delicious fast food. Lenten menu: recipes for every day of Lent


19/04/2017 19:49

Great Lent is 40 days of both spiritual and food abstinence. However, this is not the only post of the year. There are also Petrov post, Assumption post, Nativity post. And each of them requires certain restrictions in food.

During fasting weeks, many housewives are happy to restrict themselves in food, following a diet for the sake of losing weight, but at the same time they are seriously worried about the diet of the rest of the family. And not just like that - after all, many men and children oppose the fasting table and can reject the next meal, consisting of porridge and boiled beets.

Contrary to the established opinion about crackers and water, fasting food can and should be varied and complete. To do this, meat, eggs and dairy products should be replaced with their lean counterparts, and then dinner will no longer look unappetizing.

Your attention to 15 delicious dishes that you can cook in the post.

1. Oatmeal jelly - a replacement for yogurt

Not everyone loves oatmeal jelly, and almost no one cooks such a dish during fasting. Because of this, few people know that sour jelly is very similar to yogurt.

For cooking, you need to take a standard bag of oatmeal (400 g) and a crust of rye bread. Place the ingredients in a two-liter jar, pour cold water. The jar should be left for 12-24 hours, while stirring occasionally.

Then the oatmeal must be filtered through a sieve, pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook over low or medium heat. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. Pour hot jelly into jars and refrigerate.

2. Rice with honey and nuts on lean milk

Lean porridge can be made very tasty and nutritious without adding sugar to it. You can cook porridge on the water - the taste will not suffer much from this. If you are used to cereals with milk, you can take soy or peanut.

Peanut milk is easy to make - Nuts need to be ground into very fine crumbs, pour water, mix and strain.

Rice porridge needs to be salted (after cooking) and add honey and your favorite nuts. With such a healthy and tasty dish, you can please your loved ones on a holiday.

Even lean cookies can be tasty, healthy and satisfying.

For cookies, you need oatmeal, frozen cranberries or jam, and vegetable oil. Oat flakes should be fried in sunflower or coconut oil, then put on a sieve and allowed to drain excess fat.

Grind oatmeal in a blender (you can not grind everything - to taste), mix with berries. Form cakes from the dough, put on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

4. Broccoli stew with peas and avocado

Such a "green" stew will be very useful in the post. It will help replenish energy, as well as the supply of vitamins.

Take fresh broccoli, you can also add cauliflower to the dish. To diversify the stew, add green beans to it.

When the broccoli, beans and green peas are boiled, you can add avocado and season the dish with garlic sauce. Serve hot.

5. Nutella

What is breakfast without Nutella? The classic version of this delicacy is not lean, as it contains milk powder. We offer an alternative recipe without the use of animal products.

For cooking, you will need whole hazelnuts, honey, cocoa powder and coconut oil. Hazelnuts should be soaked overnight in cold water. In a blender, grind the hazelnuts into fine crumbs, add cocoa powder to taste, a little butter, just a little bit of honey (or maple syrup) and vanilla if desired.

Grind to a paste and add to lean pancakes mixed with soy milk, or spread on a loaf. Yummy! Try it!

6. Sandwich with lean bean mayonnaise

Let's get back to our sandwich. A lean sandwich should come out satisfying in order to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

For a sandwich, we need a salad, rye or whole grain bread, canned beans, cucumber, tomato to taste. Cut the vegetables into small slices, and mash the beans in a plate and add oil and salt. Now the beans will act as lean mayonnaise.

Lubricate the bun itself with bean mayonnaise, and spread all the vegetables evenly on top. Cover with the second part of the roll (or bread). Bon appetit!

7. Cabbage chips

Fasting has begun, and you want chips? Ordinary potato chips are considered lean, but there is little benefit in them.

You can make chips from white cabbage that you can eat without fear for health. To do this, you need to disassemble the head of cabbage into sheets, cut into pieces and grease with oil. Salt and pepper the future chips and put on a baking sheet. Send the baking sheet to the preheated oven, dry the chips until cooked.

This idea is popular not only in fasting, but also during weight loss. Such sweets are very sweet, they are perfect for tea, and at the same time they will not harm the figure.

The easiest option is to grind nuts and dried fruits, and then roll the balls in coconut flakes. There is another option, no less tasty.

Take a dried fruit without a stone (for example, dried tangerines will not work, but prunes are just right) and cut a hole with a knife. Inside put a small nut like hazelnuts, almonds or peanuts. The future candy should be smeared with honey, and then rolled in coconut, sesame or poppy seeds.

Such lean sweets will appeal to both adults and kids. Be careful - the sweets are too sweet!

In Rus', during Lent, a lot of different pies were prepared. The peasants added everything that remained from the meal to the filling: porridge, pickles and mushrooms. Pies were eaten instead of bread with soup and main courses.

Salty pies can be prepared with cucumbers, stewed fresh or sauerkraut, mushrooms, potatoes, buckwheat or rice. To make the pies tastier, the filling must be fried in a pan with vegetable oil.

Apples, pumpkin, carrots with honey, jam or frozen berries are great for sweet pies. Pumpkin pies are especially tasty, despite the fact that many do not like this vegetable.

Pie dough must be yeast: put a teaspoon of yeast in a bowl, grind with sugar, pour a glass of water and knead a thin dough. When it rises, you can add salt and flour to the desired density.

10. Lenten borscht

Fasting is a time of restriction, and many, especially men, want a hearty meal. Unfortunately, the classic borscht recipe contains meat and is not suitable for fasting. But what happens if meat is replaced with mushrooms?

Borsch with mushrooms is more like a mushroom soup, and therefore it is necessary to add beets, parsley and beans to it. You need to cook borscht in the same way as the classic one, removing only the stage of cooking beef.

11. Vareniki

Meat and completely non-lean dumplings can be replaced with dumplings. They can be with anything: potatoes, mushrooms, cranberries or raspberries. On some big holidays, fish is allowed, so on such days you can cook dumplings with fish.

For the dumplings test, you only need flour, water, oil and salt. This dough does not require yeast.

All ingredients must be gently and thoroughly mixed, gradually adding flour to salt water. In the resulting dough, you need to mix flour until it stops “absorbing” it into itself.

This dish came to us from Lithuania. It has a very unusual taste and quickly saturates. Be sure that you will like this porridge!

First you need to boil barley. Before cooking, pearl barley is soaked overnight. In the morning, you can drain the water and boil it. Please note that this process will take a long time.

Next, you need to grate raw potatoes. Barley and grated potatoes should be put on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. Fry glass porridge until golden brown.

The Lithuanian dish must be served warm, pre-decorated with fresh herbs.

13. Salad with mushrooms and pine nuts

So that during fasting vitamin deficiency does not take away all your strength, you need to refresh yourself with a vitamin salad. Mushrooms in its composition will saturate with useful and high-quality vegetable protein.

To prepare the salad, you will need blue onions, mushrooms, spinach and cedar nuts. Finely chop the onion, dip in boiling water and put in a bowl. Finely chop spinach and mushrooms, add pine nuts. Salad can be seasoned with garlic sauce or olive oil. You can also decorate it with arugula or basil.

14. Potato pancakes (cutlets)

Potatoes have long been used to prepare a variety of dishes: chips, french fries, casseroles. In fasting, cutlets can be prepared from this product.

To prepare cutlets, you will need potatoes, flour, onions and carrots. Carrots need to be fried together with onions in a pan. Please note that these ingredients must be very finely chopped so that whole pieces of onion do not come across in cutlets.

The fried mixture must be mixed either with mashed potatoes (make sure that there are no lumps in it), to which no water has been added, or with finely grated raw potatoes. In the first case, you get pancakes (cutlets), in the second - classic potato pancakes.

From this "dough" you need to mold small cutlets, then put it on a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown.

15. Salad with crab meat and corn

On some days, a fasting person can afford fish. Most of these days are Sundays and holidays.

And as you know, crab sticks are made from surimi - this is minced white fish meat. Corn and sweet peppers are ideal for this product. The salad will go perfectly for the second course, it will saturate for a long time.

To prepare the salad, you need crab meat or sticks, canned corn, red or yellow peppers and herbs. You can fill the salad with a paste of mashed ripe avocado.

If you have been wanting to try fasting for a long time, but the thought of a bland and monotonous lenten menu stops you, then you are simply unfamiliar with our step-by-step recipes for Lent. After all, if you approach the preparation of food for fasting rationally and at the same time with imagination, you can get a varied and very tasty set of dishes for every day. Of course, it cannot be said that such food will not be very different from what you are used to, but even gourmets will definitely like the taste of properly prepared lean food. And do not forget that in addition to traditional monastic recipes for Lent, literally every day new options for healthy fasting dishes appear, more adapted to the taste preferences of a modern person. So, further you are waiting for simple and delicious recipes in a post for believing laymen with step-by-step instructions and photos. Also from our article you will learn what you can cook and eat in Lent, and what foods are strictly forbidden to eat.

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The basics of the diet in Great Lent 2017 for the laity by day with examples of recipes

Before proceeding to the description of specific examples of recipes, it is worth saying a few words about the basics of the diet of believers in Lent 2017. To begin with, we note that Great Lent lasts 47 days and the most difficult (with hunger strike days) are only the first and last weeks. In the remaining weeks, the diet is divided into 3 groups:

  • dry eating, when it is allowed to eat only non-cooked dishes without oil (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • cooked vegetable food without oil (Tuesday, Thursday)
  • boiled food with butter (Saturday, Sunday)

Based on these basic rules, a lenten menu is compiled for the whole week. It is also worth noting that the basis of the diet in Lent for the laity by day (examples of recipes below) should be exclusively natural foods. It is advisable to use as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, home-made preparations for the winter, fermented home-made products. The latter, by the way, are very rich in vitamins, in particular C, which is very important in conditions of reduced immunity in early spring. Next, you will find examples of delicious, healthy and fairly easy-to-prepare dishes for every day for the Lent menu. We are sure that their taste will pleasantly surprise you, and these recipes themselves will definitely settle in your cookbook.

Delicious and simple salad for every day of Lent, a step by step recipe with a photo

First, we bring to your attention a step-by-step recipe with a photo of a delicious and simple salad for every day of Great Lent. It is based on affordable products - vegetables and fruits, so that such a salad can be prepared at least every day. But with one amendment - on all days except weekends, dressing should be done only from lemon juice without oil. Learn how to prepare a delicious and simple salad for every day of Great Lent from the step-by-step recipe below.

Essential Ingredients for a Delicious Salad for Every Day of Lent

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • walnuts (peeled) - 200g.
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • lemon juice

Instructions for a recipe for a delicious and simple salad for every day of fasting

  • Wash potatoes thoroughly in warm water. Boil together with the peel in salted water until tender. Then let cool completely, remove the skin and cut into small cubes.
  • While the potatoes are cooling, you can start preparing other ingredients, such as pomegranate. We clean the pomegranate: cut off the cap, and then make shallow cuts along the visible partitions and carefully open the pomegranate. Pour the grains without chaff into a salad bowl.
  • We clean the onion from the husk and cut into thin half rings. Then cut the half rings in half. You can also chop the onion finely if you don't like the onion to be strong in the salad.
  • We shift the peeled raw walnuts into a mortar and grind. You can also achieve the same effect with a rolling pin and parchment paper.
  • Wash cilantro or parsley and finely chop.
  • It remains only to mix all the ingredients together in one bowl, salt and pepper to taste and season. If you are preparing such a lean salad on Saturday or Sunday, then make a dressing of vegetable oil and lemon juice. On other days, just add lemon juice and toss the salad.
  • A simple first course recipe for a lenten menu, step by step

    Hot dishes must be present in the lenten menu to ensure the normal functioning of the stomach during Lent. As a rule, cabbage soup and light vegetable soups play the role of first courses. The simple recipe for the first dish for the lenten menu, which we offer you below, belongs to the second category. As the basis of this first course for the lenten menu, make a simple recipe for vegetable broth. The number and type of vegetables in this recipe can be changed at your discretion.

    Necessary ingredients for the recipe for the first dish for the lenten menu

    • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
    • champignons - 0.5 kg
    • carrots - 2 pcs.
    • onion -1 pc.
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.
    • vegetable oil
    • dill
    • parsley
    • Bay leaf
    • ground black pepper

    Instructions on how to cook the first dish for a lenten menu according to a simple recipe

  • Peel carrots and potatoes. Cut carrots into thin rings, potatoes into small cubes.
  • Salt water and bring to a boil, add vegetables (carrots and potatoes) and cook over medium heat.
  • Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices along with the legs. Peel and finely chop the onion, mix with mushrooms. Salt a little and send to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Saute mushrooms until half cooked.
  • When the water boils again, add mushrooms and spices (pepper, moth, bay leaf) to the broth.
  • At the end, add finely chopped greens (parsley and dill). Cook until potatoes are ready.
  • Cabbage cutlets for the lenten menu, a step by step recipe

    Cabbage cutlets for the lenten menu, a step-by-step recipe for which awaits your attention below, is an excellent option for a delicious snack. Such cutlets can be both an independent dish of lean cuisine, and a good addition to cereals and boiled potatoes. Despite the fact that these meatballs for the lenten menu are made from cabbage, they are just as hearty and flavorful as their meat counterparts. See for yourself with our next step-by-step recipe.

    Essential Ingredients for Lenten Cabbage Cutlets

    • cabbage - 500 gr.
    • bulb - 1 pc.
    • semolina - 30 gr.
    • flour - 30 gr.
    • garlic - 2 pcs.
    • dill
    • vegetable oil
    • breadcrumbs
    • pepper

    Instructions for a step-by-step recipe for cabbage cutlets for the lenten menu

  • Wash the cabbage and cut into fairly large pieces. We send the cabbage into salted boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • In the meantime, chop the onion and herbs very finely. Pass the garlic through a garlic press or chop finely with a sharp knife.
  • Take the cabbage out of the pot and let it cool completely. Then grind the cabbage leaves in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  • We combine cabbage mass, onion, garlic and herbs together in one container. Add semolina and flour, mix thoroughly. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • From the resulting minced vegetable we sculpt small cutlets and dip them in breadcrumbs.
  • Fry cutlets in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Vegetable stew with lentils - a step-by-step recipe for the menu in Lent

    Another option for a tasty and healthy second dish for the Lent menu is vegetable stew with lentils. In general, lentils are a very underrated legume in our daily cuisine. In the meantime, it is very useful and can greatly diversify the Lenten menu. Learn how to cook vegetable stew with lentils from a step-by-step recipe for the menu in Lent.

    Necessary ingredients for vegetable stew with lentils in Lent

    • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
    • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • lentils - 1/3 cup
    • cabbage - 1/2 pc.
    • pepper
    • vegetable oil
    • spices to taste

    Instructions for a step-by-step recipe for vegetable stew with lentils in the post

  • Pour a little oil into a saucepan or cauldron and add finely chopped onion and carrot circles. Stir and cook over medium heat for a few minutes.
  • Then add potato cubes and half a glass of washed lentils. Stir, add water and cover with a lid. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Tomatoes are peeled and finely chopped. Add tomatoes to the stew.
  • Lastly, add chopped cabbage. Salt, pepper and add any spices to taste. Stir and simmer covered until done. Also add water as needed.
  • Recipe for raw date dessert for every day of Lent, step by step instructions

    Probably the most common misconception about eating during Lent is the idea that sweets are completely excluded from the Lenten menu. In fact, you can and even need to eat sweets in fasting, but only natural and without eggs in the composition. Of the simplest options for healthy and permitted desserts are honey and dried fruits. But for those who prefer desserts that are more complex in flavor combinations, we offer a recipe for raw date sweets for every day of Lent. The recipe for a raw date dessert for each day of fasting is very simple to prepare and can be easily repeated using the following step-by-step instructions.

    Essential Ingredients for Raw Date Dessert for Lent

    • dates - 300 gr.
    • walnuts / peanuts / cashews - 150 gr.
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp
    • cocoa
    • carob

    Instructions for the recipe for raw date dessert for each day of fasting

  • Rinse dates, remove pits. Then pour dried fruits with boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • You can use any nuts for this recipe, as long as they are raw. But if you take peanuts or cashews, then they should be soaked in cold water in order to remove the skin.
  • We first send the dates to the blender bowl and grind them for several minutes. Then add nuts and cinnamon and mix until a homogeneous thick mass is formed.

    On a note! If the variety of dates is dry and they do not provide much liquid, you can add a little water or liquid honey for stickiness.

  • We put the finished mass in a bowl and with wet hands we begin to sculpt sweets of a round or oblong shape.
  • Roll the resulting sweets in a mixture of cocoa and carob powder and send to the refrigerator for half an hour. Ready! Also, as a sprinkle for such raw sweets, you can use chopped nuts, powdered sugar, coconut or liquid chocolate.
  • Delicious cookies "Minute" - a step-by-step recipe for simple baking in a post

    Lean baked goods can also be delicious, such as the simple Minute Cookie recipe below. Cookie dough is prepared from three simple components, and you can choose absolutely any filling for it to your taste. But best of all, the delicious Minute cookies from the step-by-step recipe for simple baking in the post below are obtained with homemade thick jam. Find out how to cook this simple, quick and mouth-watering delicacy below.

    Necessary ingredients for lean tasty cookies "Minute"

    • flour - 300 gr.
    • sparkling water - 1/2 cup
    • vegetable oil - 1/2 cup
    • jam for stuffing

    Instructions for a simple recipe for delicious cookies "Minute" in the post

  • Pour water into a bowl and add vegetable oil. Start adding flour and knead a stiff dough.
  • Knead the dough and divide it into two equal parts. Roll out each part on a floured surface into a thin cake.
  • With a knife, we divide the resulting round layer of dough into 6-8 identical sectors.
  • Add a little jam to the edge of each slice and wrap the cookies in the form of a bagel.
  • We spread the cookies on a baking sheet with parchment and send them to the oven (200 degrees) for 25 minutes.
  • Lenten food: meatless meatball recipe for Lent 2017, video

    As you can see, the recipes in the post can be simple and delicious at the same time. And in general, lenten food, like all food in Lent 2017, is rich in salads, pastries, and second and first courses. Our next video recipe for Lent - meatless meatballs, also applies to lean food and is sure to please lay believers. Such lenten food (recipe for meatballs without meat for Lent 2017), although not from monastic recipes, is perfect for the menu for every day.

    The section contains interesting and simple Lenten dishes, recipes for every day, for weekdays and weekends, salads, soups, desserts, main courses and, of course, pastries. Lenten menu is not a synonym for boring. It's time to learn how to bake delicious homemade bread (on flour and water), custard potato cakes and sweet lean muffins. Taste unusual tasting mashed soups, cook mushroom noodles and deliciously wonderful lean borscht. And, of course, make instant marinades. I would advise you to try all the recipes presented in our collection of meatless recipes every day, expanding your culinary collection and enriching the culinary experience.

    Lean potato cutlets

    Is it possible to cook potato cutlets without eggs so that they do not fall apart, have a neat shape, excellent taste and a delicious crust? Try it, you will appreciate this lean recipe.

    Lenten gingerbread with jam

    One of the simplest and most affordable recipes for lean baking is a gingerbread, for which you do not need any honey or molasses. The dough is kneaded on ordinary jam and strong tea.

    Cakes on water and flour

    An excellent option for replacing white bread in fasting is cakes on water and flour. They are prepared in an elementary way. And thanks to a simple secret, they remain soft and fluffy for a long time. The tortillas taste so good that many people “sit down” on them and include this lean recipe in their daily menu.

    Simple soup with "Mexican" mixed vegetables

    The simplest lean soup. In the composition - a ready-made frozen mixture of vegetables and legumes, roasted onions and carrots and cereals. Any to your taste will do. Bulgur soup is especially good.

    Salad with beans, fried mushrooms and cucumbers

    Hearty lean salad with an original taste. In the composition - canned beans, fried mushrooms with onions, salted or pickled cucumbers and a lot of fresh herbs.

    Candied orange peels

    An unhurried method of preparing candied fruits from a waste product - orange peels. A few days of soaking and boiling gives an excellent taste result. Candied fruits are so bright and fragrant that they can be presented as sweet gifts during Lent.

    Lenten recipe of old Russian cuisine - juicy, fragrant dough envelopes with mushrooms and buckwheat. They prepare slowly, with feeling, really, with arrangement.

    Barley cutlets

    The trick recipe is how to cook cutlets from ordinary barley that look more appetizing than meat ones. Very tender, light, with fried onions, carrots and garlic. The recipe is a find for those who are looking for interesting and unusual Lenten dishes.

    Lean oatmeal cookies with honey

    To make fasting tasty and varied, try these wonderful lean cookies with honey, cinnamon and other spices. Amazing flavor, crispy, crumbly texture. The recipe is very simple and suitable for beginner cooks.

    Rustic potatoes in the oven

    A very simple and very tasty dish that is perfect for Lent. Potatoes are poured with vegetable oil, sprinkled with spices and sent to the oven to bake until fully cooked.

    Easy brine cookies

    The recipe is a greeting from the half-starved 90s. Vegetable oil, flour, baking powder and cucumber pickle, some raisins, nuts or candied fruits - and now the dough for a wonderful crumbly cookie is ready, which is called "out of nothing".

    Lenten apple pie

    You, for sure, have already managed to be surprised how tasty, varied and rich the lenten menu can be. Among the Lenten dishes for every day, an honorable place is occupied by an apple pie. And not some dubious, but supposedly useful pancake. A fluffy, shiny yeast pie.

    Lenten honey gingerbread

    One of the most popular budget lean baking recipes, which is suitable for beginners, because it is simple, understandable and has a good composition of products. You can bake a gingerbread on water, you can use tea, or you can use apple juice.

    Lenten borscht with beans

    A bright accent in the lenten menu is rich borscht with beans. The recipe gives detailed instructions on how to achieve exactly the same color as in the photo. I hope you enjoy both the cooking process and the result.

    Cabbage stew with mushrooms

    A very tasty and simple lean dish for every day. Mushrooms, onions, cabbage and tomato - that's all you need to prepare a hearty lean lunch.

    Armenian bean pate

    During the fasting period, it is extremely important to support the body with food containing vegetable protein. Legumes and nuts are considered an ideal alternative to dairy and meat foods. Lenten bean pate in Armenian style will definitely add variety to the diet of fasting days, and will also please you with its accessibility and nutritional value.

    Lean cabbage rolls with rice and mushrooms

    Lenten cabbage rolls can perfectly fit into the lean menu for every day, if you go for one trick - make a lot of them and freeze some - this will not affect the taste of cabbage rolls in any way.

    Classic red bean lobio

    Hearty lean dish of beans, nuts and vegetables.

    Lean mayonnaise

    Recipe from the category of culinary miracles. Looking at the list of ingredients, you can’t believe that they will turn out what you see in the picture - a delicate, thick, lean mayonnaise that can be used, for example, for dressing salads or served as a sauce for lentil cutlets.

    Lenten manti with vegetable filling

    You probably already understood how extensive the menu of lean recipes for every day can be. We expand the variety with a recipe for manti with vegetable filling. Try it, you might like this option more than usual.

    Lentil and rice meatballs in tomato sauce

    A decoy dish - minced lentils with rice is really difficult to distinguish from ordinary meatballs. The form keeps perfectly without the addition of eggs and flour. If you steam them, you can even do without vegetable oil, which is extremely important during Lent.

    canned bean soup

    Hearty, bright, cheerful bean soup in a hurry - in your piggy bank of lean recipes.

    Lenten pancakes on mineral water

    A popular pancake recipe. Try it - they really turn out tastier than the quick ones. And they are much easier to bake.

    Lean pea soup

    Peas are a great product for a lenten menu. It is hearty, gives a lot of thick. Try a simple and delicious pea soup with potatoes, carrots and onions.

    Indian samosas with vegetables

    Samosas - a dish of Indian cuisine - fried pies from a simple lean dough with a vegetable filling, the composition of which can be made at your discretion. Perfect for a dinner table.

    Shchi from fresh cabbage

    A recipe for delicious cabbage soup on the water, with roasted vegetables, herbs and fragrant freshly ground pepper, is an actual recipe for fasting. The recipe is filmed in detail, step by step and suitable for beginner cooks.

    Lean lasagna

    During fasting, it becomes possible to make sure that classic dishes can be just as tasty without the use of seemingly obligatory ingredients. Try making juicy vegetable lasagna without cheese and on lean dough.

    Green Pea Soup

    The king of the lenten menu is green like March grass breaking out from under melting snowdrifts, and just as tender, it is brewed from four ingredients, including water.

    Buckwheat noodles with vegetables

    If you have never tried buckwheat noodles, then fasting is a very good time for this. The noodles are exceptionally tasty with a spicy vegetable sauce, which is made from the most common products - onions, carrots, sweet peppers and green beans.

    Potato cutlets with peas

    A very funny lean recipe - at first glance, the most ordinary cutlets, and you will bite them - inside are tender mashed potatoes and funny peas. Be sure to try!

    Potato in a pot

    A simple fasting dish for every day, which can be found in cookbooks called "church potatoes." Unremarkable in appearance, such potatoes are delicious in taste.

    Classic vinaigrette recipe

    A traditional dish of Russian cuisine with a French name. In the composition - boiled beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, pickles and green peas. The perfect solution for a lean table.

    mushroom noodles

    Very hearty, rich, wonderfully tasty soup, prepared in an elementary way! You can cook at least every day.

    homemade peanut butter

    Psychologists have proven that any restrictions activate the creative abilities of a person. Fasting is the time to learn how to cook something unusual, which you won’t think of doing at home. For example, hearty and tasty peanut butter with honey. I made a jar - put it in the refrigerator and eat at least every day.

    Beetroot in Korean

    Learning how to cook homemade salads in Korean is a great way to diversify the lenten menu, make it rich and interesting. Preparing this salad is quite easy. Volumes can be immediately made large, because it is excellent in the refrigerator for two to three weeks.

    Korean cabbage

    During fasting, please your household with delicious instant pickled cabbage. It acquires a bright golden color due to the addition of turmeric.

    Great Lent is coming soon, and for many people this is one of the opportunities to test themselves. After all, it is considered the most strict and important of all the others. Lenten food at this time should not include fish, meat, milk, or eggs.

    Strict character

    Also excluded, for example, sweets and mayonnaise. Recipes contain ingredients only of plant origin: vegetables and fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts, pickles. Sometimes on holidays (the Annunciation and Palm Sunday), as an exception, Lenten dishes containing fish are allowed. On many days, dry eating is practiced: bread, vegetables, fruits and water. On Tuesday and Thursday - dishes without oil content. On other days, vegetable oil is recommended for cooking. You can easily find a detailed fasting schedule (what and when you can eat) in various Orthodox calendars - this is not classified information!

    Vegetarianism and fasting

    Lean food and vegetarian dishes are very different, so do not confuse them. The second does not exclude cow's butter, cheese, eggs, but prohibits fish products. While lean food does not contain "milk", the eggs of any bird, but fish, caviar and all kinds of seafood are allowed on certain days.

    Make it delicious!

    Many people tend to consider this kind of food something tasteless and even joyless (as far as the process of cooking can bring joy and pleasure). However, if you look closely, excluding many animal proteins from the list, we leave in it a lot of necessary and healthy products, which, if properly cooked, should certainly make delicious lean food. And sometimes these dishes can be tastier than ordinary, meat or dairy. We must not forget about the need for proper registration. After all, artfully decorated food is more pleasant to eat. You can use a variety of greens - it is usually consumed in fasting in unlimited quantities! Now let's move on to cooking.

    Lenten food: recipes

    Like a regular table, lean is divided into first, second courses, various snacks and salads, drinks. Only ingredients allowed at this time are used everywhere. As already mentioned, we exclude meat, dairy products, animal fats, eggs from the menu. Everything else can be cooked. So, let's start with the first dishes.


    Ingredients: three medium-sized potatoes, one pickle, one carrot, onion, half a glass of barley, a handful of shredded cabbage, seasonings (whoever likes what).

    Boil pearl barley in a small saucepan. When the cereal has not yet been cooked, add the diced potatoes. In the meantime, grate the carrots and cucumber. We cut the onion finely. In vegetable oil, we prepare a fry of onions and carrots. We add it to the pan, then we throw in the cucumber and cabbage, prepared in advance. Stir and cook for ten minutes over low heat. Before cooking, we throw in seasonings and salt to taste. A great alternative to pickle in meat broth is ready! Some may not even notice (judging by their own experience) that there is no meat in the soup, such a delicious lean meal is obtained. Pickle recipes may vary. For example, you can chop a lot of greens - onions, parsley and dill - and put them in soup before serving. You can use sour cabbage instead of fresh cabbage. In our opinion, it tastes even better this way.

    Lean soup with vegetables

    Ingredients: cauliflower - 300 grams, a couple of potatoes, carrots, onions, green peas (fresh or canned) - 100 grams, olive oil, seasonings.

    We disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Throw cabbage and potatoes into boiling water (cut everything except cabbage into cubes). We pass the onion in olive oil with carrots. Then add to vegetable broth. We cook everything together for another fifteen minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs and seasonings to taste.

    Rice with vegetables

    A good tasty fast food for every day is rice cooked with vegetables.

    Ingredients: half a kilo of rice, soy sauce, one eggplant, one zucchini, two carrots, one pepper, one onion.

    The dish is very easy to prepare. Boil rice until fluffy. Eggplant needs to be baked in the oven (you can, by the way, other vegetables - it will be tastier), cut into cubes. All other vegetables - finely chopped. Mix with rice, season with soy sauce to taste and simmer a little in a large skillet with a tight-fitting lid (enough for 10 minutes). Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds and finely chopped green onions.

    Sweet pilaf

    As an option, lean food for every day is sweet pilaf with dried fruits.

    Ingredients: rice - 300 grams, pitted raisins - 100 grams, dried apricots - 100 grams, pitted prunes - 100 grams, a little sugar and vegetable oil.

    Boil rice without salt. We wash all dried fruits and fry over low heat in vegetable oil, stirring constantly, otherwise it will burn immediately. Add the cooked rice to the dish and simmer lightly, stirring for about five minutes. Such a dish is a worthy replacement for the traditional meat pilaf. You can add browned onions and a head of garlic, as a seasoning option for pilaf, barberry and curry are suitable. We got such a lean delicious food: you just lick your fingers!

    Beans with vegetables in the oven

    You need to take: a pound of large beans, a couple of sweet bell peppers, three cloves of garlic, three tomatoes, a little vegetable oil, seasonings to taste and salt.

    Soak beans in water overnight. Boil in the morning until softened. We cut all other ingredients finely and lightly simmer in a frying pan in vegetable oil. We spread the beans in a baking dish and pour stewed vegetables on top (they have already turned into gruel, letting the juices out). We put in a well-heated oven for half an hour. When serving, decorate with fresh herbs and chopped green onions.

    Lean delicious food. Recipes with fish

    On certain days, fish dishes are allowed. There are a lot of recipes - simple and complex - involving fish or seafood. Here are just a few of the most popular ones.

    Fish lean vinaigrette

    Ingredients: fish fillet - 300 grams, three potatoes, one beet, one carrot, two pickles, onion, vegetable oil, seasonings to taste.

    Boil the fillet and cool. Cut into fairly small pieces. We cook vegetables separately, clean, cut into small cubes. Cucumbers cut into cubes. We chop the onion. Mix everything together thoroughly and gently. Fill with olive oil. Garnish with fresh herbs before serving.

    Soup fish (ukha)

    Ingredients: half a kilo of white fish, one carrot, one onion, two potatoes, vegetable oil, flour, herbs, seasonings. Some add cereals: pearl barley or millet.

    We clean the fish from skin and bones (or you can immediately take a ready-made fillet). Cook the fish for thirty minutes over low heat. At the end of cooking, add seasonings to beat off the smell. Coarsely grate the carrots. Pass the onion, then add the carrots and fry with a small amount of flour. We cut the potatoes into cubes. We catch the fish from the broth, and filter it. We cut the fish into small pieces and send it back to the broth. We put all the other ingredients there. Cook another fifteen minutes. If you decide to use grits, add them in the middle of the soup, along with the potatoes. The soup is served garnished with herbs.


    In general, as you can see, there are a lot of recipes for lean dishes, and many of them are really tasty. So you can use these dishes not only in fasting. And for those who do not want or do not know how to cook, but who like lean food, meals are delivered by food establishments directly to the client's home!

    Bon appetit to all who are fasting!

    The main meaning of fasting is not a restriction in food, but the purification of the soul. However, the health of the soul and the health of the body are closely related.

    Therefore, you should not go to extremes and make your lenten menu for every day from water and bread.

    We offer a menu that excludes products prohibited in Lent. Ingredients in recipes does not include meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs.

    At the same time, the diet remains varied and healthy: it contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals. Lenten pastries are even included in the menu, but if you decide to do without sweets during fasting, then you can exclude it. All links are clickable and lead to pages with lean recipes. At the very end there is also a list of products on the menu for each day.


    afternoon tea.

    Nutritionist comment:

    Wheat porridge. Wheat is an excellent source of dietary fiber and gives a feeling of satiety. It also contains vitamin E, F, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, carotene, niacin, choline, biotin, folacin and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sulfur, selenium, chromium, zinc).

    Pea soup. Legumes as a source of protein are an indispensable component of the lean menu.

    A fruit basket cake is a rather high-calorie dessert, but if you lead an active lifestyle, then you can treat yourself. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then such a dessert can be transferred to a second breakfast.

    Sauerkraut salad with potatoes and mushrooms. In order not to gain excess weight, it is preferable not to eat more than 50 g of potatoes in the evening.


    afternoon tea. Fruit of your choice
    Dinner.(without butter and eggs) +


    afternoon tea.Fruit of your choice


    afternoon tea.


    afternoon tea.
    Dinner. +


    afternoon tea.


    afternoon tea.
    Dinner. +

    The proposed menu must be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities.

    List of necessary products for the Lenten menu

    Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs

    Zucchini - 3 pcs.
    Zucchini - 1 pc.
    Onion - 1 kg
    Tomato - 2 kg
    Garlic - 3 heads
    Chili pepper - 1/2 pod
    White cabbage - 1 kg
    Sauerkraut - 200 g
    Potato - 2 kg
    Carrot - 500 g
    Dried tomatoes - 15-20 pieces
    Cucumber - 3 pcs.
    Eggplant - 1 pc.
    Sweet pepper - 4 pcs.
    Banana - 1 piece
    Apple - 3 pcs.
    Orange - 3 pcs.
    Lemon - 3 pcs.
    Pomegranate - 1/2 pc.
    Pear - 3 pcs
    Strawberries - 100 g
    Raspberries - 100 g
    Blueberries - 100 g
    Fruit - to taste and availability for baskets
    Parsley - 4 bunches + to taste
    Mint - 1 bunch
    Cilantro - 1 bunch
    Dill - 2 tbsp. l. + to taste
    Basil - 1 bunch
    Forest mushrooms - 550 g
    Champignons - 12 pcs. (large)
    Dry mushrooms - 30 g
    Any fruit - as much as you want for snacks

    Cereals, pasta, legumes

    Wheat - 350 g (coarsely ground, medium wheat, bulgur is also suitable)
    Peas - 1 tbsp.
    Oat flakes - 160 g
    Rice - 0.5 tbsp.
    Bulgur - 0.5 tbsp.
    Pearl barley - 200 g
    Noodles - 40 g (or vermicelli, or other small pasta)
    Chickpeas - 200 g
    Pasta - 300 g
    Buckwheat - 1 tbsp.

    Nuts, dried fruits, seeds

    Dried apricots - 6-8 pcs.
    Almonds - 70 g
    Pine nuts - 30 g
    Walnuts - 50 g
    Cashew nuts - 190 g
    Pumpkin seeds - 3 tbsp. l.

    Grocery and other products

    Tomato paste - 300 g
    Tomatoes in own juice - 150 g
    Brown sugar - 200 g
    Sugar - 250 g
    Powdered sugar - for sprinkling
    Vegetable oil - 600 g
    Olive oil - 500 g
    Grape seed oil - 150 g
    Honey - 125 g
    Wheat flour - 1 kg 750 g
    Whole grain flour - 140 g (wheat)
    Flaxseed flour - 1 tbsp. (ground flaxseed)
    Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
    Dry yeast - 10 g
    Live yeast - 20 g
    Vinegar - 1 tsp
    Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp
    Red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
    Balsamic vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
    Canned beans - 650 g
    Soda - 0.5 tsp
    Coconut shavings - 40 g
    Black tea - 1 tbsp.
    Capers - 1 tbsp. l.
    Rye bread for croutons and sandwiches
    Coconut milk - 1 dessert spoon
    Vegetable broth - 2.5 l
    Dry white wine - 70 g
    Apple juice - 420 ml
    Soy milk - 255 ml

    Seasonings, spices

    Salt - 15 g + to taste
    Cinnamon - 2 tsp ground + 2 sticks
    Cumin - 1 tsp (seeds)
    Bay leaf - 3 leaves
    Black pepper - to taste
    Star anise - 1 star
    Ground nutmeg - 1 tsp
    Sweet paprika - 1 pinch
    Suneli hops - 1/2 tsp
    Sesame paste - 1 tbsp. l. (Thina)
    Zira - to taste
    Thyme - 0.5 tsp dried
    Oregano - 0.5 tsp dried
    Rosemary - 2-3 sprigs
    Grain mustard - 1 tsp
    Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
    A set of spices - to taste

    Be healthy in mind and body!

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