Delicious recipes for canned tomato halves for the winter, with and without sterilization. Miracle slices for the winter


Large ripe tomatoes hanging on a branch are pleasing to the eye and cause pride among summer residents. But the trouble is, it is incredibly difficult to preserve them for the winter - very little is placed in a jar.

I propose to prepare tomatoes in halves according to my recipes. With onion and oil, sterilized, or dispensed with sterilization. I share not only recipes, but also the secrets of the most delicious preparations.

How to prepare half tomatoes for the winter

In addition to the standard set of spices - bay leaves, pepper, vinegar, the marinade in the workpiece can be diversified with herbs and herbs.

What to add to conservation:

Different types of peppers - hot chili, sweet peas. Many housewives change table vinegar to apple cider vinegar. Homemade vinegar is especially good. It's softer, softer. Basil, parsley, dill, mustard seeds, garlic are put in jars.

  • For seaming, select ripe, dense varieties with thick skins, tomatoes. They will keep their shape when sterilized.
  • Divide the tomatoes so that the cut passes through the partitions, then the tomato will not spread during heat treatment, the grains will not float sloppily.
  • I advise you to lay the halves cut down - more will go into the container.
  • To get more into the jar, tap the jar on the table during filling, or shake it if you are afraid to break it. To avoid this trouble, lay a towel on the countertop and knock on your health.
  • After seaming, banks do not have to be wrapped. Tomatoes may be soft.

Tomato halves with onions and butter

The main advantage of the recipe is that the halves do not fall apart, they remain whole. And the brine is so tasty that you can drink it separately. Thanks to the oil, you get a full-fledged salad. Once you open the jar, you don't have to add anything else.

You will need for a liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - how much will go in.
  • Bulb.
  • Clove sticks - 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - a large spoon.

For brine:

  • Boiling water - liter.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - Art. spoon.

Attention! Vinegar is not included in the recipe. But if in doubt, pour a small spoon under the lid, then the workpiece is guaranteed not to explode. I don't water as the lettuce is spayed and is great until spring.

How to prepare a salad:

  1. Divide the tomatoes into pieces (halves, quarters if too large).
  2. On the bottom of liter jars, pour onion, cut into rings (I prefer thick ones), cloves, peppercorns. Pour in the oil.
  3. Fill the jar with tomato slices. Don't press too hard or they will crush.
  4. Boil the brine from the ingredients provided for in the recipe.
  5. Pour in the tomatoes. Cover with a lid and send to sterilize for 15 minutes. After twist, turn over, let cool and place in the pantry.

Pickled tomatoes for the winter halves

Another recipe for preserving halves with oil and onions, but with vinegar. I can say one word about the marinade - a song! Yes, and the tomatoes themselves turn out to be slightly sweet, with a slight sourness - amazingly tasty.

Put in a liter jar:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Onion (you can one and a half).
  • Vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.
  • Dill - a branch.

Marinade for 10 liter jars (approximately):

  • Boiling water - 3.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 3 cups.
  • Table vinegar - 2 cups.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Put the onion cut into large rings, garlic cloves in jars. Lay the tomato halves on top.
  2. Boil the marinade, throwing spices into boiling water, and cook for about five minutes.
  3. Pour in the tomatoes. Sterilization time for liter jars is 10 minutes.

To the piggy bank of tomato recipes:

Halves with hot pepper

Spicy halves and marinade cannot but be liked, you just lick your fingers. Like "hot" - add more pepper and garlic. Here is a classic recipe for harvesting for the winter.

Take on a liter jar:

  • Halves of tomatoes.
  • Bulb.
  • Hot chili pepper - a piece of 1-2 cm.
  • Parsley sprigs - a couple of pieces.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Pepper - 6 peas.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

For hot filling:

  • Boiling water - 2.5 liters.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Table vinegar - a glass.

How to prepare marinated halves:

  1. Fold in each jar parsley, slices of capsicum, peas, parsley, onion rings. Splash oil.
  2. Lay the halves cut side down.
  3. Make a marinade, pour into jars.
  4. Sterilization time 10 minutes. jars immediately roll up and cool upside down.

Salad recipe "Lick your fingers" from halves

Thanks to its excellent taste, the salad has won the right to enter the golden collection of winter tomato preparations.

You will need:

  • Halves of tomatoes.
  • Garlic. Onion.
  • Table vinegar.
  • Dill, bay leaf.

For a delicious marinade:

  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 8 tablespoons.

How to preserve salad halves:

  1. Send in each jar a clove of garlic, 3 onion rings, a sprig of dill, a bay leaf, pour a tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. Boil the marinade from water with spices. When salt and sugar dissolve, pour into blanks.
  3. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes.

How to preserve tomato halves with basil

A small sprig of basil gives a special flavor note. I have been putting spice in any preparations for the winter from tomatoes for a long time. Sometimes there is only basil in the jar, and nothing else. I recommend.

For a liter jar:

  • Halves of tomatoes.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Peas of pepper, allspice and black - 6 pcs.
  • Basil, parsley - 3 branches each.
  • Bulb.
  • Sugar is a large spoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - a spoon.
  • Salt - a small spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - a large spoon.

Filling for one and a half liters of boiling water:

  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.

We prepare:

  1. Put half of the seasonings in jars, fill the jar with tomato slices halfway.
  2. Next, make a layer of onion rings, the other half of the seasonings. Then again tomatoes to the top.
  3. Pour salt with granulated sugar, pour vinegar with oil.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. It remains to sterilize the workpiece for 10 minutes, cool, transfer to a storage location.

Halves of tomatoes - a recipe with mustard without sterilization

Mustard seeds act as an additional preservative, at the same time giving some sourness and sharpness to the tomatoes.

For the marinade:

  • Boiling water - liter.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 3 large spoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.

In each liter jar:

  • Mustard seeds - 2 small spoons.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Allspice - a couple of peas.
  • Parsley sprigs.

How to marinate:

  1. Divide the tomatoes into pieces. Try to cut along the partitions so that the grains are not visible.
  2. Put the spices suggested in the recipe on the bottom. Arrange tomato slices on top.
  3. Make a dressing of boiling water and spices. Pour into containers.
  4. After 10 minutes, when the contents warm up, drain back into the pan. Boil again, return to jars. Twist.
  5. Cool upside down and store for winter storage.

A video recipe with a step-by-step story about canning tomatoes in halves for the winter. Good luck with your preparations!

Very tasty are tomatoes, canned slices. We somehow got used to the fact that usually - this is done in most recipes, the only exceptions are. But in such a chopped form, tomatoes will be simply magnificent: they are better pickled with brine and turn out to be very fragrant.

For many, another advantage of this recipe is that tomatoes are closed in slices for the winter without oil, you only need spices, onions, herbs and vinegar. And do not worry, such tomatoes do not fall apart in jars for the winter, the halves remain halves, do not turn into gruel.

In general, the recipe is very simple: we prepare the tomatoes, put them in jars with spices, pour brine and sterilize the allotted time. All actions are simple, labor-intensive, and as a result you will have an excellent tomato preparation - tasty and unusual. I will be happy to tell you how to close the tomatoes with slices for the winter in my detailed recipe with a photo.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar (or 2 half-liter):

  • 600-650 g tomato;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 onion rings;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley;
  • hot pepper ring (1.5 - 2 cm);
  • a small umbrella of dill;
  • 6-8 black peppercorns;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar.

How to close tomatoes with slices for the winter:

For canning, we select ripe, but dense tomatoes with intact skin, not crushed. For this type of preservation, we select medium-sized tomatoes such as cream, or medium-sized fleshy tomatoes. Very large tomatoes are not suitable for this type of canning: they will have to be cut into a large number of pieces and during sterilization they will lose their shape and blur.

Cut the tomatoes lengthwise into pieces: small tomatoes - in half, large ones - into 4 parts.

We wash the bitter pepper, dill, parsley and lay them out to dry on a napkin.

We clean the garlic from the skin and wash it. Remove the skin from the onion and wash.

We cut the onion into thin rings - about 0.5 cm each. Cut the hot pepper into thin, 2-3 mm rings. At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars we put dill umbrellas, garlic, hot pepper rings, peppercorns, parsley sprigs and onion rings.

Then carefully lay out the tomatoes, trying not to crush them. We spread the tomatoes cut down and try to lay them as tightly as possible so that there is less free space.

For 1 liter jar, tightly packed with tomatoes - cream, usually 400 - 420 ml of marinade goes. If the tomatoes are larger, they will fit a little less in a jar, respectively, more marinade will be required.

For the marinade, pour the required amount of water into the pan (based on the number of prepared cans of tomatoes), pour sugar and salt. Bring the water to a boil and, stirring, cook until the crystals are completely dissolved (1-2 minutes). Pour vinegar and immediately turn off the fire.

Pour jars of tomatoes with boiling marinade and cover with boiled lids.

We line the bottom of a wide pan with a napkin (so that the jars do not burst during contact with the hot bottom during sterilization) or install a special stand. We put jars with tomatoes and fill them with warm water, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the neck of the jars. We put the pan with jars on the fire and bring the water in it to a boil over high heat. Then we reduce the fire to medium and sterilize the jars with tomatoes for 20 minutes (half-liter jars - 15 minutes).

Homemade canned tomatoes are good for everyone, but here's the problem. A standard glass jar has a specific neck diameter, approximately 80 mm. Delicious autumn tomatoes of large-fruited varieties cannot be placed in such jars without destruction. To overcome this problem, a recipe for homemade pickling of tomatoes in halves has long been used. A cut tomato compresses very easily without losing its appearance. Tomatoes of this salting have a more salad taste. There is no need to wait 2-3 months, when the brine, all its flavors and components penetrate through the whole and intact skin. Tomato halves for the winter are salted in a week. You can safely experiment with the amount of sugar and vinegar in the marinade filling, choosing the most suitable combination for your taste.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter

Ingredients per 2 liter jar:

  • large tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt for salting - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion turnip - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic, cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • sweet pea pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.

How to cook tomatoes in halves "Lick your fingers" for the winter

We pick ripe large tomatoes and wash them thoroughly. Onions and garlic should be washed and peeled.

Let's prepare the rest of the ingredients. Vinegar on sale is often of high concentration, 70%, it is diluted with cold boiled water 1:11. It turns out table vinegar, normal in severity, with a strength of 9%. It is ideal for use in home canning.

We cut out the point of attachment of the stalk of the tomatoes and cut the fruit in half. If a larger fruit fell into your hands, feel free to cut it into 3-4 parts. There is nothing wrong with this retreat.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and cut the garlic cloves into 4 parts.

We sterilize a glass jar with boiling water, drain it and start laying out layers of onions and tomatoes. Garlic, seasonings and pieces of bay leaf are added gradually, after laying each layer. Lightly shake the jar for better compaction of the fruit.

We finish laying the last layer of tomatoes with onions, garlic and spices.

To give a special charm to this conservation, you can add a teaspoon of homemade or other adjika, the tomatoes will turn out just lick your fingers.

Boil 0.5 liters of water in a separate clean saucepan, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the tomatoes halves. In this way, guessing the amount of marinade is almost impossible. Top up the jar with clean boiling water.

Immediately close the jar with a sterilized lid. Tomato halves are ready for the winter. Turn the jar over and let it cool. We remove the tomatoes in halves for the winter without sterilization in a cool dark place.

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Recipe number 2. Tomato halves with garlic and adjika for the winter

Salting or pickling halves of tomatoes is gaining popularity. With this technology, tomatoes (when they ripen in the marinade) acquire a completely different, more salad flavor than whole salted ones. It turns out the accelerated penetration of all components of the marinade into the halves of the fruits of tomatoes. Onions or garlic also get tomato impregnation. Alternatively, you can prepare such a salad by taking more garlic instead of onions and adding a little homemade green adjika, which we cooked in, to each jar. This vegetable preparation for the winter will be in demand and appreciated by lovers of spicy vegetable snacks.

Ingredients for 0.6 l:

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • garlic, cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • adjika green at home - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • salt - 1.0 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf to taste.

Let's start cooking tomatoes halves with garlic for the winter

Let's make homemade tomatoes. These are the remains of this summer's harvest. Tomatoes need to be washed well, sorted out and the stalks removed.

Homemade adjika was kept in a glass jar. Her balance in the jar is about 1 tablespoon. Adjika does not know what mold is due to its composition. Therefore, scraping it out of the jar and sterilizing the dishes does not make sense. We will pickle halves of tomatoes for the winter right in the remnants of adjika. The head of garlic should be divided into cloves and peeled.

We cut the washed tomatoes into halves and remove the base of the stem from each half. Cut the garlic cloves in half lengthwise.

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We put half the tomatoes and pieces of garlic in a glass jar with the remnants of green adjika. In the middle of the jar, you can put a bay leaf. We are trying to compact the contents of the jar a little. You don't need to use force, you can crush all the tomatoes. Add sugar and salt on top. We put a little salt, because homemade adjika is a rather salty seasoning.

Pour 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar directly onto the sugar and salt.

Directly from the kettle with boiling water, we fill our jar with tomato halves and garlic, marinated for the winter, with boiling water. Pour boiling water carefully, as a bubble with air and drops of boiling water can escape from the jar. Let's wait a bit, move the jar and release the remaining air from the tomatoes. Place another bay leaf on top.

We close the jar with a sterile lid and turn it over. Let the dissolved adjika not scare you with its color. She has strength in the sharpness and aroma of a dozen spices and Caucasian herbs. The jar must be cold. Tomato halves with garlic are ready for the winter. We remove the workpiece in a dark place.

Harvesting vegetables in the winter, I want to cook as many snacks as possible that could significantly diversify the winter menu. After all, the usual pickled cucumbers and tomatoes over the winter can get pretty fed up. There are plenty of options for preparing vegetable snacks for the winter. In this article, we will get acquainted with how to prepare sliced ​​​​tomatoes for the winter.

Recipe No. 1 Classic


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Onion - turnip - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar -2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - a tablespoon;
  • Vinegar 9% - a tablespoon;
  • Lavrushka and pepper (peas);
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to cook

Cut the washed vegetables into pieces, if the fruits are medium-sized, then you can simply divide them in half. You need to take elastic fruits, overripe specimens may fall apart during the sterilization process. The onion is cut into half rings.

At the bottom of the sterilized jars, you need to lay out the parsley and pepper, then the layers of tomatoes and onions.

For the marinade, boil water, add sugar, vinegar, salt. Filled with hot marinade blank, place in a basin of water for sterilization. Sterilization after boiling lasts 10-15 minutes. Next, roll up the snack, put the lids down in a warm place under the covers. After complete cooling, sliced ​​​​tomatoes with onions can be removed for long-term storage.

Recipe number 2 Tomato slices with bell pepper

Tomatoes go well with bell peppers. Prepare chopped tomatoes with peppers and onions.



Spices are placed in sterile jars, on top of bell pepper, cut into rings. Next, stacked tomatoes, which are layered with onions.

A hot marinade of sugar, salt and water is poured into jars. Before pouring the marinade, pour vinegar directly into the jar. Sterilize a quarter of an hour, roll up. Delicious sliced ​​tomatoes are ready for the winter.

Recipe number 3 With honey and wine

A winter appetizer in this variation will appeal to those who prefer something more refined.


  • Medium tomatoes - 2-3 kg;
  • Honey - 150 grams;
  • Dry wine (red) - a bottle;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook.

Washed and cut fruits are stacked in a jar. Do not forget that we take a sterilized jar. Now we prepare the brine: water, wine, honey and salt are brought to a boil. The brine brought to a boil is poured over the tomatoes and rolled up with a lid. Sterilization of tomatoes according to this recipe is not expected.

Recipe number 4 Without sterilization

Tomato slices for the winter, prepared in this way, do not roll up. They are stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator under plastic covers.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Celery - stalk with leaves;
  • A tablespoon - salt, sugar;
  • Peppercorns, garlic;
  • Vinegar 6% - Art. spoon.


Celery is placed on the bottom, on top of the tomatoes, cut into slices, to the very top. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure, only now it will be enough for the jars to stand for 5 minutes.

Now sugar with salt, vinegar and pepper is added directly to the jar. Everything is poured with boiling water, the container is tightly closed and left at room temperature until completely cooled. The cooled snack is determined in a cold place (cellar or refrigerator).

Recipe number 5 With delicious brine

Such tomatoes in slices are tasty not only on their own, but the brine is drunk completely.


  • Tomatoes and greens are taken depending on how many cans you close.

For marinade per liter of water:

  • Salt - 40 grams;
  • Sugar - 150 grams;
  • Acetic essence - 30 grams.


Sliced ​​vegetables are sprinkled abundantly with chopped herbs in layers. Now let's prepare the marinade. To do this, add sugar, essence and salt to the water and boil the solution. Vegetables need to be poured with a slightly cooled marinade. Now the appetizer needs to be sterilized a little, 8-10 minutes will be enough.

Tomato slices for the winter will also be good for those who have a plentiful crop of tomatoes and substandard fruits have accumulated. Choose your favorite recipe and cook with pleasure. Tomatoes closed with slices will do. Not only for a family dinner, but also suitable for a festive feast.

one of the most delicious and popular recipes for harvesting for the winter tomato. Tomatoes are very tasty, fragrant, shiny and sweet. A real find for those who do not like sour and salty tomatoes. Prepare for the winter, you will not regret it, your family will be delighted.

Ingredients for making pickled tomatoes with sweet slices:

-tomatoes hard, not very large;

Water -2 liters;

Salt -1 tablespoon with a slide;

Sugar -200 grams (1 cup);

Vegetable oil -1 tablespoon per 1 jar;

Acetic acid 70% -2 tablespoons;

Cloves, cinnamon -5-8 pcs.

Preparing the recipe - pickled tomatoes in sweet slices:

1. Tomatoes wash, cut large into 4 parts, small in half.

2. Sterilize 0.7-1 liter jars in an oven heated to 120 degrees or over steam for 7-10 minutes.

3. Lay the slices neatly and beautifully tomato and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to each jar.

4. Cooking the marinade. Pour water into an enameled or stainless steel saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, cloves, cinnamon (to taste) and boil over low heat for 3 minutes, then turn off the fire, add vinegar, cover the pot with marinade with a lid , cool slightly for 10-15 minutes.

5. Carefully fill the jar with the marinade to the top (over the edge) and cover with the lids for spinning, previously boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes.

6. Gently put the jars in a wide pan with water heated to 70 degrees at the bottom, which put a special stand or towel and pasteurize for 7-10 minutes.

7. Then carefully remove the jars and tighten the lids. We turn the jars upside down, check for leaks and wrap them for 2 days until they cool completely.

8. Sweet marinated tomatoes ready!

Bon appetit!

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