The impact of the Internet on human arguments. Literary arguments


Love to motherland

1) Warm love for the Motherland, We feel pride in her beauty in the works of the classics.
The theme of a heroic deed in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland is also heard in M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.

2) The theme of the Motherland is raised in the works of S. Yesenin. Whatever Yesenin writes about: about experiences, about historical turning points, about the fate of Russia in the "severe terrible years", - every Yesenin's image and line is warmed by a feeling of boundless love for the motherland: But most of all. Love for the native land

3) Famous writer told the story of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who, after the defeat of the uprising, was able to hide from the police bloodhounds and, after painful wanderings, finally got to the border. Another minute - and he will gain freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, far from his homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was shackled and sent to hard labor.

4) Outstanding Russian the singer Fyodor Chaliapin, who was forced to leave Russia, always carried some kind of box with him. Nobody knew what was in it. Only many years later, relatives learned that Chaliapin kept a handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that they say: the native land is sweet in a handful. Obviously, the great singer, who passionately loved his homeland, needed to feel the closeness and warmth of his native land.

5) The Nazis, having occupied France was offered to General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during the civil war, to cooperate with them in the fight against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because the homeland was dearer to him than political differences.

6) African slaves exported to America yearned for their native land. In desperation, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, dropping the body, would be able, like a bird, to fly home.

7) The scariest punishment in ancient times was considered the expulsion of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside your home - a foreign land: a foreign land, a foreign sky, a foreign language ... There you are all alone, there you are nobody, a creature without rights and without a name. That is why leaving the homeland meant for a person to lose everything.

8) Outstanding Russian hockey player V. Tretiak was offered to move to Canada. They promised to buy him a house and pay him a big salary. Tretyak pointed to heaven and earth and asked: “Will you buy this for me too?” The answer of the famous athlete confused everyone, and no one else returned to this proposal.

9) When in the middle In the 19th century, an English squadron besieged Istanbul, the capital of Turkey, and the entire population stood up to defend their city. The townspeople destroyed their own houses if they interfered with the Turkish guns to conduct aimed fire at enemy ships.

10) One day the wind decided to cut down the mighty oak that grew on the hill. But the oak only bent under the blows of the wind. Then the wind asked the majestic oak: "Why can't I defeat you?"

11) Oak answered that it is not the trunk that holds it. Its strength lies in the fact that it has grown into the earth, holding on to it with its roots. This ingenuous story expresses the idea that love for the motherland, a deep connection with national history, with the cultural experience of the ancestors makes the people invincible.

12) When over England the threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain loomed, then the entire population, hitherto torn by hostility, rallied the axis around its queen. Merchants and nobles equipped the army with their own money, people of simple rank signed up for the militia. Even the pirates remembered their homeland and brought their ships to save it from the enemy. And the "invincible armada" of the Spaniards was defeated.

13) Turks in time their military campaigns captured captured boys and youths. Children were forcibly converted to Islam, turned into warriors, who were called Janissaries. The Turks hoped that deprived of spiritual roots, having forgotten their homeland, brought up in fear and humility, the new warriors would become a reliable stronghold of the state.


1 Arguments "from the Internet" in the composition of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: benefit or harm? Part one, instructive Today I entered “argument, memory problem, USE, Russian language” into the Yandex search bar and saw hundreds of pages offering arguments for every taste, color, problem and essay. Wow! Cool! And you don’t have to think I wrote it off, enjoy life and a score from Marya Ivanna! But! Let's see if you need it and what is fraught with? Because it is fraught with no options. So, you need to write an essay in the format of task 25. For the sake of justice, it must be said that the problems in the texts are repeated, and ready-made arguments are designed for this: the problem of memory, the problem of moral choice, the problem of attitude to nature, and so on.

2 And yet, do not focus on ready-made. And that's why. First, different texts may cover different aspects of the problem. So, the problem of love can have so many aspects that it will be problematic both in time and in meaning to find the right argument. For example, in the poem "I loved you" love is a noble feeling, high, and in "Oh, how deadly we love!" F.I. Tyutchev's love is a wonderful and terrible feeling at the same time. Are you sure you won't make a mistake? For example, I will give a real essay by one of my students who does not like to bother himself, you will immediately see what his mistake is. V. Belov's text about memory as a link between the past and the future (see the previous article) The student identified the problem correctly. Wrote a bad comment. Then I found arguments, on the Internet, of course: I agree with the author that memory is very important for a person. It maintains a connection between the past and the future. A. Tvardovsky wrote: the suffering has passed, people. The war is over, But the pain is calling for Let's, people, never Forget about it. The works of many poets are devoted to the national feat in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the experience does not die. A.T. Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen was not shed in vain: the survivors must keep the peace in order to

3 descendants lived happily on earth: I bequeath you to be happy in that life And to your dear homeland With honor to continue to serve. Thanks to them, the heroes of the war, we live in peace. The Eternal Flame burns, reminding us of the lives given for the motherland. What happened? Yes, just a text about one memory, personal, human, and arguments about historical memory, and even with quotes, which are a problem to learn by heart. The second mistake, the comrade did not understand that the argument is essentially one! That's the whole tale: 0 points for the second block of criteria. Even if he had simply written one sentence about the fact that memory can be historical, and it is equally important to remember not only about the ancestors, but also about those who saved our future, the essay would not look so clumsy. Second: Are you sure you can remember ALL arguments? You won’t be able to pass the spur for sure, but what are you thinking of doing during the exam? Is it worth spending precious time learning by heart a huge number of arguments? Maybe it's easier to learn how to write them yourself (see the articles on the site)? I assure you, this is easier than putting unprocessed information into your already filled brain. Do you need it? Part two, theoretical Let's see in which works you can draw a large number of arguments for your essay. Of course, in the classics. Why? Yes, because the classics differ from any other book in that there is not one, but

4 dozens of problems, and for each there is some kind of solution. For example, these are Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", Tolstoy's "War and Peace", Chekhov's stories and "The Cherry Orchard", Pushkin's lyrics and "Eugene Onegin", "Fathers and Sons", "Oblomov", "Quiet Don", poetry Alexander Blok and so on. Let's take War and Peace as an example. Problems: The problem of war as "the most terrible thing in the world." The problem of the liberation war. Thesis: the war of liberation is a just cause, it unites all the people in the struggle for the Fatherland. The problem of heroism. Thesis: a hero is one who does not think about a feat as a way to receive benefits. The hero performs a “common feat”, he is driven by other goals: nobility, decency, patriotism. The problem of patriotism Thesis: patriotism is not in calls to fight for the liberation of the Fatherland and not in false love for everything Russian, but in real deeds, the rallying of the people. The problem of human spiritual quest. Thesis: a person can fall to the very bottom in life, can rise up, but just do not stop, he must develop. Family problem. Thesis: the family is not just people living nearby, the family is united by a sense of love, responsibility and raising children. The problem of moral choice. Thesis: a person makes a moral choice at moments when he is under great stress, when history demands a decision from him. moral choice speaks about the inner content of a person. The problem of the role of personality in history. Thesis: the individual does not play any role in history, and "the king is the slave of history." The problem of the people. Thesis: the people are the main driving force of historical events.

5 The problem of egoism and individualism. Thesis: egoism and individualism are the most disgusting qualities of a person, they prevent a person from realistically assessing everything that happens around him, leading to delusions and spiritual death. And this is only part of what can be found in the novel! Part three: what to do? Take the above works and find problems there. For each, formulate a thesis, as I showed you above. Think about the material or image on which the writer reveals this problem. Write down the argument. If you write it yourself, the hand and the brain will automatically remember! Example: the problem of love. What should love be? Let's take Vladimir Mayakovsky's wonderful Cloud in Pants. Thesis: love should be not only bright, sincere, but also

6 lifting a person above the earth, not bound by any social fetters. Illustration: In the poem "A Cloud in Pants" by V. Mayakovsky, the lyrical hero, after parting with his beloved, realizes that her and his love, so beautiful, bright, huge, were stolen. Stole a society that dictates its own laws of life and love, conventions. The hero does not accept vulgarity, the news of the future marriage of the heroine causes anger, pain, and rage in him. What a hero is like his love: he experiences a “fire of the heart” and does not want to be different. And if society is like that, then "Down with your love!" That's how you work. I would like to write: “The Internet will help you,” but in this case, the opposite is true. Success! The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation Typical mistakes in task 25: do not step on the same rake!

7 Well, May 30 is getting closer and closer, just over two months left minus holidays and holidays, and I sincerely hope that you are all almost ready for the exam. And yet it is useful to repeat once again how to complete task 25, and show with concrete examples how to and how not to write an essay-reasoning. Essay blocks Your essay should consist of 4 blocks: in the first block, a commentary on the text, problems raised by the author, and the author's position. The second block is an expression of one's own position (agree, disagree) and the first argument proving your opinion. The third block is the second argument. One of the arguments should be from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature, the other may be based on reasoning or on life experience. The fourth block is the conclusion. Text

8 (1) I listen to brilliant sounds, penetrating and eternal. (2) They make you think that there is no difference between the living and the dead. (3) The soul is immortal because it is alone and unlike anyone else. (4) "Autumn Song" is not like anyone else. (5) Isn't she, not the soul of Tchaikovsky, hovering in my hut? (6) When I am alone, I do not feel the difference between my dead and living friends in different places. (7) For me they are equally alive, like the soul of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (8) His “Autumn Song” sounds, and I hear the smell of mushrooms from a creaky heavy basket, shudder from forest moisture and dying birch and aspen leaves, I smell everything that is happening outside the gate (9) But suddenly in this music I hear a Valdai bell his great-grandfather (10) Both the invigorating rhythmic running along the slippery road, and the laughter of the merry Maslenitsa crowd, and the sledding, which mother so often talks about, everything seemed to be reincarnated, fit into these immortal sounds. (11) And it becomes clear that nothing passes without a trace, nothing is lost and is in vain. (12) My throat softens and then my bitter heaviness disappears, I again hear the morning ringing of the snows frozen overnight, they blind me with the reflection of the golden early rays. (13) But now the first black starling is already sitting on the thawed patch, and the first snowdrop has hatched in surprise from under the snow into the white light. (14) Listening to music, I feel the infantile helplessness of this tiny green creature. (15) But what is the power of an uncontrollable, indomitable and eternal life! (16) Everywhere snow-white blinding cold, and our urchin ripened everywhere. (17) All around are white layers of snow, petrified by frost, and here on a small thawed patch the ice shell melts and recedes. (18) And he is a snowdrop baby, not having time to hatch out of the ground, has already hurried to bloom (19) "Life is stronger than death." (20) A banal phrase asks for paper. (21) I give in, I put it on paper, although I know that the comparison of the concepts of life and death is illegal. (According to V. Belov) This is a well-known text by the writer Vasily Belov about memory from past versions of the Unified State Examination. The text is good, understandable, with a clear

9 expressed by the author's position. First block: comment For the first block you can get 5 points: 1 for the problem, 3 for the comment if you give two arguments illustrating the position of the author and 1 point for the author's position. Several comments taken from real student works, the style of the authors and spelling are preserved: 1. “The author in the text asks the question: does humanity need memory? Reflecting on this issue, V. Belov gives several arguments. First, he writes about Pyotr Tchaikovsky, whose memory will live on as long as his poems are read. Further, Belov claims that nothing passes without a trace. Indeed, every event has a reflection in the future, even the smallest decisions can change life. Thus, the author leads the reader to the idea that without the past there will be no future, chaos will begin on the planet. This comment cannot be considered successful. Firstly, the problem of the text is not precisely formulated, it is too general. You can just

10 answer: yes, memory is needed, and do not go into further reasoning. Secondly, the author's position is inaccurate, even incorrectly defined: V. Belov does not talk about the chaos that will begin on the planet (!) if humanity loses its memory. Thirdly, there are still two arguments (about P.I. Tchaikovsky and “nothing goes unnoticed”), but they have not been properly commented: it was necessary to show what memories and thoughts the author evokes from the sounds of music, what he thinks, when listening to Tchaikovsky. The second argument is generally somewhat general, the author has such an idea, but in what context, that at the same time V. Belov still claims what he is thinking about is not shown. Besides, Tchaikovsky did not write poetry! This is a factual error, for which the author of the essay will be punished with points. The idea of ​​"reflection in the future" is generally suspended in the void, in no way connected with the text. The maximum score for the first block is 2 points. 2. “Does a person need a memory of the past? Can a person live without it? V. Belov suggests thinking about this. Under the penetrating and eternal sounds of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the author reflects on the immortality of the soul, that there is no difference between the dead and the living. The plays of the Russian composer awaken dear memories of relatives and friends. Musical pictures convince the writer that the past never disappears, it only reincarnates into immortal sounds that help to realize the power of "nothing subject to, indomitable and eternal life." Thus, V. Belov comes to the conclusion that the memory of the past is vital for a person, as it helps to comprehend the present, to clearly understand that "nothing passes without a trace, nothing is lost and nothing is in vain." According to the writer, it is the memory that “softens the bitter heaviness” of the soul and helps to live on. This comment is worth 5 points. There are two arguments from the text, they are commented, the problem is precisely formulated, the only thing that can be advised to the author

11 of the essay, the main idea of ​​the text must be conveyed in your own words and less verbose: the second sentence should either be raised higher, or “fit” into the idea. 3. “The author of the text asks the question: what does memory mean for a person? In his text, he reflects on the importance of music in our lives, says that it helps us to keep people and memories of them in our memory. At the end, he writes: “Life is stronger than death,” and thus brings us to the idea, no matter how lonely we are in fact, memory gives us the opportunity to forget about it and feel all the charm of the past. In addition, memory is one of the most important sources of human knowledge and experience passed down from generation to generation.” The author of the essay gave only one argument, without connecting it with the idea of ​​the text, for some reason an “extra” thought appeared in the idea, score: 3 points. Second block. Argumentation In earlier articles, I wrote about how important this block is. It is the main "indicator" of your ability to prove your position and the level of proficiency in the logic of thought, in general, in the Russian language.

12 So, examples from the writings of the same authors. 1. “Of course, the author of the text is right. Indeed, memory is eternal. The problem of time (?!) was raised in their work by many writers, poets, artists, one of them was A.P. Chekhov. In his work "The Cherry Orchard" the author describes the history of people lost in time. Heroes live in memories of the past, so Ranevskaya thinks only about her cherry orchard, which she will later lose. Anton Pavlovich remarkably revealed the problem of time. In everyday life, the memory of the history of ancestors is constantly encountered. Walking the streets, we see monuments to various figures of culture, politics, and so on. Why is it necessary? For the memory of the past of their people, their ancestors. Thus, the memory of our past is an integral part of our life, because without the past everything will end, because it teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. Here's an interesting argument. What did the author prove? Absolutely nothing. In the first argument, I changed the problem: not about the time of the text, but about the importance of memory. The student gives an example from The Cherry Orchard, there is also a memory problem, but if he mentioned the image-symbol of the cherry orchard, which also personifies the memory of the past, and showed that people who have lost their memory are doomed to an unhappy life, according to A.P. Chekhov, the argument would prove the position of the author. The second argument doesn't work either. What is he talking about? Yes, nothing. Well, there are monuments, and okay. The idea had to be developed: to show that monuments are erected so that a person does not forget, does not erase from memory important facts or people for everyone. It would be nice to finish with the conclusion that memory helps to understand the past, so that the present and future are better, and life continues in this way. The conclusion is generally correct: there is a conclusion, but it is "suspended" in

13 in the air due to the fact that there is no argumentation as such. There are violations of the logic of presentation: in the first argument, the conclusion does not follow from the previous sentence, and there are speech errors: "Ranevskaya thinks about the past." The maximum score is 3 points for everything. 2. “I agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, it is impossible to live without the memory of the past. This concept is eternal and necessary for each of us today, we often hear that we need to live in the present, not to look back at the path traveled. I think this is a misunderstanding, because memory is the basis of human life. It is memory that helps maintain ties between people, preserve the integrity of the world, and form culture. The lessons of the past help to avoid mistakes in the future. Memory is the thread that binds people. Therefore, each of us needs to take care of preserving the memory that makes our life all-powerful and eternal. Recall the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Student", in which a student of the seminary Ivan Velikopolsky tells on Good Friday to two widows the story of what happened 19 centuries ago on this day: the story of Christ, the betrayal of Judas and Peter's denial of his Teacher. The seminarian sees an unusual reaction of women: they cry, as if living through those distant events. This meeting helped the heroes feel the connection of times, realize that the past is inextricably linked with the present and the future, change their attitude to the world around them, rise above darkness and poverty, so grateful memory gives a person joy, strength and enlightenment. I would like to believe that each of us realizes how important historical and human memory is. The history of the ancestors, the native country, does not pass without a trace. We must remember this so that the connection of times does not fall apart. In all respects, a good argument and conclusion. Two

14 different arguments (“Memory is the thread that binds” and “thanks to memory, a person rises above darkness”), both supported, in one case by the reasoning of a student, in the other by an illustration of Chekhov’s story “Student”. Short and precise conclusion-conclusion. Pay attention, in each of the arguments the thesis is formulated, which is proved. Score for the block 7 points. 3. In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Student" the link between the past and the present is the student's story. The women who heard this story burst into tears, because the said sad events lie in their memory, and these events are important for them. Thus, each person should be grateful for the events of the past, because in our life nothing happens in vain. In real life, in addition to music, pictures and books are the source of memories. Old things keep the memory of our grandparents, which plays a huge role in our upbringing. Thus, memory for a person is a source of morality and morality, a source of countless examples to follow and a repository of the entire history of mankind. This essay has a number of advantages and as many disadvantages. The position of the author of the essay is not expressed at the very beginning, so we can talk about a logical error. The first argument begins correctly, but the conclusion does not fully correspond to the previous statements of the author. Why are events important? The author did not answer this question. There is also a second argument, the conclusion is also a successful conclusion from everything that has been said, more precisely, it should be such, but the conclusion does not follow from the arguments and can be regarded as a logical error. The second argument is not expanded, unproven. So, 1 point for K4, 0 points for K5, 1 point for K6 (there is a speech error “they are in their memory”). Outcome: 2 points. Of course, you will have a question: how to work with it? Just

15 Read the essays several times and try to find the shortcomings yourself and understand HOW you don’t need to write. Read, think, do it yourself. Success! The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation Cliche for writing an essay on the Unified State Examination in Russian (task 25) as a basis for creativity

16 express your thoughts, express a reasoned opinion. The assignment also prescribes the necessary components of this essay. It is better to start preparing for task 25 by writing an essay according to the simplest plan, essentially imposed by the wording of the task. And when it will already work out well, you can try other, more sophisticated options for the composition. So, what should a graduate put in his work? 1. State the problem. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the problem raised in the text and the problem of the hero of the text are not at all the same thing. For example, if the hero has a problem with the lack of money to travel by tram, it is not at all a fact that the text is devoted to the problem of inaccessibility for the population to travel by public transport. If you find it difficult to identify the problem, try this: Define the topic of the text (what is it about? .. This is NOT a problem) Define the main idea (what does the author want to convince us of? This is also NOT a problem) What question is the author answering? What does he see as “violation of world harmony”? And this is the PROBLEM, the topic is the main idea. For example, the topic is the beating of a Tajik student by skinheads. The main idea: hatred of people of other nationalities is savagery. Problem: why did nationalist ideas take root in the country that defeated fascism? Can an ordinary citizen do something in this situation? That is the problem of nationalism in Russia and the problem of personal responsibility of every citizen. Choose the one that you like best (or to which it will be easier for you to pick up arguments). 2. Comment on the problem. It may be relevant

17 eternal, serious, dangerous, etc. In the text, it is shown in such and such a way. 3. Highlight the author's position. It is the author's, it is not necessary to replace it with your own or the opinion of one of the heroes of the text. 4. Report whether you agree with the author or agree in part. It is hardly possible to disagree, usually the opinions of the authors of texts on the exam are almost indisputable. 5. Give an argument from a literary work (better than the one you actually read). 6. Give an argument from life (or from another literary work). 7. Make a conclusion. Here is an example of the simplest cliché for writing a response. Expanded plan example

18 1. The question, which includes the formulation of the problem It is this problem that the author raises in this text. 2. Without a doubt, we can say that this problem is still relevant today. The author reveals it on example 3. The author's position on this issue, it seems to me, is that 4. It is impossible not to agree with the author of the text. I think that, indeed, 5. In my reasoning, I would like to refer to, namely, the episode, which tells how 6. I also base my position on this issue on personal experience. There was such an episode in my life. Once (My opinion is based not only on literature, but also on the story of my friend, with whom such a story once happened.) 8. Thus, it seems to me, we can say that So who is the "king" of man or nature? Should we expect favors from nature or take them by force? It is this problem that the author raises in this text. Without a doubt, we can say that this problem is still relevant today. The author reveals it on the example of the relationship between a person and a tree plant. This plant replaced the hero of the story of people who did not care about him. The author's position on this issue, it seems to me, is that a person has no right to interfere in the life of nature: it was before us and will be after. Outrageous self-confidence to believe that we will arrange everything in the world better than it is already arranged. Nature is called upon to give man everything he needs: food, clothing, fuel, spiritual comfort, beauty. It is impossible not to agree with the author. Indeed, I believe that nature gives us so much that it is madness to demand anything more from it. We, people, often in our blindness think that we would arrange everything in the world better, we want to change everything: to make rivers flow backward or we strive to “remake” the human body. But these attempts do not lead to anything good. In my reasoning, I would like to refer to the story of M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog". His hero, Professor Preobrazhensky, strives to improve human nature, to conquer death. As a result of the experiments, an "improved person" - a marginal Sharikov - appears. So as a result, the work of the professor was not only useless, but also dangerous. I base my position on personal experience. There was an episode in my life that convinced me that nature is not the point of application of our ambitions, but our cradle .. Thus, it seems to me that we can conclude that we must treat nature carefully, with respect and care. This is what the author wants to tell us with his story.

19 The wording given in the table, of course, is not the only possible one. For each item at the initial stage of preparation for the exam, it is advisable to choose several options for clichés. 1. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM In extreme cases, you can use such clichés (in extreme cases, because it is better to formulate the problem in the form of a question or reasoning). In the text that I read, the author raises a problem Among the problems raised by the author in this text, it seems to me that the most important (interesting, topical, relevant, burning, significant) In the proposed text, the author raises a number of problems, but it seems to me that the most important (interesting) of these it is difficult to overestimate the importance of all the problems that the author raises in this text, but it seems to me that the most significant (sharp, curious) is 2. COMMENT

20 Firstly, this is a description of the problem, and secondly, an explanation of how it is covered in the text. The first part of the commentary There is no doubt that It is difficult to argue with the fact that It hardly needs to be proved that Of course, this problem is relevant is important is ambiguous is of great importance makes everyone think is of great importance No one will stand in front of each of us to argue with something that worries many Or maybe "too little attention is paid to this problem"? Then the second part of the comment. The author shows it (the problem) with an example In the text it is shown with an example The author speaks about this with bitterness, depicting We immediately understand this when we read in the text about how 3. AUTHOR'S POSITION The author expresses his opinion on this issue quite clearly Quite obviously that the author's position on this issue lies in the fact that the author's voice sounds bitter and angry when he says that the author, of course, does not hide his negative attitude towards question is quite clear: Of course, instead of "author" everywhere you can write the name of the author of the text.

21 4. MY OPINION I agree with the author that How can one disagree with the author that I am sure that the author is absolutely right in stating that I myself have thought a lot on this subject and have come to (almost) the same opinion, that the author of the text Life often makes us think about it. It seems to me that anyone would come to the same conclusion as the author It is difficult to argue with the author on this issue I largely agree with the author, although I would agree with the author on this issue, but with one caveat I think the author is right in many ways, except that I partially agree with the author On the one hand, it is difficult to disagree with the author in regards to But what I would argue with is that 5.6. OPTIONS FOR INPUTING ARGUMENTS An episode from a work can be used as an argument I would like to refer to a work To illustrate my opinion, I would like to give an example of an episode My opinion is based on an episode from a work In my reasoning I am based on As an argument I would like to turn k In my life, too, there was an episode that can illustrate my opinion. My life experience also convinces me that I also remember a story told to me by a friend. She, I think, proves my point. The material was prepared by Safonova Elena Valerievna, teacher of the highest qualification category, GKOU SKOSHI 31, Moscow

22 An example of an essay based on the text of T. Zharova [USE in the Russian language] The problem of preserving the language Journalist Taisiya Zharova in the proposed text * reflects on the fate of the Russian language. The main task of the passage is to draw attention to the changes that are taking place with the Russian language. How do they affect vocabulary? Is language the history of a people? Do borrowed and slang words decorate our speech? These questions are formulated in the sentences The reflection of the culture of the people in the language is an interesting and important problem. This is without a doubt. T. Zharova reasonably reveals the topic on the examples of understanding words in speech (sentences 5-8). But

23, the text also raises the problem of using jargon and words that come from the criminal vocabulary in speech (sentence 13). The author does not give a direct answer to the question of how these words appeared in the speech of society. It is clear and so: from the criminal environment. How did such a lexicon become familiar to most young people and not only? The answer is simple: from detective series, which are shown with enviable constancy by many TV channels. A journalist with great concern and even pain asks the question: why is untranslatable folklore becoming an integral part of our speech? (Proposition 16). The position of the author is formulated in the conclusion of the text. According to Zharova, every member of society must fight for the purity of the language. Everyone should remember that our language is a mirror of the soul, it is still "great and mighty." The journalist believes that the language is a living organism that cannot be humiliated and insulted with vulgar words, “someone else's rubbish” (sentence 19). It is impossible not to agree with the author of these lines. Vulgar, rude words pollute and impoverish the language. Moreover, the abuse of borrowed words and jargon can cause misunderstandings between each other. Mikhail Zoshchenko has a wonderful story called "The Monkey's Language", in which the satirist ridicules people who use foreign words and do not understand their meaning. Let's recall the classics: in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" there are also similar examples of "mixing French with Nizhny Novgorod". In Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" there is also an example when Anna Scherer and Anatole Kuragin insert French expressions out of place, putting themselves in an awkward position. In modern life, the use of borrowings also takes place. So, at the dawn of perestroika, one could see a sign with the inscription "Commercial store". The owners of the establishment probably had no idea that "commerce" is nothing but trade. Word

24 "supermarket" is now called almost every store. In general, it turns out like in the famous poem by the satirist Pyanov: “The colloquium was stormy. The disputants got to grips. One said: - Marketing! Another snapped: - Briefing! And the third barked: - Clearing! I agree with Zharova's position: the language must be protected and enriched. I think that borrowing words within reasonable limits will significantly replenish the vocabulary. But they should be used only in accordance with the situation. And, of course, you need to focus on the majority, so that others understand what is at stake. Teacher's comment When starting to write, carefully read the text and determine the topic. Sometimes it can be "hidden" in the middle of the text. Determine what you will write about when you understand the meaning of the text. You can start with information about the author, if it is provided. Formulate the author's position and support it with an example from the text. Express your point of view, agreeing or disagreeing with the opinion of the author. Next, proceed to reveal the main idea: use sentences from the text for argumentation, give an example from a work of art, journalistic literature and / or from your own experience. At the end of the essay, you can summarize your thoughts about the problem. The material was prepared by Dovgomelya Larisa Gennadievna *Original text: (1) What a mirror of life our language is! (2) No, he is truly great, remaining to this day free, truthful. (3) He accepts everything, responds to everything like a Pushkin echo, moreover, he will take in foreign words and teach them to produce new forms (not clone!) From obsolete and borrowed words. (4) The only trouble is that all this sometimes goes on in an ugly, illiterate mixture. (5) so, in a short time they managed to Russify and even delimit in meaning such words familiar in the sports environment,

25 as "fanatic" and "fan", and now "fan", and even religious fanaticism takes on a different color. (6) There were once "fans", even "clackers" (French) theatrical, and now fanatics have separated from "fans". (7) There are also football fans (not “fans”), pop ones. (8) even the old-fashioned “private”, once rarely found in everyday speech, is interpreted in V. Dahl’s dictionary as “private”, “personal”, “ special”, “domestic” (“privat-docent”, “private conversation”), we managed to nationalize in such a way that the word “privatization”, even in everyday, always sensitive language, acquired a dismissive sound, becoming “privatization”. (9) But it is known that a word, a hero, a phenomenon that has fallen into the folk language, into folklore, an anecdote, is already becoming “ours”, “own”, like witty words from the films of Danelia, Ryazanov, Gaidai. (10) Language is everywhere colorfulness. (11) What a field for observation of linguists, writers, actors! (12) But how unusual, spiritually, ancient words sound in our super-business speech, which are temporarily gone, but live on the pages of the classics and are waiting for brighter days. (13) in no case should you turn a blind eye to the fact that, in addition to foreign words, We are also overwhelmed by criminal vocabulary. (14) Where did these “cool”, “cool”, “roofs”, “cool” come from? (15) Their source is clear. (16) But why do they flourish among quite decent youth, sound from the screen, are full of print? (17) This conversation can be continued by anyone who cares for our language. (18) After all, even now he is “great, mighty, truthful and free.” (19) We only spoil it ourselves, forgetting that it is alive, so there is no need to offend him with vulgarity, other people's rubbish, profanity, clerical delights, incompatible hash. (According to T. Zharova)

26 An example of an essay based on the text of E.Yu. Shim [USE in the Russian language] The problem of the influence of the beauty of nature Eduard Yuryevich Shim, Russian writer and playwright. Each of his works is permeated with the awareness of what he writes about. Observing the surrounding life, the writer chooses those events that are somehow different from the others or singles them out himself. Here, in the proposed text, he claims that, despite the difficult blockade conditions, hunger, devastation, people continue to live, loving the beautiful, believing that beauty will save the world. This is the main idea of ​​the passage. And I can't help but agree. The word "beauty" contains a whole universe of feelings and emotions. It is a force that can both destroy and give hope. Margarita Aliger wrote in one of her poems: “The stronger and purer a person is, the more beauty there is in the world.” These lines are the best confirmation of the final lines of our passage. But, back to the text. The text begins with a description of the hero's return home from work through the streets of post-war Leningrad. In these first lines, the writer colorfully tells what the former soldier sees around him, so one can unmistakably conclude the main theme of the passage. This is the theme of beauty. A meeting with a woman carrying a bouquet of bird cherry (sentences 9-12), and then the tree itself with blossoming flowers (sentences 14-23), encourage the hero to think. He asks:

27 Why did this old tree, but so luxurious in spring, survive in the harsh time of trials? How did people, who needed warmth so much, not cut down and turned into firewood the bird cherry that grew right on the street? In his reflections on this, the writer thinks about the attitude of people in the besieged city to bird cherry. He is delighted that Leningraders in a hungry and cold city managed to keep this tree as a symbol of faith in the future, in a peaceful life. The position of E.Shim, I think, is unequivocal: 900 days of the blockade were survived only because people managed to preserve spirituality, faith in beauty, hope for a peaceful life and Victory. The writer is convinced that the human soul is alive as long as he is able to appreciate beauty. I agree with the author, only the best human qualities help to overcome difficulties, give strength to live. One more example can be given that confirms the correctness of the writer. In Olga Berrgolts's poem "The Blockade Swallow", this first spring bird became a symbol for Leningraders, expressing their faith in the best, in victory over the enemy. O. Berrholz emphasizes that it is faith that helps to overcome daily difficulties and becomes a beacon that calls forward with its light. There are many examples in history of how beauty helped people in difficult situations. For example, my grandmother told me how she first started working during the Great Patriotic War. She was still very young then, of course, she got tired, working two or three shifts. And when she was already completely desperate, and there was no strength, she and her friends went to one clearing in the forest. A stream flowed there, somewhat resembling a small waterfall. They just watched the water flow among the stones and grass, and fall down somewhere. Birds were chirping all around. It then seemed to them that the former pre-war life was continuing, and from somewhere the strength appeared to go to work and fulfill several norms per shift. Grandmother said that after these short trips to the forest, it became easier to live and believed in

28 quick victory. At the end of my discussions about the problem of beauty in the control passage, I would like to once again agree with the opinion of the writer and playwright Eduard Shim, the main thing is not to lose the ability to see beauty, to believe in its inspiring power, because it can help a person when his life is in danger, it fills the soul warmth and light. Teacher's comment: What to pay attention to first of all? At the beginning of the essay, it is important to choose at least one problem that is available in the control text. Determine the author's position in relation to the problem raised, and also determine your attitude to the issue. In order not to be mistaken in the definition of the problem, isolate the “key words”, or the main ones (in our version, what the hero of the work thinks about when he sees the cherry blossoms). Limit yourself to one problem, do not look for others in the passage. When commenting on the text, do not get carried away with a simple retelling. Understand the content and feel the attitude of the author to the problem raised. Simply paraphrasing is unacceptable in an essay. It is important to state the main points. The introduction to the problem (the beginning of the essay) can be written in different ways: start with a question or quote from the proposed text, or give a definition of the problem. In the main part of the essay, show that you understand the problem, the position of the author, give examples from the text. In the same part, give your own opinion and arguments confirming your innocence. In conclusion, formulate a conclusion that echoes the main idea of ​​the text. Be sure to write first in a draft to carefully check for errors. Leave enough time to rewrite the essay from the draft to have time to check the essay again. Good luck!

29 Material prepared by Dovgomelya Larisa Gennadievna Source text for analysis: (1) The first post-war spring came to Leningrad. (2) Once I was walking home from the factory. (3) A long sunset smoked over the city. (4) It had just begun to rain, drops were still strumming, falling from the eaves, and blue puddles on the pavements smoked with steam. (5) I remembered how I returned to Leningrad before the end of the war and did not recognize it: the streets seemed deserted and dead, not a single lamp was on, the windows were not lit; in place of lawns and flower beds blackened bare earth, broken into tiny crooked beds; last year's leaves scraped and rustled along the paths of dug up city gardens (6) I walked slowly, substituting my face for drops and smiling at my own thoughts. (7) In that first spring after the war, we had a lot of work; we defended one and a half or two shifts and went angry, sleepy. (8) And now the fever is over, and it will be possible to rest. (9) A woman came across to me. (10) She carried a bouquet of yellowish bird cherry. (11) I did not have time to step aside, and rough soft leaves touched my face. (12) For a moment I felt a half-forgotten smell so fresh, cooling, as if from an icicle placed on the tongue. (13) And suddenly I met her. (14) Old, sprawling, she grew at the end of a quiet street, reaching the third floors. (15) From afar, it seemed as if a pure summer cloud had descended between the houses. (16) Approaching, I stopped at the bent branches. (17) Brushes of large flowers swayed over the very head. (18) They could be touched with hands. (19) They could be plucked. (20) I extended my hand. (21) These flowers will stand at my house today

30 (22) Breaking, the branch crunched loudly. (23) I hurriedly put it behind my back. (24) Tapping with a stick, a stooped, thin old man approached the bird cherry. (25) Taking off his hat, he leaned against the trunk and seemed to doze off. (26) I could hear him breathing aged snoring. (27) I moved away and then I noticed two more people. (28) They stood huddled together, a young guy and a girl. (29) They did not notice me or the old man. (30) And I also saw windows. (31) Wide open windows in neighboring houses. (32) It seemed that the houses also breathed, greedily and deeply (33) I imagined those who live on this street and thought: how did they manage to save the bird cherry? (34) I don’t know from words: in the terrible blockade winter, when water freezes in the rooms and frost settles on the walls, why don’t you sacrifice for the sake of a crumb of warmth, for the sake of a weak flame in the stove? (35) And the huge old tree survived. (36) Not in the garden, not in the park right on the street, not guarded by anyone (37) Really, on the verge of death, did people care about beauty and wait for spring? (According to E. Shim) How to write an essay on a literary text in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language? (exercise

31 25) Writing an essay is the most difficult type of work on the exam in the Russian language, especially if a literary text is offered for analysis. Unlike journalistic, in such a passage you will not find the author's reasoning or its direct assessment. Nevertheless, it is quite easy to detect a problem and find the author's position in such a text. Let's see how this can be done. Let's start with the formulation of the problem of the text. Let me remind you that a problem is a question that the text itself (or rather, its author) must answer. Often, several issues are raised in the works. Therefore, it is important to determine which one you will take for consideration. The position of the author is the answer to the problem. In the essay, it is necessary to answer the problematic question and determine the author's attitude to the problem. In a journalistic text, everything is simple, the position of the author and the main problems are clearly formulated. It is more difficult to work with a literary text, since the author often “hides” the problem. Let's try to identify the problems raised by the writer and his position on the example of an excerpt from Kachalkov's stories. “(1) Sergey Nikolaevich Pletenkin returned home, as usual, at half past nine. (2) He worked in a service shop, in the very center of the city. (3) To justify the fuel, on the way home he made a stop near the central market and picked up, if, of course, he was lucky, a fellow traveler. (4) Today he was incredibly lucky, his soul sang with joy, and he, barely

Having taken off his shoes, without even washing his hands, he immediately rushed to the kitchen to tell about the amazing incident. (5) The wife stood near the sink and washed the dishes. (6) The daughter, with a displeased look, finished her tea and, capriciously protruding her lower lip, asked: (7) Mom, why not? (8) Because the mother answered irritably. (9) Ask your father for leave! (10) Pletenkin impatiently waved his hand, asking for silence, and, squealing with joy, which always irritated his wife, began to tell. (11) Imagine, today I’m driving past the central market, some woman slows me down (12) She asks me to give her a lift to the plant management. (13) I look: a leather coat, stylish boots, well, and such a face, you can see that it is well-groomed (14) I immediately told her: three hundred! .. (15) She even opened her mouth. (16) Well, nothing, I sat down, I took her to the office. (17) She comes out and gives me five hundred rubles (18) I’m like: “So, but I don’t have change!” (19) She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and said: “Okay, keep the change!” (20) Can you imagine how lucky! (21) Yes! (22) If only all passengers were like that! extended the wife. (23) You go wash your hands and let's sit down to dinner (24) Pletenkin closed himself in the bathroom and began to soap his hands, again and again scrolling through the details of everything that had happened. (25) Thick black hair, thin fingers with a wedding ring, a slightly distant look (26) This look happens to people who have lost something, and now they look where the missing thing should lie, knowing full well that it is not there will find. (27) And suddenly he remembered her! (28) It was Natasha Abrosimova, she studied in a parallel class. (29) Of course, she has changed: she was an invisible ugly girl, and now she has become real

33 lady, but the dreary disappointment in her eyes remained. (30) Once, in the eleventh grade, he volunteered to see her off, led her through quiet streets so that they would not be seen together. (31) Her eyes shone with happiness, and when he asked to write an essay for him for the competition “You and your city”, she immediately agreed. (32) Pletenkin took first place, received a free ticket to St. Petersburg, and after that he no longer paid attention to the bespectacled ugly girl. (33) And only at the graduation ball, after drinking champagne, in a fit of tearful sentimentality, he tried to explain something to her, and she looked at him with the same tired longing with which she looked today. (34) Well, it turns out that I deceived you! (35) Me? she smiled. (36) Did you deceive me? (37) And who! he said and grinned stupidly. (38) She silently left. (39) Pletenkin lathered his hands frowningly. (40) He thought that he would definitely meet her and return two hundred, no, not two hundred, but all five hundred rubles to her (41) But he realized that he would never do this. (42) Why are you stuck there? (43) Everything is getting cold on the table! losing patience, the wife called out from the kitchen. (44) "Did you deceive me?" he remembered again, and he trudged off to eat the cooling soup. After carefully reading the proposed passage, you will see that it most likely raises the problem of the inadmissibility of deceit and responsibility for what a person once did, not only to people, but to himself and his conscience. This problem can be formulated in different ways, for example, in the form of a rhetorical question: is it right to use all means to achieve your goal. Do the feelings of those who are being deceived matter? The hero of Kachalkov realized late that the deceit did not bring him happiness, but only disappointment. The problem might be

34 is also formulated in the form of a saying or proverb, but this is not in our text. Maybe a quote from the test. So, after the twice repeated question “Did you deceive me?”, the conclusion is ripening that the hero most likely deceived himself. When writing an essay, it is very important to correctly formulate the problem. Many people make the mistake of analyzing this option and call the problem of self-deception the main one. If we talk about our hero, then this is not about him. Self-deception is the belief in something that is not really there. Pletenkin, on the other hand, deliberately deceives the girl in order to achieve his goal. He assigns an essay to enter the competition. In order to more clearly show the commercialism and spiritual emptiness of the hero, it is necessary to choose suitable examples (from life, from literary works). For the analysis of our text, as an example, we can cite the description of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky from M.Yu. Lermontov’s Hero of Our Time to prove the idea that sometimes deceit can lead to more tragic consequences than in our text. After all, Grushnitsky, wanting to deceive Pechorin, himself fell victim to his own deception. A good argument would be, and an example from the story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov". One lie leads to another and turns into betrayal. At first, it seemed to Rybak that he could help Sotnikov with his lies, but, in the end, becoming more and more entangled in his lies, he becomes a participant in Sotnikov's execution. And nothing can be fixed. So Pletenkin, who deceived Natasha for the sake of his ambitions, cannot return his school years. The good news is that his deception did not turn into a tragedy. Let's return to the text. Natalia's words: "Did you deceive me?" cause Pletenkin's "stupid smirk", and only in the evening,

35 when he again recalls this accidental meeting, they somehow influenced Pletenkin, and he "stumbled" to eat soup. That is, he began to understand that life cannot be built on petty deceit, it will not bring happiness and success. Indeed, until now, he considered the ability to take more money from random fellow travelers as his greatest success. What he tells his wife "squealing with joy." And for Natasha, this deception was more like a lesson. She appears to have been successful. An equally important aspect in the essay is the formulation and definition of the author's position. In a journalistic text, the position of the author is easy to read. In a literary text, it is usually veiled, and in order to find it, one must pay attention to the ways of describing the characters, take into account what means of expression the writer uses. To describe the attitude of the author, it is best to use quotations from the text, since giving examples with reference to the numbering of sentences destroys the composition of the essay. Formulating the writer's attitude to the problem of deceit in Kachalkov's text, it is better to say that the author believes that the hero is experiencing pangs of conscience and has suffered a moral defeat. This is conveyed through the contrasting description of Pletenkin's mood at the beginning of the story and at the end. Using the metaphor "the soul sang for joy", the writer conveys the hero's joy from petty deceit. At the end, the same means of expression "gloomy", "staggered", with "despair" convey the oppressed state. Arguing your own attitude to the problem, try not to step aside and not mix all the problems into one. And of course, your opinion should not be a repetition of the author's attitude. Try to remember something from life and formulate your attitude. The material was prepared by Dovgomelya Larisa Gennadievna

36 An example of an essay [Unified State Examination in Russian] according to the text of F.A. Vigdorova What is cowardice? Self-preservation instinct or vice? What feelings does a person experience who has deviated from the generally accepted norms of morality and committed an act of which he is ashamed in the future? F.A. Vigdorova reflects on these questions. The author raises the problem of cowardice in his text. The writer illustrates the relevance of this problem. To do this, she quotes the Decembrist poet Ryleev, who wrote that "we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice." The author is surprised how many actions people sometimes do not perform precisely under the influence of momentary cowardice. Examples of this behavior are found in the sentences of the text. The worst thing, according to the journalist, is to survive cowardice and betrayal in everyday life. A broken window, an accidental loss of a thing or a perceived injustice How scary it is sometimes to make a confession about your own, even a minor offense! The author believes that cowardice can only be countered by courage. You need to learn to be responsible for your actions, and for this you need to "always overcome the monkey in yourself." It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of F. Vigdorova. To

37 to make a truthful confession, you need to be a brave and strong person. We are well aware of examples from A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". Shvabrin performs cowardly acts throughout almost the entire work: he lies, dodges, becomes a traitor, caring only about his own good. Pyotr Grinev, on the contrary, retains his dignity in all circumstances. So, the main character, risking his life, declares that he will not swear allegiance to Pugachev. We see another evidence of cowardice in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Grushnitsky, shooting with Pechorin, knew perfectly well that the latter did not have a loaded pistol, but, nevertheless, he was shooting at a practically unarmed person. Fate severely punished the meanness of the young man killed in this duel. Perhaps Lermontov thus wanted to express his position on this issue. Cowardice is the quality of a scoundrel, unworthy of life. Cowardice and betrayal have always been side by side. I believe that it is impossible to be cowardly without committing a betrayal in relation to those who surround us. Perhaps someone justifies their cowardice, but the trauma, the pain from the cowardly behavior of friends or those whom we considered friends, will be quite strong and will remain in the soul for a long time. Cowardice, and after it betrayal, destroys not only relations between people, but also destroys the person himself. And Frida Abramovna Vigdorova is a thousand times right when she asserts in the final lines of the text that there is only one courage. It does not have a plural, while cowardice has many faces. Teacher's comment: An essay about cowardice and betrayal is easy to write for an adult. Based on your life experience, it is easier to distinguish between good and evil. And how to cope with this student, who has

38 shoulders only a short life span, and still ahead? How to find in the text the problem that he will write about? You can determine the topic using the question: what is the text about? And highlight the problem you are discussing. She must be alone. The text may contain several of them. In the control version, the author clearly calls a spade a spade, so there can be no difficulty in choosing definitions. You can advise this: decide that you will discuss cowardice and betrayal or courage. As you work on your essay, feel free to write emotionally. Let your spiritual impulses be reflected on paper. Because it is impossible to write about cowardice and betrayal in dry language. But do not get carried away with excessive expression, do not use big words. The essay is not a letter to your best friend, but a journalistic document. If you can't focus on real life examples, look up literature. There are many examples of this in the literature. And be sure to make a plan, determine in what order you will write. Source text for writing an essay: (1) I knew a wonderful writer. (2) Her name was Tamara Grigoryevna Gabbe. (3) She once told me: There are many trials in life. (4) You can't list them. (5) But here are three, they are common. (6) The first test of need. (7) The second is prosperity, glory. (8) And the third test of fear. (9) And not only with the fear that a person recognizes in a war, but with the fear that overtakes him in an ordinary, peaceful life. (10) What kind of fear is this, which does not threaten either death or injury? (11) Isn't he a fiction? (12) No, not fiction. (13) Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless.

39 (14) "It's amazing, wrote the Decembrist poet Ryleev, we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice." (15) Many years have passed since these words were written, but there are tenacious diseases of the soul. (16) A man went through the war as a hero. (17) He went to reconnaissance, where every step threatened him with death. (18) He fought in the air and under water, he did not run from danger, fearlessly walked towards her. (19) And so the war ended, the man returned home. (20) To your family, to your peaceful work. (21) He worked as well as he fought: passionately giving all his strength, not sparing his health. (22) But when, on the slander of a slanderer, his friend was removed from work, a man whom he knew as himself, in whose innocence he was convinced, as in his own, he did not intervene. (23) He, who was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, got scared. (24) He was not afraid of death on the battlefield, but was afraid to say a word in favor of justice. (25) The boy broke the glass. (26) Who did it? the teacher asks. (27) The boy is silent. (28) He is not afraid to ski off the most dizzying mountain. (29) He is not afraid to swim across an unfamiliar river full of insidious funnels. (30) But he is afraid to say: "I broke the glass." (31) What is he afraid of? (32) Flying down the mountain, he can break his neck. (33) Swimming across the river, he may drown. (34) The words "I did it" do not threaten him with death. (35) Why is he afraid to pronounce them? (36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “It used to be scary, very scary.” (37) He spoke the truth: he was scared. (38) But he knew how to overcome his fear and did what his duty told him: he

40 fought. (39) In a peaceful life, of course, it can also be scary. (40) I will tell the truth, and I will be expelled from school for this (41) I will tell the truth, they will be fired from work (42) I’d rather not say anything. (43) There are many proverbs in the world that justify silence, and perhaps the most expressive: "My hut is on the edge." (44) But there are no huts that would be on the edge. (45) We are all responsible for what is happening around us. (46) Responsible for everything bad and for everything good. (47) And one should not think that a real test comes to a person only in some special, fatal moments: in a war, during some kind of catastrophe. (48) No, not only in exceptional circumstances, not only in the hour of mortal danger, human courage is tested under a bullet. (49) It is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs. (50) Courage is one thing. (51) It requires that a person always be able to overcome the monkey in himself: in battle, on the street, at a meeting. (52) After all, the word "courage" does not have a plural. (53) It is one in any conditions. (According to F.A. Vigdorova *) * Frida Abramovna Vigdorova () Soviet writer, journalist. (From the FIPI Open Bank) The material was prepared by Dovgomelya Larisa Gennadievna

41 Commentary on the commentary Let's talk about another very important criterion for assessing task 25, namely, K2 commentary on the text. You can get 2 points for it. But getting them, as practice shows, is not so easy. Let's first define what a comment in an essay is. A comment is an indicator that you have correctly understood the text (the “agree, disagree” position is your assessment, but only AFTER you understand the author!) In other words, you do not need to describe your opinion on the selected issue in the comment, you still have time to express, In the commentary, it is necessary to show how the author himself reveals the problem. You must understand the author's assessment of what he writes about. There are two types of comments: textual and

42 conceptual. Textual implies "following" the author's thought, but there should not be a retelling. Conceptual is the consideration of the problem in connection with broader contexts: the author's biography, other problems, time, tradition, and so on. Let's take a look at the demo and see how to create a textual (easier) and conceptual comment. For a good comment, you need to answer questions. What aspects of the problem does the author pay attention to? On what material is it revealed? How does he argue if there is an argument? How does it relate to what is depicted? For conceptual: What type is this problem? (social, philosophical, moral, eternal, temporal, etc.) Why did this problem attract the author, how is it related to his biography and work? Is it relevant today? Who else addressed this problem, are there any traditions in literature and science associated with it? Does this problem concern each of us, do we often encounter it? How does the reader perceive the author's reasoning? Does this problem excite us or does it leave us indifferent? You can use clichés, a kind of "markers" that indicate that this is a comment. For example:

43 The author asks a question In order for us to understand how important this is, the author tells The author confirms, comprehends, critically evaluates. The author gives an example of how Thinking about the problem, the author gives arguments (quoting) You can generally use a template for a comment: In this text (excerpt, article), the author asks a question (PROBLEM!). This problem affects us all to a greater or lesser extent, because. And it is relevant (today, always). Arguing (describing, narrating), the author gives his assessment of what is happening, wanting to make the reader his like-minded person. His story about () is emotional, his arguments (.) are convincing, he resorts to (artistic narration, monologue, colorful description, excited dialogue of characters, dispassionate description, etc.) as a result, he comes to the conclusion (The author's thought is:, the author's position is rather hidden, not in plain sight, but clearly understandable) Yes, writing according to the template is somehow not very, or something, bad form, but! Fatigue, stress Are you sure that you will have the strength to be creative? Write a few according to the template, it will be easier to make a comment “your own”. Checked! And remember, you need to start the exam with an essay for two reasons: 1. Until you get tired. 2. The draft must “rest”, lie down so that you see mistakes, inconsistencies, blunders, everything that you don’t need by any means. Therefore, the order is as follows: an essay for a draft, a test for a draft, a check of the essay and rewriting, a check of the test and the final filling of the form. Try it and you will succeed! The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation

44 Classical hriya, or thanks to the ancient Greeks The second most important criterion for evaluating an essay is K4. This is the argument of his own position. Most often, graduates lose points here, because they do not know how to prove their position correctly. Classical chrya is a system of evidence that came to us from Ancient Greece along with rhetoric, to which the Greeks paid great attention. You don’t need to invent anything, but you need to learn how to use this very trick. But about her a little later. First, in general, about the essence of the proof, since very often it is the argumentation that fails the authors of generally good essays. What is proof?

45 Take, for example, the following thesis. New Year is my favorite holiday. Let's prove it: New Year's is my favorite holiday because I love it. It's not proof, you guessed it. New Year's is my favorite holiday because it's a good one. And it's not proof. What's the proof? New Year is my favorite holiday because I get presents. Or: because the whole family gathers at the table on New Year's Eve, and I feel like a member of a close-knit society where everyone loves each other. In other words, evidence answers the WHY, not the HOW. Another common mistake in argumentation is the substitution of an illustration for a thesis. For example, New Year is my favorite holiday. This evening everyone gathers at the table, having fun and congratulating each other. At midnight they listen to the President and drink champagne. Take to the streets and complete strangers smile at you. This is an illustration: it shows HOW good and fun it is

46 holiday. There is not enough conclusion: I feel like a part of a family, a city, a country, I rejoice together with everyone, that's why I love this holiday. Most often this error is made in the argument related to literature. We will discuss this argument below. Classical Chrya, or Variants of Evidence The Greeks identified five types of evidence: cause; "from the opposite"; reliance on worldly or reader experience; argument-comparison; reliance on authoritative opinion. The last two are difficult, they must be used wisely and only if you are very familiar with the problem and see ways to solve it. Therefore, we leave them aside. How to act? Ask questions again. Let's try. Speak the thesis, and ask yourself: do I agree? If yes, why? (this is the first type of arguments). The second type: imagine if it were not so? That was? The third type: in which texts (or you can use

47 journalistic and scientific literature) I met with the same problem and how was it solved? Do I agree with this decision? If you do not agree, then why? What conclusion of mine illustrates this? Here it is IMPORTANT to use the text as an illustration, and draw the conclusion “on your own”. Now to the demo: the problem of true heroism. Arguments: why do you agree? A real hero is one who does things that are unusual for a person in ordinary life, and only people who are outstanding, like the hero of a story, are capable of a feat. Where did we meet with the same problem? In the novel "War and Peace", in the poem "Vasily Terkin", the story "Sotnikov" by Vasil Bykov. It is better to take “War and Peace” or “Sotnikov”, because there are also opposite examples: the hero Tushin does “his work”, because we are driven by a lofty goal, the hero Sotnikov dies because he has an inflexible spirit. Dolokhov performs an outstanding deed, but for the sake of selfish interests, the physically strong and dashing Rybak broke down, because he did not have inner strength. Conclusion: a hero is one who not only does something that exceeds the capabilities of a person, but is also driven by a high goal and nobility. The argument “from the contrary”: (there is another remark by the author in our country, thousands of heroes, because the war was won) if there were no such people, then there would be no examples that inspired, inspired others to great deeds, and expel the invaders from our land would be more difficult. As you can see, the proofs do not repeat each other, and this error is very common, and there is even one “spare” one. Let's summarize: 1. Let's highlight the problem.

48 2. Let's select arguments using hriya, ask questions, answer and select illustrations. 3. "We paint" the arguments. And some purely worldly Help the expert! He, poor thing, checks up to 60 works a day, and the eye is "blurred." Actively use the words "problem", "question", "what the author wants to discuss", "idea", "author's position", "conclusion", "main idea", "firstly", "secondly" Well tired Marya Ivanna will not stubbornly look for something in your favor (no, of course, she will, but on the 30th essay it is no longer so diligent). So don't tempt fate. If you can write original, write, but! Not everyone has this gift, and therefore write simply, clearly, accessible, and in CLEAR handwriting! Even if you have it in cursive style, try it, because you need it, not an expert. But there is NO criterion for “originality”, so there is no need to “give it out on the mountain”, it is easy to slip not into originality, but into empty chatter. So it's better to step on the throat of a loud own song for the sake of a score. But in general, long live the friendship between graduates and experts, because we are sides of the same coin. The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation

49 Expert advice For almost 7 years now, being an expert, I have been checking USE essays. During this time, I didn’t read anything, both beautiful and terrible. Someone writes interestingly, someone strictly, and someone does not write at all. Sometimes I marvel at some sites on the Internet that offer ready-made essays. Well, think for yourself: write off, get your top five now, but in your head what, so to speak, a long-term investment in the form of the Unified State Exam, will remain? That's right, nothing. Perhaps, while there is still time, to prepare and find the strength and intellectual capabilities in yourself, to learn how to write essays? You just have to work hard and hard, and those who want to play Miracle Field in Fool's Land can read no further. Why you can lose a lot of points Out of 12 criteria, 7 evaluate the content of the essay. They are the most "expensive" in terms of the final score, and it is difficult to deal with them. And, as you might guess, the graduate makes the largest number of mistakes in this “zone”.

50 Mistakes can be called "fatal". These are criterion 1 defining the problem and criterion 4 arguing the position. Moreover, if the problem is incorrectly defined, ALL 4 subsequent criteria will be scored 0 points. Do we need it? And what is the problem, exactly? Defining a problem is not easy. And all because we cannot most often understand WHAT the author wants to talk to us about. What is the QUESTION he asks himself and us. This question is the problem. So, for example, there are texts about how a person should relate to nature. It seems to be a problem, but! Absolutely EVERYONE understands that nature must be treated with care, and this is not being discussed today, but how to cultivate this attitude and understanding of the value of all life on earth is a problem. From classical literature, I will cite as an example the story of my beloved Bunin "Sunstroke". (If you haven’t read it, then run to the book, and in general, all Dark Alleys, read this about love!). How many copies were broken by my students in the classroom, proving that cheating on the heroine's husband is bad, ah-ah-ah! The heroine is an immoral woman, etc. and so on. They labeled it as best they could. But! There is no problem of betrayal! It just talks about love, which can be very different. The problem of the story can be formulated as follows: “What faces can love take? What place does love take in a person’s life? ”And then the story becomes clear, and the behavior of the characters, and their meeting, and parting. And the ardent debaters were just wasting their time.

51 Now let's look at the text posted in the demo version of the exam. (1) Vasily Konakov, or simply Vasya, as we called him in the regiment, was the commander of the fifth company. (2) The site of its defense was at the very foot of Mamaev Kurgan, the height dominating the city, for the mastery of which the most bloody battles were going on for all five months. (3) The site was difficult, absolutely flat, not protected by anything, and most importantly, with disgusting approaches that were shot through by the enemy. (4) During the day, the fifth company was actually cut off from the rest of the regiment. (5) Supply and communication with the rear took place only at night. (6) All this greatly complicated the defense of the site. (7) Something had to be done. (8) And Konakov decided to make a communication between his trenches and the railway embankment. (9) One night he came to me in the dugout. (10) With difficulty, he squeezed his massive figure into my cage and squatted at the entrance. (11) A swarthy, curly-haired guy, with thick black eyebrows and unexpectedly blue, with his general blackness, eyes. (12) He sat with me for a short time warming himself by the stove and in the end asked for a little tolu “otherwise, if it wasn’t okay, I broke all the shovels on this damn soil.” (13) Okay, I said. (14) Send soldiers, I will give you as much as you need. (15) Soldier? he smiled slightly out of the corner of his lips. (16) Not so I have a lot of them to drive back and forth. (17) Give me, I'll carry it myself. (18) And he pulled out a hefty bag from the bosom of his padded jacket.

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Templates for an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language Essay plan 1. Formulation of the problem of the text 2. Commentary on the problem. 3. The author's position on the problem. 4. Own opinion on the problem (consent). read

Sample essay based on one of the templates. Start options. Criterion 1. Formulation of the problem. Criterion 2. Commentary on the problem. Criterion 3. Reflection of the position of the author. Criterion 4. Argumentation

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Task 15 How do you understand Tyutchev's words "Oh, how deadly we love"? According to Fet’s poem “This morning, this joy”: How does Fet’s famous “voicelessness” manifest itself in the above poem and what

System of work on essay-reasoning Before I write, I ask myself three questions: what I want to write, how to write and why to write. M. Gorky Motivation I want to write an essay-reasoning. Can

Dear veterans! The world sends you a bow to the earth, And on all meridians They honor your feat at the front. On this bright day in Russia Try not to be sad. Keep your head up, dear ones, God grant you live! This year

In the text proposed for analysis, E.A. Vartanov poses the problem of human dependence on gadgets.

Elena Vartanova wonders how people have become dependent on media devices, gadgets, not realizing that they cannot live a day without them "they cannot spend time without gadgets or without being included in the flow of online communications"

This problem is revealed in Jan Vishnevsky's story "Loneliness in the Net", where the main characters could only communicate via the Internet and could not imagine how to communicate live, so their meeting never took place.

Another example is R.

Bradbury "Veld", where the children went to the monstrous act - they killed their parents for turning off their virtual room.

So, this problem is relevant today, it needs to be paid more attention, and then, perhaps, a person’s dependence on gadgets will decrease, and people will communicate in the real world, and not in the virtual one.

Updated: 2018-04-25

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Part one, instructive

Today I entered “argument, memory problem, USE, Russian language” into the Yandex search bar and saw hundreds of pages offering arguments for every taste, color, problem and composition. Wow! Cool! And you don’t need to think - you wrote it off, enjoy life and a score from Marya Ivanna!

But! Let's see if you need it and what is fraught with? Because it is fraught with no options.

So, you need to write an essay in the format of assignment No. 25. For the sake of justice, it must be said that the problems in the texts are repeated, and ready-made arguments are designed for this: the problem of memory, the problem of moral choice, the problem of attitude to nature, and so on.

And yet, it is not necessary to focus on the finished one. And that's why.

First, different texts may cover different aspects of the problem. So, the problem of love can have so many aspects that it will be problematic both in time and in meaning to find the right argument. For example, in the poem “I loved you”, love is a noble feeling, high, and in “Oh, how deadly we love!” F.I. Tyutchev's love is a wonderful and terrible feeling at the same time. Are you sure you won't make a mistake?

For example, I will give a real essay by one of my students who does not like to bother himself, you will immediately see what his mistake is.

Text by V. Belov about memory as a link between the past and the future (see previous article)

The student identified the problem correctly. Wrote a bad comment. Then I found arguments, on the Internet, of course:

A. Tvardovsky wrote:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people.

Come on people never

Let's not forget about it.

The works of many poets are devoted to the national feat in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the experience does not die. A.T. Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen was not shed in vain: the survivors must keep the peace so that the descendants live happily on earth:

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

And motherland

Thanks to them, the heroes of the war, we live in peace. The Eternal Flame burns, reminding us of the lives given for the motherland.

What happened? Yes, just a text about one memory, personal, human, and the arguments are about historical memory, and even with quotes that memorize is a problem. The second mistake - the comrade did not understand that the argument is essentially one! That's the whole tale: 0 points for the second block of criteria. Even if he had simply written one sentence about the fact that memory can be historical, and it is equally important to remember not only about the ancestors, but also about those who saved our future, the essay would not look so clumsy.

Second: Are you sure you can remember ALL arguments? You won’t be able to pass the spur for sure, but what are you thinking of doing during the exam? Is it worth spending precious time learning by heart a huge number of arguments? Maybe it's easier to learn how to write them yourself (see the articles on the site)? I assure you, this is easier than putting unprocessed information into your already filled brain.

Do you need it?

Part two, theoretical

Let's see in which works you can draw a large number of arguments for your essay.

Of course, in the classics. Why? Yes, because the classic differs from any other book in that there is not one, but dozens of problems, and for each there is some kind of solution.

For example, these are Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", Tolstoy's "War and Peace", Chekhov's stories and "The Cherry Orchard", Pushkin's lyrics and "Eugene Onegin", "Fathers and Sons", "Oblomov", "Quiet Don", poetry Alexander Blok and so on.

Let's take War and Peace as an example.


  • The problem of war as "the most terrible thing in the world."
  • The problem of the liberation war. Thesis: the war of liberation is a just cause, it unites all the people in the struggle for the Fatherland
  • The problem of heroism Thesis: a hero is one who does not think about a feat as a way to receive benefits. The hero performs a “common feat”, he is driven by other goals: nobility, decency, patriotism.
  • The problem of patriotism Thesis: patriotism is not in calls to fight for the liberation of the Fatherland and not in false love for everything Russian, but in real deeds, the rallying of the people.
  • The problem of human spiritual quest. Thesis: a person can fall to the very bottom in life, can rise up, but just do not stop, he must develop.
  • Family problem. Thesis: a family is not just people living nearby, a family is united by a sense of love, responsibility and raising children.
  • The problem of moral choice. Thesis: a person makes a moral choice at moments when he is under great stress, when history demands a decision from him. moral choice speaks about the inner content of a person.
  • The problem of the role of personality in history. Thesis: the individual does not play any role in history, and "the king is the slave of history."
  • The problem of the people. Thesis: the people are the main driving force of historical events.
  • The problem of egoism and individualism. Thesis: egoism and individualism are the most disgusting qualities of a person, they prevent a person from realistically assessing everything that happens around him, leading to delusions and spiritual death.

And this is only part of what can be found in the novel!

Part three: what to do?

  • Take the above works and find problems there.
  • For each, formulate a thesis, as I showed you above.
  • Think about the material or image on which the writer reveals this problem.
  • Write down the argument. If you write it yourself, your hand and brain will automatically remember!

Example: the problem of love. What should love be?

Let's take Vladimir Mayakovsky's wonderful Cloud in Pants.

Thesis: love should be not only bright, sincere, but also raising a person above the ground, not bound by any social fetters.

Illustration: In the poem "A Cloud in Pants" by V. Mayakovsky, the lyrical hero, after parting with his beloved, realizes that her and his love, so beautiful, bright, huge, were stolen. Stole a society that dictates its own laws of life and love, conventions. The hero does not accept vulgarity, the news of the future marriage of the heroine causes anger, pain, and rage in him. What is the hero - such is his love: he experiences a "fire of the heart" and does not want to be different. And if society is like that, then "Down with your love!"

That's how you work. I would like to write: “The Internet will help you,” but in this case, the opposite is true.

The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation

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