The influence of music on human health. The influence of rock music on the human psyche - abstract


Hard Rock- music for sullen teenagers who are aggressive and not very educated. Classical music people prefer calm and refined, and pop and R'n'B party-goers, lovers of fun listen. Do you think it's true? Scientists have been studying the influence of musical preferences on intelligence for many years. The results of their research are surprising to many. In fact, pop fans are hardworking and rockers have the highest IQs.

In the not so distant eighties, rockers in our country were equated almost with Satanists. Gloomy guys and girls in leather jackets with studs instilled fear in the surrounding grandmothers and young mothers. Due to paraphernalia and the rebellious spirit inherent in rockers, a stereotype has become stronger in the minds of the townsfolk: fans of this music are dangerous, almost asocial personalities. Cultural and educated people were prescribed listen to classical music, at the very least - blues or jazz.

TO dance music fans were treated a little more condescendingly, but considered them to be loafers who can only have fun. Another common opinion was that cheerful music cheers you up, while sad and gloomy melodies, on the contrary, drive you in.

At some point, scientists became interested in the issue. They decided to check whether there really is a connection between music and the mood, character and even the level of intelligence of its listeners. The results of their research were a big surprise.

Firstly, not all people in a bad mood are recommended to listen to invigorating pop music or major classical works. The dissonance between the mood of the performer and his own can drive a person into an even greater depression. But hysterical songs give a feeling of empathy. So if your friend is out of sorts and listening sad ballads, do not blame him for wanting to inflame his wound. Maybe it's his personal therapy.

And not so long ago, scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, headed by Professor Adrian North, head of the department, also decided to test the relationship between musical preferences and the intellect and character of listeners.

During the study, scientists interviewed 36,000 people from around the world. To determine the level of intelligence of volunteers, scientists used classic IQ tests, as well as a list of questions on the program of a comprehensive school. Perhaps the scientists set out to prove to teenagers that listening to heavy music and rap is not safe for their brain. But the results surprised the researchers themselves.

“One of the facts that amazed us the most is that fans of classical music and hard rock are very similar“, admitted Adrian North. To the delight of teenagers and to the chagrin of parents, the highest intelligence was demonstrated by fans of classical music ... and rock! “In society there is a stereotype of a hard rock fan as a person who is in deep depression with a tendency to suicide, it is generally accepted that rockers are dangerous elements of society. In fact, they are harmless, and even beneficial to society as a whole. These are very subtle natures, ”the scientist emphasizes.

However, as life shows, in adulthood, many rockers join the classical works, moreover, without giving up their favorite metal. Not surprisingly, the characteristics of fans of both genres turned out to be similar. "Both of them are creative, laid-back personalities, but not very sociable," says North.

Fans of rap, hip-hop and r'n'b were recognized as the most narrow-minded - they showed the lowest results in IQ tests. But they, like fans reggae demonstrate an enviably high self-esteem and sociability. Do not suffer from selfishness jazz and blues fans- Their self-esteem is also high.

The most creative were dance music fans, all the same rock, blues and jazz, as well as opera connoisseurs. And the most hardworking were recognized as country music lovers and fans of trending pop hits - people who, when asked about their musical preferences, answer "I listen to what is played on the radio."

The influence of music on the human psyche

Music "captured" our entire planet. We cannot imagine our life without music. She is so different. Like the colors of the rainbow, like the days of the week. The differences are incredible. And the quality "didn't let us down." Everything is in music: the city, people, the virtual world, and people's relationships. Even poetry can be set to music.

Music that affects the psyche. What kind of music do you prefer? Rock, jazz, popular, classical? Or maybe you are interested in a direction about which little is known?

Impact of rock music. Rock music is destructive. This is what many young researchers think. They recall the case when, at a concert of a famous rock band, a raw egg, which was under the column, after three hours, was soft-boiled. Can the same thing happen to the psyche?

But you rarely meet people who love classical music. It is very difficult to perceive, feel uncomfortable.

Real case for example. One young boy decided to conduct a very interesting experiment on himself. He gave all CDs with your favorite music to my friends. He didn't give, he just gave. For a while. So that there is no temptation to listen to what you like and what you are used to. He planned listen to classical music the whole day. But I could not stand it: it was enough for just a few hours. Here's what stopped listening:

1. The pressure has risen.
2. Tormented by a migraine.
3. It became hard to breathe.

The guy wanted to get away from the music. That's how he "cured his bad mood." After such an experiment, the young man never listened to the classics again. She remained only in memories.

At all, music affects the human psyche depending on what kind of person he is. Both temperament and personal qualities are intertwined here.

Older people, for example, rest their souls when they immerse themselves in classical melodies. They can listen to classical music all the time and will be happy to be able to listen to classical music online for free 24 hours a day and at any volume. It seems quite unbelievable, but only it seems. All people are different. Remember how the older generation tried to understand the love of the younger generation for rap culture, for example. Couldn't understand. Understanding has replaced humility. Yes, I had to put up with it. What was left to do?

Human psyche- patient, but plastic. Sometimes, it is impossible to predict where it will "carry". Incredible things sometimes happen to her: what, it would seem, should cause irritation, unexpectedly, serves as a means to calm her down. Yes, that happens too. It is important to be able to correctly accept and perceive this or that accident.

In truth, it is unlikely that anything in modern life is capable of "infinitely" shocking humanity. What kind of “shocks” can there be in the music world when people try to combine notes with incompatible sounds, getting, at the same time, a very good melody.

What if you really like music, but it is condemned and criticized? Treat her the way you want to, not the way others expect you to treat her. Feeling love for any direction in music, you do absolutely nothing wrong, you do not interfere with anyone with your “addiction”. So what's the deal? Are you afraid of judgment? If yes, give up the music and "rebuild" to another. If not, enjoy what is so dear and valuable to you.

There is another option: write your own music! Put your whole soul into music with all its "depths". Perhaps you will become a famous person. Perhaps you are on the verge of a "great" future? Time will put everything in its place. //,,

Rock music, like any other live music, has an impact on the psyche of the listener. And if an adult is able to endure any sounds without consequences, then a child should choose pleasant and unobtrusive melodies that evoke only positive reactions, memories, associations.

The opinion that heavy music has a bad effect on the psyche is hopelessly outdated and completely wrong. This will be unobtrusively explained to your child in a professional musical institution, for example, in the Moskvorechye Rock Academy. Only social attitudes, behavior and culture can directly affect our children. That is, if rock music is accompanied by beatings, seizures and worship of the unclean (namely, they thought so at the very beginning of the birth of this musical direction), then it will definitely not have a positive impact. But if you listen to what you like, not relying on stereotypes, but only on taste, you can hardly get a negative experience.

Frankly speaking, any music, I mean, only live, is non-standard and not formatted. This applies not only to rock, but even to the classics. Vivaldi and Bach can also be called rockers, because it was they who engendered in a person the desire to create unique melodies with the help of instruments that come straight from the heart. After all, it was from classical music that all the groups that play heavy, not popular (not pop, as they say) music went. The conclusion is that the music itself cannot bear a negative impact.

But there is always a "but"! Too loud and awkward sounds, and we are talking about a slightly different direction of rock music (doom or death), can scare the child and even deafen him if the sound is set to maximum, and the baby has not yet heard anything louder than his mother's singing. The systematic listening to heavy music can have a negative impact on the psyche only if you force the child to listen to what his friends or parents like, for example. You should always take into account the preferences of the crumbs, and even if it is rock music, and the child is still very young, do not forbid it, just pick up slow melodies, with beautiful vocals, playing an instrument. Perhaps, listening to such songs, the child will be interested in guitar, drums or singing, because it is rock musicians who are real pros in the possession of such complex instruments.

In the head of every person at least once in his life, the question arose of how exactly music affects his emotional state. More attentive and curious people are wondering what impact musical works of various genres, in particular the rock genre, have on a person. Fortunately, the answers to these questions can now be easily found on the Internet.

What is rock music?

Rock is a large-scale musical movement with a deep and very entertaining history. Like any other genre of music, rock has a number of distinctive features. In particular, rock music is characterized by a hard and continuous rhythm, characterized by clarity and regularity.

Rock is divided into many independent directions, which include rock and roll, psychedelic and even symphonic rock. It is impossible to clearly define what exactly led to the formation of this musical genre, but one of the most common explanations is the protest of the then youth against the moral principles of the older generation.

Representatives of the rock community characterize the goals pursued by them in different ways at the time they created their musical works. Some say that they created their compositions in the format of style and way of being, while others explain everything with creative inspiration.

The influence of rock music on a person

Many people believe that most members of the rock community are physiologically addicted to alcohol or drugs. Oddly enough, this point of view has a reasoned basis. The fact is that most rock bands during the period of mass development of this musical direction (60-80 years) included drug and alcohol addicts.

Today, the results of a large number of scientific studies on the physiological and mental effects of rock music on the human body have been published. Experiments show that from a physical point of view, rock music has a negative effect on a person, in particular because of the abundance of emotional transitions. Nevertheless, from the point of view of sociology, most talented and gifted people prefer this particular musical genre.

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Khakass State University. N.F. Katanov"

Institute of History and Law

Department of General History

The influence of rock music on the human psyche

Completed by: 3rd year student,

Institute of History and Law,

Ryabkova A.A.

Checked by: Ph.D. Anzhiganova L.V.


    The concept of "music" and general idea…………..……………4

    The influence of music on the human body……………………………7

    1. Application of the healing properties of music……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

      Ways of influence of rock music on the human psyche….12

3 "Music therapy". Types and forms of music therapy………………..19


Bibliographic list………………………………………………


Every day, most of us listen to different kinds of music, which one way or another will meet somewhere, whether we like it or not - in the car, bus, supermarket, cinema, on the street, at a disco, in a bar or restaurant - everywhere wherever we are, we are accompanied by the sound of music. At the same time, hardly anyone thinks what a huge impact it has on our inner world and its outer expression - behavior.

Of course, it is unlikely that a person's character will undergo strong changes if he casually listened to a couple of songs on the radio, and then went to do his daily duties. Here we are talking about music lovers, about those who cannot live without these rhythms, for whom most of the perceived sounds are music.

Music is the object of this study. The subject is rock music.

The purpose of this project is an attempt to reveal and explain the peculiarities of the reaction of the human body to certain sound stimuli, or rather, listening to music. Many people, listening to music of various styles and genres, do not even think about its influence on their psyche and behavior. It does not matter to what extent this influence manifests itself, what character it is, what it can lead to, but with great confidence it can be argued that this influence is one way or another a fact.

Research objectives:

    Expand the concept of "music".

    To give a general idea of ​​the different styles and genres in music.

    To highlight the problem of the healing properties of music.

    Show the ways in which rock music affects a person.

    Explain the concept of "music therapy".

    The concept of "music" and the general idea of ​​it.

Let's start with the fact that sound waves are a physical phenomenon that occurs in various aggregate states of matter. Since time immemorial, man has been surrounded by sounds. There was also no music, but there was the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the rustle of brushwood and the rustle of leaves. All these sounds surrounded the person and informed him about the surrounding space. Based on innate and acquired experience, a person perceives sounds in different ways. For example, a high-pitched screech was an alarm signal. At the same time, there were soothing sounds - the sound of rain, the whistle of the wind.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that sounds of different frequencies affect a person in different ways. Scientists have found that this is directly related to the rhythms of the brain. Receiving audio information through the hearing organs, the brain analyzes it, comparing it with its own rhythms. Each person has rhythms with their own frequency. That is why the tastes for music are so different. Under old age, the functioning of processes in the brain slows down, and a person ceases to perceive fast rhythmic music, giving preference to more calm and measured compositions. And all because the brain does not keep up with the processing of rapidly changing information.

What is music? Here are some meanings of this word:

Music is the art of a harmonious and consonant combination of sounds, both sequential (melody, chant, voice) and joint (harmony, consonance, consonance); it's art in action. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl)

Music - 1) among other Greeks, the "art of the muses", that is, the art of singing and dancing, later the totality of all the fine arts necessary for the harmonious development of the spirit, as opposed to gymnastics, the art of raising a beautiful body. 2) The art of reproducing feelings and moods in sounds in order to evoke in the listener the corresponding feelings and moods. The main elements of music are rhythm, melody and harmony. Music is distinguished by content: church and secular, by means of performance: instrumental and vocal. Tool music is divided into orchestral and chamber, according to the type of instruments into wind and bow. (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron)

Music (from the Greek musike, literally - the art of the muses), a type of art that reflects reality and affects a person through meaningful and specially organized sound sequences, consisting mainly of tones (sounds of a certain height). Music is a specific kind of sound activity of people. It is united with other varieties (speech, instrumental-sound signaling, etc.) by the ability to express a person's thoughts, emotions, and volitional processes in an audible form and serve as a means of communicating people and controlling their behavior. To the greatest extent, Music comes close to speech, more precisely, to speech intonation, which reveals a person's inner state and his emotional attitude to the world by changing the pitch and other characteristics of the sound of the voice. This relationship allows us to speak about the intonational nature of Music. At the same time, Music is essentially different from all other varieties of human sound activity. While retaining some similarity to the sounds of real life, the musical sound fundamentally differs from them in their strict pitch and temporal (rhythmic) organization. These sounds are included in the historically established systems, which are based on tones selected by the musical practice of a given society. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

Music is the art of a coordinated combination of sound components that affect the human psyche. Music is characterized by the impact on the emotional state of people, the ratio of frequencies (heights), loudness, duration, timbre, and transient processes. (Dictionary of social sciences)

With every decade the music becomes faster and more aggressive. If earlier foxtrot and step, and then twist, were considered dance music, later disco and eurodance appeared. A little later, electronic music was widely developed. This gave us new rhythms of 140, 150, 160 beats per minute and more. But it is known that the human body is not designed to live in these rhythms all the time. We pay for such progress with serious malfunctions in the central nervous system, sleep disturbances, depression and increased irritability.

    The effect of music on the human body.

If we compare the musical sphere of art with its other branches, we can say that this is one of its most inspired forms. With its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations and colors, music conveys an endless range of feelings and moods. Its strength lies in the fact that, bypassing the mind, it penetrates directly into the soul, into the subconscious and creates the mood of a person. According to its content, music can evoke a variety of feelings, urges and desires in a person. It can relax, soothe, invigorate, irritate, etc.

And these are only those influences that are recognized by our mind. At the same time, accordingly, we regulate our behavior depending on the quality of this influence. All this happens consciously, with the participation of thinking and will.

But there are influences that pass precisely “past” consciousness, settling in the deep structures of our brain and making up a significant proportion of all our meanings and motives. Of course, one cannot exaggerate the role of music in the construction of the human "I" and its behavior: there are a lot of factors, both external and internal, that influence our inner world. But one cannot deny the fact of its participation in the formation of consciousness.

The interesting thing is that just as different is the music we listen to, so different is the degree and quality of its influence on behavior.

Speaking about the influence of music on the behavior and character of a person, it is necessary to separate the music itself and the texts that it accompanies. The fact is that the lyrics act directly (they may contain direct appeals or contextual meaning), their meaning is perceived completely in accordance with their content. How then does music affect consciousness? After all, it cannot directly carry one or another semantic meaning. Simply put, music has no pure meaning. But this is only at first glance. In fact, our subconscious mind builds a whole system of abstract connections, which are the hidden "meaning" of music.

Another interesting fact noted by psychologists is the "coincidence" of artificial musical rhythms and natural biological rhythms in the body. If these rhythms are identical, the influence is amplified. In other words, if your activity is calm and measured, a quiet and moderate background music will contribute to its effectiveness, and if you are unbalanced and aggressive, then the corresponding musical rhythms, the abundance of noise in the music, will maintain this state in you. At the same time, musical and biological rhythms are interconnected, because the latter matches the former. Music is an objective, independent phenomenon in this regard, and it cannot change under the influence of our desires and moods. Therefore, it remains for us to adapt to the music, to correspond to its energy, rhythm and content.

      Applying the healing properties of music

Many of the most ancient teachings contain various statements and experience, accumulated over thousands of years, of the effects of music on animals, plants and humans. In ancient times, 3 directions of the influence of music on the human body were distinguished: 1) on the spiritual essence of a person; 2) on intelligence; 3) on the physical body. It is believed that music can enhance any joy, soothe any sadness, alleviate any pain, and even banish illnesses. To all the sciences and sophistications that mankind has adopted, the ancient sages preferred the simple sounds of a melody, which they put above all else. Since the 19th century science has accumulated a lot of vital information about the impact of music on humans and living organisms, obtained as a result of experimental research. Experiments were carried out in several directions: the influence of individual musical instruments on living organisms; the influence of the music of the great geniuses of mankind; individual impact of individual works of composers; the impact on the human body of traditional folk trends in music, as well as modern trends. Scientific data are gradually accumulating, confirming the knowledge of the ancient sages that music is the most powerful source of energies that affect a person. Back in the 19th century, the scientist I. Dogel established that under the influence of music, blood pressure, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, the rhythm and depth of breathing, both in animals and in humans, change. The well-known Russian surgeon Academician B. Petrovsky used music during complex operations: according to his observations, under the influence of music, the body begins to work more harmoniously. An outstanding psychoneurologist academician Bekhterev believed that music has a positive effect on breathing, blood circulation, eliminates growing fatigue and gives physical vigor. It has long been known that the sounds of a bell, containing resonant ultrasonic radiation, in a matter of seconds kill typhoid bacilli, pathogens of jaundice and influenza viruses, that under the influence of certain types of music, the protoplasm of plant cells accelerates its movement, and much more. The use of certain musical sounds is also used to treat diabetes. It has been found that there is a direct relationship between blood sugar levels and mental state. Thus, by changing and regulating his mental state, a person can change the level of sugar in the blood. In this, audio cassettes with the recording of the sounds of nature are of great help: the noise of the surf, the singing of birds, the roar of ocean waves, the rumble of thunder, the noise of rain. Recently, scientists from the University of Goetingham in Germany conducted an interesting experiment: they tested the effectiveness of sleep aids and tape recordings of lullabies on a group of volunteers. Surprisingly, the melodies turned out to be much more effective than medicines: the sleep after them was strong and deep in the subjects. Studies of different directions in music have shown that the leader in getting rid of depression is the music of the famous Ravi Shankar. Particular attention, as noted above, is paid to the impact of the music of the great classical geniuses and classical music in general on living organisms. For example, the creator of musical pharmacology, the American scientist Robbert Schofler, prescribes for therapeutic purposes to listen to all Tchaikovsky's symphonies and Mozart's overtures, as well as Schybert's The Forest King. Chauffler claims that these works help to speed up recovery. Scientists from Samarkand came to the conclusion that the sounds of the pickalo flute and clarinet improve blood circulation, and the slow and not loud melody of stringed instruments reduces blood pressure. According to French scientists, Ravel's "Daphnis and Chloe" can be prescribed to persons suffering from alcoholism, and Handel's music "stabilizes" the behavior of schizophrenics. Mikhail Lazarev, pediatrician, director of the children's rehabilitation treatment center, argued that classical music has a great effect on the formation of the bone structure of the fetus. To the sounds of harmonic music, the child, still in the womb of the mother, will develop harmoniously spiritually and physically. Researches of the center under the direction of Lazarev showed that musical vibrations influence the whole organism. They have a beneficial effect on the bone structure, thyroid gland, massage the internal organs, reaching deep-lying tissues, stimulating blood circulation in them. Listening to individual classical works, pregnant women are cured of cardiovascular diseases, various nervous disorders, the same thing happens with the fetus. It is especially recommended to listen to future mothers of Mozart's works. By the way, experts consider Mozart's music a phenomenon in the field of the influence of music on living organisms. For example, the British scientific journal "Nature" published an article by an American researcher from the University of California, Dr. Francis Raucher on the positive impact of Mozart's music on human intelligence. Is it possible that it not only causes emotional experiences, but also contributes to greater efficiency of mental work? The conducted experiments confirm that this is indeed the case. After listening to Mozart's piano music, the tests showed an increase in the so-called "intelligence quotient" of the students participating in the experiment by several points. An interesting fact was that Mozart's music increased the mental abilities of all participants in the experiment - both those who love Mozart and those who do not like it. At one time, Goethe noted that he always works better after listening to Beethoven's violin concerto. It has been established that Tchaikovsky's lyrical melodies, Chopin's mazyrkas, and Liszt's rhapsodies help to overcome difficulties, overcome pain, and gain mental stamina. In our complex earthly world, any phenomenon can be directed both in positive and negative directions. Music is no exception. Indeed, many musical directions act destructively on living organisms. If classical music accelerates the growth of wheat, then rock music does the opposite. If under the influence of classical music the amount of milk from lactating mothers and mammals increases, then under the influence of rock music it decreases sharply. In general, plants and animals prefer harmonious music. For example, dolphins listen to classical music with pleasure, and plants and flowers spread their leaves and petals faster to classical music. To the sounds of modern music, cows lie down and refuse to eat, plants wither faster, and a person clutters up his living space with chaotic vibrations.

2.2 Ways of influence of rock music on the human psyche

As you know, not every musical direction has a positive effect on the human body. Arguing about this pattern, we can take modern rock music as an example. This musical style has its own distinctive features or means of influencing the psyche:

1. Hard rhythm

2. Monotonous repetitions

3. Volume, super frequencies

4. Light effect

1. Rhythm is one of the strong ways of influencing the human body. Simple but powerful rhythms force a person to respond (movements to the rhythm), from ecstasy to hallucinations, from hysteria to loss of consciousness.

The Voodoo cult used a special rhythm that, with a special sequence of musical rhythm and incantations during pagan rituals, could put a person into a state of trance or ecstasy. A well-thought-out system of rhythms controlled the human body and psyche, like a tool in the hands of Voodoo priests. American blacks who adopted these rhythms used them as dance music, gradually moving from blues to heavier rhythms.

The perception of musical rhythm is associated with the functions of the hearing aid. The dominant rhythm first captures the motor center of the brain, and then stimulates some of the hormonal functions of the endocrine system. But the main blow is directed at those parts of the brain that are closely related to the sexual functions of a person. The roar of drums was used by the Bacchantes to drive themselves into a frenzy, and in some tribes, executions were carried out with the help of similar rhythms.

The ability for analysis, sound judgment, and logic is no less strongly affected. It turns out to be very blunted, and sometimes even neutralized. It is in this state of mental and moral confusion that the wildest passions are given the green light. The barriers of morality are destroyed, automatic reflexes and natural defense mechanisms disappear.

American psychologist and musicologist Janet Podell writes: "The power of rock has always been based on the sexual energy of its rhythms. These feelings in children frightened their parents, who saw rock as a threat to their children and were, of course, right. Rock and roll and you able to make you move, dance so that you forget about everything in the world.

Particular attention should be paid to the influence of frequencies used in rock music, which have a special effect on the brain. The rhythm acquires narcotic properties when combined with ultra-low (15-30 hertz) and ultra-high (80,000 hertz) frequencies.

If the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by a powerful pressure of ultra-low frequencies, then it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance trance, similar to a drug. An excess of both high and low frequencies seriously injures the brain. At rock concerts, sound contusions, sound burns, hearing loss and memory loss are not uncommon.

2. Monotonous repetitions. Rock music can be described as monotonous, motor-like music, through which listeners can fall into a passive state. Through repeated listening, the ability to more quickly turn off and achieve a state of passivity is brought up. It may not seem at first glance to be a great danger, but the whole trouble is that the state of passivity and disconnection is one of the most important means of entering into communication with otherworldly forces. The defenseless audience is completely unaware that there is a deep invasion into the holy-holy of their being - consciousness and subconsciousness. Once in the subconscious, these impulses are deciphered, reconstructed, to be transmitted through memory to the conscious "I", having passed through all the barriers associated with the accumulated moral experience. The end result of such an invasion is suicide, collective violence, the desire to inflict a bloody wound on a partner with a razor blade, etc.

This secret of the subconscious is perhaps the main one in psychiatry. At one time, it was explained both by genetic memory and by the fact that supposedly any word, in addition to meaning, carries a hypnotic moment, but the mystery remains. It simply has to be taken into account as a fact.

3. Volume. Our ear is tuned to perceive normal sound at 55-60 decibels. Loud sound will be 70 decibels. But passing all the thresholds of normal perception, a sound of strong intensity causes incredible auditory stress. The sound volume on the site, where walls with powerful speakers are installed, used during rock concerts, reaches 120 dB, and in the middle of the site up to 140-160 dB. (120 dB corresponds to the volume of the roar of a jet plane taking off in the immediate vicinity, and the average values ​​​​for a player with headphones are 80-110 dB.).

During such sound stress, the stress hormone adrenaline is released from the kidneys (adrenal glands). This process occurs in every stressful situation. But the impact of the stimulus does not stop and there is an overproduction of adrenaline, which erases part of the information imprinted in the brain. A person simply forgets what happened to him or what he studied, and mentally degrades. Not so long ago, Swiss doctors proved that after a rock concert a person orients himself and reacts to a stimulus 3.5 times worse than usual. When adrenaline is overproduced, it partially breaks down into adrenochrome. This is already a new chemical compound, which, in terms of its effect on the human psyche, is compared with a drug. This is a kind of internal psychedelic (mind-altering) drug, similar to mescaline or psilocybin.

By itself, adrenochrome is weaker than a synthetic drug, but their actions are similar. These are hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. However, the appearance of a weaker adrenochrome in the blood acts as an irritant, causing a desire to take a stronger dose, which is done right there during the concert.

4. Light effect. Such technical equipment of rock performances as light effect is also not harmless - rays that cut through the darkness from time to time in different directions and have different configurations. Many consider them just decoration of the concert. In fact, a certain alternation of light and darkness, especially to loud and chaotic music, leads to a significant weakening of orientation, a decrease in reflex reaction speed. At a certain speed, flashes of light interact with alpha waves, which control the ability to concentrate. As the frequency increases, there is a loss of all control.

Flashes of light, following one after another in the rhythm of music, stimulate the mechanisms associated with hallucinatory phenomena, dizziness, and nausea.

If a laser beam is used for lighting effects, it can cause:

retinal burn,

The formation of a blind spot on it,

decreased orientation,

Decreased reflex reaction speed.

A long time ago, the voices of doctors and scientists who tried to convey to the youth that rhythm, frequency, the alternation of light and darkness, the heap of sounds, completely taken from the ancient black magic societies - everything is aimed at the destruction of a human being, his violent perversion, at the destruction of all mechanisms of self-defense, instinct self-preservation, moral principles, were not heard by anyone. Today, scientists can only state with sadness that few people escape from the all-pervading elements of rock music.

It replicates the gray patterns of the worldview, controls how to dress, how to think... By these patterns, young people wake up, drive, have fun, study and fall asleep again.

So, the entire technical arsenal of rock is aimed at playing on the human body, on its psyche, like on a musical instrument. Music, which appeared among our youth, like an atomic explosion, like a disaster that came to our environment, turned out to be able to totally change the individual characteristics of a person. It simultaneously affects the motor center, emotional, intellectual and sexual spheres of human activity. It is impossible to expose yourself to rock for a long time and not get deep psycho-emotional trauma.

What are the consequences of the impact of rock music on the behavior of the listener?

As noted above, each sound or work has its own "auditory path" and the reaction in changing human behavior depends on this. If nerve cells associated with negative emotions are involved, then this is immediately reflected in behavior. According to the observations of psychologists, rock musicians and composers themselves know in advance how a rock concert can end.

The following are the possible effects of rock music on the human brain:

1. Aggressiveness.

2. Fury.

4. Depression.

5. Fears.

6. Forced actions.

7. A state of trance of various depths.

8. Suicidal tendency. In adolescents, this tendency begins to manifest itself from the age of 11-12, but when listening to rock music, this feature of the teenage psyche is provoked or greatly intensified at an older age).

9. Unnatural, forced sex.

10. Inability to make clear decisions.

11. Involuntary muscle movement.

12. Musical mania (the desire to constantly sound rock music).

13. Development of mystical inclinations.

14. Social alienation.

This, of course, does not mean at all that a person who passionately loves rock necessarily possesses all these qualities, he just has a much greater predisposition to them, and with an appropriate combination of other factors, he will certainly be subject to this influence. By the way, rock music can also change religious ideas and values ​​(especially in childhood, when they are not yet fully formed), as well as stimulate in a person the desire for self-actualization, self-realization, individualism and exclusion in society.

3. Types and forms of music therapy

As noted earlier, the healing effect of music on the human body has been known since ancient times. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, faith in the healing effect of music was exceptionally great. This is evidenced by literary and medical evidence of the cure of choreomania (St. Vitus' dance) with the help of music. This is how music therapy began.

a psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a remedy.

Music therapy is one of the most interesting and still little-studied areas of traditional medicine. The therapeutic effect of this technique is based on the frequency fluctuation of musical sounds resonating with individual organs, systems or the entire human body as a whole.

There are four main areas of therapeutic action of music therapy:

1.) Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy:

2.) Development of interpersonal communication skills (communicative functions and abilities);

3.) Regulatory influence on psychovegetative processes;

4.) Increasing aesthetic needs.

The following are indicated as mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of music therapy: catharsis, emotional release, regulation of the emotional state, facilitating awareness of one's own experiences, confrontation with life problems, increasing social activity, acquiring new means of emotional expression, facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Music therapy exists in two main forms: active and receptive.

Active music therapy is a therapeutically directed, active musical activity: reproduction, fantasizing, improvisation with the help of a human voice and selected musical instruments.

Receptive music therapy involves the process of perceiving music for a therapeutic purpose. In turn, receptive music storage exists in three forms:

1.) Communicative (joint listening to music aimed at maintaining mutual contacts of mutual understanding and trust),

2.) Reactive (aimed at achieving catharsis)

3.) Regulatory (contributing to a decrease in neuropsychic


Receptive music therapy is more commonly used. Group members are offered to listen to specially selected pieces of music, and then discuss their own experiences, memories, thoughts, associations, fantasies that arise during listening. In one lesson, they listen, as a rule, to three works or more or less completed excerpts (each 10-15 minutes).

Programs of musical works are built on the basis of a gradual change in mood, dynamics and tempo, taking into account their different emotional load. The first work should form a certain atmosphere for the entire lesson, show the mood of the group members, establish contacts and introduce them to the musical lesson, and prepare for further listening. This is a calm piece with a relaxing effect. The second work is dynamic, dramatic, tense, carries the main load, its function is to stimulate intense emotions, memories, associations of a projective nature from a person's own life. The third work should relieve tension, create an atmosphere of peace. It can be calm, relaxing or, on the contrary, energetic, giving a charge of vivacity, optimism, energy.

You can use the active version of music therapy. It requires the presence of the simplest musical instruments. Group members are invited to express their feelings or have a dialogue with one of the group members using selected musical instruments.

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  • The author of this article was an outstanding surgeon of our time, one of the founders of domestic thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, a laureate of the Lenin Prize, the First National Prize for the Best Doctors of Russia, the Prize of St. Andrew the First-Called, the Prize to them. A.N. Bakuleva, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of Surgery named after I.I. Grekov", vice-president of the International Slavic Academy, president of the State Orthodox Fund, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, honorary member of many domestic and foreign academies and scientific societies that have made a significant contribution to the annals of world surgery, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's oldest practicing surgeon (during his lifetime). He was the permanent chairman, founded at the end of 1988. Tobacco and alcohol Uglov ranked as "permitted drugs", referring to the work of A.N. Timofeev "Neuro-psychic disorders in alcohol intoxication." , Uglov also referred to rock music, the distribution of which, in his opinion, is supported by the Order of the Illuminati.

    Over the past four decades in the world, invisibly, but more and more tangibly, there has been a destruction of consciousness, and through it, morality as the highest and most responsible function of the intellect. Perhaps for the first time in the history of mankind, music, songs and rock and roll stars have been chosen for this diversion.

    In the beginning, no one took this music seriously. It was believed that this was another fashion that would soon pass, as was the case with the Charleston, boogie-woogie and twist. But, as Jean Paul Regimebal writes, “The socio-cultural phenomenon of rock and roll, which appeared in the early fifties, unleashed such a wave of dirt, slag and loss of life on the world that thirty years later turned into the most powerful destructive force for body, soul and heart that has ever been came from the depths of hell itself."

    Music can be music, that is, one of the highest forms of art, only when it keeps pace with progress and even shows it the right path. Meanwhile, progress is necessarily directed along the path of goodness, humanism, human relations to each other, friendship and mutual understanding. Progress is the creation of the best, noble, accessible to all people. That is why music is given great importance in educating the best properties of the human soul.

    Aristotle wrote: “Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul. And since music has such properties, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people.

    Of course, music is more understood and loved by the person who is more prepared for it, that is, the one who has a musical education or natural gifts and interest in music. It is enough to point to martial music, which lifts people into battle stronger than a verbal order. Appropriate music is used as a healing factor in a number of medical institutions.

    However, music built on the frequency and strength of sound, which go beyond the easily digestible and beneficial effect on a person, can and does have a sharply negative effect on the psyche, intellect and behavior of a person. And while musical education or the innate abilities of a person perceive these sounds as annoying and even causing a painful state, in people of little culture, with rude character traits, prone to various anomalies, these sounds cause excitement, reaching ecstasy.

    In view of the fact that rock music has a sharply negative impact not only on the intellect, psyche, moral and ethical state of young people, but also on the physical health of a person, I will allow myself to express my opinion on this issue, based not only on my own perception and understanding of this music, but also on the study of scientific literature devoted to this problem.

    First of all, it must be said that not all young people, as they often say, are attracted and captured by this music. As I have already said, people (including young people) brought up on classical and folk music perceive rock and even jazz music negatively. I was told by a young woman, a doctor, with good musical abilities, that she, being a student at a provincial university, came to Moscow during the next boom of jazz and rock music. She decided to listen to this music in various performances. Having bought tickets for all the concerts of this kind that were taking place in Moscow at that time, she listened to them all, although after the very first evening she no longer wanted to go there. Nevertheless, she carefully listened to all the performances - and nothing but a negative attitude towards such music! Each time it was strange and incomprehensible to her why some of the youth come to ecstasy from those elements of the concert that evoked the most negative emotions in her.

    Consequently, the judgment that all young people are “crazy” by this music, and only older people do not understand it, is fundamentally wrong. It's not about age, it's about intelligence and upbringing.

    What is rock and roll, which receives so much attention from television and those newspapers that for a long time (and some still) take the position of encouraging "cultural consumption" in relation to alcohol?

    The development of rock and roll began in the West, in the United States by arranging the beat rhythms and blues of the black population of the South. The term "rock and roll" itself means two movements of the human body during sexual fun and is borrowed from African-American ghettos. The main emphasis is on the beat (a beat is a continuous repetition of regular pulsations combined with shortened rhythms, which are usually provided by the drummer and played by the bass guitar. It is the beat that characterizes the rhythm of rock music). There are hard, heavy, bad and caustic; then satanic and finally punk rock, which is also considered not the end of this ascent to madness.

    Even with hard rock, the beat is perceived in such a way that it strongly excites sexual instincts and, as a rule, attracts people with sexual pathology. That's why Elvis Presley urged young people to drop sexual taboos and took pleasure in exciting the audience not only with his music and words, but mainly with those obscene and provocative sexual passages with which he accompanied his performances. The emotions evoked by him led in a number of cases to a change in life habits, clothing, the emergence of a fashion for long hair, etc. Under the influence of such musicians, indignations, rages, mass hysteria, and sexual excesses arose, especially among girls.

    Hard rock is characterized primarily by the improvement of the rhythm (beat), loudness and frenzy of beats. Sound intensity reaches up to 120 decibels, which exceeds the limit of human hearing, which is set to an average intensity of 55 decibels, loud sound corresponds to 70 decibels. To the pulsations of the beat that excite erotica, the effect of annoying noise is added, which by its nature leads to nervous overstrain, the appearance of an uncontrollable feeling of dissatisfaction and the desire to satisfy it at all costs. The purpose of this music is to create an ocean of frenzied sounds: drum beats, cymbals, trumpets, piercing screams, electronic synthesizers - all this combines for a decisive attack on the crowd beating in a fever. As the experts write, hard rock is not listened to, it is immersed in accordance with the ritual of sex, seduction and rebellion.

    The 1990s saw the birth of punk rock (in England the word "punk" refers to prostitutes of both sexes, the Americans translate this word as "scum"), the goal and philosophy of which is to lead the audience directly to suicide, collective violence and systematic crimes. The limit of punk in the sphere of human and musical experience lies in the possibility of inflicting a bloody wound on a partner with a razor blade sewn into jeans or a shirt, and beating him, already wounded, with a bracelet covered with spikes and nails - that is, it leads to an extreme degree of sexual perversion, to sadism.

    Who supports, finances the development of rock music and contributes to its further distribution? It is believed that rock music is called upon to develop a socio-cultural, political, economic, moral and spiritual revolution. And this revolution is part of a much larger project conceived and funded by the Illuminati. The Illuminati is an old mystical order founded on May 1, 1776 by several apostates, notably Canon Rocca, the English Bishop Albert Pike. This society dedicated to Satan aims at worldwide capture of all economic, political, military, religious and other powers in order to establish one single world government. For the complete possession of the youth, indifferent to politics and society, the Illuminati began to distribute rock products on a massive scale in order to ensure the worldwide distribution of the most aggressive groups. It is part of a world conspiracy conceived by the Illuminati, the express purpose of which is to educate the youth in the spirit of cosmopolitanism, corresponding to the rise to power of one single world government.

    Consistent severing of ties with family, nationality, culture and ethics leads to the fact that young people lose their sense of belonging to society, to the country, but feel like citizens of the world without faith and law, without any duties towards anyone , except for the Illuminati and Satan, although the consequences of addiction are not conscious.

    This state of mind is manifested in the growing number of divorces, broken families, and in the proliferation of works and social movements focused on individualization and self-satisfaction (selfishness). This philosophy is too narrow to leave room for love, that is, one of the most beautiful and noble feelings.

    The following data speaks of the degree of influence of rock music and the spread of discos: according to the results of a survey conducted in 1981 in the USA, 87% of all teenagers spend from 3 to 5 hours a day listening to rock music. Later, the distribution of this music increased even more. With the advent of more advanced equipment, they spend 7 or 8 hours doing this activity. Of the records sold annually around the world, 90% are records of rock music (130 million per year). To this we must add another 100 million rock albums.

    Is it possible that this influx of musical frenzy has no effect on the physical, psychological, mental, moral and spiritual planes, both on individuals and on the masses? What data allow us to assess the seriousness and depth of the impact of rock and roll on young people?


    A) physical effects. Numerous studies have been carried out to assess the impact of rock music, which causes severe trauma to the hearing, vision, spine, endocrine and nervous systems in people who are addicted to this genre of music. Bob Larsen of Cleveland has identified significant changes in the body in more than 200 patients. He noted that this music caused a change in the pulse, respiration, increased secretion of the endocrine glands, in particular glands that regulate vital processes in the body. When the melody rises, the larynx contracts; when the melody falls, the larynx relaxes.

    Basic metabolism and blood sugar levels undergo changes during the hearing process. These effects increase as the intensity of the sound increases. At levels above 80 decibels, the effect of music causes discomfort, at a level of 90 decibels it becomes harmful. During rock concerts, the measurement shows 106-108 decibels in the center of the hall and almost 120 decibels near the orchestra. Therefore, in young people listening to this music, hearing changes are observed to a degree that is usually characteristic of people over 50 years of age.

    In addition, the number of people with cardiovascular diseases and imbalance in the body is increasing dramatically.

    The intensity of special lighting and the use of laser beams cause irreversible damage to vision, since if the beam enters the eye, it can burn the retina with the formation of a blind spot. In addition, short flashes of light, following one after another in the rhythm of music, cause dizziness, nausea, and hallucinatory phenomena.

    Adam Knist writes: “The main effect of rock music stems from the level of its noise, which causes hostility, exhaustion, narcissism (narcissism), panic, indigestion, hypertension, an unusual narcotic state. Rock is not a harmless pastime. Rock is a drug more deadly than heroin that poisons the lives of our youth.

    With regard to the sexual plane, here, according to Larsen's data, the following changes occur: low-frequency vibrations created by the efforts of the bass guitar, to which the repeated action of the beat is added, significantly affect the state of the cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid, in turn, directly affects the glands that regulate hormone secretion. As a result, the balance of sex and adrenal hormones is disturbed, and the level of insulin in the blood changes. As a result, the control functions of moral inhibition fall below the threshold of tolerance or are completely neutralized.

    B) psychological action. No matter how devastating the physiological consequences of rock, its psychological consequences are even more terrible, since rock music inflicts deep psycho-emotional trauma on its listeners. Here are some of the consequences of these injuries:

    1) Changing the emotional responses resulting from the containment of the desire for uncontrolled violence.
    2) Loss of control over the ability to concentrate.
    3) Weakening of control over mental activity and will.
    4) Neuro-sensory overexcitation, causing euphoria, suggestibility, hysteria and even hallucinations.
    5) Serious impairment of memory, brain function and neuromuscular coordination.
    6) A hypnotic or cataleptic state that turns a person into a kind of fool or robot.
    7) Depressive state, reaching neurosis and psychosis, especially with a combination of rock music and drugs.
    8) Suicidal and homicidal tendencies increase with prolonged listening to rock music.
    9) Self-mutilation in its various forms, especially in large gatherings.
    10) Unbridled impulses for destruction, vandalism, rebellion after concerts and rock festivals.


    The consequences of rock music are connected with the main themes of rock and roll: thinking, willpower, free will and moral consciousness are so strongly influenced by all the senses that their ability to judge and resist is severely blunted, and sometimes not at all. controlled. In this state of moral and mental oppression, it gives the green light to the revelry of the wildest, hitherto suppressed impulses - hatred, anger, jealousy, revenge, up to murder and suicide.

    The best moral and spiritual education cannot long resist the erosion of consciousness, heart and spirit that is caused by prolonged listening to rock music.


    Rock concerts and festivals cause such mass hysteria that riots and fights break out in the midst of sensational events that spontaneously arise during a concert or public demonstration. Here are some examples. In Vancouver, Canada, it took 30 minutes for 100 people to be seriously injured in connection with a rock festival. In Cincinnati (USA) at the River Coliseum in December 1975, 11 young people were trampled to death by 10,000 spectators who tore down barriers to enter the festival. In Melbourne, Australia, more than a thousand people were seriously injured in connection with the rock festival. 650 young people found their death during one of the weekends in Los Angeles. This report was made by a California television studio.

    In his scientific work "The Big Beat" F. Garlock wrote: “Participants in chaos and disorder could not have found a more perfect vehicle for transmitting and hammering their ideas and philosophies into the younger generation of various countries of the world. Thus, in the two countries where rock and roll is most popular, in the USA and England, there is not only a high level of decline among young people, but also a rapid increase in the number of crimes committed by young people, the birth of illegitimate children, various kinds of violence, murders, suicide."

    Scientists believe that rock and roll over the past 30 years has caused such a deep corruption of youth, which has not yet been noted in history. While billions are being spent on combating air and water pollution, and combating noise, there are no resources, no funds, no strong will to overcome the moral and spiritual pollution of the youth who are victims of this vast conspiracy.

    It is surprising that the authorities are helpless in the face of all sorts of troubles generated by this deadly satanic musical wave. Old truth: "Decompose the youth and you will conquer the nation."

    From this cursory review of scientific data, we see that rock and roll is not a variety, not another of the genres of music: it is anti-music, because it not only does not carry all the spiritual wealth that is associated with this type of art, not only does it not bring up kindness, love, friendship - all those high feelings that raise a person and lead society to progress, but rock and roll, on the contrary, cultivates the lowest, most negative feelings in a person, corrupts his morality and discards his intellectual development is far back. Moreover, by developing malice and pathological sexuality, rock music destroys people and leads to the degradation of society.

    The power of rock music is aimed at the moral decay of young people, in its program itself, in its design and even in the details, there are the most perfect forms and methods for bringing listeners to moral decay and educating everything that is most negative and evil in a person. It is enough to give at least the content of those songs that are performed to the sounds of rock music. Here is an excerpt from the song "God of Thunder":

    "I was raised by a demon
    Prepared to rule like him.
    I am the lord of the desert, the modern iron man.
    I gather darkness to please myself.
    I command you: kneel before the god of thunder, the god of rock and roll."

    In order to subdue the listeners, to make them perceive what contradicts the very human essence, rock musicians, in addition to the frantic, frantic noise and thunder that suppress the psyche, use lighting effects in the form of a strobe light, which is not a props, but part of a satanic weapon against youth. With the help of a stroboscope, it is possible to alternate light and dark, which leads to a significant weakening of orientation, the ability to judge. In the case when the light-dark alternation occurs at a frequency of 6-8 Hz, this causes a loss of depth of perception. If the alternation frequency reaches 25 Hz, the ability to concentrate is lost. With a further increase in frequency, there is a loss of any ability to control.

    The combination of rock music with the play of strobe light leads to the violation of all barriers of moral judgment. The personality loses its reflexes, natural defense mechanisms.

    When using exclusively specialized technical means, a human being experiences violence over his protective equipment and freedom of opinion. Hence the mental, moral and spiritual damage experienced by the audience listening to rock music.

    Considering that the beat causes an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood, it can not only cause a corresponding reaction from the sexual sphere, but also a strong excitement, reaching intoxication, which rock musicians have an impact on young people, and which lead to a sharp decline in the general moral level.

    Thus, it must be acknowledged that The increased media attention to rock music cannot be assessed otherwise than as a path to the moral decay of youth. This danger is very big and it is constantly increasing. Many who in one way or another promote or contribute to the implantation of this corrupting music stubbornly repeat that the ban can only increase the interest of young people, but it's not just about the ban. We must first of all stop the propaganda of this music. And most importantly - it is necessary to oppose real music to it. Fill TV and radio time with classical, folk, folklore, thematic, etc. music. in the best performance. And give it not in the mornings, when everyone is at work, not after midnight, but at the time when we broadcast performances of rock and roll ensembles, that is, from 18 to 22 hours. And rock and roll should be excluded from TV and radio programs altogether.

    "We need an active fight against rock music, even more offensive than the aggression of the Illuminati. If we want our children and grandchildren to live to old age at all..."
    /Fyodor Uglov/


    More details in the book: Gennady Zabrodin, Boris Alexandrov - Rock. Art or disease?

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