Extracurricular activities. Open extra-curricular event in literature Non-traditional extra-curricular event in literature


Target: develop students' communication skills, creative imagination.
Tasks: show the beauty, expressiveness, melodiousness of the Russian language, form public speaking skills, cultivate a sense of patriotism, aesthetic taste, interest in Russian literature, the ability to navigate the world of literary works and heroes, correction and development of oral speech abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: Cards with poems, with descriptions and words of heroes, with a table for composing words (to-k), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), Exhibition of drawings and books.

Lesson progress:

The riddle is written on the board.

    Not a tree, but with leaves.
    Not a shirt, but sewn.
    Not a person, but tells. What is this?

Right. This is a book.
- The book helps to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Books teach us goodness and wisdom. Books allow you to find new and true friends.
Today we will test your ingenuity, erudition and literacy.
- Letters lined up for roll call. (alphabet)
- Hunter to other people's furs. (mol)
- Stationery "wit". (button)
- Home porthole. (window)
- Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (nose)
- "Egg" in geometry. (oval)
- It's time, which in September is "woman's". (summer)
- Green, from which "flies die." (yearning)
- Alien, where stones are thrown, but the goat is not allowed. (garden)
- friendlier than these two guys
You won't find it in the world.
They are usually referred to as:
(“You can’t spill water”)
- We started the town
Literally (along and across).
- And we are so tired on the road,
That barely (drag legs).
- Fake, confuse words.
They sing (some in the forest, some for firewood).
What does this mean? (Presentation)
- Lead by the nose - deceive
- Insert sticks in the wheels - interfere
- In tight gloves - strictly
- Turn up your nose - be proud, arrogant.
- Far, far away - far away
- Run very fast - headlong
- Work very well - roll up your sleeves
- We haven't seen each other for a long time - how many years, how many winters. Vasilisa the Beautiful. (cosmetics)

3. "BLACK BOX" (Objects are taken out of it when the audience guesses them according to the description) 1. Hercules followed them to the gardens of the Hesperides. It also became the subject of contention between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. When it's crowded, he has nowhere to fall. What do you think this item is? (apple)
2. It is vital, but it is a stranger; sometimes they interrupt from him to kvass; and he is friends with salt. What is this? (bread)
3. The name of the Apostle Peter, translated from Hebrew, means exactly what is in this box. It happens to be a cornerstone, and sometimes it is a stumbling block. A bad person wears it in his bosom. In a dispute, a scythe can find him. (stone)
4. It is very small, but with its help it is possible to interrupt the life of one influential gentleman distinguished by his excessive thinness. A stupid person will look for it among the cut grass, and one who is very worried will sit on them. What is this item? (needle)
5. She needs to eat 16.36 kg to get to know a person better. A long time ago, she was almost worth her weight in gold. She was placed to the guest directly in the dishes. If the guest was respected, then they put a lot of it, and if not, then they didn’t put it at all. What is this edible product? (salt)
6. It has the strange ability to ignite on someone who was involved in the theft. It can be removed, broken, grabbed in an armful. You can even toss them! You can’t do without it in ordinary life, given the peculiarities of our climate. And for fairy-tale heroes, it is often invisible. And what is this necessary item? (a cap)
7. It can sometimes roll up to the throat and get stuck in it. It contains contradictions. And in folk tales, he shows the way to Ivan Tsarevich. What is a folklore assistant? (clew)
8. He can beat, or he can open. It may be wet or it may be dry. Sometimes it's just a means to unravel or understand something. What is in the Black Box? (key)
9. It can be placed on a waterfowl, but everything will be to no avail. It can be crushed in a mortar and carried in a sieve. You can hide the ends in it and drive along it with a pitchfork. She is dead and on jelly. And if you do not want to answer my question, then you can type it into your mouth. But it's in your best interest to answer. What is this? (water)
10. When its whole vessel, then there are, I’m not afraid of this word, pests who are ready to spoil it by adding at least a little something bitter and inedible. (honey)

4. "KNOW THE HERO, AUTHOR, WORK" (Solve riddles about literary heroes. Identify the work by music, a frame from a movie)
Pushkin's Tales, "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky", "Snowstorm", "The Night Before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "French Lessons", "Children of Captain Grant".
"GUESS WHO AM I?" (Children are given cards with descriptions, phrases of the heroes of literary works. They read out, the rest should name the hero's name)
“I am Odikhmant’s son, I’m sitting on an oak tree, I’ll whistle when I want” (Nightingale the Robber)
"About nine heads, the horse under him stumbled" (Miracle Yudo)
The temper of such a meek one, and the bridegroom was found by her ... " (Princess)
I took two roosters, hit them against each other, so that they didn’t fight anymore ” (Gerasim)
“I put a gun in the bear’s ear and fired” (Dubrovsky)
"In big mittens, and himself with a fingernail" (Vlas)
“I don’t have brothers, I’m not yet old and a year old” (Lamb)
“The hair is plucked, there are no buttons, and the little guy is old” (Lefty)
“I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea” (Old woman)
"He was wounded in battle, and everyone considered it a duty to feed him" (Horse)
-Remember who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?
a) Boris and Gleb
b) Cyril and Methodius
c) Minin and Pozharsky
d) Chuk and Gek
- Do you know that the most concise correspondence in the world took place between the French writer Victor Hugo and the publisher of his book Les Misérables. Hugo sent a letter to his publisher with only "?". What did the writer get in return?
a) A blank sheet of paper
b) Empty sms
c) "yo"
- So the writer learned that his book aroused great interest among readers.
- Onegin liked Byron, so he hung him over the bed.
- I met M.Yu. Lermontov in kindergarten.
- The writer in his works shows us a simple language.
- Mumu clung to the wall when the lady came up and bared her teeth.
- The soldiers took pity on the hungry children and gave them cans.
- A cradle, a pistol and a mustache were held on Taras Bulba's belt.

I hope that you do not make such mistakes in your speech, but try to make it interesting, vivid and expressive. Read books, they will help you with this!

See you soon!

MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school"

Extracurricular activity in literature

for 6, 7 classes

"The book is a great thing..."

prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Kuzmina Valentina Fedorovna

year 2013

"The book is a great thing..."


to interest children in reading books, to expand the horizons and vocabulary of students;

provide students with the opportunity to develop their abilities; develop thinking, memory, the ability to use previously acquired knowledge;

to form the ability to work in a team, to be responsible to the members of the team.

Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, so

knowledge is made up of grains of what is read.

V. I. Dal.

Advanced homework:

each team must prepare

1) representation of a literary hero (costume + phrase),

2) a literary crossword puzzle for their competitors.


1) 2 teams, consisting of students of grades 6 and 7, take part in the game;

2) for each correct answer, the jury (2 students of the 9th grade) awards 1 point, the team receives a token - the key to knowledge; for the presentation of a literary hero - 2 points.

Event progress

Teacher: I am glad to welcome you here, and today we will hold an event dedicated to the book. A. Blok said: "A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it." To begin with, I would like to introduce you to the history of the book.

1 leader: The book is a periodical publication in the form of bound sheets of printed material, a medium of mass, scientific and technical information. One of the oldest forms of a book is a scroll (6-3 millennium BC, later replaced by a codex). The main material for the manufacture of books: originally - papyrus, from the 2nd century BC - parchment and from the 13th century (in Europe) - paper.

2 host:

In the ancient world in the Middle Ages, books were reproduced by copying. The first printed book is considered to be a text reproduced by woodcuts (the image was obtained from a flat wooden printing plate) in Korea (704-751). Printing originated in China (11th century), printed books appeared in Europe in the middle of the 15th century (creator Johannes Guttenberg, 1456).

1 competition. "Blitz Intellect"

List all proverbs and sayings about books that you know.

(The book decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune.

Not everyone who reads knows the power in reading.

One book teaches a thousand people.

A book is a book, and move your mind.

Who reads a lot knows a lot.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

It is a waste of time to fish without a hook and learn without a book.

Read a new book - met a friend (Chinese).

Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from the book.

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.)

2 competition. "It's elementary"

    The title page is ... (beginning of the book).

    A book lover is a person ... (loves books).

    Notes, literary memoirs about simple events made by a contemporary or a participant in these events (memoirs).

    A bound old manuscript that replaced the scroll (codex).

    The creator of the first library in Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise, 1037).

    In the 15th century, the first printed book appeared in Europe. Who is its creator? (Johann Gutenberg.)

    In 1564 Ivan Fedorov published the first printed book in Russia. What was her name? ("Apostle")

    The number of copies of the book issued by the publisher (circulation).

    What is the name of the subject that allows you to think deeply, be able to reason, ask questions and simply help you live? (literature)

    What was the name of the plowman in ancient Rus'? (orai)

    The robber, who killed people with the sound of his voice, was defeated by a man who had barely learned to walk. What are their names (Nightingale the Robber and Ilya Muromets).

    I. I. Pushchin recalled: “My friend, a famous poet and writer, had the nickname Frenchman.” What is the name of this writer? (A. Pushkin)

    Which of the Russian poets called winter "the enchantress"? (F. Tyutchev)

    What is the name of the object that Huckleberry Finn, having fun, twirled with rapture on a rope above his head? (dead cat)

3 competition. "Continue"

Team representatives come out and pull tickets. It is necessary to continue the poem at least 1 quatrain. Name the poem and the author.

1. It's time, beauty, wake up ... (A. Pushkin "Winter Morning")

2. Under it is a stream lighter than azure ... (M. Lermontov "Sail".)

3. Who is driving you: is it fate ... (M. Lermontov "Clouds".)

4. Do not be shy for your dear homeland ... (The Russian people have endured enough, / They have endured this railroad - / They will endure everything that the Lord sends! N. Nekrasov "Railway".)

4 competition. "Where does the proverb come from"

Teams must determine from which source the proverb came from.

1. The beaten unbeaten is lucky (from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf").

2. The strong one is always to blame (from the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb").

3. And Vaska listens and eats (from the fable "The Cat and the Cook").

4. And things are still there (from the fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer").

5 competition. "Library"

Each team receives a list of works. It is necessary to sign the author correctly.

"Demyanova's ear" (I. Krylov.)

"The Night Before Christmas" (N. Gogol.)

"Horse surname" (A. Chekhov.)

"Young lady-peasant" (A. Pushkin.)

"Three palm trees" (M. Lermontov.)

"Grandfather" (N. Nekrasov.)

“Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants” (A. Pogorelsky.)

"Frost, Red Nose" (N. Nekrasov.)

"The Sleeping Princess" (V. Zhukovsky.)

"The Enchanted Place" (N. Gogol.)

"French Lessons" (V. Rasputin.)

"Surgery" (A. Chekhov.)

6 competition

Identify the work and name the author according to the set of characters:

1) mirror, boy, girl, troll; (H. Andersen "The Snow Queen")

2) a janitor, a housekeeper, Tatyana, a mistress; (I. Turgenev "Mumu")

3) grandfather, letter, witches, cards; (N. Gogol "The Missing Letter")

4) robber, kennel, Vereisky, bear; (A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky")

5) Alexander Pavlovich, Count Kiselvrod, Platov; (N. Leskov "Lefty")

6) the dead, Count Kleinmichel, road, hunger. (N. Nekrasov "Railway")

7 competition. “Restore the proverb in 2 words” (proverbs are written on the tablets).

For example: business - idleness (A small business is better than a big idleness).

1) barks - bites (The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly);

2) hands - boredom (Do not sit idly by, there will be no boredom);

3) work - laziness (Labor feeds a person, and laziness spoils);

4) Motherland - stand up (Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her);

5) a penny - a ruble (A penny saves a ruble);

6) backfire - respond (As it backfires, it will respond);

7) silver - gold (The word is silver, and silence is gold);

8) pen - ax (What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax).

8 competition. "Restore the stanza according to rhymes":

1) allow, along the stream, drink, please.

(When the brightest Wolf allows,

I dare to convey that down the stream ...)

2) through the window, one, with our own, we will fly away.

(Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,

It's like I'm thinking the same thing...)

9 competition. The game "Burime" (French word, translated "rhymed ends"). The game consists in writing verses on the given rhymes:





For example: Our Petrusha knows the business.

Just ask the whole class.

Sandwiches twenty boldly

Eats one at a time.

10 competition. "Crossword"

Teams must solve a literary crossword puzzle prepared for them by competitors. Time -10 minutes.

For the audience at this time, the competition "What growth ..."

1) How tall was A. Pushkin, if the poet's brother Lev Sergeevich recalled: “He was small in stature (he had a little 5 inches in him) ...”? (As a matter of course, Lev Pushkin did not mention 2 arshins, because in the old days it was customary to denote growth by the number of vershoks over 2 arshins; arshin - 71.12 cm, vershok - 4.45, i.e. 165 cm.)

2) How tall was the main character of the story "Mumu" - Gerasim, if I. Turgenev writes that he was "a man 12 inches tall"? (196 cm)

11 competition. "Know the hero" (homework).

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

List of used literature

1. Zhirenko O.E., Savchenko E.V., Lobacheva S.I. The world of holidays, shows and quizzes: 5th - 11th grade. M.: LLC "5 for knowledge", 2008.

2. Malyugina V.A., Chernykh O.G. Game lessons in literature: Grade 6. M.: Wako, 2009.

3.Creative work in the Russian language lessons. 5 - 11 grades. Authors-compilers: Sulitskaya N.M. and others. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2011.

On February 11, another meta-subject Olympiad was held at our school, this time dedicated to L. Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" and the Victorian era associated with it. Participants of the competition gathered in the assembly hall of the school: students of grades 5-8. The essence of the meta-subject Olympiad is that children of different ages gather in teams, during the event they learn to interact, show themselves, their leadership qualities, creativity, sociability, a sense of teamwork, that is, all those qualities that are now needed in modern life. The names of the teams were based on the names of the heroes of Carroll's fairy tale: the Cheshire Cat, the Lady of Hearts, the Dodo Bird, the Quasi Turtle. How do you like these names?

At the first stage of the game, the children were offered three tasks. The first is to correlate objects with their English names, to translate English names into Russian. Inventions were presented, the authors of which were the British. This is a compass, thermos, thermometer, siphon, toilet paper.

The second task for creative guys. Write a limerick. You don't know what it is? We didn’t know either, but it turns out that L. Carroll and his girlfriends composed these:

Bearded old man from Bangor

He said: “Do not bring shame to me!

Did I know that the birds

Chickens, owls, tits -

Will the beard start up so soon?

Well, you understand that the English have a peculiar sense of humor. The guys composed interesting versions of their limericks and supplemented them with illustrations.

The third task for mathematicians. Try to solve a puzzle in which you need to convert feet and inches to centimeters. We honestly admit that only one team solved this problem correctly.

In the second round, the guys prepared and defended a project - a collage of one of the English colonies from the time of Queen Victoria. These are Canada, Australia, India and Africa. Firstly, it was necessary to guess what was superfluous in the proposed set of pictures, select the right one using Internet materials, draw a collage and “protect” it.

Everyone worked together and very actively, even the guys from the 5th grade did not lag behind. As a result, the Cheshire Cat team won, with which we congratulate them!

Compositions and quizzes on literature

Yesenin Festival

For the 120th anniversary of S. A. Yesenin, we prepared the Yeseninsky Festival at the school. All teachers of the Russian language and literature, children of all grades 5-11, were involved in the work. Someone prepared an expressive reading of poetry, someone - mini-projects in the form of videos, virtual tours, someone sang, someone danced. I want to show here the reading of Yesenin's poems. Many boys were simply amazed at how they recited them. We can arrogantly treat the film "Yesenin" with S. Bezrukov in the title role as we like, but we must pay tribute to this film: it aroused the interest of schoolchildren in the personality of Yesenin, they watch fragments, pick up a book, many learn poetry, gradually copy the manner reading Bezrukov.

Watch some fragments from the rehearsals of the festival. Let me make it clear: these are not my students.

Salon Z. Volkonskaya

an event dedicated to the theme of love in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin. An extra-curricular event is held in parallel with the study of the work of A. S. Pushkin. Recommended for 9th grade students. Develops the creative potential of students, introduces Pushkin's environment, with the addressees of his love lyrics: Anna Olenina, Amalia Riznich, A.P. Kern; gives you the opportunity to plunge into the era of the beginning of the XIX century. Stimulates the cognitive activity of students, integrates students' knowledge of literature, MHC.

A performance about the life and work of A. Blok

The literary and musical composition tells about the love of Alexander Blok for three women: L. D. Mendeleeva, N. Volokhova, Delmas. Musical accompaniment to the performance are recordings from Efros' play "The Stranger" performed by V. Vysotsky, M. Kazakov, O. Anofriev.

Performance dedicated to M. Yu. Lermontov

This development was published sometime in the 70s of the last century in the journal Literature at School. I just shortened the script a bit. This event requires a lot of preparation. It’s good if there is a spotlight in the hall, but it can be replaced with a slide projector. The voice from the speaker represents Power.

Literature games and quizzes

Game based on the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

A game based on the work of L. N. Tolstoy in grade 10

was created for the anniversary of the writer and consists of several competitions. A blitz tournament on the biography of the writer, guess the hero, a competition dedicated to the portraits of Leo Tolstoy and illustrations for his works. In advance, the guys prepare their homework: the introduction of the hero, the rebus, the dramatization.

Games and events in the Russian language

I wrote the script for the play based on N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" in the first years of work at school, since I gave my very first literature lesson in practice at the institute based on "Night" - my favorite story.

This performance was held in the 5th grade, in the physics room, and not in the assembly hall on St. Valentine's Day (these are our holidays now!)

Spectators sat at the tables - they were the parents of the children. A soundtrack was recorded for the performance. For example, Vakula's flight on the line to Petersburg went to the music of Grieg to "Peer Gynt" (troll dance). The girls sang carols. The older students drew two huts on cardboard, they were also backstage. They hung a black silk curtain - Vakula flew against its background. Words from the author also went under the soundtrack. And we also had an illuminator: one girl sat next to a slide projector and directed the beam at the performers. It was impressive enough. But this footage is not of very good quality, since there were no digital cameras at that time.

Extracurricular lesson in literature on the topic: In the magical world of literature

Author: Kirilicheva Nadezhda Grigoryevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU "Rogozhinskaya OOSh" Mikhailovsky district, Volgograd region

Extracurricular Literature

Subject: In the magical world of literature.
Recommended for teachers, educators to work with children in grades 6-8.
Target: develop students' communication skills, creative imagination.
Tasks: show the beauty, expressiveness, melodiousness of the Russian language, form public speaking skills, cultivate a sense of patriotism, aesthetic taste, interest in Russian literature, the ability to navigate the world of literary works and heroes, correction and development of oral speech abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: Cards with poems, with descriptions and words of characters, with a table for composing words (to-to), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), Laptop, presentation projector, exhibition of drawings and books.

Lesson progress:

1. Not a tree, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn.
Not a person, but tells. What is this? Right. This is a book.
- The book helps to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Books teach us goodness and wisdom. Books allow you to find new and true friends.
Today we will test your ingenuity, erudition and literacy.
- Letters lined up for roll call. (alphabet)
- Hunter to other people's furs. (mol)
- Stationery "wit". (button)
- Home porthole. (window)
- Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (nose)
- "Egg" in geometry. (oval)
- It's time, which in September is "woman's". (summer)
- Green, from which "flies die." (yearning)
- Alien, where stones are thrown, but the goat is not allowed. (garden)
- A set of tools with which you can make Vasilisa the Beautiful out of Baba Yaga. (cosmetics)
(Objects are taken out of it when the audience guesses them according to the description)
1. Hercules followed them to the gardens of the Hesperides. It also became the subject of contention between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. When it's crowded, he has nowhere to fall. What do you think this item is? (apple)
2. It is vital, but it is someone else's; sometimes they interrupt from him to kvass; and he is friends with salt. What is this? (bread)
3. The name of the Apostle Peter, translated from Hebrew, means exactly what is in this box. It happens to be a cornerstone, and sometimes it is a stumbling block. A bad person wears it in his bosom. In a dispute, a scythe can find him. (stone)
4. She is very small, but with her help you can interrupt the life of one influential gentleman, distinguished by his excessive thinness. A stupid person will look for it among the cut grass, and one who is very worried will sit on them. What is this item? (needle)
5. She needs to eat 16.36 kg to get to know a person better. A long time ago, she was almost worth her weight in gold. She was placed to the guest directly in the dishes. If the guest was respected, then they put a lot of it, and if not, then they didn’t put it at all. What is this edible product? (salt)
6. She has a strange ability to ignite on someone who participated in the theft. It can be removed, broken, grabbed in an armful. You can even toss them! You can’t do without it in ordinary life, given the peculiarities of our climate. And for fairy-tale heroes, it is often invisible. And what is this necessary item? (a cap)
7. It can sometimes roll up to the throat and get stuck in it. It contains contradictions. And in folk tales, he shows the way to Ivan Tsarevich. What is a folklore assistant? (clew)
8. He can beat, or he can open. It may be wet or it may be dry. Sometimes it's just a means to unravel or understand something. What is in the Black Box? (key)
9. It can be placed on a waterfowl, but it will not work. It can be crushed in a mortar and carried in a sieve. You can hide the ends in it and drive along it with a pitchfork. She is dead and on jelly. And if you do not want to answer my question, then you can type it into your mouth. But it's in your best interest to answer. What is this? (water)
10. When his vessel is whole, then there are, I’m not afraid of this word, pests who are ready to spoil it by adding at least a little something bitter and inedible. (honey)
(Correctly arranging the lines, adding the right word, the participants must read the quatrain)
I love the storm at the beginning...
Covered in snow for sure...
And he said, flashing his eyes: “Guys, don’t ………………..follow us!”
The wind walks on the sea And the boat …………….
Evening, do you remember, a blizzard……… Haze hovered in the cloudy sky
And marching importantly, in orderly calmness Leads the horse by the bridle ………….
And you are friends, no matter how you sit down. Everyone is not a musician ……………
We are free birds, it's time, brother, it's time There, where behind the cloud turns white ……………
A lamb on a hot day Came to a stream …………….
And the casket is just …………………./
1. KulaK 2.KunaK 3.KuliK 4.KuroK 5.KlerK 6.Kazak 7.KabaK 8.KotiK 9.KomoK 10.Kushak
11.KuboK 12.KivoK 13.Katok 14.KosyaK 15.KadyK 16.KuleK
(Solve riddles about literary heroes. Identify the work by music, a frame from a movie)
Pushkin's Tales, "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky", "Snowstorm", "The Night Before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "French Lessons", "Children of Captain Grant".
Say a word! (Presentation)
- friendlier than these two guys
You won't find it in the world.
They are usually referred to as:
(“You can’t spill water”)
- We started the town
Literally (along and across).
- And we are so tired on the road,
That barely (drag legs).
- Fake, confuse words.
They sing (some in the forest, some for firewood).
What does this mean? (Presentation)
- Lead by the nose - deceive
- Insert sticks in the wheels - interfere
- In tight gloves - strictly
- Turn up your nose - be proud, arrogant.
- Far, far away - far away
- Run very fast - headlong
- Work very well - roll up your sleeves
- Long time no see - how many years, how many winters.
(Children are given cards with descriptions, phrases of the heroes of literary works. They read out, the rest should name the name of the hero) (Presentation)
“I am Odikhmant’s son, I’m sitting on an oak tree, I’ll whistle when I want” (Nightingale the Robber)
“About nine heads, the horse stumbled under him” (Miracle-Yudo)
“The temper of such a meek one, and the bridegroom was found by her ...” (Princess)
“I took two roosters, hit them against each other, so that they didn’t fight anymore” (Gerasim)
“I put a pistol in the bear’s ear and fired” (Dubrovsky)
“In big mittens, and himself with a fingernail” (Vlas)
“I have no brothers, not yet in age and year” (Lamb)
“The hair is plucked, there are no buttons, and the little guy is old” (Lefty)
“I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea” (Old woman)
“He was wounded in battle, and everyone considered it their duty to feed him.” (Horse)
-Remember who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?
a) Boris and Gleb
b) Cyril and Methodius
c) Minin and Pozharsky
d) Chuk and Gek
- Do you know that the most concise correspondence in the world took place between the French writer Victor Hugo and the publisher of his book Les Misérables. Hugo sent a letter to his publisher with only "?". What did the writer get in return?
a) A blank sheet of paper
b) Empty sms
c) "yo"
- So the writer learned that his book aroused great interest among readers.
9. "SMILE"
- Onegin liked Byron, so he hung him over the bed.
- I met M.Yu. Lermontov in kindergarten.
- The writer in his works shows us a simple language.
- Mumu clung to the wall when the lady came up and bared her teeth.
- The soldiers took pity on the hungry children and gave them cans.
- A cradle, a pistol and a mustache were held on Taras Bulba's belt.
- I hope that you do not make such mistakes in your speech, but try to make it interesting, vivid and expressive. Read books, they will help you with this. See you soon!
This development contributes to the development of the intellectual, creative sphere.

In the form of a literary circle, a general idea is given about modern literature, about the ways of its development and the main genres common in modern literature, there is an acquaintance with the work of the modern writer Vyacheslav Pietsukh, an analysis of his story "Short circuit in Vienna".



Outline of extracurricular activities in literature

for high school

Subject: "Modern Literature: To Read or Not to Read".

Event goals:

  1. Formation of general ideas about modern literature, about the ways of its development and the main genres common in modern literature.
  2. The development of oral speech, attention, listening skills.
  3. Raising interest in modern literature, respect for the interlocutor, opponent.

Conduct form:literary circle.

Forms and methods of teaching:conversation, lecture with elements of conversation, problematic discussion, creative task.

Preparatory work:

teacher: selection of musical arrangement, selection of books, selection of a story for discussion (V. Pietsukh “Short circuit in Vienna”), composing lectures and conversations;

students: preparing for the presentation of their favorite contemporary fiction book.

Equipment: tape recorder, exhibition of books by contemporary authors.

Decor: an exhibition of books, a note on the topic on the board, the desks are connected into one common table, at which the participants of the circle are seated.

Event progress:


Teacher: I welcome everyone who came to our literary circle today. Today we will discuss an interesting topic that raises many questions and gives rise to numerous disputes in various circles. "Modern Literature: To Read or Not?" is the topic of our meeting. At the same time, it will become a problem that we have to solve.

Introductory conversation.


You probably devote at least a small part of your free time to reading your favorite books. What books do you read?

What kind of fiction do you prefer: classical or modern?

What contemporary literature have you read or are reading?

Do you like modern literature? Do you prefer modern literature to classical literature? Why do you prefer? If not, what does modern literature not attract you to?

Lecture with elements of conversation "The main features of modern literature."

Teacher: So that you have a more complete idea of ​​modern literature, I will tell you about it.

Modern literature is a complex and controversial phenomenon. It is impossible today to unequivocally answer the question of what modern literature is, what it is. Today in our country there are many writers, famous and unknown, because. there are ample opportunities to write.

If we talk about modern literature in general, then we can distinguish three ways in the development of modern literature:

  1. the first is a path that continues the traditions of realistic Russian literature,

traditions of the 19th century classics, but in their own way. It is characterized by:

The position of the writer as a bearer of truth;

The writer's desire to understand the patterns of life and its contradictions;

The writer proceeds from the fact that it is possible to know a person and the world.

The difference between modern realistic literature is that, along with social and historical problems, it presents its heroes in the sphere of private life. Examples: Ch. Aitmatov's "Blach", V. Bykov's "Quarry", V. Rasputin's "Fire". The circle of problems is closed on the problems of the personal plan in the works of Victoria Tokareva (the Teacher demonstrates the book and gives recommendations for reading several stories).

  1. The second way of development of literature is postmodernism. But this

the concept characterizes not only the literary direction and creative method of the writer, but also the type of worldview: postmodernism is the worldview that the end of human history has come in general. In postmodernism, reality is ignored as a given. In literary creativity, this worldview is manifested in the construction of artistic reality, in the game with the text. The concept of "text" takes on a larger scale: the world is perceived as a text. A person is also a text that carries a lot of information. In postmodernism (this applies to both Russian and foreign literature), the world is divided into fragmented parts. The world is a painted picture. The author dies, he is not in the text. He evaluates nothing and no one, as it was with F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy in the 19th century. The text includes many different quotes and reminiscences. There is a kind of game with all the elements of a work of art. We see a hero who can combine incompatible traits.

Have you read P. Suskind's novel "Perfumer"? (or at least watched the film adaptation of this work?)

The novel was written in 1985. It is one of the brightest examples of postmodern literature. It is subtitled "The Story of a Murderer", ie. it is supposed to be a detective story, but the novel is not a detective story. "Perfume" is the story of one boy, described from birth to death. The action takes place in France and begins in Paris. We follow the heroes everywhere. This boy had a special gift - an exceptional, incredible sense of smell. On the pages of the novel, Suskind describes smells and does it so well that every page begins to smell. The hero becomes a murderer by chance: he needs to create a divine smell, which can only come from a person. And then he starts killing all the beautiful young girls of the country in order to collect their scents. But the murder scenes are written in such a way that they do not cause fear and even disgust, they are described as fake actions. The hero does not look like a person: he is repeatedly compared with a spider and bears a demonstrative name - Grenouille, which means "frog" in French. In this novel, the author plays with other, previous literary texts, builds a dialogue with other authors, existing traditions, laughs at them, because, according to postmodernists, history has already ended. The hero is not evaluated in any way, Grenouille appears as a brilliant artist.

In Russian literature, under the influence of postmodernism, there is an erosion of value systems. There is no truth. Pluralism, ambiguity in absolutely everything. There is nothing single. We still live in a postmodern situation. Examples: "Chapaev and the Void", "Life of Insects" by Viktor Pelevin, "Endless Void" by Dmitry Golkovsky. (The teacher demonstrates the collection of short stories "Anthology of Contemporary Short Story" and reads the presented authors and their works).

  1. The third way for the development of modern literature is the way of synthesis,

fusion of the traditions of realism, postmodernism and modernism, characteristic of the first half of the 20th century (the poets of the Silver Age in Russia, in foreign literature - F. Kafka, for example). We often encounter postmodernist devices, but not postmodernist reality; everything is real in a literary work. T. Tolstaya, L. Petrushevskaya, Dovlatov follow the path of absolute synthesis, from poets - I. Brodsky. (The teacher reads out a fragment or the entire poem by I. Brodsky). The heroes of writers following this path turn out to be outcasts: the sick, the weak-minded, people of the "social" bottom, defenseless (children, old people). T. Tolstoy's stories show sympathy for such people.

In modern literature, themes are diverse. The subject matter is also different. In modern literature there are such genres as political novel, psychological novel, detective novel, fantasy novel, sentimental novel, erotic novel. The subject of numerous heated discussions is the presence in literary works of frank, sex, scenes, mat. What was previously omitted is now depicted in great detail. Checkmate is used for expression, but can only be in the lines of heroes. If it is present in the author's speech, you need to look for reasons for the deliberate inclusion of profanity in the text or doubt the literary professionalism of the author, because. obscenity reduces, spoils a work of art. Poetry is changing in many ways: wordplay is used more often. Poets are trying to recreate silence and silence (A. Bik-Bulatov).

Teacher: Now I would like to know what you read from modern literature. You were given the task to prepare a presentation of your favorite book or the last book you read.

Presentation of favorite books.(After the presentation, the circle members ask questions to the speaker about his book).

Reading and analytical conversation.

Teacher: And now I want to introduce you to the work of the modern writer Vyacheslav Pietsukh.

Vyacheslav Alekseevich Pietsukh - Russian Soviet prose writer, born in 1946 in Moscow, graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, worked as a history teacher at school. Lives in Moscow.

Fantast, a prominent representative of the literary avant-garde, his works have a pronounced satirical orientation. At the same time, in a number of works, the writer quite seriously and originally develops such areas of science fiction as alternative history. For example, one chapter of the novel "Rommat" (1989), whose title stands for "romantic materialism", is devoted to describing the victory of the Decembrists and its consequences; the short story "The Conversation" (1990) explores (in a more flippant way) the consequences of the white victory in the Civil War. In two other stories - "New Plant" (1987) and "Tea Party in the Moscow City Council" (1990) - variants of a very ambiguous utopia and dystopia of the near future are constructed; in the second story, an impressive picture of a depopulated Moscow is drawn, from which everyone moved to the West.

Let's read a fantastic story by V. Pietsukh "Short circuit in Vienna". (There are printouts of this story on the table. One of the students reads the story aloud).

Analytical conversation:

Teacher: What impression did this story make on you?

It seemed unusual, it was not immediately possible to understand the essence of the story.

Teacher: What is the structure of the story?

First comes something like a preface, and then the story itself.

Teacher: Can you tell me what the theme of this story is?

Difficult to define because the story is complex in structure.

This is necessary in order to better express the idea and one's attitude to modern literature.

Teacher: If this story were without any critical preface, would it be fiction?

There would be, but we would understand it worse and, perhaps, would consider it a bad story.

Teacher: Do you think the story matches its preliminary description?

Yes, because the story is written as a description of what happened in life. On the other hand, this really cannot be.

Teacher: This story has the features of science fiction, when technical processes or phenomena that actually did not exist are depicted in full seriousness and in realistic detail. What literary devices can be distinguished here?


Teacher: Characteristic features are fabulousness and carnival. What expressive means are used to implement this technique?

Comparison, epithets.

He is satirical about what he describes.

Teacher: Can you imagine the situation that happens in the story?

You can believe it, but it's not really.

Teacher: This is typical of science fiction. Can you come up with a story idea?

The stories come from life. And our life is sometimes funnier than satirical literature.


Teacher: Now, after my story and your presentations, your understanding of modern literature has expanded. I want to hear your opinion.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Do you think it is worth reading modern literature or is it better to read the classics?
  2. What can modern literature give us new?
  3. How to determine that a given contemporary work is worth reading and another is not?
  4. Are scenes of violence, frank scenes and obscene language acceptable in a literary work?
  5. Why are there more and more writers lately?
  6. What topics do you think should be predominantly in literature?
  7. Would you like to be a writer?

Summary of the event:

Teacher: So, let's finally answer the question posed today: to read or not to read modern literature? (Students give multiple opinions.)

Final word from the teacher.

It is necessary to read and get acquainted with modern literature, because. literature is a reflection of modern life and modern culture. Modern literature absorbs all past cultural and literary experience and is already the subject of study not only in universities, but also in schools. You just need to develop your reader's taste and learn to distinguish gold from tinsel, a good literary work from a graphomaniac. Artistry involves the reflection of life in images. N.G. Chernyshevsky said the following: "Only a work in which a true idea is embodied can be artistic if the form is in perfect harmony with the idea." Thank you all for your participation, success in your work and choosing books! See you in class!

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