Extracurricular activities in literature. Extra-curricular activity in literature Scenario of an event in literature at school


Target: develop students' communication skills, creative imagination.
Tasks: show the beauty, expressiveness, melodiousness of the Russian language, form public speaking skills, cultivate a sense of patriotism, aesthetic taste, interest in Russian literature, the ability to navigate the world of literary works and heroes, correction and development of oral speech abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: Cards with poems, with descriptions and words of heroes, with a table for composing words (to-k), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), Exhibition of drawings and books.

Lesson progress:

The riddle is written on the board.

    Not a tree, but with leaves.
    Not a shirt, but sewn.
    Not a person, but tells. What is this?

Right. This is a book.
- The book helps to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Books teach us goodness and wisdom. Books allow you to find new and true friends.
Today we will test your ingenuity, erudition and literacy.
- Letters lined up for roll call. (alphabet)
- Hunter to other people's furs. (mol)
- Stationery "wit". (button)
- Home porthole. (window)
- Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (nose)
- "Egg" in geometry. (oval)
- It's time, which in September is "woman's". (summer)
- Green, from which "flies die." (yearning)
- Alien, where stones are thrown, but the goat is not allowed. (garden)
- friendlier than these two guys
You won't find it in the world.
They are usually referred to as:
(“You can’t spill water”)
- We started the town
Literally (along and across).
- And we are so tired on the road,
That barely (drag legs).
- Fake, confuse words.
They sing (some in the forest, some for firewood).
What does this mean? (Presentation)
- Lead by the nose - deceive
- Insert sticks in the wheels - interfere
- In tight gloves - strictly
- Turn up your nose - be proud, arrogant.
- Far, far away - far away
- Run very fast - headlong
- Work very well - roll up your sleeves
- We haven't seen each other for a long time - how many years, how many winters. Vasilisa the Beautiful. (cosmetics)

3. "BLACK BOX" (Objects are taken out of it when the audience guesses them according to the description) 1. Hercules followed them to the gardens of the Hesperides. It also became the subject of contention between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. When it's crowded, he has nowhere to fall. What do you think this item is? (apple)
2. It is vital, but it is a stranger; sometimes they interrupt from him to kvass; and he is friends with salt. What is this? (bread)
3. The name of the Apostle Peter, translated from Hebrew, means exactly what is in this box. It happens to be a cornerstone, and sometimes it is a stumbling block. A bad person wears it in his bosom. In a dispute, a scythe can find him. (stone)
4. It is very small, but with its help it is possible to interrupt the life of one influential gentleman distinguished by his excessive thinness. A stupid person will look for it among the cut grass, and one who is very worried will sit on them. What is this item? (needle)
5. She needs to eat 16.36 kg to get to know a person better. A long time ago, she was almost worth her weight in gold. She was placed to the guest directly in the dishes. If the guest was respected, then they put a lot of it, and if not, then they didn’t put it at all. What is this edible product? (salt)
6. It has the strange ability to ignite on someone who was involved in the theft. It can be removed, broken, grabbed in an armful. You can even toss them! You can’t do without it in ordinary life, given the peculiarities of our climate. And for fairy-tale heroes, it is often invisible. And what is this necessary item? (a cap)
7. It can sometimes roll up to the throat and get stuck in it. It contains contradictions. And in folk tales, he shows the way to Ivan Tsarevich. What is a folklore assistant? (clew)
8. He can beat, or he can open. It may be wet or it may be dry. Sometimes it's just a means to unravel or understand something. What is in the Black Box? (key)
9. It can be placed on a waterfowl, but everything will be to no avail. It can be crushed in a mortar and carried in a sieve. You can hide the ends in it and drive along it with a pitchfork. She is dead and on jelly. And if you do not want to answer my question, then you can type it into your mouth. But it's in your best interest to answer. What is this? (water)
10. When its whole vessel, then there are, I’m not afraid of this word, pests who are ready to spoil it by adding at least a little something bitter and inedible. (honey)

4. "KNOW THE HERO, AUTHOR, WORK" (Solve riddles about literary heroes. Identify the work by music, a frame from a movie)
Pushkin's Tales, "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky", "Snowstorm", "The Night Before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "French Lessons", "Children of Captain Grant".
"GUESS WHO AM I?" (Children are given cards with descriptions, phrases of the heroes of literary works. They read out, the rest should name the hero's name)
“I am Odikhmant’s son, I’m sitting on an oak tree, I’ll whistle when I want” (Nightingale the Robber)
"About nine heads, the horse under him stumbled" (Miracle Yudo)
The temper of such a meek one, and the bridegroom was found by her ... " (Princess)
I took two roosters, hit them against each other, so that they didn’t fight anymore ” (Gerasim)
“I put a gun in the bear’s ear and fired” (Dubrovsky)
"In big mittens, and himself with a fingernail" (Vlas)
“I don’t have brothers, I’m not yet old and a year old” (Lamb)
“The hair is plucked, there are no buttons, and the little guy is old” (Lefty)
“I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea” (Old woman)
"He was wounded in battle, and everyone considered it a duty to feed him" (Horse)
-Remember who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?
a) Boris and Gleb
b) Cyril and Methodius
c) Minin and Pozharsky
d) Chuk and Gek
- Do you know that the most concise correspondence in the world took place between the French writer Victor Hugo and the publisher of his book Les Misérables. Hugo sent a letter to his publisher with only "?". What did the writer get in return?
a) A blank sheet of paper
b) Empty sms
c) "yo"
- So the writer learned that his book aroused great interest among readers.
- Onegin liked Byron, so he hung him over the bed.
- I met M.Yu. Lermontov in kindergarten.
- The writer in his works shows us a simple language.
- Mumu clung to the wall when the lady came up and bared her teeth.
- The soldiers took pity on the hungry children and gave them cans.
- A cradle, a pistol and a mustache were held on Taras Bulba's belt.

I hope that you do not make such mistakes in your speech, but try to make it interesting, vivid and expressive. Read books, they will help you with this!

See you soon!

Extracurricular activities in literature.

oral journal

"All living things are nearby!"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Zaripova Nafisa Munirovna,


Topic Extracurricular reading. Oral journal. All living things are nearby! (for students in grades 6-8)


To interest children in the problems of ecology of their street, village, city;

Teach children to be sensitive, kind, attentive;

- generalize, systematize, deepen students' knowledge about nature, ecology.

Form of conducting: oral journal

Design: Folding book made of large sheets of whatman paper, consisting of pages, each of which has its own title.



3. Correspondent

4. Literary

5. Interrogative

Good afternoon dear guys. Everyone knows what a wonderful world it is - forests, rivers, seas, sky, sun, animals, birds. All this is nature. Our life is inseparable from it. She is generous and disinterested, she gives us everything for life and requires us to respect herself. The poet Yakov Akim has wonderful poems about our planet:

There is one planet - a garden,

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it!

1st page.


Our whole life is connected with nature. Nature beautifies our lives. She brings us much joy. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of a brook, the mysterious whisper of the forest! With what pleasure we admire the expanse of fields, the mirror-like surface of rivers and the majestic bulk of mountains!

(students listen to the recording of "Voices of the Birds").

. Reading poems by students.

1." The scent of rose and jasmine

The scent of rose and jasmine
The flutter of leaves, the shine of the moon...
It pours from open windows
South Side Song...
And they torment and tender the soul
This night and song to me;
What has calmed down, what has fallen asleep -
They wake up in her again.
And suddenly startled
A string of old dreams;
And it seemed like forever
These dreams rock carried away;
And that everything is young
Days the soul was full
Swallowed irretrievably
Life is a muddy wave!
But again the extinguished flame
Ignites in blood
And my heart opened up again
For delight and love!
Smell of roses and jasmine
Silvered by the moon...
And sings, sings about happiness
Someone's voice is young!


The field spread out like a wavy fabric
And merged with the sky with a dark blue edge,
And in the sky a transparent golden shield
The brilliant sun shines over him;
Like the sea, the wind walks through the fields
And dresses the hills with white fog,
About something furtively with the grass says
And boldly rustles in golden rye.
I am alone... And my heart and thoughts are free...
Here is my mother, friend and mentor - nature.
And it seems to me life is brighter ahead,
When to your powerful, broad chest
She, like a baby, allows me
And part of his strength pours into my soul.


Noise, noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace, and the brilliance of heaven
Above your curly head.
I used to understand since childhood
Your silence is silent
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close.
How I loved when sometimes
The beauty of gloomy nature,
You argued with a strong thunderstorm
In moments of terrible bad weather,
When your big oaks
The dark peaks swayed
And hundreds of different voices
In your wilderness they called to each other ...
Or when it was daylight
Shining in the far west
And bright purple fire
Illuminated your clothes.
Meanwhile, in the wilderness of your trees
It was already night, and above you
A chain of colorful clouds
Stretched in a motley ridge.
And here I come again
To you with my barren longing,
Again I look at your dusk
And I listen to a free voice.
And maybe in your wilderness
Like a prisoner animated by will,
I will forget the sorrow of my soul
And the bitterness of everyday life.

- Poems about nature - sing the beauty and originality of our planet, its diversity and magnificence. Endless forests and steppes, snow-capped peaks, a bewitching play of water and light and a unique dawn.

2nd page


- After all, for a rich life of a person, he needs, like air, familiarization with beauty and quiet soothing sounds of the river and air filled with the aromas of morning and soothing colors of dawn, instilling peace and tranquility in the heart. Nothing can compare with the state of a person who enters this world of harmony and nirvana, while dreams and thoughts become deeper and sharper.

Students' essays.

"Human and nature"

I live in the urban-type settlement of Nizhnyaya Maktama, Almetyevsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan, and often with my parents came to visit my grandmother in the village of Sugushly, Leninogorsk district.

The village is located in the hollow of the mountains. We often climbed the mountain, especially in summer. The view of the village from above is beautiful, clean and full of greenery. At the top of the meadow. Daisies, bluebells and many other flowers grew on it. We often saw and listened to the whistle of gophers. Collected strawberries. Pure mountain spring water flowed. The whole village came for healing water.

Small calves, sheep, and geese grazed on the green grass, closer to the houses. True, every year there were few of them. It smelled of a pleasant clean rustic smell.

Now everything looks completely different than before: the clearing has disappeared, people have made a quarry, quarries. paved the way through the meadows. Drivers from cars throw bottles, bags, packages and a lot of different garbage into the clearings. There are many oil stains where the grass will no longer grow, the air is not clean, it constantly smells of either gas or gasoline. She turned yellow and it hurt to look at her. Berries do not grow now, there are no flowers. A beautiful glade died, for some reason people forgot about the beauty of nature.

I think that a person should protect and protect nature. It may be that with a careless attitude of man to nature, all animals will disappear first, and then we ...

8b grade student Khairullina Guzel.

People or planet?

People use technical superiority over other organisms. They use the various resources of the planet for their needs, pollute the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer, cut down forests, and kill animals. They are destroying the planet! Is it possible to re-educate people? It's too hard!

Conclusion: the complete destruction of our species will bring the planet back to normal.

8b grade student Alina Khanipova.

Some day…

We do not protect the world that we have. We know about the existence of the "Red Book", however, we continue to kill animals and destroy plants. When we relax in nature, we forget to put out fires, from which hectares of forest and hundreds of animals suffer in the future.

People do not protect nature, do not know how to enjoy its beauty, do not understand its significance. If only we were more respectful of nature! Maybe someday people will learn how to do it. The key word is "sometime"...

Tukhbatov Artur Grade 8

Our smaller friends.

How can you not love animals? Is there a person who is not touched by the sight of a furry lump with a curious wet nose? Any animal for us will forever remain a child, completely dependent, defenseless. A pet becomes a member of the family, it is loved and pampered. The homeless are doomed.

There are many homeless dogs and cats in our village - victims of human cruelty, because many people drive their pets out into the street, throw them away like an unnecessary thing. Once outside, they become dangerous.

Of course we feed them, many are hungry. But there is no shelter for them. How can we help in solving this problem? They drew drawings and pasted them on the bulletin boards “You are responsible for those you tamed!”

I have a pet dog Umka, whose life and happiness completely depend on me. She gives me selfless love, devotion and friendship. I want to say to all people: “Do not betray your friends!”

Student Kharrasov Amir, 6th grade.,

Respect for nature is a manifestation of good deeds and deeds in cases where it is necessary, and you guys should know how to take care of plants and animals, what conditions to create for their favorable growth and development. Of particular importance for the formation of a careful attitude to nature are knowledge about a living organism, the ability to distinguish them from objects of inanimate nature. Such knowledge in the process of communicating with nature provides you with an understanding of specific situations in the behavior of animals, the state of plants.

3rd page


- As society develops, ecology becomes more and more socially important. It has become a science that should help people survive, make their habitat acceptable for existence. Unfortunately, society realized this when the negative consequences of people's consumer attitude towards nature became visible, when the state of the environment had already negatively affected the health of a huge number of people. From the problem of "organism - environment" ecology has approached the problem of "man - nature".

Reading Student Articles .

Dear editors of the Znamya Truda newspaper!

As you know, our settlement Nizhnyaya Maktama with a population of 11,000 is located in the industrial area of ​​the city of Almetyevsk. How not for us young people not to worry about the future fate of the village. We want to see her beautiful, clean. We want to breathe fresh air.

And the air needs to be better. It often smells of gas in the mornings and evenings. It's impossible to go outside. There is a gas processing plant not far from us. So the plant makes gas emissions. Hence the disease.

About caring for nature

Nature surrounds a person from the moment of birth to the last day of life. And now, with a high level of development of civilization, people's lives are still subject to biological laws.

Man is inside nature and belongs to it. Nature has been and remains the breadwinner of mankind, its resources serve as the main source of its vitality.

Today, in some parts of the planet, living conditions are deteriorating catastrophically under the influence of air, water and soil pollution. There is also a constant increase in the number of various harmful irritants affecting both a person and the world around him.

The singer of Russian nature, K. G. Paustovsky, was right when he asserted that modern man, we all need ship forests, full-flowing rivers, oceans of healing air, rich gardens and flowering meadows. We need fresh lakes, ringing springs, flocks of birds stretching in a foggy sky over golden autumn groves, the whistle of birds, the glow of night constellations in a smokeless sky and wide bright rainbows - harbingers of fat harvests.

Reserved places have been known in our country since the 11th-12th centuries. In the modern world, nature conservation is a complex concept. This is a state policy, and a social movement, and a branch of practice, and a new science. Remember that from birth in a little man there is a huge potential for love for nature ...

So let's develop it in ourselves, let's take care and love the parent of all living things, live in harmony with both plants and our smaller brothers!

And as a conclusion, you can take a wonderful poem by A. Usachev:

Run, bug

Cricket, cricket

And the butterfly - fly ...

I won't offend you

Bon Voyage!

4th page


- “We are the masters of our Motherland, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with a great treasure of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected, they must be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, birds - air, animals - forests, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland, ”wrote M.M. Prishvin.

Students reading passages about nature from works of art.

"Grey neck"

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

“Soon the first snow fell, and the river still did not succumb to the cold. Everything that froze at night, the water broke. The fight was not on the stomach, but to the death. waves. The river seemed to fall asleep, and the cold tried to bind it with sleepy ice. And so it happened. It was a quiet, quiet starry night. The dark forest stood quietly on the shore, like a guard of giants. The mountains seemed higher, as it happens at night. The high moon poured over everything The mountain river, which was seething during the day, subsided, and the cold quietly crept up to her, firmly hugged the rebellious beauty and covered her as if with mirror glass. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey neck"

"Forest in autumn"

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov

The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. Against the golden background of yellowed foliage, bright spots of red-yellow maples and aspens stand out. Slowly spinning in the air, light, weightless yellow leaves fall and fall from the birches. Thin silver threads of light cobwebs stretched from tree to tree. The late fall flowers are still blooming.

Clear and clean air. Clear water in forest ditches and streams. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in the autumn forest. Fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Sometimes a hazel grouse will whistle thinly. And that makes the silence even louder.

It is easy to breathe in the autumn forest. And I don't want to leave it for a long time. It's good in the autumn flowery forest... But something sad, farewell is heard and seen in it.

"Good girl"

K.V. Lukashevich

It was a harsh winter. Everything was covered with snow. Sparrows had a hard time from this. The poor things could not find food anywhere. Sparrows flew around the house and chirped plaintively.
The kind girl Masha took pity on the sparrows. She began to collect bread crumbs, and every day poured them at her porch. The sparrows flew in to feed and soon ceased to be afraid of Masha. So the kind girl fed the poor birds until the very spring ...

"Hello winter!"

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

So, she came, the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, yesterday still dull in autumn, are completely covered with white snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, hoarfrost covered the branches of poplars. If you look along the street, which stretches out like an even ribbon, if you look close around you, everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally a rising breeze tingles the face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air. No matter how prickly frost, it is also pleasant. Isn't it because we all love winter, that, just like spring, it fills the chest with an exciting feeling. Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It is so easy to breathe and so good in the soul that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly way to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, winter!”

"Morning Rays"

Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich

A red sun floated up into the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.
The first beam flew and hit the lark. The lark started, fluttered out of the nest, rose high, high and sang his silver song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!”
The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched his ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow: he ran to get himself juicy grass for breakfast.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster flapped its wings and sang: ku-ka-re-ku! The chickens flew off our nests, clucked, began to rake up rubbish and look for worms. The fourth beam hit the hive. A bee crawled out of the wax cell, sat on the window, spread its wings and - zoom-zoom-zoom! - flew to collect honey from fragrant flowers.
The fifth ray hit the nursery, on the little lazy boy's bed: it cuts him right in the eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

5th page


Ecology is both an important and complex topic. Health, well-being, well-being of a person are in close relationship with the state of the environment. Therefore, information about the environment is perceived by the population sharply.

Student performances


The rapid and extensive development of industry during Soviet times left the Republic of Tatarstan with a difficult ecological situation in most of its territory.

the oil industry, chemical and engineering industries, the construction complex, agriculture, an increase in the number of vehicles are the cause of an increased level of air pollution in the republic, and over the past decade the latter factor has become dominant.

The problem is most pronounced in large cities such as Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetievsk, Bugulma and Zainsk. To date, the level of pollution in the atmosphere of the capital of the republic is characterized as "high", and in Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk - as "very high".

water spaces

The problem of clean water is relevant all over the world. Tatarstan is one of the most socio-economically developed regions of the country. The republic is also the most water-abundant subject in the Volga basin.

The quality of surface waters of the Kuibyshev and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs, large rivers of Tatarstan is characterized as "dirty" 4 "a" class.

In Tatarstan, water from surface and underground sources is used for drinking. 80 percent of the population of Kazan drink water from the Volga. The largest in Europe Kuibyshev reservoir on this river is the main drinking reservoir for the capital.

Due to oil production enterprises in Almetyevsk, Bavlinsk, Oktyabrsky districts, because of the sugar factory in Buinsk, groundwater is rapidly polluted in these areas.

No less problem for the republic is soil pollution with pesticides, salts of heavy metals, oil slags.

In places of oil production, there is a strong contamination of the soil, exceeding the background content from 10 to 100 times.

poem. students of Khabibullina Kamilla to verses by V.V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

What is good and what is bad in ecology?

Baby son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"Trash is good

Or is it bad?

Sitting on my knees

Your son

The Pope was sensible:

“Must know period!

If the garbage is not removed

From courtyards and squares,

There will be nowhere for you to play -

It will be bad!

Here the big factory smokes,

Waste is poured into the river.

Now the water is already "boiling" -

This is very bad.

If you went through the forest

Without breaking branches

This is very good

Both the owl and the squirrel.

If there is a rush on the pipe,

Oil flows across the field

This, boy, is like an abscess,

Worse than any pain.

If you did good

People and animals

That, my friend, is good.

The world will be good!

Remember this, every son,

Know any child

How to protect nature

Need to know from the cradle

Every citizen knows

" Protect nature!".

This is the slogan as one

We'll take it to work.

Ecology, son,

Important science.

If you've learned your lesson

This is very cool!

The joyful boy went

And the baby decided:

"I will do well

And I won't be bad!"

Outcome. So the pages of our ecological magazine have ended. Everything that surrounds us is alive! I want to remind you once again: love nature, take care of it and protect it!

Gaivoronskaya Margarita Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MOU secondary school No. 3 with UIOP, Fryazino, Moscow region
Brief job description: Purpose: to acquaint students with the tragedy that happened in our country; : to show the significance of the ecological tragedy on the example of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; to instill in students a sense of patriotism and pride in people who have shown courage and courage in this tragedy. Tasks: to form a sense of responsibility towards the environment, patriotism; to develop a positive active life position; to cultivate a sense of compassion, the ability to empathize with other people and appreciate them contribution to the life of the country.

Literature is taught in Russian schools in grades 5-11. On our website, materials on literature can be found in the following sections: Lesson notes Technological cards Control and verification Laboratory and practical self-tests Preparing for the Unified State Examination Preparing for the Unified State Examination Olympiad tasks Quizzes and games Extracurricular activities Work programs Lesson planning Master classes Didactic materials Presentations for lessons

The best abstracts of extra-curricular activities in literature on the Konspektek website

There are several types of extracurricular activities for students at school. In the first case, we can talk about doing the current homework, preparing speeches and reports, writing essays on a given topic, preparing various educational projects. The second part of extra-curricular activities is indirectly related to the lessons and may include classes in sections and circles, attending subject electives - everything that is designed to satisfy the various interests of students.

This section of our site contains scenarios that will help you conduct an interesting extracurricular activity in literature on any topic. The best teachers from all over the country send us their copyright materials, which we publish on our website. Our database is constantly growing, and the plans-summaries of extracurricular activities in literature are not the only type of methodological developments presented by us. You can find on our website everything that is required for successful and productive work of a teacher, as well as publish your achievements and receive a certificate.

Unified Literature Lesson Dedicated to the Year of Literature

Extracurricular event in literature for grade 9 by the year of literature

"Literary box"

Goals and objectives:

    development of creative abilities, logical thinking of children;

    raising the intellectual and cultural level, expanding the horizons of students;

    increasing interest in educational and cognitive activities;

    formation of the ability to work in a group, in a team, to cooperate;

    formation and development of the ability to clearly and correctly formulate answers, quickly find the right solution;

    fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual respect; tolerant attitude towards each other.

Work form:

    work in groups.

Organization of the game and rules:

The game consists of three rounds of 25 questions per round and a final round of 1 question. Questions of the first, second and third rounds are grouped into 5 topics of 5 questions. Cost of questions: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 points - in the first round; 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 points - in the second; 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500 - in the third.

In the first three rounds, instead of any question, players can get a "pig in a poke" or "auction". If the players got the "Pig in a Poke" - it is necessary to transfer it to the opposing team.

If there is an all-in (a bet at which the player puts all the points he has at stake), then his bet can only be outbid by a big all-in. Bidding begins with the players who have chosen “Question-Auction” (if the score is less than the cost of the question, the rate is the face value), then the team with the amount on the scoreboard is less.

Players are offered 7 possible themes for the final round to choose from. They take turns (in ascending order of the amount on the account) to remove one topic that they do not like until the last one remains. The winner is the one who scored the most at the end of the game.

Navigation Instructions:

    For the questions “Pig in a Poke” and “Auction”, click on the flowcharts from left to right.

    In the final, after one topic remains, click next to the remaining figure.

    After a normal question, after 15 seconds, the end of waiting for an answer signal will sound.

    After the question “Pig in a poke” and “Auction”, after 20 seconds, a signal will sound to end waiting for an answer.

    After the final question, a melody lasting 35 seconds sounds, after which an audible signal will sound about the end of the reflections.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

Leader's word:

Good morning dear friends! 2015 has been proclaimed the Year of Literature in our country. Much can be said about the importance of literature.

The talented teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The word is the subtlest touch to the heart; it can become a tender, fragrant flower, and a sharp knife that has plucked the delicate tissue of the soul, and red-hot iron, and clods of dirt... revive, wound and heal, ... create a smile - and cause tears, give rise to faith in a person - and instill mistrust.

Indeed, the word is a great power. Learn to handle the word correctly every day if you do not want to remain a weak link in the chain of great state accomplishments.

Q:- Today there will be an unusual competition:
To do this, you will need knowledge in subjects!
For you who love literature and Russian,
The main weapon of knowledge will be!
Victory to the strongest is the reward!
Serious challenges await you!

Hidden talents, your erudition, intelligence

Help to identify various tasks.

Remember the parable about buried talents? I will remind you now.

Someone, leaving for distant lands, entrusted the care of his condition to the slaves. To one he gave five talents (a silver coin that was in circulation in ancient times), to another - three, to the third - one. Two of them worked hard and increased the owner's fortune. The third slave, lazy and cunning, buried his coin in the ground... The industriousness of the first two was rewarded. The returned owner presented them with the talents they had earned. And he took away the last ones from the negligent slave. This is how the expression “bury your talent in the ground” appeared.

Today you will earn talents, multiply them with your talents.

II. Competitive program.Game tasks.

Round 1 “In the world of literature”

Topic 1 Biography of poets and writers

100 . Where was born (on what estate) Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy?(In the estate of Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province).

200 According to A.P. Kern, she was the only woman whom the poet A.S. Pushkin “truly loved”. Who is she?(The poet's nanny is Arina Rodionovna)

300 What is the favorite tree of Sergei Yesenin.(Birch).

400 What is the pseudonym of the writer of the second half of the 19th century, who created fairy tales “for children of a fair age”. (Saltykov).

500 About what sentimentalist writer V. G. Belinsky wrote: “Whatever you turn to in our literature, everything has a start - journalism, criticism, story-novel, historical story, publicism, the study of history. (Karamzin).

Topic 2 “It's never too late to dress up”

100 This heroine: Muse A.S. Pushkin. The poet met her in 1819 - then met after 6 years. Pushkin dedicated a poem to her - in the title - the first letter of the surname. (Anna Kern)

200 Auction. This hero:

Appears both in “tattered Tatar trousers and in a red caftan on a white horse”;

Received as a gift “a brand new hare sheepskin coat” and put it on, ripped at the seams”;

He thanked the donor by granting "a horse and a fur coat from his shoulder."(Emelyan Pugachev)

300 This hero: In terms of strength and power, he can be compared with a folk hero. He had two sons. For him, Zaporozhye is his home. Ends his life tragically, at the stake. (Taras Bulba).

400 Cat in a bag. This heroine: Her name from Greek means "wisdom". She is smart, educated, reads a lot. The first one announces the hero's insanity. (Sofya, “Woe from Wit”).

500 This hero: He loved people, but adults and children mocked him, and he did nothing to them.

He raised an orphan who became a doctor and helped people. When he died, people without him began to live worse.(Yushka, “Yushka” by A.A. Platonov).

Topic 3 All about literature

100 What is the name of the character in The Captain's Daughter, the narrator?(Peter Grinev)

200 Name Lermontov's heroine "She was good: tall, thin, black eyes, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul." (Bela)

300 What is the name of the horse, which was recalled by the hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov?(Ovsov)

500 What language did Kazbich and Pechorin speak to each other?(Meeting each other twice (at the wedding of Bela's sister and in the fortress where Kazbich brought rams for sale), Pechorin and Kazbich never spoke; in addition, in the fortress only Maxim Maksimych "understood their language", and Kazbich did not speak in Russian).

Topic 4 “Everything is the opposite”

100 In the title of a well-known work, all the words were replaced with opposite ones in meaning. Recover the encrypted true name "Barefoot Dog" ("Puss in Boots").

200 Cat in a bag. In the title of a well-known work, all the words were replaced with opposite ones in meaning. Try to recover the true name “Iron Lock” encrypted in this way ("Golden Key").
300 In the title of a well-known work, all words were replaced with opposite ones in meaning. Try to recover the true name “The Tale of the Iron Chicken” encrypted in this way (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”).
A well-known quote has been replaced with the opposite one. Try to recover the true meaning encrypted in this way: "The cow lies motionless and laughs while lying down." (“A bull is walking, swinging, Sighing on the go”)

Topic 5 Literary puzzles

100 The first part of the word is what lights the way for sailors. Add suffixes to it and the ending of the word “Pokrovsky”. Whose last name did you get? (Mayakovsky.)

200 Take the noun that names the season when the leaves turn yellow; replace the first letter with the letter that ends the second note, and add a possessive adjective suffix. It turned out the name of the poet. Which? (Yesenin.)
300 The first syllable of the surname is an interjection. The second - giving life to all things (without the last letter). Put the name Vladimir into a colloquial form and subtract the first letter from this word. What is this poetess? (Akhmatova.)

400 To the huge department store in Moscow, add the most common connecting union and the animal that is called the king of beasts. In general, the surname in Latin means “humble”. Who is he? (Gumilyov.)

500 To the noun that refers to that part of the world where it is always cold, add a personal pronoun, which in Latin sounds “ego”. To what happened, add what remains of the name of the leader of the Russian revolution, if the first two letters are taken away from it. What is this poet? (Northerner.)

Topic 6 "Proverbs".

Guess the riddles made by proverbs and sayings.

200 Whoever looks, to that it stretches. And the chicken has it. It is not a stone - it melts. You won't tell him.(Heart).

400 Do not grow him on the tree. Whoever eats it a day does not visit a doctor. Healthy it does not fall from the branch. The wormhole is not a reproach to the red one. (Apple).

600 She and her trust are lost only once. She is on her knees more shameful than death. To live it is not a field to cross.(Life).

800 If the people unite, they can bind him too. Don't wake the sleeping one.(A lion).

1000 You can't buy it with money. It is not a fire: it will catch fire - you will not put it out.(Love).

Topic 7 "Translator".

Translate obsolete words into modern language.

200 Complete the task. What is your reprimand?(nickname)

400 Complete the task. Show the roof(nape).

600 Complete the task. Show your hands(palms).

800 Complete the task. Place your left hand on the right ramo and your right hand on the left ramo.(shoulder)

1000 Cat in a bag. Complete the task. Wave your right hand(right hand).

Topic 8 “Guess”.

The interpretation of which words is given in the Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

200 Stick, rod, knitting needle; pointed at the end or from the ends of an iron, bone, wooden piercer with or without an eye. (Needle.)

400 Auction. Rhorny, tubular filaments growing on the body of humans and most mammals.(Hair.)

600 Building envelope or roof.(Roof.)

800 Zenitsa, grain, little man in the eye, a round hole in the middle of the iris.(Pupil.)

1000 Any multi-stemmed low-lying plant, perennial plant with a woody trunk, small tree.(Bush).

Topic 9 “Phraseologisms”

200 According to the lexical meaning “to mislead, to act dishonestly, to deceive”, name the phraseological unit (Drive by the nose)

400 According to the lexical meaning “it is unreasonable to exaggerate something”, name the phraseological unit(To make mountains out of molehills)

600 According to the lexical meaning “to act in two different directions”, name the phraseological unit.(on two fronts)

800 According to the lexical meaning “do not pay any attention, do not notice”, name the phraseological unit(Do not blow into the mustache)

1000 According to the lexical meaning “nothing that does not stand out as an ordinary person”, name the phraseological unit(Neither fish nor fowl)

Round 3 “Assorted”

Topic 10 “Learn proverbs and sayings”

300 There is no truth in the lower extremities.(There is no truth in the legs).

600 Strong fear has large organs of vision.(Fear has big eyes).

900 Auction. The central organ of blood circulation does not obey its orders. (Lawless Heart).

1200 Someone slowly moves with the speed inherent in a reptile in a bone shell.(Crawls like a turtle).

1500 The heart feeling is so cruel that it will make you feel a strong attraction to the domestic artiodactyl of the bovid family. (Love is blind).

Topic 11 “Think”

300 What is the same word for a female scarf made of fur or feathers and a large South American snake of the boa family? (Boa).

600 The verb in the imperative mood, in the formsecond person singular and a bird of tropical countries with bright plumage. Name them.(Parrot).

900 From the letters included in the name of the dergach bird, make an interrogative adverb.(Where).

1200 It starts with a preposition and ends with a negative particle. What is this mammal called?(Pony).

1500 What is the meaning of the expressions: bear corner, bear service, bear disease, bear hug? (backwater; awkward help; upset bowels with excitement, fright; heavy and awkward).

Topic 12 “Do you know?”

300 Auction. In the first quarter of the 19th century, the German doctor Lodder practiced in Moscow. He recommended jogging for health promotion. In the eyes of the common people, it looked like idleness, a useless pastime. From here came the actual Russian word, which is called loafers, parasites. What is this word? (Slacker)

600 His name is the same as that of the hero of the Russian folk tale “By the Pike”, the surname is like that of the prima donna of the Russian stage, and in Pushkin’s work he was presented with a hare sheepskin coat, which he “split at the seams”. (Emelyan Pugachev)

900 They had to meet not only on the Borodino field, but also in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace".(Napoleon and Kutuzov).

1200 What heroine are you talking about? In holy Rus', our mother,

Do not find, do not find such a beauty:
Walks smoothly - like a swan;
He says a word - the nightingale sings;
In the family she was born a merchant,

(Alena Dmitrevna from the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov”)

1500 Kiprensky painted a portrait of this poet. The poet liked the portrait so much that he wrote the following lines:

I see myself as in a mirror
But this mirror flatters me.
So Rome, Dresden, Paris
From now on, my appearance will be known.

What poet are you talking about?(Pushkin).

Topic 13 “All about Literature”

300 Define the genres of the works: “Russian language” by Turgenev, “Poor Lisa” by Karamzin, “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, “The Bronze Horseman” by Pushkin, “The Sea” by Zhukovsky. (Poem in prose, story, word, poem, elegy)

600 Determine the title of the work and the author from the final lines.

“... An official who arrived from St. Petersburg by personal order demands you to come to him at once. He is staying at a hotel.” (N.V. Gogol “Inspector”)

900 Recognize the work by its beginning, name the author.

A few years ago
Where merging, they make noise,
Hugging like two sisters
Jets of Aragva and Kura,
There was a monastery... (“Mtsyri” by M.Yu. Lermontov)

1200 Cat in a bag. Name the author of these works: “Lyudmila”, “Cup”.(V. Zhukovsky)

1500 What are the full names of literary heroes: the captain's daughter, Chatsky, the merchant Kalashnikov.(Masha Mironova, Alexander Andreevich, Stepan Paramonovich).

Topic 15 “It's interesting”

300 Which writer's Peru do these works belong to: “Convoy”, “Wolf in the kennel”?(I.A. Krylov)

600 Cat in a bag. Team members read

What character has this dream? “... and now I walk like crazy. All night long, such rubbish climbed into my eyes ... Now you are mother, then father ... as soon as I start to fall asleep, then I see that you, mother, deign to beat the father, I felt so sorry ... you, mother: you are so tired , beating the father. (D.I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” Mitrofanushka).

900 (The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom).

1200 “This book is about a fighter without beginning or end.” What is this piece about?

(“Vasily Terkin” Tvardovsky).

The final

1. All sorts of things.Take away the hot, stay coldKiaipyastobekrg (boiling water, iceberg).

2. Mathematics.How many nephews did uncle Chernomor have?(Thirty-three heroes).

3. Geography.By what river does the story of I.S. Turgenev “Asya” take place?(Near the river Rhine).

4. Biology. From what plant did the man from the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin weave a rope, with which the generals tied him to a tree at night? (From wild hemp).

5. History.What battle are these Pushkin's lines talking about: “Hurrah! we break; bend

Swedes...”?(About Poltava, the poem "Poltava")

Blitz survey”

1 . How to correctly call the one who weaves intrigues? (Intriguer).

2. What is the name of the dictionary in which the norms of pronunciation of sounds and the norms of stress are given? (Orthoepic)

3. What type of lexical units do words belong tocool, party, cool kid ? (Jargon)

4. What kind of nouncrammed ? (general)

5. The word is written together, separately or through a hyphenhalf liter ? (Through a hyphen)

8. FAlouvres or blindsAND?

9. Paronym for the word effective. (Spectacular)

10. Continue: Onegin - Tatyana, Lensky - ...., Pyotr Grinev - ..., Fevronya - ...

11. Favorite tree of Sergei Yesenin (Birch)

12. From school or from school? (From school)

13. Variable noun mr? (Path).

14. Show the brow (forehead).

15. What color are your cheeks?

16. With your right hand, touch the notch (neck).

17. Embrace your womb (belly)

18. Raise the shuitz (left hand).

III. Game results.

Final word from the teacher.

Q: - Dear guys, our intellectual game has come to an end. You are great fellows, real scholars, connoisseurs of literature and the Russian language. Read, develop, think, write your own poems, stories, novels. Remember that a good book will open up a new, amazing and wise world for you! So, the word to our jury!

What character has this dream? “... and now I walk like crazy. All night long, such rubbish climbed into my eyes ... Now you are mother, then father ... as soon as I start to fall asleep, then I see that you, mother, deign to beat the father, I felt so sorry ... you, mother: you are so tired , beating the father

Define a work of ancient Russian literature. “The Blessed Prince Peter commands: “Take me to this girl.” And they brought him, and he sent one of his servants to ask about the reward for the cure. And the girl said bluntly: "If I do not become his wife, then it is not fitting for me to treat him." And that man returned and conveyed her words to the humble, sincere prince.”

This book is about a fighter without beginning or end.” What is this piece about?

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 55"

city ​​of Saratov, Saratov region

Extracurricular activity in literature
in grades 5-6



teacher of Russian language and literature

Kulakova Flyura Farvazovna



Extracurricular activity in literature

Age: 5-6 classes. Number of participants: two teams of players, spectators. Location: Class.


Children! Help correct these proverbs! Dear student! Help, help quickly collect pairs of boots!


Take a closer look, think a little, draw to make it rhyme.

    Competition "Tales"

Remember the tales of A.S. Pushkin. Answer the questions and name the story

    Of the three girls, one became a queen, the other a weaver. And who was their sister? (The cook. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") Did Tsar Saltan punish the matchmaker Baba Babarikha and the envious sisters of the queen? (No. “Let all three go home.” “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”). How many years did the old man and the old woman live in a dugout near the blue sea? (Exactly thirty years and three years. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"). Who helped Elisha find a bride? (Wind. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs").

New stories have been brought to the library. Listen to the names of fairy tales, in my opinion, something is confused here. Correct the mistakes in the title.

    "Princess Turkey". ("Princess Frog"). "At the command of the dog." ("By magic"). "Red Skin" ("Little Red Riding Hood"). "Noodles from an ax." ("Porridge from an ax"). "Boy with a fist." ("Tom Thumb"). Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf. ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf").
    Competition "Burime"
    Competition "Literary works"

Name the genres of the works.

Task for the first team:
    "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber". (Epic). Vasilisa the Wise. (Fairy tale).
Task for the second team:
    "A Crow and a fox". (Fable). May Night, or the Drowned Woman. (Story).
    Competition "A fairy tale in a fairy tale"

Key:"Turnip"; "Silver Hoof" (P.P. Bazhov); "Ryaba Hen";

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (A.S. Pushkin); "Petukhan Kurikhanych"; "Black Chicken" (A. Pogorelsky); "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (A.S. Pushkin); "Humpbacked Horse" (P.P. Ershov); "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"; "Princess Frog"; "By magic"; "Sivka-Burka"; "Teremok"; "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." (A.S. Pushkin); "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (A.S. Pushkin); "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..." (A.S. Pushkin).

List of used literature

1. Comprehensive educational project "Step by step". The borrower is unknown.

2. N.A. Shaulskaya "Let's play erudite". Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix", 2005

3. O.N. Zaitseva, M.B. Ladygin "Literary Education". M .: "Drofa", 2000

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