Extra-curricular circle "the magical world of origami". Circle "Magic corners: origami technique


Target: Develop the child's creativity.
Exercise in the ability to combine corners and sides in the process of folding;
Exercise in the ability to independently use diagrams;
Cultivate perseverance and attention, accuracy in the process of creativity.


1 Week.

Subject: "Remember the magical corners - origami grass."
Tasks: Recall with children the properties of paper.
Reinforce your interest in making paper crafts.
Introduce children to the art of folding more complex paper figures.
Sample crafts - "Grass".

3 weeks.

Subject: "Balloon"
To consolidate the ability to perform a "pocket" fold.
Develop imagination, creativity, fantasy.
Sample craft - "Balloon".


1 Week.

Theme: "Crow"
Tasks: Exercise children in neat folding.
To consolidate children's knowledge of the graphic language of origami.
Sample craft - "Crow"

3 weeks.

Theme: "Mushroom"
Tasks: Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Fix the basic triangle shape
Sample crafts - "Mushroom".


1 Week.

Theme: "Crab"
Tasks: Introduce children to another option for making crafts "Crab".
Fix the basic shape of the "triangle".
Sample crafts - "Crab".

3 weeks.

Theme: "Shell"
Tasks: Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes.
Develop fine motor skills.
Exercise children in the ability to work with a square sheet of paper.
Exercise in the ability to unbend the inner corners according to the scheme.
Sample craft - "Shell"


1 Week.

Theme: "Christmas Tree"
Tasks: Fasten the shape of the fold "double triangle".
Exercise children in carefully sticking ready-made forms.
Develop a desire for independent action.
Sample crafts - "Christmas tree"

3 weeks.

Theme: "Santa Claus Hat".
Make children want to convey the magic of the New Year holiday.
Sample crafts - "Santa Claus hat."


3 weeks.

Theme: "Rabbit"
Tasks: Develop motor skills.
Cultivate accuracy and attention.
Fix the basic form of "kite".
To consolidate knowledge of graphic symbols with practical actions.
Sample craft - "Rabbit"


1 Week.

Theme: Valentine.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the holidays.
Arouse the desire to make a gift with your own hands.
Cultivate accuracy.
Develop creativity, independence, initiative.
Sample craft - "Valentine".

3 weeks.

Theme: "Airplane as a gift to dad."
Tasks: Improve skills and abilities in the implementation of the basic form of the "double triangle".
Make children want to convey the beauty of the air space.
Exercise children in drawing up a picture.
Develop constructive skills.
Sample craft - "Airplane as a gift to dad."


1 Week.

Theme: "Flowers for Mom"
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to carefully use a brush and glue.
To consolidate the ability to perform the fold "lightning".
Sample craft - "Flowers for Mom."

3 weeks.

Theme: "Sun Sunflowers"
Tasks: Continue to consolidate the ability to carefully use the brush and glue.
Continue to consolidate the ability to perform the "lightning" fold.
Continue to teach children to bend a square-shaped sheet diagonally, bend the corners of the triangle obliquely.
Sample craft - "Sun Sunflowers"


1 Week.

Theme: "Motorboat"
Tasks: Arouse children's interest in different types of water transport.
Improve the ability to perform the spiral element.
Learn to compose a composition, combining details by color.
Develop creative abilities.
Sample craft - "Motor boat".

3 weeks.

Theme: "Sailboat"
Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with different types of water transport.
To improve the skills of children to perform various Origami techniques.
Cultivate accuracy, patience, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.
Sample craft - "Sailboat"


1 Week.

Theme: "Doggy"
Tasks: Clarify the knowledge about what are pets.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.
To consolidate the ability to perform a zigzag fold.
To develop the desire to bring the work begun to the end, overcoming difficulties.
Sample crafts - "Dog".

3 weeks.

Theme: "Kitten".
Tasks: Fix the basic shape of the "triangle" on the example of making a kitten.
Develop an interest in working with paper.
Cultivate respect for animals.


1. Kozlina A.V. Lessons in manual labor. - M., 2000.
2. Reader for the little ones./ comp. L.N. Eliseeva. Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional M.: Education, 1975.
3. 100 paper crafts. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
4.O.M. Zhikhareva Origami for preschoolers. Summaries of thematic classes and demonstration material for working with children 5-6 years old in a preschool educational institution. M.: Publishing house. GNOM, 2011.
5. Origami for older preschoolers. Sokolova S.V.: Methodological guide for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-PRESS", 2010.
6. Origami. Gifts for the holidays. Elena Stupak. – M.: Iris-press, 2010.

City Department of Education of the Administration of Chernogorsk

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional

children's education Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth

for approval Director

methodological council ________ O.P. Shishlonova

"_____" ___________2011 "______" _________ 2011

Protocol No. ______

Working programm


Direction: arts and crafts

Children age: 4-6 years old

Grigorieva Galina Viktorovna,

educator MBDOU CRR

d / s "Smile"

Chernogorsk, 2011

1. Explanatory note 3

1.1. Predicted result 6

2. Educational and thematic plan 7

2.1. Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study 7

learning 8

2.3. Calendar-thematic planning of the 1st year of study

children 4-6 years old 9

1 year of education for children 4-6 years old 11

3. Methodological support 18

3.1. Methods and forms of education 18

3.2. Types and forms of control 18

3.3. Criteria and parameters for assessing ZUN 19

3.4. Conditions for the implementation of the program 20

3.5. Human resources 20

3.6. Educational and methodical set (EMC) 20

4. References 21

1. Explanatory note.

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of the child's personality, a variety of artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc.

An important task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities in children. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is the art of paper folding is origami.

Program goal: To develop in children the ability to emotionally aesthetic perception of the world around them and express their attitude to what they see or experience through their work.

Program objectives:

1. Introduce in practice the basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, diagonal, etc.).

2. Teach children to listen to the teacher's oral instructions.

3.Teach children to perform a sequence of actions.

4. Teach techniques and methods for creating various paper crafts.

5. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands.

6. Develop the ability to control the movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain.

7. Develop an eye.

8. Nurture accuracy.

The art of origami, which has existed for many centuries, is original and unique. "Origami" is translated from Japanese as folded paper ("ori" - folded, "kama" - paper).

The importance of origami for the development of a child cannot be overestimated. Any kind of creativity is useful, as it develops certain skills, qualities, and abilities in a child. But no kind of creativity can be compared with origami in its versatility. In terms of importance for the development of children, origami can be put in the first place.

First of all, origami develops the imagination, since in order to make a figurine, you need to imagine how it will look, seeing only a white sheet of paper in front of you.

Origami develops imagination, as it gives a great opportunity for improvisation with paper. You can always try to make a fold in some other way, trying to imagine what will come of it.

Origami develops visual memory. Starting to fold a new product, the child is guided by the description and diagram, but after repeating these actions several times, he remembers their sequence and each next time he makes the figure faster and more accurately.

Origami develops ingenuity and resourcefulness, because an origami product cannot simply be mechanically folded. Each fold of paper is made for a reason: it forms a product.

Origami develops the hand, i.e. fine motor skills. This is especially important for a small child, since the points in the palm of your hand are directly related to the development of mental abilities. The more a child folds a paper product, the better his thinking is formed.

Origami develops mindfulness, as, adding up, you must constantly monitor your actions.

Origami develops patience, because the product can not be received immediately. For example, to get a balloon that can be inflated, it must be folded patiently, thoroughly and carefully. You can't hurry.

Unevenly folded two halves, a crookedly bent corner will immediately spoil the appearance and can even break the whole plan.

Origami builds self-confidence and self-confidence. The origami technique is simple: fold and fold, and the result is immediately obvious - a toy made by one's own hands.

So, the art of origami is an excellent educational game for a child. The long list of qualities he develops includes such as: imagination, fantasy, visual memory, quick wit, fine motor skills of hands, thinking, attentiveness, balance, self-confidence, aesthetic taste, patience, organization, sociability, the need for creativity.

The educational program "Origami" is designed for 1 year of study: the age of children is 4-6 years old. Classes are held 4 times a week; The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes, a break between classes is 10 minutes. The composition of the group is 12 people. The total number of training sessions per year is 56 hours.

Classes are organized according to the principle of an individual-personal approach. Since the circle is attended by children with different levels of development, the task is usually uneven; some have already completed the work, others are just starting, so if possible, it is necessary to deal with each child individually.

This program is modified. Based on:

    Tarabarina T.I. Origami and child development. A popular guide for parents and teachers. / - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

    Sokolova S.V. Origami for preschoolers: A guide for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg. : CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2009.

    Artistic and creative activity. Origami: thematic, plot, game activities with children 5-7 years old / ed.-comp. I.A. Ryabkova, O.A. Dyurlyukova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

All classes in the program are built on didactic principles:



Systematic and consistent

Relationship between theory and practice.

The topics of the classes are designed in such a way that they ensure the consistent development and improvement of the acquired skills in children.

Particular attention during classes is paid to the knowledge and strict observance by all children of the rules of labor safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

1.1 Predicted result.

Children of 1 year of study should know:

Safety rules in the classroom;

The history of origami;

Features and different types of paper: tracing paper, cardboard, printer paper, wallpaper;

The principle of creating books, boxes;

Know the basic forms-blanks and use them (" triangle”, “kite”, “fish”, “door”, “envelope”, “double triangle”, “double square”).

Should be able to:

Perform various manipulations with paper: fold, smooth, stretch;

Use glue stick, scissors;

Consistently and accurately draw up the craft;

Appreciate your work and the work of another person;

Take care of books, objects of the objective world around us.

To track the knowledge gained in the 1st year of study, the following tasks are carried out: verification tasks. When summing up the results of the implementation of the educational program, I use such forms of work as exhibitions of creative works.

2. Educational and thematic plan.

2.1 Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study.

topic of the lesson

number of hours




1. Introductory lesson

2. Materials and tools.

3. "The Tale of the Square".

Folding basic molds.

4. Making crafts.


Leaves, flowers, mushrooms

Animals, birds

Christmas toys

Various crafts

5. Final lesson.


1. Introductory lesson (1 hour).

Theory: demonstration of crafts. Introduction to the history of origami art.

2. Materials and tools (1h).

Theory: Materials and tools needed when working with paper.

Practice: Acquaintance with the properties of paper, a variety of its types.

3. "The Tale of the Square" (2 hours).

Individual work.

Theory: To acquaint with the work of the circle, crafts that they will do with their own hands.

Practice: Fold basic forms-blanks and name them correctly.

4. Making crafts (51 hours).

Creative work.

Theory: looking at crafts.

Practice: Making crafts on various topics.

5. Final lesson (1 hour).

Control and verification lesson.

Theory: Lesson on the generalization and systematization of the studied.

Practice: Schematic work. Execution and execution of work.

Summing up for the year.

2.3. Calendar-thematic planning for 1 year

teaching children 4-6 years old.


topic of the lesson



Introduction to the history of origami art.

Introduction to the properties of paper.

"The Tale of the Square" (basic blank forms)

"The Tale of the Square" (continued)







Candy bookmark



"Snow Maiden"

"Father Frost"



"Snowflake - 2"


"Spruce branch with toys"



""Princess Frog"














"Mouse - norushka"

"Hut on a chicken leg"







"Beautiful fish"



"Water lily"





"My favorite origami" - final

the first year of education for children 4-6 years old.

1. Theory: Introduction to the history of origami art.

Practice: Target: Introduce the history of origami art; develop imagination; cultivate perseverance.

2. Theory:Introduction to paper properties.

Practice:Target: To acquaint children with the properties of paper, the variety of its types; teach correctly, select paper for making figures in the origami style.

3 . Theory:"The Tale of the Square" (basic blank shapes).

Practice:Target: To acquaint children with the work of the circle, crafts that they will do with their own hands. To teach how to fold basic forms - blanks (“triangle”, “door”, “kite”, “book”) and call them correctly. Cultivate interest in origami.

4. Theory:« Tale of the square» ( continuation).

Practice:Target: To fix the folding of the basic forms - blanks; teach how to fold new basic forms - blanks (“pancake”, “candy”, “envelope”, “bird”) and call them correctly. Cultivate interest in origami.

5. Theory:« Book».

Practice:Target: To consolidate with children the folding and the name of the basic forms. Learn to fold rectangles in half, combine the short sides, put white blanks into a colored part. Learn to decorate a book with an origami figure (flower). Cultivate accuracy in work, attention.

6. Theory:« Leaves».

Practice:Target: Learn to fold a square diagonally, a “triangle”, bend the upper sharp corners in different directions. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

7 . Theory:« Flower».

Practice:Target: Contribute to the formation of good feelings for loved ones and delight them with crafts made by hand using the origami technique. Develop memory, attention.

8. Theory:« Caterpillar».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally; bend the corners on each part equally. Learn to draw eyes, mouth on the workpiece. Learn how to work with glue.

9. Theory:« fly agaric».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the rectangle in half, combining the short sides. To teach children to make grass with the help of cuts on a green strip from below, to decorate a hat with white circles.

10. Theory:« House».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the skill in folding in half with a “book”, combining the short sides. Learn to put on the roof, combining the folds, gluing the details (door, windows, pipe). Cultivate a desire to help a friend sitting next to you.

11. Theory:Candy bookmark.

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally; bend the upper and lower corners to the intersection of the lines (basic blank "candy"). Learn how to work with glue.

12. Theory:« Snowflake».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to fold a square with a “candy”. Continue to learn how to work with glue carefully. Raise interest in paper design.

13. Theory:« Herringbone».

Practice:Target: To teach children to fold a square in half, combining opposite corners, to bend the resulting triangle. Learn to make a Christmas tree from triangles, starting from the bottom with the largest part. Cultivate accuracy in working with glue.

14. Theory:« Snow Maiden».

Practice:Target: To teach children from the basic form of "kite" to fold the figure of the Snow Maiden. Continue learning to glue individual parts. To cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them with a postcard for the holiday.

15. Theory:« Father Frost».

Practice:Target: continue to teach children from the basic form of "kite" to fold the figure of Santa Claus. Build independence and self-confidence. To cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them with a postcard for the holiday.

16. Theory:« Snowman».

Practice:Target: To teach children to make a snowman's body from two rectangles. From a square of white paper - a head. Continue to learn to decorate the craft with the missing details (glue the nose - carrot, draw eyes, mouth). Raise interest in paper design.

17. Theory:« Snowflake-2».

Practice:Target: To teach children to connect parts in pairs, tucking the corner of one inside the other part. Continue to learn how to work with glue carefully. Improve the skills of small and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Raise interest in origami classes.

18. Theory:« Star».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic form of "kite". Learn to alternate colors, connect parts, applying the short side of the workpiece to the inflection line of the previous one. Cultivate perseverance and responsibility.

19. Theory:« Spruce branch with toys».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold independently the basic form of "kite". To teach children to lay out a spruce twig from blanks, to decorate a twig with folded toys. Cultivate respect for objects and materials.

20. Theory:« Clapperboard».

Practice:Target: Teach children to fold corners into a “mountain” fold. Raise interest in paper design.

21. Theory:« Pyramid».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to fold the basic “candy” shape and make crafts based on it. Cultivate perseverance.

22. Theory:« Princess Frog».

Practice:Target: To learn from two basic “triangle” shapes to fold the head and torso. To fix the methods of bending the lowered corners to the folds. Cultivate attention, perseverance.

23. Theory:« Bunny».

Practice: Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the square with a “book” and twice with a “kerchief”, lower the opposite corners to the center of the square, getting a “candy”. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the instructions of the teacher. Cultivate independence and attention.

24. Theory:« Bear».

Practice: Target: Learn to bend the "scarf" in half. Learn to understand that the details of the head and torso are made separately from squares of different sizes. To educate and develop the ability to control the movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain.

25. Theory:« heart».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to fold the "valley" folds. Cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them.

26. Theory:« Kolobok».

Practice:Target: To teach children at a rectangle to bend all corners evenly. Continue to learn how to decorate the craft with details (mouth, nose, eyes). Cultivate the joy of gifts made with your own hands.

27. Theory:« Wolf».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to bend the square with a “kerchief”, bend one of the corners up obliquely. To fix the ability to stick a head, draw eyes. Develop an eye. Cultivate perseverance.

28. Theory:« Fox».

Practice:Target: Teach children to listen to the teacher's verbal instructions. To introduce in practice the basic geometric concepts. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper.

29. Theory:« ship».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the square diagonally, bend a narrow strip of the upper right side onto the surface of the triangle. To cultivate the ability to accurately work with paper.

30. Theory:« Hedgehog».

Practice:Target: Continue to teach children to fold the square in half with a “book”. Understand the terms: "upper corner", "lower corner". Develop children's eye. Cultivate respect for paper.

31. Theory:« Butterfly».


32. Theory:« Rybka».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the square diagonally, the resulting triangle in half. Learn to draw a tail and fins on the workpiece, cut them out with scissors. Cultivate accuracy in working with scissors.

33. Theory:« Tulip».

Practice:Target: Learn to perform the basic form of "water bomb", decorate a flower. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

34. Theory:« frog».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the skill in folding a square diagonally. Teach children to listen to the teacher's verbal instructions. Cultivate attention.

35. Theory:« Kitty».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square with a “book”. Learn to carefully glue the tail to the body from the wrong side. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

36. Theory:« Chicken».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to bend the square twice with a “kerchief”. Teach kids how to do things. Develop an eye. Cultivate accuracy in working with glue.

37. Theory:« Chick».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a larger square in half with a “kerchief”, to fold a “kite” blank from two small squares. Develop an eye.

38. Theory:« Rooster».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the square diagonally, fold the resulting triangle in half, bend the upper sharp corners in different directions. Cultivate the ability to aesthetically decorate your craft.

39. Theory:« mouse-norushka».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn from a larger square to fold the basic shape of the “kite”, bend the lower part, bend the corners up. Strengthen the ability to finish the missing details. Cultivate self-confidence.

40. Theory:« Hut on chicken leg».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Continue to learn how to decorate the craft with the “window” and “leg” details. Cultivate perseverance.

41. Theory:« Rocket».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle up. Develop an eye. Cultivate accuracy in work.

42. Theory:« Wallet».

Practice:Target: To teach children to bend the upper and lower corners to the middle, bend the craft in half. Continue learning to decorate the craft with a pattern. Cultivate a careful attitude to objects and material (paper).

43. Theory:« Basket».

Practice:Target: To teach children to fold the basic shape of the "double triangle", bend the sharp corners of the upper triangle and insert one into the other. Continue to teach children how to decorate their craft. Cultivate accuracy when working with paper.

44. Theory:« Matryoshka».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to bend the rectangle in half with a “book”. Teach kids how to do things. Develop creative abilities.

45. Theory:« cup».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle to opposite sides, insert into the resulting gap. Raise interest in the paper folding process.

46. Theory:« Puppy».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of the "triangle". Learn to bend the upper corner of the top of the triangle back inward, open the side corners and straighten in the form of ears.

47. Theory:« Owl».

Practice:Target: Recall how the basic shape of the "kite" is formed. Learn to bend the upper triangle forward and return to its original position, make cuts along the fold line, bend the ends with a fold. To cultivate accuracy in working with paper and scissors.

48. Theory:« Beautiful small fish».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape - a double triangle. Learn to bend the triangle in half so that the tail and fins are symmetrical, cut out the tail and fins with scissors. Cultivate attention, accuracy.

49. Theory:« Crane».

Practice:Target: Learn to fold the basic “double square” shape, put the halves inward along the intended folds. Develop an eye. Cultivate the joy of crafts made with your own hands.

50. Theory:« box».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the rectangle in half the “door”, learn to pull the strips making the figure voluminous. Cultivate interest in origami.

51. Theory:« Water lily».

Practice:Target: Teach children how to fold the basic “pancake” blank, continue to teach them how to use glue carefully. Cultivate the ability to aesthetically decorate your craft.

52. Theory:« Tumbler».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Learn to decorate your craft with an applique (glue: eyes, nose, mouth, buttons; draw hair). Cultivate interest in origami classes

53. Theory:« birdie».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Learn how to make your own craft. Cultivate accuracy in work, attention.

54. Theory:« Swan».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a double triangle. Learn to bend the upper sharp corners to the top, forming a square, cut out curly wings. Develop creative abilities.

55. Theory:« Elephant».

Practice:Target: Teach kids how to do things. Cultivate interest in working with paper.

56. Theory:« My favorite origami». – FINAL .

Practice:Target: To consolidate the techniques and forms of origami learned in the classroom. Improve the skills of small and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

3. Methodological support.

3.1. Methods and forms of teaching.

For efficiency, methods such as:

    verbal (story, explanation, encouragement);

    visual (demonstration of samples, demonstration, performance of work);

    practical (making crafts).

Forms and types of classes:

  • practical;


    occupations of fixing ZUN;

    control and verification lesson (final).

3.2. Types and forms of control.

The control of acquired knowledge of skills and abilities (ZUN) is carried out three times a year: introductory, current, final.

Introductory - observation, conversations, interviews with children.

Current - oral questioning, analysis of mistakes made, personal exhibitions.

Final - final lesson, exhibitions, collective creative work.

Interview - form of input and current control. It is carried out in order to thoroughly identify the educational and creative level of children, their interests and characteristics, both when entering an educational association, and at individual stages of mastering the program. The interview can be conducted in the form of an individual conversation, as well as in a collective form: for example, in the form of a survey.

Survey- an integral part of the oral knowledge test, carried out in a question-answer form.

Competition of creative works - form of final (sometimes current) control. It is carried out with the aim of mastering a certain level of educational content, the degree of preparedness for independent work: identifying the most capable and talented children.

Exhibition - a form of final control, carried out in order to determine the level of skill, culture. Techniques for the performance of creative products, as well as for the purpose of identifying and developing creative abilities in children. The exhibition can be personal or collective in different areas of additional education. The exhibition is a tool to encourage children.

According to the results of the exhibition, the best participants can be awarded a diploma.

3.3. Criteria and parameters for assessing ZUN


    tool ownership;

    knowledge of symbols for reading diagrams (ability to work with diagrams);

    craft manufacturing technology;

    craft decoration.


Low level:

    the child does not respond to the point;

    practical work is done carelessly, does not meet technological requirements.

Average level:

    reveals the main questions, but allows for inaccuracies;

    practical work is not entirely successful, not aesthetic, careless.

High level:

    easy to navigate in the studied material;

    able to connect theory with practice;

    The work was done with quality and precision.

3.4. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

For the full implementation of the Origami program, material and technical conditions are necessary: ​​a separate office with good lighting, comfortable tables, chairs according to the number of children. Demonstration board for showing diagrams. Racks for the exhibition of samples and finished products. Due to the insufficient material base, parents (legal representatives) acquire material for work for children throughout the school year.

Classes in the circle of 1 year of study are held 4 times a week for 2 hours, the number of children in the group is 10-12 people. During the year, ZUN control is carried out: introductory, current and final.

3.5. Human Resources.

The program is implemented by a teacher with a pre-school pedagogical education, who is qualified as an educator.

3.6. Educational and methodical set (EMC).

To implement the program, an educational and methodological kit (EMC) has been developed. It includes:

    folder with samples of finished products;

    a folder with diagrams of basic forms-blanks;

    methodological literature: books on "Origami" (the set of teaching materials is with the teacher).

4. List of references.

1. Tarabarina T.I. Origami and child development. A popular guide for parents and educators. / - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

2. Sokolova S.V. Origami for preschoolers: A guide for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg: DETSVO - PRESS, 2009.

3. Sokolova S.V. Origami for the little ones: A guide for educators. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2009.

4. Artistic and creative activity. Origami: thematic, plot, game activities with children 5-7 years old / ed. I.A. Ryabkova, O.A. Dyurlyukov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

5. Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts: Book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents. – M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

6. Nagibina M.I. From plain paper we make like magicians. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, Co.: Academy Holding, 2000.

lyudmila konobeeva
The work program of the additional activities of the circle "Origami".

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Nikiforovskaya secondary school No. 1".

Stepanovsky branch.

Program accepted for I approve:

Pedagogical Council, Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1".

Protocol No. ___ dated ___ 2015. Kruglov A. M. ___

Order No. 2015

Working programm

Additional education

« Origami» .

(children's age : 5 – 7 years, term implementation: 1 year).

Educational area "Cognitive - constructive development".

For older preschool children.

2015 - 2016 academic year.

Compiler: teacher of the 1st category

Stepanovsky branch of MBOU "Nikiforovskaya secondary school No. 1".

Konobeeva Ludmila Alexandrovna

List of pupils mug.

2. Topilskaya Alexandra

3. Novice Daniil

4. Gannov Maxim

5. Sycheva Anastasia

Timetable of classes mug.

Every Thursday at 15.40 - 16.05.

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child's connection with the leading spheres is established. being: the world of people of nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. Curiosity develops, interest in creativity is formed.

Origami- a fascinating activity for children 5 - 7 years old. Origami often referred to as Japanese art, but it may have originated in other countries where paper, one of man's greatest inventions, was widely used.

First origami Friedrich Fröbel, the founder of kindergartens, singled out as a factor of a beneficial effect on the child, who included in the training of pupils an acquaintance with the technique of folding paper figures.

Art origami not only entertainment. Job with paper figures develop fine motor skills of children and also the most important mental processes such as mindfulness, memory, thinking, imagination. It instills artistic taste, develops spatial thinking, creativity and logical abilities. Each lesson is accompanied by a short story about the subject (animal, the figurine of which the children will have to fold, and thus, in addition to the practical one, also has a cognitive orientation. Origami contributes to the education of perseverance, accuracy, purposefulness, activity, independence of children.

By creating paper models, the child is constantly works with geometric figures: begins folding by performing actions on the plane of the original geometric figure - a square (rectangle); in the process of folding in the hands of a child, one geometric figure is transformed into another. working with geometric figures, children consolidate information about their structure (sides, angles, vertices, aspect ratio, etc., signs of their similarities and differences.

To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate the imagination, the desire to be included in the creative activity. In the classroom origami children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, improve the skills of constructive creativity. This type activities is not only accessible and interesting to children of senior preschool age, but also contributes to the development of the general abilities of children, which will be useful to them in life and in the process of learning other subjects. Classes origami allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational area, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activity in the process of development programs. They also contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which has an important effect on the development of children's speech.

Novelty programs

One of the main conditions for the implementation of educational programs« Origami» is the observance of the age characteristics of children, including the predominance of the game form of organizing classes, the close interweaving of several areas of interest. In the classroom, in addition to the technique of mastering origami children deepen their knowledge of nature.

Relevance programs- in creating conditions for the development of the child's personality, the development of motivation for knowledge and creativity, familiarization with universal values, for social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality, strengthening the mental and physical health of children, the interaction of the teacher with the family.

Relevance of use origami in the educational process is primarily associated with the possibility of using it as a means of developing fine motor skills of the hands. Usage origami provides good finger training, promotes development of hand movements, develops accuracy, coordination of small finger movements. As you know, all this stimulates the development of speech in children. In addition, for young children, finger training is important in terms of workings basic elementary skills, such as dressing and undressing, fastening and unbuttoning buttons, manipulating a spoon, scissors. In older preschoolers, finger training prepares the hand for writing.

Corresponds to GEF.

Program developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education. Implementation programs is conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory documents:

Law of the Russian Federation "On education";

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the regime work preschool educational institutions”;

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2000 No. 65/23 - 16 “On hygiene requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 10/17/2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state standard for preschool education".

letter "Comments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2014 No. 08-249

Target programs:

Encourage the creative activity of children, stimulate the imagination, the desire to be included in activity. comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering elementary techniques origami, as an artistic way of designing from paper.

Tasks programs:


Introduce children to basic geometric concepts and basic shapes origami.

Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions.

Teach different tricks paper handling.

Introduce children to basic geometry concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc. Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms.

Create compositions with products made in the technique origami.


Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye.

Develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.

Develop children's ability work with hands, accustom to the precise movements of the fingers, improve fine motor skills of the hands, develop the eye.

Develop spatial imagination.


Cultivate an interest in art origami.

Enhance children's communication skills.

Build a culture of work and improve work skills.

Contribute to the creation of game situations, expand the communication skills of children.

Improve labor skills, form a culture of work, teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, keep in order workplace.

The program contributes:

1. Increasing the motivation of the child;

2. The emergence of self-confidence;

3. The emergence of a desire to achieve the planned result;

4. Acquiring the skill of self-reliance work;

5. Development of fine finger movements;

6. Creation of a creative atmosphere in a group of pupils on the basis of mutual understanding and cooperation.

Basic principles programs:

The principle of natural conformity (the priority of the natural abilities of the child in combination with the acquired qualities in his development);

The principle of creativity; development of fantasy, figurative thinking, self-confidence;

The principle of unity of development and education;

The principle of cooperation between participants in the educational process and the availability of education;

The principle of public accessibility;

The principle of succession;

The principle of individuality approach: taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each child;

The principle of success;

The principle of taking into account the psychological characteristics of children in the selection of the content and methods of education and development.

The principle of different levels; choice of subject matter work according to the age of the children

The principle of system.

Basic information about the timing of implementation programs

Program« Origami» calculated for 1 year (senior preschool age.) and implemented in the 2015-2016 academic year.

Practice mode.

Classes are held four times a month (starting from September). The total number of hours is 36 hours.

Children's age: 5 -7 years.

training Number of lessons Number

per month per year

Forms and types of educational control programs:

Compiling an album of the best works.

Holding exhibitions for children works.

Expected results and methods of determination performance:

As a result of training on this children program:

- learn different tricks paper handling;

– will know the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes origami;

- learn to follow verbal instructions; create products origami

– will create compositions with products made in the technique origami;

- develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

- get to know art origami;

- master the skills of work culture;

– improve their communication skills and acquire skills team work

Methods and techniques used in the classroom mug:

verbal method

Information-receptive work.

reproductive pronunciation

Heuristic: work according to schemes, performance works based on personal experience,

Research: independent children's work.

This program », "Speech Development", , "Safety", ).


Individual Job, group Job;

Collectively - creative Job.

Joint organizational activity teacher with children developed taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children.

Part one joint activities: organizational.

Target: Set up a group of children to share work to interest them.

Part two. Main.

Target: develop observation, memory, thinking, imagination, a tendency to acquire new knowledge.

Basic techniques and methods: conversations, artistic word, analysis of drawings, word games.

Part three. Practical.

Target: Self-organization children's work.

Part four. Final.

Target: playing crafts, creating a sense of satisfaction, self-confidence, empathy.

Methodological support programs:

verbal method: game moment, conversation, story, artistic word, questions clarifying suggestive problematic cognitive.

Information-receptive: examination, reminder, partial demonstration, sample, explanation followed by a demonstration based on landmarks, verbal instructions for implementation work.

reproductive: doing activities with children, with pronunciation, the joint action of the teacher with the children.

Heuristic: work according to schemes, performance works based on personal experience,

Research: independent children's work.

This program integrates with educational areas (“Cognition. (Construction. Mathematical development)», "Speech Development", "Artistic and aesthetic creativity", "Safety", "Social and communicative").

Form of classes - thematic joint activity.

Conversations, reading fiction,

Individual Job, group Job;

Collectively - creative Job.

Calendar - thematic planning

September 1. Introductory "Let's play" Interest paper handling, teach to divide the square by folding into a different number of equal parts, strengthen the small muscles of the hands, accuracy. 3.09

2."In a certain kingdom, in a paper state". To interest children in making paper crafts using technology origami to introduce some of them. 10.09

3. Get acquainted with the properties of paper. To acquaint with the various properties and qualities of paper, to teach how to choose the right paper for making figures in the technique origami. 17.09

4. "Let's Solve the Riddle" Learn to make new crafts in technology origami, using the familiar technique of folding paper squares diagonally, develop an eye. 24.09

October "Butterfly" Exercise children in the ability to recognize geometric shapes; to introduce the manufacture of the simplest crafts in technology origami. Exercise in the free choice of paper color when making a butterfly. 1.10

"Fish". Exercise children in folding a square diagonally; Continue to acquaint with the manufacture of the simplest crafts in technology origami; Exercise in the free choice of color; Help each child to achieve the desired result; Develop fine motor skills of hands; To consolidate the skills of decorative decoration of the finished figure; Develop explanatory speech.

"Rowan branch" Teaching kids the right way "read" operational card; consolidate the ability to make crafts from the basic form "arrow"; cultivate skill work in a team; evoke a sense of accomplishment work that people can admire. 15.10

"Aquarium" Learn to make a collective work;

Encourage the creative initiative of children;

Develop fine motor skills of hands;

Develop an eye;

Cultivate skill work in a team 22.10

November "Jumping Frogs" Increase children's interest in work with paper through the game; continue to learn how to make toys in technology origami; develop constructive creativity, imagination; to cultivate accuracy, perseverance. 5.11

"Magical transformations of a paper square" Strengthen the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher; introduce the new basic form "catamaran"; develop imagination and constructive imagination; form speech breathing. 12.11

"two-pipe ship" Continue to develop interest in the manufacture of figurines in technology origami; introduce children to the new basic form "Pancake".

Learn to use ready-made crafts in the game. 19.11

Magical transformations of a two-pipe boat Continue to learn how to transform one paper figure into another; to consolidate the ability to connect two parts of the craft by inserting them one into the other; teach children work in pairs; develop the creative imagination, fantasy of children. 26.11

December "Boat". To introduce children to the manufacture of crafts in technology origami from a rectangular sheet of paper; exercise in the free choice of color; develop fine motor skills of the hand; improve children's speech. 3.12

"Magical forest" origami;

Develop constructive thinking, fantasy, imagination. 10.12

"Herringbone" Create a good mood in anticipation of the upcoming New Year holiday; continue to teach children how to make figurines in technology origami, using the scheme; continue to acquaint with the history of art origami; introduce the new basic form "Water Bomb". 17.12

"New Year decoration" Arouse in children the desire to independently decorate the group for the New Year holiday; continue to teach how to make simple crafts from paper squares, already known techniques for folding paper; develop constructive thinking, fantasy, imagination. 24.12

January "Father Frost" Strengthen the ability of children to make figures in technology origami, I use the scheme; evoke a joyful mood from the New Year holiday; improve skills work with scissors; cultivate independence, perseverance. 01/08/2016

"Snowman" Strengthen the ability of children to make figures in technology origami;. To evoke a joyful mood in anticipation of the New Year holiday, to interest children in making a New Year's card; Improve skills work with scissors; cultivate independence, perseverance; Improve fine motor skills.

Crane" To continue to acquaint children with Japanese history; to cultivate a sense of compassion, complicity in what is happening around; improve crafting skills. 01/21/2016

"Dog" . rule Learn speak out your actions

origami. Contribute 28.01.

February "Hen" Teach children work with the basic form - a kite. To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form. To teach the child to gently bend the square, clearly following the basic rule speak out your actions origami.

"Pigeon" Keep teaching kids work with the basic form - a kite.

To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form.

To teach the child to gently bend the square, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Contribute to the creation of game situations.

learn how to make a group composition. 11.02

"Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming soon". To instill in children a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland - for their fathers and grandfathers, older brothers, to encourage them to please them; Improve skills paper handling, scissors. Develop an eye, small muscles of the hands. 18.02

"Owl". To develop in children the ability to add and transform the basic form - a kite.

Learn how to do the craft, consistently making the necessary folds. Speak your actions using special terminology.

Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Contribute to the creation of game situations. 25.02

March "Mom's Holiday". Learn to take care of mothers, grandmothers; introduce different options for decorating postcards using ready-made figurines made in the technique origami; cultivate accuracy, perseverance; consolidate the ability to make figurines origami. 3.03

"Flowers" Teaching children how to make flowers using technology origami; help each child achieve the desired result; develop creative imagination fantasy; develop eye, fine motor skills of hands. 10.03

"Bunny" Learn to do crafts based on two basic shapes - a triangle and a kite.

To teach the child to carefully bend the square diagonally, consistently making the necessary folds, clearly following the main rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Contribute to the creation of game situations. 17.03

"Cat" Learn to do crafts based on two basic shapes - a triangle and a kite.

To teach the child to carefully bend the square diagonally, consistently making the necessary folds, clearly following the main rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Contribute to the creation of game situations. 24.03

"Tulip" Continue to learn how to do crafts based on the basic shape - a triangle. To teach the child to gently bend the square, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Learn how to make a group composition.

"Butterfly" Teach children work rule: Align corners and sides exactly. Learn speak out your actions using special terminology.

Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami. Make the necessary cuts and embellishments. 7.04

"Fox" Learn to do crafts based on two basic shapes - a triangle and a kite.

To teach the child to carefully bend the square diagonally, consistently making the necessary folds, clearly following the main rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Contribute to the creation of game situations. 15.04

"Penguin" To develop in children the ability to add and transform the basic form - a kite. Learn how to do the craft, consistently making the necessary folds. Speak your actions using special terminology.

Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami. Make the necessary cuts and embellishments. Contribute to the creation of game situations. 22.04

May "Salt cellar" Introduce children to a new basic form - an envelope. To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form. Teach your child to fold paper neatly, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami. 29.04

"Basket" Teach children work with the basic shape - a double triangle. To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form. Teach your child to fold paper neatly, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Make the necessary cuts and embellishments. 6.05

"Bug" Teach children work with the basic shape - a double triangle. To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form. Teach your child to fold paper neatly, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Make the necessary cuts and embellishments. 13.05

"Steamboat". Continue to introduce children to the new basic form - the envelope. To introduce the craft and the sequence of its implementation based on this basic form. Teach your child to fold paper neatly, clearly following the basic rule: Align corners and sides exactly.

Learn speak out your actions using special terminology. Continue to acquaint children with conventional signs origami.

Make the necessary cuts and embellishments.

Contribute to the creation of game situations. May 20

Material and technical security:

1. Musienko S. I., Butylkina G. V. « Origami in kindergarten»

2. « Origami for older preschoolers" Sokolova S.V.

3. « Origami for preschoolers» Sokolova S.V.

Materials and equipment

1. Paper:

Directly working: color from set

2. Scissors (for square processing, applicative additions)

3. Glue (For additional applicative origami processing)

4. Napkins: paper, fabric.

5. working oilcloth for applicative origami processing

(Middle and senior preschool age)

Educator of the first qualification category MBDOU d / s No. 32 Kolomoets Lyudmila Ivanovna

Explanatory note:

Origami is the art of paper folding without scissors or glue.

It got its name from the Japanese words "ORI" - to fold and "GAMI" - paper. The art of folding paper models is 2000 years old. This art knows no boundaries and is accessible to people of all ages.

In the old days, origami was not only an art, but also a science that taught accuracy and patience.

Origami has always been considered in the East as a symbol of peace, tranquility and family hearth.

Creation by a child of products of artistic activity (drawings, crafts, etc.) facilitates the process of communication, establishing relationships with adults and peers at different stages of a child's development, increases the self-esteem of a child with developmental problems.

All types of artistic activity are corrective in nature: they contribute to the mastery of technical skills, the development of fine motor skills, perception. Origami classes allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational area, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program. They also contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which has an important effect on the development of children's speech.

Children enthusiastically make paper crafts, which they then use in games, dramatizations, decorating a group, a kindergarten site, or as a holiday gift to their parents and friends.

The purpose of the circle: "CRANE-" the development of abilities that combine the active work of the hands and mind, novelty, a sense of play, as well as the development of speech (the speech center and the center that controls small movements of the fingers are located next to each other in the human brain, mutually influencing each other).

Circle tasks

  1. Introduce children to basic shapes: a book, a triangle, a door, a pancake, a kite.
  2. Learn to fold the square shape of the sheet in half and diagonally, carefully smooth out the fold.
  3. Develop children's imagination and imagination while working with different types of paper.
  4. Cultivate perseverance.
  5. Teach to be careful when working with glue and thin types of paper.

Middle preschool age



1. Journey to the land of origami

Purpose: to introduce children to different types of paper. Products made from them

E Cherenkova."origami for kids"


2. Caterpillar

Purpose: Fold circles in half, make a whole from parts. Square transformations



3. Balloons»

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to evenly bend the corners of the square from all sides.


Purpose: To learn to fold the square in half by combining the sides of the square. Transformation of the square

Acquaintance with the basic elements of folding in technology "origami" : folding the square in half, diagonally, find the center of the square, folding it diagonally and in half, bend the edge of the sheet to the middle, defining it by bending the square in half, diagonally, bend the corners of the square to the center.

Develop creative imagination and fantasy.


5. Autumn bouquet


Learn to fold a sheet with an accordion

E Chernekova str 37


6. Kerchief


teach children to fold a sheet of paper corner to corner, develop an eye


PURPOSE: to learn to fold a sheet of paper in half

origami for toddlers page 38


Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise and diagonally.


1. Flowers from two crosses

Purpose: To teach children how to glue a flower from two crosses.

Development of a sense of color in a garland.

Strips of paper of different colors, flowers from two crosses, Aster flowers.

Development of decorative design skills.


2. Colorful rug

Purpose: To teach children "Right" tear paper. Create a colorful rug.

Introduce children to such an appliqué technique as torn paper.

multicolored colored paper


3. Sunshine

Teach children to roll balls from pieces of paper, twist ropes.

Colored squares, circles, triangles torn from sheets of colored paper, glue brush, 12 album sheets, pictures with the image of the sun.


Purpose: To show the children how to create a bouquet of flowers from colored crumpled paper.

Build cooperation skills, develop imagination.

Colored paper, glue, brushes, vase, flowers.


5. Flashlights

Goal: Learn to fold 3 circles in half, glue them together.


6. Kite

Purpose: To teach how to make a kite by folding a sheet of paper diagonally and in half.


Goal: continue to teach children to fold a square diagonally, turn the corners of the resulting triangle towards the center.


8. Cup


Purpose: consider folding a square sheet of paper in half and diagonally


Purpose: to continue learning how to fold a square sheet of paper diagonally


Purpose: to form the ability to fold paper along the dotted lines with an accordion.


Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold diagonally. Develop the ability to trim small details of the contour.


5. Plane

Purpose: to teach children to bend crafts in the likeness of a teacher.


6. Ship

Purpose: to introduce the method of turning crafts.


7 Frog.

Purpose: To learn to bend a sheet of paper in half, to combine sides and corners; learn to follow instructions.


8. Beanie.

Purpose: To learn how to fold a sheet of paper, combining corners and sides; develop small muscles of the hands, coordination of movements.

Complex lessons. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva,


1"House" (with rectangular roof)


2. Garland

Purpose: To learn to cut shapes exactly along the contour, fold them in half, carefully glue the parts.

Complex lessons. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva,


3. Christmas toy

Purpose: To teach children to fold a circle in half, iron the fold line, find the half of the circle that needs to be greased with glue and glued with half of the other circle. Develop


4. Elegant Christmas tree (2 lessons)

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a triangle. Arrange the resulting triangles one after the other, starting with the largest. Decorate the Christmas tree with colored lanterns prepared by twisting soft paper. Develop fine motor skills, imagination and creativity.

T.I. Tarabarin, Origami and child development


Purpose: To teach children how to fold a bunny using a basic triangle shape, carefully use scissors. Listen carefully to the explanation of the sequence of the crafts. Develop fine motor skills.

E. Cherenkova, Origami for kids, p. 35


6. Snowflakes.

Purpose: Gluing glasses and snowflakes from stripes.

Raise interest in paper plastic. Stick snowflakes on the windows for the holiday


7. Christmas decorations from "accordions"

Objectives: To show children how to make unusual Christmas toys out of ordinary colored paper.

Cultivate a culture of communication, cooperation skills. Develop the small muscles of the hands.

Colored rectangles 6 * 12 of thick paper of different colors, Christmas decorations.

Development of decorative design skills

Continue to learn how to do crafts based on the basic shape - a triangle, clearly combine corners and sides. G.I. Dolzhenko "100 origami" pp. 24-24


To develop in children the ability to fold the basic form - a kite. Learn how to do crafts, consistently making the necessary folds. "100 origami" page 49 "

Learn to do crafts based on two basic shapes - a triangle and a kite. Teach your child to carefully bend the square diagonally. "100 origami" page 65


To teach children to tear off pieces of white napkins and roll the balls into lumps, gently smear a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mold with glue and stick it on the prepared base.


Continue to develop the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions.


Cultivate children's fantasy and imagination while working

"bullfinches on a rowan branch."

Continue learning to fold to fold the basic triangle shape.

Fold the top corner to the left. workpiece layer. The resulting triangle should peek out from behind the workpiece. Fold in half, red side in. Bend up the bottom. workpiece corners. These are wings. The left corner of the workpiece Finish drawing inwards. Got a red beak.

to consolidate the ability of children to fold a sheet of paper in half, bending the bottom corner to the top.

learn to fold a sheet of paper in half by bending the edges on both sides (to the fold line).

to consolidate the ability of children to find opposite corners and bend them in one direction.

Volume application "Hedgehog"

continue to teach children how to fold a sheet of paper with an accordion.

Volumetric postcard "Aquarium"

Improve skills in working with cardboard and templates, evoke a joyful mood.

(I used the magazine "Planet of Childhood" in my work)."

"The strip turns..." V "ringlet"

"ringlet" .

The strip turns into "droplet"

Purpose: to work out the techniques for making paper strips "droplet" .

The strip turns into "arch"

Purpose: to work out the techniques for making an arch from a strip of paper

The strip turns into "leaflet"

“Goal: to work out the techniques for manufacturing from a strip of paper.


"arches" And "ringlet"


Purpose: consolidation of manufacturing techniques "arches" And "ringlet" ; winding the strip on a pencil; development of imagination, creativity.


Purpose: consolidation of manufacturing techniques "arches" , "leaves" ; development of imagination, creativity.


Purpose: consolidation of manufacturing techniques "arches" , "leaves" ; development of imagination, creativity.

"Build something yourself"

Purpose: To allow children to act independently, to give them the opportunity to dream up so that they learn to act independently.


Exercise in folding the sheet, combining the corners and sides of the rectangle. Develop memory, a holistic view of others. Cultivate love for all living things.

(Yu. S. Kiryanov "Big Book of Origami" page 168)

"Joke Toy"

create a happy mood. Continue to teach children to bend crafts in the likeness of a teacher.

application from paper folded like an accordion "hello spring."

continue to learn how to fold a rectangular and square sheet of paper with an accordion.

Origami flowers "Snowdrops"

continue to learn how to fold a square sheet of paper into a triangle, bending the corners to the bottom.

Volume application "bells"

learn to fold a cone from a square sheet of paper.

roses from a napkin.

Teach how to wind a paper napkin on a stick, carefully remove and fold into a ring.


To teach children from thick paper to create turntables for observing the wind on a walk; teach diagonal bending techniques; develop fine motor skills of the hands;


To consolidate the ability to fold a paper strip twice or thrice in half. Flowers decoration.

"Fantasy with a sheet of paper"

Provide children with different types of paper for

making crafts; develop imagination, fantasy; develop an interest in paper design.

Kutsakova L.V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and notes of classes. –M.: TC Sphere. 2006

"Flowering branch" .

Continue to learn how to fold a square sheet of paper diagonally, bending the edges up to the top of the triangle.

"Seed bag."

Continue to teach children to work with rectangular paper, glue ready-made forms.

senior preschool age

Purpose: development of abilities that combine active work of the hands and mind, novelty, a sense of play, as well as the development of speech.


  1. To consolidate with children the basic geometric concepts of the basic forms of origami kite, book, triangle.
  2. To acquaint with the new form of a double triangle and with the basic geometric concepts of angle, side.
  3. Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions.
  4. Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination, fine motor skills of hands and an eye.
  5. To develop artistic taste and fantasy to accustom to the precise movements of the fingers.
  6. To form a culture of work and improve labor skills; to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, to keep the workplace in order.

Lesson #1

Subject: "Origami is the art of paper folding" .

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the art of origami, the history of its occurrence.

Lesson #2

Subject: "Characteristics of types of paper"

Purpose: To continue to introduce children to different types of paper.

(paper: corrugated, writing, newsprint, toilet, poster, color, table napkins)

Lesson #3

Subject: "To fix some concepts used when working with paper."

(find the center, “left” - “right”, “top” - “bottom)

Repeating familiar basic shapes

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Triangle (scarf)»

Purpose: Recall and consolidate the ability to fold a square diagonally to get the shape of a triangle

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Book"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to fold the square in half by combining the sides of the square.

Lesson #6

Subject: "Kite" .

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to make a kite.

Lesson number 7

Subject: "Fan"

Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to add along dotted lines.

Lesson #8

Subject: "Glass"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to fold a square diagonally. Bend corners in different directions.

Lesson №1

Theme: Boat»

Purpose: To continue to consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in half.

Lesson #2

Subject: "Dachshund"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise.

Lesson #3

Subject: "House (with rectangular roof)»

Purpose: Continue to teach children to bend the square in half, combining two opposite corners; we teach to lower the lateral upper sides to the inflection line.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Ice cream"

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Sun"

Goal: Making a sun out of twisted paper.

Lesson #6

Subject: "Pouring Apple"

Purpose: To teach to find the center of the square, bend the corners in one direction, creating the image of a circle-apple. Develop fine motor skills

Lesson number 7

Subject: "Mushroom"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability of children to fold a square, getting a rectangle and a triangle. Clearly iron the fold lines.

Lesson number 8

Subject: "Rowan branch"

Purpose: To teach children how to make crafts from a basic form "arrow" .

Lesson #1

Subject: "Princess Tree"

Purpose: To fix the self-folding paper figure

"kite" . Prepare several blanks from a square

different size. Connect parts into a whole

in a certain sequence. Cultivate a sense of beauty.

Lesson number 2 Topic: "Greeting card for the New Year" .

Goal: Learn to fold a rectangle into 2 squares. Unite

together with glue. Cultivate meticulousness

pride in the received craft.

Lesson #3

Subject: "New Year decoration"

Goal: Continue to teach children how to make simple crafts from paper squares, bend all corners evenly at a rectangle.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Snowman"

Purpose: To teach children at the square to bend all corners to evenly decorate the craft with details (mouth, nose, eyes)

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Magic Star"

Purpose: To continue to consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a kite, learn to wrap opposite corners, following the instructions of the educator towards the middle of the product.

Lesson #6

Subject: "Bunny"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to bend the square "book" , "double scarf" , drop opposite corners to the center of the square, getting "candy" .

Lesson number 7

Subject: "New Year's panel"

Purpose: To teach children to create a composition of figures made using the origami technique; help each child achieve the desired result; show the benefits of teamwork; instill in children the desire to bring joy to others.

Lesson #8

Subject: "Snowflake"

Purpose: To teach children to create diverse patterns on paper folded in four.

Lesson #1

Subject: "Swan"

Purpose: Remind how the basic form is formed "kite"

Learn to bend the upper triangle forward and return

To the starting position.

Lesson #2

Subject: "Bear"

Purpose: To teach children to bend the scarf in half, to understand that the details

heads and torsos are made separately from a square

different sizes.

Lesson #3

Subject: "Box"

Purpose: To introduce children to a new way of folding paper, to consolidate the ability to follow the teacher's instructions.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Trees"

Purpose: To teach children about a rectangle, square, bend all corners evenly.

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Fox"

Purpose: To continue to teach children to listen to the teacher's verbal instructions.

To introduce in practice the basic geometric concepts

Lesson number 6

Subject: "Wolf"

Purpose: To continue teaching children how to bend a square "scarf" , bend

one of the corners to the top obliquely.

Lesson №1

Subject: "Valentines"

Purpose: To teach children to roll balls from multi-colored napkins, gently smear a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe form with glue and glue balls from napkins.

Lesson number 2

Subject: "Volumetric postcard aquarium"

Purpose: To improve the skills of working with a cardboard pattern with beads.

Lesson number 3

Subject: "Envelope"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to bend the corners of the rectangle and side to the fold line.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Tie"

Purpose: To learn how to make a tie from the basic form of a kite.

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Wallet"

Goal: Repeat bending in two basic basic forms, consolidate bending skills into equal parts.

Lesson number 6

Subject: "Napkin for cutlery"

Purpose: To teach beautifully, to fold napkins for table setting, to cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste.

Lesson number 7

Subject: "Airplane"

Purpose: To teach children to bend crafts in the likeness of a teacher.

Lesson number 8

Subject: "Sweetie"

Purpose: To teach children to fold paper in different ways, following the verbal instructions of the teacher.

Lesson №1

Subject: "Carpet"

Purpose: To teach children to weave strips; Develop imagination, fantasy; Learn to anticipate the result, work clearly, striving for the final goal.

Lesson number 2

Subject: "Paper bow"

Purpose: To learn how to create a large bow from thin strips of paper for decorating postcards.

Lesson number 3

Subject: "Dandelion"

Purpose: To teach folding a paper strip in half twice three times. Develop fine motor skills.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Stem"

Purpose: To learn from the basic form of an arrow to make a stem.

Lesson number 5.

Subject: "Bug"

Purpose: To teach children to fold the basic shape of a double triangle.

Lesson number 6

Subject: "Airplane"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to fold a square diagonally and bend the top opened side to the vertical side of the triangle.

Lesson number 7

Subject: "Hen"

Purpose: To teach a kite to bend an acute angle outward so that a tail forms at the product.

Lesson number 8 Topic: "Glass" Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children from the basic shape of a triangle to bend corners to opposite sides.

Lesson №1

Subject: "Rocket"

Purpose: To learn how to fold a workpiece using various familiar details.

base form "kite" . Continue to learn to connect the parts, overlapping each other.

Lesson #2

Subject: "Ships at sea" (collective craft)

Purpose: Use of acquaintances "basic forms" .

Learn to make a boat. Cultivate interest in your work.

Lesson number 3

Subject: "Turntables"

Purpose: To learn how to make new crafts from a square, circle, triangle. Use the notation of cut lines on the workpiece. Exercise in the free choice of colors and shapes of paper. Encourage independence and creativity.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Ice cream"

Purpose: To continue to teach children to fold a square into two triangles, ironing the upper sides well to the inflection line.

Lesson number 5

Subject: "Butterfly"

Purpose: To continue to consolidate the ability of children to bend a square into two triangles.

Bend the ends of one of the corners to the middle and back.

Lesson number 6

Subject "Frog"

Purpose: To continue teaching children how to make toys using the origami technique using the scheme and the help of the educator.

Lesson number 7

Subject: "Bouquet of daffodils"

Purpose: To learn how to make even cuts in a square shape, then use a pencil to wrap the notched corners to the top.

Lesson number 8

Subject: "Ladybug"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a triangle. Learn how to fold a zipper.

Lesson №1

Subject: "Butterfly"

Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to fold paper with an accordion diagonally.

Lesson number 2

Subject: "Water lily"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to fold the basic form "kite"

Lesson number 3 Topic: "Spring branch of lilac"

Purpose: To learn how to make an expressive image of a lilac branch, to see the beauty and variety of flowers, to learn how to cut several identical leaves from paper folded like an accordion.

Lesson number 4

Subject: "Magic Plate"

Purpose: To introduce children to a one-time plate, to learn how to decorate a plate with already familiar techniques for working from napkins and colored paper.

Lesson number 5

Topic: “Designing an album of children's works for the period of study. Purpose: To instill in children a sense of pride and joy from the work performed.

Used Books:

  1. E. Cherenkova "Origami for kids" ;
  2. S.Musienko, G.Butylkina "Origami in Kindergarten" ;
  3. S.Yu. Afonkin "Paper Toys" ;
  4. O.M. Zhikhareva "Origami for preschoolers" ;
  5. S.V. Sokolova "Origami paper toys" ;
  6. Internet resources.

The program of the circle "The Magical World of Origami » has a general cultural direction, created on the basis of the results of many years of work on teaching elementary school students the basics of origami art. Origami classes allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness. The program of extracurricular activities has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The program of extracurricular activities is aimed at forming a common culture of students, at their spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development, at creating the basis for the independent implementation of educational activities that ensure social success, the development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement. The personality of the student becomes the center of attention of pedagogy. To achieve this goal, the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education was developed by order No. 1241 dated November 26, 2010. The legal and documentary basis of the Program for the Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of Students at the Stage of Primary General Education is the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Standard, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen. In accordance with the requirements of the Standard, the Concept and Program for the Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of Students are a guideline for the formation of all sections of the main educational program of primary general education. The program of the circle "The Magic World of Origami" was adopted on the basis of the Regulations on the organization of extracurricular activities of students of the MOU "Secondary School No. 69".

Relevance of this program is that it will enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program. The program contributes to the development of cognitive processes of the personality of students, the socialization of the child by introducing him to useful accessible activities. The proposed system of practical exercises will allow to form, develop, correct spatial and visual representations in younger students, the presence of which is an indicator of school maturity, and also help children to easily and joyfully engage in the learning process.

Pedagogical expediency due to the importance of creating conditions for the formation of spatial representations of logical thinking, geometric concepts, the development of motor skills and the eye in a younger student.

The program involves working with children in the form of classes, joint work of children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activity. Due to the fact that in the educational process little time is devoted to the artistic and aesthetic side of personality education, therefore, it became necessary to create this program. This program provides an opportunity to expand the content of education for schoolchildren in the field of "Technology", "Art" through the acquisition of practical skills of one of the types of decorative and applied arts of origami. The developed program enhances the variable component of general education: the content of the program considers aspects that are offered within the subject areas: Russian language, literary reading, the world around us, fine arts, music

Distinctive features of this program:

This program is designed and adapted for elementary school students. In the process of learning, it is possible to adjust the complexity of tasks and make changes to the program, based on the experience of children and the degree of assimilation of educational material by them. The program includes not only origami training, but also the creation of individual and collective plot-thematic compositions that use products made in the origami technique.

During origami classes, audio cassettes with recordings of the sounds of wildlife and music are used to relieve the excessive excitability of children, create a relaxed and creative atmosphere. As a result of this, in children there is an alignment of psycho-motor processes, a change in their behavior, and an improvement in personal relationships. After all, everyone knows that music affects the emotional state and mood of a person.

The program includes not only origami training, but also the creation of individual and collective plot-thematic compositions that use products made in the origami technique.

The program "The Magical World of Origami" is addressed to elementary school students. Taking into account the age of the children and the novelty of the material, for the successful development of the program, classes in the group should be combined with the individual help of the teacher for each child. Children are 6-7 years old. Implementation period - 1 year. The program is designed for 33 hours per year.

The frequency of classes is 1 hour per week. Classes are held once a week. The program is implemented by primary school teachers.

Target: The development of creative abilities, the cognitive sphere of younger students by mastering the art of origami.


  • Teach origami technique, get the initial experience of self-realization.
  • Develop imagination, artistic taste, a sense of beauty.
  • To cultivate industriousness, a creative attitude to work.
  • To form an idea of ​​aesthetic ideals.

Planned results:

In the field of personal UUD, students will form:

  • positive attitude towards learning;
  • desire to acquire new knowledge;
  • the ability to evaluate their actions;

In the field of cognitive UUD, students will learn:

  • follow the rules for safety and personal hygiene.
  • comply with the rules of the organization of the workplace.
  • observe the rules for careful use of paper.
  • esthetically relate to the world around and to oneself.
  • analyze information obtained from different sources.
  • learn different ways to work with paper.
  • will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami;
  • learn to follow oral instructions, read and draw product diagrams; create origami products using instruction cards and diagrams;
  • will create compositions with products made in the origami technique;

In the field of regulatory ECM, students will learn:

  • accept and save the learning task;
  • work according to plan;
  • adequately assess their achievements.

In the field of communicative UUD, students will learn:

  • to communicate with the teacher and classmates;
  • to ask questions;
  • listen and answer questions from others;
  • express your point of view;
  • work in pairs and working groups.

Teaching methods and forms of classes:

In the process of classes, various forms of classes are used: traditional, combined and practical games, holidays, contests, competitions and others.

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:
verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);
practical (performing work on instruction cards, diagrams, etc.).

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

  • explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
  • reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
  • partial search - participation of children in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
  • research - independent creative work of students.

Methods based on the form of organization of students' activities in the classroom:

  • frontal - simultaneous work with all students;
  • individual-frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
  • group - organization of work in groups.
  • individual - individual performance of tasks, problem solving, etc.

Evaluation of results:

The most fruitful factor in the evaluation of learning outcomes are student exhibitions. The parameters for evaluating the works submitted by the participants may vary depending on the level and goals of the exhibitions. Exhibitions allow the exchange of experience, technology, are invaluable in the aesthetic development of the child's personality. However, exhibitions are held once or twice a school year, while the child's creative work constantly requires encouragement in aspirations.

Various competitions are of great importance in evaluating the results of training. Children prepare gifts, crafts, souvenirs with elements of artistic design for the holidays with great pleasure. In the decorative solution, the work of children looks colorful, festive, and sometimes fantastic. The effectiveness of the development of the artistic thinking of the children is evaluated according to the following criteria: the degree of originality of the idea, the expressiveness of the work performed, mastering the techniques of working in the material. In the process of such classes, the creative abilities of children (imagination, figurative and technical thinking, artistic taste) develop more intensively.

Summing up forms:

Compilation of an album of the best works.
Exhibitions of student work:
- in class,
- At school,

Section I: Introduction to origami. (1h)

Topic 1.Introduction to origami. (Theory) Conversation: Acquaintance with the types of paper and its main properties, with tools for processing. Labor safety rules when working with hand tools. Conversation on labor protection. Input diagnostics.

ChapterII: The square is the main origami figure. (4)

Topic 2 Familiarization with the concept of "basic forms".(Theory) Introduce the basic shape "square". To give students the concept of the term "basic forms". Familiarize yourself with different types of basic forms.

Topic 3. Making a square.(Practice) Making a square from a rectangular sheet of paper (two ways).

Topic 4. Symbols in origami.(Theory) Acquaintance with the conventional signs adopted in origami.

Topic 5.Terms used in origami. Pocket (purse)(Practice) Acquaintance with the conventional signs adopted in origami. Instruction cards showing the folding process. Introduction to terms.

ChapterIII: Basic shape "Triangle" (5 hours)

Theme 6. Stylized flower.(Practice) Learn to fold the basic triangle shape.

Topic 7. Fox cub and dog.(Practice) Marking by bending. The concept of graphic images, their purpose. Planning work based on graphic instruction cards.

Topic 8. Yacht and steamer.(Practice) Techniques for reading origami diagrams. Exercises for dividing a rectangular and square workpiece in different directions into equal and unequal parts.

Topic 9. Cup.(Practice) Production of products using the origami technique based on instruction cards (subject and graphic).

Topic10. Tit and bullfinch.(Practice) Composition "Birds in the forest". Composition planning. Product design. Exhibition of works.

ChapterIV: Basic form "Kite" (5 hours)

Topic 11. Rabbit and puppy.(Theory and practice) Acquaintance with the new basic form. Reading schemes for folding products using the origami technique. Strengthening the techniques of bending and folding paper.

Topic 12. Hen and cockerel.(Theory and practice)Reading the tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" Analyze the sample, use the scheme.

Topic13. Duck.(Practice) Repetition of the names of basic forms. Review the rules for using scissors. Making crafts. Product design, exhibition.

Topic 14. Fairy birds.(Practice) Expand vocabulary, reading a technological map. Make up images of fabulous birds, arrange compositions with these fairy-tale characters.

Topic 15. Composition "Poultry on the lawn."(Theory and practice)Talk about poultry. Preparation of products and drawing up panels.

ChapterV: Basic Form "Double Triangle" (4 hours)

Topic16. Fish and butterfly.(Theory and practice) Repetition of the studied basic forms. Sketching conventional signs and schemes for folding basic forms.

Topic 17. Tadpole and beetle.(Practice) Practice folding modules.Product design and decoration.

Topic 18. Lily.(Practice) A product that consists of identical parts - modules.
Topic 19. Composition "Pond".
(Practice) Repetition of learned basic forms. Sketching conventional signs and schemes for folding basic forms. Making a product in the form of a seabed.

ChapterVI: Basic form "Double square" (3 hours)

Topic 20. Toad.(Theory and practice) Acquaintance with the conventional signs adopted in origami and the basic folding techniques. Basic forms. Instruction cards showing the folding process. Folding products based on simple basic shapes.

Topic 21. Dragonfly.(Practice) Choice of base form. Talk about insects living near water bodies. Decorative design of the product.

Topic 22. Composition "Island in the pond."(Practice) Compose a composition. Work in groups. Make an exhibition.

ChapterVII: Basic form "Envelope" (3 hours)

Topic 23. Steamboat.(Theory and practice) Folding the workpiece lengthwise and across, inserting the sides. Decoration with patterns of your choice.

Topic 24. Submarine.(Practice)

Theme 25. Composition “In the sea». (Practice) Using the prepared crafts, compose a composition and prepare for the exhibition.

ChapterVIII: Flowers for the holiday of March 8. (3h)

Theme 26. Postcard "Bouquet of carnations"(Theory and practice) March 8 is International Women's Day. Flower legends. The legend of the carnation.

Topic 27. Rosebuds. Composition "Bouquet of roses". (Practice) Folding colors based on learned basic shapes. Design of compositions and greeting cards.

Topic 28. Snowdrop. (Practice) Folding colors based on learned basic shapes. Design of compositions and greeting cards.

ChapterIX: Summer is ahead! (2 hours)

Topic 29. Sailing boat.(Theory and practice) Prepare the base form. Folding the smaller sides of the rectangle towards the middle. Gluing additional parts specific to the product.

Topic30. Cheerful letter.(Practice) Folding the figure diagonally, capturing a small triangle, without using basic shapes. Draw a funny face.

ChapterX: Summarizing. (3h)

Topic 31. Design of the exhibition. (Practice) Exhibition of models made during the year.

Topic 32. Competition "The most skillful hands." (Practice) Carrying out the competition "The most skillful hands". Presentation of certificates, prizes.

Topic 33. Final lesson "What have we learned in a year." (1h) (Practice) Summing up the work for the year.

Conversation on the topic "What did we learn in the classroom?"

Educational and thematic plan (table 1)

Methodological support.(table 2)

Didactic material: task cards, tests, illustrative material, reproductions of paintings, photo albums, instruction cards.

Technical equipment: video films, Internet.

List of literature for the teacher.

  1. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. All about origami [Text] reference book / E. Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg: Crystal, 2005.
  2. 2. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Paper toys [Text] / E. Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 1997.
  3. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Dogs and cats are paper tails [Text] / E.Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995.
  4. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Blooming origami garden [Text] / E.Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995
  5. Vygonov, V.V. I'm going to class. Elementary School. Labor training. Crafts and models [Text]: a book for the teacher / V.V. Vygonov. - M.: First of September, 2002.
  6. Dolzhenko, G.I. 100 origami [Text]: book, elementary school teachers.
  7. Serzhantova, T. B. 100 holiday origami models [Text]: a book for elementary school teachers and parents / T. B. Serzhantova. M.: Iris-press, 2007
  8. Sokolova, S.V. Toys and fun. Origami [Text]: a book for parents / S.V. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2007
  9. Sokolova, S.V. Toys - origamushki [Text]: a book for parents / S.V. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: Chemistry, 2001

Literature for students:

  1. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. All about origami [Text] reference book / E. Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg: Crystal, 2005
  2. Afonkin S. Yu. Paper toys [Text] / E. Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 1997.
  3. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Dogs and cats are paper tails [Text] / E.Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995.
  4. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Blooming origami garden [Text] / E.Yu. Afonkina, S.Yu. Afonkin. - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995

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