In a dream, women's bags are new. Women's bag interpretation of the dream book


To date, there are many dream books that allow you to decipher almost any dream. To do this, you need to remember the main details, for example, when interpreting a dream about a woman's bag, try to remember how it looked, what you did with it, etc.

Why dream of a women's bag?

Basically, the bag symbolizes the experience and knowledge accumulated over a lifetime. For the fair sex, such a dream can be taken as a warning that some secret may become well known, so in the near future it is worth being secretive. If the dreamer lost it, it means that soon some changes will occur in life. In addition, in the near future there is a risk of material losses. If it so happened that you accidentally left a bag somewhere, it means that serious problems will soon appear that will not be so easy to deal with. A dream where you had to buy a women's bag means some kind of new acquisition, and this can be both a material object and a spiritual one. The dream interpretation claims that this is what can become a new step towards success.

If you are in the house for a long time trying to find a bag, and the search ends successfully, it means that you will soon be able to find hidden talents in yourself. For a man, a dream about a woman's bag prophesies a new romantic relationship that may end in a wedding. A large number of bags is a harbinger of a change of residence and this can cause a lot of trouble. Night vision, where someone presents a bag as a gift, portends an improvement in financial situation. Seeing a women's leather bag for a married woman in a dream is an omen of the appearance of a lover who will radically change her life. A beautiful bag promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and you can also count on career advancement.

According to Felomena's dream book, the bag symbolizes the saturation of your life, your inner world and your relationship with others. If chaos reigns in the bag, a lot of unnecessary little things - the same is true in your life: disorder, lack of a busy life, problems and misunderstandings in relationships.

Whose bag did you see in a dream? What color was the bag? What bag did you dream about? What happened to the bag in a dream?

Whose bag did you see in a dream?

Women's bag Ladies' bag

Seeing a man's bag in a dream

A man's bag in a dream indicates that its owner has sociability, the ability to think outside the box, and a sharp mind. It is these qualities that should be shown at work, and then the position for which you are aiming will be yours.

What color was the bag?

See a red bag in a dream

If in a dream you saw a red bag, in real life you have to take a fresh look at relationships with a long-time acquaintance. You will see him in a different light, realize how attractive and attractive he is to you, and try to form a close romantic relationship with him.

If you saw a white bag in a dream

The dream of a white bag is interpreted by the dream book as a sign that you will soon have an office romance. A person whom you treated as a colleague, colleague for many years, suddenly at one moment in your eyes will turn into an attractive object.

What is the dream of a black bag

If you dreamed of a black bag, this may be a good sign - you will have meetings, acquaintances, pleasant communication. Also, this dream can symbolize fast news about sad events.

What bag did you dream about?

Stuff bag Travel bag New bag

Why dream of a big bag

According to Felomena's dream book, a big bag in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's sharp mind and great wisdom. It is these qualities that are noted and appreciated in you by your family and colleagues. Also, this dream portends the receipt of interesting news and unexpected gifts.

Dream of a heavy bag

If you dream of a heavy bag, be sure that material gain awaits you. It can be a well-implemented project at work, an award, or a well-made deposit in a bank.

If you dream of an empty bag

When you dream of an empty bag, it means that in the past you did some work in vain. All your efforts have not brought any result - neither moral satisfaction, nor financial profit.

Full bag Money bag

Why dream of a leather bag

A dream about a leather bag promises pleasure and joy in life. In the life of a married woman, a fan may appear, the consequences of a relationship with which can radically change her life. You should not dive headlong into these relationships, as they are very deceptive and good only at a distance. At the first attempt to leave your husband and get close to your passion, this hero-lover will leave your life without a trace.

Seeing a lot of bags in a dream

If in a dream you saw a lot of bags, then in the near future you will have to decide something important. Make the right choice, relying on the knowledge and skills accumulated in the past.

What happened to the bag in a dream?

If you chose a bag in a dream

If in a dream you chose a bag, then in reality you will also have to make a choice, but in the professional field. You may have to choose a partner for further work or a promising project in your opinion.

If you chose a bag in a store, then profit is ahead of you. The amount of profit depends on the diligence with which you choose a bag - the more diligently you choose, the less profit.

Lost a bag Buy a bag Stole a bag Carried a bag Gave a bag

Why dream that you found a bag

If in a dream you found someone else's bag, then soon you will discover a secret or a secret belonging to another person, for example, a relative. It is also likely that a new acquaintance, which can develop into deep friendships.

If in a dream you forgot your bag

The dream that you forgot your bag is a warning. In the near future, try not to take any serious steps, refrain from expensive purchases. All your actions related to the financial sector are doomed to failure.

Dreaming that you were packing a bag

Collecting a bag in a dream means that you have a long trip ahead of you. If you are packing things in a bag, but do not plan to go anywhere, perhaps this symbolizes a conflict between loved ones. You should not say harsh words, try to think about the situation carefully and not hurt each other in a conversation.

If you are trying to compactly and neatly put things in a bag, then it's time to deal with your inner world. Find time to be alone with yourself.

If you were looking for a bag in a dream

If you dream that you are looking for a bag and find it, then inside you you will find knowledge and skills that you did not even know existed. They will help you to realize your cherished plans.

Moreover, this dream predicts a meeting with a person whose relationship will be very fruitful emotionally. It is likely that this will be the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life.

Dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream- worldly knowledge and experience.

The bag that you saw in a dream stands for "Basket" or "Sum", which symbolizes the baggage of knowledge and experience acquired by you in the process of real life.

Dreamed of a travel bag- to travel or a long journey.

The bag could appear in a dream as a sign- in reality, you will very soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

I dreamed of a new ladies bag or ladies handbag (for men)- a new lover will appear.

A bag in psychoanalysis symbolizes the female organ of love, and the appearance of a Lady's Handbag in a man's dream portends a new love adventure or a promising acquaintance.

I dreamed of a women's bag (for women)- rival.

A "bag" is some woman who will very soon intervene in your life in the most direct way. Probably, we are talking about a rival in love or a competitor in business relationships.

Buy a bag in a dream Buy a bag in a dream- a new hobby; rival; gain new knowledge and experience.

For men, this dream portends a new waking romance. For women, a dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to acquire a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, a dream carries a forecast that in reality you can acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

Lose or forget a bag in a dream- Loss through own fault.

Stole a bag in a dream- worries about your property; otherwise, someone will appropriate your knowledge and experience.

Losing the Bag in a dream may portend loss or loss of creativity. Especially disturbing is the dream in which someone stole your Bag. Probably, in the coming days, someone will encroach on your property or intellectual property. However, the Dream should be considered "empty" If in reality you are extremely concerned about the integrity of your property. The dream appeared in response to your fear of losing the "Bag" or other property in real life.

Dreamed of a red bag- to money.

Dreamed of a sports bag- to troubles; to hard work.

Remembering and analyzing what kind of bag you saw in a dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered "empty" if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, you were planning to buy it, or someone's Bag attracted your attention).

Dream Interpretation: bag - interpretation of a dream

As the dream book says, a bag can dream of both good and bad. This dream is interpreted differently by each dream book. The bag can be full, empty, heavy, etc. Also, a lot depends on the author. For example, according to Miller's dream book, a new bag dreams of gifts.

Hasse dream book: bag - why is she dreaming?

To see an empty bag in a dream means that a person cherishes hopes of receiving some material benefits by will. If the bag is full - this is a loss of inheritance. A small women's handbag represents some kind of mystery. Losing a bag means being at the mercy of your debtors. A student bag dreams of a gray and bleak life.

Miller's dream book: bag - what does the dream portend?

Small women's bag. If a person dreams that he lost his handbag or it was stolen - he will have to face the truth, and the illusions will dissipate. To see is to live in illusions, which, however, can still turn into reality. Get, buy or take - to the fact that the most incredible dreams will come true. The more original the handbag was in a dream, the more daring and interesting dreams will come true.

As the dream book says, the bag is new - for various gifts. A full large travel bag - for a successful trip with possible purchases in it. Loss - fears of losing are in vain, you don’t have to worry about property. Drag heavy - property can attract the attention of thieves, especially in the absence of the owner or on the road.

If a young girl dreams that she cannot find some necessary thing in her purse, this means that she is completely confused in her problems. Perhaps you should seek advice from someone more experienced.

Collecting a travel bag in a dream means standing on the verge of significant changes in life. They need to be accepted and turned to your advantage. Scattering the contents of the bag is a warning against the unreasonable waste of finances. Seeing a person in a bag in a dream or putting him there - in life, the one who dreamed of this is dealing with some kind of secret that weighs heavily on his soul.

Meneghetti dream book: bag - what awaits a person?

Positive gifts inherited from nature or purchased.

Modern dream book: bag - options for explaining sleep

If a person dreams that, having left the house, he noticed that he took the wrong bag that he needed - this indicates that on that day he forgot his luck at home, and it is useless to wait for him. If instead of a bag a person holds a chic leather case in his hands, then luck will follow him on his heels. Also, this dream can promise a new fateful acquaintance or meeting. A new acquaintance may turn out to be quite an influential person who will suggest ways to solve many problems.

A dream in which a person opens a bag and sees that it is full of money in large bills means that in life he can hit a good jackpot. If there are coppers, then a person will waste his strength in the fight against minor troubles and will not be able to achieve success in the main thing.

If a person found a bag in a dream, then his affairs in reality will not go particularly well, and there is some kind of threat. If you pick up the found bag, then the blow of fate will surely fall, and if you leave it in place, then you can get out of a difficult situation without loss.

If a person dreams that he is tearing a bag out of someone’s hands, this is a warning: you should not commit rash acts so as not to lose everything. This should not be forgotten, you need to control your actions both in reality and in a dream. Then losses can be avoided.

Bag: dream book of the XXI century

Avoska - useful family ties. Empty - hopes for success in all matters, and full - to big earnings.

Dream Interpretation Travel Bag

What is the dream of a travel bag in a dream from a dream book?

If in a dream you saw a travel bag, then you have some kind of unresolved internal conflict. Mental contradictions prevent you from adequately seeing the situation and moving in the right direction.

It is worth thinking and putting your thoughts in order. Try to prioritize your life, analyze the circumstances. Life will become easier and easier.

What travel bag did you dream about?

When dreaming of a new travel bag

If you dreamed of a new travel bag, expect surprises from life. It can also be gifts and pleasant things from friends and relatives.

Dream about a travel bag or suitcase

A dream about a travel bag or a suitcase symbolizes the prospects for development in a professional or personal way. All roads are open before you, you just have to choose the right path and stick to it.

Dream about a travel bag with things

A travel bag with things is a dream for an ambulance trip. Rest will be beneficial, you will get a lot of new impressions, unwind, and also buy memorable souvenirs and valuable gifts. But if the bag was full of things, it was difficult to carry it, then on the same journey there is a possibility of losing things, as well as a chance of being robbed.

Dream about a full travel bag

The dream of a full travel bag is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of a successful trip, in which you will be able to buy something valuable that you have long dreamed of.



Dasha Kotlova

If in a dream you dreamed of a Bag or you saw Many Bags in a dream, Dream Interpretations offer you to remember as accurately as possible what the Bag you saw was, Was it full or, on the contrary, Empty. A bag in a dream, According to Dream Interpretations, Symbolizes some kind of cargo or luggage. Dream Interpretations believe that the Bag in a dream may appear on the eve of a long journey or departure. There is another opinion on this matter. Part of the Dream Interpretations believes that the New Bag in a dream portends you that you will have a new sexual partner.

I dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream - worldly knowledge and experience.

I dreamed of a travel bag - for a trip or a long journey.

The bag could appear in a dream as a sign - in reality you will very soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

For men, this dream portends a new waking romance. For women, a dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to acquire a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, a dream carries a forecast that in reality you can acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

Losing or forgetting a bag in a dream is a loss through one's own fault.

They stole a bag in a dream - worries about their property; otherwise, someone will appropriate your knowledge and experience.

Losing the Bag in a dream may portend loss or loss of creativity. Especially disturbing is the dream in which someone stole your Bag. Probably, in the coming days, someone will encroach on your property or intellectual property. However, the Dream should be considered "empty" If in reality you are extremely concerned about the integrity of your property. The dream appeared in response to your fear of losing the "Bag" or other property in real life.

I dreamed of a red bag - for money.

I dreamed of a sports bag - to the chores; to hard work.

Remembering and analyzing what kind of bag you saw in a dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered "empty" if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, you were planning to buy, or someone's Bag attracted your attention).

forbidden reality

be careful with documents

Bag to choose in the store

Dream Interpretation Bag to choose in the store had a dream about why in a dream a bag to choose in a store? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bag in a dream in a store by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of well-being. An empty bag in a dream suggests that luck will turn its back on you. A full bag in a dream portends well-being, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the more benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing her in a dream means that someone can find out your secret. Opening someone else's handbag or looking into it is a sign of deceit or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and bleak. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful impressions, meetings, conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Seeing in a dream a burden or a person with a burden, with a bag is a harbinger of change. Change can be good or not so good. The symbol of burden and bag is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden are pleasing to God, they are marked by him: "Do not renounce prison and the bag."

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder - to excitement, vain experiences, intentions to seriously change your life.

To see a person who opposes people walking with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have done a bad deed; You are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; Your conscience does not give you rest.

Run fast with a huge bag on a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles that you are ready to overcome; You will refuse help that will be offered in the coming difficult circumstances.

Help carry someone else's bag - you need help; waiting for the participation of strangers in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag - to unexpected troubles, difficult changes in fate.

Find someone else's bag - become a member of the secret, accidentally break into someone else's fate, make a random friend.

Seeing yourself with a lot of bags - to move and worry.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - symbolizes the hidden, but at the same time accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there are obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Help carry someone else's bag, you need help. Lose a bag, to unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about a person close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house with your usual briefcase that you always carry around with. But on the way you suddenly notice that instead of a briefcase you are holding some kind of old, tattered bag in your hands. This may mean that today you may not be lucky, that the circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

If suddenly, instead of your usual portfolio, you have some case that is undoubtedly better than yours, then this is not necessarily an increase, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new interesting, influential person who will help you in the business that you have long planned.

If you dream that you open some bag, and there are large bills, then this is very good - you will have unexpected profits. If you dreamed of coins, then you will be exchanging for trifles, and you will not be able to concentrate on the main thing.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, then it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacking against you. You may be hit hard. But if you picked up the bag, then you will not escape this blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a dream warning. You can lose everything if you make a thoughtless, wrong act. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lose, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become a reality. Buy, receive, take - your bold and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary dreams that are already "accepted for execution." A full travel bag - for a successful trip, in which purchases are possible. Lost, stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can be calm about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in a mess, afraid to be late somewhere, means that you are jealous and afraid for personal happiness in vain.

If the handle of the bag came off in a dream, it means that in real life you will lose the support of a reliable friend or loved one because of your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

If you carry an empty bag - a dream portends poverty, but if the bag is full - wealth awaits you.

Imagine that your bag is full of all sorts of good things.

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

The appearance of the Sack bag in a dream suggests that the content of the future is more interesting than the present.

An empty bag is a need, a deceit.

A full bag, a bag - an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Shop

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive an extremely important message for you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single buyer, then your offer will be rejected.

A store full of people standing in endless lines is a sign of an upcoming trip.

If the store has a rich selection of goods, then success and prosperity in business await you. Finding yourself in a supermarket portends that you will soon spend a lot. Seeing yourself in a small rural shop means that your efforts to achieve a fair resolution of the controversial issue will be in vain, moreover, you will be accused of bias.

If you are shopping in a butcher shop, this is a serious illness or bloodshed as a result of an accident or robbery.

The dairy store predicts that you will get down to business with redoubled energy, which will soon bring tangible results. Vegetable shop - to receive income from several sources.

Seeing a grocery store in a dream means a joyful date with a loved one who has been absent for a long time. A department store is a harbinger that your business will quickly go uphill thanks to the significant support of stakeholders.

A haberdashery store in a dream testifies to your indifference to males who do not have sufficient capital by your standards.

The hardware store portends that your chosen one will not be at the height of the situation in a dangerous situation and will behave far from being chivalrous when insults are thrown at you with him.

The bookstore says that love interests will take you so far that they will soon create insurmountable difficulties for you in family life.

An electrical, household and radio equipment store is a harbinger of a well-established and equipped family life, full of comfort and well-being.

To be in a dream in a furniture store portends a rapid pace in the development of a profitable business and a corresponding increase in income. A dishware store promises confusion in business and discouragement, a linen and clothing store - meet resistance in a fundamentally important issue for yourself to improve your living conditions.

A shoe store seen in a dream speaks of the upcoming chores of organizing a high-level business meeting. Handing over things to a thrift store portends complete uncertainty in the future fate and gloomy prospects.

Looking at price tags on the shelves of a liquor store means a decline in physical and spiritual strength. Paying a bill at a building materials store is a fortune.

in a dream I chose a small clutch bag, beautiful one with beads 700r) I don’t remember whether I bought it in the end or not. what does it mean? ATP


Ѽ ✿ ლ Asterisk Clear ЯѼ ✿ ლ

I dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream - worldly knowledge and experience.

The bag that you saw in a dream stands for "Basket" or "Sum", which symbolizes the baggage of knowledge and experience acquired by you in the process of real life.

The bag could appear in a dream as a sign - in reality you will very soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

I dreamed of a new handbag or handbag (for men) - a new lover will appear.

A bag in psychoanalysis symbolizes the female organ of love, and the appearance of a Lady's Handbag in a man's dream portends a new love adventure or a promising acquaintance.

I dreamed of a women's bag (for women) - a rival.

A "bag" is some woman who will very soon intervene in your life in the most direct way. Probably, we are talking about a rival in love or a competitor in business relationships.

Buying a bag in a dream Buying a bag in a dream is a new hobby; rival; gain new knowledge and experience.

For women, a dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to acquire a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, a dream carries a forecast that in reality you can acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

Remembering and analyzing what kind of bag you saw in a dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered "empty" if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, you were planning to buy it, or someone's Bag attracted your attention). .

A bag in a dream is a symbol of well-being. An empty bag in a dream suggests that luck will turn its back on you. A full bag in a dream portends well-being, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans.

The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the more benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief.

A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing her in a dream means that someone can find out your secret. Opening someone else's handbag or looking into it is a sign of deceit or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and bleak. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful impressions, meetings, conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lose, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become a reality. Buy, receive, take - your bold and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary dreams that are already "accepted for execution." A full travel bag - for a successful trip, in which purchases are possible. Lost, stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can be calm about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you dream about a bag and you don't know what it could mean? For a detailed interpretation, many details matter. In this article, we will consider in detail what a woman's bag is dreaming of.

If you saw a beautiful elegant handbag on your shoulder, then a romantic adventure awaits you soon. It will definitely bring a sea of ​​emotions and will remain in memory for a long time.

A favorable dream is in which you bought a fashionable stylish bag. In the very near future, all your incredible desires and dreams will come true.

A small handbag indicates that the dreamer will soon have a real chance to realize his plans and dreams. Also, this dream warns that you may soon have to make an important choice.

To see a lot of plain bags in a dream is to solve important problems in reality. For everything to end extremely successfully, you need to show your knowledge and wisdom.

An unpleasant person may appear in the life of that woman who dreamed of someone else's bag. However, there is a real risk that it will harm you. Also, problems can arise in the business sphere. An empty bag is also a bad symbol. She points out that in life nothing will be given to you just like that, you will have to work very hard.

Did you see the bag stolen? So, ahead of you is a long period of disappointment and depression. To achieve something you have to overcome a lot and face completely different people. The presence of traitors next to you is indicated by a dream in which you were rummaging through someone else's purse.

Lost your bag in a dream - do not hope that your dreams will come true in real life. In addition, a dream can promise you a secret romance, which will definitely become known to others. For change, there is a dream in which you put something in your bag. The main thing is not to be afraid to change something in yourself, because this will be the first step towards success.

If you couldn’t find the right thing in your bag, then this is a sign that you are confused in your problems, you don’t know how to live on. Sounds like you just need some good advice, so don't be shy to ask your loved ones for help. The choice of a bag in a store also indicates the dreamer's predicament. A bag shop in a dream marks the emergence of competitors and rivals in real life.

A dreaming bag with torn handles warns that you may lose a friend or loved one. Most importantly, it will be your own fault. A bag full of all sorts of unnecessary things means that you do not know what you want from life. In addition to this, the dream calls for being more selective in close acquaintances.

A dream in which a new bag has turned into an old one does not bode well in a dream. To avoid problems, you should keep yourself in control and in no case lose your composure.

It’s good if there was a wallet with money in your purse, since such a dream promises real profit. Most likely, you will soon have another source of income.

If a man dreamed of a woman's handbag, then most likely he will have a new passion. This will happen quite unexpectedly and, perhaps, change the dreamer's life in a noticeable way.

It will help for interpretation if you remember what color the bag was in your dreams. Lilac and yellow color indicates that soon you will have a choice. It seems that there will be an opportunity to change the place of work or place of residence.

A red bag portends financial success. Black color, as everyone knows, symbolizes failures and difficulties in business.

A lot of colorful bags is a good sign. Your life will be interesting and full of bright events. It is possible that you will have new interesting acquaintances and long trips.

Valuable reader comments

    I have dreams every night. For many years now I don’t even remember such that they didn’t dream. There are very strange ones, and I try to explain them. Now if anything, I will look to you for transcripts.)

    • Please come in.

    Hello! Please interpret the next dream. I'm on the bus home, when the bus arrived, everyone got off, and I was left with the bag of an unfamiliar female fellow traveler. Suddenly I hear a male voice from the bag (this is the son-boyfriend of the woman who left the bag): “Let me out”, I open the bag, shake it so that he comes out, but the guy does not come out. In the bag I saw his passport. Thank you!

    • To surprise, finding the answer to a certain question that bothers you.

    Hello, please tell me what my dreams are for. 1. An ex came to work with me in torn clothes and old dirty shoes. Our relationship began at work, we worked in the same department, broke up 5 years ago. But I still love him. 2. dream: the first man is knocking on the door, who has been married for a long time, but constantly pestering me, I open it, he passes and then the bell rings, I understand that his wife is calling, and he is leaving ... I am sitting on a stone in my hands 2 bags: one old with torn off handles, dark, next to me is a strange ragged man. Then a pale crimson car pulls up, and I tell this man, because I’m afraid that they came for me, my first man comes out, and we go towards my house, I tell him: “Will you fix my bag?” he says yes, I’ll fix it, and that man says in such a strange prophetic voice: “he’s not a match for you!” 3 p repeated, but I didn’t even go with him. Feelings for him have long passed, but I still went with him. 3 I have a dream that I have a birthday, evening, I go to the entrance and see - my godmother is standing and silent, I say hello, but she looked at me so angrily and did not answer. I go home, it’s also twilight, there are two bouquets of flowers: 1 large, many different bright flowers, and the second is small, I tell my mother: “why did you put all the flowers in one vase, they are cramped there”, then my mother puts a gold bracelet on my hand that this is a godmother's gift. I say why do I need it, because I already have a beautiful bracelet (it really is), but then I take a closer look - the gold is light, which means that the sample is higher than mine, I go out onto the balcony and see that I now have 2 bracelets . I had these dreams 2 months ago. Now I'm trying to connect them with what happened. At my current job, I liked a man of unusual appearance: a ponytail, a quiet voice, polite, and I decided to get close to him and, yes, I succeeded. It turns out that he liked me too, he was so happy that such a beauty paid attention to such a nondescript type. Later I found out that he was a Satanist. After the first date, I realized that I didn’t want to be with him, asked me for money for a taxi, and in general I behaved scary, made inhuman eyes, later I realized that I was under hypnosis and this was not love at all and that I love before this ex-boyfriend from a former job, who, on the contrary, is very devout. But this Satanist seemed to enjoy torturing me... After the words of love that he sent me passionate texts, he suddenly cooled off and for some reason I began to pursue him, but at times his spell was removed from me and I again understand that he is disgusting to me. Now he has disappeared, does not call or write, I hope that for good. I am now on a business trip, and upon arrival I will go to another office, our department was transferred to another building. I really want to believe that after all, the old shoes on my beloved are what he wants to return to me, or is it all the same to the fact that the situation repeated itself, and I again had a relationship at work?

    • 1. A person has problems, perhaps getting news about him.
      2. Negative emotions from communication, some kind of burden in thoughts, there are two main solutions to a certain problem. It is better to approach the decision seriously, avoid frivolous solutions. It is possible that there are two people in your head that are important to you in their own way.
      3. Something nice should have happened in life. Gold and bouquets of flowers are auspicious symbols.

    Hello! In a dream, I see how my dad cuts off the zipper at my handbag with scissors, I am indignant: “why, you ruin it.” I can't figure out what this could mean. Quarrel? And maybe someone else in the image of the pope?

    • Alla, indeed a dream can mean a quarrel, also longing or even separation, for some time there will be difficulties in communication or even there will be no interaction itself.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was shaking out the bag, turning it down, as if to shake out everything that was there. And then I look - there is nothing inside. Please help me explain...

    • Dinara, it is possible that the result of some business will suit you differently than you expected earlier. There may be an element of frustration.

    I dreamed that I wanted to buy a small golden handbag, like a child's. There was no money. But they gave it to me, and yet I bought it. Even though it didn't suit me at all.

    • It is possible that your desires will not be fulfilled in the way you planned in advance.

    I dreamed that my own older sister was the mistress and seller in the bag store. I watched from the next room as two men bought bags and said that they were very cheap for such quality. Since the sister was not there, they, one by one, left money and tags from bags with a price on the table, and took the bags with them. I also went to the trading floor, hoping to pick up something for myself. I chose 4 bags: two large travel bags, one for women - black and red, and one for men. I put these bags aside and decided to call my husband to look at them. At that moment, a pregnant young girl of short stature came up and took the woman's bag, which I put aside. I told her that this bag is no longer for sale. Then she put it down and walked away. She began to look at other bags, but there were no more women's bags. While I followed my husband. She did buy my bag. When I returned, I noticed that instead of this bag there was an umbrella. I asked my sister and she confirmed that the pregnant girl bought the last women's bag from her. I went home, to the old house from which I had actually moved. Near the house, I saw that girl, she was walking with a bag. I went up to her and told her everything, and threw the bag into a puddle. It was winter and slush outside at the same time. I went to the entrance, and the girl behind me. She began to ask me for a doll. I pushed her away and closed the front door. But she still went up to my floor. I began to close the door to the apartment, but the lock was stuck. Somehow I closed the door and through the peephole I saw that this girl was knocking at the next apartment.

    • Olga, a bag is an image of intentions, plans, desires. It is possible that external events, fate will prevent you from putting a spoke in the wheel. A pregnant woman in this context may indicate envy, annoyance that something does not work out for you, but others do. Umbrella - the need for protection, in this case, the search for excuses, finding the reasons for one's actions, probable failures. Lack of bags in the end - failure, failure. The moment with the girl at the end is annoyance, negative emotions directed towards others. The puddle speaks of frustration.

    Hello! Please help interpret the dream. I dreamed that my husband's nephew was going to get married. We met with him and he told me about it, and on his shoulder he had several new fashionable women's bags with labels. He said he bought them as gifts for his mother and someone else. Then he said that he wanted to go to the toilet and asked me to support these bags. I took them and kept them for a long time. Then I got tired and I went to look for a guy to give them to him. I looked into the toilet, but there was no one there. I started asking people, but no one saw him either. So until the very awakening, the bags remained with me.

    • Galina, it is possible that from relatives there will be some troubles that you absolutely do not need in life.

    Hello! Help explain the dream. My ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend drive up to my house in a beautiful car. And we (me and someone else) are going to get into the car. I open the door and see his girlfriend's bag next to the seat where I was going to sit. I forgot my bag at home and for some reason I was glad about it. I understand that I can take her bag instead of mine. I tell them that I won’t go with them, because I forgot my bag, and this girl says that she will give me everything of hers if only I went with them. But I refuse and get out of the car. I go up to the former, stroke his face with my palms, say “thank you” and leave. Thanks in advance)

    • Nata, it is possible that you will refuse something new in life. Because of old memories and negative experiences from the past.

To correctly interpret the dream about the bag, look into the dream book. A bag seen in a dream can predict your future, as well as become an explanation for your hidden experiences.

Why is the bag dreaming? It depends on its type and the nuances of the dream! Remembering in detail what you saw, it will be much easier to interpret the dream.


If you dreamed of a women's handbag, be sure to remember what color it was. Black speaks of your modesty; red is a harbinger of a passionate night, while white means that you are a very romantic person.

A brown leather handbag is a sign that your business is going according to plan. A bright women's handbag dreams when your relationship with a young man lacks sharpness.

  • To lose her is to remember past love.
  • It was stolen from you - to a valuable find or gift.
  • A new women's handbag with a hole - to cash receipts.
  • If it is miniature - to the search for a new style.
  • A lot of unnecessary things in a women's handbag - to communicate in a men's company.

Losing a woman's handbag and soon finding it means meeting your first love. And if it was stolen, but then returned, then you will receive an expensive gift from a loved one.

When in a dream you cannot find some thing in it, this means that in reality you have not decided on the choice of a partner. And the ideal order inside characterizes you as a very well-mannered, decent person.


According to the dream book, a bag that stands near the threshold with things is dreaming of the arrival of an old friend. And if it is half empty, then strangers will come to your house.

A dirty travel bag speaks of your defenselessness. And to wash it and hang it out to dry means to prepare for a big holiday.

  • Losing a travel bag means a new life filled with pleasant events.
  • Putting things in it is a romantic rendezvous with your loved one.
  • She was stolen at the station - to get rid of old problems.
  • Walking around the city with her is a trip to an unfamiliar place.
  • A small dog sits in it - to get to know a good person.

Wealth and decent pay for work is what the bag in the hands of your boss dreams of. And to see a lot of money in it means to find an additional source of income.

The travel bag that relatives or friends gave you for storage is dreaming of a big holiday. And if it belongs to a stranger, then you will become a participant in a party in a strange house.


A leather men's bag is usually dreamed of before important negotiations. And if it is made of jeans, then this is a sign that in your soul you are much younger than your years.

Women's cosmetics in a men's bag speaks of uncertainty in love. And to see toys in it means to gain confidence in your charm.

  • Men's bag on the desk - to perform an important task.
  • To lose her is to unreasonable jealousy of a partner.
  • An old, shabby briefcase - to communicate with a wise person.
  • Find a man's bag with important documents - to restore old business ties.
  • To receive it as a gift is to flirt with a work colleague.

A heavy men's bag dreams of simply overcoming difficult problems. And empty means a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

If in a dream a handsome young man carries it, then you are a completely self-confident person. And to see it in the hands of an old man means to think about procreation.

Other dreams

As the dream book says, a bag in the hands of a bum dreams of an expensive gift or premium. And to see her with a famous actor means to dream of wealth and fame.

Losing a bag in a foreign city means planning a vacation. And looking for it in your home means hoping for financial assistance from relatives.

  • Drop your handbag on the floor - surprise your friends with your act.
  • Hang it on a hanger - to school memories in a big company.
  • Walking around the market with her means waiting for news from a business partner.
  • A shopping bag with food - to a chic feast in a pleasant company.
  • Lose a friend's bag - to reconcile with the offender or to neutralize the enemy.

If in a dream you check in luggage in a luggage room, then in reality a long journey awaits you. And waiting for your train, sitting on a big bag, means seriously thinking about the future.

Beating someone with a bag is trying to defend your point of view. And tossing it high up is to rejoice that there are reliable people next to you.

A bag of garbage dreams before a general cleaning. And if you find tools in it, then you will be swallowed up by household chores.

A handbag with jewelry is a sign that your gentleman is ready to carry you in his arms. And to see an engagement ring in it means to be happy with your man.

Among the explanations of what the bag is dreaming of, you will definitely find moments that will cheer you up and inspire you to new victories. Author: Vera Fractional

A bag in a dream is a symbol of well-being. An empty bag in a dream suggests that luck will turn its back on you. A full bag in a dream portends well-being, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans.

The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the more benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief.

A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing her in a dream means that someone can find out your secret. Opening someone else's handbag or looking into it is a sign of deceit or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and bleak. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful impressions, meetings, conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lose, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become a reality. Buy, receive, take - your bold and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary dreams that are already "accepted for execution." A full travel bag - for a successful trip, in which purchases are possible. Lost, stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can be calm about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Interpretation of dreams from

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