Military Institute of Government Communications of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information.


State state educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); in English - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation. The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order: VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

General information

The Academy is part of the structure of the federal bodies of state protection and is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides for military service.

The Academy implements the following educational programs:

  1. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education;
  2. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education for officers - specialists in the field of management;
  3. basic professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education;
  4. additional education programs.

Legal address of the Academy: Russia, 302034, Oryol, st. Instrument-making, d.35.

Unofficial website of the Academy of the FSO of Russia (Alumni Club):


In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95th border detachment and the first building of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed to training of communications officers of the organs and troops of the KGB.

The term of training for cadets of the VTU was set at 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All the cadets who graduated in 1966 from the 1st and 2nd courses of study were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed head of the school.

Military Institute of Government Communications of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information

State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); in English - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation. The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order:

VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

General information

The Academy is part of the structure of the federal bodies of state protection and is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides for military service.

The Academy implements the following educational programs:

  1. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education;
  2. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education for officers - specialists in the field of management;
  3. basic professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education;
  4. additional education programs.

Legal address of the Academy: Russia, 302034, Oryol, st. Instrument-making, d.35.


In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95th border detachment and the first building of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed to training of communications officers of the organs and troops of the KGB.

The term of training for cadets of the VTU was set at 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All the cadets who graduated in 1966 from the 1st and 2nd courses of study were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed head of the school.

present tense

The Academy of the FSO of Russia is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which implements educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education in accordance with the existing license.

Currently, the Academy implements the main professional educational programs of higher professional education in the following specialties:

  • 210404 - Multichannel telecommunication systems;
  • 210405 - Radio communications, broadcasting and television;
  • 210406 ​​- Communication networks and switching systems;
  • 090106 - Information security of telecommunication systems;
  • 230102 - Automated information processing and control systems;
  • 030501 - Jurisprudence.

For all specialties, except for jurisprudence, the standard period of study is 5 years, the form of study is full-time. In the specialty jurisprudence, the term of study is 6 years (the form of study is full-time and part-time: the first year - full-time, subsequent ones - in absentia).

Academy cadets study according to curricula and programs developed in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education of the second generation.

During training, cadets are provided with full state food and clothing, they are paid a financial allowance, the first two years of training they live in the barracks.

The academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with an examination session.

Every year, cadets are provided with additional winter and main summer holidays of 15 and 30 days, respectively.

Upon reaching the age of 18 during the second year of study, a contract is concluded with the cadets for the time of study and for 5 years of service after graduation from the academy.

The most gifted and excellent students and cadets may be awarded various state scholarships.

Cadets who have completed their training and passed the final state certification are awarded the military rank of “lieutenant” and the qualification of “certified specialist” (engineer, information security specialist, lawyer), a state diploma of higher professional education is issued. The time spent studying at the academy counts towards the term of active military service.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Military Institute of Government Communications of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information" is in other dictionaries:

    Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

    Emblem of FAPSI, 1999. Flag of FAPSI, 2001 The special service of the Russian Federation, which existed from December 24, 1991 to July 1, 2003. Full name: Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President ... ... Wikipedia

    Badge, USSR Armed Forces, for graduating from a military educational institution of higher military schools and military institutes. State state educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

    Pension- (Pension) A pension is a regular cash benefit paid to persons with disabilities, who have reached retirement age, or who have lost their breadwinner The history of the pension, pensions in the Russian Federation, old-age pension, disability pension, ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

The law enforcement system in any country in the world includes a large number of departments in its structure, each of which performs a certain list of certain functions. Some are tasked with carrying out operational-search work in order to identify foreign spies (counterintelligence), others must deal with the disclosure of criminal offenses, and others perform the functions of protecting officials. Oddly enough, but in almost any state there are special security agencies that operate on a par with private security firms or military companies. The creation of such bodies is connected with the need to ensure the protection of the highest officials of the state, important political figures, diplomats, etc. It is simply stupid to entrust such an important task to a private organization, because it does not give guarantees about the actions of its subordinates. In addition, their qualifications are also highly questionable. Thus, state departments are being created, on which the function of protection falls entirely. In this article we will talk about a similar department in the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation, which is called the Federal Security Service.

General information about the FSO

The FSO of Russia is a federal security service, which is a special service and is engaged in the protection of the highest ranks of the government, the leaders of the country, as well as ensuring safe and secure communications. This department is part of the services that ensure the security of the country. This means that the FSO of Russia is empowered to carry out operational-search activities, along with the FSB, the State Fiscal Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, etc. Citizens of the Russian Federation are taken to serve in this structure in the security bodies of the FSO, as well as military personnel under the contract. It should be noted the well-created and effective organizational structure of the FSO. Deciphering the abbreviation of the service makes it clear what functions are assigned to the structure, but many people are not aware of some powers. Before proceeding to consider the functions of an organ, it is necessary to study in detail its rich history.

Security agencies in the tsarist period

The history of state protection dates back to the 17th century. The ancestor of the structure, which would protect only the king, was Matvey Artamanov. This man, for the first time in history, proposed to allocate a certain number of people from the archery regiments to protect the king. However, such units were not professional. By and large, they were created from ordinary military men. Such an organization showed its unreliability during the Decembrist uprising in 1825, when many of the “tsarist guards” defected to the side of the rebels. The first state protection department in the history of Russia appeared only in 1881. Its structure included many divisions, each of which performed its own functions.

9th Department of the KGB

With the fall of the autocracy, the need to ensure the security of the highest government officials did not disappear. This issue was quite acute in the days of the USSR. It was necessary to ensure the protection of absolutely the entire communist elite, on which the totalitarian apparatus rested.

A task of such importance could be entrusted "into the hands" of only one body of the USSR - the KGB. The 9th Directorate of this law enforcement agency is considered the progenitor of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The Directorate was engaged in the protection of top leaders of the government and the Communist Party. The selection of officers took place quite seriously. Physically prepared, highly intelligent men who had military training were accepted into the service. Almost the entire party and political elite was provided with professional security guards of the 9th KGB Directorate.

Leaders who were guarded by the 9th Directorate

Among the "clients" of this department were such prominent politicians as Mikhail Sergeyevich Solomentsev (head of the Party Control Committee), Anatoly Lukyanov (chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1991), Boris Karlovich Pugo, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev and others.

In 1991, the department was withdrawn from the KGB, and already in 1996 the FSO was created, the decoding of which is: the Federal Security Service.

Operating principles and regulatory framework

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is a federal body that ensures the security of certain objects of state protection on the basis of legal, operational-search, security, organizational and other measures. The legal basis of the structure is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts regulating the range of issues in the scope of the structure.

An important role is played by international treaties, which are also part of the legal basis for the activities of the Federal Security Service. There are a number of internal instructions governing the work of the FSO. In the course of its activities, this department adheres to the principles, namely:

Respect and observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms of a citizen and a person;

Legality of actions;

Interaction with other authorities to ensure security;

Combination of overt and covert methods in the process of work;

Supervision and control.

From all of the above, it follows that the activities of the FSO are purely democratic and transparent, although the level of secrecy within the structure is quite high.

The main tasks performed by the FSO

The activities of the body are headed by the President of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the body include the following:

1) Ensuring the security of objects of protection in the place of their permanent and direct stay, as well as in the process of their movement.

2) Identification, forecasting of the threat that may arise for the objects of protection, as well as the implementation of all necessary measures to eliminate it.

3) Suppression of any encroachments on the object of protection.

4) Suppression and prevention of crimes and other offenses at the objects of protection or in the area of ​​their stay.

5) Permanent protection of objects of protection.

6) All kinds of assistance in the fight against terrorism.

7) Ensuring communication security.

8) Counteracting information intelligence and ensuring secret state communications.

9) Ensuring the personal safety of employees and the management of the FSO.

Academy of the FSO of Russia

New cadres for the federal guard are being educated and trained. Service in the FSO is available to every physically developed young adult who has military training or higher education. Most of the staff comes from a higher educational institution that trains specialists for the Federal Service. The FSO Academy was founded in 1966. Over the years of its existence, this educational institution has changed its name many times, however, its functions have remained unchanged. The FSO Academy is part of the bodies providing state protection. It provides higher professional education, which provides for military service. The term of study can vary from 5 to 6 years, depending on the specialty. The academy provides education in the following specialties:

Radio communication;

Information Security;

Multichannel telecommunication systems;

Communication systems, networks;

Legal support of security (law faculty).

After graduation, cadets must complete 5 years of service, while they are assigned a lieutenant. Thus, the FSO Academy is a higher educational institution that trains specialists for the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation. Today it is one of the most prestigious institutions in the Russian Federation.

Presidential Security Service

The division dealing with the president is special in the FSO system.

Deciphering his activities is impossible, because information about his work refers to Today it is one of the most elite units of the Russian Federation. Its employees provide physical protection for the president of the Russian Federation, and also carry out special work to prevent and prevent an attempt on the president.


So, we got acquainted with the history, functions and main tasks of the FSO. Deciphering all the data about the operation of this service is impossible, because its activities are classified. Nevertheless, the article contains all the regulatory documents according to which the Federal Service performs its functions. Given the secrecy, anyone can apply with a request or personally to the FSO of Russia. The addresses of services in the capital can be found in the directory, although it is known to everyone: Russia, the city of Moscow, the Kremlin.

Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications

State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); in English - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation. The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order:

VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

General information

The Academy is part of the structure of the federal bodies of state protection and is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides for military service.

The Academy implements the following educational programs:

  1. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education;
  2. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education for officers - specialists in the field of management;
  3. basic professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education;
  4. additional education programs.

Legal address of the Academy: Russia, 302034, Oryol, st. Instrument-making, d.35.


In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95th border detachment and the first building of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed to training of communications officers of the organs and troops of the KGB.

The term of training for cadets of the VTU was set at 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All the cadets who graduated in 1966 from the 1st and 2nd courses of study were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed head of the school.

present tense

The Academy of the FSO of Russia is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which implements educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education in accordance with the existing license.

Currently, the Academy implements the main professional educational programs of higher professional education in the following specialties:

  • 210404 - Multichannel telecommunication systems;
  • 210405 - Radio communications, broadcasting and television;
  • 210406 ​​- Communication networks and switching systems;
  • 090106 - Information security of telecommunication systems;
  • 230102 - Automated information processing and control systems;
  • 030501 - Jurisprudence.

For all specialties, except for jurisprudence, the standard period of study is 5 years, the form of study is full-time. In the specialty jurisprudence, the term of study is 6 years (the form of study is full-time and part-time: the first year - full-time, subsequent ones - in absentia).

Academy cadets study according to curricula and programs developed in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education of the second generation.

During training, cadets are provided with full state food and clothing, they are paid a financial allowance, the first two years of training they live in the barracks.

The academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with an examination session.

Every year, cadets are provided with additional winter and main summer holidays of 15 and 30 days, respectively.

Upon reaching the age of 18 during the second year of study, a contract is concluded with the cadets for the time of study and for 5 years of service after graduation from the academy.

The most gifted and excellent students and cadets may be awarded various state scholarships.

Cadets who have completed their training and passed the final state certification are awarded the military rank of “lieutenant” and the qualification of “certified specialist” (engineer, information security specialist, lawyer), a state diploma of higher professional education is issued. The time spent studying at the academy counts towards the term of active military service.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications" is in other dictionaries:

    Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation ... Wikipedia

    Emblem of FAPSI, 1999. Flag of FAPSI, 2001 The special service of the Russian Federation, which existed from December 24, 1991 to July 1, 2003. Full name: Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia - Breastplate, USSR Armed Forces, for graduating from a military educational institution of higher military schools and military institutes. State state educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full real name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard ... ... Wikipedia

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Skill level:

Form of study:

State Diploma

Completion document:



113 to 123

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

general information

academy of the FSO of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is a federal state state military educational institution of higher education. The Academy, in accordance with the existing license, implements educational programs of higher education, educational programs of secondary vocational education, basic vocational training programs, additional professional programs.

Tasks and main activities of the Academy

  • training of personnel for state security bodies, other federal executive bodies in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military service, other organizations, as well as in accordance with the established procedure on a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis for foreign states;
  • meeting the needs of students in intellectual, cultural, moral and physical development through the provision of higher education, secondary vocational education, additional professional education;
  • organizing and conducting fundamental and applied scientific research on topical issues of strengthening the country's defense capability and security and improving vocational education;
  • comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of students, the formation of high professional, moral-psychological and spiritual-moral qualities, the education of patriotism, devotion to the Russian Federation and loyalty to military duty.

1 of

09.05.01 - Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

The field of professional activity of graduates includes the organization of the use of automated systems for special purposes in accordance with the intended purpose; management of engineering and technical personnel ensuring the operation of special-purpose automated systems; participation in research work in the field of creating new methods and technologies for processing, storing, converting and transmitting information; carrying out development work on the development of automated systems for special purposes, including hardware, mathematical, software, information support.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: automated systems for special purposes; methods and tools for designing, modeling, experimental research and control of automated systems for special purposes; research and development work in the field of creating automated systems; engineering and technical personnel involved in the technical operation of automated systems.

10.05.02 - Information security of telecommunication systems

Graduate qualification - information security specialist.

The field of professional activity of graduates includes the fields of science, engineering and technology, covering a set of problems related to the design, creation, research and operation of information security systems for telecommunication systems in the face of threats in the information sphere.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: methods, means and systems for ensuring information security of information and telecommunication networks and systems; management of information security of information and telecommunication networks and systems; information and telecommunication networks and systems for various purposes, their equipment, principles of construction.

11.05.04 - Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

Graduate qualification - engineer.

The field of professional activity of graduates includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of information at a distance via wire, radio, optical systems, as well as for its processing and storage.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: systems, networks, complexes and means of special communication; ways of organizing and providing special communications; special communication control systems; methods and tools for designing, modeling, experimental research, operation of special communication systems and complexes, as well as their production; teams that ensure the exchange of information in extreme conditions using infocommunication technologies and special communication systems.

05/40/01 - Legal support of national security

Graduate qualification - lawyer.

The field of professional activity of graduates includes the development and implementation of legal norms, legal support of national security, ensuring law and order, legal education and legal education.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: events and actions of legal significance; public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms; legal support of national security; ensuring law and order.

The normative term for mastering the main educational programs for training specialists in the above specialties is 5 years.

Secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists (implemented in the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia)

11.02.09 - Multichannel telecommunication systems

The field of professional activity of technicians includes the technical operation of multi-channel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks.

  • a set of technologies, means, methods and methods for ensuring the operability of multichannel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks designed to transmit various types of information and provide users with various communication services;
  • multichannel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks;
  • operational and technical documentation;

11.02.10 - Radio communication, broadcasting and television

Graduate qualification - technician.

The field of professional activity of technicians includes the installation, maintenance and repair of equipment for radio communication, broadcasting and television systems.

The objects of professional activity of technicians are:

  • radio communication networks, broadcasting and information and communication communication networks;
  • a set of technologies, means, methods and methods for ensuring the operability of equipment for radio communication, broadcasting and television systems;
  • documentation, technologies and technological processes for the operation of radio communication networks, broadcasting, information and communication communication networks;
  • primary workforce.

11.02.11 - Communication networks and switching systems

Graduate qualification - technician.

The field of professional activity of technicians includes the performance of works on the technical operation of telecommunication systems and information and communication networks. The objects of professional activity of technicians are:

  • telecommunication systems and information and communication networks;
  • methods and means of ensuring their performance;
  • documentation, technologies and technological processes for the operation of telecommunication systems and information and communication networks;
  • primary workforce.

In the course of daily activities, graduates are engaged in the technical operation of information and communication networks, ensuring the information security of telecommunication systems and information and communication networks.

The normative term for mastering the main educational programs for training technicians in the above specialties of secondary vocational education is 2 years 9 months.

Admission conditions

The order of actions of the applicant upon admission to the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Step 1. Choose a specialty.

Step 2. Study the requirements for candidates.

The selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the FSO of Russia is carried out from among citizens of the Russian Federation who have a secondary vocational education (studied in vocational educational organizations) or secondary general education (studied in the senior classes of general educational organizations) according to higher education programs (codes 09.05.01, 10.05. 02, 05/11/04 - full-time education, 05/40/01 - full-time education) and programs of secondary vocational education (codes 11.02.09, 11.02.10, 11.02.11), from among:

citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22 inclusive;

citizens who have completed military service, and citizens undergoing military service (military personnel) - until they reach the age of 24 years.

The age of citizens entering the training is determined on August 1 of the year of admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

Step 3. Prepare and submit documents for admission.

Submit an application (report) from October 1 of the year preceding the year of receipt until March 1 of the year of receipt.

Citizens who have completed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to study at the Academy of the FSO of Russia, at the place of residence or at the place of stay, submit an application to the structural units of the FSO of Russia (Services and departments of the FSO of Russia, departments of Special Communications of the FSO of Russia, departments of special communications and information of the FSO of Russia in federal districts, special communications and information centers of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special-purpose communications centers of the Federal Security Service of Russia) or to structural subdivisions of other federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and in whose interests specialists are trained.

Servicemen undergoing military service submit reports to the head (chief) of the unit.

Candidates entering the Academy of the FSO of Russia must meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract.

The training of female persons at the Academy of the FSO of Russia is carried out according to the higher education program "Information Security of Telecommunication Systems" and "Application and Operation of Automated Systems for Special Purposes" with training in the city of Orel and according to the programs of secondary vocational education "Communication Networks and Switching Systems" with training in Voronezh.

Admission to training in certain programs, including females, is carried out on the basis of the target set (candidates are trained in the interests of a particular unit) in accordance with the recruitment calculation.

If in the units, in accordance with the staffing calculation, there is no need for specialists in the specialty for which the candidate has expressed a desire to study, he is refused in the direction for admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia for the chosen program. The decision to refuse is made by the head (head) of the structural unit of the FSO of Russia or the head (head) of the structural unit of another federal executive body in which military service is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and is communicated to the candidate.

The application (report) indicates the professional educational program, specialty, for which the candidate expressed a desire to enroll.

Attached to the application (report) are:

a) a questionnaire filled out and signed by the candidate;

b) an autobiography written by the candidate by hand in any form;

c) copies of birth certificates, marriage (dissolution) and education documents of the candidate, duly certified;

d) copies of certificates of birth, conclusion (dissolution) of marriage, death of close relatives of the candidate, certified in the prescribed manner;

e) certificate of current academic performance at the time of submission of documents (for students);

f) reference from the place of study (service or work), certified by the seal of the relevant organization;

g) six photographs measuring 4.5 x 6 cm (on matte paper without a corner);

h) a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy;

i) a copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house (apartment) book from the place of residence (or documents replacing them);

j) a copy of the work book (if there is work experience), certified in the prescribed manner;

k) copies of documents confirming the special rights of the candidate.

Step 4. Pass the selection in the structural divisions of the Federal Security Service of Russia (federal executive authorities).

4.1. Pass a medical examination.

4.2. Pass professional psychological selection.

4.3. Obtain access to information constituting a state secret.

4.4. Pass an inspection related to ensuring the own security of state security bodies (federal executive authorities).

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