War correspondent poddubny. It’s easy for journalists now - military commander of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Evgeny Poddubny


Journalism is one of the most important professions in the twenty-first century, and all because modern life obliges a person to have information. At the same time, each representative of the media is a kind of mouthpiece that carries the details of various events to the masses, and also analyzes incidents and political news. Thus, an experienced, qualified and decent journalist has a direct impact on the processes taking place in society. And one of these active figures is the Russian Evgeny Poddubny.

Personal data

The future star of Russian journalism was born in Belgorod on August 22, 1983. Yevgeny Poddubny received his secondary education at a regular school in the regional center, and later graduated from Belgorod State University. It is noteworthy that the young man studied as a psychologist. The parents of the now famous journalist are Evgeny Pavlovich and Irina Mikhailovna.

"Hot" trips

Evgeny Poddubny is the person who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. This can be confirmed by his repeated business trips to various points of armed clashes around the world. As he himself claims, he must be able not only to shoot a report, but to provide first aid to the wounded, to be able to smooth out interpersonal conflicts.

So, during the war between Russia and Georgia in the summer of 2008, right on the day the conflict began, Zhenya was at the forefront. It was he who contacted Army General Vladimir Boldyrev to convey an emergency message from the head of the Security Council of South Ossetia Barankevich, which spoke of the lack of reserves for the protection and defense of Tskhinvali. Poddubny acted as a messenger, because there was no direct connection between the generals for technical reasons. The very next day (August 9), a group of reporters, including Eugene, refused to evacuate from the dangerous region and continued their work. Returning to his homeland for Poddubny became possible only on August 18.

In 2012, a trip to Syria took place. On its basis, Yevgeny Poddubny made a film called "The Battle for Syria", which was eventually translated into many European languages. The very same documentary film was mounted in the literal sense in the field. In June 2013, a journalist and his team are ambushed by militants on the border between Syria and Israel. Luckily, none of the crew was hurt.

Events in Ukraine

Evgeny Poddubny is a correspondent from Russia who most closely followed the tragedy taking place on Ukrainian soil. In his own words, he did not expect that the local population would be so self-organized in the formation of militia units and the fight against the Kyiv security forces. The journalist himself visited such settlements as Kramatorsk, Debaltsevo, Slavyansk, Donetsk, Gorlovka. I personally communicated with the now deceased brigade commander Mozgov, Bolotov, Motorola, Girkin and other active participants in the hostilities.

Evgeny Poddubny (personal life is a secret with seven seals) tries not to talk about his family and himself. However, several intriguing moments are known. Among them, it is worth noting that Zhenya lived in the Middle East for several years and perfectly studied English, now he is also learning Arabic. At the age of 19, he visited Chechnya, and then in Afghanistan, Iraq.

For his active work, the reporter received several state-level awards, including the Order "For Courage". He also has a medal "For Services to the Fatherland", a medal "For Courage", the Order of Friendship (South Ossetia).

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Captured by my own feelings - not because I like it, but because I have to.

Every viewer of the Rossiya TV channel knows his face in a helmet with the inscription "press". His reports are almost always soaked in sweat, gunpowder and blood. The harsh truth is that there are more and more military conflicts, countries argue, quarrel, kill - mass exterminate each other. Military journalism is highly valued by politicians and society, as it makes it possible to follow the development of events. Unfortunately, today's reality is such that military correspondents do not remain without work. Meet war correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny.

South Ossetia

Being a military journalist means being ready to fly to the scene at any time. Sometimes this happens within a couple of hours. A call from the editorial office, fast packing - and now you are already sitting on a plane, heading into the unknown. This is exactly what happens at Poddubny almost always, business trips are rarely planned.

August 8, 2008 in the morning Eugene was already in Tskhinval. It was he who conveyed the message to General V. Boldyrev that all the possibilities for the defense of the city had been exhausted and the Security Council of Ossetia was asking Russia to intervene.

Since August 9, there has been a mass evacuation from the conflict zone, but the film crew did not leave, giving their seats in the minibus to civilians. They worked selflessly to the sound of volleys, not knowing if they would meet the dawn tomorrow. Thanks to such dedicated people as Evgeny Poddubny, the viewer could follow the development of events. His business trip ended only on August 18.

How did you become a war correspondent?

“At the time of the second Chechen campaign, young people who worked on television somehow passed through the Chechen Republic. There people stayed for a month, changing each other. It was possible to refuse. But somehow I went, I liked it. Went again, loved it. Not in the sense that I liked what was happening there. And in the sense that I came to terms with these feelings, listened to myself. And he began to slowly acquire experience, acquaintances. Overgrown with what helps to understand what is happening on the battlefield, what is happening around him, what is happening on the way to him.


In total, Evgeny Poddubny, a special correspondent for the Russia-24 channel, spent two years in Syria. These were business trips for three or four months with a short break for a trip home.

He first flew there in 2011. In September 2012, his documentary "Battle for Syria" was released, in which the reporter showed the current events of the civil war and conveyed feelings: his own, colleagues on the film crew, civilians, etc. The film was edited in the field, with ongoing hostilities. It has been translated into several languages, so that it was seen not only in Russia.

In June 2013, Yevgeny Poddubny, along with his colleagues, came under fire. The column, which also contained the car of the Rossiya TV channel, was ambushed. The fight lasted about 15 minutes. The film crew managed to escape only due to the fact that their car was at the end of the column.

In addition to knowledge of ammunition, military equipment, what else does a war correspondent need to know?

“You should know the same things that the military knows. The only difference is that you don't shoot. You need to know how to behave in a mortar attack, how to behave in a contact fight, how to choose the right position in order to stay alive and take something else off. Come back and pass it on to the editor."


The reporter considers this one the most unexpected business trip. According to him, the war in Ukraine shocked him, although he had already seen a lot.

Covering the events of the Maidan, the correspondent could not have imagined that he would soon have to shoot, sitting in the trenches along with the militias. But he had to sit out, and Yevgeny Poddubny, whose growth was not very conducive to this, did everything in his power not to fall under the gun.

He has a lot of reports right from the front line. Poddubny was in Donetsk, and in Artemovsk, and in Gorlovka during the most aggressive hostilities. During this time, he made three large documentaries:

"Farewell of the Slavs" (about the employees of "Berkut");

"The Cost of Defeat" (about military losses, the despair of civilians and the cynical new government, which does not dare to talk about it and take it into account);

"Dad" (a film about Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the militia and the head of the DPR).

Not a single frame is worth a human life

“I have always believed that no frame is worth a human life. These are such banal words, but that's the whole point. Every business trip I take responsibility for my film crew. For example, I often did not take an operator with me to Donetsk airport. I traveled with my colleague Life News correspondent Semyon Pegov. We traveled together, helped each other, filmed each other in order to record a stand-up there. I did not take the operator and engineer ...

The Ukrainian crisis is distinguished by the fact that Russian journalists are not allowed to the other side. In Ukraine, until May, I was in contact with the Ukrainian security forces, recorded interviews with them ... There were extremely decent people, there were also extremely strange people. Everything is human here. I remember when we arrived at the checkpoint of the National Guard near Slavyansk, there was a deputy commander of the brigade, who warmly welcomed us, answered all our questions, asked that his answers not be taken out of context, I promised him this and kept my promise. Then other National Guardsmen appeared at the same checkpoint, who had already started shooting at the sight of our car. That's the whole picture. Then, when the Ukrainian hysteria began, lists of terrorists were compiled, which included journalists ... My number on this list is 64 ...

... In this situation, no one tried to contact the Ukrainian security forces for the reason that all contacts ended in a pit, captivity. I deliberately say the word "captivity" because to detain people without trial or investigation, throw them into pits, torture them, promise to shoot them - this is captivity. After the guys from Life News, after the guys from Zvezda, our comrades Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin, Andrey Stenin, who died, all contacts were cut off.

God saves man, who save himself!

« Definitely: a bulletproof vest saves lives. This happened several times before my eyes, and you need to wear a bulletproof vest, you don’t need to be embarrassed about it, you don’t need to listen to people who say: why are you putting it on, it’s fate! God saves man, who save himself! Now the means of protection are very good, in particular Russian ones. We have excellent bulletproof vests of the 5th class, it is necessary to wear a helmet. Statistics show that people who wear protective gear live longer. It seems to me that now there is such a large range of comfortable tactical clothing, but at the same time clothing that is not camouflaged, which does not make you a combatant. Comfortable shoes, comfortable trousers, comfortable fleeces that keep you warm. Now there is absolutely no problem.”

I have been dealing with the topic of war for a long time. Of course, it is surprising that I had to work in Ukraine. True, it's amazing. Somewhere the war ends, somewhere it begins ... Now back to Syria. I won’t say what pulls me, but while there is a war, you need to do your job.


VGTRK Special Correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny was born in 1983 in Belgorod. He worked as a live entertainment radio presenter. Went to the newspaper. Soon he was invited to local television, and then to Moscow at TVC. At the age of 19, Eugene went to the Chechen war. Then there were Afghanistan, Iraq, South Ossetia, Syria…

Psychologist by training. Knows English and Arabic. He was awarded the Order of Courage, the medal "For Courage", the medal for the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the Order of Friendship of South Ossetia.

To be aware of all events, or simply to support Evgeny, wish endurance and perseverance, good health, you can

Evgeny Poddubny was born on August 22, 1983 in Belgorod. His parents are doctors, so the boy knew how to provide first aid, make dressings. This skill has come in handy more than once in adulthood.

For some time the family lived in the East, so Evgeny is close to Eastern culture, he also knows Arabic. He also speaks fluent English.

After school, Eugene went to study at the Institute of Belgorod, where he studied history. A year later, he transferred to the Faculty of Psychology. As a student, Poddubny worked as a radio presenter, correspondent on local TV, and wrote articles for the newspaper.

Professional activity

After the institute, Poddubny left for Moscow, where he got a job at the TV Center. He worked on the channel for 9 years. Since 2011, he began working as a correspondent for Rossiya-24, reporting on local conflicts.

Eugene was included in the staff of military journalists, thanks to his strong nerves, skills and abilities. He began to report from hot spots. The first one took place in August 2008 in Tskhinvali. In the conflict zone, the evacuation of residents began, the film crew gave the people their minibus. The journalists themselves filmed a report during the battle.

Poddubny Evgeny visited Syria more than once, the first business trip to the country was in 2011. A year later, the journalist released the documentary film “Battle for Syria”, which was shown in many countries. Business trips to hot spots lasted for many months. In 2013, the film crew and escorts came under fire, the fight was filmed. Journalists miraculously survived.

Poddubny also made reports about the war in Ukraine, more than once he had to shoot from the trenches. The journalists were shot many times. During the Maidan events, they refused to talk to correspondents, and the new Ukrainian authorities declared war on them. Several reporters, Russian and foreign, were arrested and killed. Several journalists, including Poddubny, were declared terrorists and sentenced to death. Based on the filming of events in Ukraine, 3 documentaries were created: "Dad", "The Price of Defeat", "Farewell of the Slavs".

In 2015, Poddubny was again sent to Syria, since 2016 he became the coordinator of the Russian Humanitarian Mission charity organization. In November 2016, the evacuation of the population began with the help of its employees, people were taken out mainly at night. The events in Syria are described in the documentary film by Poddubny - “Aleppo. Liberation, which came out in 2017.

Poddubny continues to work on the Russia-24 TV channel, he reports both from the studio and from the war zones. For his work, Eugene has many awards, including 5 state ones.

Personal life

There is very little information about the personal life of a journalist on the Web. It is known that he is not married and has no children. But Eugene has many friends. Poddubny himself claims that his work comes first.

Which takes place in Khabarovsk, many well-known journalists and experts in the field of media and PR have become. They take part in panel discussions, give lectures and conduct master classes in various areas of modern media. VGTRK Special Correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, in an exclusive interview with Khabarovsk Territory Today news agency, spoke about his vision of the place of journalists in the formation of civil society.

- Evg However, during the opening session of the forum, the idea was voiced that the Khabarovsk Territory and the Far East as a whole are poorly reflected at the level of the federal media. Should the region be so worried about this?

I don't see a problem with this. You know, the federal broadcast is loaded today with a critical agenda, an agenda for clashes between various groups in society. In general, federal programs are not up to what is happening there in the regions. You have to acknowledge it and live with it.

There is an important "but". We live in a time when it is very easy to deliver content to the consumer. We've got the internet. And he even appeared on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Accordingly, it seems to me that it is now very easy for a journalist to work and attract an audience. The main thing is to make it fun.

And the technology for delivering content to an audience is very simple. Telegram channels, YouTube, a lot of things. It is not necessary to have some serious resource. This is 15 years ago, to make a story on television, you had to get there, you needed expensive equipment.

Now it is much easier for a journalist to work with an audience. Therefore, if local journalists believe that their information does not reach the federal level, then this is a matter of the quality of work, and not the interaction of the regions with the center of the country.

The forum in Khabarovsk discusses, among other things, the issues of uniting journalists in professional communities. Do you think it's important?

As for professional associations, I think that they should contribute to the growth of professionalism and give confidence that "their own" will not be left in trouble in any case. This does not mean whether or not they gave a ticket to a sanatorium, but that a person engaged in journalism at least partly feels protected from the hardships associated with professional activities.

Right now, the new team is reforming the Union of Journalists of Russia, and this is gratifying.

- And what do you see as the main mission of a journalist?

I would like to draw attention to the lack of equity. Injustice is the most depressing thing in society today. And it seems to me that this is also a problem of our professional community.

We take into account the interests of various groups, forgetting that there are some absolute things that we cannot ignore.

I'm talking about manifestations of social injustice, which we are obliged to bring to the public's judgment. And here we must remember that the media is a very active subject of civil society, which, I hope, we are all building, and the sense of justice in this society depends on our professional community. I think that both the authorities and representatives of our workshop will not argue about this.

I work on the TV channel "Russia 24". And I understand that not only ordinary viewers are watching us. Ministers watch us in the morning, the President of the country watches us. And with this in mind, it’s good to occasionally raise such issues.

- What exactly do you mean?

Every day we have stories that shouldn't happen, we have "drunk" four-year-old boys run over. A lot of stories that can create a streak of lawlessness, a streak of real injustice that, if we pass by, will flourish.

We must remember this duty, we must bring such problems to light so that there is more justice in society. If journalists adhere to this, it will be good for everyone.

October 9, 2015

Military journalism is highly valued by politicians and society, as it makes it possible to follow the development of events. Unfortunately, today's reality is such that military correspondents do not remain without work. One of these journalists is Evgeny Poddubny, whose biography is set out in this article.

Biographical information

Evgeny Evgenievich Poddubny was born at the end of summer, on August 22, 1983. The place of his birth was the city of Belgorod, where he lived for many years. His parents - Evgeny Pavlovich and Irina Mikhailovna - are medical workers. Thanks to his mother, a surgeon by profession, Yevgeny understood medical terminology from an early age and was able to provide first aid to the victims. In many ways, this knowledge was useful to Poddubny in his subsequent work as a correspondent in hot spots.

Poddubny Evgeny became a student of Belgorod State University in 2001 after graduating from high school No. 20. He chose psychology as his specialty. Although initially entered the Faculty of History. Eugene explained his choice by the fact that in the early 2000s there was no journalism faculty at BSU. Despite this, Eugene chose his profession at school.

For some time, Poddubny lived in the Middle East with his parents, where he studied the culture and lifestyle of local residents. I started learning Arabic. Also Poddubny Evgeny speaks English. He claims that in his profession without knowledge of a foreign language it is simply impossible. It is necessary for communication, and sometimes just for survival. The years spent in the East helped Evgeny a lot in his journalistic business trips (Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan).

Work is in the first place in his life now, says Yevgeny Poddubny. Wife and children will come later.

Carier start

Poddubny began his professional career at school. While studying at the university, he already worked as a radio presenter, then for some time he wrote articles for the newspaper, then he was a correspondent on local television. After receiving his education, he was invited to Moscow.

For nine years he worked as a reporter on the TV Center channel. Since 2011, he switched to the Russia-24 TV channel, where he became a special correspondent covering local conflicts.

Eugene himself calls the scope of his work extreme journalism. He argues that a film crew traveling to cover military conflicts must be able to do many times more than a civilian one. There, a reporter is not just a reporter, he is also a producer who arranges filming, knows how to cook food on a fire, bandage wounds, etc. All this applies to both operators and engineers.

With his reports, Yevgeny Poddubny proved his ability to survive in critical situations. The correspondent, whose photographs have been seen by the whole world, managed to visit Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, South Ossetia, and Lebanon. He was exposed to incredible dangers in order for his viewer to see the whole truth. Honest reporting is a top priority for a reporter.

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Work in South Ossetia

Being a military journalist means being ready to fly to the scene of events at any time. Sometimes this happens within a couple of hours. A call from the editorial office, quick packing - and now you are already sitting on a plane, heading into the unknown.

This is exactly what happens at Poddubny almost always, business trips are rarely planned.

August 8, 2008 in the morning Eugene was already in Tskhinval. It was he who conveyed the message to General V. Boldyrev that all the possibilities for the defense of the city had been exhausted and the Security Council of Ossetia was asking Russia to intervene.

Since August 9, there has been a mass evacuation from the conflict zone, but the film crew did not leave, giving their seats in the minibus to civilians. They worked selflessly to the sound of volleys, not knowing if they would meet the dawn tomorrow. Thanks to such dedicated people as Evgeny Poddubny, the viewer could follow the development of events.

His business trip ended only on August 18.

Work in Syria

In total, Evgeny Poddubny, a special correspondent for the Russia-24 channel, spent two years in Syria. These were business trips for three or four months with a short break for a trip home.

He first flew there in 2011. In September 2012, his documentary "Battle for Syria" was released, in which the reporter showed the current events of the civil war and conveyed feelings: his own, colleagues on the film crew, civilians, etc. The film was edited in the field, with ongoing hostilities. It has been translated into several languages, so that it was seen not only in Russia.

In June 2013, Yevgeny Poddubny, along with his colleagues, came under fire. The column, in which there was also a car of the Rossiya TV channel, was ambushed. The fight lasted about 15 minutes. Journalists miraculously managed to survive.

Work in Ukraine

The reporter considers this one the most unexpected business trip. According to him, the war in Ukraine shocked him, although he had already seen a lot.

Covering the events of the Maidan, the correspondent could not have imagined that he would soon have to shoot, sitting in the trenches along with the militias. But he had to sit out, and Yevgeny Poddubny, whose growth was not very conducive to this, did everything in his power not to fall under the gun. He has a lot of reports right from the front line. Poddubny was in Donetsk, and in Artemovsk, and in Gorlovka during the most aggressive hostilities.

During this time, he made three large documentaries:

  • "Farewell of the Slavs" (about the employees of "Berkut");
  • "The cost of defeat" (about military losses, the despair of civilians and the cynical new government, which does not dare to talk about it and take it into account);
  • "Dad" (a film about Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the militia and the head of the DPR).

In fact, working in Ukraine has become one of the most dangerous for journalists. They are equated there in status with terrorists. Initially, when there was no general Ukrainian hysteria, according to Poddubny, it was possible to find a common language with the security forces, take an interview, ask about something. Later it became simply impossible.

This was confirmed by the subsequent deaths of several Russian and foreign reporters. The security forces even had a special list with alleged terrorists. Poddubny Evgeny Evgenievich was in it at number 64.

Despite all the danger, Poddubny is going on another business trip. According to him, while the war is going on, we have to work.

He was awarded several state awards, including the Order of Courage.

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